MS g , 5 .i-sSp.-'.-,-' - VtvVS.,:- -if" "Si iff Whole Xo. (573. Woui, (Edgecombe County, !. C.J Saturday, September 30, 1837 To. XIII Xo. 39 77i Tarlnrough Prests" BVCCOllGK, HOWARD, . bi,l,P.J weekly at T(fu Doll ft rx and r ft. Cens pr vcar, if paid in adva.ue Ihree Dollars at the expiration of the "' .rrintiort v'Kf. Km- any peri d les V" , ,, Tictntu fire Ctn'.S per mouth. VXcnhcrs ate at liberty to discontinue ' any time, on giving nonce thereof and arrears those residing at a dis i'mce'nust invavial)ly pay in advance, or ea responSi,),e reference in tlm virinit v. S'VAj?.,lisemenU not exceeding 16 length (or a square) will he inserted at li'ri cents the first insert ion and 25 cts. each Liiinuancc. Longer ones at, that rate for every square. Advertisements must I,!, maiked the number of insertions requi reJ or they will be continued until other Ve ordered, and charged accordingly.. . Letter addiessed to the Editor must le paid, or th may not be attended to. 0")isccUancoii5. I LONd TIME A(iO. ' On the lake where droop 'd the willow, Long time ag..! ! Where the rock threw back the billow I Brighter than snow i Dwelt a maid, beloved and chertsh'd I By high and lw; 1 But with autumn's leaf she petish'd, Long time ago! 1 Rock, and tree, and flowing water, 1 Lang lime agn, Bird, and bee, und blossom taught h.r Love's spell to know J While to my fond words she liiten'd, I Murmuring low I Tenderly her dove-eyes glistcu'd, I Long time ago! Mingled were our hearts forever! Long time ago! I Can I now forget her? never! I No, lost one, ni! . To her grave these tears are given I Ever to flow' - I She's tbe star I miss'd from heaven, I Long time ago! THE EMERALD KING, da Anecdote of Napoleon's reign. , "Really, my dear Arthur, I see nothing in what you have told me : to justify that woe-Lregone counte nance of yours, or to afford any ;1 reasonable grounds for those Jere ' miades in which yoa have been in j dulging for the last hour. The Emperor has confided to you an important mission, the due dis charge of which will ensure to us ; honor and fortune; and yet you I complain!' 'Alas! my dear aunt. I have not : tolj you allj you see only -the- ; bright side of lite picture; let me show you the other. Early this morning the Emperor sent for me, land thus addressed me: 1 'Colonel, I require your servi ces. I wish to send you on a di jplomatic mission. Hold yourself l in readiness to depart in about a eek hence for the United Stales.' i '1 was proceeding to express my gratitude for this proof of the Em jperor's confidence, when his ma jesty interrupted me, saying: i 'Colonel, vou are not married: that's rather awkward. You must have a wife to do the honors 'of your house.' . it-., 'But, Sire, you say 1 am to de Part in a week: What is to done? the thing is impossi- 'Nothing is impossible, ir Get Carried without delay, and hold 'urself in readiness to depart With these words his majesty e'1 roe; and 1 remained some mi nules before 1 could recover from ty astonishment at what I had heard. Where am I to find a wife 1,1 the space of a week? I who have just returned from a long campaign, and have scarcely an acquaintance in Paris? 'You stand in rather a difficult jjos"ori, I confess replied the la- J to whom the above particulars Jwe related. 'There is but Utile JJje, and we must make the most latJ' I kt)0W a Vniinir larlu u, 1 1 1 c m jUdl I will instantly! solicit for i J" ,ul stay; it will, be much j Deer-ifyou go yourself.' Uladamef' i ' j ' 'Certainly! Why not? : Never I far' 1, will manage the whole af j My r-arriage is read v. I will get my bonnet and shawl and be with you immediately.' While one of our interlocutors is left alone in an elegant drawing room of the Chausee d'Autiu, we may take ihe opportunity of ac quainting the reader thai the a bove conversation took place be tween the young and handsome Colonel de Viilantroix and his aunt the 'Countess de M. This lady had supplied the place of a mother to her nephew since an early period of Arthur's boy hood when he became an orphan. The Countess soon rejoined her nephew, and in about a quar ter of an hour after, her carriage slopped in Trout of a hotel in the Rue Blanch. ' This,' said the lady addressing Colonel Viilantroix, 4is the resi dence of M. Br , the brother of our celebrated naturalist. He has a beautiful and accomplished daughter, and I should like to see you married to her.' She enquired for M. Br- , he was at home, and the visiters were ushered into his cabinet. , 'I come, M. Br ,' said the Countess, 'lo speak to you of an affair of great importance in short,1 lo solicit your daughter's hand for my nephew, Colonel Vi cotnle Arthur de Villuntroix.whom the Emperor has jjst appointed his Envoy Extraordinary to A merica. 'The Colonel does me great honor,' observed M. Br , 'and being introduced by you, 1 can not entertain a doubt that this gentleman possesses every qualifi cation calculated to secure my daughter's happiness. But,' pur sued Mr. Br , 'you could not have chosen a more inopportune time for opening such a negocia tion; my wife and daughter are al this moment overwhelmed with grief. A short time ago, my bro ther presented his tieice with a pair of valuable emerald car-rings the jewels were exceedingly ad mired for their puritv. lustre and size. Palmire went to a ball lasti night and wore them for the first! lime; you may imagine how great- ly sue was distressed, when, on her return home she discovered that she had lost one of her splen did ear-rings. I immediately weut back to the house of our friends who had given ihe enter tainment. A most careful search was made, buf without effect; ihe ear-ring was no where to be found. What adds to our embarrassment is, that one of the horses being laid up we engaged a fiacie, and none of the servants thought of ta king the number. My daughter is in despair, and my wife is ba thed in tears in short, I cannot attempt to describe the distress in to which litis affair has thrown us!' While M. Br was thus ad dressing his visitors, Colonel Vii lantroix drew from his pocket a Utile paper packet, which he open ed, saying, 'Permit me to ask you, sir, whether your daughter's ear ring resembled this?' 'Heavens!' exclaimed M. Br , 'where did you find it?' 'I was returning from the ball in a fiacre,' replied the Colonel. ' Finding some difliculty in draw ing up one of ihe glasses, I took off my glove, and laid it on the seat behind me. On taking it up I felt something beneath it,; which, on examination, I discovered to be an emerald: ear-ring. My first thought was lo' give it to the coachman, 'but the Tear that the man might not be honesj, induced me to change my intention, and 1 purposed this very day lo deposit it at the Profeciure of the Police.' f3r - listened to this ex planation. with the most eager sat isfaction, and the Colonel had scarcely uttered the- last words when he flew to his wife's cham ber. - - ' ' ' ' Palmire, Palmire!' he exclaim ed, what reward would you confer n the person who should restore your ear-ring?' 'Oh, my dear papa, whatever reward you may think proper to name.' 'But I ask you what you would give?' 'Any thing every thing that I am mistress of, papa you know how 1 valued my beautiful eme ralds and besides, they were my dear uncle's present.' Will you authorize me to name the reward which I deem suitable?' Most certainly, papa.' 'Well, then, here is your ear ring. The gentleman who found it is now iu my cabinet, and the first thing I request of you is, to go and invite him to dine with us to-day.' Palmire thought this task a ve ry easy one. She proceeded to her papa's cabinet, and gave the invitation with such captivating grace, that the Colonel could not have declined it, eveu had he been disposed to do so. During dinner, conversation was kept up in a very animated strain. Each of the party was anxious to please, and they all perfectly succeeded. Arthur, in particular, had never been known to make himself so agreeable; and accordingly the Countess de M thought she could not do better than seize that moment for mak ing her proposition. That evening, before the com pany separated, Madame Br was heard to enquire whether the Parisian fashions were to be pro cured in America; and Palmire expressed the gratification she should experience in visiting ihe sublime scenery so beautifully de scribed by M. Chateaubriand. About ten days afterwards Col onel Viilantroix and his bride, ac companied by Madame Br- arrived at Havre, where they were to embark for America. The way they do things in Ala bama. On Sunday, the 28th of May, I was at Ceutreville, a coun try town iu Alabama, the sun at meridian, and ihe thermometer at 90. The stage from Wetumpka for Tuscaloosa drew up to the door of the tavern kept by Benj. Sinclair, who is Postmaster, Jus lice of the Peace, he. &c. and withal a very clever fellow. Two gentlemen alighted, and left in the coach one lady, when a consulta tion between ihe two gentlemen, thejustice and the driver was held. The driver then mounted on one of his horses, rode off in haste and soon , returned wiih a license, which was put into the Justice's hands; the coach was then driven to ihe other side of ihe square fol lowed by all the hangers on in the village, my self included. One of the gentlemen got into the carri age and took his seat beside the lady. The JusticeTook the front seat and married -James Rits wnrth to Miss Jane Ray. The Justice afterwards alighted from ihe carriage, received his fee, and the happy pair went on their way rejoicing. I have travelled. much, and seen many amusing and in structing scenes, both by 'flood and field,' but never before did I see a wedding in a stage coach. Jl Traveller. Yankee Courtship. Jonathan Dunbatter saw Prudence Feastall at meeting Jonathan sidled up lo Prudence after meeling,and she kind a sidled off. He went closer and axed her' if she would accept ihe crook o' his elbow She re solved she would, and plumped her arm' right round his; ' Jona than felt all-overish, and 'said he liked the text; 'seek and ye shall find,' was purty good readin. Prudence hinted thai, 'ask and ye shall receive was better. Jona than thought so too, but this axing was a puzzler. A feller was apt to get into a snarl when he axed, and'snarlin warnt no fun Pru dence guessed strawberries and cream was slick. Jonathan tho't they warnt so slick as Pro's lips. 'Now don't,' said Pru, and she gave Jonathan's arm an involunt ary hug. He was a leetle sort ed, but thought his farm wanted some female help lo look arter the house. Pru knew how to make rale good bread. 'Now don't,' said Jonathan. 'If I should,' said Jonathan. 'Now don't,' said Pru. May be you vvould'nl' and Jo nathan shuck all over, and Pru dence replied, 'If you be comin that game you better tell feyther.' 'That's jist whatT want,' said Jo nathan, and in three weeks Jona than aud Prudence were 'my old tan' and 'my old woman.' Jl Yankee's estimate of Marri age. They said marrying was fun pooty fun, to be sure. When I was a single man ihe world wag ged along well euounli. It was jist like an omnibus. I was a passenger, paid my levy, and had'l nothing more to do with it, than lo sit down, aud not care a button for any thing. S'posing the omnibus got upset well, 1 walks off and leaves the man to pick up ihe pieces. But then, I takes a wife and behanged to me. It's all very well for a while; bul' afterwards, it's plague like own ing an upset omnibus. What did I get by it? How much fun? Whys a jawing old woman and three squallers. Mighty different from courting, Instead of 'Yes, my duck,' 'No, my dear,' 'As you please, honey,' and 'When you like, lovely,' like what it was iu courting times, it's rigMar row. Sour looks aud cold potatoes, children and table cloths badly off for soap, always darning and mending and nothing ever darned or mended. If it was'nt that I am particularly sober, I'd be inclined to drink. My house ain't my own my money ain't my own 1 belong to four people besides myself, the old woman and hree children: I'm a partnership con cern, and so many has got their fingers in the till, lhat I must bust up: Til break, and sign over the siock in trade to you. ..Sam Slick. fX7Some of the Mississippi banks, it is said, promise to re deem their notes in cornJ This accounts for; ihe editors of thai Slate being, so mealy-mouthed on Line subject ol their banks. . , Alabama Beacon. 'Bowie Knives. The Legisla-r tore of Alabama at its recent ses sion have passed a' law providing if any person, with a Bowie knife, 'Arkansas tooth pick,' or any wea pon resembling the same, shall cut or stab another byreason of which he dies, it shall be adjudged mur der, and the ofi'ender shall suffer the same as if the killing had been by malice aforethought. The act likewise pres. ribes a penalty for the sale of such wea pons. Pet. Con. Something New. In removing a pile of plank in the lumber yard of Mr. John Tunis & Co: on Sat urday morning, one of ihe labor ers, a black man, heard a sharp snapping noise among the logs which formed the foundation of the pile, and on looking down, saw with emotions of horror, a monster of hideous appearance, lying within a few inches of his feet. A yell of dismay from the affrighted black ' (we should raih er say'.wAife, by the by', for we have it upon' good authority that his visage was' actually, blanched with terror,) brought several per sons to the spot, who .recognised in the cause of his alarm a young alligator, full three feet in length! How the 'crittur came there, no conjecture can be formed, unless it be lhat the egg which contain ed it in its embryo state was taken on board of sove craft upon one of our Southern rivers iu a parcel of sand ballast, and started on the wharf at the lumber yard, where in due time it hatched the amphi bious reptile, who was nourished by the vapor of the jdungeon to whicb il hard crept, and in which it was discovered, on lifting the planks. Very "unnecessarily, a gun was brought and the animal shot. It shouJd have been taken alive. It may be seen, however, at Messrs. Toy &i King's druggist store, where they have it preser ved in spirits. Norfolk Herald. Sam Patch outdone. While we were lately viewing live magnifi cent falls of the Genessee, near Portage, Alleghany county, where the river pitches upwards of 300 feet within two miles, (within fifty miles south of the ciiy of Roches ter,) our attention was attracted by a confused noise from the top of a bank, about 100 feet above the rocky table from which ihe stream is now precipitated 110 feet at the middle falls. The hin der wheels of a wagon made their appeafance on the top of the high bank above us they fell below the edge of the steep; and ihe hor ses, unable lo draw them back, af ter a momentary struggle, backed over the precipitous descent; and the whole concern wagon, hor ses, and driver-r-rolled oyer each other nearly to the foot of the sleep. The agonizing cries and gestures of ihe women and chil dren on ihe hill-top, (who were drawn from their residence on see ing the wagon backing off within a few feet of their door,) were such as might be expected from a family whose protector was thus suddenly dragged before their eyes (as it were) to certain destruction. But their fears and ours for his safety were speedily allayed, by InV springing upon his feet and aiding us to disentangle the hor ses, which, alter another roll or two, (the harness and wagon hav ing twisted Ihern inio ihe 'shape of a cocked hat,') got upon a Grm footing, with a quiet look which plainly indicated their concur rence with Mr. Samuel Patch in the sage opinion, -that 'some things can be done as well as others.' Wonderful as were the cataracts foaming -before our eyes, the falls of litis respectable farmer (whose name is Palmer) were not less thrilling in their effects. A re surrection of the dead could have surprised cus litlle more than the a lacrity with which teamster and team arose unhurtiier their ap palling gyrations. BochesterN. Y. Adv. The abhorrence and reward of Oppression. The man who went lo purchase up and monopolize wheat at Cleveland, Etc. from the poor, it turns out was himself rob bed of the $62,000, thus intended to be discreditably appropriated, instead of only $60,000, as before stated. His name is John Sin clairt of Waterloo, N. Y. He of fers a reward of $5000. The general disgust expressed at Buf falo, and wherever heard of, at the object of this person's expedi tion op the lake, will create for him precious little sympathy, or for the bank or banks that were leagued with him in the 'Great Flour-Plunder Scheme.' The Kinderhook Sentinel says: 'Already has Mr. Sinclair, of Waterloo, obtained facilities to speculate upon the coming crop of wheat, to the amounl of $95,000, viz: $60,000 at the Albany Banks $20,000 at the Bank of Gene va and $15,000 at the Seneca County Bank at Waterloo, and has made application, with what success we are . unable lo learn, for $10,000 more at the batiks iu Ithaca. Qne of these same specu lators, who resides between the Cayuga and Seneca' lakes, who has never caused the earth to pro duce one more blade of grass or a hill of corn, than if he had never had an existence, has realized more than $30,000 of unholy gain by ihe same transaction.' Gazette. Land Speculators. The Rev Mr. Taylor, in a sermon at Bos ton the other day, said the first great land speculator was the de vil himself. 07-The St. I .oois Bulletin saysi that the story which has gone the rounds of the papers, giving an account of the marriage of 'Levi Gilman, a Justice of the Supreme Court of Missouri,' to an Indian princess, is a hoax. There 'is nu such Justice of the Supreme Court of Missouri as Levi Gilman. A. F. Star. Mysterious and extraordinary Ascension. While Mr. Z. Mitch ell was about to enter his balloon at Fairmount, Baltimore, on Thursday afternoon, a lady by the name of Warren, stepped up lo ihe car from out of the crowd and politely insisted on taking Air. M.'s place. The spectators ap pearing disposed to second the lady's wishes, Mr. M. like a true cavalier, consented. The balloon was let off; but ihe lady was too heavy, and it came down. Noih ing daunted, she threw out the sand bags and went up rapidly to a great elevation. The current of wind floated the serial voya gress over the city, where she was seen 'calm as a summer's morn ing,' waving her white handker chief to those' below, and froni time to time throwing ont ballast. At sunset she' had reached north of the city, but was still up at a great height. ib. ' ' ' ?"It is with much satisfaction we learn that Mr. Evans, of Stark county, Ohio, who was imprisoned on the suspicion of murdering his son, is proved innocent. The Ohio Repository says: it appears that the notice given, reached the son on Lake Erie, and that he has returned home. Stand from under. A meteoric stoji.e, weighing some 600 lbs. fell on the farm of Ezekiel Harrison, near Orangeville, Pa. on the night of theGthinst. and smashed lo death a valuable ox, aftewards penetrating the earth about 10 in ches. Columbia Bep. Novel Bail Boad. A patent for ten years has been granted by the Emperor of Russia to one of his Aids de Camp, for the inven tion of a new species of road; which it is calculated will excel all others. The plan is to place the wheels (friction rollers) not upon the carriages, but upon the1 rails of the road itself, and to have il travelled over by sledges drawn by horses. The experiment has been tried in St. Petersburg, and it is said that a horse can gallop at the top of his speed, aud draw a great load after him. The Gals down East.i is said that in the tnwn of Marbiehead, the girls have made improvements in ironing, which beats the steam engines on common roads all ho!-' low! They spread out all the clothes on af smooth platform, and fasten the hot flat irons to their leet, and skate over them, ad libi tum. Boston Trans. (L7"Vill you allow me to en quire vy you make op your bed under that 'ere deal table?' said Sam. 'Canse I was always used to a four-posted afore 1 came herer and 1 find the legs of the table an iswer just as well replied the colw bier. Pickwick. J i

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