gcpt. The following items cou sin te uuh' uews oi "lleet M'e diit-over. Spain. Don Carlos, by ac ittuHlsio Set.2l, has retreated ton) before Madrid and llie c;tpi- ,, is aiTUiii U'el. Ii is lljoula fcspaiitrro, wiiliJOran it) pursuit ol i,m tvill auaia ulluw hiui to ts- i-ape. Liverpool Cotton Market, Sept Tlie demand lias very ui.i- ,M-ial'y I'allet: olf, our market lias j;ei) diill, and prices general!. I Ji;lrt declined 1 -8d to id per lb. Sqit r29 There lias been a great falling ofl in the demand niice our last, and consequently, a ury iiKiclive market, which Ims enabled the liw buyers, who Imve alieiided, to inal.e selection of qualify and at easier prices, those ul kiiUvuek being barely support ed. Washington Market, Oct. 31. Torpentiiie, new dip, 2 40; Old $2 00. Tar,$l 50. ll li 'if. Petersburg Market, Oct. fJ I . Cotton Coining in more fedv, and in demand from 7 to 1UJ a as. Int. DIED, At the residence of Mrs. Tomp liiis, in this county, on S;tnrday bit, .Mrs. barah nines, wife of Mr Peter R. Il'nes, and daughter ol'Mr E. i. M;icnair. ''l THE JRACES "OVER THE GREENWOOD, Scotland JS!eck9 Course, 1VILL COMMENCE on Tuesday, If tlie 7th November, and continue 1 UK DAYS: First Day, SwpMake for three year old Colts 1 fillies, two mile beats, $ U0 entrance, -lf Inrfeil, two or more to make a race I'Cl-.ie the G h Nov. Second Bay. Onc-li.ilf of Uie Xot-key Club Ture, mile heats, $ 13 rut? ance. Third IJav, Bnlnnce of Jockey Club Purse, $200, :JiiiiIt: heats, entrance Four Hi Day, Proprietor's Purse, 5I0O, with t!i ad iiiion f new subscribers from this date, mile het, best 3 in 5, 5 10 entrance. Uriie Course is in line order. Good Milt s an J litter furnished Race Horses 'the Proprietor pledges bimseli lul nnthing st.all be left undone on his NH give satisfaction lo those who may Htronize him 011 tliis bis first appearance -i' the Turf. T. R. NICIIOLLS, JWr. Ociaber 17, g;i7. THE RACES (iw the Tarboro' 'Course W'-L COMMENCE on the third . f Iuesilay in November. :md e.oo- iiF0UU DAYS: First Day. - f Swrppsiai for three years old, "'' lioais. glto entrance, 50 foieit "'Otainne open until the '2nd Monday in ' 'mber. Persons wtshin? o enter, maKe '"'"I'liftur. it known by uddres.ing the Second Day. ((rt,of".-,(ckey Club I'urse. two mile Lfc'r ' 3JV,50 entiance, .12 for subscri S'i for non-subscribers. Third Day. Jnnce of Jochey Club Purse, three Cnb,rd,S' tl em ranee, 20 for sub cr and for non subscribers. : Fourth Dan fite-n y Csf' ,nile heats, best three in S'OwiyV0 W "ia,It UP H ,,e elraiice '"iice iin ,w,Jckey Club days-en- t JU, to be added to the purse. Na,i , be subject "to ihe i, 7,uc'on. J Sa,l,'cssed the Proprietor 1 bc !st paid. ' On . Foxhall, Proprietor. u,,0rf,!, ito7 1 tFThe r is ,kHer n ,C,M,U'B Constellation, Nor- ,h ":: v nun ivarrenton Reporter will -f.r,. , :L' ", e imf ('ice a week) "acc 1 " thisoflice lor collection Race Ball. ;VaRt Mr,'oA:',, ''ARTY will be given He L, ' ,,e"de-' Assembly Room, S,',a,.;'',,,nes of ,he thir.l 4,1 fourth :i.jii'V v """'i' hoio- Course, the 'Kl. i . !..C0"f"hcr nex'. Land for Sale. T HE Subscribe.- k.: i . ,.. ' : ' eirous to nove Mjutniisbtirg, he Wnrlt r i About 1400 Acres, Of iHiirli about 200 it-wit a. 1 1 . . ' acres are cleared, and iohi.&c On Hie premises, ate V comfortable. Dwell inn Ion And necessary outhouses, togcil.er will, a apple Orchard, &c. Term, wi "ul- acc..,,..iii,.?. For .further parti cub.M apply it. the sub criber. Juhio 7V.W. September I t. 1S37- 37 F. Inve Mim day established our Selves in this tibice i.ii ii, r. ..-..... f 1 1 ausacung COMMISSION BUSINESS. We r-,,.rclfwlly liud. r otir service 10 our i luei.ds and II. e jMildic in grnfral ns such, i Mcssr. M & T Firm 1 1 Oi HALIFAX, N. C. Aiennr Aaeiiu. I.., vil u ti.,. pHV J sinct Mttcniion to ail " i 'EDUCES t hat may be left in their charge. Rut a (e weeks m.re (lie Bridgt; ners Ibe Ro. Jinoke nl Wvldoii will be e.inideleil, wli-n ho Cars will run Ihro' to II diiax, X. C. W. Harris & Co. Norfolk, Vi. Sep', t, 18.7. Female Jlcadcmy. HUE Hxercises f.f the Tarboro' le L male Armlfinv will be ip-iin...ii M"iiday,lhe2ddayi.fOct diei next, under I ' eoutiniied sup linlendenre of Mj?s .1. ' .V. Hagsriulc. September 27, 1S37. Valuable Land FOR SALE. ILL IH: St)M. at mivaie sale sometime in the laM of .lannarv next, ouej lantatiou ol value, having on it Jl good Mill and Gin, CONTAINING About 400 A t res ... . . . . j 1 Said Tract of Land is situate in Edge combe county, N. ('. and is die l ce whereon names Daniel died, ami tvhith is now owned by his orphan-. One of the uudeiinpd wi'l be ii the settlement if j .-aid plautatioo at the tiiiM- a'tove specified, j when any gentlem t 1 cm have the oppor tunity of purchasing. One of ih orphans j is of age ai d will in ike 'iile the nth. rs J are not of age, and ill si e as good boe J j lor I iie pi i lorniKiice the contract as can t e bad in Georgia and Alabama. " JAMES SIMMONS, JJIMES ASKEW. EJZ II IK1SIEL, Sep. 17, l-:57. Bacon and Ltard FOR SALIC. HE subscriber has for sab; a large quantity of prime BACON AND LARD. Which be will dispose -f 011 reasonable term". He has deposited some for sale at the store of Messrs. . Austiu Sun, in the lowu of Tarborougli. John Daniel Sept. 14, 1837. Entertainment, As usual, at the well known JlcUade Stand, EDGECOMBE COUNTY, N. C. 1T miles above Tarborougli 51 lielow R-ieigi.. irice trtli August, 1837. JYoticc. IIOR SALE, al TarUoro', the fo!of ' in- works, by Jas. Osbourn. Old School Sonnets, price Present Dark and Sickly Slate of the Church of Christ, Fac Simile, or the Religion of New England portrayed, Tidings of Joy from the Hill n f inn. 50 cents. 25 cenls. 12q cents. 75 cenls. AUo, The Bondage of the Will, (trans lated) by Marlin Liither, 1 (North Carolina or northern money only can be received in payment ) Apply to 4 July, 1637. CoffieUl King. Constables' Blanks for sale AT THIS OFFICE. - i . . . . . i! Joarf JVoi ICC. Jl ciai.v . 'U3 NMl,f andespe. "-'Kb iv.-i.i..-,;: .! glon and Baltimore, or io informed. 11,'.. , ,VV ,c L?'!"""" ik. vi. .:i v'r i-ansjwiin i-i.iii .inn rasspuuore r-... -r..i linios r. 1. 7 '& iv uiree " " rrrv . riilllli.i.r ... .... ... t31CI n Lille Of Stmrpo ami St.Mnu,,. ani for () b1::;:: !,,eP Kv ,,,,n,u ' - "V111"' R'.rrivis by ,l,is Lint-at o.f 3 o tlbck in the eveni,,.;. Passengers nlto take the tVilmhtglon and Halifax Line, 'ri!,1'""?l 'lif Mail Train of Cars. leave bt.i ,I,ree ''"" s a week, vet almost every day an K,,S'" rain by which Pause,,'. ! per eau be conveyed; leaves B'akelv and 1 ariive at the iniiction uiib tii r:.', mii.I Hnnnoke Itoad in goo.l iime ,f l 'he Pailv Kxpi. ss Mail Lint ior 1 i.i- 01 hi, winch com.e. ts n Petersburg uilli all Hie fast Nin thrrn Lines of Rail Knad, sleamboats or slaves. Okfice PKTKKEruG livn. Road Co. ? I liii Aug. 18 i7. Joti cc. TVOUniF.RN AM) SOUTflERN Trn--L wdleig will fi.. go.l accoinmodali .i and j.iomj.t attenlion a the ttL.'u'ly Hold, A,,1, l1 ' lepeclfully invited to call a"', .i,,,l.e '' liemelves; the undersin- . ett p, edges hiunelf to do his best to please and cive satisfaction to (ljose wbo may ! luvor him iib Ib.-ij- custom. I The C ARS of the " I Velersbnrg Hail Koctd, f.eavr tin almost every day and regular ly on Mondays, eJix-Mia v s and Fridays in time to connect with the Caiswliidi j curry tlie threat and Kxpress MatU, and the pubi.e 11. av le assured eveiv tbiujj shall hr done for their com tot t and ac coiumo.lation, which it is in the power of the nudi rsigned lo do. J as. ir. K Units Blakely Depot, Noi tiiampton, N C, Hih A-is. It37. Dunn, JWlhoaine 13 row nicy I Is e now on haii'l hi l 1 a very extensive tii.d -sorted Slock oj Groceries, Yb;'cb inclutb-s, with other articles, a l-ws:e supply of Cotton ggtHf, Bale Hope, Twine, Sate and Upper Leallur, al! laid in uifer tin: most favorable circum-laiices, iiinl which they are disposed to sell on 1 1 ason.tblc lei in-. They w ill continue to lieceive on Consignment $' Sell, COTTON, TO B. I CCO, And other Produce, on their uual terms, at.d wiil, as heietolore, give the strictest atti-miou to all buiiiss cor.iidcd t.i their management. Petersburg, IC;b Vitg. lS-'7. Lost or.MishiicI, THREE Notes of Hand one vs. J.dni Lawrence, Sr. of Cnnetoe, for dated in I83, anl bearing iutere-t from 1st Jan. 1837. One do. vs. Joshua Daf fln, for bont $27, dated in May Court las', with interest from t': dale. One vs. William T. Lllim.r, for $25, dated be ginning of June Jpst, with interest from date, for money lent, as expressed in the note. These notes are all made payable lo the sub-criber. All pt-rsons are fore warned trading for the same. James FAlinor. October 16, 1837. Notice. E have of late had a new elemen tary woik introduced among us and into our schools, entitled the Deacon Spelling Dooh Which we fi'd fmm experience, lo be far superior to any thing of the kind ever of fered to the public. It is generally be lieved witli u, that, children will learn twice as fast, i'rom Ihe study of thai work, aslhey will from any other spelling book vtbalevei; for which reason parents amF teachers are advised, to use the Beacon Spelling Book, for the eaily advancement of Ihe rising generation. Aver a Walton. Sept. 30, 1837. Sheriff's and Constables - blanks for sale, AT TIIH OFFICE. If n if I 'JYoticc. riHUF. subscriber wishes to inf.rni bis 7,nT" ' public generally, that he has jum received Iron, New York His Fall supply of Which added lo bis former sto, k makes it very compb te. Hft invites ll n,.w. nt to purchase Fine and cheap Goods. In his ie, to eive him 0 k r..i. conlident that be can nlpiw..' 1 q .al.ty and price. ' " tSJGentlemen flirnSiliinir !..: cloth can have it made and oimmed in t,e best manner and at the shortest notice. Henry Johnston. TarborV Oct. 4th, 18:17. JXoticc. HAVING positively decided on remo vins; from Tarboro' on the 1st J.,p. e respectfullv invite nil ,r f.;n.,.u 1... have unsettled jirru.n.ic ..r ...... .1 . . IH KM.I IMIIUII with us. to call and si nl., 11. A . .u,. arhest possible dav tl.eir rnnipnlnnr. will admit. our business ba l.. of staiidii.jr, and our uniform disposition to ccomiiiodatliir-tu our custom. rs. we hope will be a sufficient stimulus to iosure a punctual aeqtiiescenee i nnr iv.i..ci tliat we may be enabled to ciose our busi ness by May Court, (the lon-est lime we think of residing in Tarborougli.) This nppeal is made uin, a confident cxneclu Hon that all rnn'(riill ..;n ..nii .'. . - ! I 1 1 U. I V VI I rc as des red. Any claim on us will ,e n. omntlv naid niien pres-nied. We also oiler Any Gomls in our Store AT COST. Thf e stock is larce. varielv verv pialily MtpcSor, and bought In la per ceni iiii,,r prices gc.ierailv paid lor CJood lb.- last year. Heal Estate, Store house, wave houses, and Lot, Large and extensive, the most pleasantly located and arrai ged for business of aux in the place- indeed it is not inferior t. any in tlie State, for comfort and ex enled lnnc.intile operations. A Urge D7Viiting, And out bouses of all d-scrip'ions, p'ea sauily Joe. ted in good comiiiion '..r a larjio family or boarding bouse, lining rom 40 feet long with two LoU of Land attae.Iu-il. Tico Lais of Land, With a gin and screw bouse, a first rate iron sere, mid tkJ saw gin, with room to bold 100,000 lbs seed option, stud 50 bales when packed a large stable, granary, f-'dder loll, and carriage houses, work shop, &LC. not inferior lo anv in the State About 200 awes of Land, One and a half miles from loan rt conve nient piiib-ge for any resident in Tarboro. Also, a plantation on Fish ing Creek, 750 acw s, 15 miles a!ve T.-irboro. with a !ar-e and Cttinf 'i table dwelling house, ail nee-s.-.ry out bouses, laige garden well enclosed, grape vine, selected fruit trees, fcc. sur- ouuded by. a large and handsome strove, and as gtmd water as any below the mountains comprising one of t!ie haud soinest and heal hiest locations in litis part of the county. Th l welling'is in the pine woods, J miles from the Creek, or main pl.mlalion; on which is a good overseer's bouse, cotton b. use, neiro houses, &;c. wiib a large bai u a nd stabb s. and the best f J in yard in the county for raising man ure, all well enclosed cleared land Mifli ciont to m.ike fiOO barrels corn, 40 to 5(,O0t lbs seed cn:lnii small grain, pota toes, &o. &c. v.-l divided, wit h ood gates, fei.ces, Ilc- and vviil insure to the purcha ser as profit able investment as any farm in the county of the same extent. Anv person residing down lite country would find this one of the most healthy and delightful residences in the State. All or any of the above properly will be sold at a great sacrifice. ' R cV S D. COTTEN, S. I). COTTEN 8? SON Feo. 24, IS37. Coach, Douse, Landscape, and Ornamental -:. THE Subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Edgecombe county that he has located himself In Tarborougli, Where he is prepared to execute all orders in his lioe of business. Those wishing Gigs, sideboards, .sitting chair, fire screens and I lie like painted, will bring them lo the coach shop of Mr. Terrell. Ile will leave town and go into the cSun'ry.wheii house pairing is required. All onlers in his line of business will be thankfully received and faithfully executed on reasonable terms. Lewis de Arqjter. Tarboro' 26ih Feb 186. i gvbd' Assortment of Family Groceries, Col ten Bagging awl Dak Hope, FOR SALE BY Ar. M. Martin 8? Donnnn. Oid Street, Petersburg, l a. ETThry have taken a large & convenient lirv:k Warehouse, On the wharf for the Storage of Coitfn ent to their tare where if ill be en tirely sec ii re nS the bouse is unconnect ed wiilt any other building. -V M. M. D. October 23, 1837. NEW AND SPLENDID Millinery, ic. TMF. Subscriber is now opening her F all Supply ol Goods, which bavin? been selected with caie bv berelf out of I ilia I . . . 1 . j. ..c ...it-M iiupnriaiions. enaiiie ner conn denily to assure her fi tends and custoni- that thev cannot fail being pleased wjih them. Her assortment comprises ' A GREAT VARIETY OF t; ilks, Sttlws, Velvets, &c. Together with a laige quantity of staple j amnancy articles usually kept in Mi liue- ry establishments al. of which she will! j ell at very iow prices for cah, or on the ! i usual crulit to punctual customers. An ! j inspection of the Goods is i especially j in lieu. i : A C. Harvard, I Tarboro', Oct. 27, 1637. CARD. To the JLadies. TBI HE Subscriber is now opening JL' Cheap Cash Store, the follow i at he's New Goods, Which he respectfully solicits ihe Ladies io call and examine, (io wit:) Extra rich plain and figured Silks, Satins, and Poplins, A great variety of painted Muslins and Cambrics, of the most beautiful patterns both small and large, Elegant printed Bishop Lawns, some with silk slii-s, Small pattern Bells to niatch, Beautiful snvH pattern CIihIIvs, A splendid assortment of needle worked lace and muslin Capes and Collar-, the greatest bij-gains and richest Goods ev er offereJ, Dunstable, Beilin, Swiss mid .fancy straw ' rionnets, newest and mo-t U.-monabie shapes, in great variety, Cap borders with fl.iwers, a new article, Artificial sprigs for caps and wrcaihs for the hair, Bonnet!, cap and belt Ribbons, to suit ev ery taste, Very handsome belt Buckles Bracelets? Elegant assortment of lancy neck Shawls, Fonclitiis and embroidered lace Scarfs, entirely new, Ladies ami misses Corselt, of the most approved make, in great variety, A large assortment of Ladies and misses Parasols, of every size, quality &, style, Eklrn rich velvet and bead Bags", Lace gauze Veils, of every description, Hem stitcbM linen cambric Handkerchiefs Elastic head Bands. Chiuelle cord, Mohair Caps, Fans, hair Ringlets, Light kid and fancy silk Gloves, White, black, and fancy colored plain and emorei'ieren siik auu cotton tJOae, in j great variety, j Muslin Edgings and Inserlings, I Thread and bobbineti Laces, Edgings and j Insertiiigs, Plain ami figured Bolibinelt, An elegant assortment of Ladies and mis ses French, kid, satin, velvet, prunella, seal and morocco Slippers and Shoes, of the newest sty le and very best quality, most of which were made expressly to order, Slfltfll piec,s ,,PW s,y1' Calicoe' H V IV inong which are a great ma ny elegant patterns, from 10 lo 30 cents per yard, 50 pieces Ginghams, good and cheap, Plain, striped, and check'd Moslins for t di esses, from 25 cents and upwards, Corded Skirts, variou? qualities. The above with every other ariicle in THE FANCY AND STAPLE Dry Goods Line, Can be had in the greatest variety at Extraordinary low Prices, For Cash or on ihe usual credit, At the Chenp C.trli Siorc. JJJS. fVKDDELL Tarboro'. April 7, 1837- Corn Fans. AN eirellenl new Corn Fan, made by Mr. John Wilson, of Hamilton, can be had on reasonable and accommoda. iug terms, on application At this Office. Tarboro1, July 21. Printing neatly executed, AT THIS OFFICE. l amtMaanmijii n mm iiwrt NEW FIIOI HF. So! scribers bavin? purcbafcd the Stoi- bouse Lots, Goods. -.r.g and Mefcbamlize. ol Mi.t n air son Co. intend carrying on the tner- cai.inr o.is.ness 111 an us biaucbcs at the old stand, under the firm of J & J. Lota cue e One of the firm is now in iew York, to lay ina large assortment of seasonable STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, &C. Wt.ich will i,0 (Pre ,,y or b, forft -vovem. i.er Coo, t a of which we a e deie, n,in- lo sell at small advance for cash, or n a credit lo punctual customers. We shall--keep constantly on hau l an ex-en-ivenssortnieiit of Goods & njei chan.tize. (LTWe have also purchased the Black smith end bis tools. All kinds of black smith work will be done at the shortest notice, as usual. JOHN LA IV HENCE, JOSMH LA IV HENCE. tarboro', Oct. 9. 1837. N. B. Dr. Jusiuh Lawrence will continue the practice of nit licin. as hereto I' -re. Male of .North Carolina, F.iGLCOMI5E COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, AUGUST TERM, 1S37. Ja-se kl. Powell Vl5 Original Altai ft Frederick P. Evans, ) v.ent Levied on the Lands ol Fredeiick P. Ev ans, lying on Beach Run, contaii.ing 40t acres more or less, adjoining the I mils of James S. Bailie, Wrliam 1. Fl linor, and otln rs. H"T appearing to the satisfaction of the muii, mat I reileruK 1'. Evans, the d k-iitla: iu this esse, is uot an inhabitant of this Stale: Ii is therefore oub-iitl, that publication be made in lie Tarhi rough Press for six weeks successively, that un It-Si the said Fredeiick P. l.vaos appears at the next Court, to be held on the lounH Monday in November next, and replevies he property levied on, and pleads to is !u, , liat judgment by default will be ren dered against him. Witness, Joseph Bell, Clerk of said Court, at oflice in Tarborougli, the fourth Monday in August, 1 1-37. JOS. BELL, C. C. Ptk- adv 3 aO. Slate of ;Vori Carolina, EDGECOMBE COUNTY. . Coti7 of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, AL'-GUST TERM, 1837. -Judith Bass ) vs. Petition for path 'ion of Levi Daniel, ) Lnads. tT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Levi Daniel, the defendant in this care, is n.-l an ini.hb.tant of this Slate: It is therefore ordered, that publi cation be made in Uie '1 arboroiigb Press for six weeks socces?ivi ly, that ui.less the said Levi Daniel app. ars t the . next Court, to be held m the fourth Monday, in November next, then Pnd there io plead to issue, otherwise the said petition will be takt n pro confesso, and set for homing accordingly. Witness, Joseph Bell, Clerk of said Court, al ofiice in Tarborougli, ihe fourth Mouduy in August, 1837. JOS. BELL, C C. Price adv 2 75. Strayed, 11 ROM Ihe Subscriber at HaroiWfHiy Mat tin county, on Saturday last, A bluck hire, Abou 8 years obi, 5 feet 1 or 2 inchei igl',aud a split in her left bind booC liberal reward will be giv.r for the deliv ery of said mare to me in Martin cnuulv, near Log Chapel and any information respecting her will be thankfully received. John C. n ealhersby. August II, 187. Chinese Jflulberry. THE subscriber has for disposal seve ra'i hundred rooted trees and cut tings of the noted Morus Multicuuleg or A tw Chinese Mulberry; Found doubly advantageous for si'k euJ. lure, and one of Ihe most beautiful orna mental trees, of moderate size, the eye can rest upon. Of the ease of prima: ting Ibis tree and its rapid grow th the pub I may judoe when informed that from a small ro .ted plant, r,.r which a dollar was paid at Baltimore about four vears since Ihe f-ub-cfiber has disposed 'of a large number, and has et as above slated and that his first propagaie.l frees are'near twenty feel high and beautifully pronor lione.l The leaf is ada.kgreen color and often 16 inches Jong and II bro,. The sprite, (now reduced) ioOcenM each for plants upwards of 5 feet bi-b and proportionate for thoe .f a smaller size & when a numbe, are taken at a time SIDNEY IVRF.T.p.n nrinKieyvuie, tldlilai county. , N. C Dec. 15, 163d. P. S. Mr. Geo. How ard is mv Agent for vines and trees at Tarboiougb'and vicini. iv , and those desirous of any plants would do well to make early application, so that they may be included ru a box about to be sent to Mr. Hojvar i SF. 4 3 ,! '4i it, ; if

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