&s fell . Coffidd King, MKKCtlAtVr TAILOR, ITT AVINU removed to his new estab jL lishmeni, nearly opposite he Court House, respectfully informs his fii'-nds ami Hie public generally, that he is nw open ing a hand-ouie asoi'tni';' of if all ant) CUKinter Of a bautiful and sunerior quality? which have been selected wnli innclt personal care in the northern citi'-s, and will l ma.le up to order at short notice and in t!e most fashionable style such as: Superfine blue and black Cloths t. Invisible preen a id brown do. Clarence brown and mulberry do. Olive and mix! do. , Polaski ribbed Cassimere, tt Plain black and mixl do. do. Lavender, Zebra, Plaid .Grecian do. ,, Striped and corded do. of vaiious colors, Plain black and figured Velvets, Brocade Vehets, superior article, Plain black and figured siik Veslings, flrown and drab Petersham, Black and brown goat hair Camblels, Also, a beautiful a?sorlmentof Slocks, some very superior, Bosoms, Collars, Gloves, Suspenders, Lc. He trusts by due attention to business, and his long experience therein, to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their orders. He will keep con stantly on band an assortment of seasonable Heady .node Clothing, Of the best qifii r y, manufactured by him self and warranted. ALSO, lhre or four Journey men Tailois of the first class, w anted. Tarboro', Nov. 10th. 1836. Whom it may concern. THE Subscriber requests all those in debted to him to call and settle their CCOllllts. January 13, 183G . KLXG. Montague's Halm, An Indian remedy for toot huchs WHICH whin applied according t I rectii ns, lias never failed to afford Immediate and permanent relief, just re Ceived and for sale by . IV. GOTTEN. 11 til Nov. 1836. Copper Tin ware PORTSMOUTH, VA. Wm. D. Roberts, Jr. MESPF.CTFULLY announces to the f armers of Virginia and North Ca olina, that having received extensive supplies of foreign and American Copper of all the various thicknesses adnpted to the manufactuie of Brandy, Turpentine, and other Still, will be happy to receive Iheir oiders as soon ag practicable. He has on band, of the mot approved roosti action, lirandy Siills, From 90 ID 1 10 gallons. WORMS of all descriptions, and a large and general assortment of articles ol Tin and Copper manufacture. Old Stills. Worm, &c. repaired in the best manner, or taken in exchange for new ones. Farmers and merchants trading to Nor folk, vi t rivers or canal, are informed that by addressing the undersigned, their goods can be shipped free of expense, having a Copper and Tin Ware Kstahlish raent located at that place, conducted by his indefatigable agent, A. S. Dozier. ETNorth Carolina Bank Notes .receiv ed iu payment without discount N. B. To avoid all mi&iake, please ad dress WM. D. ROHKRTS, Jr. Tin Copper ware manufacturer, Portsmouth, Va. June 15, 1837. Teacher Wanted. APEKSON capnble of teaching the iu.din.ents or the English language, who can come well recommended, tan pt a School worth 20 per month, and, board lound, in the vicinity of lison' Store, Pin county. Apply to Benjamin Joiner, or to John Joiner. Esq. J'y6.J1837. Just Published, And for sale at this Office, a patnphfet Cn titled, MOUSE, Trying fo Kmtw ou( 0f thf, VTllOUC TRAP. ALSO. N ihnJ!T ftist lurches "n;r"r,?,,,,0''e called CURMiAS CHURCHES. BTJo,ln,A LaWrkrci:. Fko lOceuts single, op ct i 6ir,or pCr dor.cn. NEW ARRIVAL OF Spring Summer AT THE CheajJ Cash store. James JVeddell, HS jut returned from the Northern cities, w here he has purchased at exceedingly Low Prices, a LARGE and splendid Assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE GHrjCP.MF.S, HATS, SHOES, I Hardware, China, Glass and Earlhtnt'ivare, Which be oilers at a t ry small advance on The Jfnv York Cost, And feels confident he can convince all who may fav..r him wi h a call that his Stock not only comprises a must splendid variety, but having purchased them in man y instances at a great sacrifice to the importer, he w ill offer thcin at such aston ishingly low prices us he flatters himself will In ly meet Ihe views of those whose object is to buy Fresh &fnsliionable Goods At very low Prices. TERMS Cuth, or the usual credit to punctual customers. Taihoru', April 3. 1837. S. 1 MR- E. P. N ASJi, of Petersburg, Vir ginia, being solo gent for the sale ol our Piano Fortes, in Ihe StaUs of Vir ginia North Caroli persons desirous ul having Insn time- Is of our manufacture, can make application to him, as he has the exclusive right to sell in those Mates. Stodost, Worcester $ Dunham New York, March 17, 1S37. I COMMENCE my spring sales of the above Instruments in the States of Virginia and North Carolina, by declaring that Stodari, Worcester 6l Dunham's manufacture of Ciano Fortes, Is the very best in the United States not only equal to others, but, literally the very bi-si; and as tl.e very best evidence that I am borne out in the assertion, am permit ted to challenge- it fair tri.A with an mnk-, or makers, far or near. The Factory of these makers having within a iViv months ben cnasidernbly enlarged. I sli dl i.ow he enabled to meet the demand. Tbe prices of those Pianos are regular and established. Hdwurd V Nash. March 27 Will tarn V. Gray's Invaluable Ointment, FOR ULCERS, TUMOURS, &C. Can now be obtained of Ihe Patentee, at the Ojjiceofthe llateigh Register, Single Pol, 1 dollar One dozen, 9 dollars. i" ILL Mi M IV GRAY. Raleigh, October 4. 1836. Raleigh. September 1. 1836 ror live or six years previous to Ihe oi io.M, a negro man of mine had been much afflicted with nn ulcerated arm am: hand, which rendered him almnd ...... less. Tbe ulcer embraced lhat part of his " 'e "-mow down, including his entire hand, which was literally n massol putrefaction. A ioint l)f HHP fl ng.r a. ..I part of the Ihumb, perished and dropt off. n. muic tiisnessing ani Hopeless case I nave never neiieirt. II was abandoned by ins piivsician as incurable, except bv am putalion of ihe hand. The best medical treatment !a;.. Coti ed to relieve the man, I placed him under Ihe care of Mr. William W. Gray, in this place, who, -v in, hjs Ointment, has effectu ally cured ihe case, although the negro 3 iarm iv aoseni, lor weeks and ino- ths logeiher. He has been entirely well tor the last eighi months, and I have goon reason to believe w ill continue so iVlLLMiM BOY LAN. State of North Carolina, MARTIN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, OCTOBER TERM, 1837 Henry illiams illiams i White, ) Attachment Levied on rteddick Land. James Shaw ) , i Altach,n"'t- Levied on Reddick VVInle,) Land. V appearing to ihe Court, thai the de fendant in these the limits of ibis State: It is therefore ordered, that publication be mad-- in ,e Tarboro' Press for six weeks, giving no lice to ihe said defendant that his L.tds are levied on, and that an order of sale will be made at next term, unless op pear and show cause lo the contrary. Witness, Joseph I). Uigs, Cle.k of our said Com, at on3ce t(). fpcoM M itav ot October, l8i$7. JOS D. 'liIGGS Clk. Price advJ 6y, 7 WASUINGTON MONUMENT. f (he Wash- r mm o - - 3, inlon National Monumenlal"Societi invite DESIGNS l structure, nil tied as a memorial ot a NATION'S GRATITUDE. ' It woulJ be to fetter genio, to prescribe any limit lo the exercise of ils powers. i .1 II I uor l.x litis race liiiT- I.I .1 .l..ral.;iil.iinilriMlV B.ld grandeur. Although it ii'impraclicaole at present to estimate the extent of Ihe con tiibulions lhat may be made, the Designs may be predicated on an expenditure of not less than one million of dollars- The Bo n d of Managers w ill not offjnU American genius so iuich as to offer, iu this instance, a pecuniary repaid. The artist, whose Design shall b adopieu, win ; feel amply remunerated; and all Ihe Ue-j signs v ill be bound and carelully preserved to which end, it is requested thai they be sketched, as near as may be. on paper of a uniform size, of Ihe dimensions of sixteen, by twenty two inches. The designs to he directed to GEORGE U'.ITTERSOX, Sec'rjj. BECKWiTH'S Jlnli-dyspeplir Cills. r li 11115 most valuable medicine for the JL cur of Dyspepsia, and the p eveutiou ol bilious fevers, colic, tc. &c is kept con stantly on hand and lor sale by .. IV. COT TEN. Tarboro'. 21 Sept t86. I1EKRINGS, Bacon and Lard. 1 1 1 1 "ub i ibei s have just received a J!L soijily of best quality CUT HERRINGS. ALSO li h od and Lard for sale, by S. I) Voilen& Son. Tarboro', May 24. Large Maps, Of. Mississippi & Alabama HOWTNCJ Hie Public &i Indian Lands, Ik5 Indian Reservations, Land Districts, Tovohi,s, Streams, lie. engraved from the Government Surveys and Plats in the General Land Office, VVashingtou City; by E. Gilman, Draughtsman in the General Land Olfice. F. TAYLOR, Bookseller. IVashinglon City, Hag just published (and secured the copy right according to law) ths above Maps, which will be found infinitely more com plete and neonate than any heretofore published. i'hey are published on sepa rate sheets, each containing nearly six square fert, and will be found especially useful and valuable lo those interested iu Ihe lands of either State; as they show ev ery item of information uhich is in the possession of the Land Offices relative to water courses, township lines, Indian lauds and reservations, land districts, bi.c. and will be found perfectly accurate and precise on these points. They can be sent by mail to any part of Ihe United Slates, subject only to single letter postage. Price two dollars, or three copies of either will be sent by mail for live dollars. A liberal discount will be made to travelling agents, or to any who buy to sell again OHfT.diiors of newspapers, any where, who will give ihe above advertisement (in cluding this notice) one or two insertions, fchall .receiv e by return mail a copy of each Map, if they will send a copy of the paper containing it to the advertiser. Ji-lv I. KSTA BLISUMENT OK The Journal Office WING to the intemjed removal of one HF of Ihe Editors, and tire wish of the other to devote himself more exclusively to ihe duties of h'n profession, Ihe under signed offer for sale the establishment of Ihe INorlii Carolina Jmimnl Office. The Office is well found in Job, Newspaper and Ornamental Type, Ihe 1 si of subscri ben is tolerably large, and they doubt not might be grenlly augmented by a little exertion. To any person desirous of em barking in the business.' it oilers induce ments not inferior to any in this Slate, bul to practical printer they know of no in vestment he could make of bis money, that would yield him a more profitable return. Jlybart & Strange. Fayetieville, May 30, 1837. Published and or Sale at this Ojffice. PATRIOTIC DISCOURSE tu North Carolina Whiff's Anolotrv v he KehuUee Association and, A Basket ol iragmems. by the Rev. Joshua Lawrence. Also, A Reviewof Clark's defence and .'. location to the KehukeeAs'ociation. writ- en by a lay member of the Association and, Occurrence in the Life of Eld- enh Bigs, wrot' by himself. Union Hotel fWy HE subscriber bes leave, most re spectlully to inform his friends and ihe public generally, thai lie nas iaen ( p . h,ossesion of ihe above r.Siiiousii iirm, Maj. Jno. U. forme! I v fccunied by Mount, neai ly Opposite the Court House, And having for some years past been en raced in like business., feels confident of l,e'"N' i,l,e " give entire satisfaction lo . those who may favor him with iheir pat- ; rnnage. ilis table will be furnished with j the best f e tnaiket cnu afford. HN sta bles are nev and in (rood order, ao-! will be attended by t"- besi ostlers. Suffice it i to say, that nothin.a on his part will be ( waotin to make those conilorlaole wno may call on him. I. C. VaU'dla Nashville, No. Ca. July 17th, 1k7. To the 9 JLiH I Cl lsil. RAY'S iovab. able (iinlinenl for tbe cure of.while swellings, scrofula and other tumour?, sore legs and ulcer-, and fresh wounds, sprains, bruises, swellings and inflammations Sic. lie. Rowand's genuine tunic mixture, a per. feet cure for agu- nnd fever. The above valuable medicines may be had who'esale or retail on application lo J. IV. Collen, Agent for l aihoiougu. 137 jYoticc. UK subscriber having recently dis posed of his T Gin mailing Establishment - IN GREENVILLE, I'o N. TiEK, requests all thos. ind-bfed to him to make early payment. From his long acquaintance wiib Mr. Tjer (who has for several .years p if t been i t, is em ploy) he respectfully rec.onim'-m'.s ins for mer custom-rs to him, aid is confident lhat all who may favor him with their cus tom will be satisfied. Henry Chamberlain. Cotton Bins THE snb-cribrr having purchased the Establishment Hfnry Chamber lain, in Greenville, N. C. lor making Steel Saw Git-sy Respectfully informs the public thai he will continue the business at the same place. Having nn extensive assortment of ma terials on hand, he assures those who may favor him with iheir custom, that their or ders shall be promptly executed. Gins wilt be repaired. Of the best materials, and at Ihe shortest noliee. Persons when ordering will please stale whether they pre'.er the German, or polish ed cast steel platen. AliliSfof TISOB7, Still remains connected with this establish ment, and carries on Ihe Lock and Gunsmith business, He also makes Saw Mill Boxes, and Mill Inks, of a composition invented by Daniel Peck, of Raleigh Mill Spindles, with Steel Collars, (turned,) and Gudgeons, manufactured equa! to any in the United Slates. All orders must be directed to the Sub scriber, at Greenville Norfleet Tyer. January 30, 1S37. Vine Culture. ;: flfl HE Subscriber has more than twenty IL kinds and fifty varieties of the Vine. Some of these are generally know n as ex cellent for (able use or wine, viz: the Scop pemoug, the Halifax, Isabella, Cal.iw ha Herbeaut's Madeira. &c The price for n' well rooted single vine is a quarter of a dollar -but where a dozen, fifty, one bun died or more are taken at once, or boxed and gem the same direction to one respon sible iiircmi o I, i . .. nuusuiue uetiucifon IS made. I nr further particulars inquire of he Editor of the Tarboro' PrpsS or SIDNEY IVELLER. Rrinkleyville, N. C. Oct. 4. HISTORY OF THE Kehnhee Association. JUST PUBLISHED, and for sale at the office of the Tarliorn' Prc. . ... - i n con cise History of iheKebukee Baptist sso. cialion, from its original rise to Ihe pre sent time by Eld r Joseph Biggs under the supervision of a committee (consisting of Elders Joshua Lawrence, Wii,lln jj mm. and Luke Ward, and brethren Thol o .. D,KKs'Josel,n v- od Cushion U.llassell,) appointed by the Association " Price 1 each, or $10 pcrdosen. cam Rail Road Notice. fTT? HE Ma i and Passengers for Peters II btitgi Richmond, Vwsliingtony Phi IndelpbtaT &e. S:c. will leave Blakely on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday, at It) o'clock, A. M- and will leave Pelers b,ir" for Blakeley, Sic on Mondays, Wed-lie-days and Fridays, at V o'clock, A. M connecting at Blakeley with ihe Tarboro' Mail Mine of Stages, And at Halifax or Gary with the Wil niiiin-inn ime. Petersburg Pail Road Co. 0Jp.ce.) 4th Sept. 1837. 4 Rail Road Office,? Wilmington, May Itilh, 1837.J "J"JURSC AN 1 lo an order of the Board ki of Director, the Stockholders of the WILMINGTON AND RALEIGH Hail liond Company Will be called on for the following instal ments, viz: i$5 per share, to be .paid on or before the I t July next, . ' October, s"l", 15th December, ,, James (hvvnt FresH. Removal. II Vi Subscribers have removed to (he hu-e on Old Street, next door east of Messrs. Hurl, Paitcr-on Wills, where ihcv will continue tbe GROCERY & COMMISSION They have on hand and are rereiviuj, .7 general Assortment of GROCERIES, Which are offere.l !'o;- saie on reasonable tern. s. Country PRODUCE entrusted to Iheir management, will receive strict and pr nipt attention. A' M Martin 4 Don nan. Petersburg, Aug. 5. Roanoke Trade. GASTON, Uh April, 1837. ril IHE undersigned respectfully in IL forms tbe Planters and Merchants of North Carolina and Virginia, and Ihe public generally, that the Greensville and Jionnoke HAIL ROAD Is now completed, and in successful ope ration, and that he has located himself at Gaston, the termination of said Road, for the purpose of transacting A Commission, receiving and forwarding business; And is now prepared lo give attention to all consignments. rhe undersi vneil. ;.. commencing business at Gaston, was un der the impression that the shippeisof Produce, and receivers of Goods, both of the country and town of Petersburg, wouio miu it convenient and advantageous 10 nave a regular correspondent and disin iricsicu tieiii iu auenu i innr various interests, and especially to the order and condition in which boatmen and wagoners receive anu nenver in. ir cargoes at Gas trin Crn,n n . I . . i. r..:i r r. i. ..in ami i imc- nan ioan company, and particularly in proc tiring boats and wagons, tor me immediate dispatch ot merchandize, He. to its place of d;sth,8. lion. Under this beliel. be offers his ser vices to ihe public, promising in devote bis nine anil services to Iheir best interest and assuring them that he will discharge .V hum which may ue reposed in hi,,, w ith care and lid- lily. ' The undersigned, in offering h's services lo the public, begs leave to inform them lhat he has, for Ihe last two or three years, devoted his time in an extensive ship bro kerage and commission business in the town of P. lersburg, and flatters himself, that Ihe knowledge there obtained in this branch of business, will enable him to give satisfaction to those whom.-iv f-.n, i.:.' ., ..... J mm with their business His charges i ,c very moderate-, merely sufficient to pay fr ihe lime these dulies w ill require at his hands. SAML. IV BUG II Rates of charges on some of the most promi nent articles: Tohacco, merchandise, &c. per h,d. 25 els Cotton, per bale, 05 uo Merchandise, per peck, J(, do h lonr, per barrel, ,u Oo Manutact d tobacc, per box fc keg, C do Salt, pt rack, do REFERENCES. Petersburg. ChH8. F. Osborne, Presi dent letersburg Rh, Road Company, Messrs Row left. Roper & Noble, L. E. Sta.nback, Son & Co. Pannill &. Lea. James M. McCulloch & Co. Dunn, Mcll- iva!r.!I.?rownley- Hurt Peterson & Wills, Holderby L McPhetert. Giston.-. W. Wilkins, Esq. Mecklenburg Dr. Lignal. Jones ClarknUU r.-Me.ss.s, A. W. Venable ul,o. J. L. Ihomar, f-sq- Milton. N. C Waikins fc Farley i George W Johnson & Co , ' E "U, ra.-Geo. White, T. D- NCB1, ; War Department Pension Ojfice, Ocf. 3, lS3o HE following Circular Leti, ' dressed lo the Pension A... ine oecoini i-ompn oner ofthe J . r. .1 r ...ii . "l is publisne'l lor tti mfoi iniation ui p.' sioners, and those who nttni-tievs in ilraivinn- il.;.." . , """ j them. James L img n.eir hiilCll.U .ir I'tltvanh Commissioner of Pms-mi CIRCIJLAU. Treasury Department.) Second (.omptkollek's 0f!( fice, Sepiemht-r 1335 The Agent for paying Pemim a1 Sir: In order to uard more i-ffcc'i against a repetition of frauds, as lie-ret- foie practised by the pioduciion of (uiZ papers, the first three following Htl.tiii., t rule s will be observed by ihe hccuuuih. offit'ers of Itie Treasury. ' 1. In every case where t!ic pMii-0.:. employs an attorney lo receive his n sion, the execution of the power xmn in Ihe presence of at le.isi one :lti other than ihe magistrate before hnni t is arknow b dged. No l;iynient l.i ai)Jl. torney will be allowed nolens suppoitii i v a voucher thus executed. - 2. In all cases where the signature t; the pensioner or his attorney is itimirt such pe nsioner or attorney will vriei.i name at length, if capable ol" 0 io,r otherwise, his signature may In ,v ,nai, or cross, in which case the execution m be in the presence of at least ohm compt. tent witness, other than the justice 01 do. taiy who acts officially in ilie case 3. No payments w ill in future be m to any pensioner, either in person or U attorney, who has not applied for hisp -ion for more than one year, without tig production of evidence of his iden'itv v prescribed in the instructions from" this olfic" of June 10, 1833, chapter 1, lectim 2, and form B, nor until such evident! has been transmitted to the Commissioner of Pensions, an.l a special direction u thorizitig the payment has been given. 4- In case wjicre a tenificale has licea is-u-d by the Commissi., ner of Pensions to the widow or children of an officer or soldier under i. he act of .l-itie 7, 1 S3-, ot under tbe act of May 15, 18S, no proof of Ihe relationship of Ihe applicant to the de- ceased officer or soldier is to be required by the pension asent, that proof hauo; been necessarily filed in the office of tlw Coinmsiotcr of Pensions prior to the ii suing of such certificate. Respectfully, Sir, Your obedient servant, (Signed.) Albion K. Parm, Jan. 24. Comptroller. To lake effect fromth?4lh Marrh. IS T. VERY HE ST Cotton Yarn and Twine TOM SALE. nrVlF. Subscribers feel grateful I'irt'.f II liberal patronage which tiny teaat'. ' the past year, and hope by as-i luii) af" punctuality in bu.-ines to merit a cuoUu am e of past fa vors. They now have and expect t k"'P c0'-' staully on hand, the Very best Cotton Yarns, From Nos. 2 lo IS inclusive. Alsounoi; S'zes of he best Cation Seine Twine. Its durability and strength has been uV tested, and l e Subscribers feel no hf'i"; lion in pronouncing il infei ir totn"." not superior to any in market. Both tli ' above articles they expect to deliver t" purchasers on as liberal terms as arntles of the same qoalilv can be ocmeil f',e" where. Tbe usual charge for conveyance will be mad-. Terms of Sale for all quantities of Varf over one thousand pounds, f.nr mnnthscre dit will be allowed for any quantity umlf one thousand pounds, three hiiHis, purchaser givit g note (without intereif " the lime the Yarn is delivered, payable 31 Ihe above stated limes. The proprietors of flhei iea w ill lo to apply to ihe Sub-cribi rs lor Tub"-(f,r Ihe future, as a very liberal credit win''1 given. DA TTL E 4- BRO Til BBS: Falls Tar River. Jan UK IS7. Cotton &ins. subscriber hns li T,i . ...i .i.i:,i, he J h':"'5''' on the Raleigh road near the toie ot ' Knight, on Cokey, wheie he contim'f' . iiiiieh. aim e-iiii'i-"" - . . r The making and repairing Cotton Gins. All those who wish t supply them-. with Cm-f ihe best quality, are rcM vr fully solicited lo apply to the -u" , . personally, or bv Utter. All or ' Gin will be promptly exei u'ed. ' of order will beexp ditiou-ly rej'aire a. Persons wishing t have wink pi'''(Me will please leave iheir orders at ihu oi .1. u. Kiiriif. f.n. SAMUEL D. I'M February rtth, IS37. . es niamawl ol,ltT blanks, for sule, at this ory u

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