Also, on same dny, ngi-tl atjof 7 years, William Morgan, a t o' ored man, innrli respect! by hi neighbors, a rovoluiiooary soldier flnd a 'pensioner. j i jfASHVIIiliE 1 Jockey Club Baces, f.L COMMENCE on Wednesday, I W the 1st day of November, and con f 4ue THREE DAYS:- 17 rs Day. i A Sweepstake for three year ol.l colt ami fillies, untried, mile heals, $ 100 en ' mince, forfeit, to close on the 20th October, ,llr,e or ,nore 10 make a race. I Second Buy. j Proprietor's Purse, $200, to inile 1 heats, entrance 13 free for any horse, i carrying his proper weight. Third Day. ' Jockey Club Purse, 3oO, three mile " entrance $'20 free aUo lor any i j,i)ie, under Ihe. rules of the course. 1 37'f',e furses will he subject to the ' deduction. i John &' tfv,i0M, Proprietor. 1 Oct. 2, 1S37. THE RACES I Oycy the Tarboro'1 Course TILL COMMENCE on the third Tuesday in November, and con- thmeFOUR DAYS: First Day. 3 A Sweepstakes, for three years old, ! mile lirats. glt O entrance, 50 forfeit ; I to continue open until the 2nd Monday in November. Persons wishing lo enter, :will make it known by addressing the Proju ie lor. Second Day. ' Part of Jockey Club Purse, iwo mile j heats, 5150 entrance, $12 for subscii I ben; 24 for non-subscribers. I Third Day. , Balance of Jockey Club Piuy three mile hats, $350 eutrance, $20 for sub ; scribfis aud $40 for non subscribers. Fourth Day I A Handy Cap, mile heats, best three in I five purse to be made up of the entrance money of the two Jockey Club days en- nance 10, to be added to the purse. I CTThe Purses will be subject to the ; jis'inl deduction. j All letters addressed to the Proprietor I dust be post paid. t Wm. Foxhall, Proprietor. October 6th, 1837. UThe Petersburg Constellation, Nor- folk Herald, and Warrenton Reporter will ; insert the above three limes (once a week) i tfurwaid acc'l to this office for collection. JY oticc. mi HE subscriber wishes to inform his JL customers and the public generally. Iliat he hasj'ust received from New Yoik His Fall supply of ; "hich added (q his former slock makes it j 'y complete. He invites all those that j ut to purchase Fine and cheap Goods, j I" Ms line, to give him a call, as he feels J confides tial he can please, both as, lo I M'Mlily nni ,,nre j HTGentUnien furnishing their own . cloth can have it made and trimmed in the t manner and- at the shortest notice. Dcnry Johnston. Turboro' Oct. 4th, 1837 List of Letters, Rimaiving in the Post Office at Tarbo nvgh the 1st of Oct. 1837, which 'nor taken out before the 1st of Jrtn. exf, will be sent 'to (he General Pott Office as dead letters. Jrmstronj Vm V Lloyd J R 5 Jenneit Mark 2 Lodge Sec Concord 2 J"nhiU Lemuel Mangum Sarah carlow Arthur K 2 Mooring Wm Juck Joshua Mariner Win Wlittson McNelly R R J'dley Robt Norval Vinev Miss Jesse Norman Alfred Rev p SS Asa Parker A Ann Mrs 'h Dorothy Miss I'arker Edw J J-'uphcll F Miss Pocle Sarah rrry Tho, B parker Mary Mrg womwell Newsom Parker Theo 3 j cuttor M BMiss2 Vippin Elijah u??n John Richards Danford 2' "'fU Rj Randolph Jno C r.pnraim Dr Kawk Richard '-vans Sarkmaii rik;., ivm Robbins Wm l-llitior Jas Stallings Lott Stewart Jno P 2 Sumner Eld win Smith John "nan Josiah ion! vm ,iege James ,jaer Juhn '"ory SUrv Sh AT of Edgecombe 3 Sugg P S Dr drler Stephen Urn t T 1 opruni B J Ha-t-r cU1 Mrs Scott B,',!,py Miss. 11.., i . v Miiriey . u "ymanTl , Taylor Stephen llor L C;l,ar,e Taylor Jesse W Hi, 1 ' o Ma,y An" Taylor Win John....... ,, cier I lin,.,nwi-ii Wm Thompson Noah M Randall t'."gl Join, Wright 11 E Mrs-8 Wiggins Lawrence Watson Sophia E Ward Nancy & Co 4 r ...... . TMin -rfu -!s&m3Ln8m &&&& Land for. Sale. -::- riflUE Subscriber ,.iH; desirous to JL remove westward, offers for sale the lana.,n on which he resides, 1 miles a. bove Stantonsburg, in the Fork of Toisnot and Ulme Oak Swamps, containing About 1400 Acres, Of which about 200 acres are cleared, and well adapted to the growth of coiton, corn, fcc. On the premises, are A comfortable Dwelling House, And necessary nut-houses, together with an apple Orchard, be. Terms will be mde Hccr.nimo.liwing. For further pai apply to the sub-cribor. James Tar It. September 14, 1837. 37 JYoticc. WE hare this day established our selves in this place for the purpose of transacting A GK.NERAr. COMMISSION BUSINESS. We respectfully tender our services to our j friends and the public in general as such. ' Messrs. M. $ T. Ferratl, j OF HALIFAX, N. C Are our Agents, wbo will at all times pay strict attention lb all DUCE That may be left in their charge. Rot a few weeks more lire Bridge, across the Ro anoke at Weldou will be completed, when the Cars will run thro' to Halifax, N. C. H Harris & Co. Norfolk, Vn. Sept. 1, 1837. Female Jlcadcmy. THE Exercises of the Tarboro' Fe male Academy will be resumed on Monday, the 2d day of October next, under j ihe roniinued superintendence of Miss A. M. Itagsdale. September 27, 1837. Valuable Land FOR SALE. WILL BE SOLD, at private sale, sometime in the last of January next, one Plantation of value, having on it Jl good Mill and Gin, CONTAINING About 400 Acres Said Tract of Land is situate in Edge combe county, N. C and is ihe place whereon James Danic died, and which is now owned bv his ornhan. One of the uudersiffned wi! be in lire settlement of said plantation at the time above specified, when any gentleman can iiave tlie oppor tunity of purchasing One of the orphans is of 'as-e and will make tiile the others are not of age, and v iil give as good bonds for the performance ol the contract as can be had in Georgia and Alabama. J.1MRS SIMMONS, JJMES JiSKElV, JCL1Z II DJ1N1EL. Sept. 17, 1837. Bacon and Lard FOR SALE. THE subscriHer has for sale a large quantity of prime BACON AND LARD, Which he will dispose of on reasonable term. He has deposited some lor saie ai the store of Messrs. Austin Sf Son, in the towu of Tarborough. John Daniel Sept. 14, 1837. Entertainment, As usual, at the well known Mclhule Stand, EDGECOMBE COUNTY, N. C. 16 miles above Tarboroogh-5l below R.ieigh. Price. 26th August, 1837. JYoticc. 171 OR SALE, at Tarboro', the fol!ow- ing wcviks, by Jas. Osbourn. Old School Sonnets, price 50 cents. Present Dark and Sickly State of the Church of Christ, 2o cents. Fac simile, or the Religion of New England portrayed, 123 cents. Tiding, of Joy from the H.U of Zion, Also, The Bondage of the W ill, (translated) by Martin Luther, 1 (North Carolina or northern on mly can be received in payment.) Apply to 4 July, 1837. Coffield King. c- fl Rail Road JYoticc. :$:- rn .V"" ho desire to pass through Washmgton and Baltimore, or to yis.t the V.rgmia Springs, are respectfully "',',hj,r a RAIN OF CARS with the Mail and Passengers from TarboroUffK via Halifax, leave Blakely regularly three times a week, running ihro to Peie'rsburg and Richmond m time for the Western Line of Stages, Through Lynchburg and Charlottesville and Staunton, and for the Daily Mail train of the Richmond and Fredericks burg Rail Road, arriving by this Line at Washington to dinner and in Baltimore by 3 o'clock in the evening. Passengers who take the Wilmington and Halifax Line, Will find the route by the Petersburg Ruil Road the most certain and agreeable and although the Mail Train of Cars, leave but three times a week, yet almost every day an Engine with a train by which Passen gers can be conveyed; leaves Blakelv and arrives at the junction with the Greens ville and Roanoke Rail Road in good time to take the Daily Express Mail Line for the North, which connects at Petersburg with all the fast Northern Lines of Rail Road, steamboats or stages. OrricB Petkksbcuc Rail Road Co. 14th Aug. 1837. JYoticc. NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN Tra vellers will find good accommodation and prompt attention at the Blithely Hotel, And they are respectfully invited to call and judge for themselves; the undersign ed pledges himself to do his best to please and give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom. The CARS of the Petersburg Rail- Koad, Leave this almost every day and regular ly, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in time to connect with the Cars which carry the Great and Express Mails, and the public may be assured every thing shall be done for their comfort and ac commodation, which it is in the power of the dhdersigned to do. Jas. )V. E. Bulls Blakely Depot, Northampton, N. C, 14th Aug. 1837. Removal. THE Subscribers have removed lo the house on Old Street, next door cast of Messrs. Hurt, Pailer.'Oii Wills, v. here they will continue the GROCERY & COMMISSION BUSINESS. Tley have on hand and are receiving, A general Assortment of GROCERIES, Which are offered for sale on reasonable terms. Country PRODUCE, entrusted to their management, will receive strict and prompt attention. S Ar. M. A far t in 4 Dunn an. Petersburg, Aug. 5. Dunn, JF llwaine $$ Jirownlcy Have now on hand a very extensive and well assorted Slock of Groceries, Which includes, with other articles, a large supply of Cotton Baling, BdlcRope, Twine, Sole and Upper Leather, all laid in tinder the most favorable circumstances, and which they are disposed to sell o reasonable terms. They will continu to Receive on Consignment Sell, COTTON, TOBACCO, And other Produce, on their usual terms, and will, as heretofore, give the strictest attention to all business confided to tneir management. Petersburg, 10th Aug. 1837. TOWN CREEK THE subscriber having become Tea cher in this Institution, respectfully . . ..Vlii. iliat a Tew more stu- iniorms me p dents can be received. The school is lo cated at Mr. William Mercer's, about five miles from Town irecK meeting nou. The various branches of an English edu- . i . cation are taugm. E. V. Woodard. ,,,-!L 'Positively decided on i emo vinz from Tarboro' on ite 1I June. we respect Inlly invite all our friends who arc uiisemea accounts of any description with us, to call and seitfc) the same at Ihe earliest possible day their convenience will admit. Our business has been of long standing, and our uniform disposition to be accommodating to our customers, we hope will be a sufficient stimulus to insure a punctual acquiescence to our request, that we may be enabled to close our imsi. ness by May Court, (the longest time we think of residing in Tarborough.) This appeal is made with a confident expecta tion thai all concerted will call at our store as desired. Any claims on us will be nrnmnilir nai1 when presented. We also ofler Any Goods in our Store AT COST. The stock is large, variety very general. quality superior, and bought 10 to 15 per cent, under prices generally paid for uooas inu last year. Real Estate, Store house, ware houses, and Lot, Large and extensive. Ihe most nleasaoilv located and arrai.ged for business of any in Ihe place indeed it is not inferior to any in the Slate, for comfort and extended mercantile operations. A large DivclUnj;. And outhouses of all descriptions, plea santly located in good condition for a large family or boardin? house, dinin? room 40 feet long with two Lots of Land attached. Two Lots of Land, With a gin and screw house, a first rate iron screw, and 60 saw gin, with room to hold 100,000 lbs seed cotton, and 50 bales when packed a large stable, granary, fodder loft, and carriage houses, work shop, Sic. not inferior to any in the State. About 200 acres of Land, One and a half miles from town a conve nient privilege for any resident in Tarboro. Also, a plantation on Fish ing Creek, 750 acres, 15 miles above Tarboro, with a large aud comfortable dwelling house, all necessary out houses, large garden well eiclosed. grape vine?, selected fruil trees, Sic. sur- ouuded by a large and handsome grove, and as good water as any below the mountains comprising one of the hand somest and healthiest locations in this part of the county. The dwelling is in the pine woods, IJ miles from the Creek, or main plantation; on which is a good overseer's house, cotton bouse, negro bouses, kc. with a large barn and stables, and the best f.rni yard in the county for raising man ure, all well enclosed cleared land suffi cient to make 600 barrels corn, 40 to 50,000 lbs seed cotton, small grain, pota- ioes,&c. &ic. well divided, with good gates, fences, &.c. and will insure to ihe purcha ser as profitable investment as any larnr in the county ol the same extent. Any person residing down tne country would find this one ol the most healthy ami delightful residences in the State. All or any of Ihe above property will be sold a a great sacrifice. 11. S,- S. D. GOTTEN, S. D. GOTTEN $ SON. Feb. 24, 1837. ATTENTION, flashins'ton Blues I YOU will Muster at your Parade ground at William Pender's, on Saturday, the 1th of October next. Per sons wishing lo join said Volunteer Com pany, will attend on that day. By order of the Captain, Lewis de Arquer, 0. S. August 29th, 1837. Coach, House, Landscape, and Ornamental MP JL THE Subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Edgecombe county that he has located himself In Tarborough, Where he is prepared to execute all orders in his line of business. Those wishing Gigs, sideboards, sitting chair?, fire screens and the like painted, will bring them to the coach shop of Mr. Terrell. He will leave town and go into the coun'ry, when house painting is required. All orders in his line of business will be thankfullyreceived and faithfully executed on reasonable terms. . Lewis de Arquer. Tarboro' 26th Feb 1S3. CAKED. rLo the Ladies. c THE Subscriber is now opening at In" Cheap Cash Store, the following JSctv Goods, Which he respectfully solicits the Ladies to call aud examine, (to wit:) Extra rich plain and figured Silks, Saiins, and Poplins, A great variety of painted Muslins and Cambrics, ol the most beautiful patterns both small and large, Elegant printed Bishop Lawns, some with silk stripes. Small pattern Bells to match, Beautiful small pattern Chalks, A splendid assortment of needle worked lace and muslin Capes and Collars, the greatest bargains and richest Goods ev er offereJ, Dunstable, Berlin, Swiss and fanny straw Bonnets, newest and most fashionable shaoes. in prei variety. Cap borders with flowers, a new article, rtrunciHi sprigs for caps aud wreaths for the bail- Bonnett, cap and bell Ribbons, "lo suit ev ery tasie, Very handsome belt Buckles &. Bracelets, Elegant assortment of fancy nerk 5shau,te Fouchetts and embroidered lace Scarfs! entirely new, Ladies aud misses Corsetts, of the most approved make, in great variety, A large, assortment of Ladies and misses Parasols, of everv size.ounlitv kil. Estra rich velvet aud bend Bags, Lace to gauze Veils, of every description. Hem stitch'd linen cambric Handkerchiefs r.iastic itead Hands. Chinelle cord, Mohair Caps, Fans, hair Ringlets, Light kid and fancy silk Gloves, White, black, and fancy colored plain and embroidered silk and cotton Hose, in great variety, Muslin Edgings and Insertings, inreaa and bubbinett Laces, Edgings and Inserting. Plain ami figured Bohbinelt, An elegant assortment of Ladies and mis ses r rencn. Kin. satin, velvet, nnmella seal and morocco Slipper and Shoes, of tlie newest style and very best quality, most of which were made expressly "to order, UfTiVfTb P'eces new style Calicoes, a P H V 4. V mong which are a great ma ny elegant patterns, from 10 to 30 cents per yard. 50 pieces Ginghams, good and cheap, i lain, striped, and check d Muslins for dresses, from 25 cents and unwards. Corded Skirts, variou qualities. The above wifli every other article in THE FANCY AND STAPLE Dry Goods Line, Can be had in the greatest variety at Extraordinary low Prices, For Cash or on the usual credit, At the Cheap Cash Store. JAS. fVEDDELL. Tarboro', April 7, 1837. rv i i . .., oiaie: it is therefore ordered, that piibli, lOUCll them and tlieij lVlllctoa be made in the Tarborough Press speak for themselves. HAVE sent to Mr. James Wtdddl, Tarboro', one of my splendid and celebrated French Grand Action Piano Fortes, Made by Stodart, Worcester & Dunham, New York, the price of which is Ihree hundred and fifty dollars. All ih-tse who are desirous to see and examine ihe very best Pianos made in the United S'iles, will do well just lo call at Mr. Weddell's and inspect the one now sent. 1 shall en deavor to keep Mr. W. regularly supplied with Cist rate Pianos at the lowest cash prices. E. P. NASH, Petersburg, Va. Sole Agent in Virginia and North Caro lina for Stodart, Worcester &. Dunham's Piano Fortes. May 29, 1837. Greenville Academy. THE Exercises of this Institution will be resumed on the first Monday in Se5tember next, under the superinten dence of Mr. J. M. LOVEJOY: Were Mr. Lovejoy extensively known it would be unnecessary to speak of his qualification". Mr. L is a graduate of Middlebury Col lege, Vermont; he brings with him recom mendations of the highest order, which to gether with the general satisfaction ren dered to Patents at the late Examination, authorizes the Trustees in recommending him as a teacher unsurpassed by any in Ihe State; and. Parents and Guardians may rest assured, that scholars committed to his charge will meet with every atten tion. The prices for Tuition are as fol lows, viz: For spelling, reading and writing, per quarter of 11 weeks, $3 50 Same, including arithmetic, 4 00 Same, including geography; gram mar and history, - - 6 00 Same, inciuding natural, moral and intellectual philosophy, chemis try, navigation, surveying, and algebra, - - - 7 00 Ancient and modern lanp-ua?e. 7 ( A With an additional charge of twenty-five cents i'r contingencies. Board can be obtained in respectable families in the town and vicinity at $1 to 8 per month (D"3cholars entering at any time wtih' in the first month, will only be charged from the time they enter to the close of the quarter. By order of the Board of Trustees. JAS. B. HOYLE, Sec'y. Augt. 28th, 1837. . 35 Corn fans. A N excellent new Corn Fan. tnad. i... SL Mr. John Wilson, of Hamilton, can be had on reasonable and accommoda jing terms, on application . At this Office. Tarboro , July 21. Mrs.Jl.C.Howard, IS now opening her Spring Supply of Goods, which having been selected by herself Sbe can recommend without any hesitation as bring r.f uperir quality. Her assortment is extensive, ami include a general variety of Fancy Millinery. In her assortment will be found : A variety of Pattern Bonnets, Tuscan and straw do. of nearly every haiv anil fviiurA Plain, fibred and watered Silk and Sat ins tor dresses. Veils. Shawls, Scarfs, and Handkerchiefs of different qualities and prices, Head dresses, Capes, Collars, k.c. Mode, Cranes. Gauzes aiwl l-'J... .w-.-. Head ornaments, hair .els, Pod's 6l Cutis, 'arge quantity of Ribbwns, artificial lowers, oic. 6iC. iL"Mrs. H. has nattr. r.n,l.iM fashions. She invites ,i r i Goods. Mantua making done as usual. Tm hnrn' A ..-'. I tlo State of North Carolina, EDGECOMBE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, AUGUST TERM, 1837. miwiAj uo j ! Original Attach ment J.e?se H. Powell vs. Frederick P. Evans, Levied on the Lands of Frederick P. an, lying on Beach Run, containing 40U acres more or less, adjoining the lands f James S. Battle, Unliam J. El linor, and others. f T appearing lo the satisfaction of the ' Court, that Frederick P. Evans, the defendant in this case, is not an inhabitant of this Slate: It is therefore oidered, that publication be made in the Tarborough Press for six weeks fciu cessively . thai un less the said Frederick P. Evans appears at the next Court, to be held on the lourtb Monday in November next, and replevied the property levied on. aud ule sue, that judgment by default wilt be ren- uereu against nini. . , Witness, Joseph Bell. Clerk Court, at office in Tarborough, the fourth iwoiiaay in August, JOS. BELL, C. C. Pr;c adv $3 50. Slate of North Carolina, EDGECOMBE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, AUGUST TERM, 1637. Judith Bass vs. t Petition for p alii ion of Levi Daniel, ) Lan'ds.m IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Levi Daniel, the deff nrtnnt this case, is not an inhabitant of this said Levi I'amel annears at tho tin r Court, to be held otOhe fourth Monday in November next, then and there to olead to issue, otherwise the said petition will be taKeu pro coniesso, and stt lor heat ing ccordingly. Witness. Josenh Rett. Clerk of cairi Court, at office iu Tarborough, the fourtii Mouday in August, 1837. JOS. BELL, C. C. Pi ice adv fl 75. Strayed, IlKUAl the Subscriber, at. Hmi1ion, li Mailin county, on Satnrd.iv in at - j -i A black Mare, Abou 8 years old. 5 fe t 1 or 9 arhm high, and a split in her left hind hoof. liberal reward will he riven for id- Hliv. ery of saiu mare lo me in Martin counlv. near Log Chapel and anv infrmtin respecting her will be thankfully received. John C. Weathevsby. August II, 1837. Chinese Mulberry. THE subscriber has for disposal seye rat hundred rooted ireea ...,! .... tings of the noted Morus. Multicuules, or Jfew Chinese Mulberrn; Found doubly advantageous for i'i, ..i- lure, and one of Ihe most beautiful orna mental trees, of moderate siee. the e can rest upon. Of the ease ,r r,rr..- ting this tree and its rapid growth the pub lic may judge wnen miormed thai from Q. small rooted plant, for which a dollar was paid at Baltimore about four years since. me suocnuer nas d is nosed r u... number, and has yet as above stated, ami that his first pronapaied I rppa arm n 0 r- twenty feet high and beautifully propor tioned. The leaf is a dark green color and often Id inches long and II broad. Ttj,e price, (now reduced) isiUceni each for plants upwards of 6 feet high, ami proportionate lor those or a smaller size & wnen a number are taken at a time. SIDNEY IVELLER. Brinklevville, Halifax county, N. C Dec. 15, 1S36. -:$:- P. S. Mr. Geo- Howard is my Agent for vines and trees at Tarborough ami vicini ty, and those desirous of any plants would do well to make early application o that "they may be included in a kox about to be sent to Mr. Howard. , ; j. W. Printing neatly executed. AT TJll OFJICE. Constables' Blanks for sal AT THIS OFFICU. August 1, 1837. t

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