Tarboroush and New York, "'OCT. .T II) o-nllon lb bushel lb yard barrel lb lb r'.iNon Jb bushel b.irrel bushel trallon Turbon?. iYfttf 10 41 !) I5 9i 15 :i 13 35 W,-. 11' 4R 13 !7 11 21 0 4 15 41 10 50 283 190 41 12 fi() 13 70 ;) 20 67 4i 10 50 10 (50 225 100 (. 12 100 ir 75 10 23 8 5 12 55 05 250 125 70 (rn, (VtH'tN r ( , kou ln?.!r,ff' IT'".'. I VII. la:J. s', lirnWM, sift, T I. ' ''i:rj ntinc, !n:it. -IS 275 180 42 TO PLANTERS tJirf Farmers. fill A NO KM EN IS have been mad.- iip-wePll llU' l.minglon nild K ilt i-r, ,, J i . -n 1 Co.. a,1,l 'be Portsmouth ai.-d 0vio!;y liji' Kual Co. lo receive aid d . Iivit yfcta , ?J Al (iaiyshnrz. pfr.ons thrrefore who have Produce ()kri!ii to. or, G ends lo receive IVont Pe I j ! j f ir o.ui have I ho s.in;p forwarded by i!).' Pciersbuig I.ail Rad Co. without ( ,r:i:f r iroiibff lo l!nm, by consigning ihr r:::e lo li e Ag'nf of the Wilmington ami jMph Kail Uo.nl Co. al EnfiVld. or, lo V ILii:v, the IVttrburg L' .il ; . i Co. A gen I al KrfiItl, or, lo Mr. Ci:v, the .;cnt of Ihe ioi lmoulh Co. ;, (I.U l 01 g. l'i(m!jit Lai I Road Office. Oct. 27i' , LS..S $ VILL BE SOLI), cn Tuesday, the " -;)'h N v. oihnr next, al Ihe rci iluice ol ilk' laic Jac-di Nellies, One Tract of Land, 0;i which the d(c.'d rciilnl, containing a!; Mil one I:umlr t! and turoty acres, join 1:14 the land ( f Allen N H!e, Lawience W'j:ii). ai'd others: sold by virluc of a Drid in Tiust for purpojes therein named. ALSO, will h, sold at the :ime lime aril place, ?!l Ihe property of the said !."cVi , conMinsr of Can and Fodder Cattle, Hogs, Household Furniture, &c. On a credit of six months, ihe purchaser fvi'm? bond with a)proved security Ip l"ip delivery of property. All prons having claims against said K'latp, are here by noticed to bring them l ''-nurd, within the lime prescribed by law, or this notice will b plead in bar o! 'ir recovery all persons owing said hie, are rerjnested to make immediate i'jmcnt. HE SHY TIVAMX, Trustee. J J. POUT Eli, S Lxeculors fol 2GH., S3S. 4.1 'Sutiirw Kcvan V Mrolfrcs; COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Kp PKTKKSUUttC, VA. Jb. James Weddell, Jr. Jesse C. K.dghl, k'e;rs. I). Knight & Co. 0l, 4, 1S38. of Tarboro'j N. Ca. dO 9 JYoticc. thoso indebted to the firm of Pen fter Pope, are requested to come rvvard and settle hy cash or note, before mber Court next, as w'e wish to 10ieour business hy that lime. . PENDER S- POPE. SpPl-20, 1S3S. ss Strayed or Stolen, V subscriber, on or about the "rsl of the present month, one Mack Cherokee Foney, e 1 known in this section of the country by the name of or?,; Mm"?;!'00 re,a,ive to the discovery 1 JUHN,will be thankfully received. -Hposeu mat the said Cherokee U i,. lnK somewherp in iho 1 o -p.ombe, if not, it h probable that he S'atp v mak,,,S his way to his native " ennessee. T. C. IlESTtN. .--vult iuth, 1S3S 42 M Tarh IMF -So- IZ!""', ,0I1,M. t(tV the inA hUI-l o;? all ill? , I ,SPru,,, n'-r Tarboroorb, - Suill, soppo.ed to consist of 20xM so .0 00 40 Wc oSucp Curriaxtjnut IJaniess, t0lfScw( and "'rninire, farming utensils. &e. &c. A credit of flinp mfl.Iis wi . -mdatPvv.lllHive,,,,,,,, snm, !f all under Ave dollar, eab .e puic!,aspr will hP rf(I,1Im, , j bond two ondonb.Pcl securities be fore the propel ly is removed. If not dispopd of at private sale, at Ihe metin,owr.d ,dar.ft will ho s.dd, that Valuable Farm, KNOV.'N AS THE Schnick Plantation, Lyinr on T;r Uiver, one a.,d a half miles above Tarbom'ugh, enntnii-ir.tr 450 ol which are sut)tosel in hr, adj.dningi.be lands ol . I. l. IJovd. L !)' Wilson and others. There is on the Farm I A good Dwelling House, Will, all nrcoary out houses Cm, hou,e and Screw, apple and peaeh Orchards, al o an inexhaustible denositn nl t ioU M,rl I he Farm is Weil adapted to the growth 01 corn, cotton, small pram, &c. and is in a state of good improvement. THIi.MS liberal and made known on the day ol sale, Ihe subscribers reserving to themselves the privilege of a bid. Pos sesion oi oe given on the 1st of January next. For furl her piniculars apply to H. L Spruill, on Ihe premises. Part of all me aoove will be sold as the property of Miss K. P. Joss. PETER Er.lVS, 1 Trus UWl. R. SMITlhJr tees. Edgecombe county, Oct. 5th, 183S. WILL BE HIRED OUT, For the ensuing year, al the same lime and place, The vWgrors Belonging to the S;iid E-.iato, consisting of Men, Boy5 un (Jirh. rrjThe lialeijrh Star and Wasbinjrton Whig will insert the above till sale, discontinue the f mer advertisement, and forward accounts to this office for collection. Horses for Sale. If HAVE two Horses, one a young and very fine harness horse, and the othei a somewhat older one, either of which I will sell if early applied to. WILL, n JVILLS. IS Oct. ISoS. 42 3 THE following was forwarded to Dr. Peter?, by a highly respectable Planter of Wake Co. No. Ca., March 3d, 1838 : Dr. Petehs. Dear Sir: By request of your arent, Mr. Harrison, I send you a few lines re specting the almost miraculous effects of your pills; and I would add, that you may make use of them, in connection with my name, in any manner you deem properi I speak of their merits from experience, as 1 and my family have taken up wards of thirty boxes in three years; and so great are the benefits we have received from them in general, that I would rather purchase them at ten dollars a box than have my house without them. 1 will not enumerate the afflictions they have re lieved us of; but I can assure you they were many, and of very apposite natures, which has fully proved to me that your medicine is a simple puri fier of the system, and therefore equally the ene my of every disease. I will mention one case. I have a sister who had been for a long period se verely afflicted with dropsy in the chest and was brought by it to the very verge of the grave. She was attended by the most eminent physicians that money could procure; but all their efforts to restore hex to health, or even to mitigate her sufferings, were fruitless; and accordingly, we all considered her immediate death as inevitable. By good for tune however, as she was in this situation, ex pecting everyday to be her last, your pills were ntroduced into my family, and so speedy and pal pable were their effects that three doses visibly relieved her, and in less than three months she was perfectly restored to health, This case I and nil who were witness of it, (but more especially the suffering party,) considered to be the next thin" to miraculous; and yet I should mention many more of an equally desperate nature, m Si. tnemWi ; " J0 medicine amounts this I w 72 . RPCl,0n of tl,p country? but tbattwitbS;l:J mtnU' however, an indivivid,: ,? 7" ll? Ufi' 1 "ever '"rd dpn !c 1 i H3 etiects. Mv resi- KvVtLnt? ,fom. Sleigh, o the road to yourobMt I;"' Renments of regard, TV, n r Suffolk, Viu h. 7 1838. bo ,,i;r..:. - ---- rar oir: n will no doubt ,yo" t0 ar of one among the tt,ro J w;ine in mis ptacci For ed with v UpWafd8 1 had 1,Pen awfll,,y affli'ct Pd with the ver complaint, dyspepsia and en largement of th onli M -r.L r , U e" rba . ' l,ty "uouominai miis- a ii 1. ,"",,"-"l"il,e uie sizeot my spleen. Atiuea to tlu-pe. I had n y constant companions, and in short, the multi tude of my afflictions had brought me to the brink ot eternity. During the entire period of my suf ferings I was attended by various physicians, hut their prescriptions at best, only afforded a tempo rary relief, so that 1 WHS 111 Ctdto nlmnM . . - ..... ...u.i, uiuiwi aiMHUIll- inff to de-,,air, when it so happened (and I bless ijod lor the cirflm!fnnf t!.-t 1 -.. n. afnend (who had himself been greatly benefitted '' ',!,r; lu maKe trial ot your pills. I did sn, and the result was that. tl.eir application I began to improve a pace, and . , ,imir in ine enjoyment ol pertect health. I snnnose il.nt in oil 1 l - - I I ' 1 IIUYU USfH anout Iilteen dollars worth may make whatever use you wish of this letter, and believe me to be Yours, very truly, WM. HOLMES. rp, . . Suffolk, Va. Feb. 7, 1838. 1 his is to certify that I am intimately acquaint ed with Mr. ITm. Holmes, and am fully aware t.iat the above document, through all its circum stances, is perfectly correct. M v means for beinr so positive of this is, that irm. Holmes is one o( iny nearest neigldwrs, and the medicine of which be speaks was purchased at my office. I would add that this is only one of a number of cases equally desperate, which have come within my knowledge as being cured by "Dr. Peters' Veo-e-h'ble Pills." I need scarcely say that they are more popular here than any other medicine, and such 1 have no doubt will be ihe case wherever they are known. ARTH till SMITH, P. M, Charlotte, N, C. JVor.11, 1837. Dfar Sin. Your Pills arc so extremely popu lar here, that the neonle are but few. and fiirW tween who think of using any other. Calomel hi no pills, and the whole catalogue of patent me dicines which wero in vogue in these parts, have vanished before them, like mists before the sun. I have recently purchased two thousand boxes from your general agent, Mr Harrison, and there has been such a demand for them, that I believe I will shortly have to trouble you with another or-dr- H. B. WILLIAMS, P. M. 1'cfersburg, Va. Jan. 0, 1S37. This will certify that I was afflicted for several years with C ironic Hepatitis, (Liver Complaint,) and after using various preparations of mercury, &e. as prescribed by physicians, without any ef fect, that Peters' Vegetable Pills have produced a complete cure My complaints were pain in the head and side, dizziness, sourness of stomach, capricious appe tite, furred tongue, costiveness, &c, which have all been removed. I am fully convinced that my life has been preserved by the use of Peters' Pills, and in many other cases 1 have known them to be used witheqaully beneficial results. JAS. ir. SCARBOROUGH, Union Ilofrf, Haleigh, K. Cr April 0, 18.37, Dear Sir. Having been for several years af flicted with Liver Complaint and general debility, I had recourse to your inestimable Vegetable Pills, and the result is that I arn now in the enjoyment of excellent health. I am never without them in my own family, and I descant upon their virtues to all my friends; but the latter is nearly labor in vain, as they are already extremely popular here. J. C. BLATCHFORD. Greenshorough, N. C. Jan. 1837i This will certify that my wife was severely af flicted with Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia for ten years, and had nearly lost the use of her right arm that she had been under the care of several eminent nhvsicians. nnd made use of n viriotu r.i' popular medicines, all of which' failed in the de sired effect until she had recourse to your Vege table Pills, ten boxes of which have completely restored her to health. I myself am troubled w ith Head-ache and Colic, ami have never known an instance in which your Pills did not afford me speedy relief. jr. jr. WOODBURN. Mecklenburg county, Va', Feb. 4, 1837. Dear Sir. I have been using your Pills for the last eighteen months, and have this day pur chased twelve dozen boxes of Mr. Harrison, who wished me to transmit you my opinions touching their merits. For myself, I never found any me dicine that has done me so much good; brit 1 have yet higher authority in their favour, for I have sold a great number of boxes to the physicians around here, all of whom have exprcsssd them selves highly gratified with their effects. This of course has made them very popular here; indeed, so much so, that they are to be found in almost every dwelling. Make what use you please of this : and I wish it could be made yet more flat tering as I feel that nothing too favorable can be said of your Pills. Sincerely yours, , . JOHN FINCH.. New Glafgoii', Amherst co Va. Nov. 8, 1837. This is to certify that I have seen Peters' Vege table Pills used in a case of dropsy, and ampre pared to substantiate, that a most perfect cure was the issue. About 8 months ago, my boy, a slave, Was ta ken down by the above complaint, and accord ingly I called in a physician, but he afforded him no relief. I then had recourse, by the recommen dation of a former sufferer, to the pills alluded to; and the effect was, that in less than three months; the patient was as well as ever. EDWARD A. CABELL. . Edenton, N. C. April 10, 1838. Dear Sir. I have been using your pills in my family, for the last twelve months, with the great est satisfaction. In Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Sick Head ache, Costiveness, and Debility, they are indeed invaluable. I have to add in their favor, that I have recommended them to many of my neighbors, not a few of whom, have since informed me that they believed their lives were saved by their use. Yours, &c. STEPHEN ELLIOTT. PREPARED BY And for sale at the Post Office and Print ing Office in Tarboro'. Oct. 20, 1S3SL . THE UACE Over ihe Tarborough Course, KORTII CAROLINA, TILL COMMENCE on Tuesday, the G h of November, and Continue F0UI4 DAYS: First Day, A Srepstaltes, for three years old, mile hcalS SI 00 en' ranee, $50 f u fVii to con tintie Opn until Monday 22-1 October. Persons wishing to enter will make i; known by addressing the Proprietor. Second Day, Part of Jockey Club Purse, two mib heals, S'JOO -entrance, $13 for siibscii hers; 5'.J0 for non-subcribers. Third Day, Balance of Jockey Club Purse, three mile heals S300 entrance; S20 for sub s-cribers; $'30 for non subscribers. Fourth Day, A ILindy Cap, mile beats, bed throe in five, Sl50 entrance, vSl0 for subscribers; $15 froon subscribers. Purses liable to the full amount. All letters addressed to the Proprietor must be post pan). IFAf. FOXHJ1LL, Proprietor. August 29lh, 1S3S djThe Petersburg Constellation, Norfolk Her ald, and Warrenton Reporter will give the above five (weekly) insertions, and forward acc't to this office for collection. V Horses for Sale. A FIRST -RATE saddle horse and, a "iiiir, in iwai uy v-unuva uuui worn ing gentle in gear, can be had on reasona ble and accommodating terms. APPLY AT THIS OFFICE. Oct. 4, IS3S. 40 Joticc. npIIE subscriber qualified at August term, IS33, as admintrator on the estate of Sarah Braddy, dee'd, And hereby notifies all those having claims ag.iinst said estate to bring them in, legally authenticated, within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will he plead in bar oT their recovery -those in debled will make immediate payment, as no indulgence can be given. SOLOMON T BRADDY. October lGth, 1S3S. 42 3 CUT ROE njHIIE Subscribor has received on con signment, a large supply of VERY SUPERIOR Cut and Roc Herrings, Which he will sell low for Cash. JAS. WEDDELL. Tarboro', 4th May, 183S. Stray Meifcr. QTRAYED from the subscriber, a few weeks since, a two year old Black Heifer, VVilh a vvhite streak on her back and sev eral white spots about her. She was not marked. A liberal reward will be given for the delivery of said heifer to me, or any information respecting her will be thankfully received. GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro', Oct. 25. For Sale, at this Office, On Banking, Education, &c. Delivered at the Queen Street Theatre, in the city of Charleston, S. C. July 4lh, 1837. AT,SO, an Oration on The Freedom of the Tress; To which is appended the doings of a Pub lie Meeting held in Lharleston, July 2Sth, 1S37. By Thcophilus Fisl: March 1S33. Notice. fin HE Subscribers are now receiving Ib'cir supply of SPKIIVG GOODS, W hich we are determined to sell as cfc&rp as the cheapest. ' j. S- J. LA WRENCE. Tarboro', is April, 1S3S. JYoiicc. npiIE Copartnership heretofore existing under ihe firm of EKomc JDering, Is dissolved hy mutual consent. JOHN R. DERING. S'anionsbii'-g. IV. C. July llb. 183S. APPROVED Patent Medicines. IT2E I'ER ' Vegetable anti bilious Pills a certain cute for liver complaint; jaundice, bilious fever in ils incipient 'tage, fever and ague, dyspepsia, sick head icbe, nervoo-ness, nausea, lowness of spi rits, bile on ihe stomach, and blotched or sallow complexion. Bcrh'ivilh's anli-dyspcplic Fills, a mosi valuable medicine br the cure of dyspepsia, and the prevention of bilious levers, colic, &c. &c. Bernard's remedy for Jlsialic Choi era, cholera morbus, diarrbtei, sum mer complaints, colics, cramps & spasms. Carter's Southern Ftheumatic Embrocation, a speedy cure for rheuma tism, chilblain?, sprains, numbness and stiffness of the joints, &c. Farstin's pectoral halm of Car- ragen, or Irish moss a salp and certain remedy for coughs; colds, asthmas, hoop ing cough, shortness of breath, spitting of blood, consumption, &c. DuponCs vegetable Tooth-ache Elixir, a certain and immediate cure, giv ii g relief in a very few minutes, and ihat loo without any injury to ihe teeth or gums, it possesses the properi ol enliv ening the gums when in a moibid state; and of restoring a healthy and vigorous action. The affile ted man's Friend or Ointment oi many virtues, much celebra ted for the cure of scrofula or king' evil; ringworm, goitre, inflamed eyes, burns, scalds, chilblains, breaking out on chil dren's heads, eruption, or pimples on the face, breaking out on the mouth, scorbutic ulcers, & ulcerated sore legs, sore breasts, and cancerous humors. Harrison's adhesive plaster, far superior to any ihat has hitherto been dis covered. In consequence of ils amazing ulhesive qualities il is engaged, that this Plaster will maintain its hold with perti nacity where none other can be had to stick at all, that it is perfectly sedative, and that there is nothing whatever irrita ble in its composition. Printed directions accompany the above valuable and highly appioved patent me dicines, for sale AT THIS OFFICE. JYoticc. ipOR SALE, the Revised Statutes of the Laws of North Carolina five o the first volume at five dollars each one of the second, at four dollars. JOS. BELL, C. C. Tarboro', Aug. 10, is3S JYoticc. QjTRAYED from Josiah Barrett's, in this county, about the 20lh May last, t .1 small hriy jinny .Htl'ljK, Belonging to the Subscribe4 tvith shoes on her fore feet, (whether her hind feet were shod is not now recollected,) about three years old. I purchased said Mule from a horse drover, so it is very uncer tain which way she may have gone; but when last heard from, she was in the county of Edgecombe. I suppose she has been taken up by some one before this, and if so, any information respecting her will be thankfully received, and Ihe per son amply compensated for his trouble. WILLIAM D MO YE. Greenville, Pitt county !- 1S3S. $50 Reward. Tuesday or Wednesday night, 9th or 10th inst. some person or persons cut and injured the Snlkey ofLr. Drake, In Mrs. Gregory's stable lot. The above? reward will be trivpn hv an association of gentlemen in Tarboro, (o any persoa wno win discover wnotiiu n. APPLY At THIS OFFICE. October 16, 1S3S, 42 3

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