Whole Xo. 60S. Tarhorough, (Edgecombe County, X. C.) Saturday, August 12, 1837- Vol XIII Xo. I yy2 e i t Ta rho rn ugh Press ' ' I BV GEORGE HOWARD, .pl,li,P(J weekly at Two Dollars and tiftU Cents (er ye:r, if pai.l in a fvaiire ' three Dollar" at the expiration of the ibsctipt'10" vear. For any period e JJ a y enr, Tiemtu five Cm's per month, g fibers are at liberty to discontinue anvtinie. on givir.f notice tliertof an I in" arrpar those residin" at a (Us ance m"'1 invariaUly pay in advance, or jvea responsible reference in tliisvti inity. f AJvertisemeat not exceeding 16 lines In length (or a aquare) will be inserted at 80 cents the first insertion and 23 cts. each Ljlinuance. Longer ones at that rate for every square. Advertisements must la marked the number of insertion requi fctl. or they will be continued until other vj. ordered, and charged accordingly'. 1 Letter4 addressed to the Editor must he jtosl paid, or they may not be attended to. Miscellaneous PARODY. ji Ode: The Fog-Enters. Tune: Pauco vescor. In Paradise down east, When Adam began his labors, What d'ye think was the feast Of the jolly old dad 8c his neighbors! I Snug in the leaves, I A dish of Fog Was Adam's prog $ And ditto Eve's. wasn't feasting, piping, harping, i That roused them fron their beds, No: they breakfasted on gaping, And then they scratched their heads, I Twas no alarming Squabble and sputter I For bread and butter. i Wast'nt it charming? Oh! happy lads and lasses 1 j On fog they daintily dined, Good Lord, the very asses, i. How they snuff 'd tip the east wind! As if they'd pull I The sky down, puffing, I Sniffing and snuffing I Their bellies full. Would nature thus have smiled, i H.id Eden's pigs been roasted? Wouldn't Paradise have spoil d At the smell of smok'd & toasted? Sure 'twould have been Funny to see, As I conceive. Grandmother Eve Sweeten her tea With Hollands gin. Had Adam ate stewed mutton, Instead of keeping fast, (I'll bet you ?. leather button. ne d not been so tough as to last, As he did it .appears, Alive and awake, If there's no mistake, Nine hundred years. j I warrant you he was wiser, And tatter too, forsooth, Than the hungriest gormandizer lhat ever chewed with a tooth. No colic to vex S His .stomach stout; Nor rheumatics nor gout, i And his eyes held out j Without any specs. 1 1 hen how marvellously pat Is the question I propose yr. If th' old gentleman grew so fat On the fog of Nova Scotia, Is the man who swells Your stomach with litter, Fat, bilious and bitter, Enough to split a Bomb-sheltto fritter, The right sort of critter For our HO I ELS! LATER FROM FRANCE. The packet ship Utica, at New York, brings Havre papers to the 24:h, and Paris to the 23d June. The Journal dti Havre of the 3d, quotes an article from a Pa ris paper, which it does not name, stating that the Mexican govern ment has applied to that of France to mediate between the Mexican public and our own, respecting existing matters of difference; and especially the revolt of the Texans. The opposition papers have a great deal to say about the new conspiracy against the life of the Ki(1g The ministerial journals trpat it as mere matter of moon shine. Fearful disasters occurred in the Champ de Mars, at the military ete and sham fight given there in honor of the recent nuptials of he Duke of Orleans. This ea sily will recall very forcibly the atal occurrence aj the wedding of Maria Antoinette, by the giving way of a scaffolding at the place Louis Quinze. Some 300,000 spectators were assembled in the Champ de Mars, to witness the military spectacle. The Champ de Mars is a vast en closure, surrounded by a ditch, the entrance to which is only thro' farce iron gateways. The cen tre is a low open plain, rising from which the ground has a gradual and gentle slope, until it attains the level of the surrounding streets. The open space is with out trees, the slope and elevation are shaded with very fine ones. On this slope and elevation, and among the trees, were collected 300,000 persons, while the troops manoeuvred below and went thro' a sham fight. During this, some of the rockets and other fiie works, taking a wrong direction, wounded some of the spectators,! and in one part of the field, two men fell from a tree and werej killed on the spot. It was not,! however, till the breaking up ofi the spectacle, about hall past 10 o'clock, that the main catastrophe ensued. The crowd, anxious to disperse, rushed to the gatest At first the exit was easy and regular, but soon as the mass from behind pressed impatiently on, the jam became terrific alarm seized up on the crowd; men, women, and children, littering frightful cries, were trampled under foot; and for more than a quarter of an hour, especially at the gale of the Military School, this horrible scene was continued, and the crowd finally got out only by passing over the bodies of the dead and wounded. Twenty-four persons, 12 men and 12 women, were killed on the spot, two women, carried to their homes, expired almost immediate ly, and there were more than one hundred and fifty wounded! of whom 40 very ttriously. It is fear ed that in addition to this list, oth ers at the lower end of the enclo sure, and in passing out at the bridge of Jena, may have been precipitated into the Seine, as there had been many inquiries for persons missing, who are neither among the wounded nor the dead. The worst part as to character, remains yet to be told. We trans late literally: "In the midst of this scene of desolation there were men who seemed to take a ferocious delight in augmenting the tumult: they snatched their jewels and orna ments from the women, tore off their clothes, and perpetrated the grossest insults upon them. Wo men were seen lying on the earth bleeding U senseless, upom whom these wretches were still wreaking their enormities." Censure is cast upon the police for not having so disposed their forces as to prevent the possibility of such a press upon the gates, and especially for having omitted the usual expedient on such occa sions, of throwing flying bridges over the ditch surrounding the enclosure, so as to multiply the outlets. When, next morning, these oc currences were made known to the Royal Family, the King immedi ately countermanded the great fete at the Hotel de Ville, which the city of Paris was to give that evening; and notwithstanding the earnest entreaties of the munici pality that he would consent to the fete going on, lest rumors more unfavorable than the truth should be propagated in the pro vinces, the King was inexorable, and the Duke of Orleans himself went to the Hotel de Ville, to as sure the municipality that the Royal Family could not, in the presence of such a calamity, even seem to partake of a public rejoi cing. The fete was accordingly postponed until the 19th of June. In the Chamber of Deputies on he 15th, the President announced 'he earnest wish of the Duke of Orleans, that the disaster at the fete of the preceding night should not be made the foundation of an additional pecuniary charge to the city of Paris the municipal coun cil having declared its intention to provide for the families of the vic tims, he. and his determination to take upon himself this duty and benevolence. Thi information was received with prolonged and unanimous plaudits by the Cham bers England and Hanover, A mong the important political chan ges arising from the decease of the late King of England, the disseve ration of the Continental domin ions of the British crown from the rule of the present sovereign is not the least remarkable. In conse quence of the salique law prevail ing in the kingdom of Hanover, the empire of Victoria I. does not extend to that country, and the rights and duties of its monarchy, have already devolved on the Duke of Cumberland. That inti mate connection which has pre vailed between Great Britain and Hanover since the accession of George I. has uow, for the first time, ceased, and all the probabi lities are against the return of both nations under the same head. It is only in case of the Queen's dy ing without issue, that the union would again take place. Ernest I. of Hanover would then become King of Great Britain, though the authority of the young Queen could not, in any case, extend again to Hanover, the son of the King being legal heir to thai throne. The Duke of Cumber land, now Ernest of Hanover, is the first king of that country inde pendent of a foreign power; and it is not a little remarkable that, while, as a subject of England, he took the oath of allegiance to the Queen, he may, in the inte rests of his new .ibjecls, be in a condition to declare war against Great Britain at some future pe riod. In taking that oath he lias followed the example of George II. who, when his father was Elec tor of Hanovert and he, heir, as second in succession to the throne of England, came to England, to be created Duke of Cambridge, and to swear allegiance as a Brit ish subject, to Queen Anne. Gazette. New Theory oj the Universe. Mr. B. Letnoiu, of Stark county, Ohio, has propounded in ihe Mas sillon Gazette a theory which dif fers in toto from those of Newton and Copernicus. He contends that the earlh does not go over or around the sun in any manner whatever; but that instead of this, it has a centre of its own outside of the sun round which it revolves, producing the various seasons. JV. Y. Star. Washington Monument. The fund for erecting this Monument amounted to $12,698 63, on the 4th of July, 1837. Life in New York. The fol lowing day-break glimpse at the principal thoroughfare, is from the pen of the Editor of the Star. A walk in Broadway at four o' clock in the morning, exhibits some reminiscences of a night's debauch in a large city. The string of loafers reposing on stoops and cellar doors is nearly as large as a band of Lazzaroni. One fellow, this morning lay stiff and streiched out, to all appear ance dead, and had attracted a few sympathising spectators, who were pinching and shaking him with the benevolent motive of as certaining whether he had taken his final nap. He shook the pop pies from his eyes, however, grumbling at being thus early dis turbed, and in a few minutes was holding a caucus with several oth er loafers who had been also un ceremoniously awakened. "1 ne ver seed such hard hearted folks' said he; "bekase they must gel up early and work, they wonrt allow a gentleman wot has been settin' up with the sick all night to lake a mouthful of 6leepinthe moru in Then there is them ere gra nite sloops; they calls 'em an im provement; a body can't pick out a soft spot to sleep on; no more wooden stoop as used to be. I hate such improvement! If we sleeps in the Park on the wet grass, we gets the rheumatiz; and if we lays on the benches of the Battery, some wagabone picks our pockets." So saying, lie search ed his pockets and discovered the stump of a segar. which he put in- to his mouth, and walked off with sissij pi, relates the following cha a lordly air and a preai swagger, ractei istic anecdote, which he gays is undoubtedly the lruth4 A Living on small Means A j chief, by the uaine of Glover, in correspondent of the Salem G;iz-j some gush of passion, happened ette gives the following as the sub- to slay another Indian. The in stance of Dr. Alcott's last v;.: k: variable penalty for killing among "For breakfast, eat two cents these primitive beings is death, worth of dried apples, without i and that punishment is, by iheir drink. For dinner, drink a quart custom, to be indicted by the of water, to swell the apples, j nearest friends of the deceasedi Take lea with a friend." These had met together with the Cellars Wave your cellars cleaned; taking care to remove all vegetable offal of every descrip tion; when thus cleansed, purify the walls by white-washing, and the floor by sprinkling lime over it. In making your whitewash slack tlie lime in your cellar, so that it may receive the purifying effect of the gasses which fly off. A". Y. Farmer. Animal Magnetism. Our friend of the Providence Journal indi cates an unusual degree of lenisy tovraids animal magnetizers. We all know the influence of the ima gination of implicit faith of unbounded superstition. W'e see it in the actual, almost marvellous, cute of diseases, by mind acting on matter. The Journal says, Mons. Poyen is a clumsy perform er, and adds: "It is said that there are about I one hundred individuals in this ' line, the largest ever built in Anie city and vicinity, who have been j rica, was launched at Puiladel brotight under the magnetic influ-j phia, in fine style. An immense ence; and some of these whilst in i concourse of spectators were pre that state, have made strange and , seut. . She is of 3000 tons bur- startling revelations respecting then; length of keel lf5 feet, 6 'the heavens above, the earth be- j inches; draft of water 25 feet, and neath, and the waters, under the is calculated to mount 13G guns, earth.' Many of them are pa- It is said that ihe largest ship in tients, persons of standing and ir- the world is the Mahmoud. The reproachable reputation in the ! Turks have her now in actual ser communities where ihey reside; vice. Her burthen is 3,934 tons, persons who do not, like Mons. nearly 1,000 more than the Penn Poyen, lecture for hire, and of sylvania. This Leviathan is 223 course do not subject themselves feet on the lower gun deck to the suspicion so often entertain- draught of water 27 feet 9 inches. ed of him, that he is influenced in his observations and manipula- Forgery. Edward Weed, son lions by the hope of pecuniary of the Rev. Mr. Weed, ol rhila gain." jdelphia, was arrested on Friday, We assure him we are open to ! on the charge of offering at the conviction, but impregnable to j Manufacturers' and Mechanics' every species of mummery and Bank of that city, a check for humbug. Is it possible to con- $966, forged on Messrs. Philips ceive that magnetisers have donefo Bussier, his former employers, what they profess, and the light of i While under examination before these revelations are still hid un - der a bushel? A Y. Star. Forerunner of Famine. A western paper gives the following, as the supper of one of the hardy settlers in Easton. It is no lon ger a mystery why flour and oth er articles of provision continue so scarce in the west "Sixteen cups of coffee, three fip loaves of bread, a tolerable si zed fried shad, the largest portion of a four pound steak, a saucer of beets, two large pickles, together with butter, sail, he. and all for twenty-five cents! Really the way he kept eating was nobody's busi ness but ihe landlord's. Female Heroism. A child hav ing fallen into a well at Washing ton, Wayne county, Indiana, 17 feel deep, and the water of which at the bottom was 18 inches deep, Mrs. Bond ? neighboring woman, descended and rescued the suffer er. The Richmond (hid.) Palla dium, says: 'When halfway up, she found it difficult to gain the summit, when a number of lemales held a young girl down, and thus drew the adventurer, and her charge, up in safety. The child was re stored to life. Such art underta king as this, deserves more com mendation, than all the honors that can be derived from fame or wealth." Cure for intemperance and smo king Indian rcuteness.A friend of ours, who has had extensive : dealings with the hidiatis of Mis- prUoner in their charge to execute the last sentence upon poor Glov er. He asked one favor of his judges before he died, and as gen erous enemies he hoped they would grant it as it was the last he would ever ask of them; it was that he might be permitted to lake one more glass of liquor, and smoke one more pipe of tobacco. So small a request was readily granted, they promised to post pone the execution until he drank and smoked again. Having got them sufficiently committed to this proposition, he gave them to un derstand that he never intended to do either. Such is the sacred ness of an Indian promise that this subterfuge has thus far saved Glo ver's life, and this occurrence took place ten years ago. Salisbury Watchman. Ship Pennsylvania. On the 18lh tilt, this splendid ship of the the Mavor his father was present, and the young man, it seems, was disguised in a profusion of false curls, which he removed before the Court. He was committed in default of bail for $3,000. A. Y. Star. Wilson's Mowing Machine be gins to attract attention, and we think with good cause. The first experiment made at Flatbush, be fore the Committee, did not turn out quite as successful as was ex pected, but this was satisfactorily accounted for. Some of the knives got loose repairs were ne cessary the machine struck some loose stones, and it came on to rain; but a second and a third ex periment, with fine weather, a smooth field, and the machine in good order, was entirely success- ful. The machine with one horse and a man can with ease cut five acres per day, and cut close and clean. This is an immense sav ing of labor, particularly when it is necessary to cut 3 our grain quickly, and get in your crop in threatening weather. On ihe Western Prairies this machine will be worth its weight in gold, as la bor iti that region of fertile coun try is difficult to be had, and one man, with this machine, can cut his grain and hay, collect it, thresh it out, house it, and accom plish ihe work of fire hands. Pa lent rights for counties are sell ing briskly. ib. An Amphibious vihicle. A boat lately arrived at Pittsburg with !5 tons of merchandize, which had come by rail road and canal, and over plain and mountav, all the way from Philadelphia. The boat was invented by Mr. Dough erty, of the Reliance line, and lire Company have Jive of ihis con struction ihere is to be 12. They will carry 25 tons each they are light and strong. There is a joint midships, proof agaiusl leak, where the boat is divided into two parts lo move on laud. Only five minutes are required for this ope ration. Transhipment is totally superseded by this ingenious con trivance. The inventor has a pa tent. ib. Melancholy A little girl aged 13, fell Thursday afternoon from the 2d sory w indow of the house of Mr. Harley in Front-street, Philadelphia, and was instantly killed. She was playing bMween the shutters and Venetian blinds, when the latter gave way, and she plunged headforemost into the cel lar below. A slight convulsive quiver of the limbs and chest, were the only indications the little suf ferer exhibited of expiring life..t& Removal of the Chickasaws- The Memphis (Tenu.) Gazette ays, a party of 500 of this tribe,. presenting a handsome appear ance, being all mounted and irr their national costume, passed through that place July 4th, under Col. A. M. Upshaw, the superin tendent. Not a single drunken person was seen among them. Enubby, their chief, was killed by a white man named Jones, a short lime previous to their removal. Front Liberia. News for Abo' litionists. The Philadelphia Ga zette has received advices from thence, which state that a I trge town belonging to Furtorah was suddenly seiied upon by a party of the Big Town people, aud eighty Victims captured and mar ched down to Little Cape Mount, where they were bartered lo a Spanish slave schooner for goods. retro Blanch alone, during the last six months, has exported from the Gallenas 1800 slaves, for one of ihe cargoes of which, arrived at Havana, he has realized $250,000. Two other factories in the Galle nas export about an equal num ber that is, in all 3600 slaves in six months from one place, or 7200 in a year equal to the whole number of emigrants sent out by American Colonization Societies. Therefore the latter efforls are, in fact, ovdy so many nurseries for propagating slavery. fGentlemen of the medical profession in London are now fa-? miliarly called "snipes," from the unconscionable length of their bills. Cure for the Diarrhcea. The following is said to be a certain cure for Diarrhcea. Il should be cut out and preserved: "Parch half a pint of rice until it is per fectly brown boil it down as rice is usually done eat it slowly, and it will stop the most alarming Diarhcea in a few hours." t I