uiTatiMin inn Lie."! !J:'"Sl5fl tifSi W3 fcf w Co field King, MERCHANT TAILOlt, 'AV!N(; t .moved lo his new estab lil.mo.ii !irti' nun. iite the Court Hi,i rUc,v.-i..n.. ininriiK lii Cii (.mi i and the public generally, that he is now open ing a hand-nine assortment of if aH anQ oatintcr Of a beautiful and superior quality, which have been selected with much personal care in Ihe northern cili'-s, and will be made up to order at short notice and in the most fashionable style such as: Superfine blue and black Cloihs. ,, Invisible green and brown do. ,, Clarence brown and mulberry do. Olive and mixt do. Polaski ribbed Cassiwere, Plain black ai d mixt do. do. 1, Lavt-iid r, Zebra, Plaid Grecian do. ,, Striped and corded do. of various colors, Plain black and figured Velvets, roade Velvets, a superior article, Plain black am) tiffined bilk Ve&tings, Brown and drab Petersham, 81ack and brown goat hair Camblets, Also, a beautiful a-sortmentof Stocks, some very superior, Bosoms Co'lars, Glove, Sospende rs, k.c H iruts by due attention to business, and bis long experience therein, to giv due satisfaction to (hose h may favni him with their orders. He will keepton Stantly on hand an ..fsortifient of seasonable Head if made Clothing, Of the best quality, manufactured by him self and warranted. ALSO, litre or four Journey uicnTaiiois of the first class, anted. Tarboro', Nov. I Oih I83(. Whom it may concern. THE Subscriber i equests nil those in debted to him to call and settle their accounts. January 13, 1636. KISG. Montague's IJalm, An InuTian remedy for toothach, TPRrHICH when applied arcording to If V dlrectii ns, has never failed to afford Immediate and permanent relief, just re ceived aud for sale by J. IK GOTTEN. 11th Nov. 1S36. Copper $ Tin ware PORTSMOUTH, VA. Win. D. Roberts, Jr. MESPECT FULLY announces to the Farmers of Virginia and North Carolina, that having received extensive supplies of foreign and American Copper of all the various thickness"s adapted to the manufacture of Brandy, Turpentine, and other Stills, will be happy to receive their orders as soon as practicable. He hrts on hand, of the most approved construction, Brandy Stills, From 90 to 110 gallons. WORMS of all descriptions, aud a large and general assortment of articles ol Tin Miid Copper manufacture. Old Stills, Worms, he. repaired in the best manner, or taken in exchange for new ones. Farmers and merchants trading to Nor folk, via rivers or canal, are ' informed that by addressing the undersigned, their goods can be shipped free of expense, having a Copper and Tin Ware Establish went located at that place, conducted by Ids indefatigable agent, A. S. Dozier. 0North Carolina Bank Notes receiv ed in payment without discount N. B. To avoid all mistake, please ad dress WM. 1). ROBERTS, Jr. Tin Copper ware Manufacturer, , Portsmouth. Va. June 15, 1837. Teacher Wanted. A PERSON capable of teaching the rudiments of the English language, who can come well recommended, can tjet a School worth 20 per moVh, and board found, in the vicinity t,f Tison's Store, Pitt county. Apply 0 Benjamin Joiner, or to , John Joiner. Esq. July 5, 1837. Just Published, And for sale at this Office, a pamphlet en titled, SHQ MOUSE, T rying to gnaw on I of the CATHOLIC- TRAP. iNo other than Baptist Churches Have aright lobe called CHRISTIAN CHURCHES. 6 JOSHWA UwKKKCR. Price 10 cents sk.gTe,or $l pcr dozcn. NEW ARRIVAL OF Spring i$ Siimmcr AT THE ' Cheaj) Cash store. James JVcddell, just returned from the Northern cities, where he has purchased at exceedingly Low Prices, a LARGE and Splendid Assortment of FANCY AND ST A I LIS GROCERIES, HATS, SHOES, Hardware China, Glass and Earthen ware. Which he offers at a very small advance on The J few York Cos, And fet-Is confident he can convince ail who may favor him wi'h a call that his Stock not only comprises a most splendid variety, but having purchased them in many instances at a gial sacrifice to the importer, he will offer them at such aston ishingly low prices as he flatters himself will fully inert the views- of those whose object is to buy Fresh r fashionable Goodt At very low Prices. TEIIAIS Cusji, or Ihe tisuJ ciedil to punctual customers. Tarboio', April 3. 1837- -:5:- MR E. P. NASIJ,of Petersburg, Vir ginia, being sole Agent for the sale ot our Piano Fortes, in the States of Vir gil ia &. North Carolina, persons desirous l having Instruments of our manufacture, can make application to him, as he has the exclusive light to sell in those states. Slodart. I Forces t er Dunham. New Yoik, March 17, 1837. COMMENCE my spring sales of the above Instrument in the Stales of Virginia and North Carolina, by declaring that Stodarl, Worcester & Dunham's manufacture of Viano Fortes, Is the verv best in the United States not ! only equal to others, but, literally the very j b-si; and as the ver best evidence that I I am borne out in the assertion, am permit ted to challenge a fair trial with any I make, or makers, far or near. The Factory of thee makers having within a few months bewn considerably enlarged, I shall now be enabled lo meet thedtmand. The prices of those Pianos ate regular and established. Edivard V Nash. March l!7. William Y . Gray's Invaluable Ointment, FOR ULCERS, TUMOURS, &C. Can now be obtnimd of the I'alentee, at ihe Office of lire Raleigh lltgister. Single Pol, 1 ddiai Due dozen, i) dollars. WILLIAM IV GRAY. Raleigh, October 4. 18.36. Italeiixh. Seotetnher 1. lR3rt For five or six years previous to the spring of 1834, a negro man of mine had been much afflicted with an ulcerated arm aud hand, whii h rendered him almost use less. The ulcer embraced that nart r 1.;. arm from the elbow down. entire hand, which was literally a mass of putrefaction. A joint of one finder, and a part of Ihe .thumb, perished and dropt off. muie uisiressmg aud hopeless case I have never beheld. It was abandoned by .... ,...,.,.,., , ..ii.noim:,tiic)i wv a in putation of the hand. The best medical trftltniPllt flavin or Tail ed to relieve Ihe man, I placed himuider tne care ni wir. William IV. Gray, in (hi plare, who, with his Ointment, has effectu ally cured the case, although the was frequently absent, for weeks and months together. He has hem ontirrl.. well for Ihe last eight months, and I have goou reason to believe will continue so. WILLIAM BOY LAN. State Hank Of J'orth Carolina. fJUHbUAINl to a Resolution of Ihe Stockholders of this Bank, at their last annual General Meeting, nil persons having claims on said Bank for Dividends of Capital or Profits Deposites, r Notes lc..a. I.., tl.A 1 n. , dcueu iiw 1 iiitciprti BHUK or its bran rhes. are rnrnpcilv lsi-. t . . , j .rscui mem (or payment to the Treasurer of the Bank. nil n r lwfrr The first Monday in JVo vember next, Otherwise, they will be barred, as the Stockholders wilUhen make a final divi dend of ihe effects of the Bank. S. F. PA TZTERSONf Pres't. Raleigh, Dec. 23, 1836. 1 Printing neatly executed, AT THIS OFFICE. WASHINGTON MONUMENT. rmilE Board of Managers of the fVash II tugfoii Natiwiul Monumental Society invite. DESIGNS for this structure, inten ded as a tnemoriaVoi a NATION'S GRATITUDE. It woulJ be to fetter genius, to prescribe any limits 10 the exercise of its powers, which should, however, in this case, har moniously blend durability, simplicity and granfleur. Although it is impracticable at present to estimate the extent of the con. tiibutions that may be made, the Designs mav be predicated on an expenditure of not less than one million of dollars. The Board of Managers will not offend American genius so much as to offer, In this instance, a pecuniary reward. The artist, whose Design shall be adopted, will feel amply remunerated; and all the De signs w ill be bound and carefully preserved to which end, it is requested that they be sketched, as near as may be, on paper of a uniform size, of the dimensions or sixteeu by twenty-two inches. The designs to be directed lo GF.OIIGE ll'.lTTERS0N,Secry. BECKWITH'S JlnlUdijspeplic Fills. THIS most valuable medicine for the cure of Dyspepsia, and the pi evention ol bilious fevers, colic, Sic. Lc is kept con stantly on baud and for sale by J. IK GOTTEN. Taiboro'. 21 Sept. 1836. HERRINGS, Bacon and Lard. IHE Subscribers have just received a supply of best quality CUT HERRINGS. ALSO ftiicon and Lard for sale, by S. D. Votten & Son. Tarboro', Way 21. Large Maps, Of Mississippi & Alabama :: MOWING the Public &. Indian Lands. k3 Indian Reservations, Land Districts, Townships, Streams, &.C engraved from Ihe (lovemment Surveys and Plats in the General Land Office, Washingtou City; by E: Oilman, Draughtsman in the General Land Office. F. TAYLOR, Bookseller, Washington City, Has just published (aud secured the copy right according to law) the above Maps, which will be found infinitely more com plete and accuiale than any heretofore published. '.'hey are published on sepa rate sheets, each containing nearly six .quare feet, aud will be found especially useful and valuable to those interested in the lands of either State; as they shojv ev ery item of information which is in the possession of the Land Offices relative to water courses, township 'lines, Indian lauds and reservations, land districts, &c and will be found perfectly accurate aud precise on these points. They can be sent by mail to any part of the United States, subject only to single letter postage. Price two dollars, or three copies of eithei will tie sent by mail for live dollars. A liberal discount will be made to travelling agents, or to any who buy to sell again. llf Edilor9 of newspapers, any where, wio will give the above advertisement (in clttdiug this notice) one or two insertions, fchall receive by return mail a copy of each Map, if they will send a copy of the paper containing ii to the advertiser. Julv 1. ESTABLISHMENT OF The Journal Office iCKWTNG to the intended removal of one Hjr of the Kditors, and the wMi of the other to devote himself .more exclusively to the duties of hij profession, the trmrer signed offer for sale the establishment of the North Carolina Journal Office. The Office is well found in Job, Newspaper and OrnHmeiital Type, the list of subscri bes is . tolerably large, and they doubt not might be greatly augmented by a little exertion. To any person desirous of em barking in the business, it offers induce ments not inferior lo any in this State, but to a practical printer they know of no in vestment he could make of his moneytthat would yield him a more profitable return.- Ilybart & Strange. Fayette ville, May 30, 1837. Published and for bale at this Office. PATRIOTIC DISCOURSE tht North Carolina Whir's A do loo-v for he Kehukee Association and, A Basket of fragments, by Ihe Rev. Joshua Lawrence. Also, A Review of Clark's defence and jus tification to the Kehukee Association, writ en by a lay member of -the Association and, Occurrences in the Life of Elder Jo seph Biggs, wrot by himsglf. Jfnion Hotel. THE subscriber begs leave, most re spectfully to inform his friends and the public generally, that he has taken possession of the above Establishment, formerly occupied by Maj. Jno. G. Blount, neatly Opposite the Court House, And having for some years past been en gaged in like business, feels confident of being able to give entire satisfaction to those who may favor him with their pat ronage. His table will be furnished with the best the market can afford. Hi sta bles are new and in good onler, and will be attended by the best ostlers. Suffice it to say, that nothing on his part will be wanting to make those comfortable who may call on him. Jl. C. VaiiUo Nashville, No. Ca. July 17th, 1837. To the Jlfflieted. jf1 RAY'S invaluable Ointment for the HjT cure of w hite swellings, scrofula and other tumours , sore legs and ulcers, and fresh wound, sprains, bruises, swellings and inflammation!! , lie. Sic. Rowand's genuine t nic mixture, a per fect cii'e for ague and fever. The above valuable medicines may be had wholesale or retail on application lo J. IV. Cotten, Agent for Tai borough. 1837. J"oticc. -:- THE subscriber having recently dis posed of his Gin )iialcing Establishment IN GREENVILLE, To N. TYER, requests all those indebted to him to make early payment. From his long acquaintance with Mr. Tver (who has for several years past been in bis em ploy) he respectfully recommends his for iier customers to him, ard is confident that all who may favor him with their cus tom will be satisfied. Henry Chamberlain. Cotton 5ittS.c THE subscriber having purchased the Establishment of Henry Chamber lain, in Greenville, N. C. for making Steel Saw Gr s, Respectfully informs the public that he will coirtiwue the business at the same place. Having an extensive assortment of ma terials on hand, he assures those who may favor him with their custom, that their or ders shall be promptly executed. Gins wilt be repaired. Of the best materials, and at the shortest uolice. Persons when ordeting will please state whether they prefer the German, or polish ed cast steel plates. ' , . ilSiEiGRT TSSORT, Still remains connected with this establish ment, and cat ries 011 the Lock and Gunsmith business, He also makes Saw Milt Boxes, and Mill Inks, of a composition invented by Dai.iel Peck, of Raleigh Mill Spindles, with Steel Collars, (turned,) and Gudtams, manufactured equal to any. in the United States. All orders must be directed to the Sub scriber, at Greenville Norflecl Tyer. January 30, 1S37. Vine Culture. .. HE Subscriber has more than twenty kinds and fifty varieties of the Vine. Some of these are generally known as ex cedent for tuble use or wine, viz: the Scup pernong, the Halifax, Isabella, Catawba, Herbeaut's Madeira, &c. The price for a well rooted single vine is a quarter of a tfollar-but where a dozen, fifty, one hun dred or more are taken at once, or boxed and sent the same direction to one respon sible person, a handsome deduction is made. For further particulars inquire of he Editor of the Tarboro' Pres or SIDNEY WELLER. Brinkleyville, N. C. Ocf. 4. HISTOUY. OF THE Keh 11 kee Jlsso c ia I io n . JUST PUBLISH ED, and for sale at the office of the Tarboro' Pies?, "A con cise History of the Kehukee Baptist Asso eialion, from its original rise to the pre sent time by Elder Joseph Biggs-utidcr the supervision of a committee (consisting of Elders Joshua Lawrence, Wjiliatn IJy. man, and Luke Ward, and brethren Tho mas Biggs Joseph D. Biggs, and Cushion B. Hasten,) appointed by the Association " Price $1 each, or $10 perdoaco. . " Rail Road Notice. nrf K M'l'artd Passengers for Pelers jl b'ir,r, IVchmond, Washington, Phi ladtlphiaT l'11ve Wakel Tuedays, 'Ihursdays and Satuidytys, at 10 o'clock, A- M..and will leave Peters burg for Blakeley, &c. on Mondays, Wcd tUf lays and Fridays, at 1 o'clock. A. M connecting at Blakeley witli the Tarboro' Mail ' Line of Stages, And at Halifax or Gary's, with the Wil raington Line. relersburg Buil Eoctd Co. Office, ) 4th Sept. 137. S Rail Road Office,? Wilmington, May 16, 1837. J URSUAN T to an order of Ihe Board of Directors, the Stockholders of the F WILMINGTON AND RALEIGH Mail Bond i ompnny, Will be calred on for the following instal ments, viz: $5 per share, to be paid on or before , ihe lt July next, $, 1st October, 10, ' 15th December, James Owen, FresH. Roanoke Trade. -::-GASTOX, Wi April, 1837. THE uuder.sis ncd respectiiilt v in forms the. Piantei and Meichants of N'c th Carolina aud Virginia, and Ihe public generally, that the Greensville and llounoke HAIL ROAD Is now completed, and ia successful ope ration, aud that he has located himself at (iasion, the tei miuatiou of said Road, for ihe purpose of tiansaciing A Commission, receiving and forwarding business; And is now prepared fo give attention lo all consignments. The undersigned, in commencing business at Gaston, was un der the i in pre s-ion that the shippers of Produce, and receivers of Goods, both of the country and town of Petersburg, would find it convenient and advantageous to have a regular correspondent and disin terested agent to attend lo thfir various interests, and especially to the order and condition in which boatmen and wagoners receive and deliver ttx ir cargoes at Gas ton, from and to the Rail Road Company, and particularly in procuring boats and wagons, lor tue immediate dispatch of merchaud.ze, tec. to its j.lace of destina tion. Under this belief he oilers bis ser vices to the public, promising to devote his h time and services to their best, interests, and assuring tliem that he will discharge Ihe trust which may be reposed in him, with care and fid lity. Ti e umlt r'igned, in offering bis services to Ihe public, bgs leave to inform th'in that he has, for the bist two or three years, devoted his lime in an extrusive ship bro kerage and commission bu-'mess in ihe town of Petersburg, and il titers himself, that the knowledge there obtained in this branch of business, will enable him- lo give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their business His charges will be very moderate: merely sufficient to pay for ihe time these duties will require at his hands. SAME. IF, PUG II. Rales 0 charges on some of the most promi- 4 nent articles: Tobacco, merchandise, Sic. per hhd. 25 els Cotton, per bale, 25 do Merchandise, per peck, lu do Floor, per barrel, 0 do Manufacl'd tobacco, per box li keg, 6 do Salt, per sack, 6 do REFERENCES. Petersburg. Chas. F. Osborne, Presi dent Petersburg Rail Road Company, Messrs. Rowlett. Roper &. Noble, L. E. Staiuback, Son Si Co. Pannill &. Lea, James .M. McCulIoeh & Co. nn, Mcll vvaine &i Brownley. Hurt, Paiterson L Wills, Holderby k McPheiers. Gaston. XV. W. Wilkins, E-q. Mecklenburg Dr.- L'ignal Jones. Clarlksrilte, Va. Messrs, A. W. Venable k. Co. J. L. Iliomas, Esq. Milton. N. C. Waikins & Farley, George W. Johnson &i Co. - Danville, lra.- Geo. White, T. D- Neal State of North Carolina, MARTIN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, ' 3VLT TKR..M, 1S37. Henry Peal s. Alfachmejit. William Peal, ) ; Jonathan Ward summoned a3 garnishee. IT appearing to the satisfaction at the Court, that the defendant is not a re sident of this Slate: U U ordered, that publication be made for six weeks in the larboro' Press, for the defendant jo ap pear, at the next tsrm of ibis Court, and replevy, or plead, or judgment will be rendered against him. . itness, Joseph O. Biggs, Clerk of our said Court at WiHWrrsioi, the second Monday of July, 1837. JOS. I). BIGGS, Clk. Price adv 52 50. ' i V Sheriffs and Constables blanks for sae, AT Till OFFICE. War Dcpnrtmta rmilE follow",,,,. r:,-.i.. 16u. JL dressf rf to ihe Pension A the Second Comptroller ot the f'' is published for ih if0, sin-rs, and those who may ac( P attorneys, in drHuh..r m, . alt them. ' S"l James L Edward, I commissioner oj ten CIRCULAR. Treasury Depnrtm Second Comptroller's Of!' fice, September 15.35 j The Agent for paying Pens-msil Siw! In tinier to niiIt, , . 'iiraincl :a rnnnlillr,.! of f, I ' "&" - 1 ' "iui, as ,,r. 101c pKiLiiseo u in prcniuclmn of f ppers, the first three following BdW rules will be observed In ii- r .1 t "lu"iv employs an attorney to receive d sion, the execution of the pon 1 nnii( j 11 me Jie?cotc if ill t;ast Ollt; uiw other than the magistrate brfore m, is aikuow b dgtd. .No paviurnt ( a. j tomey will be allowed ui.ltss siijijmiy ; a voucner inns executeu. ? 2. In all case w here the sir,a,.r, . Ihe pensioner or I. is attorney is itlW, such pensioner or attorney will Vriei name at length, if capable of s otherwise, his signature may he ,v or cross, it, which case the esicui: be in ihe -present e ui hi ,Vast 1,,,,. tl)1)f tent witness, other than the justice or tary who ads officially in die c;ie. 3. No payniinls will in future he ni' lo any pensioner, either in person oil attorney, ho has not applied for hispt, k)ii for more than one er, w'uhuwii production of evidence of his ideniiiu ptesciibed in the instructions liois -ollice of June 10, 1833, clnqi'ter 1, ltd 2, and form B, nor until such evij has been transmitted to the Coinmistioik of Pensions, and a special direction 1. thorizing the payment has been given. 4- In case where a certificate lias tw isuru uy me ommissixer ol i mm. lo the widow or children of an officer soldier finder Ihe act of .Fine 7, 13J, under the act of May lo, 162S, no profo the relationship of the applicant 10 the 4 ceafd officer or soldier is to he requin by Ihe pension agent, that p:-mf hat.i been necessarily filed in the tiflkt&i'iii Commsioiier of l'ciiioiis rior to the is- suing ol such certificate. Respectfully, Sir, Your obedient servant, (Signed.) Albion K. Farm, Jan. 24. Comptroller. To lake effect from the 4th March 163' VERY BEST Cotton Yarn. ami Tic'm FOlt SALE. THE Subscribers feel grateful fn: liberal patronage which tlieyreceiif the past year, and hope by asiiiuilf ' punctuality in busine.-s to merit a coi.liut ance of pa.;t lnvors. They now have and expect to keep cce staiitly t,n hand, the Very best Cotton Yam. From Nos." 2 to IS inclusive. Aliavaw sizes of the heit Cotton Seine Twine. Its durability and strength has hefn fi'r: tested, and t . Subscriber fcrlr.oW tiou-in ni onouncin" it infeii'r to tinne. not superior to anv in market. B(,,u' above articles iIkv expect fo tlt-I.Tert-purchasers on as liberal term as arU'( of Ihe same quality can be ,i ucuied ii where. Ihe usual charge forcoimv" will be mnil. 7'erMt of Sa-lefar nil mi ntiii- sof U ivr rone thousand pounds. f r""t'l,m lit will be allowed for any nuantit und one thousand pound, three 1.1 mil's. purchaser giving note (without interesn the time the Yarn is delivered, pavalle Ihe above slated limes. The proprietors of fisheries illJf to apply to the Sub-.ciib. rs lor the future, as a very liberal aeon given- BA TTLE 4- BHOTIlEh Falls Tar River, Jn 10, IS J7. JllIlS! Cotton Gins. . . . fr: r n 1 tih. subscriber has Te,"",: , mJi JL Tarborough.ande'i.l)!ie.ll'i'" f. w me uaieifcii roao neai , . Knight, 011 Cokey, where he conti"ue The making and repuiwh Cotton Gins. All those who wish to supply the!L- with Gins of the best qualii.V, fully solicited to api'ly to e ". ; . ,-,r persoiiHiiy, or uy irm-i. - pmso'' Gins will be promptly executed. II . I I II'" 1 01 order writ eespai - eC:iirt Persons wishing to have w0''1' V, Will Fll64 pav their orders l Of J. C. Ki!gll K?q o a ,1 r rrv r. n. r a j February 6th. 1S37. Jotea'oflialuX'and blanks, for AT THIS OFFICE-

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