P IsLsMl 12 111) Q )Yhnle Xo. 030. Tttrvorougn jL'rvss, 15 V OT.OKGC HOWARD, i i ..rbltr -.it. 7v Dollars a?ul F'flu m . n ... t ail iii ti.Iv.inrn nr. ltiret 111 l''', I ; ;,ti,.M j.f tlir snhsf rinlinn var )," -.vat UU rMi... " r J-"' I ' ,.riol less Hum a year, Iwcnty-Jive f . r.' nor month. Subscribers are at liberty to ' : nn'inue at any time, on giving notice thereof f inivin" arrears those residing at a distance hvari-bly pay t" advance, or givearcspoa : Vo refirnce in this vicinity. ! S"'iWtisrments not exceeding a square will be I- rtd at One Dollar the first insertion, and 23 f P'fr.r' every continuance. Longer advertise t0,"t iii like proportion. Court Orders and Ju I r''1-'? eriisements 0" percent, liiorlier. Ad- 'NPiiien: -i must lie m.uivt'u me num;.i ui m- -i 'II; iS nquiriHl. or they will be continued until ' ,rV-is- onirea anu cnar;ei u-uuiuiu ijr. ...,-K"ddrcssed to the IMitor must be post j cr jfioy may not oe aucuueu iu. r Till: CONFESSION'. There's somewhat on my breast, father, Tint's somewhat on my breast! Tht livelong day I sigh, father, At iii'it 1 cannot rest; Iniiauftake my rest, father, Though I would fain do so, A weary weight oppresseth mo ; ' Tlus v. eary weight of wo ! ' 'Tis not the lack of gold, father, N'or lack of wordly gear; My lands are broad and fair to see, " 'My friends are kind and dear: Mv kin are leal, and true, f itlier, They mourn to see my grief; i But Oil! 'tis nnt 51 kinsman's hand Can give my heart relief! ! Tis not that Janet's false, father, I Tis not that she's unkind; Ti'oughbusy flatterers swarm around, I kriow her constant mind, ' Tis nit her coldness, father, That chills my laboring breast ' T.'s that conf unded cucumber I've ate, and can't digest. DEVILISH RHYME. Xhfre are many devils that walk this world, Devils large, and devils small; Dnilsso meagre, and devils so stout; Devils with horns, and devils without; Sly d vi!s that go with tails uncurled, Bjld devils that carry them quite unfurled; Meek devils, and devils that bawl; Serious devils and laughing devils; Imps fir churches, and imps for revels, i D-vils uncouth and devils polite; Devils hlark and devils white; But a laughing woman withtwo bright eyes, Is the worst de vil of all t j From the Raleigh Register. IMPROVEMENT OF OUR SEA COAST. We Inve before us a Report transmitted to Cniigres in May lat, by J unes Rear uey, ''"die-Engineer charged with in. .King ' a survey, with a view to determine the pnciicabiliiy of opening an inland com ruuiiKati m tor steam navigation, fiom the Chts-ipeaUe Hay l Charleston." Tin oljeTt of the work is to provide a passage the accommodation of the coasting tf.i'Itt of the Union in peace, and its pro-tf.-ci ttti during war. The Engineer re p'it, that the practicability and impor- l;ie df the work are unquestionable. Al though the surveys are unfinished, the Re p" presents in strong terms the advanta Z"i tn he derived from the accomplish Mil of ihe work. The Engineer says 'The coast between Beaufort, North Candida, and the Chesapeake Bay, for a Iiglh of two hundred and twenty or two I1 ;"i'lreil and thirty miles, is nearly, and, ! ii n f.nv enrs, will be quite destitute of in- 1 i capable of admitting even the smaller class of coasters. The closing of those ; wiiu-li formerly existed, (and there hae j! Jtei at least as many as ten of them,) has oeen steadily progressive. In my opinion, W it has been lontr and deliberately j li"nied, and frequently expressed,) the j ,n u,,euance of a direct navigable commu- I '" anon between either Albemarle or Pam "- sounds and the ocean is impracticable. Hu'pose, ui my Imal report, to attempt j" Qm.)nstration of this proposition; and 1 will he able to show that Ocra- Cnr'tp, the only inlet now capable of ad '"'"g lite passage of coasters, will pro . "oy also close in a few years. This in- ,et. which formerly had 13 feet at lo w wa- ir upu its bar, was, last summer, reduced j V a tlepth of Gi feel at ordinary higl "i nothhstaiur,ni, the efforts of the Go j Verninem to resist the encroachment of the i upon it. By the storms of August wt,inenber, and October last, these efforts ;re paralyzed, and the hope of impro VlnK the inlet Wns nhanrlnnprl." , nepori men recommends a connec of the trade of the Sounds with Beau l0rl Harbor, asserting that "faufort, sinre the settlement of the country, ,as ,,ever liad jcss lhan l5 or 16 Tarborough, ( feet on the bar of its inlet at high tides. It us now, perhaps, 23 ftet at high tides. Certainly it has nearly that depth, and there are few bars to the southward of it with more; at low water it has IS feet A navig able communication for coasting ves sels would , inereiore, open for the trade of i fge part of North Carolina, at Irasi one ol the best, and taking the depth of w.iter at low tides, the character of the bar, and the safely of the coast near it, perhaps the best Atlantic harbor south of the Chesapeake Bay." The Report also recommends that a Canal be cut, uniting the waters of the Neuse and Cape Fear Rivers, which would suffice lo open an iul.md communication lr steamboats from the Dismal Swamp Canal to Wilmington, and lo the Ocean. The hue of the Canal is estimated at 56 miles in length. We anxiously look forwapJ to the day when these works may be accomplished It has always been a source of grief and mortification lo our citizens, that our sa coast possessed such limited advantages for commercial business. The produce of North Carolina has heretofore found its way to the sea-purls of the neighboring oiaies, to tne great detriment and loss of our people. This scheme of improvement, if accomplished, must operate for the bet ter. Louceutraiing as it will the whole trade of the Eastern shore, and leading it to the marts of Wilmington or Beaufort, a reat disadvantage will be overcome, and the commercial interest of tin? St.ite bt- r rally benefitted. And if the effects ol our citizens to establish a Rail Road line from East to West, should be consumma ted, and the fertile productions and mine ral wealth of Western Carolina find an eay access to the ocean, our Slate will as some a new position, a greater enertzx will be lent to the industry of o.c neonle. on! tlt lide of emigration, now draining fX their resources, will find a lasting check. CoJiizrcss The following is a recapitu lation of appropriations made during the firt and second sessions of the Twenty fifth Congress of the. U. States, w hic h is taken from the Report of the Clerk of the House ol Representatives. Kztra Session. For the support of the Go vernment and suppression of Indian hostilities for ihe year 1837. $'2,109,000 2d Session, 25th Cungrtss Civil and diplomatic, $8.25.1,300 22 imv. 5. 127. bOO 10 Fortifications, 1,010,415 Protection of the Northern frontier, Navy, Revolutionary and other pensioners, Current expenses of the In dian Department, Preventing and suppressing Indian hostilities, 1 larbors, Liht Houses, Miscellaneous, 025 500 6,002,13$ 30 2.05S 532 02 3,002,127 73 7.739,410 41 1,535.068 53 307,010 36 540,300 45,103 60 Private claims, $38,413,064 87 Southern Gold Jlincs The Southern lapeis announce a discovery in th art of xtractiug gold from the ore and separa ting it from ihe other metals with which it maybe combined, which, if true to the ex lenl stated, or any thing like it, must soon place the gold mines of the Southern States among ihe most productive lhat have been UK) w n. This discovery lies in the substi tution of smlting for tvashing, and is ihus stated in the Southern papers: "Smelting Gold." A process has been discovered in ihe South for smelling gold. which promises lo be of immense impor tance to the owners ot mines. "At ihe Charlotte mine in North Caro iua.by ihe new smelling process, they ob tained from 124 bushels of ore: 600 dwts. gold, at 90 cents, $540 44 ounces silver, at $1, 44 1 ton of lead. 120 $704 "This mine yielded by the washing pro cess only from thirty to forty cents per bushel, and had been abandoned! Take this lo be irue, and here is a yield of 540 of gold from a mass of ore w hich under the old process, would only have yielded between $40 and $50 of that met al. There is also a yield of $44 of sil veranda further yield of S120of lead Thus, under ihe new process, ihe quantity of trold obtained is aboul ten limes th nuautitv obtainable under the former pro rp the amount of silver obtained is equa to the former amount of gold, and the C 1 J T- timna ta tralfio nf amount Ol icau l& uncc iusj iii wbimw Edgecombe County, JS C.) Saturday, August II, 1838 the former amount of gold. Thus, what was a gold mine only before, now becomes gold, silver, and lead; and ihe joint value of these two latter items, before nothing, now becomes four times the value of the original gold, while the gold itself increas es ten-fold. Very opportunely. Congress has passed an act to authorize the Southern branch mints lo coin silver change, i. e. twenty five cent, ten cent, and five cent pieces; so that the silver obtained under the new process will be coined on the spot, and enter inlo circulation in iie country, instead of beingsent lo Philadelphia, never to return. The high price of cottop., and conse quently of labor, caused the Southern gold mines lo be comparatively neglected for a few years; but the reduction in the price ol this staple is having the natural effect ol turning capital and labor back to the mines; and the ise legislation of Congress in the enactment of the gold bill of 1834, ami in the establishment of branch mints in North Carolina and Georgia, will give them the aid and protection to which they are entitled, and with the advantage of the new smelting process, must make the gold region of ihe South rapidly revive from its temporary decline, and soon become the threalreol an immense production, and of the most extended and animated indus- The amount of gold received at ihe Uni ted Slates Mint from the mines in the South ern states. Irom Ib4 to lb5l inclusive. was $5. 126,500. But a small pan of the gold obtained from the mines is sent lo the mint. The greater part is sent to Europe, and a considerable portion is used by jew ellers and other manufacturers in the Uni ted Slates. affray in Illinois. The St. Louis Republican mentions thai tw o citizens ot Boon county in .Missouri, recently pursued two of their runaway slaves into Adams county, Illinois. Finding themselves closely pursued, the negroes took shelter in a hazel thicket, and were soon surround ed by a party who hud joined the pursu ers. The negroes, being armed with ri ll s, fin d, and one of the pursuers was dan gerously wounded, and one of the slaves was kdhd by the opposing fire. The other then surreuderedi A party had as sembled by this lime, who insisted thai the negro should have an examination before a magistrate, and thai proof of ownership shot Id I e ni de. Words run high, and. a general melt e i nsnc d. In the midst of the fray the master Secured the negro on his horse, and escaped lo ihe ferry, leaving ilj.epartivs in the finhl. We have no iutel ligeuce of ihe result. Singular Phenomenon in JVatural His tory 1 lie Charloltesviile. Va Advocate, says : We understand, that Mr. Richard Moon, of Briery, in this county, bas a Ewe which produced this spiing a fine hy- nidous lamb, bearing strong resemblance o a fawn. The ewe had run in the woods i .i i . 1 1 where deer abound during me last lan, w hich accounts for the phenomenon. The itlle animal is said to be very beautilul and sprightly, and excites much curiosity in the neighborhood. 1 his is the first in stance of an intermixture of the sheep and deer species, that we ever recollect lo have eard of, though it is possible many other cases may have occurred." Important for Ladies. The Boston Dmes say : Mr. J. Cults Smith, of this iiy, has invented a key lor tuning Piano fonts which promises to be of great utility uid will enable ladies lo tune their own Pianos1 without the trouble and expense of procuring a person specially lor thai purpose. It is very simple in its construc tion, and will probably soon lake Ihe place of the old key altogether. Monument to Franklin. The Mobile Typographical Society have passed a se ries ol resolutions recommending me erec lion of a public memorial lo the memory of Franklin to the officers ot the National Typographical Association, and urgenily requesting that body lo correspond wun the different local societies throughout ihe Union for ihe purpose of eliciting iheir sen timents upon the proposition. The reso lutions likewise state lhat in the event ol the approbation of this project, committees will be formed to collect subscriptions among Printers only, lo carry it inlo effect The City of Washington is recommended as the most suitable spot for the location of the monument. (XT'A slip from the Mobile Chronicle offic e, dated July 25, states lhat tol. K. H Alexander, of lhat city, bul formerly of this State, fell from the window in tht third story of his boarding house, and was so much bruised, that lie died shortly alter. r.Tin.Ti'i mnamffii'MViiUMi As he never spoke afterwards, the pre- sumption is that he was asleep when he fell. J lialtigh Register. Tit for (at. The New Orleans Courier f July 10, says: One of the 'cutest Yan kee tricks which has occuned for a long time we have now to narrate. It appears that the schooner Lone, dpt. Clark, which cleared from this port some weeks since, w ith a full and valuable cargo of merchan dise and produce for the Mexican market, despite of the vigilance of ihe French blockading squadron, succeeded in getting inlo Malamoras. On her return, she was taken by a French cruiser, in obedience to a decree of the French admiral in ihe Gulf, ordering ihe capture of all merchant men, British packets excepted, that at tempt cither to enter or go out of Mexican pons. Capt. Clark, not being aware ol such a decree, sailed with no suspicion ol being captured; but he was mistaken. Soon after clearing the mouth of ihe Brassos Santiago, he was boarded by boats from a French brig, and his vessel laketi possession of. A portion of his crew rfnd passengers were conveyed on board the brig, and a prizetnaster and 8 men left on board the Lone. By some hocus pocus process, the par ticulars of which w e have not been able lo learn. Capt. Clark, with no other aid than that of his mate and steward, succeeded in lecapturing his vessel: lie hauled down the Iri colored flag and hoisted in its place ihe star spangled banner of our country. The Lone is now in this port, with ihe prize officer on board, bul not as master. She has $ 1 5,000 in specie, and 3000 hides. This should be a lessen to the French how they trouble Yankee captains. A later account says : The difficulties growing out of ihe recapture of the Lone, between Capt. Clarke and Mr. Le Coet, ihe prize-master, led to a duel on lhe20th : After an exchange of two shots without bloodshed, the seconds interfered and co erced the parties lo a suspension of hostili ties. And so "the matter, was honorably adjusted." ftTJolm Jacob Ator has made a dona lion of $350,000, wih a lot of land, to the Corporation of New York, for the es tablishment of a Public Library. A new discovery in Science. Dr. Hen ry Hull Sherwood, of New York, claims to have discovered the law of the variation of the magnetic needle a magnetic pole, which it is supposed, revolves aboul ihe axi of ihe earth once in 060 years; and by means of this, and instruments and tables, invented and prepared to confirm, the laii lude and longitude of any place may be as certained with the minutest accuracy b the dip of the needle only. It is connected with the laws of magnetism, galvanism, and electricity, and it h supposed will ex )lain several other natural phenomena, of whose laws we have had no knowledge. Dr. Sherwood has called the attention of Congress to his discovery, and the Se nate referred its consideration lo the Com1 miltee on Naval Affairs, who made a spe cial report on the subject on Tuesday. Air. Preston said the discoveries were of such importance lhat he would move ihe print iug of 5000 extra copies. It was a vast discovery and not of less importance than lhat of the mariner s compass. Mr. Wtb iter said lhat the discovery was either of vast importance, or of no importance al all. He thought it a duty of Congress to give the facts wide circulation, in order that the country might decide upon its merits or demerits. Mr. Buchanan asked whether the principle on which ibis discovery rest ed was made public in the report. Mr. Tallmadge replied m ihe affirmative. Mr. Buchanan said the discovery, if genuine, was the greatest of modern times. The motion to print the extra number was greed. A Remedy. The New York Journal of Commerce publishes a communication, in which it is staled that a napkin, saturated with boiling waier, thrown upon the stom ach of a man who was apparently dying from drinking cold water during one of the warm days, afforded almost instant relief. fXThe following question has been proposed for discussion at the Blairsville Lyceum : it expedient for printers to starve to death to oblige their subscribersf" We wait the decision of this question with great anxiety, not that we shall "give up the ghost" if ihe affirmative carry the day, but we wish lo see the matter settled, and a precedent established, as the impres sion stems to be gaining ground that a newspaper is an anicleyou may pay for or not as best suits your purpose. New' Yorker. Vol XIFXo: 33. Shocking Affair. A worthy citizen of Luui$n county, Va. a Mr. Thornly, was recently murdered by hisovn slave, a boy nineteen years of age. Mr. T. had taken hold of a saw to show him how to use it, he having been somewhat awkward about it; and whilst thus engaged, ihe boy seized an axe, and with a well directed blow, bu ried it in his head. He died ijnmedia;ely. He was a young man, a husband, and the father of one child. The boy has been subsequently tried by the court, and is sen tenced to be hung nn the I I th of next month Richmond Compiler. A Woman can t keep a Secret. Uourk, the Mail Robber, lhat escaped from the Golumbus Jail, Ohio, has been taken near Springfield Hourk's sister told a neighbor woman, a confidante of hers, that he was concealed in the house the woman having a hus band, of course lold him, and he, having regard for the laws, communicated it to the Sheriff of the County thus does jus tice secure her ends. Houck is only about 25 years of age followed robbing the mail about two vears. Cherokees. The Georgia Pioneer of the 30ih ult. says : "By a gentleman just from the agency, we learn that there are u this time, about 6000 Cherokees m that place and 3000 at Ross' Landing; 6000 vvere expected from North Carolina ihe latter part of this week, and 3000 have al ready departed for their new home in ihe fir West, making in all 15,000, which comprises nearly the whole nation." Miracidovs Escapes. It is said lhat Mr. Lovejoy, of Georgia, orie of the pas sengers saved in the late catastrophe of the Pulaski, was also on board of the Home and the Wm. Gibbons three of the most appalling situations of danger ever recorded. fJTA young lady, aged 27, died at Bel fast, Me. from a wound received by a darn ing needle, while in a scuffle with a small boy. The needle, it was found by exami nation, had entered and lacerated the heart. Extraordinary Electrical Phenomena. A most singular appearance in the heavens is described in ihe Carrollton, Miss. En quirer, as having been witnessed in lhat neighborhood on the nighi of ihe 20th ult. For some time previous there had been an excessive drought. On that i;ight about SoVlock,the air became clouded, the clouds running generally South, and for two hours there was a continual discharge of ele liicity of all around the horizon. Du ring this incessant coruscation,' says the Enquirer, "there shot from ihe pointed clouds a brilliant volley of sparks, exceed ingly bright. Some falling towards ihe earth, others running in a zirzag course crossing nearly ihe whole fiimament. These luminous sparks shot forth some limes large and singly, and al other branch ing out in every direction in ihe most splendid arborescent manner. We are told, for we did not witness it, that the scene was one of the most gorgeous ai.d beautiful ever witnessed. The whole at mosphere appeared uncommonly charged with the electric fluid the radiant flashes assumed sometimes the . form of waves of light, rolling with velocity athwart the heavens and are said lo have been pain ful to the eye from their fn quency. These sparks, whit h were vividly brilliaut, resem bled large balls of fire suddenly struck with a hammer, and flying about in the most fastaslic manner. Olhers have com pared them to the spatks sometimes pro duced by the blow-pipe on metal heated lo intensity. -The Milk Sickness. A disease called milk sickness, has been exceedingly fatal in Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio for some time past. It seems to be equal in malignancy to the cholera, and has cut off hundreds of the inhabitants, -j The Governerbf Kentucky has offered a reward of a thousand dollars for the discov ery of theorigin of the disease, that it may be prevented. In Woodford county, Ky. a poor man by the name of Francis Nave had the mis fortune to lose the only cow he had by death from a tumor or swelling of the throat. Wishing to ?ave all of her lhat was valua ble, he skinned her and took the hide to the tanner on the only horse he possessed. Shortly after his return, his horse was taken with a swelling of the throat and soon died: and the hogs that ate of the dead body of the cow, which were all he had, died also in the same manner; and some of the hogs of his neighbors that ate of the dead carcass also died; and lastlyto close the tragedy, the poor fellow himself fell a victim to the malignant poison wjiich was communica ted to his system by means of a sore on his hand.