Whole Vo. 010 The Ttirborough Ircss, BY riEOHGfc HOWARD, T-nuMi-1 weekly at Two Dollars and Fifty V jirr vcir, if paid in advance or, Tliree !.SJ.U tiit expiration of the subscription year. V r aa P,rio'1 ,css th;m. a yc;ar' Ttvcnty-Jice Subscribers are at liberty to v.intiuue at any time, on giving notice thereof i mvin f arrears must; il'wui;4 hi a. Aiisiairce 2" , -t invariably pay in advance, or give a respon se reference in this vicinity. S ilrertisonicnts not exceeding a square will be rvl a M'Mjr tae "irst insertion, and 23 l'Ti i'T every continuance. Longer advertise cf"'1 jS j;1 proportion. Court Orders and Ju li'lil' advertisements '25 per cent, higher. Ad 'isemeiits must be marked the number of in-T- i'ns required, or they will be continued until nvise ordered and charged accordingly. 1 Letters addressed to the Editor must be post pid or they may not be attended to. J r&lV V. FOR THE TAItBORO PRESS. 0 crudelis Alexi, nihil mea carmina curas, M! nostri miserere, mori medenique coges. Virgil's Eclogues. Why will she go? Oh, did she know! The pang that does my bosom rend; W'juld she not rather stay the blow And try to cure if not to mend? Wiv will she go? hath a plighted vow .No sacred tie to bind? Is sincerity then no where now In lovely womankind! Why will she go? good bye, my hoiks, Next session for a "fess;" Oh can 1 e'er forget those looks When blushing she said "yes?" Yes, she will go in spite of all That can be said by me; .Viieu (my tears begin to fall) To h"ie, thy name and thee. ' PEN ULTIMA. From the Halifax Advocate. BROKEN-HEARTED LOVER. Js sung by Mr. Peuke. Ii you will list, I vow, sir, I'll tell you of a row, sir Caused me to part from my sweetheart, I'm telling of you now, sir. 0 yes I am, Indeed I am, 1 declare I am. Chorus. Tul a rul, tul a rul, tul a rul, tul a rul, tul a rul, tul a ri do. (he r-iht I went to meet her, With true love I did greet her, IVhmia she looked in a pastry cook. And wanted me to treat'her. 0 yes she did, &c. At this I looked quit funny; Says I, my charming honey, I've lots of love, as you may prove, But I haint got no money. 0 no I haint, &c. Says she-young man, 'tis plain, sir, Yuiir love is all in vain, sir; Unless you've cash to cut a dash, -My heart you'll never gain, sin 0 know you wont, &c. I trembled when I heard her, ys I, don't say no furder, "itu surely will me with coolness kill, And you'll be hanged for murder. Oycs you vvill,&c. s she, you stupid elf, sir, It you haint got no pelf, sir, i;et rid of hope, go buy a rope, Ar.j you may hang yourself, sire 0 yes you may, &Ci The tears in my eyes started, I felt quite broken hearted; She left me by myself to sigh, And that's the way we parted. 0 yes it was, &,c. Greensboro'1 Internal Improvement Con tsnfion. This body, which met on the 4ih inst- and adjourned on the Gib, was com posed of 50 delegates, from the counties 'A Guilford, Chatham, Randolph, Davie, 3d Rockingham, and from the towns of Wilmington, Fayetteville, Hillsboro', Sa lisbury, and Lexington. Gov. Dudley 's called to the chair, and Henry B. EJ ,iolt, Esq. of Randolph, appointed Secie tary Several propositions were submit ted to the Conventi on, and committees ap- r"Heu io report thereon. We extract l!'e Allowing from the Report of the Com !n'tiee on the Statistics of the State : Tonnage owned. Petersburg 4911; muimond 6G32; Wilmington 8G39; Eden G570; Camden 5857. he above comparative views of the tonnage of the nnrl nf Virrrinia nnrt Nnnh Carolina are so much in favor of the latter, "n but for the source from whence thev are taken, a doubt of their correctness fc'Rlit be ad miltprl. Ttml Nnrtli flu mi n within her own limits a sea port from 'ence the tonnage cleared, is greater than :in)' port "in Vircinia. and irreatpr than ihm - - Q 1 O cl Uiclunond aud Petersburg combined, 131 ay be a mailer of surprise to this con luon, as it has been to this committee bul such appears to be the fact. North Tarborough, Carolina lias had entered at her ports 20001 u, cupping more UKn have entered the ports of Virginia. The port of Wil mington owns 3,700 tons more than Pe tersburg, and 2,000 more than Richmond. I he exports of North Carolina are re ported as far below Virginia and South Carolina and much less than the real amount; for instance the whole amount for North Carolina is stated to be $551,795, while a correct account of the exports from the port of Wilmington only, shows the amount there, to be $1,302,490 OS. Also, the number of vessels reported as entering the -ports of North Carolina, is staled at 205, while the return of the Harbor Master at one of our ports of entry, reports 43S. The difference is readily accounted for', by the fact that vessels employed coastwise, frequently arrive and depart from our pons without entering at the Custom House, from whence the report of the Sec retary of the Treasury is derived. This act will also account for the difference in the amount of exports a large portion go ing coast wise not being reported at the Custom House. It is therefore very pro bable, that, could the real amount of ex ports from other parts in North Carolina be correctly ascertained, the whole amount would fall but little short of S3,000,000. From this state of things your committee onfidently believe that if the citizens of North Carolina would send their produce t be exported from ports of her own Slate, Mislead of those of neighboring Slates, the amount of exports would be at least equal ! that of Virginia, if not to South Cam- liua. Your committee cannot close this re port, without adverting to the mineral wealth with which the Slate abounds, and they are happy to state, that in this branch f the report, they have been aided by a conference with an intelligent gentleman, w hoite knowledge of the mining operations, is inferior to none within our limits.and who has kindly furnished the committee with the following information. In ihe counties of Guilford aud David son are found: The Harlin mines, owned by the Deep River mining company, which has shipped to New York, (Via Fayetle ville, Wilmington,) within 3 mouths 120 Tons of Copper Ore, and it is believed will raise and prepare auunally 350 tons, this is a sulphuret known in England by the name of yellow Copper, and contains 33 1 3 per ct. of Ccppen The Guilford gold mining company, caiv lit iujJU33i?u ui u lliillllJll Ktl lilllJCSi ) I ,,, i , c n ! r I - i bfth sides ol Urep River, some of w l.n h , i i ii i i r , arge quantities of Copper ore; they hae been urn ked for Gold yielding about $1 ncr IllKl.pl u htlt:ic lliw n a ivnn bushel, whereas had the melted for i nmipr il ivmilft havp vijli!wl l equal to $12 per bushel. The Baird!r mine, t miles ...: . . o I. r i. . ? i . nines oouin oi vjrceuMJoro nasi lately been woiked for Copper, and about 20 tons of ore raised; this mice has been i lately purchased by an English company, and will probably be extensively woi ked. I he Conrad mine G miles Last of Lexing- j ton, lias been successfully woiked for Urold and like most of (he Gold mines in this re gion 'tis believed will be successfully work ed for copper. The Lead mines lately discovered in the county of Davidson, give indications of great profit, they have been explored to the depth of GO ft. and ihe an nual product is estimated al 1000 ions. Besides these mines, there are others situa ted hi other counties which tend to increase the resources of the Stale; near some of ihose mines, coal of the besi quality has been discovered, and 'tis supposed, to con siderable extent, which must greatly in crease the facility for operating in the nines. Accident has lately brought to light in Stokes co.,a large deposit of Lime Stone, in addition to that already known and which must prove immensely valuable to the tipper sections of the State besides, by these sources of wealth, your commit tee would mention the many Cotton Fac tories already in operation, making no less a number than 13, working 13,000 spin dles and several others now erecting. Cotton Manufactories in North Caro lina. Since we became proprietors of the Carolinian, we have taken some pains to obtain all the information within our reach, concerning the Cotton Manufactories in North Carolina, knowing that it would prove interesting to our readers. . Our list is not yet complete, but even as far as it goes, many of our Citizens will be surpris ed to see the progress North Carolina has made in the establishment of Manufacto ries. It should be recollected that all these establishments with the exception of iwc or three, have sprung up within the past three or four years. The following is. as far as we can ascertain, A List of the CotCon Factories in actual operation in norm varviina. 1. Factory at the Falls of Tar River, (Edgecombe County, J C.) bahnday, dvgusl in Ed This is the oldest in me state: nwnpri k., n (Messrs. Batile & Brothers.) 2. Factory near Lincolnlon, Lincoln Co., built by a Companybut is now owned by Mr. John Hoke. . 3. One at Fayetteville, owned by Mr. Mallelt. J 4. One at Fayetteville, owned by Den bow & Co. - 5. One in Greensborough steam pow er, owned by Mr. Humphreys. i 6. One at Milton, owned by anincorpo ated Company. 7. One at Mocksville, Davie Count v, owned by Mr. Thomas McNeely. ' 8. One, or perhaps two, in Orange County, owned by Companies. 9. One at Salem, steam power, recently started, owned by a Company. 10. One in Randolph County, owned by a Company. IE, One at Lexington, Davidson Coun ty, steam power, if not already started, will be, within a few days, owned by a Company. 12. The Cane Creek Factory, in Chat ham county, owned by a company, which has been in operation for a yeaJbr two. 13. The A Hem ance Factory, in Orange county, owned by Mr. Holt, we believe. Besides these, there are others now in ihe progress of building, and will soon be in operation. List of Factories now being built. 1. One at Rockfish, near Fayetteville, a fine water power, owned by a Company. 2. One near Rockingham, in Richmond County, water power owned by a Com pany. 3. One on Deep River, near Ashboro', owned by a Company. 4. One near Leakesville, on Dan River, building of stone, owned by John M. Morehead, Esq. 5. One in Surry County, on Hunting Creek, owned by Mr. Douthet. G One on the Yadkin a few miles be low Stokes' Ferry, in Montgomery Coun ty, owned by Mr. Edward Burrage & Co. i. Uue on the South ladkin River, 10 miles NV W. of Salisbury, owned by .Messrs. fisher 6i Lemly. We understand that several wealthy in dividuals have purchased the Buckhorn Shoals below Haywood, in Chatham Coun ty, with a view of erecting a Cotton Fac tory but have not learned whether they have yet commenced operations. It is also understood that an English mriuitMiiau nas purcnaseu v uiienwu er s , v . . i : . r i IronUoiUs intruding not only to en arge , i 11 ii the Iron Establishment, but to erect ; VV int,r. , Wfi a,so eam af ;iefe a Cq O ictory in in actual opera- will be ' tv. soon. Northampton "v ijrU. .i., :. . i i.i .i. . utMucs iiicsc, ii is ui piuuauie won there may be one or two others in the o,, i .. uiaic, cuiici in iiiiuui upeidiiun, or in me progress of erecting. From these facts it will be seen that North Carolina is making rapid progress in Cotton Manufacturing; and we think (he work has just commenced. Her facilities are so great that the business once started, must go on. We have water power abun dant, and cheap. We have the raw mate rial at hand, and what is remarkable, labor in the Western Counties of North Caroli na, is cheaper than in New England. The effects of the establishments already in operation begin to be fell throughout the State; three years ago immense quantities of Cotton yarns were brought into the Slate by our Merchants from the North, and sold to our citizens: now not a hank is brought; our own establishments not only supply our wants for home consumption but are beginning to export the article, Parcels of North Carolina yarns havealready been sent to market in the City of New York, and find a ready sale at fair profits. Even now, several of our establishments are ma king preparations to commence the weav ing of coarse cottons. We may venture the opinion that in two years, North Carolina will not only supply the demand for her own consumption with the coarser cotton fabrics, but also send them out for sale into the markets of the world. On the whole, the Manufacturers of the North ern States need not much longer count N. Carolina as one of their markets; they may rather regard her as a competitor, and one, who from the great advantages she possess es, will soon become very formidable. Salisbury Car. 1 Native Silver in Davidson county. We have received a beautiful specimen of na tive silver found in one of the shafts now being sunk at the lead mine in Davidson county. We have not learnt the extent of this new discovery, and cannot, therefore, say any thing definite concerning it. It is known, that silver is generally found in 4, 1838 combination with lead, but seldom in su h quantities as to justify the expense of sepa ration. The silver, in the present case, however, is not in combination with the lead, but in its native virgin state. The lo cality, where ihe discovery was made, has not been sufficiently developed to show what may be expected from ihe vein. We hope, however, it will prove io be exten sive and valuable. Salisbury Car. Commerce -of North Carolina Same of our readers will probably be surprised at the comparison of ihe Tonnage cleared at W ilmuigton, with that of other ports in this State aud Virginia, as exhibited in a communication inserted in this paper. In addition to the facts there staled, we find, on examining the same document, thai the total amount of Tonnage entered during the last year, was, In North Carolina, 25,027 tons. In Virginia, 22,971 " In South Carolina, 58.GS8 " The total amount cleared during the same period, w as, In North Carolina, 43,230 tons. In Virginia,. 45,959 " In South Carolina, 88.G65 " Tonnage owned, al Petersburg, Va. 4,91 1 Richmond, 6,632 12,721 8.639 6,570 5.857 2,576 3.404 1,245 1.434 Norfolk, Wilmington, N. C. Edenlon, Camden, Newbern, Washington, Beaufort, Plymouth, Ocracocke,- 2,222 The aggregate Tonnage owned in North Carolina, is 31,941 " Virginia, 43,439 " South Carolina, 23,637 " Fay. Obs. Collection for the sufferers by the late Conflagration, I he following is a recapi tulation of the amount collected in the dif ferent States, from a statement punished in yesterday's Courier, by his Honor, the Mayor : From South Carolina, $76,771 66 29,830 57 27,975 25 Georgia, Pennsylvania, New York, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Virginia, Alabama, North Carolina, ; Maryland, Florida, New Hampshire, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Rhode Island, Grand Total, 15,510 00 8,(50 00 5,977 30 4 4042 10 3.1 1G G5 3,005 00 3.3G2 17 1,7GS 50 397 62 300 00 150 00 50 00 $180,500 87 In Charleston ihe sum collected, was $42,329 79 cenls, including the sum ap propriated by Council, of $10,000; on ihe Neck $6,470 S7 cents. Atrocious Murder. We are informed thai a most foul and horrid murder was committed in Pope county, Arkansas, on the 4lh June, (nit.) on the body of his wife, by William Brown, formerly of Ca barrus count', in this Slate. Brown was alone with bis family. His wife was driy en outside of the dwelling, and her husband presented a gun through ihe crack of the house at her, wheti his wife exclaimed, "you are not going to shoot me, are you.?" and ran to the other side of the house, when he again presented the instrument of death, and deliberately shot three large balls in her breast, w hen she staggered a few feet and immediately fell and expired. The children, who were large enough to do so, ran off and brought in the nearest neighbors, who found him in the house, with the dead body lying on a bed, and the fier.dlihe husband sitting by wholly uncon cerned! He was immediately arrested and put in custody. This horrid deed was perpetrated without any cause, except what was to be found in the malignity of the heart of this demon in humanhape. Mrs. Brown was the only child of George Ivlults, Esq. of Concord, North Carolina, upon whom and his wife, this sad catas trophe brings a sore affliction in their old age. The deceased had received much care and attention from her fond parents in early life, who had this only and favorite child on whom to center their hopes aud affections. She was educated at Salem, in ibis Slate, and shortly after married him, who had destroyed her peace while living, and is guilty of her blood when dead. In stead of finding domestic happiness, to gain which, she even incurred for a while the displeasure of her parents in her mar riage, she became the victim of the most dreadful hatred and cruelly. But the mi sery she endured in married life, did not Vol. XIV 31. prevent the exercise of those qualities of the fiearl that eudeaied her to allher friends and acquaintances. As a wife and mother she was exemplary as a friend and neighbor she was univtisallv respect ed. She was a member of ihe Presbyte rian Church About a year since she re moved to Arkansas with him, who, instead of being her protector, has become her murderer, and rendered motherless, and worse than fatherless, six small children! Brown was intemperdie! aud this perni cious vice and the brutal ferocity of his temper, are the causes of this bloody mur der. Salisbury Watchman. Scenes in Congress There is an arti cle in the "Globe" of ihe 16th on the sub ject of ihe closing scenes in Congress, which exhibits the conduct of the opposi tion members in no favorable light. The editor says, "It is our duty to inform the public, that the men who, at the late ses sion, violated the hitherto undefiUd Hall of National Legislation, and made it the scenes of blows and bloodshed, belong to the rauks of Whiggery exclusively. Fnm the moment that Mr Clay entered the Hall of the House of Representatives, fliilud with rage, and in his sonorous voice alter ed his malediction, "G-d damn you, go home, where you belong" his egei ioil...w ers seem to have fell that it was a sort of order to carry things t?t tt armis, and trust no longer to augment." It is melancholy to witness this triumph f the baser passions, over the principles of humanity and order. The murder of Cilley; the brutal attack of Mr. Bell on Mr. Turney; the threats of Mr. Wise con cerning his "trusty weapons, and other indications dT personal outrage, betray a most deplorable spirit of rufiianism, which will afford matter of deep reflection to the people. The last of these outrages is thus de scribed: "The closing Sabbath morning scene in the House, depicted by the cor respondent of the Journal of Commerce, and transplanted inlo ihe Richmond Whig, from which we copy it, was the work of two of Judge White's messmates and po litical friends Messrs. Campbell aud Mau ry. It seems the latter would have been knocked out of the window of the House of Representatives, which is on a level with the floor, if the assailant had not, to make his blows more effectual, seized his antagonist by the hair, so as to keep bis face, into which he was driving his fist with the force of a sledge hammer, steady to receive the blows. We are informed by one who was present, who saw Mr. Maury (the victim) immediately afur ihe affair, that it would have been impossible lo have recognised him by his leaiures, they were so beaten, blackened, and swol len. Violent fever ensued, and serious ap prehensions were entertained for his life. We believe he is not yet able to leave his confinement." Raleigh Standard. (XFriday was ihe hottest day we have had this Summer. The Thermometer rose in our ofiice, at 12 o'clock, that day, to 101, and on Saturday, at the same hour, lo 98. The bills of mortality, in the northern ci ties, show a great increase of deaths du ring the week of the excessive warm wea ther there. In Philadelphia there were two hundred and thirty-one deaths, 17 of which were from excessive heat. In New7 York, there were 229, 71 of which were from apoplexy and the imprudent use of cold water. In Baltimore 94 persons died, the greater part of whom were chil dren. ret. Int. aCf" singular accident occurred in New York on the 4lh inst. While two young men were diving in the water near Castle Garden, a cannon was fired from ihe Batte ry, the shock of which deprived them of reason. They immediately rose and play ed wildly about, until they were taken out of the water. They seemed lo be idiots wholly unconscious of the past. One gain ed his right senses two days after, the other was still a maniac. : (XTThe Baltimore American sayst"A machine has been invented both in Europe and America, for removing stains from cot ton, which promises to be of immense ad vantage to the Southern States. The patentee proposes lo put one of the ma chines in operation in New Orleans which, if successful, is to be purchased by a joint stock company with a capital of $100,000. It is calculated that 35.000 pounds of cot ton can be cleansed at an expense of $300, the increase in the value of which at three cents per pound, would be $4,050, thus affording a very handsome profit." i i ' - Mobile Mon,

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