SA I UIU) Y, SKI'T'U 1, 1638. Our County Court was held this week. We have had about lhe usual quantity variety ol State and civil ca?es none wor thy of special notice. ffyWe Tieard it remarked, at the close of the recent election, that the Whigs in Pill had ''eaten the entire swine" during the canvass, merely reserving the tad lor a final display, should ihey prove victori ous. The last Washington Whig gives a vivid description of the manner in which this useful appendage was "used up" at a Public Dinner at Paclolus, on the I otli nit. as it says, 'in honor of the Whig vic tory in that county OTfAmnng the recent decisions of the Supreme Court we notice the following: Also in Hiues v Spruill et al. in Equity, from Edgecombe, declaring that there i ?rror in the interlocutory decree. Melancholy Accident. vve learn that on Sund iy morning last, as three negroes weie out a racoon hunting, in hewing down a tree near Cofiield's bridge, in Ha lifax county, the tree fell on a small cy press which bending over struck Jerry, ;i negro man belonging to Air. G. C. Pitt man of this county, and knocked his brains out, killing him instantaneously. flWe some time since published a statement resprcting the sudden k. mysie rioustWaih in Floiida vi)v. John H Par for, a native of this county and loimerly a resident of this place. It will be seen from the subjoined article, that the dread ful suspicions o his being murdered by his slave, are imw realized : Jiurdcr ti ill Out lo November lasi our comvnu.iitv were trwn into rousier n.iti mi by the mysterious disappearance of Dr. J hn H. Parker, formerly of .North Carolina. Search 'was made, and his body found in the Escambia river, about 25 miles hence. Ii was concluded tht he had fallen, by accident, frm a Mnall boat (in which he was in the habit of crossing the river,) .tml got drowned. It now ap pears by the confession f one of his slaves named lis, that lhe Doctor was mur dered by Lewis and another slave namn! Heurv, and thrown into the rivt r. Th deceased was killed by Lewis, who struck him with an axe on the side of lhe face, and then gave him several other blow, which despatched him. Lewis, it is said, has lately manifested symptoms of mental derangement, but, in relation to this mat ter, there is too much meaning in hi madness," to leave any doubt of the hor rible truth of his confession. Pensacola Gazttte. (7We have been favored with the first number of "The Farmer's Advocate, and Miscellaneous Reporter." It is published Semi-weekly in Jamestown, Guilford conn tv, by Mr. John Sherwood. We invite attention to the Prospectus, which will be found in our advertising columns. A pa per of this description has been long need ed in this section of the country, and we doubt not it will prove of incalculable ad vantage to th? agricultural community. It can be seen al our office, and we will glad ly forward the names of such as may feel disposed to pttronize this laudable undertaking. ELECTION RETURNS. Nine counties remain lo be heard from, respecting the Governor's election. The Whigs thus far claim a majoiity of 17.069 in favor of Governor Dudley. We wili publish in our next, a statement of the voles for Governor, in lhe different coun ties, agreeably to the returns; and a List of lhe members elect to the General As sembly. The Standard has the following vcmarks on the subject. The Result Our returns are now com plete. We have heard from the Senato rial District of Buncombe, Haywood and Macon, which has elected a Democratic Republican Senator, and one member of .in? same politics from Macon. Tins gives ;s 23 out of 50 in the Senate, and 55 out f 120 in lhe House of Commons. We - w state with confidence the political laracter of our next Legislature. m have no molive for misrepresentation .r concealment; and w hile truth and candor quires us to say the friends of lhe admin traiion have not a majority in either ranch of the Legislature, we can say, with equal cei tainty, tliat lhe Bank IVhigs are aUo in a minority. The lew Mates Rights men in both houses, hold the balance, and will decide such questions of a political character as may aiise. If w e cannot boast of a majo rity for the administration and the sub-trea ty so our opponents, proper, cannot elaim a majority for Clay and a National Bank. It is a fact, beyond question, lhat while the opposition carried every county where they commanded a majority the friends of the administration have lost lhe asceu dancy by'divisions. Such was the case in B'-rtitf, Sampson, Orange, Stokes, and Yancey; to say nothing of other counties in which our friends claim the majority. In those counties thtre has been a h!s ot S members; more than suffi ienl to have secured the majority in both branches Our enemies may boast and brag but our friends abroad may be well assured, (hat our opponents will be able to effect nothing of a political character neither instructions, direct nor inferential. Whatever may be the impressions of others, we are satisfied with the present as peel of affairs in this Slate. The bitter waters of federalism have extended to their utmost bounds, and must hereafter recede from before the frowns of an honest and patriotic people. The viriuousdemocrai y of Noith Carolina will arouse to a vigilant exercise of their patriotic duties, i areles if the reproaches of corrupt and interested partisans, or the bullying and threatening of crazy politicians. The people have nothing to fear. The God of justice is with u;aud our Slate will be one of the fii uiesi pillars in the temple ol Constitu tional Liberty. Raleigh standard. C?We learn, from the Lincolnton Re publican, that Messrs. Clement and Ri helm, from Rowan, are opposed in a Na tional Bank This is but the commence merit of the decrease of the celebrated fe- leral majority of fourteen. if). die strong Federal current which is sweep-1 iug over the land and threatening the ue et ruction of the rights of lhe Stales. If my overthrow shall have the effect io in duce the people to pause and survey the ground on which they now stand and the dangers ahead, I shall not regret my sacrifices. I am well satisfied that many patrtottc and honest men have been led into error by their bitter hostility lo the Van Buren oartv. and for such I slill entertain re spectful and kind feelings. They have overlooked principle in their hot and vin dictive pursuit of men. 1 had hoped that a long course of faithful public service would have protected me from lhe illiberal and unjust animadversions of my old poli tical friends, ii nol from my opponents In this 1 have been disappointed. I am however not deprived ol an approving conscience, and an abiding faith that my countrymen will (when passion and pieju (lice subside) not onlv do me justice, but repudiate the false and anti-republican doctrines now in the ascendant. Accept renewed assurances of esteem JNO. BRANCH. To Duct. R C Bond. Senator Brown In answer lo several inquiries on the subject, we state thai lhe leim lor which the lion. Bedford Brown is elected to tin U Stales Senate, expires ui the 4ih of Maich 1841. The time for electing a Senator by the Legidaiure North Cat oiuia is al lhe session of 1840 ib. Keio Countu. Bv reference to an ad- vertiemeui in to-day's paper, it will be een thai application will be made to the next Legislature of Moith Carolina, to (oi in a new county out of paits of Halifax, Northampton and Warren counties. Halifax Adv. lieve the schooner was not wiibin fifty m'es of her. Y. r. Star. GjrThe steamer Gov. Dudley, intended to pl between Wilmington and Charles ton, arrived at oor whail, otrFud iV trie I7ih lust, alter f boisterous pa.xsue fi oui orfolk, where she stopped on Uer pass age from New York lo erect a in si Wilmington Adv. State Elections Toe elections for the Legislature in Alabama, have terminated ni favor of the Democratic Republicans, oy an increased majority. Mr. Ciabb, (Whig) has been elethd It) Congress, in place of Law ler, (Whig) deceased. In K' Iium k, ihe Democracy are gain ing ground, though Mill in the minority Henry Clay, Jr. son of the Hon Henry, C'l iy, has been beaten for the Legislature in the count v in which his lather lesides The proposition fui a Stan- Convention i lost by an overwhelming majority. lu 1 1 1 1 1 1 i , the Democracy have auain triumphed and elected L.lwards iheir can didale for Governor; and probably Doug lass, iheir candidate for Congress. In Indiana, the Whigs still retain the ascendancy. In Missouri, the Democracy stand stcd fast, and have secured a large majority in both branches of the Legislature. The President. A private letter from lhe White Sulphur Springs, announces the afe arrival of President Van Buren at that place. Our correspondent states that "the plain, Republican, and unostentatious man uers of the President, elicit the admiration of all; and I will add, deservedly so, be cause he is unquestionably lhe choice of the people, now and hereafter. There are now between 5 and 600 visiters at the While Sulphur. -Petersburg Constellation. From the Halifax Advocate. Mr. Webb: I send you the enclosed communication from my friend Gov Branch, which should have been handed you before. I had intended lo have ac companied its publication .with some re marks in explanation of the course and principles of Gov. B audi and a defence of my own position. But a severe domes lie affliction compels me to postpone the duty lo sarnie future occasion. Very respectfully, Yours, ROBERT C. BOND, Aug. 27, 1833. Enfield, Aug. 9th. 1838. My dear Sir: By ihe last mail 1 reteiv ed intelligence of the indisposition of Mrs. Branch, now at ihe Springs, near Athens, and also of the death of her carriage dri ver. This will make it necessary for me 10 leave in lhe next stage, and as my ene mies may misrepresent my motives, I deem 11 prudent to put some of my friends in possession of the fact. In relation to lhe politics of the day, 1 have but a word to say. My motives for permitting my name to be put in nomina tion are known to you. They were of lhe most patriotic and elevated haracler, and yet it appears that my conduct is condem ned by a large majority of my fellow citi zeus. A long and ardent devotion to the Republican principles of 1798 and '99. in duced me to throw myself in opposition to OyCol. A J yot r, of Halifax, N. C. wj elected, on Saturday before last, Pre sident "I the Portsmouth and Roanoke Rail R.iad Company Col. J i also a tin ruber of our State Senate. Hoi. H'g North Eastern boundary Gov. Kent, of Maine, has determined to wait no Ion ger the tardy proceedings of the British Government, but to proceed forthwith to run die boundary line between that Stale and the Eulili provun es, accordiog to the Treaty of 1783 This determioation is protiiuiog .i great stir among lb- Cana dians, and may lead to serious coiim qucn- t e, il speedy measure? are tmi adopted by ihe General Government to avert lhe col lision. ib. JYVw Cotton. A hale of new Cotton, weighing 429 pounds, staple and color ...od. was received al Augusla, Ga. on lhe I7ih ult. and sold for 14 cts. per lb. QjWe are authorised to state that lhe l?r:,rb of lhe Bank of the Stale of Geor gia, located in ibis city, will resume the pa) metil ol us nines in spei , . t....r next, lhe IJUin lust. sivgusm ,uw. . y-?lo; rTriiwfiird. President of the Board o( Commissioners of Internal Im provement, has succeeded in negotiating in New York, a loan oi nan a unuioii ui dollars to carry on the Western and At lunik Rail Road now in progress by the State of Georgia Irom the Tennessee line to the Ctiattahooche. Milledgevilhy Geo. Journal. Loan for Mississippi. The Vicksburg Bank has arranged lor a loan ol $l,.uu,- 000, and lhe Mississippi Slate slock of five millions issued for lhe establishment ol the Union Bank has been so far negotiated as that the parlies are authorized to draw im mediately for two millions. J . X . Star Sellinfr the bear that is not hunted. Some wag lias been hoaxing the slock jobbers of New Orleans into a belief that the Government ot 1 exas has made an ar ranoeuieut for a loan from Biddle's Bank in Philadelphia. On the strength of this hoax, Texian uoles and stocks rose fifteen per cent, when the Bulls, of course, sold out, made large profits, and left their dupes lo rail al lhe sub-ireasury scheme or read Dr. Duncan's speech, which ever best suiied their taste. New York Era. off and not attempt lo ccme t00 they would be tired into. The Pi u havinc no arms and but board, with very light winds, wasf( 1 in uiti - or wire evidetitj. away negroes; had come from the c'. Norlh Carolina, and were m-a;. i ., W.rili fthr a,. O1 tXA slave girl of Adams coar. attempting to kill her mistress. Loss of Life bv Steam. Tu tion of human life by steamboat d;' within a few months, has been fearf -i the subjoined list will demonsirnl V GjW'e learn with regret, lhat ihere is no truth in the alledged donation lo this uy of a public library by Mr. Jno. Jacob tor. ib. Il becomes our paimul duty to announce ihe death of Thunus Uews,Ji. fclq Attor ney at law of this place, w ho depai ted this iile on Saturday the 4ui insl. aged about 30 years. The circumstances attending the death -.. it oi Mr. u are truly oisiressiim. lie was a candidate io represent t'uis couutv in the oexi Legislature, and was returning from the lower part of the county where he had gone lo attend a public gathering, a few lays previous lo his deatli. On arriving within six miles ot tins, it was discovered that he was in a state of mental derange meat. On the evening of his death he started for home, as was supposed, bui not reaching this thai night, serious appreheu sions were entertained by the citizens of uur village, thai some misfortune had befallen him, and immediately search was made for him that night in lhe neighborhood where he was last seen : his horse was found on Ihe bank of Broad River nearby, but no traces of its owner could be seen. On next morning search was again made, and melancholy to relate, he was found in the bottom of the river, having apparently been drowned lhe evening pitvious. In the death of this y oung man the com munity lias been deprived of one, wlm, by his natural endowments, was benefitted for any station in life, and who by the exercise of a highly gified mental capacity, might have rtfl-cied lasting honor upon his na tive iiiatf; mild and courteous in his de meanor while at lhe Bar, he gained lhe es teem of all his legal associates. He has left an aged Father and Mother, a brother and several sisters to deplore a loss which to them is indeed irreparable. Rutherford Gazette. Chapel Hill. Among the improvements al Chpel Hill, preparatory to Hie late com mencement, we have heretofore failed lo notice the painting of the society halls, which, we are told by several intelligent members of ihe college, exceeds any tiling of the kind in this part of the coiinu v. The whole is tastefully executed, and the ceilings are richly ornamented with the names and mottoes of lhe societies, in gold letters. lhe work was done by Mr. P. W. Fanning, of Wilmington, in this State; who is self-taught artist, and a worthy and intelligent gentleman, well deserving en couragement and patronage. Raletgh Standard. Pulaski The captain and owners of the schooner Merchant, charged with un feelingly passing by lhe wreck of the Pu laski and refusing assistance, make aflida vil lhat they never saw tbe wreck, and be- Horrid Death from the Bite of a Rattle Snuki:. Mr. Jacob Hcaton, of Braxton t .. Virginia, is stated to have been bitten by a rattle snake, July Clh, on the skin be tween the knees and instep, and in a few minutes feeling a smarting made for his house, a fifth of a mile distant, where he fell at the porch with vomiting of blood, ami died the same night with extreme ago ny about the heart, convulsions, &ic. The therokres Conference and Agree ment vf Get acott with them. The Ham iltou ( Teun.) G.zeite, August 9, furnishes the details ot lhe agreement entered into The chiefs engage to transport the re- m uuuer i tueir people to iheir new homes to furnish ihe necessary subsist ence, to commence on Sepi. 1st, in de tachments of about 1000 each, at intervals of a few days. So lhat reckoning 12 de tachment, the last will leave Oct. 20ih. Gen. Scott allows ,$G5 a head for lhe re moval, and furnishes one half in advance, teach detachment to be under their own people, and lo be accompanied by one or two physicians, appointed by the general with concurrence of the chiefs. Until the departure, the Indians lo subsisted by lhe government. Suspicions of IVar It will be seen by an article of intelligence in another place, that the Cheroktes west of ihe Mississippi are summoning a grand council of the neighboring tribes, the purpose of which is supposed to be to form an alliance pre paratory Ui a war on the frontier territory of Arkansas and Missouri. They could muster a formidable armv, and would doubtless give us great trouble if they were to determine on such a si e p. -JYorfo Ik Her. Beware of the Swindler A fellow of the name of Wm. C. Johnson, Tailor, and Clothes Renovator, who ramp to it .Sj place about two months ago, left, clandes- tuieiy, on lhe night of the 18lh inst. for getting, in the hurry of the moment, to pay on several small Dills which he had con tracted with our citizens. In order lo give lhe public some idea of the prostrate louuiiion oi ins nuances, or his depravity of heart, we will mention the fact lhat he lias thought proper to leave even us minus the sum of len dollars. Said Johnson is a bad pattern of lhe "ninth part of a man " and will evidently not wenr wli U- had on, when he left, a blue frock coat, velvet pantaloons of the same color, and generally wears shoes made of cloth or buckskin, with buckles. He is ahont c?t feel high, of spare proportions he has a urge uouy lace, and is remarkably polite. Uxjord Exam. (EVVe are informed by Capt. Darrell, of ihe Schr. Admiral Colpoys, at this port, lhat he saw on Sunday last off "False Cape" a large Canoe or Perriauger Boat; having on board, as he thought, an unusual number of men, for a boal of her size and that on landing at Old Point on Tuesday, he was told by ihe master of Pilot Boat! oeiim, that he, too, had a short lime pre vious, seen the same boat, and made for, and on coming up, found her to have on board some 1 2 or 1 5 negroes; all well arm ed with muskets. They were told to keep month. 400 the Home, ffm . ' ( selle, 120 the Ben Franklin inn Oronoke, 130 ilie W'ashi Pulaski, 100. Total, 1,280. , lOfK,, JYew York Market, Aug. 25.Ties of Cotton for the week are 200(1 k,. " - i a ., m... q Vai it inns. ot II flour h5 rived; Georgetown new sold at 7 75 Richmond cily at 8 37. Soutlitrn has brought 1 50 for prime, and n ' eel rather more; the receipts of Con suiiicv not iih itasru, aim ll is HOW ai y a ya. nothing new in nava! Hurt Petersburg Market, August 24.-. ton lhe market is very still; but fe tering bales were sold on the street . -I- . n ring ine weeK, at a iu cents; lft ask 101 a n cent; slock lighi, (wholesale,) 4 00 Bacon, (Hog U0llJ! 11 to U aU cents Int. Washington Market, Aug. 28.-TW lino nan; l.rt Of). f A f 1 Ct r- ....v, ..v." vj-.w ,Jt,CUJ CCfJrf $1 UU. Tar, $1 05. H hig. "I JVorfolk Market, Aug. 24. Cotton J 10 1 I cents; Corn, 83 to SG cemj; Lard, 11 to 12 cents. Her DIED, In Williamston, N. C. on Friday, 17a ult. Dr. William Henderson, afier a'liiipr ing and painful illness of nearly k months, which he bore with patience ad fortitude. In the grave all his foibles ar; buried, and we say not loo much when assert, that in him the community have lost an attentive, conscientious and s-kiVi physician, a generous, honorable, and wor thy citizen. He Jias left a lender wife (whose soothing attentions were never wanting during his long confinement,) and seven children lo mourn their irreparat: lossi He expressed no fears of death; Ii only desire was lhat he might be spared! raise and take care of his young and inte resting family. They have lost an affec tionate and kind husband and tender parent. "Man that is born of woman is of fs days and full of trouble. "lie cometh forth like a flower and is cut down: he fleeth also as a shadow, and continued! not." Hal. Stand. 3 33 tiers uwtnt, At Tarborourrh and jVew York. AUG. 23. Bacon, Brandy, apple, Coffee, Corn, Cotton, Cotton bagging, Flour, Iron, Lard, Molasses, - Sugar, brown, Salt,T I. - Turpentine, Wheat, Whiskey, - per lb gallon lb bushel lb yard barrel lb lb gallon blb bushel barrel bushel gallon Tarloro Few 8 10 10 Hi 100 123 13 1G 55 8 20 $8 41 8 50 10 CO 175 100 50 60 9 25 9 5 10 55 m C5 180 125 i)3 41 9 61 0 16 23 $3 3 4 28 35 Pi 1(1 J 3 45 275 1G5 30 OCi) 170 32 Caution. EJOMK lime in the winter of 13 1S3S, we gave lo each other N50 Hand for twenly five dollar?. 'Ilie:' Notes were deposited in the hands of os? John IFavrcii, , Who has since Iefi this country. ccaJ' lion lhe public a&ainsl trading for Notes, as they were given for a cnsiucr ation that has ailed, and we will ncj pay them but at the end of lhe lais, it may be) net then. B. n. HISB& CIIAS ELL1- Angus! 29, JYoticc. JpHR subscriber having qualified ' juinmisiraior on me esiaie ui Elizabeth Pender, dec-d, At November, 1836, and all persons ng claim? against lhe estate will do we to bring them in within the time I"1-" hy law, as 1 shall not pay any debt acl thai time. BHEWRT PENDER, AdtrCr August 26, 1839. I

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