t7s f 31 OFFICE OF THE TAUBOHO' P11ES3. rn II EH Siilwcrihrr raving made consM erahle additions to his 1'rhi! tnp; E lablisbmeut, i- now prepared to execute in a neat and expeditions manner, ever) description of BOOK. PAMPHLET, AND JOB He will dl-o keep on hand, an assort merit of HLaXKS, ot the mot appumd farms, for Clerks of Courts, Sheriffs, Con "stahles, &c. &c. His prices are regulated by those adapt ed at the Editorial C .nvention, held at Raleijrh a few months since, viz: Handbills on medium, my 1 or super royal quarto, for 30 cpies, 2 50. for 50 copies S 00, and l tor evi-ry addition al 100 p es. H-tm- Hi 1- for a light one, 30 copies $3 00 Larger ones in proportion to the size ami number printed. Small Cards, a single pack 5-, and Sl for every additional park. Lnrie Card", a -ingle pack S3 00, and $ 25 lor every additional p:cU. K pt regularlv on hand lor ale, 75 cent" per q lire. I J I a 1; s printed to speci-d or der. ' u a single quire tor every addi tiond q lire under five, Si: exceeding five ejuoe-, 75 cent- per quire. tiri'eful for pa-l favor- the Subscriber hope to ni' iit and receive a continuation of public patronage. GEO. HOWARD August 24. J'9oticc. 'V H K subscriber- will maUe replication fi the next (ienerai A-scnibly, I'm the lucutpor: ti no! A C03IPAXY FOR THE Manufactui t of Cotton Yarn, Ami other articles at 'he Fill of Tar Hi v i, in the counties of E Ig comhe ami .Wh. BATTLE & BROTHERS. Edgecombe count v. Oct l-, 1S3S. To alt zulwm it may concern. rUHLIC notice is hereby given, that a Pt tiiion will be presented to the r.exi 'ienerai Assembly, praying the passage nt special act, repealing the act vesting the f lection of the ministerial Officers of the Courts I t the p ople, as regards the County ef Ldg fombe, and providing that in futnr such Officers -hall he ajijiointed as formerly S pt. 22, ISMS. liotanic Jtlcclicincs. IT OBKLIA, in hall and quarter pound papers, prepared by K. Larrabee, lidlt ; imre. Composition, or improved Vegetable Powder, tJfncan Cayenne &c. for sale, AT THIS OFFICE State of J for Hi Carolina, EDOFCOMBE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions; AUGUST TERM, 1S3S. Solomon T. Braddy, Cofileld King in right of his wile Louisa lormerly Louisa liiaddy, Joseph Ii. Uiaddy, Juln Ann Hiaddy, antl Sa rah Khz Hraddy an infant of tender years who sues in Petition this behall by Cufiiohl King fordivi- her guardian, plaintiff-, -sicn and vs. sale of JUary riulips lormerly IIa Slaves. ry uraddy, Marmaduke liraddj', Willoughby Sim moos in right of his wife ! Maria formerly Maria Brad dy, and Isaac U. Braddy, defendants, TjT appearing to the satisfaction of this Court, that Mary Philips formerly Ma ry Braddy, Marmaduke Br.addy, Wil loughby Sunnmni in right of bis wife Ma lia fotmeily Maria Braddy, and Isaac B. Braddy, defendants in this case, ore not residents of this State: It is ordered, that publication be made in the Tarboro' Press lor six weeks, notifying them to appear ai the next term of this Court, to he held at the Court House in Tarboro' on the fourth Monday in November next, and answer demur, or plead to this petition, or judg n.ent pro confesso will be taken against them, and the same heard accordingly. Witness, Joseph Bell, Clerk of s:id Court, at office in Tar borough, the second Monday in August, 183S. JOS. HELL, C. C. Price adv $1 50. $25 lleward. TO AN WAY front tlie Subscriber, on the 1 1 1 h November, lS:o negro man SPENCER, Aged about 26 yiar-, 5 Ice G or 7 inche in height, weighing about 150 pounds, yrl low complexion, with a pleasant look no -cars or marks known of. S;iid negio lor merly belonged to Moses Tison, in Piti county where he w as raided. The ahnw reward will he paid for his apprehension ami delivery to me in (ireene county, J mile- from Sianton-burg on the Ualergh road, or lodged in any j til so that I get him U tin. .Ml persons are forewarned aain-i harboring, employing, or earning oil said negro, under penalty of the law. HEXJ. C. I). IMS OX. Nov 20. SM . 'IS Cotton Gins. H!p IIT. Subscriber respectfully inform the puolic, that he still continues to carry on the Gin making Business, At his lor'mer - ami, In Greenville Pitt county X C. Whose tho-e wi-hing new (iin can b--upplo'd with either lierman or polishei' c;i?t steel saw-at the shortest notice. Those h.ving (iins 'iit of order bar b'st see.d them in at as eailv a day as co venieut. Wt.en aU wait fa-is usually if.. ca-e) until it.ey want io use them, it i -omelimes impns-i!d' to furnish theo within the lim- r quut d. ALLEN TISON, In connectii'ii wi'h ibis esi.itdislimcnt, coi. tinues (o carry n the Lock a ml Gunsmith business, TV making Saw JMill '".rr-v. Mil Inks an;! G '((POiiS, and M 1 1 1 S fi ml hs widi Steel Collars, (uirned,) q ual '0 an- to the IJ i iled Si. in-s. All order in his linn of huines will ! thankfully rrceivrd, and fnithlolly an promptly execute on reanr.:ihle iim XO II FLEET TV EE. January 30, IS ,s Jesse II! Taylor, JEM'KCIFULLY informs the eiii-z- ii- oi ICig combe and the adjoining counties, that he- has commenced the Tititoring iStissncss IN TARBOROU'GH, Xexl door to the Store of Messrs. II. Austin & So)i. He hope- by a diligent attention to hi ousmess. and a faithful and prompt exeeii ion of the work entrusted to him, to merit and receive a -hare of public patronage. June 14. I S."S. Jldcertiscmcnt rniHR impossibility of carrying on the -- IVatv.hman as it night to he eon ducted, whih- absent on collecting expMi lions ami the impossibility of longe. h. mg without the larg" amount due me for 0 years of labor, have determined me t -ell the E-tabliibment at the end of tlu present year. The Suh-cription Li-t is Ahont Eight llundr d, Vnd on the increas. , and the Job Printing and Advertiit.$r good for at least .jOO a year. gentleman ol tah nts ami a sound VV'iig, -hall have the Paper on the most liberal terms. I would nut willingl) let it go in io any other service. An early apnlica lion is requested. C JOXES Editor and Proprietor Salisbury, June 2. 1S38 Books and Pamphlets. FOOR S LE, A concise History of th Kehukee Association, by FJder Jos. Biggs Also, the Patriotic Di.-course, Basket id' Fragments, Mouse gnawing oui of the Catholic trap, and No otlv r than Baptist churches have a right to be called Cnristian churches: by Joshua Lawrence. Also, Occurrences in the Life of Elder Joseph Bigjs, wrote bv himself. APPLY AT THIS OFFICE. January, 183S. ill Mi:UCNAM' TAILOKf MF.SPECTFULI.Y informs his friends ' .....i n,iUn .rniierallv. thai he has iii-vi in, I'M"-- r j' leeeivcd his .jiaisEiV and Sunusser Conisiing of Cloths Green and black summer Camlet, Striped thread Drills for pantaloons, I'la n black and figured W-tingS '.io black and lizured Velvets, Plain and figured Valenci is, do do Marseilles, Plain black ami fancy Stocks. 11 so, on ha net 9 Superfine blue and black Ch.ths, I .visible green and brown do. sirinct ami coitiea iassimeres oi vauous t a 1 I " r .,!.. colors, liosoms, Collars Oloves, Suspenders, &c. All of which Io will -ell hw lor Ca-h, ) on a short credit to punctual customers. lie tru-ts by duo attention to bu-ines ind his long experience therein, to giv ine sati-faction to those who may favot ;im with their oi ders. He also will keep constantly on hand in assortment of licadjf in rule Clothing, Of the be-r quality, manufactured by him It. All wnU !e-j)aleheil at the sbortes .(nee rarboro', April 13ih, 1S3S. J oliCC. -4:- Bl5 leave to locirri h:s customer and the ju!dic g rall, thai he ha jn-t lacetved fiom New Y'" Ii, 1 sjitcmfiit Zsxortziti'ist of Suitjible J ' r Gentlemen i wear. CONSISTING CF S:iper finf Cb)th- .. ! as-um-res, of all the iimi-i fa-'M'inal)le colors, Minn'er Diills and (lambrows, for panla loon-. -pb udid assort men t of Ve-lings, Sock- Bosoms & fYHar-, S -pfidei , (ilove-. , ; he has a f w First rate Reaver I2ats3 Of the latest ta-bion, very cheap and will b sdd low lor Ca-!, iv on a short credit to punctual customers Tarhfii-.'. Apr 'I I St1- IS:i. L Cotton Gins. ' Hi HE subscriber ha- removed from Tar- borough, and establi-hed himself on the l;de!g' mad, mir the store of J. C. Knight, on Cokey, wnere be continues The making and repairing Co! ton Gins. All thnse who wi-h to supply thcmsclvf ith (iins ol i he: Ire-t quality, are repeci fully solicited to apply to the Subscriber jter-onallv, or by letter. All orders !oi Gins will be promptly executed. J in nil of order will b expeditiously repaired. Persons wishing n ve wrk executed, will ph ase leave their orders at tbe store of J. C Ivniglit. Eq. SAMUEL I). PROCTER. February 5th. s&mt- -w fr m m House, Landscape & Ornamental PAINTING. 1111 nl,:.i.Ur ... .I'll . t;,....,. n-iMxiiiiuy mtorms the citizens ol Edgecombe county that be has located himself In Tar borough. Where he is prepared to execute all orders mi his line ol business. Those wishing gigs, sideboards, sitting chairs, fire screens and the like painted vill bring them to tbe coach shop of Mr! 'errell. He will leave 1own and go into the country, when house painting is required. All orders in bis line ol business will be thankfully received and faithfully executed n reasonable terms. LEWIS DE AEQUER. Tarboro', Feb. 26. I7H Cotton Yarns. THE subscribers, thankful for the libe ral patrcnoge they have heretofore .eceived, would respectlully inlorm Ibeir ,tltlvt ' . ... . i.r: n,.,t ihpv have PNstomers ami nie po.niL REDUCED THEIR PRICES. . . I .... 1 1 nrilor. nd are now prepared to suppiy which may be sent them, witn rams of the best (ludily, nd upon terms as favorable as can beob . i ; Ti,niriiinnnf credit as laiuea eisewiieiu. n.. - jeretoforc, with the usual discounl.ior casn They would also inform those indebted them, that the inteiest of Parker'- least- to in the Factory terminates with the end o: the present year, and therefore they are re quested to make pay n.ent by the 1st Janu ary next, etiher with cash or goou couon, which will he preferred, and lor which th highest market price will he allowed. HA TTL E cS- BE O Til EES. Nov. 29, I8U7. .f CU21EFOMZ HAM TIMES, At the cheap Cash Store. TipiIE Subscriber, io announcing to hi u- customers and the public generally. the arrival of his Spring purchases, take pleasure in as-nring them that his present Slock comprises rhe LARGEST, Mot "U'i2(lul iutd CStenEscst ASSORTMENT OF Seasonable Goods, Ever exhibited in Tarborouh, And respectlully solicits a call from those whose object i- to buy. At ex'remely Low Prices. Having made hi- purchases principally at the Auction Sale for Cash, he feels confident in saying he can not only exhih it an immense variety of Xew and Fash ionub'c G ads, hut is enabled and will -ell them at -uch prices as cannot fail to -ali-fy the gieatest economist, and prove a partial (if not an entire) remedy for tbe "Hard Times" (jyrh subjoined are a few of the railuir :ir tele- : - y pieces printed Muslins, small and large patterns, from '20 to 75 cents per yard," I'rinU'd Lawns and French Prints, A lierntilul assortment of black and colored Silks, verv rheap, Cf pieces Calicoes, from 6$ to 35 cents Oi? J per yard, ('inli:ims, 15 to i" cents, New style silk Scarfs, Cravats, and Handker chiefs, Muslin and Lace worked Collars, English tli read Laces, Cdgings, and Inserting, Parasols and Umbrellas, Irish Linens, Long Lawns, and Diapers, Ladies' C-nrsetts, from Sl to $6, Uor.net and Cap liibbons, Ij.kSR's and Jlisscs' SoisiicIjs, Superfine broad cloths, various colors, cheap, Cashmeres, plain and ribbed. A variety of styles of Goods, for Gentlemen's summer wear, Men's long and short nap ISvavcr and SitFc Hats, Of every variety of shape, quality and color, from io en eacn, 30 dozen palm leaf Hats, from lOcentseach. eM&Sfe y?rds bleach ed and brown Sbirt- Lyj?KPK? lngsandJSbeetings, from til els. Ladies English kid, French, morocco, and pru nella Slippers, of the very best quality and most fashionable shape, Women's morocco, prunella, and leather Shoes. cheap, Mi sses and children's Shoes, .lien's and SJoys' Shoes & Boots, In great variety, very cheap, With every other anicle in the Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Line. ALSO, a very large and general As sorlment of Groceries, Ilarcfwarc, Cutlery China, Glass & Crockery ivarc! All of which he now offers at vPrv 1, prices for Cash, or on a short credit to punctual men. JAMES IVEDDELL. larboro,' April 27, IS3S. Com Shelters. A1)' ey,elIe,nt nw Corn Sheller, made hy Mr. John Wilson, of Hm;ii can be had on reasonable and accommoda' tng terms, on application rr this office. January, 1S3S. Expedition to thcJSorlj TUA VELLEUS are informed it Rail IloatI between Pehnbl Richmond is finished, comr.', ,;.. w'(ii 7 ruling ii Main Mail Line of Vuill j;or? BETWEEN rVorth arol:zsa ami the 0v, The different Companies on the rc-ute start a Line from Halifax on thpiV ,J V 1 aj tie ll'itminglon Rail Road Co 's Sia m. Reach there, which enables IVmu ....v.. ...... -.tl uuuiz III U'l vance of any other Line. THE FOLLOWING IS THE SfUctiiile of Ihis Litic. Leave Halifax 5 to 5'2 V. M. reacj4 pi tershurg 1 A. M. e" Leave ltersl)urg A. M. reach pM mond S A. M. L-ave Richmond l A. M. reach V; inglon City I. M. . Leave ra-bmglon 4 P. M. reach L! ' timer' 1. M. Leave lialiin:ore 7 P. M. reach pi.j, d( Ipi.ia 4 A M. Leave Pliiladelpbia G A. M. reach .Vv York 2 P. M. Only one night's rest is lost on route; the second night Passengers situ, on hoard the PHILADELPHIA STEAMBOAT, From Petersburg thi is the Main Mid Line, and the different ('jtnpiiiies bound in heavy penalties lo run ;l,iou'h in the schedule time. Travellers when they reach IIa!if;x will please apply to the Petersburg Ihll Uoad Co.'s Agent, llr. M. 1 Malscij, Who will affvird ihem ever facility. Be-ides the above I'aM Line lime are Jher independent Daily liiic I ur.i iig oa n;e re-p' ciive Kail Koods, so that in no ease can Passengers be delayed more i tan half a day. On the Peh rshuig I;n! R al mm five" io six engines are run ning (luihj, nd Passengers at almost any hour Lav? chance to reach Petersburg. In case any Passengers wish to rrmaia tt Halifax all night, an Engine of the IV "ershurg Rail U ail Co will be ftundntst or ning at Gary's Depot. Petersburg Rait Road Office. ) May 1G, 1S3S Notice. flE Subscriber respectfully infnrrr? the public, that he still continues 13 manufacture and repair Cotton Gins, Corn Fans, ami Corn Shellcrs, AT HAMILTON, MARTIN C0USTT. He also is Agent for the diposI cf Harmon's Patent Threshing Machine, in this section of the Slate, and will promptly furnish those who may clire one of them. They area very useful aid durable article. JOHX TflLSOS. Jan. 2, 1S3S. Mrs. 1. C. Howard, J X FOR MS her customers and the pub lic, that she is now opening IScr Spring Supply of Comprising a handsome Assortment ol ar ticles in the Millinerv Line, viz: Pattern Bonnets, of the latest and most approve fashions, Cotta're Bonnets, a superior article, Knglish Straws, Leghorn braids, Grecians, nu. ed Straws, &c. Drawn Bonnets, various colors and patterns Plain and fibred Silks and Satins, for dresses Green India Silk, Black Mode, Florences, Crapes, Thread Edgings, Blond Edgings and Footings, Inserting, Grecianett and Bobbinett, llandkerchiefs, Caps, Capes and Collars, head Ornaments A splendid assortment of Bibbons, Flowers, &( These Goods were all selected hy ' er.' self, and are of the most fashionable anJ best quality. They will he sold r.t a very mall advance for Cash, or on the credit lo punctual customers. Tarboiough, May 5, 1835. J; ,pi",;''!'!"!"" """"""WWiii

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