Doctor W. EVANS' SOOTHING SYRUP For children Teething, PREPARED BY HIMSELF. : To Mothers and Nurses. THE passage of the Teeth through the gums produces troublesome and dan gerous symptoms. It is known by moth ers that there is great irritation in the mouth and gums during this process. The gums swell, the secretion of saliva is in creased, the child is seiied with frequent and sudden fits of crying, watchings, starl ing in the sleep, and spasms of peculiar parts, the child shrieks with extreme vio lence, and thrusts its fingers into its mouth. If these precursory symptoms are not spee dily alleviated, spasmodic convulsions uni versally supervene, and - soon cause the dissolution of the infant. If mothers who have their litlle&abes afflicted with these distressing symptoms, would apply Dr. William Evans's Celebrated Soothing Syrup, which has preserved hundreds of infants when thought past recovery, trom being suddenly attacked with that fatal malady, convulsions. A real blessing to Mothers. Dr. IV. Evans' celebrated Soothing Syrup for children cutting their teeth. This infallible remedy has preserved hundreds of Children, when thought past recovery, from convulsions. As soon as the Syrup is rubbed on the gums, the child will recover. This preparation is so in nocent, so efficacious, and so pleasant, that child will refuse to let its gums be no rubbed with it. When infants are at the age of four months, though there is no ap pearance of teeth, one bottle of the Syrup should be used on the gums, to open the pores. Parents should never be without the Syrup in the nursery where there are young children; for if a child wakes in the night with pain in the gums, the Syrup immediaiely gives ease by open ing the pores and healing the gums; there by preventing Convulsions, Fevers, Sic. tSjProof positive of the efficacy of Dr. E vans1 Soothing Syrup. To the Agent of Dr. Evans' Soothing Syrup: Dear Sir The great benefit afforded to my suffering infant by your Soothing Syrup, in a case of protracted and painful dentition, must convince every feeling parent how essential an early ap-plicaiion-of such an invaluable mediciue is to relieve infant misery and torture. My infant, while teething, experienced such acute sufferings, that it was attacked with Convulsions, and my wife and family sup posed that death would soon release the babe from anguish till we procured a bot tle of your Syrup; which as soon as ap plied to the gums a wonderful change was produced, and after a few applications the child displayed obvious relief, and by con tinuing in its use. I am glad to inform you, the child has completely recovered, and no recurrence of that awful complaint has since occurred; the teeth are emana ting daily and the child enjoys perfect health. I giveyou my cheerful permission to make this acknowledgment public, and will gladly give any information on this circumstance. WAI. JOHNSON. d?-So!d at Dr. W. Evans's Office, 100 Chatham street, N. Y., and by all his a gents throughout the Union. AGENTS 3. M. Redmond, Tarbo ro'. F. S. Marshall, Halifax. Spots- wood & Robertson, Petersburg. A. Du yal, Richmond. C. Hall, Norfolk. E. E. Portlock, Portsmouth. Lewis John ston, Washington, D. C. Mortimer Si Mowbray, Baltimore. Dec. 4, 1838. $100 Reward. TfllANAWAY from the Subscriber, on JiLli' ,Ua ij.U NT ntromher 1 Rlfi nsnrn min lilt Sill . w V I. uw. , awvr, uvglU IUHU Aged about 26 years, 5 feet 6 or 7 inches in height, weighing about 150 pounds, yel low complexion, with a pleasant look no scars ormarks known of. Said negro for merly belonged to ftloses I ison in Pitt county where he was raised. The above reward will be paid for his apprehension and delivery to me in Greene county, 9 miles from Mantonsburg on the Raleigh road, or lodged in any jail so that I get him again. All persons are forewarned against harboring, employing, or carrying off said negro, under penalty ol the law. BENJ. C. D. EASON. Nov. 29, 1837. 48 MERCHANT TAILOR, TniPSPRnTFULLY informs his friend and the public generally, that he has received his Fall and Winter Cotton Gins. npIlE Subscriber respectfully informs the public, that he still contiuues to carry on the Gin making Business, At his former stand, In Greenville, Pill county, N. C. Where those wishing new Gins can be supplied with either German or polished cast steel saws at the shortest notice. Those having Gins out of order had best send them in at as early a day as con venient. When all wait (as is usually the case) until they want to use them, it is sometimes impossible to furnish them within the time required. ALLEN TISON, In connection with this establishment, con tinues to carry on the Lock and Gunsmith business, The making of Saw Mill Boxes, Mill Inks and Gudgeons, and Mill Spindles, wiih Steel Collars, (turned,) cq ual to any in the United States. Alt orders in his line of business will be thankfully received, and faithfully and promptly executed on reasonable terms. NOB FLEET TYER. January 30, 1838. Cotton Gins. HP HE subscriber has removed from Tar borough, and established himself on the Raleigh road, near the store of J. C. Knight, on Cokey, where he continues The making and. repairing Cotton Gins. All those who wish to supply themselves with Gins of the best quality, are respect fully solicited to apply to the Subscriber personally, or by letter. All orders for bins will be promptly executed. Gins out of order will be expeditiously repaired. Persons wishing to hove work executed. will please leave their orders at the store of J. u. linight, h.q. SAMUEL D. PROCTER. February 5th. Dr. W. EVANS'S CELEBRATED Fever and Jlgue Pills. Hp HIS widely extended and most admi rable Remedy for Fever and Ague, and other Fevers, which has already ren dered such benefit, and proved a sure and speedy cure for the above named disor ders, is particularly recommended to pub lic notice. On first feeling the premonitory symp toms occur, it is advisable at once to clear thoroughly the stomach and bowels. In no way can this be better and less incon veniently effected, than by taking a few doses of f Dr. Evans's purifying Pills. the value and well authenticated virtues of which medicine have been, and still are, too apparent to call for further comment. They lend to promote a healthy secretipn of the Bile, and render the system capable of receiving with beneGt ihe invigorating And strengthening PM8 Sold at Dr. Evans's medical establish ment, 1G0 Chatham street, N.Y. and by his authorized agents throughout the Union AGENTS. J. M.Redmond, Tarbo ro'. F. S. Marshall, Halifax. Spots wood & Robertson, Petersburg. A. Du tal, Richmond. C. Hall, Norfolk. E. Portlock, Portsmouth. Lewis John ston, Washington, D. C. Mortimer h tfiowuRAY, uaiumore. Dec. 4, 1638. House, Landscape fif Ornamental PAINTING. rjjlHE Subscriber respectfully informs the citizens ol H.direcombe cnnntv. that he has located himself In Tarborough, Where he is prepared to execute all orders in his line of business. Those wishing gigs, sideboards, sitting -t . - w ' . .. ... ' ; n cnairs, nre screens and the like painted, will bring them to the coach shop of Mr. Terrell. He will leave town and fro into thp n . w country, when house naintinrr is remiirpfl. aii oraersin nis lincol business will be thankfully received and faithfully executed on reasonable terms. LEWIS DE ARQUER. Tarboro', Feb. 26. Corn Shelters. t AN excellent new Corn Sheller, made by Mr. John Wilson, of Hamilton, can be had on reasonable and accommoda ting terms, on application AT THIS OFFICE. December 26. EES, Consisting of superfine blue and black Cloths, Invisible green and brown do. Striped and corded Cassimeres of various colors. Plain black and figured Vestings, do black and figured Velvets, Plain and figured Valencies, do do Marseilles, Plain black and fancy Stocks, Umbrellas, Uosoms, Collars, Gloves, Suspenders, &c. All of which he will sell low for Cash, or on a short credit to punctual customers. He trusts by due attention to business, and his Ions experience therein, to give due satisfaction to those who may favor him with their orders. He also will keep constantly on hand an assortment of Heady made Clothing, Tarboro', Nov. 5ih, IS38. JYoticc. riflHE subscriber informs the citizens of Edgecombe county, and the public generally, that he has commenced the Wheelwright business, In the shop formerly occupied by Isaac B. Brady, in Tarborough. Gigs, &c. will be repaired in the most expeditious manner, and on the most rea sonable terms. STEPHEN BRADLEY. April 5, 1839. 14 Notice. (pDR. WM. fcVANS, of 100 Chat ham street, New York, takes this oppoiiu. nity to inform his numerous agents in ev ery part of the U. Slates, that he wishes them to send him a balance sheet of ac counts up to the first of April, 1839 and the money due him at that date, and send as directed in a former notice. JVM. EVANS, M. D. March 20. 100 Ch tiham t. PROSPECTUS For the ''Extra Globe ," for 1839. c 1 WE lay before our Republican friends ' a subscription paper for our cheap periodical publication, the Extra Globe.7' During the months when Congress is in session, we publish the "Congressional Globe," which gives a condensed report ol its proceedings weekly, for one dollar. In the interval between the sessions ol Congress, we publish the "Extra Globe," for six months, containing the news poli tics, public documents, and whatever else of interest appears in the Daily Globe, for the same price. These two publications are printed weekly, in book form, to ren der them for convenient for preservation and reference. Each number contains 16 royal quarto pages. The important elections which will take place during the approaching Sum mer and Fall, will give peculiar value to the information to be derived from this quarter, during the canvass. The new phases of parties in the North, and the troubled aspect which foreign agitation gives to our national affairs there, will al so impart to the country for the six months preceding the meeting of the next Con gress, more than ordinary interest. The publication of the "Extra Globe" will commence the fiist week in May, and end the first week in November next. TERMS. For 1 copy $1 00 For 6 copies For 12 For 25 For 50 5 00 10 00 20 00 40 00 75 00 For 100 Payments may be transmitted by mail, postage paid at our risk. The notes ol any incorporated bank in the United States, current in the section of country where a subscriber resides, will be receiv ed. But when subscribers can procure the note of banks in the Northern and Middle States, they will please send them. To insure all the numbers, the subscrip lions should be here by the 7th of May. Q3No attention will be paid to ant order unless the money accompany it. BLAIR 8? RIVES. Washington City, April, 1839. Cotton Yarn. THE subscriber has just received a quantity of Cotton Yarn, different numbers, from the factory at the Falls Tat River, which he will sell on reasonable and accommodating terms. :. ; GEO HOWARD. Tarboro', February 27. "ucuuguim very oftn remedies of arao3, r y I,,c ""puuauon tiere of !r , ava" KXJ ir v ihPtvi - declare to a speedy result of Moffat's Life Fills And Fhcenia? Bitters. ripHE high and envied celebrity which this preeminent medicine has ac quired for its invariable efficacy in all the diseases which it professes to cure, has rendered the usual practice of ostentatious puffing, not only unnecessary, but unwor thy of them. They are known by their fruits; their good works testify for them, and they thrive not by the faith of the cre dulous. In all cases of Costiveness, Dis pepsia, Bilious and Liver Affections, Asth ma, Piles, Settled Pains, Rheumatism, whether chronic or inflammatory, Fevers and Agues, obstinate Headaches, Impure slate of the Fluids, unhealthy appearance of ihe skin, Nervous Debility, the sick ness incident to females in delicate health, every kind of weakness, of the digestive organs, and in all general derangements ol health, these medicines have invariably proved a certain and speedy remedy. They restore vigorous health to the most exhausted constitutions. A single trial, will place the LIFE PILLS and PHCE MX BITTERS beyond the reach ol competition, in the estimation of every pa tient. Happy and grateful in the possession of a medicine which effects so much real and permanent good for his fellow creatures, .MR. MOFFAT begs to say, that he can not abuse the gift of Providence and as sail the health of the community by adopt ing the mercenary practice of recommend ing them to be taken in inordinate quanti ties From two to five pills is an adequate and proper dose of any good medicine in this form; and the excessive quantities which the public are advised to lake b other practitioners, only engender the hu mors and corruptions which they profes to remove. Remove them they may. but they create them first, and the debilitated patient is doomed to be a pill-swallower to the end of his days Mr. Mo flat wishes to benefit the public health, and not to destroy it for money. CyOffioe 267 Broadway. From the N. Y. Sun, Oct. 25, 1S3G. Dn. Moffat's Ph(enix Bitters. n addition to the numerous and strong testi monials of the admirable efficacy of Dr. Moffat's Phoenix Bitters, which almost daily appear in the public prints, we take pleasure in adding our own humble com mendations of its merits, it having been used in the family of one of the editors of this paper, with a beneficial result wholly unlocked for, and which many other pop ular medicines, perseveringly and faithful ly applied, had wholly failed to produce. We therefore heartily recommend it, par ticularly to females, afilicted with pains in the breast or side, general debility, &Ci Sun Office, July 25, 1838. Mr. Moffat Dear Sir Permit the writer f the above paragraph, after lapse of nearly two years; during u hich he had almost weekly opportunities of further testing the merits of your incomparable medicines as well in his own family, as in a large circle of intimate friends, to reile rate in as public a manner as to you may seem proper, the high opinion of them which, upon a former occasion, heexpres std thro' the columns of the Sun. When I say that such is my faith in their efficacv that in the incipient stage of every kind ol sickness, I would allow no medicine what ever to take precedence of yours; and that when disease through negligence or mal treatment, should become confirmed, my tirst resort would be to the matchless anti dotes which you have happily furnished a world much abused by empiricism and quackery. I say no more than a very ex tensive observation and experience make it my duty to say, and no more than scores within the range of my acquaintance, who nave at my solicitation, tested and realized their virtues, will heartily join me in as serting, bince the commencement of the present year, I have witnessed a greater amount ol benefit derived from the use of your Bitters alone, than from the whole Pharmacology beside; and most sincerely do 1 rejoice that the general knowledge and experience of the incomparable merits hi your meaicines are increasing, and ex tending as rapidly and universally, as I am happy to learn from various parts of the Union, that they are. B. Letter from B. A Redderhyerta. St. Bartholomew, Oct. 10th, 1838. The undersigned had been for the last twenty years laboring under very frequent attacks of indigestion with all its concomi tant dangers and unpleasantness, together with frequent Attacks of the h vpochondria, was induced to trv tha... '"'iWUl - j ni, and e l Peedv result r "aPPvi to health and Spirils, .herSlK j .w.4Ica lfJ mp -vujn valuable medicine. Letter from XLT1 Prospect Hill, A-emrk,Jan o r i.i opportunity of addressing r lh'1 to you, which you are at libera , any way you think proner USe'm lime nasi I Imvo ha,n nv . 3 r--. . uu amicted with ;-..w.w.,f au was SO TPdMJ have no hopes lhat 1 should evPr aS! ail 5 hut ci : 1 1 ' Ollll "u,i ajipiieu to a certa great notoriety in New Ynrir that he was the onlv mn :L States who could cure me, but his ch being enormous, and my son con? urging me to try your -Life Pis ,7 term.ned to do so. 1 commenced V them, but did not place any confide thrir ffij;judge of my SUrpri 6 finding mysell, when I had taken ! ?' half a box of Pills, able to turn 2? bed, which I had not been able to do Several months previous without assistance V hen I had taken two boxes, a, , j now am, in perfect health, and not VnVl least troubled w ith my late complain, T the public I would earnestly recommrnj jwu. us superior to hhv mU medicine I know of. Accept, dear sir the best wishes of a grateful patient fuJ your health and prosperity. Yours re $pectfully, ELIZABETH THOMAS. Letter from Jleujumin P, Urumls, St. Bartholomew, Sept. 27, 183S I, the undersigned Benjamin P.Grumbj do hereby certify and declare that 1 labor ed under a most horrid species of Scrofu la, which, were I minutely to describe would be as disgusting as it wonldle in credible to the reader; and was from gene ral debility reduced to the brink of iLe grave. Through the humanity of some gentleman, I was enabled to procure a sup ply of Moffat's celebrated Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters, that on taking them I be tfan to feel immediate relief, and iu the course of one month under divine Provi dence, I am raised from a bed of lingering misery, and of course, ultimate death, 10 health and strength to attend to my voca tion. I most freely offer this certificate as much for the benefit of others wlio may suffer as much as I have from diseases of that nature; as a humble meed of praise to the efficacy of lhat valuable medicine. E. B. CRUMBS. (t?"For further particulars of the above medicine see Moffat's Good Samaritan, a a copy of which accompanies the medicine one copy may also be had at the Print ing Office in Tarboro', where the medi cine is for sale. PREPARED AND SOLD BY WILLIAM B. MOFFAT. 367 Broadway, New York. ff7A liberal deduction made to those who purchase to sell again. GEO. HOWARD, Jgtnt. Tarboro', Dec. 1838. Ion a Der. I had been under the physician many months h, ..: eiI,Inetf - - Oil 1 1 .. $30 Reward. RAN AWAY, a short time since, three negroes named NED, HARDY, vndJACK, belonging to John S. Randolph, who recenl Iv removed from this counly to Florida. These negroes are supposed to be lurking about Tarboro', and are so well known that it is deemed unnecessary to give a description of them. I am author ised to offer the above reward for their ap prehension, or $10 for each, if delivered to me or secured in any jail so that me" owner can get tnem again. n FJ"W' are forbid harbotins or carrying off saw negroes, under penalty of the law. D. RICHMUS Tarboro', March 14. 1S39. . To all whom it may concern. WE have been lately asked much foou. VV surprise, "if we were going to fl'- our business at the laus. . up tU conceive how such a report could get ou ....i l. JLn who could uuiess ii was uy suiuc pcu - . not nnfWstanft what was meant by havi a our establishment Incorporated as the ROCKY MOUT Manufacturing Company, Ami ihmicrht It must be breaking vp whole concern. We have deemed it pro per to say. to prevent our friends at tance from being misled by such a repor , that instead of breaking vp we are paring to eolarge and carry on our uess more extensively than ever, a"u the prospects of success in our have never been so encouraging. n its profits ever been greater than at p ent. BATTLE b BROTHbhi. Rocky Mount, Dec. 12M; IS3S.