Whole JVo. 077 Tarborongh,.(Edgedomhe Connly,Jf. C.J Saturday, Vci.oher 14, 1837. Vol. XIII JVo. 41 I 7e " Tarborough Press," BV GEORGE HOWARD, t t nhlish.J weekly at Tiro Dollars and . . . ....... ;r na'nl in :i Ivmirr I Mil Cents per re-., I - - - TAree Dollar at Hie expiration of the ,ri)ii'" vear. For any period le is" a vear. Twenty fine Ctnh per mouth ch cribcrs are liberty to discontinue K ,nr time, on siring notice thereof and 8 in arrears those residing at a !U invariably pay in advance, or 'ea responsible reference in this vicinity . I8' Advertisements not exceeding 16 lines ! . .h (or a square) will be inserted at 'III cents the first insertion and 25 cts. each i rnntinuance. Longer ones at that rate ifnr every square. Advertisements must I marked the number of insertions requi- j or they will be continued until other Ve ordered, and charced accordingly. Letter' addressed to the Editor must le i post paid. r lhev mav not be Rtte,,ure1 lo- isccllaiteous. t FAME To die and leave behind Nought of surviving fame, :0f the divine, creating mind j 'o trace, no single name; To know no deed, no word, j Our memory to restore, 1 But that when gone, there shall be j heard J Of us no mention more. pjy, mock not that thou hear'st me ! ' sigh; 1 My friend! this is indeed to die. i But to live on and on, S Among the great, the good, Eternal station to have won 'Mid that high brotherhood! Deep in the hearts of men, Enshrin'd to be; i To shine a beacon to the ken 5 Of far posterity; I Who would not days for ages give? j Who would not die such life to live? j What idle words are theirs, j Who bid us bound our powers J To passing pleasures, present cares, I Brief as the fleeting hours? iSa deemed not they, I ween, The great of other days, Whose brows still wear the living 1 green j Whose lamps still brightly blaze; a Sd deemed not they who struck the j lyre With Milton's truth, with Homer's I fire. j No! from a fount divine j These restless longings come j This hope in honor'd light to shine j Above the cold, dark tomb; ;0!i! when from life I part, i Let me not wholly die; j Still with sweet song to charm the heart, j Or rise with musings high; Still Jive in the remetnber'd line ,0!i! might this glorious meed be mine! j THE BRIDAL EVE. j A tale of Boston in olden times. In a retired avenue in the rear of Washington street, and near jtfie ever lo be remembered "Old jbouih," stands a venerable pile, (Surmounted by the uncouth figure Jof a grim son of the forest, yet j known as the Province house. jTlie building was once the gay Jiead quarters of the commander jm chief of England's "colonial jiroops. Yes, lhat antique relic'of uvparteo age where now the Du ty and important 'clt resorts to fl,joy his Havana, and recruit his temporal man with life's luxuries, was"m olden times the proud court f a King's military ambassador. Some six months after the inci dents preceding, were seated round a table in this mansion a few gay juangoijjcers of the English ar-n,y- Mirth and hilarity seemed tu reign triumphant. , Among the llUrmber not the least conspicuous, sLord B ; and if the 'human jd divine' be an index to the ,learl le would have been the happiest of the group. Lord of B , said young ol. G t a conceited and good, JUfnored officer, 'what a lucky Jjeareyou! And then the mor ' 'cation and envy you liave cau 4ed a score of others by your pod fortune. Pon honor, 1 was -Won the point of attempting an "alt on her myself. A lovely le and, what i better, a plum 7 of settle ment on your mar-l,Se--a fine prospect for a king's officer in this cursed Yankee land. I wish to heaven there was anoth er wealthy and beautiful loya! nymph hereabouts. 1 would make her happy as I live, for we have nothing else to lay siege to at pre sent.' A rout of merriment fol lowed the colonel's confident speech. 'My gallant colonel,' said a more grave major, 'I fear you will never succeed in your feminine sieges. You always get the lucre foremost in the articles of war. Believe me you will never gain a damsel's heart by courting the daddy's breeches pocket.' 'Don't be too hard, my good major; my mind wanders to that which is most needful. These Yankee sharpers can drain British purses, even though they excel in nothing. But let us drop this, anu drink to t;,e health of the fair Miss H. and our good Lord Ar thur, not forgetting the approach ing festivity, which thank heaven, will be one bright spxu in our dark career.' We leave this merry company, and return to the quarters of Lord l . beatd on a couch in his apartment is the youthfu mes- senger, Eugene. But how chan ged since the eventful night of his arrival. t lew months of deep corrodinjr ancruisJi had made fearful contrast in his fair form. The iollv short curlinr hair is 2 - thrown aside, and from the fair brow flow luxuriant locks of beau tifully tinged auburn. The Hash ing, fearful eyes, the flushed cheeks, the firmly closed lips, and heaving bosom, reveal to the rea der the ardent, devoted Lady Ju lia. Near at hand stands, regar ding her witii icspectful look, the valet Ralph., After a long and agonizing indulgence in her woe, the lady raised her head and spoke. 'For this painful confir mation of my suspicions I thank thee, my kind Ralph. Now that his falsehood is truly unmasked now that I feel that he has filled my cup of bitterness to the brim I will witness with my own eyes these blasting events lo my young hopes. O, Ralph, what have 1 not sacrificed for this man? this' base hearted monster! Have 1 not suffered exile from my native land, and passed even the bounds of. my sex to behold his smile to breathe the air that is charmed by his presence? Have 1 not sac rificed home, friends, comfort, perhaps my own proud name, for this false wretch?' 'True, madam. But cannot your feigned report of loss of for tune, and your great distance the long period since his leaving England be some atonement for master's untruth?' 'No, Ralph, this will not atone for wrongs like mine. ' It is but a foolish romantic whim of mine, to witness its e fleet on him; for this I bore to him my own lejlers and oh! the love and. devotion he showered on my thirsfy spirit on that night of our meeting. Little knew he who listened and feasted on his every word. FJad the fond delusion of that excited night continued unbroken for one short week, how eladlv would I have thrown off all disguise, and sur rendered myself, my fortune, and my whole soul to him! But to be thus cast off, slighted, and forgot ten! Shall the last of ray proud aud ancient line be thrown aside by him who once thought, lived, and breathed but in my presence, and all this for an acquaintance ol an hour? No, Ralph, I have fed upon his bounty like a dog, and of lale his very brute nas nap more smiles and' kind looks than the neglected and despised Eugene. But 1 have passed the bound ol maiden honor from shame and an insulted spirit there is no re treat. There yel remains revenge! Revenge, sucluas woman's heari can only dream! My kind Ralph, j.u ave oeen faithful to mebe silent yet, and leave me. Another flood of scalding tears burst from her wild and flashing -v-, au Mie Dent her aching ,,wu upuu me couch m silent ago ny. Bright and joyous was the fes tal scene on the night destined for the marriage of Lord Arthur B and the lovely Miss H . Her latner s mansion was filled with fair ladies and gay officers of the king, and the bright lamp shone oer oeautiiul women and brave men. Sweet music filled the hall, and proud figures clad in scarlet and in gold, blended with those of virgin whiteness, flitted thro' the mazy figures of the giddy dance. ah present appeared joyful and "gut nearied, save one. In the deep recess of a window stood a I M f - A f pale boy. An unnatural bright ness beamed from his dark eyes, and he seemed not to note the gaiety before him. The gushing melody that floated through the brilliant apartment, and the ring ing laugh of youth, fell not in gladness on his ear. There was no room for the joys within the bursting heart of that lone boy. The hour "for the ceremony drew near, but where are the hap py beings for whom this festive cincle is gathered? In a secluded arbor in the garden, sal a youthful couple, conversing in a low confi dential tone; and how many bliss ful dreams of the future, and what high aud happy hopes urged their delusive visions on the minds of that young pair. They are a waited for at ihe altar. The aged father of the young bride ap proaches the pale Eugene. 'Tell thy master that the hour is at hand,' The boy started like one awakened from a dream he look ed round with a wild amazement, then answered in a hoarse unearth ly tone," 'I will.' The agony expressed in those brief words rang strangely on the happy group around. The boy had vanished. Suddenly a shriek rang thro' ihe mansion that blanched the blood from many a lovely cheek. All rushed to the arbor. The oung nobleman lay stretched up on the earth ihe life's blood gushed from his heart, tinged with yet deeper shade his crimson at f ire. Sinking by his side was ihe slight figure of a youth, his open garment revealing the white bo som of a female, with the undrawn dagger 37et flashing within the faintly throbbing heart. With the last exertion of fleeting life she exclaimed, 'This is my re venge! This the fearful price of a blighted name of woman's wrong!' , The bodies of; those victims of broken truth were borne to their far distant native land. The fair Emma H has long since been laid in the family vault of ancient 'Copp's.' All has since changed save the certainty that mankind are , prone to falsehood; and that vows like bubbles, are easily bro ken as made. Fatal Rashness! We perceive that a Massachusetts editor has just got married!! He is crazy uri- less his wile has an appetite to live on old exchange papers. OA to Rep. True Politeness. 'I have met with many polite men in my life,' said Col. Crockett, 'but no one who possessed in a greater degree what may be called true sponta neous politeness, than this Ca manche Chief, always excepting Philip Hone, Esq. of New York whom I look upon as the politest man I ever did see, for when he asked me to take a drink at his own sideboard, he turned his back upon me, lhat I might not be a shamed to fill as muchjts 1 want ed. That was what I call doing ihe fair thiug.' G7We notice with great plea- sure tne improvements in agricul ture, and especially by the intro duction of the best seeds. Far mer Baden has done much for ihe country; by twenty-four, years' perseverance, he has obtained a kind of prolific corn, which almost exceeds belief. On some stalks have been found ten good ears. What might be effected for agri culture by similar efforts applied to other grain? Globe. Large Corn. We saw in Gen. Wall's garden, a day or two since, a specimen of corn which exceeds any thing which we remember to have before seen or read of. The highest stalk which we-noticed, and which did not greatly exceed in height those which grew in a dozen or twenty hills beside it, was about fifteen feet. Some of the stocks also made a show of seven ears; quite a number of ihem had four large, well-formed ears of corn upon them. The seed of this corn, fipnpral Wall informs us, was procured of inr. Ellsworth, ol the Patent Of fice, at Washington. It was fur nished by Mr. fcaden. of Marv- land, who has been for a series of years making experiments to im prove the quality of corn, by se lecting the best seed, from year lo year, for planting. Judging from the specimen which we have refer red lo, a very great improvement has evidently been made. JJlr. fcJIsworth has distributed the seed of this corn in different parts of the country, in order that il may be generally introduced. That which Gen. Wall has raised this season, we understand it is his purpose to distribute iu this vicinity for next year's planting. Burlington (V. J.) Gar. Animal Magnetism. Col. W. L. Stone, of ihe N. Y. Commer- cial Advertiser, appears to have become a believer in the mysteries of animal magnetism. Il is said lhat Dr. Wayland, ihe President of Brown University, Samuel H. Jenks, Esq. editor of ihe Nantuc ket Inquirer, and other ni ominent men, have also become couverts to this new science. (fazette. Electro-Magnetism. The Em peror of Russia has appointed a commission lo make experiments upon a grand scale, on the appli cation of this newly discovered power to machines in general, and to the propulsion of ships. The nrnppss is to he thnt rprnmmpiirl- ed by M. Jacobi, Professor in the ding ihe Syuod of Ulica, Genes University of Dorpal. We Inve see, Geneva, and the Western Re- received a letter from Milan, ' serve, and the 3d Presbytery of which states that Professor Del , Philadelphia, are irregular, ille Negro, of Padua, has, after many j gal, null, and void, and that the years of experiments, succeeded j exscinded bodies are still compo; iu applying ibis power to locorno-1 ent parts of the Presbyterian lives. It is aslonishintr with whal church. These opinions are pub- mushroom hasle these new pre- j tenders, since our American Da venport announced his great dis covery, have sprung up on both sides the Atlantic. It has always been and always will be so. JY. Y. Star. J'ew Propelling power. -We mentioned, sometime since, that Dr. Corbin, of Piltsburg, had in vented something to supplant, as he supposed, almost every oilier propelling power. By the exer tion of 40. pounds, by means of the pendulum and hydrostatics, it produces a power of 400 lbs. which in its turn can produce 4000 pounds, he. ad infinitum. The inventor claims to have made the discovery of. an entire new principle in mechanism. An ap plication is lo be made in the course of a few days, when the in vention will be fully tested. He has obtained a patent for it. Phila. Ledger. Swifter yet. A man in Liver pool advertises, a new plan for a be CThe equestrian feat of Mr. Grant, a riding master at Phila delphia, is considered almost un precedenied 2SS miles in 24 suc cessive hours. ii is saiu, mat Mr. Urant has undertaken to ride 300 miles in 24 hours. ib. The Giant and his Club. Por ter, the Kentucky giant, probably the tallest man living, being seven feet seven inches without his shoes, is coming to our eastern cities, says Ihe Louisville Journal, and hence goes to London, to show the people of Europe if the Abbe uaynal and others were correct in saying that the human and vege table race degenerated in this country. He will take with him another specimen of Kentucky growth a block, six feet high, of Ihe celebrated Salt River syca more tree, measuring seventy feel in circumference! He ought to go mounted, also, on a living mammoth, as a specimen of our quadrupeds. Globet Matricide. A young man by ihe name of Robert Vance, ol Eckhart county, Ind. shot his own mother on the 4lh ult. without the least provocation. Riot and loss of life in Canada. A riot resulting in ihe immediate deaih of two persons, (negroes,) and the wounding, one supposed mortally, of three others, occur red at Niagara, U. C. on Satur day morning last. The circum stances are, lhat a slave in Ken tucky stole his master's horse and fled lo Canada. . On the applica tion of the Governor of Kentucky to the Canada authorities, the man was arrested and put in jail as a felon. About 400 negroes as sembled at Niagara to resist the removal of their sable brother. On the sheriff proceeding lo hand I over the latter to ihe persons from I the American side authorised in j receive him, ihe negroes attacked ihe posse and were fired on, which resulted as above. A'. Y. Star. (ETGeorge Wood, Esq. of New York, Samuel L. Hopkiqs,, Esq. of Geneva, and Chancellor Kent, of New York, have each given a written opinion lhat the proceed ings of the General Assembly of ihe Presbyterian church exscm lished at length in the New York Observer of Saturday last. Damages against a bad road. In the Supreme Court held al Springfield, Mass. last week, Mr. A. H annum recovered $2,400 damages against the town of Bel chertown, for injuries to his wife an5. infant, occasioned by the up setting of a wagon, through a de fect in one of the town roads. The wife had her le'g dislocated and badly broken, and she was otherwise much injured, and (sup posed) rendered a cripple for life. The child was but slightly hurt. Defalcatipn.--We are sorry to learn, says the N. Y. Journal of Commerce, that a defalcation to ihe amount of $18,000, lias come to light in the accounts of Mr. J. P. Burnham, cashier of the branch of the United States Bank at Hartford, and until now having charge of the business there. He has property to meet a part, but something will remain to be met by his booismeu. .The -deficient rail road, by which cars will driven 130 miles an hour. A. Y. Star. money is said to have been lost in lottery tickets. Extraordinary Surgical opera tion by Dr. Scudder. There was performed in our village, last week, a very curious and novel operation on ihe Eye, being noth ing more nor less than ihe instan taneous cure of Squinting, or 'Strabisnius,' as' it is properly call ed. The patient, a joung lady from South Carolina, came from Saratoga to this place to meet Dr. Scudder, and so perfect was the operation, and so little the in convenience, lhat she returned with her parents lo Saratoga iii the evening train of cars. The operation was performed by cul ling some of ihe fibres of ihe mus cle which held the eye obliquely, the consequence was, that the op posite muscle immediately bro't ihe eye iu its proper line of vision, aud the unpleasant deformity of squinting was instantaneously re moved. Ballston Spa Gaz. GTA young man at Cambray, last week, nul a five franc piece into his mouth, when. beinK seized with a fil of coughing, il passed in to his windpipe. Ihe patient was reduced to the last gasp, when the surgeon resolved to make an incision between ihe' two carotid arteries, by which means the piece was extracled, having reached as far as the sternum. Texas. Mr. Philips presented a petition (in Concress 1 from Lynn, signed bv 1400 women from Sindy Bay, of 35 women; from Haverhill, 465 women; Rea ding, 265; Byefield, 52 women, and Rowlev 41 women, all re monstrating against admitting Texas in :he Union. We presume these women are all too old to go to Texas and a market. Mr. Channing has really raised a breeze among the old women by his work of fiction, fuss and fudge about Texas. AV Y. Star. ff?The Mammoih Cake at ihe Boston Fair (made by Bowditch) contains fifty-six dozen of eggs think of lhat, my masters! eighty pounds of currants, ninety pounds of sugar, ninety pounds of flour, seventy-eight pounds of citron. fifty pounds ol frosting, fifty-six pounds of butler, four pounds of spice in all, Five Hundred Pounds. What a cake! ib. Romantic a Boy kidnapped by a Girl. Lydia Y. Young, aged 15, falling in love at Philadelphia with Master Squire, of a similar age; ran away with her enamoured swain, but was soon after captur ed and brought up with her prize Jo the police. The boy at first pretended he had been forcibly carried off by the young heroine, but her story was quite different.. CTThe Sunday School , Jour nal says; A private letter from a missionary in Jerusalem mentions that a number of American and English people are now in the Holy Land, wailing for the sec ond advent, having been much en couraged by the earthquake of the first of January. ' Spontaneous Combustion in Barns. It is supposed, by the Baltimore Transcript, from a re cent instance in that city, that the frequency of fires in barns arises from the spontaneous' combustion of deposite's of manure. Fleas.-Take a few branches of pennyroyal, and hang them up in a 'room, lay them on or near the bed, or carry a few sprigs in ihe pocket, and the flea will never make its appearance. Whooping Cough.- a plaster of Gum Galbanum applied to the chest, will cure this i complaint, ,

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