Dvciov W. EVAN'S' For children Teething, PREPARED DY HIMSELF. To Mothers and JYurses. fn II C passage of the Teeih through the gums produces troublesome and dan gerous symptoms. It is known bv, moth ers that there is great irritation in the mouth and gums during this process. I lie gums swell, the secretion ol" saliva is in creased, the child is seized with frequent and sudden fits of crying, watching, start ing in the sleep, and spasms of peculiai parts, the child shrieks with extreme vio lence, and thrusts its fingers into its month. If these precursory symptoras are not spee dily alleviated, spasmodic convulsions uni versally supervene, and soon cause the dissolution of the infant. If mothers who have their little babes afilicted with these distressing symptoms, would apply )r William Kvans's Celebrated Soothing Syrup, which has preserved hundreds ol infants when thought past recovery, Irom being suddenly attached with that lata! malady, convulsions. Jl real blessing to Mothers. Dr. IV. Evans1 celebrated Soothing $yrii for children cutting their teeth. This infallible remedy has preserved liundreds of Children, when thought past recovery, from convulsions. As soon as the Syrup is rubbed on the gums, the child will recover. Has preparation is so in-4 nocent, so efficacious, and so pleasant, thai 110 child will refuse to let its gums be rubbed with it. When infants are at the age of four months, though there is no ap pearance of teeth, one bottle of the Syrup should be used on the gums, to open the pores. Parents should never be without the Syrup in the nursery where there are young children; for if a child wakes in the night with pain in the gums, the Syrup immediaiely gives ease by open ing the pores and healing the gums; there by preventing Convulsions, Fevers, Sec. Proof positive of the efficacy of Dr. E vans' Soothing Syrup. To the Agent of Dr. Kvans' Soothing Syrup: Dear Sir The great benefit afforded to my suffering infant by your Soothing Syrup, in a case of protracted and painful dentition, must convince every feeling parent how essential an early ap plication of such an invaluable medicine is to relieve infant misery and torture. My infant, while teething, experienced such acute sufferings, that it was attacked with convulsions, and my fe and family sup posed that death would soon release the babe from anguish till we procured a bot tle of your Syrup; which as soon as ap plied to the gums a wonderful change was produced, and after a few applications the child displayed obvious relief, and by con tinuing in its use. I am glad to inform you, the child has completely recovered, and no recurrence of thai awful complaint lias since occurred; the teeth are emana ting daily and the child enjoys perfect health. I give you my cheerful permission to make this acknowledgment public, and will gladly give any infnrmuiou on this circumstance. WM. JOHNSON. CTSold at Dr. W. Evans's Office, 1U0 Chatham street, N. Y., and by all his a gents throughout the Union. AGENTS. J. M. Kf.d3ic.nd, Tarbo ro F. S. M aiis ii all, Halifax. Spots wood Si Kor.EiirsoN, Petersburg. A. Du val, Kichmond. C. Hall, Norfolk. F. E. Portlock, Portsmouth. Lewis John ston, Washington, D. C. Moiitimf.ii & "Mowbray, Baltimore. Dec. 4, ISJ8. CELEBRATED Fever and Jlguc Pills. Hp HIS widely extended and most admi rable Remedy for Fever and Ague, and other Fevers, which has already ren dered such benefit, and proved a sure and speedy cure for the above mimed disor ders, is particularly recommended to pub lic notice. On first feeling the premonitory symp toms occur, it is advisable at once to clear thoroughly the stomach and bowels. In no way can this be better and less incon veniently effected, than by taking a few doses of Br. Evans's pari fifing Pills. the value and well authenticated virtues of which medicine have been, and still are, too apparent to call for fuither comment! They tend to promote a healthy secretion of the Bile, and render the system capable 01 receiving wun ueutut ihe invigorating Jlnd Mrenglheniug Pils Sold at Dr. Evans's medical establish ment, 100 Chatham street, iN . Y. and by his authorized agents throughout the U AGENTS. J. M. Redmond, Tarbo ro F. S. Marshall, Halifax. Spots wood U Robertson, Petersburg. A. Du val, Richmond. C. Hall, Norfolk. K E Portlock, Portsmouth. Lewis John ston, Washington, D. C. Mortimer 5c Mowbray, Baltimore. Dec. 4, 13S. Books, Pamphlets, Stationary, &?c, una O THE Primitive Baptist vols. 1,2, and 3, neatly bound and lettered, A concise History of the Kehukee As sociation, by Elder Jos. Biggs. McNeill's and Burn's Poems, Latin Grammar, Ilistoriae Sacra, &c. The Patriotic Discourse, Basket of Fragments, Mouse gnawing out of. the Catholic tr:ip. and No other than Baptist churches have a right to be called Chris Tun churches: by Elder Joshua Lau rence Also, writing piper white, pink, and straw colored letter piper ink powder, qui IN, blank cards, red lead pencils, wrap ping paper, &.C. for sale by GEO. HOWARD. rarhoro, April 25. Cotton Gins. rip II E Subscriber respectfully informs the public, that he still continues to carry on the Gin making Business, At his former stand, In Greenville, Pill county, N. C. Where those wishing new Gins can bt supplied with either German or polished cast steel saws at the shortest notice. Those having Gins out of order had best semi them in at as early a day as con venient. When all wait (as is usually the case) until they .want to use them, it i sometimes impossible to furnish them within the lime required. ALLEN TISON, In connection with this establishment, con tinues to carry on the Lock and Gunsmith business, The making of Saiv jMill Boxes, Aill Inks and 6 udgcons, and JMill Spindles, iviih Steel Cottars, (turned,) cq ual to any in the United Slates. All orders in his linn of business will be thankfully received, and faithfully and promptly executed on reasonable terms. NO 11 FLEET TYER. January 30, 1S3S. Cotton Gins. Hp HE subscriber has removed from Tnr borough, and established himself on the Raleigh road, near the store of J. C. Knight, on Cokej, where he continues The making and repairing Co tlun Gins. All those who wish to supply themselves with (litis cf the best quality, are respect fully solicited to apply to the Subscriber personally, or by letter. All orders for Gins will be promptly executed. t5 ins out of order will be expeditiously repaired. Persons wishingto h.ve work executed, will pleao leave their orders at the store of .!. C. Knight, Kq. SAMUEL I). PROCTER. Fe' ruary 5th. rr -ifrv rf mm House, Landscape &f Ornamental FAINTING. rgiHF Subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Edgecombe county thai he has located himself In Tar b or on rh. Where he is prepared to execute all orders in his line of business. Those wishing gigs, sideboards, sitting chairs, fire screens anil the like paining will bring them to the coach shop of lMr. Terrell. He will leave town and go into the country, when house painting is required. All ordeis in his line of business will be thankfully received and faithfully executed n reasonable terms. LEWIS DE ARQUER. Tarboro', Feb. 26 Com Shelters. AN excellent new Corn Shelter,' made xau by Mr. John Wilson, of Hamilton, can be had on reasonable and accommoda ling terms, on application AT THIS OFFICE. . December 26. Moffat's Life Pills dnd Phoenix: Bitters. npHtf UNIVERSAL ESTIMATION in which the celebrated Life Pills and Pienix Bitters are held, is satisfacto rily demonstrated by the increasing de mand for them in every Slate and section of the Union, and by the voluntary testi monials to their remarkable efficacy which are every where offered. It is not less from a deeply gratifying confidence that they are the means of extensive and ines timable ood among his afilicted fellow creatures, than from interested considera tions, that the proprietorof these pre em inently successful medicines is desirous ol keeping them constantly before the public eye. The sale of every additional box and bottle is a guarantee that some jv rson will be relieved from a greater or less de cree of suffering, and be improved in gen eral health; for in no case of suffering, and from disease can they be taken in Vain. The proprietor has neVerknown nor been infoimcd of an instance in which they have failed to do good. In the most obstinate cases of chroic diseqsc, such as chronic dyspepsia, torpid liver, rheumatism, asth ma, nervous and bilious head ache, cos tiveness, piles, general debility, scrofulous swellings and ulcers, scurvy, salt rheum, and all other chronic affections of the or- irans and membranes, thev etlect cures with rapidity and permanency which few persons would theoretically believe, bul to whicn inousanus have testuieu irom hapnv experience. In cold and coughs. which, if neglected, superinduce the most fatal diseases of the lungs, and indeed of the viscera in general, these medicines, if taken but for three or four days, never fail. Taken at night, they so promote the insensible perspiration, and so relieve the system of febrile action and feculent oh structions, as to produce a most delightful sense oi convalescence in me morning: and though the usual symptoms of a cold should partially return during the day rep etition ol a suitable dose at the next hour of bed-time will almost invariably tfl" ct permanent relief, without fuither aid. Their effect upon fevers of a mot e acute and violent kind is not less sine and spep dy, if taken in proportionable quantity ; and persons retiring to bed with inflamma tory symptoms of the inosi alarming kind will awake with the gratifying conscious ncss that the fierce enemy has been over thrown, and can eastlv be subdued. In the same way-, visceral turgescenre, tho long established, and visceral inflamma lions, howevercrilical, will yield the for mt r to small and the latter to large dose of the LIFE PILLS; And so also hysterical affections, hypo i .1 continacism, restlessness arm very many other vai ietics of the Neurotical class ol diseases, yield to the efficacy of the Phcnix IS titers. Full directions for the use of these medi cines, and showing their distinctive appli cability to different complaints, aceompa ny then); and they can be obtained, wholesale and retail, at 3G7 Broadway, where numerous certificates of their un paralleled sucess areal ways ojen to inspec lion. For additional particulars of the above medicines, sec Moffat s Hood Samaritan, a copy of which accompanies the medi eines; a Copy can also be obtained of tin different Agents who have the medicines for sale. French, German, and Spanish directions can bp obtained on application at the office, 3G7 Broadway. QJ33 All post paid letters will receive immediate attention. SOLD WHOLESALE AND RET AT L BY WILLIA3I B. MOFFAT. 367 Broadway, New York. A liberal deduction made to those who purchase to sell again. Agents. GEO. HOWARD, Tarboro ' . 03The Life Med icines may also be had ol the principal druggists in every town throughout the United States and the Canadas. Ask for Moffat's Life Pills and Phenix Bitters: and he sure that a fac simile of John Moffat's signature is upon the label of each bottle of Lillet s or box of pills. May, 1H39. Botanic Jfledicincs IT 0BELIA,in half and qrpound papers, " 1 '"V-" ...... w., 2nd and 3rd Preparation of do. No. 3, compounded, Lobelia seed, Composition Poph r Bark, Nerve Powder and Nerve Ointment, African Bird Pepper, Bay berry, Bitter Root, Golden Seal, Clivers, Pond Lilly, hemlock, witch hazle, Cough powders, raspberry leaves, Prickly ash, slippery elm, barberry, Cholera and Dysentery Syrup, Rheumatic Tincture, Woman's Friend, Stiengthening Plaster, No. 6, Thompson's Guide and Narrative, The Institutes of Thomsonism, by Dr. William Henry Fonerden. Syringes, &c. &c For sale by GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro', April 17th. l mm - 1 I MJli '! " - imJUJ 11 I II I HI FUBLIC OPINION has placed these well known Pills at the head of A- merican Patent Medicines, and the great demand for them thoughont Europe, and the counterfeits which have been made of them in both England and France, ful ly nrove that their virtues are extensively appreciated on the other side of the Atlan tic. And this popularity is noi an epnern eral one, resting upon the putchased eu losrv of the proprietor; but is the natural effect of the intrinic merits of the pi I Is themselves, and therefore must be perma nent. Indeed the demand for the pa-l year has been so great as not only to place them beyond the need of pnffVry, bul te render a supply impossible; as Dr. rett is will on no account permit a single pill to leave his laboratory, that has not beer, compounded under his own imnicdiale inspection The public is geneially aware that Ir. Peters' Pills Are purely vegfl able, and are so free from any mixture of a deletrious na'u- as to be impervious to t' e changes Hint. or climate, which gives ihem an immense advantage over the majority of medicines; especially with persons whotravel, or havt to locate themselves in distant countries, Thus they witl be found f qualiy bench cial in the Torrid zme; and it is an actual fact, that (owing to their salubrious in fiuence on the blood) they are consideied powerfully efficacious on the usual com plaints of those diametrically opposite cli mates. The proprietor had flittered himsel when he issued his last pamphlet, that he could effect no further improvement in the manufacture of his pills; but he ha how to state that in this he was deceived, as he has made two improvements, whicl greatly enhance their Value. Thse ait produced by his tico newly invented, and patented machines, the one fur making. and theother lor counting nlohular sub stances; the former of which turns out il r pills perfectly smooth and It'uuNP, whicl rentier them much easier to swallow thn; any that have been previously manu'actu red; and the latter counts them will out in any way effecting their shape, which can not be the case when thev are passed intt. their boxes by the fingers; and the propri etor would here impress this fact upon tin public, that at no lime is the hand or fin gers made use of in the preparation of hi medicine, which ensures its freedom Iron impurities that it miihl otherwise inbah from the human flesh. Indecrndent of this, the manufacturing machine, by its 7 . . " J great weight, and immense rapidity, mix es, and generalizes the component parts ol the medicine much more effectually than the old fashioned grooved plates; and again, the former is con p sed t f steel, while the latter is always made of brass, which gives a decided advantage to the new invention, as thetnie possesses many me dictnal vir'ues, while the other is pregnant of prop. 'i ties injuriousto the human health. The above machines have excited a great deal of attention in New York, as ihev save the labor of thirty persons; and it i probable the former may supercede the ne cessity of the shot lower. And the pro prietor has the pleasure to add that they were honored with no less than three pri zs at the Fair of the American Institute; namely, a gold and a silver medal, and a diploma. By their almost miraculous effect upon the cyle, which is the fountain brad of health and disease, Dr. PK ITERS' PILLS may he justly considered a universal Medicine, but they are peculiarly benefi eial in the following eompla nts: Bilious Fevers, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Liv er Complaints, Sick Head ache, Jaundice, Asthma, Drops', Rheumatism, Km large ment of the Spleen. Piles, (olic, Female Obstruction, 'Ijart Burn, I4 mred lonnue. Nausea, Distension of the Stomach and Bowels, Incipent Diarrhoea, Flatulence, Habitual Cosli vent s, Loss of Appelitr Blotched, or Sallow Corhplcxion, an I in all cases of Torpor of the B-nveh, when a Cathartic or an Aperient is nettled They are exceedingly mild in their op r ntinn. nroilucin neither nausea, "mimim- I 3 - -- -- Q. nor debilit v. PR "ERA RED BY Inventor and sole Proprietor, At No. 129 Liberty Street, .NEW YORK, And for sale at ihe Post Office and the Printing Office in Tarboro'. May, 1839. Cm Extract from a letter by Dr. Homon nfn. t f . ' "J """ffKr, Maine, Jan. I83S. "They are a peculiarly mild, vet effi cient purgative medicine; and "produce title, il any grininj; or nausea. I havo prescribed them with much success in mcL headaches and slight bilious fevers." Extract of a letter from Dr. Pve, of vucoec, i. u., march G, 1S37. 'For bilious fevers, sick headaehe. mr. pidity of the bowels, and enlargement ol the spleen, Dr. Peters' Pills are an excel ent medicine. ' YEhavebeenlaielya.keclrnuchfo, surprise, -,l we were Soin " "T up our business at the Fall, " y rcA conceive how such a report could?"01 uniess u was oy some person who ' not understand what was meant bv Y? our establishment Incorporated as'tl ROCKY MOUXT Manufacturing Comntim, And thought it must be hrot.i,; whole concern. Ve have deeniec" ii per to say, to prevent our friends m.,'-0' tance irom ueing fiiMed hy such a that instead of breaking vnv lm paring to en-large and carry on i1"' uess mote extensively lha!i'ev(.r , , the pro-perls of success jn cur ,. have nevir been so eneouraiti.r rt . . .is profits ever been greau Al en I. 1 iuttli: sr nnoTiiEns Reeky Mf.ffnf., Die. 2t, is.'is" ' APPROVED Patent iledicincs. jipFFAT'S Life IMLs and N. X,JA 1J i tiers, a ceitam and fp(fdy,tn dy in all cases of coMivenes-, iljpf.,,.ia" tiilious and liver affections, asthma, p,,..' -eltled pains, iH umatiMu wheihtr chrou- c or ii II minatory, fevers ai.d aue?, ol). -linate lu a. laches, impure t ;t t c 1 the flu unliea It by appearance ol thtt .L;, nervous debility, the sickness incidi.t Ui females in deheate health, overy Kind of weakness of the dij;eiive otgUl-janj aj rieial deiangi ments of health. 7:r.i?is' camomile Pills, u tjt ii'd sp; edy cute lor dy-prpsia or ii,dis. tion, jaundice, diaril.cej, eheltia, cUlic, liver complaint, &e. Evans' fever and ague Pills i sure cure lor thoe disouhrs The pn. ifying pills lend to pi ciuote a healthy 5e. eretion of the bile, oi.tl render the system caj)able of uceiving with bent lit the in vigoratii.g and sti engthenii g pills. Evans' Soothing Xyntp, fur children teething. This invaluahle reme dy has preserved hundreds tf children, when thought past recovery, from con vulsions, levers, &c. Goclkkcs Matchless Sanative, a medicine which is obtained i qua 1 1 ij r,otT' llie vegUable, animal, and u.inual i i. : I , I.I .. . ,t .... r it I kingdoms, and thus p sseses a three fM I power a medicine which., lhm);li ijeMn ed as a remedy for ronsumpii,u sekly, is possessed of a mysterious influence over many dieases of the human s stem, viz: paly, fits, dropsy, emaciation, pleurisy, gout, piles, dysentery, gravel, spine com plaints, nei vousness, asthma, &.C. Filers' vegetable anli-Mwiis Pills, a certain cure lor liver complain, jaundice, bilious lever in its incipient stage, fever and ague, dyspepsia, Mcl l ead ache, net ve-U'iiess, n mea, luu uess ol rils, bile on the stomach, and blotched or sallow complexion. Beih xc i Ih's anti-dyspeptic Fills, a mot valuable mtdieine fur the cine if dyspepsia, and the pn volition uf bilious levers, colic, &lc. Bernard's remedy for Asiatic '.Tiulera, cholera morbus, diarrl.ee i, sun nier complaints, colics, cramps sam$. Carter's Southern Lhcumalic Hmbroca'ion, a spctdv cure lur rhtuma tism, chilblains, piains, nun.bi.css, ai;J "liflncss of the joint, &c Pursuit's pectoral halm of Car- ragen, or Iiih mo--, a sale and certain remedy fer coughs, colds, a-tbrr.ns, bot ing cough, shirtness I btealh, spitting blood, consumption, &:e. UapcnCs vegetable Toolh-achc Klixir, a certain a;.d in. mediate cure, giV- it r v ! . . I I,n. , . i, il'P. .'il.i ten w 1 1 : ; 1 1 1 any i t . j r , lo the tetdiif j j iins. I i possesses the propei ' V ol ci.bv jj ening the gums w in n in a mui u u si." l j and 'of resloiiiig a healthy ai:d vigoitui action. I The aJjVcled man's Vvicnd or Ointment oi many virtues, much celt bi J- j ted for the cure of scrofula or king's evil, ; ringworm, goitre, it.P initd eyes, burrs j scalds, chilblains, breaking out on ch'b dreu's heads, eruption, or pimples on t';e I face, breaking out on the moulh, coi bi'.a: ulcers, & ulcerated sore legs, sore hre'- and cancerous humors. j Harrison's adhesive plaster, superior to any that has hitbeto beent'iv covered. In consequence of its anflZC dhesive qualiiics it is engaged, that d'' I Plaster will maintain its hold iviih per"' J nacity where none other can be M t 1 -lick at all, that il is peihcily sedative, I ind that there is nothing whatever un'3 ble in its composition. I Printed directions accompany the above j valuable and highly approved patent vi dicines, for sale 6y GEO. II01VARP Tarboro', August 2i. i

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