Jcgroc& for Sale. MIX SOLD, at Public Sale, for f C;?h ir negotiable notes bearing in (crcsi from the date, on Monday the 10th S.pt'rnexN (being Superior Court week,) belore t!-e Court House tloor in Tarboro', Several likely Negroes, Among whom are some likely young gii-?f and a negro woman a first rate cook, ua-Iicr, weaver, &c. with a boy child two yf.us rid. The above Negroes are sold fcr llie henf fit of my creditors, and I wish a those interested to attend, that the pro pC,ly may not be sacrificed. WILLIAMS IUNES. Aiisii! 27, 1838. Notice. AT the August Sessions of Edgecombe County Court, the Subscriber quali fied as an Executor on the estate of the late lienjamin Cojjield; Tliis is thcrefoie to notily all those hav fng claims against the Slid deceased, to present them to the subscriber properly authenticated, within the time prescribed by Act ol Assembly: otherwise this no tice will b plead in bir of their recovery Aod all those indebltd to said deceased Arc if quested to make immediate p.iyment, a no indulgence can be given. ON TUESD VY, the 18ih Sept. next, tvill be sold, on a ciedit of six months, at the late residence of iitnjtmin Coffteld, deceased, a portion of the perishable es tale of said deceased, consisting of HORSES. MULES, CATTLE, HOGS, SUEFF, 0a:, "'d V Mer, Household anl Kitchen Furmitin, Farming Utensils, and other ar tirbs too tedious here to mention. Hon J with approved .security will be required of th purchaser, belore ihe properly is changed. R. PITTMAN, Ex'r. August 2Sth, S3S THE MACES Over the Tarborough Course, yORTH CAROLINA, WILL COMMENCE on Tuesday, the 30th cf October, and continue FOUR DAYS: First Day, A Sweepstakps, for three years old, mile beats Si GO entrance, S50 forfeit to con tinue on-n until Montlav 22d OtMnher Persons wishing to ente'r will make i known by addressing the Proprietor. Second Day, Part of Jockey Club Purse, two mile lieats S200 -entrance, Si 5 for subscri bers; S20 lor non subscribers. Third Day Balmce of Jockey Club Pure, three wile beats S300 entrance, S20 for sub scribcrs; S30 for non subscribers. Fourth hay, A Handy Cap, mile heat?, best three in SI50 entrance, SlO for subscribers; cl5 for non subscribers. OTTurses liable to the full amount. All letters addressed to the Proprietor rcust be post paid. 1VM FOXHALL, Proprietor. Aujt 29ih, 1838. , (P'Tie Petersburg Constellation, Norfolk Her and Warrenton Reporter will give the above je (weekly) insertions, and forward acc't to this 2ice for collection. Ralcigli Star. LL persons in arrears to the under signed, on account of subscriptions to ile Star, advertising, &e. are earnestly re lasted to make payment. those especially who still remain in bted to the late firm of Lawrence & Lemay9 Are loudly appealed to both by the de .ancs of justice, which they have so long ilsrep;irded, and our pressing necessities; nd it is hojd every one who reads this ' receive it as addressed to himself in "'Virtually, and settle his account without further delay. . G3F ersons at a distance may very safe 7 and conveniently send us the money due tip 'le 'ler'f of their respective conn 6hoVvho wil1 b2 cominS lo lhis Cily rl,y to make their annual returns. p . Til OS. J. LEMAY. H'egn, N. C. Aug. 15, 1838. Notice. Mtorne A Bering, U disso'ved by mutual consent. Slantnn.L JOHN R. DERING. Jntonsburg, N. C. July 11, h, ,638. PROSPECTUS, OP THE FARMER'S ADVOCATE. And Miscellaneous Reporter. Agriculture, literature, science, ihe me uu,uvm arts, virtue, and reli the county's stay and na 1071. lion's wealth. NOTWITHSTANDING the extensive variety of newspapers and period i cals, published throughout the country, and the diversity of subiVri tl,orr.; L nraced, it is obvious to rtfl-cttug miml, that the conductors ol hoe powerful, and if rightly guided, those salutary vehicles of information, n-iva been too generally actuated by parly motives; and that political contests have been carried to such an alarminsr extent. as to threaten the dissolution of our noble insinuti ns; while subjects relating i QIUCULTURE, LITERATURE, SciENCP. mid I he MfcCUANICAL Akts; those s ib jects immediately connected with our best interests, and which would eveniuall) Dlace us in an independent situation, Lavt measurable remained unnoticed. Actuated therefore by these views, Ihe subscriber intends publishing in Jami s T wn, N. C. a periodical, und. r and c..in pntinj; with Ihe above title; u, ihe.-x?c: lion of which, he designs in the fir-t p ace, to use all laudable exertions in pi jcurir!i and disseminating practical iulnrriiaiuui. essential to Itie interests, and r-iiculaif d to increase the dignity of the Fa it me it. Secmdlv : Education, a ue Lite rary Institutions ot the cmieiry, will rind in nis columns, a warm and Ineudl) support. Thirdly: Science, and the Mrchani cat JJrts, will alv be sulj-cts ol iliscu--sion, arid invaiiably receive a liberal share of attention. Fourthly: Due attention will be paid to sui j vts calcul ited to promote Ihe cause ol Virtue and Heligion. Fitthlj : A hn:t noiice will also be ta ken of passing events, of on imnoilanl ad interestiog n nure, both Foreign and Domestic; excluding all Political con tests, and subj cis calculated lo creak party animosity. In short, no pains will be spared, to ren der the ADVOCATE a valuable and in teresting visiter in every family, and to every virtuous and intelligent class of the community. In order therefore, the more effectually 'o prosecute our purpose, we respectfully soUrii the .friendly aid of every intelli Sent Farmer, Mechanic, Literary and Scient'fic gentleman, wio may have tal ent and inclination, to communicate to us such discoveries and practical hints, on sul j cts within our provii.ee, as may en rich our columns, and by a reciprocal in terchange of thoughts, become a valuable source of information. Communications ulso on subj cts either Religious, or Mo ral, will be thankfully received. TER3IS. The ADVOCATE, will be published in semi monthly numbers, consisting of sixteen octavo pa ges, (one sheet,) neatly printed, on good paper, folded and stitched, and promptly mailed to sub scribers; making in a year 384 pages, and furnish ed with title page and index, at $1,25 per year, in advance. Any person by forwarding $10, free from charge, will be entitled to ten copiesi In consequence of the difficulties and losses, in variably attending the collection of small sums, at a distance; no order for the paper will be attend ed to, until the subscription price is forwarded, or the payment secured by some known responsible persom All letters, communications, &c. to the publisher, must come tree from postage, or they cannot be at tended tOi All persons holding subscriptions, are requested to forward them as early as possible. Editors favorable to our designs, and those who may feel disposed to exchange with us, will do us a favor by giving our Prospectus an insertion. JOHN SHERWOOD. Jamestown, N C. Aug. KS3S- State of North Carolina, EDGECOMBE COUNTY. Superior Court of Equity, MARCH TERM, 1S3S. John Joiner ) vs. v Original Bill. Kinchen May and others, ) ST appearing to the satisfaction of said Court, that the said Kinchen May is not an inhabitant of this State: It is there jore ordered, that publication be made for six weeks in the Tarboro Press, notify in him to appear at the next term of said Court, to be held for said county, at the Court House in Tarborough,on the second Monday in September next, and then and there to answer, plead or demur, other wise judgment pro confesso will be taken and the case set for hearing ex parte as to him. Test, . NOR FLEET, C. M E. Price adv $4 10. Greenville Academy. rUIE Tiusteesof this Institution take pleasure in informing the public, that they have engaged Mr. 8. JV. Stoddard, To jake charge of their Academy. Mr. loddard :s a graduate of Union College, New York, from the Officers of which, as well as from citizens of Raleigh where he has been engaged in teaching a private school, be has testimonials of his qualifi cations and assiduousness. I he School will commence on the first Monday in September ensuing. The charges for Tuition asfollowsi For spelling, reading and writing, per quar ter 11 weeks, - - - $3 00 &ame, with arithmetic, - - 4 oo Geography, grammar and history, - 5 00 Higher branches in English, - - 6 00 Languages, - - - 7 00 With a charge of twenty-five cents lor contingencies. JtfS. R. HOYLE, Sec'y. August 16, 183S. Academy, N. C. -.m&ii9 TJpHE Trustees ol this Institution take great plea--ute in announcing to the Iriends of education throughout the State, that they have engaged the valuable servi ces of 7. W. JLoveJot to take charge ot this Academy. The 'Trustees have received very fluttering tes timonials (both as regards his qualifica tions as a teacher and his habits as a gen ilemao,) Irom several genth men of Green vilh , N. C. where, in consequence of the sicUm ss of the climate, Mr. Lovejoy has been compelled to abandon a very flour ishing -diool, numbering about seventy boy-; which, in. addition to letters receiv ed Irom Giet nville, are an evidence of the high estimation in which this gentleman was held as an instruclor. Mr. Lcvejoy is a graduate, is said to be a first rale ma thematician and linguist, and fwhal is of great importance) is said to possess the tare faculty of imparting knowledge with very great facility. The course of instiue tion in the Pittshoro Academy will em brace all the lower and higher branches of education, including Latin, Greek and Frrr.ch. It is designed to make this, as it is believed it will become, a first rate Pre- p.natory School for such as are desirous of entering either ol the classes of the Uni versity. 'The first session of the school will commence on the 4h Monday of July inst. Hoard can be had in respecta ble families at SlO per month. Tuition at the ordinary rates. It is unnecessaiy to speak of the great advantag s Pittshorough offers in point of health and society, as it is believed they are superior to those of any town in North Carolina. M. Q HWDDELL, Sec. to Trustees. July 11, ls.SS. Male English School. A SCHOOL ot ini- description will be opened in Tarborough, on the sec ond Monday in this month, in the house belonging o Mr. Mark, Opposite the Hank. The session will close on the last of De cember. The price of tuition, for the pre sent session, will be from seven lo eight dollars: one half to be paid at the first of November,lhe balanceon the first of Jan'y. Aug. 4. $10 Reward. AiS aWaY from the Subscriber, on the 15lh inst. negro boy I SMC, Well known in Tarborough as the prop erty of Mrs. Manic Joyner, formerly of that place. Isaac, though grown, is much under the ordinary height and size well formed, active, and very black. He was last year hired by Mr. Howard, and I be lieve worked in the office of the Tarbo rough Press. He has or had a wife at Dr. Lawrence's plantation near Tarbo rough, where I feel assured he has gone. I will pay Ten Dollars for his delivery in the jail at Tarborough, upon receiving information from the Jailor to that effect. B. A. POPE. Weldon, N. C Augl. 18, 183S. CUT KOE riflHE Subscribor has received on con signment, a large supply of VERY SUPERIOR Cut and Roe Herrings, Which he wiU sell low for Cash. JJ2S. WEDDELL. Tarboro', 4th May, 1838. THE HACKS Over the JS'ashville Couise, NO. CAROLINA, ILL COMMENCE on Tuesday, the 23d Ocober next, and continue THREE DAYS: Fu st Bay. A Sweepstake, for two year old colts and fillies, glOO entrance, half forfeit, mile healsto name and cbse by the fit st day ol October two or more to make a race. Two entered. Oo the same day, a Sweepstake, for three year old colts and fillies, iSlOO en trance, half forfeit, mile heals to name and close by the 20th October three or more to make a race. One entered. Second Day. Propiietor's Purse, 200, two mile heats, entrance $15. On the same day, a Sweepstake, foi three year old cults and filiies, S150 en trance, half forfeit, two mile heats to name and close by 20th October three or more to make a race. One entered. Third Day. Jockey Club, $350. three mile heats, entrance S20. 'The Jockey Club Purse subject to the uual discount. Stables and litter will be furnished for Race Horses gratis. Entries can be made by letter to the Proprietor at Nashville. JOHN S. ERRING TON, Propr Nashville, Aug. 20th, 1838. SIIOCCO SPRINGS. $ 1 11 r CT 1 1 1 R Sohserih her friends thai her Establishment at Shocco Springs, Was opened for the reception and accom modation of visitors, On the first day of June. inst. She deems it almost unnecessary to say any thing as regards the healthfulness cd the waters ol the Springs, as they have heen so frequently the means of restoring to health many of the most valuable mem bers ol society, and their medical proper lies have heen so fnquently tested b gentlemen and Physicians of first rate tal ents in the country. The Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road runs within ten miles of the Springs, and thr ' ars will piss daily by the fourth of Jul) next; and, for Ihe accommodation of visit ors, the Subscriber will regularly lun : Hack from the Depot at Twittv's to th Springs. JINN JOHNSON. Warren co., N. C. June 3, 138. - JYoticc. IpOR SALE, the Revised Statutes of the Laws of North Carolina five of the first volume at five dollars each one of the second, at four dollars. JOS BELL, C. C. Tarboro', Aug. 10, 1S3S. Notice. JTRAYED from Josiah Barrett's, in this county, about the 20lh May last, f small bay jinny .IIVIjE Belonging to the Subscriber, with shoes on her fore feet, (whether her hind feet were shod is not now recollected,) about three years old. I purchased said Mule from a horse drover, so it is very uncer tain which way she may have gone; but when last heard from, she was in the county of Edgecombe. I suppose she has been taken up by some one before this, and if so, any information respecting her will be thankfully received, and the per son amply compensated for his trouble. WILLIAM D MOYE. Greenville. Pitt county, June 4th, 183S For Sale, at this Office, On Banking, Education, &c. Delivered at the Queen Street Theatre, in the city of Charleston, S. C. July 4th, 1837. ALSO, an Oration on The Freedom of the Press; To which is appended the doings of a Pub lic Meeting held in Charleston, July 28th, 1837. By Tlicojriiilus Fislc. March 1838. Notice. Hp HE Subscribers are now receiving their supply of SPRING C0S, Which we are determined to sell as cheap as the cheapest. J. $ J. LAWRENCE. Tarboro', 18 April, 1S38. Jtlrs. Jl. C. Howard, TTNFORMS her customers and the pub lie, that she is now opening Jler Spring Supply of Comprising a handsome Assortment of ar ticle m the Millinery Iine, viz: Pattern Bonnets, of the latest and most approved fashions, Cottage Uonnels, a superior article, r,ngiisn straws, Leghorn braids, Grecians, mix ed Straws, &c. Drawn Bonnets, various colnrs and patterns, nam and figured ilks and Xatius, lor dresses, Green India Silfc, Black Mode, Florences, Crapes, 'Thread Edfrinnrs. Blond Edgings and Footings, Inserting?, Grecianett and Bobbinett, Har.dkerchietV, Caps, Capes and Collars, head Ornaments, A splendid assortment of Itibbons, Flowers, &ci 'These Ooods;wcre all selected by tier- self, and are of the most fashionable and est quality. They will be sold at a verv small advance for (Vh, or on the usual credit to punctual customers. , latborough, M;i 5, 1S3S. 1 CURB FOR MAEM TIMES, Jit the cheap Cash Store. HP HE Subscribe!, in announcing Jo his customers and the public erenerallv. the arrival of his Spring purchases, takes pleasure in assuring, them that his present aiocK comprises. the 1L ARGE&T, Most splendid and Cheapest ASSORTMENT OF Seasonable Goods, Ever exhibited in Tarborough, And respectfully solicits a call from those whose object is lo buy. IVctv and Fashionable Goods, At extremely Loiv Prices. Having made his purchases "pi incipallv at Ihe Auction Sale for Cash, he ff els' confident in saying he can not only exhib it an immense variety of New and Fash ionable G:ods, but is enabled and will sell them at such prices as cannot fail to satisfy the greatest economist, and prove a partial (if not an entire) remedy for the "Hard Times." (EPTlie subjoined are a few of the leading articles dOMli Peces P"nted Muslins, small and large ypvJJI patterns, from 20 to 75 cents per yard, Printed Lawns and French Prints, A beautiful assortment of black and colored Silks very cheap, p(Jj)) Pieces Calicoes, from Ci to 35 cents Ginghams, to 25 cents, New style silk Scarfs, Cravats, and Handker chiefs, Muslin and Lace worked Collars, English thread Laces, Edgings, and Inserting, Parasols and Umbrellas, to Irish Linens, Long Lawns, and Diapers, Ladies' Corsetts, from $1 to $G, Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, Ladies and blisses' ISoimcts, Superfine broad cloths, various colors, cheap, Cassimeres, plain and ribbed, A variety of styles of Goods, for Gentlemen's summer wear, Men's long and short nap Reaver anil Silk Hats, Of every variety of shape, quality and color, from SI to $6 each, 30 dozen palm leaf Hats, from lOcentseach, 5lfh4lOl yards bleached and brown Shirt 44Vly ings and Sheetings, from 6 cts. Ladies English kid, French, morocco, and pru nella Slippers, of the very best quality and most fashionable shape, Women's morocco, prunella, and leather Shoes, cheap, Misses and children's Shoes, lien's and Boys5 Shoes & Boots, In great variety, very cheap, With every other article in the Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Line. ALSO, a very large and general As sortment of Groceries, Hardware, Ctttlery, China, Glass f Crockery ware All of which he now offers at very low prices for Cash, or on a short credit to punctual men. JAMES WEDDELL, : Tarboro April 27, 1S33.

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