- 1 : - Mdffel. ,. h0Je Xo. 083 Tavb orotigh, (Edgccombe-Coiinly, X. C.J Saturday, November 25, 1837. Vol. XIII Xo. 47: 1 - 1 LJ!Li!LL!li.JilJ! iUit;ntnea baptist association. im.lv hdd its aniuiiil session willi the church al pivnCn'eU, in E-ljiM.omlio rotinty, N. C. 20 22 of ,iri J3J7. llhh'-r iSamucd Monro w.is chosen mod :f Kldor Murk IVnnett :K?rk. LtMters from 10 J.r3 wore- rc.-civod, from vhil. it appe-ariMl thnt du-Vihi- P;1?l )";ar ''"lH'rd vv.m-o rccoivrd by baptism, 4 red 'o!,cr 2 rtwturrd, 5 dismissed by Itjitor, 7 W'D, 10 dtM:iaso(l prcsiMii numhcr of tni!inhrs Petitionary Imkms from the ehurchrs at IluncodiVi ;fiiillovays dl county, wens presumed and rc (i Tiu-ir next meeting is to ho u ith the chnre.h .-it ,..Pf Pun, I.onoir county, lo tx'-Mn I'ridav bofnre the Jjy in October, 1350. Tho lollowing is tho CIRCULAR LETTER. The Minitfrs and Messengers composing the Conlentnea Baptist ,,,, jon, now sittmg al Old Towo (Jr. ek meeting house, Kelc- vim'.imi, i in- -w, i i unii - - i::ts (M ueioiifr, lfo7, Jo the ,jlcfiiirclit's ihey represent, send yui ilti-, ugreeai.lv to a long sciM-ni with us as our annual r-pistl. , in which we sh.dl af , (l, cull our attention to some : the impel tani tiu'h- which ureal goodness h.i.s sot it fi to leveal hy Lis Holy Spirit in ,:.!, ;imI ii the In-art of u (as we do hope) hi clear children. -tdeaii Bketiiken: There have I teen in almost all asol the j. men who by profession have elenied the e xistence: of Goel, -j immoi lalit V Ol the son!: tenrhiiitr lh:il liniml iww iilmm nnn. . ' !" II -nliii'1 what man thinks to lie light, agreeably to the- dictates jiiiOii sc()e wim uje highest cultivation ol the mini ty the aid jin wilem. To such w e would say in the language of Paul, j s 1. 20: I'll r the h.vi.-iLle ihin nl him. finm tin- iip:iiinn i anlJ, are cleaily seen, being understood hy the things thai are pvf a his eternal hdwh .mil Gnflhe:iil ; so th:tl ihev dim iviihnnt And it really dins appear to us while contemplating the :er!ui worts 01 naiure, mere couui noi ne ai y rauon;i anu :l-;:-r.t being so depravt d that he could lay his I and cn his breast, '.i'-zingon the same, ami ia' in his heait, there is no God; tj and all natuie exist some how or othr by mere chance, ;j!ure caused itself, thai happiness is alone here, that we rut exist after deaUi, (hit there is no judgment to come of the :l me unjust, no judgment seat of ChiiM where we arc all to ,r, ami answer for ihr works or deeds done in the bodr, whe hey be good or whether they he had. Yet it is said in the jres, "the tooi hath aid in his heart, there is no God. iot 'ir.iling there are men with sueh opinions, we can rejoice that iai .ever left himself without a w itness and to you, dear breth vecan say in the language of holy writ, (ii. IVu r, 1. 19:) We i!0 a more uro word ol prophecy, whereunto ye do well that teheed: for the prophecy ca.ne not of old lime, hy the will of hut holy men spake as ihey were moved by the Holy Ghost, hhere have b(?en and still, are men that deny the nativity o! I.nrd anil Saviour Jesus Christ, ahhoujih the serinture savs. :Iki!y Ghost shll come upon thee and the power of the high all overshadow thee, ihrrclore also thai noiy ii.ii.g- wincn shall rn of thee shall be called the Son of God." Likewi-e there as have been before, men that profess a universal salvation i.' will finally be happy in eternity, the scripture to the con notwithstanding. See Mark, 3. 20, and this pas-:.g- : "And f of them that sleep in the dut of the eaith, 1m!S awake, some irrlasting life and some lo everlasting i-han.e ami contempt, til as many oilier scriptures, if we had space to quote tin m. ive have great cause to re joice in the Kock of our Salvation, and ill; and adore him for one more privilege of meeting Jegethei sour Association, in the land of liberty, and worshipping him e way thai seems rigm to u, consistent won nis woni. 'Hhink it fit to attend tlrst, lo some of the important truths con ' in the word of God. It is declared in the scriptures of the Xew Testaments, which we do believe to be the word of -lhat in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth 4 ie created the beasts of the field, fowls of the air, fish of the sea, bo m.m s;,, r.oil prated man in his own image, in the image J created he him, male and female created he them. Here we our origin, let the infidel say what he may. We also unei mai rea'.or give the creature a rule by which he was to be governed, 'it is better understood, a law. This law is manifested by the f the knowledge of good and evil. Thou shall not eat of it; for ?,hy that thou ealesl thereof thou shall surely die. What fol we find that man disobeyed, that he did eat of the forbidden therefore the penalty annexed to the transgression, which was nhm certainly follow. Of this death it may be considered, fur first parents did die to lhat created state in which ih'-y stood lhRirar,0..ac;n.. thii hv the fall thev brought condemnation Selves and their posterity, and death of the body and soul, ttade alive through the efficacy of Christ's atonement. T his !7it is said, by one man came sin, and death by sin, so death 5 '"ed upon all, for all have sinned; and lurlher why it is saul, sin transgression ol the law; lor by lue taw i3 me uoou ?ljisays to the Romans. This is what is understood by a state 'enination. born in sin: "For in sin did my mother conceive me. . . . . : It.. L-nnc nno r I fit. I , ; Mapen in in, and brought lorm in luiejany, -j aVobsay. How can a clean thing come out of an unclean? J';-.o .. . . .. . . .V, nr nf find, re atinST . -ie moment the irutiis coniamcu in ui - o E fall and his presenile by nature. Notwilhstonding so has been and still is said to the contrary by those that try "Mankind, through the death and sufferings of Christ, where "eis hrn .u. r n .u.. ri,..ii hv bis death has done . iuic me lan; iiiui is, ioui vmi "j . . . t,r'ginal sin, by his atonement has made salvation possible lor xr,klrtd, that man is now condemned alone for actual sin, con- I"1 alone for not believing in Jesus Christ! liow does mi , dSicc J'void of truth? which declares that by man came sin, by the ffince of one many were made sinners not by the disobedi- rUmned for not believing X S,, Ch.ist, or for transgressing God's law? What say you. i.,-'."? believers in Christ proves that we are in a i;ia;,0'i. Christ came not into the world lo condemn the world; already condemned. And again, if not sinners, how can, or ( ihey die? For death is the punishment for sin. And again, ! ." ;&1rii.rs, how are they saved by Christ? For he came to save .T!ir(,i ih,. ,-;rb!.mis. And nr.,in. if ihev are clean-ed from ,,:nust !,,- ... .,.;.,; r itw, i.i.wwl r,f (Unist. Therelore, J ;"Ui'n v. i a!:ei eome iiito condemnation; if th-y d , Christ's ho h - 'Z v T nhW ,f PCe h0. must remain ever Hvri:.i wed remaineth in them. The word of truth and daily expei once prove the saints' everlasting holiness: for the blond of Je sus Christ h.s Son cleanses from all sin. Do we not see the carnal ina, ,s enm.ty se to God, not subject to the law'of God, neither can oe ; We would direct your minds, brethren, to the time soon after the an when, .1 is said, the see.l of the woman shall bruise the serpent's Mil. Here we have the first promise of a Saviour. Also see John, arst chapter: In the beg.nning was the word, and the word was with lod and the word was God: and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us. In the first of these passages, Christ is revealed; iu the s. cond, made manifest in the fiVsh. Psalms,40. 7: So 1 came, m the volume of the book it is written of me. And again, in the tulness of the time God sent his Son into the world. He came un der the law to redeem ihem that were under the law. And here let us agun examine the word of truth, where we will see plainly maui lasted, m the two first children lhat were born, the effect of faith with works, and of works without faith, which is still manifest to this day in the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent. Lk us endeavor to travel on in the good old way, the way of truth, steip pmg al here and there a place and taking a look at the directions. See the tlYecl of faith in old Knoch: for he walked with God and he was not, for God took him. Let us as much as in us lies, walk likewise. See Noah: and Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord, was a just man. And see at the same time the wickedness of man in general. For God savs. "IJihold I will iIpxi ihc canh, sdth the Lord:" For what? Was it not for their wiek ednevs? Iut to Noah, a just man, he saith, "make thee an ark." And when il was completed after the mtteni which God "-ave him. the Lord said unto Noah, come thou anil all thy house into the ark. ! It eloes not say, as some say now a-days, take any body with you;1 the ark is largo enough for all, if they would come. Uui we find it 1 lb the contrary. The call was to Noah and all his house, a definite number. No conditions are named. And elo you nol think that! Noah and his house entered willingly? But what made the beasts, ! low Is of the air, and creeping things come in? Was it of their own1 free will and aceord? or was il of Ihc power of God? What say you? We think the latter. The same power that brought us into the spi- ! ritual ark, Christ. We Lelicve according to the working of his mighty power. ' j Lei us go on to Abram, afterwards Abraham, and see the dealing of God with him. Was Abram the cause of God's callm" him lo ; ........ .... i Jgct out ol lac land ol his lathers to a land which God promised lo j him ami his seed? Was it not God working after the council of his j jrtwn will, as saying 1 have loved thee with an everlisiing love, i 'therefore with loving kindness have I elrawn Ihee. We see when j Goil called Abram, he heard, and believed loo; and now when God calls a sinner, he makes him hear, and live. Abraham believed God ami it was accounted unto him for righteousness. Will you say, Abra ham was justified by works? We say not. For if he was, he hath whereof to glor', but nol befoie God; for Paul says, to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt. So we see that he could not be justified by works, in the sight of God as a sinner, but jusiified in believing God as a righteous act. And here J we see the effectual call proved. A word here is sufficient. Jere , miah, 6. 16. Kead this chapter, and see if you can find any thing lhat agices with the present limes. The n saith the Lord, stand ye I in ll.e ways, and sec; and ask for the old paths, where is the good i way, nnd walk therein; and ye shall find rest to your souls. But ithey said, wr. will nol hearken. What was Ihe consequence? Kxa : mine for yourselves. I We must for Ihe present pas by many important places, omitting to notice Isaac, Rebecca, and others. See Goel's p oplecanied lo E ' gypt, not withstanding God's promise to Abraham of the promised j land. And .come on to GocTs delivering them by Moses. Here we ! have a most striking eliplay of God's power, in which we find some lhin- to help Ihe noiTrWiinisler of Godson. See the wonderful pre . v i .. i r a., : .ii:.... ur. servalion Ol IMOSCS. rnil W41e.11 uuu a unit- Acinic iu uciin'i Jii3 jjeu- ple, he said, I have seen, I have seen the affliction of my people, anil am come down to deliver them: No conditions; he had comedown to deliver Ihem, and Moses was his phpice by which lo eff ct it. Hear Moses' language: Who am I, ihTTt'Jshould go unto Pharaoh? God said, certainly I will be with thee; and say to them, I AM hath sent me unto you. Did any thing prevent God's effecting his purpose? We are told in these limes, they might, or could have pome out if they would. But to the contrary, we find them undei hard masters, and Pharaoh at the head, who would not let them come out. Seethe same situation now of sinners: they are taken captive of the devil at his will. And again, Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. So it would seem to be a bad chance for them to get out, unless by the power ol God. When God called Moses to the work, whal did Moses say? what some do now-a-days, pay me so much, or first send me lo a theological school, that I may be taught what to say, and then I will go? We think not Moses seems fully sensible of his inability for the work, and asks of God what to telLlhem. Now what was the effect? ' Did he I will go and stay as long as iney will give me or piy per th? We think not. - lie went, and Aaron with him. And il?: .i u;.. ...lo rmt nf ihe hanels of their enemies. So lie does yet, and will continue to do so. Was all the host of I haraoh ,ioi;,r0r,.,l wifh tl.Pm? Sav no: for'if they had been, there would not 'have been any to follow after and pursue them; nor a mixed muhi- ihpr diolav of the Dower ol Goel at itiae to oe wim uium. ( j , the Red Sea: the sea before, the host ol Pharaoh behind! What was to be done Destruction to all human appearance was certain. What does Moses say? Does he say all hope is gone; prepare for death' No such thing falls from the man of God. Hear him saying, STAND STILL AND SEE THE SALVATION OF Gop. I he SC3 divided !!;he Israel.tes pass through dry shod-Pharaoh's host attempt to follow, but are drowned. God is always with his people; but many times they cannot see in what way, or how they are .0 be dehv ered. . i:. .u-i if cn Brethren, did you ever experience any u.n.g ... ... . ' os ihe children ol Israel ud. tfui re- say, mon nave great reason t. m . n. vou h;tve; and re. I wiiueiness iu j- . . r.- .u.t cn,Ti thpir God bv lorsakinsr mhpr hnw soon anil now oueu u.cj .u. - , member they had a wil .. . .1 1.,. Kt M'hin l 1PV OrOUSIll! cuic luuii- his law, ano io..u;...A f .. ... . ' pasft i( we waU in ; wnicn cenun.ij "in ... . oa. in l.ki..R niion of Ihe promised lam iv a itnvp :i null: uui ize in view, which will not admit .1 vvhiph pertain V will De our cac i - a. ua, in taking pos?eSsion of the proi We must hasten. W e have a U I snares and traps, still we have a pi hefore us. beset with Wo must hasten, "e ve 1 J . ' ... . . . if delay. Next we would call your attention to the prophets, w hich God raised up to instruct his people, and to warn them." Yet not witstanding all we see, how olten they strayed from the right way, and thereby brought distress on themselves. AjuI, brethren, can we escape if we do ihe like? Let us examine the directions and endea vor to keep in the way. But in all these limes we see God had some faithful ones to instruct and warn his people. And what should we do these cold and trying times, if it was not for a few faithful ones that stand firm on the same foundation f the prophets of oid, Jesus Christ and his apostles! We will pass on to the time God sees fit to speak to the world bv his Son Jesus Christ. In the fulness ef the time, Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, makes his appearance In the world, The long looked for Saviour. What was the then state of the world? Was every body faithful, ready to receive him as the Christ; or were they mostly wicked, idol worshippers? Alas, even the Jews, that boast ed of being Moses's disciples, seem only lo have had a form of god liness, bul denying ihe power thereof; as Paul proves. Neverthe less God's time had come for Christ lo come in the flesh. For Pe ter proves it, when he says, (speaking of Christ,) "Him being deliv ered by the determinate council and foreknowledge of God."'. And il delivered according to his council, certainly he came accoreling lo the same. For God sent his Son into the world; and he could not send him without first determining to do so. Now there was a cause for God sending his Son, and a purpose to be effected by it. The cause was God's eternal love; the purpose was man's salvation The law was given by Moses, but grace and liuth came by Jesus Christ. It is one thing to be justified by the law, and another to bt- justified by Jesus.Christ. For if there had been a law lhat could have given life, then verily righteousness would have come by the law. Then Christ would have died in vain. But Chtisl is the end of the law for righteousness unto every one that believeth. There fore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us stop for a moment, lo contemplate the advent of our Lord anel Saviour Jesus Christ into this woihl,to the few and faithful that were looking lor him agreeable to the prophecies, and contrast it with the feelings of those self-righteous pharisees and idol worship pers, who were expiing righteousness by Ihe law. Let tis have it in the language of the angel sent for that purpose: Fear not, lor be hold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all peo ple. For unlo you is born this day, in ihe city of David, a Saviour which is Christ the Lord. A S.iviour! what a precious word that i, lo a poor, lost, trembling sinner, lhat sees n way for his escape, condemned and justly so, a sinner against heaven and in bis own sight, lost and undone for ever- We say how often have these words been balm to his sin sick soul, and good tidings of great joy; a Saviour, able and willing 'to save; a Saviour, able lo save his peo pie from iheir sins. His people. Now here arises an inquiry, who are his people? Some will tell us that the people here contemplated are all and every body that may, if they will believe; they may and can be saved. But we do not believe so; for the lext does not say so. It says, he shall, in the positive, save his people from their sins. Again, it is said, they are his people when they believe. The text don't read so; it says, he shall save his people. We will admit all are his people by creation and preservation. Fuilher it is contend ed by some, that all are his by redemption: which we cannot admit. For if so, then he most save ail; or he cannot see the travel of his soul and be satisfied which would lead to an universal salvation, to which we cannot give our assent; as the word of truth is so plain on the point. Well then, what are we lo understand the people contem plated in ihe lexi? We believe they are the same people contempla ted iu the passage where il is said, God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself, nol imputing their liespasses unlo them. We believe il lo be the same people, whose sins he l ore in his own body on the tree. We believe it lo be the same people mentioi ed in Kph eusians: According as he hath choen us in him before the iounda tion of ihe world, that we should be holy, and w ithout blame before him in love. Not chosen, as some say, becauj-e they were holy, but we say because they were unholy, and thai they might be made ho ly; which agrees with ihe text lhat says, nol by works of righteous ness which we have done, bul according lo his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneiation and the renewing of ihe Holy Ghost. We believe it lo be the same people given to him iu covenant, which is proven by many scriptures. See Hebrews, for one: Through the blood of the everlasting covenant. We believe them to be the same people given to him by the Fathei: For thine they were, anel thou gavesl them me. Now if he has bargained lor them, ami paid Ihe price, (for it is said, bought with a price, redeemed not with corrup tible things as silver and gold, bul his own precious blood;) and if he has all power in heaven and?in earth, do you not think, breth ren, he will save his people from their sins? To conclude this p3rt: we say, hiist has paid Ihc debt, died in Ihe stead of his people; and now it only remains for ihem to be brought to a knowledge of the same to be saved from their sins, bom again, brought into the ark of safety, brought into Ihe promised land, saved from condemnation, saved'from the power and dominion of sin, saved from the love of it, killed lo the love of it; for how can they that are dead to sin, live any longer in it. We now speak of the effect of the Holy Ghost upon the hearts of singers. God says, behold the das come, when 1 will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah; not according to the one made wilh iheir fathers when Ihey were bro't out of the land of Egypt. Bul il is afier this way: 1 will put my law in their mind, and write them in their hearts; and I will be to Ihem a God, and ihey shall be my people. And again, ihe hour is coming, and now is, when the dead ihall hear the voice of the Son of God, and they that hear shall live. We believe this is ihe office or work of the Holy Spirit. For it is said, as many as are lead by the Spirit of God, they are" ihe sons of God. And again, born of the Spirit. And now, brethren, for the evielences in your own breast. Have you ever lelt any of the operation of the Holy Spirit in your own soul?? Such as, being bom again, born of the Spirit, dead 10 sin, striving against sin, warring against it? Have you died to it, and been made alive to holiness; and fell iove lo God; and lore lo saint?? For love is the fulfilment of the law; and aei evidence that you have passed from death unto life, and have the witness in your own heart. If so,' you are an heir of God and a joint heir with Jesus Christ; kept by the power of God through faith unto salva tion. Anel if God be for you, who can be against you? Is nol tbi enough? We think we hear some of you saying, I once thought felt and knew something of these things; but now it seems to be all gone: it is so dead and cold with me. Suppose you were to let uh

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