, Vecetabie Medicine, hot with the an8 n of effecting a core, for I be tfP'Jrtvease hopeless and my dissolu lieved "7 w lhe hope of obtaining tion iear' rejief Before I had used two morne"1 J entirely relieved; and I Packag6t'been attacked with it since. I fiave no , i m permanently cured T.he disease, and I can confidently re oi ,n j :. tn nll who are afflicted will j : m all who are afflicted with p ressing complaint. lbis SARAH SIMMONS. Prince George, co. V a , Nov. 1 0. UjJ. M- Redmond, Agent,Tarboro MARRIED, At the residence of Mrs. Smith, in Scot ImdNccki 011 Wednesday the 1st inst. by ij r. Forbes, Mr. John B Chesson, f Washington county, to Miss Eleanor P. Ross, of thi county. Tarborouqh and New York. MAY 7. Bacon, Brandy, apple. Coffee, Corn, Cotton, Cotton bagging, Flour, Iron, Lard, Molasses, -Suear, brown, Salt, T.I. -turpentine, Wheat, Whiskey, - per lb gallon. hb bushel lb yard barrel lb lb gallon 8 lb bushel barrel bushel gallon Tarboro1. Neiu York. 10 10J 10 11 80 100 44 13 65 12 20 $7 4J 10 50 10 60 16 70 9 95 12J 14 25 15 $8J 3 101 13 55 35 121 71 65 48 225 250 275 288 100 125 180 190 65 70 42 44 48 13 97 15 21 9i 4 15 41 10 50 For Sale. A PAIR of very handsome Carriage Horses for sale. Apply to 1 May, 1S39. IV M. II. IV ILLS. 18 JYoticc. rpHE Copartnership heretofore exist ing in the name of Burls & Home, Is this dav dissolved by mutual consent. John R. Home is authorized to attend to all the unsettled business of the concern. IV I L LIS M BURT, THOMAS S. BUllT. JOHN R. HORNE. Stantonsburg, April 30th, 1839. IS T JYoticc. HE subscriber having qualified as Special Administratrix on the estate of John J. Daniel, dee'd, will offer for aa'e at the late residence of said dic'd on Cokey, about 12 miles from Tarboro', on nday the 17th of May next, Several blooded Horse, Amon which is the one hall of the cele brated horse Muckle John A ho, Bacon, Lard, household and kitchen Furniture, nd several other articles loo tedious to enumerate. A credit of six months will "e given, the purchaser giving bond and approved security before the property is uansierred MARTHA P. DANIEL, Jltlm'x. April 26, 1839. IS T JYoticc. HE subscribers will r.ffer for sale to thp hiorKooi t, t.U-. i iUn Lin - UIUUCI i ill MIC lillC IC9I' lence of Zachariah Griffin, dee'don Tuesday, the 14th day of May next, the wwing property of said dee'd, to wit: The Tract of Land, wm VVhereeon he resided, Two likely Male Slaves, Ana Worn an and several children. ALSO, the Stock of nrsts, Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, &c "''"SutensiK Dwelling house and 01h , ' 'umiture, together with many inSs too tedious to mention. Credit of twelve months will hp env 8erLUrChasers' and bnnds with two good ng title required Detore convey JtE2$E C' K NIG FIT, Ex'r. and AZY:fRET GRIFFIN, Ex'x. CURE FOR Consumption. Sec. H E article published below, concern- anJHI n?w and Popular doctrine ad anced by the illustrious OnplirL. rrw many, cannot fail nf ,:.: j ,u it- . " a aeep ana thrilling interest throughout our country. :t: (Translatedfrom the German.) Louis Offon Goelicke, OF GERMANY. THE GREATEST OF HUMAN BENEFACTORS. Citizens of North and South Am,Am. Io Louis Offow Hnnirrr n r CI , ' """"ac, i-i. i,., ui -cm, ay, Europe) belongs the imper ishable honor of adding a new and pre- cious doctrine to the Science of Medi cine a doctrine which, though vehempnt. !.. . ' o y opposed by many of the faculty, (of -...vu iic 15 a VttluaU e memhpr Hp nrnvpc to be as well founded in truth as anv rW- trine of Holy Writ a doctrine, uoon the verity ol which are suspended the lives of .:n: r ... .....,,uu ui our race, and winch he hn u v t it . j Liidiienges ins opposers to refute, viz: Consumption is a disease alwmis orcaxinned by a disordered state of Vis Vita (or Life iiuwpw) oj me human body: (Lf ojlen secretly lurking in the system for vtars he- fore there is the least complaint of the loungs and which mau be as ceriainlu. though not so anicklv. cured, as a common coia or a simple headache. An invaluably precious doctrine this, as it imparts an im portant lesson to the apparently healthy of both sexes, teaching them that this insidi ous foe may be an unobserved inmate of neir "clayey houses' even while they im igine themselves secure from its attacks. teaching them that the srrtat srertt in the art of preserving health is to pluck out the disease while in the blade, and nut wait till the jull-grown ear Ibis illustrious benefactor of man is also entitled to your unfeigned gratitude. and the gratitude of a world, lor the in vention of his MATCHLESS SANA Tl VE, whose healing fiat may justly claim for it such a title, since it has so signally triumphed over our great common enemy CONSUMPTION, both in the first and last stages a medicine which has thoroughly filled the vacuum in the Mate ria Medica, and thereby proved itself the OuT'LONQUEROR OF P H YSICIANS0 a medicine, for which all mankind will have abundant cause to bless the beneficent hand of a kind Providence a medicine, whose wondrous virtues have been so glowingly portrayed even by some of our clergy, in their pastoral visits to the sick chamber; by which means they often become the hnppy instruments of changing desponden cy into hope, sickness into health, and sad ness ol mends intojoylulness. Jflatchlcss Sanative, A medicine of more value to man than the vast mines of Austria, or even the united treasures of our globe a medicine, which is obtained equally from the vegetable, ani mal and mineral kingdoms, and thus pos sesses a three-fold power a medicine, which, though designed as a remedy for consumption solely, is possessed of a mys terious intluence over many diseases of the human system a medicine, which begins to be valued by Physicians, who are daily witnessing its astonishing cures of many whom they had resigned to the grasp of the Insatiable Grave. DOSE of the Sanative, for adults, one drop; for children, a hall drop; and for in fants, a quarter drop; the directions ex plaining the manner of taking a half or a quarter drop. Pimce. Three and one-third rix dol lars (2,50) per half ounce. A German coin, value 75 cents. -:$:- The Sanative Is above all estimate, as a general preven tive of contagious diseases, and by many it is said to be a never failing anti dote, though the inventor does not clothe it with such infallibility. The patient, while using this medicine, should eat and drink (in kind, not quanti ty whatever the appetite dictates, and not be compelled to force down, against nature, every medley which the lenderest friends and kindest nurses olten impru dentlv recommend. It is here worthy of remark, that in al most every instance where cures have been wroutrhl by this remedy, less than a phial has removed the disease and, in no case, whether resulting fatally or successlully, has a natient used two whole phials. The above precious medicine (the ori ginal discovery of Dr. LOUIS O. GOE LICKE, of Germany,) is for sale, whole sale and retail, in Boston, by D. S. ROW LAND, General American Agent for the discoverer, where numerous letters, certi fying the good effects of the medicine, may be seen. Also for sale by retail, in most of the towns in America. , - TWO. TERRELL, Agent for Nash county Rocky Mount, Jan. I, 1839. HENUY JOHNSTON, MERCHANT TAILOR, inform his friends and cus tomers, that he has just received from New York, fl splendid Assortment of Siiiiahlefor the approaching season, Consisting of all the most fashionable col ored Cloths and Cassimeres. Vestinsrs Summer Cloths for thin eoatsj a beautiful article, Plain and ruffled linen bosoms Collars, stocks, suspenders, & umbrellas, Gloves and silk handkerchiefs. He also has a few first rale white and black beaver HATS. Gentlemen wishing to purchase splen did Goods cheap, will do well to call and examine his stock, as he is determined to sell cheap for cash, or on a short credit to punctual customers. Tarboro', April 12, 1S39. tfiTzrr Books, Pamphlets, Stationary, &c. line q HTIHE Primitive Baptist, vols. 1,2, and 3. npntlr hnunM anil Ipttprprl A concise History of the Kehukee As sociation, by rlner Jos. uiggs. McNeill's and Burn's Poems, Latin Grammar, Historise Sacra, &c. The Patriotic Discourse, Basket of Fragments, Mouse gnawing out of the Catholic trap, and No other than Baptist churches have a right to be called Chris tian churches: by Elder Joshua Lawrence. Also, writing paper white, pink, and straw colored letter paper ink powder, quills, blank cards, red lead pencils, wrap ping paper, &c. for sale by GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro', April 25. AJTHIGHLY Important Caution To the Public. Cave ne tUules" Beware of falling. jOCTOR EVANS, 100 Chatham aireci, lanes me preseni opportunity of tendering his most unfeigned acknowl edgements to thenumerous patients afflict- eu witii ihe various form of disease inci dent to humanity who have committed themselves to his care, and he has the sat isfaction of knowing from many living evidences, that his remedies have removed or relieved their respective maladies, as far as lies within the compass of human means. How distressing to the afflicted is Dyspepsia or Indigestion poisoning all the sources of his enjoyment, and leading in many instances to the ml?e nes ol hvpocondriacism. Long as it has been made the subject of inquiry by medi cal authors it remains involved in much obscurity. Jaundice, Viarhoea, Cholera, uuu v-oiic, aiso penorms a conspicuous part in the drama of morbid affections. DR. EVANS has been singularly suc cessful in the treatment of the above com plaints by remedies drawn from the re searches of the most eminent physicians in Europe. He has also had vast experience and success throughout the whole family of delicate diseases, all of which are for the most part aggravated by, and rooted in the constitution, by the conspiracies of mer curial murderers unprincipled, uneducated and unjfractised in any art save that of at tempting to lead the credulous on the road to ruin. Dr. Evans' office is supplied with the choicest remedies from foreign mar kets, and compounded on the most scien lific principles, a physician is always in at tendance, and all those who come there in the hour of need will go off rejoicing. Dr. Wm. Evans' Medical office 100 Chatham. 1 ! FJySXBMilE. ripHIS beautiful and thorough-bred En glish Race Horse (lately imported by Dr. Merritt of Virginia) will make his next season (Spring 1839) at Wilton, in the county of Granville, commencing the 14th of February and ending 1st July, at such prices as will enable all classes of persons to avail themselves of the services of this distinguished Race Horse and get ter of Race Horses, as I am instructed to stand him low. His services are offered at THIRTY DOLLARS the season and FORTY FIVE Dollars to insure, with One Dollar to the Groom; the insurance to he paid as soon as the mare is parted with, or ascertained to be in foal. No al teration will be made in the above prices. He is a sure foal getter, and will always be found at his stable; great care will be taken to prevent accidents, but no liability for any; his Groom is careful and may be relied on; mares will be fed for thirty cents per day. Black servants boarded gratis, all white persons sent with mares, will have to pay board which will be rea sonable. Is a rich Brown, full fifteen and a half hands high, Bred by the Earl of Egremont and was foaled in 1822; he is in finer health and pirit than 1 have ever seen him; and the breeders of line horses are particularly in vited to call and see him. He was got by Whalebone; his dam, Themis (sister to In- eanlator) by Sorcerer, her dam Hanna, by Gohanna, out of Humming-bird, (sister to Catharine, Colibri and young Camilla) by Woodpecker, Camilla, by Trentham, Coquett, by the Uompton uaro, (alter wards ealled the Sedley Gray Arabian.) Godolnhin Arabian mare, (dam of Jug rtpr &r SlcA Grav Robinson, by the Bald Galloway, old Snake mare, Gray Wilks, fsister to Clumsey) by Hautboy, out of Miss D'Arcy's Pet mare. Whalebone the sire of Flexible is bro ther to Whisker, Wofull, and Webb, by Waxy, dam Penelope, by Trumpeter, Prunella by Highflyer, Promise by Snap, Spectator's dam by Partner. In Flexible is thus united the Blood of Herod, Match em, and Eclipse, and on both sides the most fashionable blood of the day; his run ning in England will establish that fact, he bavTng contended with the following Hor ses which were considered the best of the day. Such as Scandal, Velasquiz, War wick, Balloon, Shuttle, Pope, Vesuvius, Haja-Baba, Hottentot, Mazime, Doctor Faustus, Signorina, Rapid, Despatch, A rachna, General Mina, Cinderilla, Reu bens, Brutandorf, Longwaist, Merman, Kinaldo, Luzborough, Leviathan, and a host of others, which will be set forth in his hand bills. his hand EmvAtlB R CARTER. Wilton, Granville county, N. C. Jan. 20, 1839. 7 20 . JYoticd THE Copafthefihfp,herci6fore feisUn . i . i a t uuuer me urui ui Home 4 tiering Is dissolved by mutual consent. JOHN R. I) E RING. Stantonsburg, N. C. July 11th, 1838. JY otictii "IT OST, or mislaid, two notes of hand vs James Griffin, and John Carter seen tity, witnessed by U R. Hines for $50 eachdated 4lh February, 1S39. One is payable the 1st January, 1842 the other the 1st January, 1843. All persons are cautioned against trading for said notes. GER ALDUS SHURLEY. April 9, 1839. 15 standing. Usthma, three years' Mr. Robert Monroe, Schuylkill, afflict ed with the above distressing raaladv. Symptoms: Great languor, flatulency, disturbed rest, nervous headache, difficulty of breathing, tightness and stricture across the breast, dizziness, nervous irritability and restlessness, could not lie in a hori zontal position without the sensation of impending suffocation, palpitation of the heart, distressing cough, costiveness, plain of the stomach, drowsiness, great debility and deficiency of the nervous energy. Mr. R. Monroe gave up every thought of re covery, and dire despair sat on the counte nance of every person interested in his ex istence or happiness, till by accident he noticed in a public paper somecures effect ed by Dr. IVm. Evans medicine in his complaint, which induced him to purchase a package of the Pills, which resulted in completely removing every symptom o. his disease. He wishes to say his motive for this declaration is, that those afflicted with the same or any symptoms similar to (hose from which he is happily restored, may likewise receive the same inestimable benefit. OCT" Liver Complaint, ten years1 standing. Mrs. Hannah Browne, wife of Joseph Browne, North Sixth St., near Second St., Williamsburgh, afflicted for the last ten years with Liver Complaint, restored to health through the treatment of Dr. Wm. Evans. Symptoms: Habitual constipa tion of the bowels; total loss of appetite, excruciating pain of the epigastric region, great depression of spirits, languor and other symptoms of extreme debility, dis turbed sleep, inordinate flow of the menses, pain in the right side, could not lie on her left side, without an aggravation of the pain, urine high coloured, with other symptoms indicating great derangement in the functions of the liver. Mrs. Browne was attended by three of the first physicians, but received but little relief from their medicine, till Mr. Browne procured of Dr. Wm. Evans invaluable preparations which effectually relieved her of the above distressing symptoms, with others, which it is not essential to intimate. JOSEPH BROWNE. City and County of New York, ss. Joseph Browne, Williamsburgh, Long Island, being duly sworn, did depose and say that the facts as set forth in the within statement, to which he has subscribed his name, are just and true. JOSEPH BROWNE, Husband of the said Hannah Browne. Sworn before me, this 4lh day of Janu ary, 1837. PETER PINCKNEY, Com. of Deeds. Paralytic Rheumatism. A perfect cure effected by the treatment of Dr. W. Ev ans. Mr. John Gibson, of North Fourth street, Williamsburgh. AGENTS. J. M. Redmonu, Tarbo ro'. F. S. Marshall, Halifax. Spots wood St Robertson, Petersburg. A. Du val, Richmond. C. Hall, Norfolk. E. E. Portlock, Portsmouth. Lewis John ston, Washington, D. C Mortimer & MorfBRAT, Baltimore. Dee. 4, 1838. APPROVED Patent Jtledicines. mjTOFFAT'S Life Pills and Phoenix L"-U- Bitters, a certain and speedy reme dy in all cases of costiveness, dyspepsia, bilious and liver affections, asthma, piles, settled pains, rheumatism whether chrofl ic or inflammatory, fevers and agues, ob stinate headaches, impure state of the flu ids, unhealthy oppearance of the skin, nervous debility, the sickness incident to females in delicate health, every kind of weakness of the digestive organs, and all general derangements of health. Evans camomile Pills, a safe and speedy cure for dyspepsia or indiees- liver complaint, &C. Evans fever and ague Piltsi a sure cure for those disorders. The du- rifying pills tend to promote a healthy se cretion of the bile, and render the system! capable of receiving with benefit the in vigorating and strengthening pills; Evans Soothing Syrup, for children teething. This invaluable reme dy has preserved hundreds of children, when thought past recovery, from con vulsions, fevers, &c. Goelicke's Matchless Sdliaiivef a medicine which is obtained equally from the vegetable, animal, and mineral kingdoms, and thus possesses a threefold power a medicine which, though design ed as a remedy for consumption solely, is possessed of a mysterious influence over many diseases of the human system,. viz: palsy, fits, dropsy, emaciation, pleurisy, gout, piles, dysentery, gravel, spine com plaints, nervousness, asthma, &c. Peters' resetahle anltbitioM Pills, a certain cure for liver complaint, jaundice, bilious fever in its incipient stage, lever and ague, dypepia, sick head ache, nervousness, nausea, lowness of spi rits, bile on the stomach, and blotched or sallow complexion. BerJiwUh's anludyspeptic PilU most valuable medicine for the cure o dyspepsia, and the prevention of bilious levers, Colic, &c. &c. Bernard's remedy for Asiatic Cholera, cholera morbus, diarrhoea, um mer complaints, colics, cramps & spasms. Carter's Southern Rheumatic Embrocation, a speedy cure for rheuma tism, chilblains, sprains, numbness, and stiffness of the joints, &c. Parson's pectoral balm of Car- ragen, or Irish moss, a sale and certain remedy for coughs, colds, asthmas, hoop ing cough, shortness of breath, spitting of blood, consumption, &c. BuponCs vegetable Toolh-ache Elixir, a certain and immediate cure, giv ing relief in a very few minutes, and that too without any injury to the teeth or gums. It possesses the properly of enliv ening the gums when in a moibid state, and of restoring a healthy and vigorous action. The afflicted man's Friend, or Oinlment ot many virtues, much celebra ted for the cure of scrofula or king's evil, ringworm, goitre, inflamed eyes, burns, scalds, chilblains, breaking out on chil dren's heads, eruption, or pimples on the face, breaking out on the mouth, scorbutic ulcers, & ulcerated sore legs, sore brewts, and cancerous humors. Harrison's adhesive pla8terffar superior to any that has hitherto been dis covered. In consequence of its amacing adhesive qualities it is engaged, that this Plaster will maintain its hold with perti nacity where none other can be had to stick at all, that it Is perfectly sedative, and that there is nothing whatever irrita ble in its composition. Printed directions accompany the aboVft valuable and highly approved patent tte dicines, for sale 6y GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro', August 24. Priniing neatly executed AT THIS OfriCX.