lMm Whole Xo. 653. Tarborough, (Edgecombe County, X. C.J Saturday, September t, 1838 Vol. XIV Vo. 35. . HssaaxsaaEsJ iB ljp yi-., '"l''utM,amaa un iMimamnwm i iMiijuuJiBae,ga3ettr. .--.n . ,M-ugaewiTPMM minimi iVif Txrlwouz'i Press, I?Y fiRORuE HOWARD, i ; .1 'f; iv.ua in advance or, j tc v.-, -it tin' expiration of the subscription. year. , period less than a year, Twenty-five Subscribers are at liberty to 1'.. '1111 , .r month. ' ti,,p at any time, on giving notice thereof tllTir,Yin.r arrears those residing at a distance !ll,J ' .- :i.i- m in advance, or irive a resnon- variain. '".t . . 1 c in tins vicinity. ... ai. ...:n i. . , .rtisrillClUS HOI t'M trmu a sijuaiu ir t III Vi if ,1,1c roAncc . ... ).. f),tlhir ihe first insertion, and 25 'iTf r' every continuance. Longer advertise-" s in like proportion. Court Orders and Ju '11 advertisements '23 percent, higher. Ad l ;ni4its must he marked the number of in iU!.i mis remiired, or tnc' )e ondnuod until K.nvise ordered and charged accordingly. l urrs addressed to the Editor must be post 1 ' u : ' . i 1 4 or the' may "ol uu ttllumcu lu iTr-"-- L FOR TlIC TAHBOUO PRESS. HOT WEATHER IIOTTCR AND IIOT j TEK. : ! is surely coming nigher, V.-flsp some comet's scorching tail i li.ti-r.ds to set the world on fire ( An.l "ccnll igrate" us in detail. j AH things are burning here below, ! The very waters, they are boiling; j Th earth is in a horrid glow jU vy union's all a-spoiling. J Man and beast for breath are panting Wurse than lizzards '-on a rail," u r ihe fowls 1 hear no chanting . ,ve ihe owlet's doleful wail. Ilt re I'm in a glorious lamer, 5 In .ting from excess. of iieat; T.ius n null away I'd rather 1 ntz;' up in a winter's sleet. Fretting, snorting, blowing, puffing, ! Like a O'Vci.-' in the seas; A.t day wU'jiticJJingt : L-u n.ternal jLts and jUas. "lis -wexati -us,1' 'tis "prowoking," Tu bt- slam by jitus uidjiie r in worn tu night with rage I'm choking AiiU lury blazing from my eyes. , There's no cool place above the clay Tint I've discovered here below; 1 would have lung since run away Hat didn't know which way to go. ) The "L ciV the coldest place in town, (i'rj .i want of it the Lord defend us,) 'lit st- "j il glide so cooly down ' Thai's brewed with tee at Monsier 1 r's. The ;," is all that keeps me ''kicking," There, ice and mint and liuora How, j Ilf-iu-e 1 go (dry pilgrim) Itclcng I'd save ine from iuudts beloiv." I wish 1 had a limpid stream : Ot -jaliji" daily riowing through rne; ht re Sol could never dart a beam ti Jl'.s iiOTjkua could come to view me A DEVIL IX TiiOUBLE. which mnsi editors have to wonder Is, how il, 'head room encounter, the can find timp. i t w uji iik ai am . (L7Mrli amusement arts rroni0,i Norfolk, by the elephant of the menacerie swimmiiig across to I'ortsmouth under th. escort t,f ,is !ea(jer. ,je haf refused U) br tlic ferry boai.iV. Y. Star. Tomato. The LouisvilU 111,1 f July 3, has the folloning remarks 4This vegelahle which now forms in its season one ot'ihe greatest luxuries that can be brought on a table, has been known as a vegetable for only a few ye.us. Its cul lure for culinary purposes was first com menced in this country, bv, the French Huguenot Uefuqees, by whom it was call ed Pom dc Wmour, or Love Apple. He ides its excellence for the table, it possess s great medical virtues, particularly the ftnall yelh.w kind, an extract from which prepared in a peculiar manner, is s Vid to produce all the good effects of calomel and none of its evils, and as a medicine hi. been highly recommended by eminent practitioners." We would commend this invaluable ve getable, one of the most racy and pleasant that can be brought on the table, to be universally cultivated and eaten. Stewed is it usually is with boiler, it is a umst p-i liable dish. It may be e;u;n in soup, and rooked in a hundred different wins, be- j sides being preserved, in the form of i alch up, Tomato mu.-tard, pickles, he. At this season it seems providentially furnished to us as a natural and agreeablt- iperient, lhal is so easily dioestible that the stomach is never disturbed. We all know that from the current of ihe fluids setii.ig towards the snrlace in all hot cli mates and hot seasons, billions suffusion, billions fevers and their cohm q lences, de noting torpor or rtv rted actum in the liv er, are universally common. Here is a capital every day table reme dy at hand, without recurring to mineral or other vegetable poisons. lOven in Cho lera limes, also, we do not know if there would be i ik in eating of this vegetable in moderation ib. believe he was the son of the devil. He was sentenced to the State prison for seven years. Philadelphia Herald. d brush between the Sioux and Chippe was. We have just seen a letter from Fort duelling, to a gentleman in this cily, dated July 13ih, slating lhai the Cliippewas and Sioux had a brush quite recently on the Chippewa river, which terminated in the death of one Sioux and five Chippewas. One of the latter was roasted and eaten by the former'. Detroit Adv. The unpardonable Sin. To take a pa per and not pay for il. A clergyman in Ulica was dismissed by his congregation, lor impressing this truth upon them, a large majority of the church being innewspapei arrears. March of mind An honest farmer in irrf State ot Peunsy Ivani a, married a misi. Iiom a fashionable boarding S( hool for hi second wile. He was strut k dumb with cleans the knives and has to reserve power enough lor oilier uses." The Dayden Corn A letter to the edi tor of ihe Augusta (Georgia) Seuiiucl,! from BuiUecoi, in that state, dated July I 24 says : "The largest crop of Corn ever! raised in this county, has been raised this season on the plantation of Isaac Carter, from the Bay den seed. Mr. Skinner, Hit Overseer, states that the Gordeyed Com will not average more than 5 ears to the stalk, whereas the Bayden seed yields from S to 12 years to ihe sialk. He also states lhal he noticed on one stalk of the Bayden 13 large ears, 9 shoots thai had silks on them, and 4 shoots that had no silks on them at ihe time, but he thought ihey would have lime enough to make nub bins, which would make 22 large ears and 4 nubbins to the stalk! Caution. A fly entered the ear of a ham-si hand while at wink in a field in .Miami count v. and aliUouuh the insert was ' D - ------ - - her eloquence, and gaped with wonder at soon extracted, ihe ear continued painful his wile's learning '"You may (said he) bore a hole through the solid an tii, and chuck in a mill stone, .and she'll tell you to a shavin how louy the stone will be goin clear ihro . Site ha laint kimistry and cockueyology, and lalks a heap about oxhides and comical in fi dues. I ued to think it was air thai I sucked in every lime that 1 expired; how somever, she telled me lhal she knoweo better she telled me lhal 1 had been suck ing in two kinds of gin! ox gm and high gin! My siais.! I am a tumbledown ler CyThe Mrs. IJuh, who, committed sui cide Saturday by laudanum, has left a fa mily. She had been for some lime de sponding from the death of a daughter. Mrs. I. is t lie third of thiee sisters who h ive made way with ihemselves under si milar circumstances, as we are informed by the Sun. ib. lowul temperance man, and ei have been drinking ox gin and high gin all my life.'71s,'t,"s l" l'e patieni like the fluttering o "" ihe insect, and is worse than the insect' lor several days. The person called upon a physician, who on an examination found ihe fly had lefl some of her progeny in his ar, which were grown to medium size, i'roin i to i inch. The physician succeed -d in dislodging 35, which proved to be all that were in the -ar. tolumbus Ohio) Register. The best application is at once to fill the ear with laudanum or brandy, and let it remiiu in for a short time. It kills the insect neailv as soon as oil, but what is elter all ys the spasmodic excitement c: I the tympanum or drum of the ear, which ol s From the Alexandria Clazttle. KIJITOIUAL WRITINGS. A fi'w days ago ihe National lutelligen fr hid some sensible remarks on the snb- j' t of ed'niiig a piper. One idea express e his frequently struck us with great " lie. Many people estimate the ability i a newspaper, and the industry and tal- nisof its editor, by the variety and nuan- c.i- . . . .. . "j i editorial matter winch il contains. "iliiiiU can be more fallacious. It is ,f,"i;)ira(ivelv an easy task for a frothy Ur'!' r i:i pour out, daily columns of words; Y'r.Is, upon any and all subjects. His . 1 le-is may flow in "one weak, washy, ever Idling fl K)d." and his command of lan- pane may enable him to siring them lo- . P'lher lik.' bunches of onions; and yet his Pper may be a meager and poor concern. i ut what is the labor, the toil of such a 'miMvlio displays his "leading mailer" ever so largely, to that imposed upon the judicious, well informed editor, who exe-r 11ps his vocation with an hourly consci- 1 O'isness of its responsibilities and its du- ,ltJS and devotes himself to the conduct of '' piper with the same care and assiduity I mat a sensible lawyer bestows upon a suit, or a humane physician upon a patient ; wu!mnt regard to show or display! In- , u" d, the mere writing part, of editing a i' is hut a small portion ol thewoik ; 1 lfl industry is not even shown ihere. Mr,ihH tate, the time, employed in t fluting is f;ir more important and the 1 3'1 "f a good editor is better shown bv J'jry .Marriage. We see by the notice in ihe j. Stai , of ihe marriage al Hemp siead Harbor, of Edward Tappen, to .Miss Harriet Alien, lhal Mr. Tappau is 15 years of age, and Mrs. Tappau is 11 y ears and 10 days old. Veiy lair for North and South Htm slead. ib. ftions t'nii any thing else; and that, ! "'"til know, is half the battle. Uut as e have said, an editor ought to be esti- "M,pn, and his labors understood and ap j Preciater!, by the general conduct of hi ' Dane . j r i" us tone its temper us inau- -us umiorin, consistent course its aims its manliness its courtesy its diir v its propriety. To preserve all these, j 35 they should be preserved, is enough to j ccnpy fy (e lmp an(j aUeni,0li of an If to this be added the ceneral su pervision of the newspaper establishment, Jl burst (f Teetotal Eloquence. A staunch teetotal pcukci thus emphatically addressed his attentive audiloi s at a late abstinence meeting in Stockton : "Intoxi cating di ink,' he exclaimed (duly suiting 'ihe action to the woid and the word lo the uliuu,') "is nothing else, my friends, but iquid hell fire, which was lust compound ed in the sulphurous laboratory of ihe in fernal regions, and there invented by lhal mosuliabolical of all the chemists, the de vil. (Stick, then, stick lo water, my friends, as the cobbler slicks lo his last, for you have no more occasion lo swallow liquid hell fire, than a duck has for an umbrella on a rainy day. York lleraldT) - J Castor Oil made sweet George W. Waite, of Baltimore, has discovered a pro cess of clarifying and sweetening casior oil, making it as palatable as salad oil. I'he process improves us medicinal quality, so as to render US operation Iree Irom pain. Lin. u az Gambling on the li'estern Waters. This is a most important as well as a moi alarming subject; and we trust the authori ties of Illinois and other Western Stales will tuact such laws a shall suppress a de moralizing vice, which, as will be seen, too ofieu leads lo assassination and mur der. The Grafton (III.) Backwoodsman, has an article on the pievaleuce of gamb ling on board the steamers in the Western livers. It recoids ihe deaih of several in dividuals in an unaccountable manner, and the iollow ing extract sbows a slate of mor als almost too depraved for belief. - "Numbers have come to "the West, ta ken passage on board of a boat, and never heard of again. In repeated instances within the last few years, letters have been addressed lo us Irom a distance, w ith anx ious inquiries for a fi iend, and w horn no tidings had come since he was on the point ol embarking on board of a boat. It was feared lhal he had fallen overboard, oi died on the passage, and we were implor ed in the most iifiecliug terms to seek in- leHiLience ol his fate. Our earnest endea- ors in moal instances have proved nnavail- ing. ivouiu ine ueep auu iui oiu waters oi our rivers reveal their secrets, they would tell but loo ufltn ihe long Silence of those absent Ii tends. The midnight gambliui:, ihe fierce quarrel, ihe diik, the sullen ilunge of the ghastly corse, with heav weights attached, all follow in quick sec ession, and with the unerring certainty thai iffeci lollows cause." Phil. Inq. Cure for felons. Take unslacked lime, and slat k il in soap; bind on a plaster of ihe size of a small bean; change il every hall hour for three hours. This will draw il out and leave the bone and joint perfect ly sound. One villain punished. We learn from i hi Saratoga Sentinel, N. Y. lhal at Hit last Over and Terminer held in that coun iy, a fellow named Ezekiel Little Was con victed of -Inline off ins wife's tongue. Hi accomplished his fiendish purpose by cho king her till her" tongue protruded from her mouth, when, like a won, lie seiiea u win his teeth, and bit ofl'about an im h in length The offence given as it came out at lh triil was. that his wife would not believe him to be Jesus tiurisi me oon oi unn and entitled to be worshipped. No won der. She had strong reasons, however, to motion itself. A". Y. Star. One Hundred Thousand Indian Vic tims to Small, Pox ! The small pox epi demic, introduced among the .M aminos, StC on the AiUsnuri and its tributaries, by miscrtanls called sutlers or rum-se!itrs, hns caused within the last year one hun dred thousand deaths, who have bctn thus immolated to white cupidity and the bles sings of civilization. 'Ihe Si Louis Com mercial Bulletin of ihe 17th says that it had received information from the Indian country, stating that the ravages of the small pox among the lirdians had nearly ceased. ib. OThe mosi marvellous tale now in cir culation is thai given al Lowt ll( Mass. on the authority ot the Uev Luniul I'orter, who stales that the daughter of Mr. Levi Atwood of lhat t ny, upposcd to be in a rousiimpiion,Avomiu d tin July 14, thiee or four , huudrt d' ".Miiall wuims lesenubljng maggots, and which, being preserved, hutched in a few d;ys inio us many of ihe common house flv! ib. Egyptian .Mummus. Mr." Buikinbam gives ii as his opinion lhat dure are not less than one hundred millions of mommies entombed in Egypt; and he describes ihree singular uses thai are now made ol them. For fuel. The peasantry of Kgypt pro cure, them,' break them in pieces, and use (hem lor fuel and as they have liille or no wood, those dried human bodies serve ihem in its stead. The resinous matter and spices which were used in embalming ihem, render them quite inflammable, and ihe odor which is given oul at ihe period of burning, is said to be quite delightful. For Mcdiral purposes. In mot of Le bodies there is found solid portions of ihe bitumen, or resinous drug, which was used in embalming. This is taken out of the bodies and sold in large quantities to merchants ai Cano and from thence u is sent to Portugal, Italy , France and Eng land even, where it is pulverized by the apothecaiies, done up in small papers, and sold as a mosl excellent drug to cure in ward bruises. And for this purpose hun dreds of pounds of this stuff is eatt u every year, taken from the inside cf Egyptian mummies. The other use made of ihem is, for paint ing. A celebrated painter in London in formed Mr. Buckinham thai the backbone of an Egyptian mummy, when it was ground sufiii ientiy fine, made the most ex cellent brown color of any maleiial Know n. Among ihe ancient Egyptians, the piac lice of embalming was universal. And .Moses informs us, lhat Jacob and Joseph were embalmed according to the at cient custom. For its prevalence among the Egyptians, Mr. Buckinham gives the fol lowing reason. They believed in the transmigration of ti e soul: and lhat after the soul left ihe body and had finished us transmigration, lhat is, after it had lived in the bodies of the cat, dog, monkey, ox, or what not, ai the end of ihree thou-oi d years, it would return and re-orenpy us first body, provided it should be found in a suitably state of preservation. And to preserve the body, fo lhat il might be a fit receptacle for the soul al the end ol the three thousand Jears, it was embalmed and slowed away in the large sabtf rrane ous vaults which abounded in lhat couniry. Served him right. W illiam Neil, presi dent of the Clinton Bank, Ohio, recently attacked Mr. Samuel Medaiy, editor of the Ooio Statesman, in the streets of Colum bus, because he felt himself aggrieved by some rem n ks of the Statesman. The spe t ulation was not a Very profitable one for the bank man, for he received at the hands of the editor a sound and effectual drub bing. Bait. Sun. OThe cotton crops in Mississippi are said lo be in a promising condition, not withstanding the late long drought. The continuance of dry weather gave the plan ters an opportunity to clear away the grass, and ihe recent rains found the fields thoroughly clean, with nothing to impede the rapid growth of the coilon. The con dition of the corn crops is not favorable. I he corn is not so hardy a plant as cotton, nd is sure to suffer more for the want of fiiot. We limit i staiid a riol occurred in Jiiscy on Wednesday. It seems the blacks of this vicinity mel lo celebrate ihe Emancipation of ihe slaves in (he West Indies in our sister suite. '1 he Jersey Blues not relishing such black proceedings in the woods of Iheir neighborhood attack ed them vviih clubs, &c and drove them into their boats, and tontiuned to assail them there. We have heard it staled Al derman Ash was instrumental in quelling ihe disturbance. Phil. Focus. a rain ib. fXIn a description of the Astor House by the New York Whig, we have the fol lowing account of the application and pow er by steam : By the multiplication of stationary wash tubs, and the power of steam, clothes may be washed, dried, and ready for use, in half an hour after they are given out The drying process is accomplished in five minutes, by spreading the clothps on wood en horses running on rail roads, and lead ing inio a large close apartment healed lo i very high temperature tiy steam, a ro ary sleam engine pumps water, supplies steam lo the kilchen, wash room, he. Crim Con. At Mouiicello, New York, , i . if i . i : rc j on Ihe Dili uii. m. uaicnu recovered $400 from Dr. Blake Wales, in an action lor dim. con. wilh the plaintiff's wife. Curt for Summer Complaint. Black' berry Syrup We are indebted to a friend for ihe Iollowing receipt for making Bla k berry Syrup. This syrup is said to be al most specific for ihe summer complaint. In 1832 il was successful in more than one cae of Cholera. The fruil is now in tnar- keti and the present lime is ihe proper lime lo make it. v Jv To 2 quarts of juice of Blackberries, add 1 pound loaf sugar, , i s Z nutmegs z. cinnamon, pulverised, oz cloves, i t z alpice, do. .Boil all togetln r, for a short time, and when cold, add a pint of fourth prool bran- You will save many bitter tears by pub lishing ihe above in your valuable paper. From a leaspoonfull lo a wine glass, ac cording to lite age of the patient, tilt re lieved, is to be given. It may spoil piac lice but it will save life. 07A receipt for making a cheap com position for preserving (he rools ot build ings, weaiher-boarding and fences Irom the weather and fire : Take one measure of fine sand, two of ivnod ashes well silled ihree of slacked lime ground in oil, and laid on with a pain ter's brush first coat thin, and second thick. The writer says: "I painted on a board with this mixture, and it adheres so strongly to the board, lhat it resists an iron tool; and put thick on a shingle, it resists the operation of fire." The Great Vcdley A writer in the Knickerbocker speaks of the Mississippi Valley as one lhal has no parallel on earth; its length , may be estimated at not less than two thousand five hundred miles; and its main breadth at from twelve to fifteen hundred. He adduces many fans lo prove lhal it was once coveted by an immense ocean, and lhal ihe great change was brought about by repeated and long continued volcanic convulsions, lie de scribes this valley as noi only ihe mosl de lightful, the richest, and the fairest portion of the earth, but capable of sustaining a population of a hundred millions. Bait. Pat. Grasshopper s. I he complaints of the multitude and ravages ot the Grasslu ppets in ihe country have been vtty gential and we saw a few days since several fi ids of corn lhal had been completely riudud by these busy lelluws ai d comiiro our selves lhal lUe city would be exempt Iiom such an evil. Bui we reckoned without our host they have come among us, and in our paved street and on ihe solid walls of our sun-healed buildings ihe Giasslu p per has neecome a burthen. Oo Sunday, Market siretl presented a lively scene, deep with long shanked gentleo.cn dan- ing about the p.vt merit and singing all kinds ol songs in their own language. ' PhU. U. S. Oczette.' The Crops.-' Ihe New York corres pondent ol me iNalioual Intelligencer, un dei dale of the 19ih msl. says iJ Accounts from the East ami North mention that ihe rain last week produced the most bet t fi nal effects on ihe crops, and lhat in many places where Ihe corn crop was before de spaired of, il now begins to revive, and promises an average nop. Norfolk tier, ttyThe iMemphis, Teniir Inquirer of ihe ?th insi. states lhal the corn crop in that vicinity wilt be almost entirely ue siroyed by ihe drought. lb. CT'The catlle are dying offat a shock ing rate io some parts of New lian phire by some unknown disease. 'Ihe bodies putrify soon alier death, lhal il is netessa ry to bury ihem immediately . Some per sons had been poisoned by attempting to skin the dead animals. ib.