5h ferfK Z7iC Tarborough Ircss, BV GEORGE HOWARD, published weekly at Ttv Dollars and Fifty iv'j pet ywft n !l aa"vance or, TTtree n'.zrs at the expiration of the subscription year. Jv anv period less than a year, Twenty-five r V per month. Subscribers are at liberty to 'ioiitinue at anytime, on giving notice thereof n'TpJV'infr arrears those residing at a distance a:.l---t invariably pay in advance, or give a respon se reference in this vicinity. ' Yjvertisoments not exceeding a square will be Lrii at One Dollar the first insertion, and 23 ts for every continuance. Longer advertise 1 .'its in li proportion. Court Orders and Ju JLil avlvertiacmcnts 25 per cent, hirher. Ad--r'iacmeats must be marked the number of in- r-;n-i recnircd, or they will be continued until thenvise ordered and charged accordingly. U ptters addressed to the Editor must be post 11 FiJl pail or they may not be attended to. riSOEEDLG.$ Of the second Annual Meeting nf the Stock "hohlersof the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Company. At a regular annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Wilmington ami . Kail R iad Company, on Mnodiv, ;!;i!uf.U.y, 1S3S, in the Town of Wi'l- Oil motion ofGiiv. Dudley, Cu!. Andrew Joyner, of Halifax, was called" U the chair. II. V. United, ami John MeRae were appointed Secretaries. The Seerelai ics ami Thos. 11. Wrighl were appointed a commilleu to examine proxies, and L report the am unt of Slock represented. The Committee after exam i.iiiig, reported thai 5117 S!i ties of the Stock owned by individuals were repre sented, and also the State Stock by Col. Andrew Joyner, of Halifax. Gen. James Owen, President of the Company, read his report, which, on mo tion of Wtn. B. Meares, was laid on the ta ble. Oa motion of Wm. B. Meares, Cq. 1st. Resolved, That the representatives of the State, and a Committee consisting of Mri John Wright, of Waynesboro, Col Siiarp, of Edgecombe, and Col. Whitaker, of Halifax, be appointed to examine the accounts of the company, and that ihey req iest the attention and assistance of the Ilurd of Internal Improvement of the State. 0;i motion of Col. Whitaker, Tlie meeting rejourned till 9 o'clock, next day, Tuesday, May 8tli. O.i motion of Col. Whitaker, 21. Resolved, That in the opinion oJ this meeting, the requisition made of five percent, payable on ilie 1st of November, 1333, ought to be made payable the 1st day of July next. On motion of Col. Whitaker, 31. Resolved, That Jonb Pitt, Dr. Re! la my, A.J. B iltle, and Milliard Washing ion, he a Committee lo ci. quire into the expediency of changing the stage route '"in Enfield, by Tarborough, lo Stontons burg, t the route by Rot ky mount; the saving in expense, Si.-., and any other mat ter 1:1 relation to the whole route, in re gard lo safely, economy and expedition. On motion of Wm. 15. Meares, E.q. Tiie meeting adjourned till 9 o'clock, next day, Wedmsday, May 9th. Met accuidimr t a inn fn moii t Hie Committee under the 3d resolution "Ported through .Mr. Pill, that il w as iu "pedient lo change ihe slag': route. The rPrt was concurred in. fe Committee under tbe 1st resolution, ported through Col. Whitaker. "The committee lo whom was referred ' Treasurer's account of receipts and disbursements since ihe organization of l. Company, respectfully report, that they "ave had under consideration the subject mailer referred to them, and have bestow p upon it all the consideration which their jilted time and other duties allowed. her examination has not been as full as j ty desired it should be.nor indeed could well have been, considering ihe time ""km which it must be performed, and le extent and magnitude of the transac- j'utie-embraCed Wilhi" Uie SCOpC f l,,eir iliey have however examined every oucker in support of the charges made inst ihe Company, which ihey find to e regular and satisfactory; and if time had "oived ihey would carefully have com red the charges made in the books of ihe ;inPany with ihe several vouchers upon 'ch they have been founded, but your Cornrmttee find ihat ihis cannot now be net without protracting the general ee.l'ng to a mosi unreasonable and incon e,,ent length. Yur committee entertain no doubt, but accounts of the Treasurer are perfectly jcurate, but as a general principle, which .7ld never be departed from, thev ron. r it the duty of the Stockholders at ar0P0MA' ihe.r annual meetings to investigate through a committee appointed for the purpose, all Ihe transactions of the Board of Directors ana the 1 reasurer of the Company, and to report ihe precise amount expended, with such remarks and suggestions as lo them may seem just and proper; and your com mittee regret lhai for the reasons already assigned, ihey have noi been able to make llus examination as full and satisfactory as ihey designed. To remedy this defect, and as ihe only alternative now left them, they respectfully recommend the adoption of the accompany iug resolution. It is due to your treasurer lo sl.te that he has in vited ihe fullest examination into all his ac counts, and has most promptly, and satis factorily afforded the committee all the in formation ihey sought lo obtain. Unsolved, Thai a committee of three Stockholders be appointed to compare ihe amount of each voucher of the Treasurer, with the corresponding charge in the books of the Company, up to the 4th of May in elusive, to ascertain ihe precise amount ex pended and to report fully on the subject to the next annual meeting of the Compa ny" S. Will TAKER, Afoy 10th, 1838. For the Committee. Report concurred in. On motion of Col. Whitaker, 4th. Resolved, That a committee con sisting of Mr. Joshua Watson, J is. S. Bit tie and J is. Owen, be appointed to enq.tire into the expediency of borrowing money for and in behalf of this Company for the purpose of facilitating the work. On motion of I)r F. J. Hill, Gib. Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed by ihe chair whose duty it shall be to investigate the alViirs ol the Company for the ensuing pear, and re port to the next annual meeting of the Stockholders at a early a period of the same as nmy be, practicable. A.J. Battle and Robert II. Cowan were nppoiuted to superintend ihe balloting for President and Directors, after the ballot ing, they reported Gen. Jas. Owen una nimously elected President for the en suing year. A discussion arose on ihe right of the Slate representative lo vote for six Direc tors, in which Gov. Dudley, Wm. B Meares, Col. Whitaker, Col. Joyner, Wm. D. Moseley, and others took part. The question was then raised by Wm. B. Meares, "has the St:ite a right to vote for six Directors at this meeting?" decided in the affirmative. The Committee under tbe 4lh resolution, reported through Joshua Watson. "Thai from ihe great amount of travel which now takes ibis route, and. from infor mation extensively derived, very great ao xiety is expressed for its completion. They are decidedly of opinion that il is the duty and interest of the Company therefore to press it as rapidly as possible. Two methods present themselves by which this object can be accomplished with the greatest facility, and convenience lo the individual Stockholders. 1st. It is believed from intelligence re ceived since the development of the affairs of the Company lo this meeting, that many Stockholders residing on the line of the road, would very willingly work out the amount of their Stock; and further extend their contracts, taking in payment the bonds Of ihe Company at one and two years, bearing interest. 2d. Ihe Charier authorizes 44 1 he Pre sident of the Company, to borrow money for ihe objects of the Company, and to make and issue all proper evidences of such loan and assurance fur the repayment thereof," they therefore offer ihe following resolutions for the consideration of ihe meeting. Resolved, That the President and Di rectors of this Company be recommended lo'put under contract, ihe whole of ihe road at the earliest practicable period. 'Resolved, That the President and Di rectors be hereby further authorized and requested, to borrow such sum or sums of money as iney may deem anvisauie lor the speedy completion of the whole or any portion of ihe road. JOSHUA WATSON, Chairman. The meeting then proceeded to ballot for six Directors for the ensuing year, which resulted in the unanimous re-election of Alexander Anderson, A. Lazarus, Wm. B. Meares, P. K. Dickinson, T. II Wright, and R. IL Cowan. Gov. Dudley then on behalf of ihe Board of Internal Improvements, named the following gentlemen as having been appointed Directors on behalf of the Slate: E. P. Hdl, James S. Battle, Richard Washington, and James Cassidy. On motion of Col. Whitaker,, 7ih. Resolved, That the President and Directors of this Company be directed to (Mgecombc County, JV. f.J ilUuch Z!Sl rPeedy meaSUrCS l f 0l,eC,i ail SUCH SUIllS Of mnnpv n.irp nuiv , .... sums of rnonev as are now due. m shall hereafter become due on requisitions for instalments on Stock, consistent with ihe interest of the Company. On motion 'of Win. B. Meares, 8ih. Resolved, That the report of the President be taken up, received, and or dered to be printed. Adjourned till 9 o'clock next day, Thursday, 10th May, 1838. Met according lo adjournment. On motion of Wm. B. Meares, I3ih. Resolved, That the Stockholders of this Company, may consiituie proxies to represent them at any meeting of Stock holder?, by any writing, the apparent in tent whereof is to transfer ihe power of the Stockholder to the proxy, such proxies may be authenticated. 1st. By any person proving the hand writing of the Stockholder before the meet ing. 2-1. By the certificate of acknowledg ment by the Stockholder, or proof of hand writing, of a Notary Public, or of any Clerk of the Court of Law or Equity, or by the attestation of the President, Secre tary, or any Director of ihe Company, or Justice of ihe Peace. On motion ol' Wm. B. Meares, 14th. Resolved That whenever any Stockholder of this Company shall main oaih before any officer legally authorized to administer an oath that he has losi his eiiihVaie of Slock, or so mislaid it, that it cauuol be found, and thai diligence has been used so lo do, and shall have ader tised in some newspaper printed in Wil mington for six weeks, that he intends to maks application to the Board of Di rectors for a new certificate. Il shall be competent for the Board of Dneclois lo order ihe Secretary ol ihe Company to is sue a new certificate for such Stock, and the Secretary shall make due recotdol such oilier and shall specify in ihe new certificate thai it is issued in lieu of one then lost. 1 5 ill. Rtsolved, That the Stock of ibis Company shall be transferable on the books of the Company only by ihe owner or his attorney. The deed or power to be provtd or nckuovt ledged before some Clerk of a Court of Uccord, Judge of ihe Superior Court, or Supreme Court, Notarv Public, or befoie the President, one of the Directory Treasurer or Secretary of the Company. O i motion of A. J. Battle, lGth. Unanimously resolved, That ibis general meeting consider the important cnterpiise in which they have embarked as closely identified with the best interests of the Slate, that they have the fullest con fidence in its entire success, and that it should be prosecuted lo completion with all practicable expedition. Oil motion of H. W. (lusted, 1 7ili- Resolved, That ihe President and Directors tie requested to cause a recon uoissauce lo be made with a view to a branch from ihe Wilmington &i Baleigh Kail Road, from a point near the Neuse Biver to the City of Raleigh. On motion of Gov. Dudley, 18th. Resolved, That the President and Directors be authorized to cause a recou uoissauce to be made when convenient with a view ?o ihe extension of this Boat! lo the Waccamaw Biver where it crosses ihe line of North Carolina. il iic it On motion of A. J. Battle, 20ih. Resolved, That the next annual meeting of ihe Stockholders of this Com pany be held in Waynesboro. On motion of A. J. De Rosselt, 2 1st Resolved, That Wm. B. Meares, At J. Battle, and Col. Whitaker, be ap pointed a committee, to enquire into the expediency of changing the time of the an nual meetings of the Stockholders of this Company. Col. A. Joyner, from the Chair, named the following- gentlemen the Committee under the Cih resolution, viz: IL R. Sa save, O. G. Parsley, and John Wright. Also, ihe following gentlemen ihe com mittee under the resolution of the commit tee appointed to examine the Company's Acts, viz: John Woo&ter, Wm.A. Williams, and Alfred Bryant. The Committee under the 21st resolution, through Mr. Meares reported, That your Committee appointed to con sider the expediency of changing the time of holding our annual meetings, have had the same under consideralion, and recom mend that ihe present time, the first Mon day in May, be continued Report con curred in. On motion, 22nd. Resolved, That John McRae and Wm. B. Meares prepare for publication so much of the proceedings of this meeting, nrtfa,, J,ff 9, 1838. 51,1,1 itt such aJ manner as thev may . I J ucmi expeuieui Jn motion ot Wm. (J. Lord, 23d. Resolved, That the 'resident and Directors be requested to memorialize the next Legislature to pass an Act, declara tory of the construction to be given to ihe Act of Assembly, authorizing ihe Slate to become a Stockholder in the Wilmington and R. R. R Company, so far as regards ihe election of Directors of said Company, and of the number of voles to which ihe Slate is entitled; and to declare said con struction to be, that the Slate has no vote in the election of the six Directors to be appointed by the Stockholders, and that she shall on oilier questions, be entitled to two votes for every three votes given by individuals. And also, on anv other sub ject touching the interests of ihe Company. On motion id 1 bus. II. Wright, 24ih. Unanimously Rtsolved, That the thanks of this meeting be tendered ihe Chairman, for the urbanity and ability which he has exhibited in ihe discharge ol nis omce. On motion of Thos. II. Wright, 25th. Unanimously Resolved, That the thanks of this meeting be tendered the Sec retaries for the faithful performance of their duties. On -notion of A. J. Battle, The meeting adjourned. ANDREW JOYNER, PresU. John McRe, 0 . . II. W. HUSTED, J S-'- PRESIDENT'S REPORT. In laying before you an account of their transactions since the last annual meeting, the President and Directors have the satis faction to state, that afier the most tho rough examination of the country through which the road is lo pass, its location has been decided and fixed passing 3 4 of a mile cast of Wayncsborough, crossing Tar River near Rocky .Mount through En field and Halifax to Weldon : making the total distance between Wilmington and Wchlon 161 miles. Having carefully examined the several routes surveyed and reported lo them, they concur entirely in the opinion, that the above is the most eligible; and their expec tations of its speedy completion, at the ori ginal estimate, (as will appear by a com munication from their Engineer are now fully confirmed. The total amount received in payment of slock if. From individual subscribers From the State, 1st instal ment, and on account of 2d do. Bcrrowcd from the Board of Internal Improvement " from the Bank of Cape Fear, S12S,914 67 200,000 00 150,000 00 34,813 34 Total amount ree'd by TreasV S313,75S 01 The total amount of appro priations and disburse ments, 795;153 97 Unappropriated balance Appropriated, but not dis bursed, SIS, 604 04 7,204 S7 Total balance in hands of Treasurer, We have received also in 25,S0S 91 payment of the Slate's 2nd Instalment, but not yet entered to the credit of the State, a check for Si00,000 00 Upon this check is based amount borrowed from the Bank of Cape Fear in the above exhibit, 35,000 00 65,000 00 To w hich add unappropria ted balance in the Trea sury, 18,604 04 Leaves in the Treasury, gS3,604 04 The expenditures have been principally on account of Steam Boats, Locomotive Engines, Coaches and cars, with a large quantity of machinery for others, the fin ished portions of the road, Iron, Plates, and Spikes for '110 miles, all of which have been paid for, and 75 per cent, on the contracts still unfinished. Under the resolution of the Stockholders at their last meeting, the Board have bor rowed from the Board of Internal Improve ment of ihe State, the amount of the next instalment on account of the State's sub scription. Of this amount 65,000 are so appropriated, as to save the interest to the Company, whilst it is subject to our calls as our necessities may require. Whilst the funds set apart by the Legis lature for this object, are thus invested with advantage to the State, ihe Board have been enabled to postpone their calls upon individual Stockholders.' An Instalment of 10 percent, became due on the 2nd inst. making 70 per cent, required of individuals; and as soon as a further requisition of 5 per cent is made upon Ihem, we will be au? Vol XIV So. 23. thorized to calf Upon the Slate for her third . Instalment, arid the loan will be thus con verted into a subscription. v. it was the intention of the Board to have put the whole road under contract imme diately after your last meeting; but owin to me disastrous slate ol the times the low prices to which produce had fallen the suspension of business by the Banks, and the derangement of the whole mone tary attains ol the country immediately thereafter; the difficulty of collect ine in stalments appeared sj great, that they uecmeci it prudent to limit their opera tions preferring to have a portion of tho road finished and productive, to having tho whole of it half finished, and exposed to injury and decay. The times are still un propitious; yet the requisitions of the Board have been met with a promptness which, they had scarcely anticipated; evincing the confidence which the Stockholders retain in their investment, and presenting a guar antee, that the work which has been under taken for the present year will be accom plished. With these views, the road has been ful ly let to competent and experienced con tractors, irom this place to Waynesbo rough, and from Weldon to Enfield an aggregate of 103 miles. Y Intel the Board believe, that no similar work has ever progressed with greater ra pidity than this, they have been disap pointed in their expectations of having the road opened on this occasion, to the depot, at Mrs. Teachy's, 42 . miles north of this. An embankment across Bcrgau Creek, about 600 feet in length, which we had ex pected would be finished in December, was delayed in consequence of frequent heavy falls of rain and snow; and it is only with in the last fortnight that it has been pro nounced sufficiently settled, to receive the superstructure. We have now passed 4hia obstacle, and there is no other in the way until we reach the point above specified. Thirty-four miles of the road are now opened for transportation, over which our cars pass daily with passengers and materi als for the road. The sills and rails have been laid down as far as Mrs. Teachy's, and in twelve days more, the iron will all be on. The whole of this would have been completed at this time, but for the impedi ment to the transportation of iron beyond Bergau. Adding to thi? 7 miles from Weldon to Halifax, now in oneralion. and we shall have 50 miles completed before the last of May. Early in June 6 miles mote, immediately above Teachy's, on which ihe sills and rails are nearly all Said, will be opened; and by the middle of June, 12 miles more from Halifax to Enfield, making altogether 6S miles. In July we hope to be able to reach the Duplin depot, which will make the whole length of road finished 80 miles. This will bring us within 23 miles of Waynesborough, and unless the elements prevent, it is morally certain, hat we will complete the work marked out for tho present year, before its close. The graduation of this whole section is under contract; the sills and rails are all engaged many are already dressed, and we arc laying them down as fast as the gra ding is completed. The Board might here tender to you and the public, their congratulations; that when our road is completed to Waynesborough, an uninterrupted line of communication, by means of Sleam Boats and Rail Roads from the Sothern termination of the Rail Roads of Georgia, to the most Northern and Eastern point of the connexion will be af forded; with the exception of 58 miles be tween Waynesborough and Enfield, to be filled for the present by our stages, passing over one of the finest natural roads in the world. We have therefore the strongest inducement to press the work, feeling a full assurance that even by the next fall, the in come from only a portion of it, will j-ield a profit equal to the best stocks now owned in the State. That it is the most important link in the great line of intercommunication between the North and South, whether taken in a commercial, political, or military point of view, is conceded by all who have reflected on the subject; and we have the most flat tering assurances of the interest which is felt for its completion, by those engaged in similar works from Philadelphia to New Orleans. Il is the main stem into which all the branches North and South of us are engrafted and from which they must chiefly derive their support. The most prominent advantage of this road to the State, and one which, from its importance, must commend it te her re gard is, that whilst it connects her naviga ble rivers, (crossinc them lust at the head of navigation,) it in effect, brings the sea board 120 miles into the interior, and with in about forty miles of the seat of Govern ment. It forms a base from which olher roads may btj extended to any portion of the State, and brings in contiguity every section of it. An end, most devoutly to be desired, as thereby, a common interest will be created the Stale released from the vassalage, tp which fhe has heretofore if:

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