OFFICE OF THE TAUBORO' PRESS. C Hp HE Subscriber havmg m3(Ic consid erable additions to his Printing Ks tablishment. is now nreoared to execute in. a neat and' expeditious manner, every desenptu n of BOOK. PAMPHLET, AND JOB PIiIJTIVG. He will also keep on band, an assort ment of BLANKS, of the most approved forms for Clerks of Couits, Sheriffs, Con stables, &c. &c. His prices are regulated by thoe adopt ed at the Editorial Convention, held at lileigh a few months since, viz: Handbills on medium, roy-tJ or super royal quarto, for 30 epics, $2 50, for 50 Copies S3 00, and SI for every addition al 100 cop es. Hrse 13 i I Is for a light one, 30 copies, 3 00. Larger ones in proportion to the sizi and Dumber printed. Small Cards, ;t single pack 32, and Si for evrry additional pack. Lige Cards, a single pack S3 00, and $1 25 for every additional pack. a1 rr Kept regularly on hand for sale, 75 cents per q'lire. unions printed to speci l or tier, tor a single quire $2, tor ev'iy addi tional q-iire under five, Si; exceeding five quiies 75 cents per quire. liraleful for past favors the Subscriber hopes to mrit and receive a continuation of public patronage. GEO. HOWARD August 24. Notice. npHE subscriber, as Administrator on the estate of Thomas Dickenson, tlcc'd, Hereby noiifie all I lie heirs of said Dick enson to come forward or make known their title to deceased's estat-. It is con jectured that William Dickenson, broth or ol the deceased, who removed to South Carolina several years since, is now living or has left heirs who are entitled to part of said estate. The will of the deceased was made void, and all the heirs come in according to law. The estate is now rea dy for settlement, and if application is not made to the subscriber in Edgecombe county, North Carolina, within the time limited by law, I will feel myself authori sed to settle with the heirs thM are known. MOSES BAKER, Adm'r. July 14, 1838. PROSPECTUS OF The Republican. "Let there be light." ST is proposed to establish in the Town of Washington, -North Carolina, a new paper tinder the above title and mottot The title indi cates the political character of the paper, and the motto indicates its purposei It will advocate 6tronorly and warmly the doctrines of the Old Re publican party the doctrines of 1798, '99 the- doctrines ot l nomas Jettersoni It will maintain a strict construction of the Federal Constitution. It will of course resist the re-charter of a National Hank in every form which Federal ingenuity can propose. Such an institution is believed to be not only at war with the Constitution, but the worst foe to the commercial independence of the Soutln It has besides, many dangerous political tenden cies. The Republican will advocate a divorce be tween Bank and State. The uniou of Bank and State is mutually corrupting, just as the union of iJturch and State ha3 beeuloundin all past history. And as in our free government it has been found, that government can get along very well without the aid .f church, and the church best maintain its purity without the interference or aid of gov ernment; so it will be found equally advantageous to separate Government and Bank, and let "each rest upon its own merits. A great question is now before the people of this country. It is : "Shall the people govern the banks, or the banks govern the people?" ,It involves another question: Are the people capable of self-government ! Are they prepared to succumb to the dominion of a moneyed aristocracy 1 The odds are formidable : money is power, and a power ever adverse to- popular free dom. The danger from such power is in propor tion to its concentration : and it. may safely be aaT serted, that a more extensive and formidable con centration of the money power never existed in any country than now exists in our own... Ii-isJ w aging open war with the people. It is even now sweepiug counties and States in its ruthless and conquering march. All the purchaseable tal ent of .the country is enlisted against the people. Popular liberty is in danger. The people must rally to the rescue. Thanks-to the wisdom and valor of our forefathers, the political power is still in the hands of the people; and surely it can only be necessary that they should be aroused to a gense of the danger. The Republican will be found on the side of the people and aoinst irre sponsible power. ill the people be true to them selves 1 The interests of the Farmer will not be over looked. A portion of the columns of the Repub lican will be devoted to improvements in Aoricull turr, Markets, &c. The Republican w ill be published on a Super royal sheet, weekly, at two dollars fifty cents if paid witbin three months after the receipt of the first number, three dollars if paid, afterwards. All communications addressed, "Publisher of the Republican," will receive attention Aujr. 1839. $25 Reward. AN AWAY from the Subscriber, on the 14th November, 1836, negro man SPENCER, Asred about 26 years, 5 feel 6 or 7 inches in height, weighing about 150 pounds, yel low complexion, with a pleasant look no scars ormarks known of. Said negro for merly belonged to Moses Tison, in Pit' county where he was raised. I he abov reward will be paid for hi apprehensio' and delivery to me in Greene county, V miles from Slanlonbursj on th Kileigi; road, or lodged in any j.iil so that I gel bin again. All persons are lorevvarned again" harboring, employing, or carrying off sait: negro, under penalty ol the law. BEXJ. C. D. EASON. Nov 29. 1 837 1S Cotton Gins. nrtflH Su!.criber respectfully inform the public, that he still continues It cairy on the Gin making Business, At his former stand, In Greenville, Pill county, N. C. Where those wishing new llins can b supplied with either German or polishn cat steel saws at the shortest notice. Those having Gins out of order har b 'st send them in at as early a day as cor venient. When all wait (as is usually th case) until they want to use them, it i sometimes impossible to furnish then within the time r quired. ALLEN TISON. In connection w nh this establishment, con tinues to carry on the Z,ocA: and Gunsmith bitsitiess, The making of Suiv Mill Boxes, Mil Inks and Gudgeons, ami Mill SpiixHr wiili Steel Collars, (turned,) eq ual to an in the United Slates. All orders in his lino of business will b thankfully received, and faithfully sih promptly executed on reasonable turns. NOR FLEET TVER. January 30, 183S Jesse W. Taylor, JJESPKCTFULLV informs the citi-zr-ns of Eig combe and t fin adjoining counties, that he has commenced the Tailoring Business m TARMROUGH, Nrxf door to, the Store of Messrs. II. Austin Son. He hones by a diligent attention to hi business, and a faithful and prompt execn lion of the work entrusted to him, to inerii at.d receive a share of public pa1rong J nr.: 14 s:s. fldvertisemcnt. nnilR impossibility of carrying on the fVulchman as it ought to be con ducted, while absent oo collecting exp-nli lions, and the impossibility of longer do ing without the- largn amount due me for 6 years of labor, have determined me to sell the Establishment at the end of the present year. The Subscription List is Jlbonl Eight Hundred, And on the increase, and the Job Printing and Advertising good for at least $500 a year A gentleman of talents and a sound Whig, hall have tru Paper on the most liberal terms. 1 would not willingly let it go in to any other service. An early applica lion is requested. H. C. JO YES. Editor and Proprietor. Salisbury, Juno 23, 1838. Books and Pamphlets. qioit SALE, A Concise History of th Kehukee . ion. bv Elder Jo Higgs AUo, the Patriotic Discourse U isket of Fragments, Mouse gnawing on f the Catholic trap, and No other tha baptist churches have a right to be callei Christian churches: by Joshua Lawrenct Also, Occurrences in the Lift of Ebb" loseph His, wrote by himself. APPLY AT THIS OFFICE. January, 1838. "iif pip i' VWSiT- ."iff parTi COFFIEJLn IHJVG, MERCHANT TAILOR, MESPECTFULLY informs his friend and the public generally, that he has received his Spring and Summer Consisting of Cloths Green and black summer Camlet, Striped thread Drills for p.mtaloons, Plain black and figured Vesting-, do black and ftzured Velvets, Plain and figured Valencia, do do Marseilles, Main black and fancy Stocks. fflso, on hand, Superfine blue and black Cloths, I visible green and brown do. Stuped and corded Cassimeres of various colors. IJosoms, Collars, Gloves, Supenders, &c. All of which he will sell low for Cash, r on a short crcdit lo punctual customers lie trusts by due attention to business nd his long experience therein, to giv loe sutslaclion to those who may lavor ;im with their orders. lie also will keep constantly on hand in assortment of Heady made Clothing, Of the best rjinlity. manufactured by him t il. All Wfik clopatchttf at the shortest totice. Tarboro, April 1 3th, 1S3S. JYoticc. HEXRY JOIIHSTOrV, ITIE(iS leave 'o inform his custom t and the public g-ner:dly, that he ha just r c'ived hom N' York, 1 splendid Assortment of GOODS, Suitable j ' r Genffemeu'& wear. CONSISTING OF S'lpetfine Cloths and Cashmeres, of all the most his' ionable elois, Summer Dtills and Gatnbrows, for panta loons V spit rulid assortment of Veslings S'oehs, liosoms & Collars Suspenders Gloves. And he has a few First rate Beaver Hats. Of the latest fashion, very cheap and wilt he sold low lor Cash, or on a short credit to punctual customers. Tarboro', April 13i IS3S. Cotton Gins. rIPME subscriber Uu removed from Tar borough, and establUhed himself on the Kaleigh road, near the store of J. C. lvnight, on Cokey, where he continues The making and repairing Cotton Gins. All those who whfi to surmlv themselve with Gins of the best quality, are repect- ujny soiicneu io apply to the -Subscriber personally, or by letter. All ord Gins will be promptly executed. (Jin out of order will be expeditiously repaired. Person wishing to h:ive work executed. : i i ... . . viii p.e leave meir orders at the store of J. C. Knight, Kq. SAMUEL D. PROCTER. February 5lh. VZ&J House, Landscape Ornamental FAINTING. njlFIE Subscriber respectfuHy informs me citizens oi Edgecombe counlv. tie jytuuii iiiinseii In Tavborongh, ri).aicu iu csccuie an orders ii his line of business. Those wishing gigs, sideboards, silting hairs firt ciroono mwl i I Iri . TP - . , o..u Mie iiKe painted, ill bring them to the coach shop of Mr errell. He will' leave town and go into the ountry, when house painting is required. All orders in his line of business will be 'lankfully received and faithfully executed i reasonable terms. -r ' u ,fAE fVIS DE JRQUER. Tarboro', Feb. 26. Cotton Yarns. nn HE subscribers, thankful for the libe u i ..irAnatrp ihiv have heretolore IUI jaiiuf,v received, would respectfully inform then .1 Lit- !. lUnll ItIVI istomers ana me puonc, uui n.cj REDUCED THEIR PRICES. nd are now prepared to supply all orders ... . . i ... : i v. which may oe sent mem, wnn Yams of the best QiuilUy9 And upon terms as favorable as can beoo tained elsewhere. Their time of credit as heretofore, with the usual dicount-for cash They would also inform those indebted -i . . i - . t r Ti. i,A..'c loos' to tnem, mai me imcicsi .m xant-i .w- in the Factory terminates with the end o! . . p .i the present year, and tnereiore mey ne i nofsted to make navment bv the 1st Janu :iry next, either with cash or good cotton, which will be preferred, and for which the highest market price will be allowed.. BATTLE $ BROTHERS. Nov. 29, 1837 Notice. npiIE Subscriber respectfully inform the public, that he still continues to manufacture and repair Cotton Gins, Com Vans, and Corn Shelters, AT HAMILTON, MARTIN COUNTY. fie also is Agent for tin disposal of Ilarman's Patent Threshing Machine, in tliis section of the State, and will promptly furnish those who may desire one ol them. They area very useful and durable article. JOHN IVILSON. Jitn. 2, 1838. TO PRINTERS flnd Publishers. rinilE Subscribers have just completed -11 their new specimen hook of light faced BOOK" AND JOB Printing Types, blowers and The conieii's of whieh Ate herewith parti- r 1 1 V IV' I: Diamond, Pearl, nos. 1 and 2, Ajrate, nos. 1, 2, and 3, Ajute on Nonpareil body. Nonpareil, nos. 1, 2,3 and 4, Minionette, nns. 1 and 2, Minion, nos. I, 2, 3 and 1, Minion on lirevier tody, Brevier on Minion body, lirevif r, nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, Brevier on Burgois body, Brevier on Lonr Primer body, Burgois on Brevier body, Burgois, nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, Burgois on Long Primer body, Long Primer, nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 Long Primer on Small Pica body, Small Pica, nos. I and 2, Pica on Small Pica body, Pica, nos. 1,2 and 3, Piea on English body, English, nos.. i and 9, Great Primer, Paragon, double English, Double Paragon, Cannon, Five line Pica to twenty. Eight line Pica gothic condensed to 25, Seven line and ten line Pica ornamental, 6, 7, 9, 12 and 15 lines Pica shaded, 8, 10, 15 and 1G lines antique shadedi ALSO, A large and beautilul collection of Flow ers, Irom Pearl to seven lines Pica, some ol which are not to be found in any other p cimen; a new assortment nrnm,m.n. al Dashes, a variety of card Borders, near Two thonstindHctal Ornaments Brass rule, leads of various thinbn. i i . . . . o5, anci s.gns, metal and hrace dashes from 3 to 30 ems In . primer and double pica scripts on Foclined u.u oouu ana: nonpareil music of va nous kinds antinue lio-hi nri u . :waIie!eIIe,,ailface;;;,;,,a7i1X vmudi cn. uiioion. nmv or i mceii. IIP hrpui onJ.C. A large vanetv r,f nm,mnln ... , ted parcicularl, for .S American markets: t 4 P.,.. : -''" even una i " utzuzse frrpiiv with every other article made me of in ine r tinting busimsft All of which can bo u. lino c i '" Mion no ble terms as any other establishment. , CONNER COOK . Cor"e.ryfcfl Ann streets. G1BLEAT Expedition to thcj npUAVEU.ERS are informed a Rail Road between PeT fiichdwnd is finished, completi1 Main Mail Line of faj BETWEEN ' North Carolina and the A The different Compares on lhe u, start a Line from Halifax on tho.' U,er;C tr luiuiigiun nun isoud (Jo Reach there, which enables pasSfr reach New York Tldpi ' ? f; vanee of anu other !,i - j 'ii,. THE FOLLOWING IS THE Schedule of this Line, Leave Halifax 5 to 5J P. M. tersbure 1 A. M. reach Pj. Leave Petersburg 1J A. M. reach R i mond 31 A. M. Leave Richmond 4 A. M. reach V,i ington City 31 P.M. Leave VVa.)il)g,on 4 p M tim.;re6l P.M. Leave Baltimore 7 P. M. reach Pn iirijjiiia x n at. Leave Philadelphia 6 A. M. reach York 2 P. M. 1 nltr Ana n irrli l' . . t Z I route: the second night Passengers SC PHILADELPHIA STEAMBOAT, From Petersburjr this is the MuinMml Line, ami the different Coiiinanip ,1 bound in heavy penalties to run ihrcugk in in- atucuuie ume. Travellers when they reach Halifai will please apply to the Petersburg Rail Road Co.'s Agent, llr. U. F. Hatoey, Who will afford them every facility. Hesides the above Fast Line thm other independent Daily Lines runuin'm "se respective Kail Roads, so that in tj case can Passengers be delayed moretb half a day. On the Petersburg Rail Rial Irom five to six engines are runnins iaitr. and Passengers at almost any hour have cnance to reach Petersburg. In case any Passengers wish to remaia Halifax all i.i-rht. an Ensrine of the Pe tersburg U;iil Co. will be found oeH morning at. Gary's Depot. Petersburg Rail Road Office. ) May 16, 183S. J PROSPECTUS OF THE V! Carolina Journal JTN assuming the Editorial departmccf of the North Carolina ueoro- pose to make it a vehicle of general a;i useful information, givinsr the earliest in formation of the passing events of the iby. The Politics of the Journal will be the same as heretofore. We will advocate the course of the present National Adminis- iration, as long as they oppose the cmf terinsrofanv Hank of ih TTnited Stales; Cf j and arc in favor of an Independent trea sury; ana support the leading priaap'o of the Republican family. uur routics are of the Jefferseman u? mocratic nrinciolcs. in contradiMinclionW the "Aro Party" measures of the Whig?, Bankites. Clavites. and nnnspriatives, ot the nresent t air. whn cool? In hpher them selves under the mask of "No M Men. " I i here - . mu jjui iy 13 ttuui) fore we will advocate our cause with and justice, and at the same timetrcat car political opponents with that re?p which ought to be observed among men. We intend to improve the general ap pearance of the Journal in its typog"Phl' cal execution, and print it on as good pi per as the market affords. We further propose to reduce the price of the Journal, in order to ?ivc our friend a chance of being liberal in subscribing; and assisting us in nromotins the goOU cause of Democracy. VP! I TUB: The Journal will be published in future, at t dollars and fifty cents per annum, if paid J vance, three dollars if paid at the end ot months, and thr Hnllan, fiftv cents at end of the year. P. GALLAUtiw Fayetteville, June 23.. . Corn Shelters. AN excellent new Corn Sheller, w XU- by Mr. John Wilson, of HntniHfl can be had on reasonable and accommoci ting terms, on application 's Si,. t J)o fo !":; dls & s"A "h" cc: ill re 0 oil th tli j il o d Hi P tl n P o U h n c I v 0 i t t r t r i ' ,'t t AT THIS OFFICE" January, IS38.