jYoticc. fflR subscriber expects to continue lo uach p..- f n-iii 'ST V' " ne irt r lo his own resi !m cn M,::n ,,:C i3mP ',,,ms 'iie pi"" ih.Tt K) ,nf ss.ion of 5 months, j,r liu- I Mis'i .ir'1-: . 'or A i Mimetic, V'-iV-'Z' "2 'ur '"K- fram.,fIeog ., i, N- &c ; it mi JS ' moiitii for v ' mark bennett v. J. !S:-'9. - 45 3 Jvf re. T " :- ' '1' ' :""",,er of ih- si ihi!: ' (' Succty h Mil-I mo t t' ih. j:,.!, ,, I'.i It o r. on ill-- '25 h d;iy i. ,v. :rii! t:- x:, hr II"' purpose ol'lip.- Itlr. iity and Treasure J?t I. ;" '' S-wirly, since r ,nr !'ri! to :i portion of I hp members ,, itl i'V, I'1-"1 "' 1 1 lemiio unbi uh .i-e ,,M L'brarv hej elo'ore re pi .i -v h expects t- rm- Vf hi le-di'dCi . it i- il-irnis that s m s'- ps should be a li n f r the ptesHiva'ion of the fund j,n, prnjv.u ty 1 1 . 1 n ir 1 1 1 ' tie S-cii-f y 1'hP pp'son boding :lu funds of the S .e.i eiy will please produce a" tin limp and pi id1 abovenn'iil ioned, a in! alo the p'r fon holding the couti'U'iou will phv.p luincr it forward. The members sin til I (rfMiei.'llv at'end, as it i ' sscnlial that th s business should he attended to. Nov 4. IS. 45 3 COFFIEL3P l M KUCHA NT TAILOR, ESPKCTFULLY informs hisfiiends and the public generally, that he has just received hi splendid assortment of KILL, .I.VI? WIATISIZ VIZ: Superfine blue, black and green Cloths, Brown and Oad I mix! do. Beaver and pilot Cloths, for ovet coats, Cissi mere!, of most fashionable style, Drab and buff do. Plain hi rk & figured Velvets for vesting. Woolen Velvet and figured Valeucias,do. Figured and plain S um, do. A plendid assortment of Silk vesting, Net shirts and draws, Plain black & fig'd satin Stocks with bows, do do bomhazen, tlo Bosoms, Collars, Glove", Su -ponders, &c He invites an inspection of his (lood. as he is confident they cannot fail to give satisfaction ,is respect q iiliiy and pi ice. (jty (lentlcnieii who wi-h their clothe wi-ide up, can have I h'in made and trim in tin- m-s fashionable iyli AH ciders ifoin a distance will he juncsuall 8'!-iid'( to. r:it'ior(:', October. S:W. ?ivw a nl SpZcsiciid 1' l. L AND W1NTKR : M . ! ( (i, .(4j,pv (II tioail-. m!,'(h ii Ueis. witi; the reaiesl " ' u at'e.-itsMii. -nd com')! I -it iT hi ex ive v ( r neral .ioitin i.t d tl most SliM ,!' a id i iiiciliil, as well as neat and "-"I anirles, in the Arm ia: lor (.n.ods will I e lound A var if l' ol lirnin i Inl n ilirrn hnnni'ls. hi- . J I p eM aiJ most apptoved style, ""nc and Leghorn braid, French, En pslshand fancy straw Bonnets, r,'"cli, velvet and fanv Flowers, pj0 le Algiers, Gro de Nap, &c. "n fij'd and watered silk" and satins, tp, I'b.rence,, plain and fig'd Net, y lei)d. blond and doited laces, AeiK collars, caps, curls, "extensive assoitrntnt of ribbons, &e. j "e Jviies an inspection of her Goods, saliT IS Co,,K'eMl '',ey cannot fail lo give a,'tion as respects quality and price. Wo Nov 9, KS39. lorus Multicaulis. 4bUr looo Chinese Mulberry Trees 55 ' years growth' are offered for OrK? favorao,e lerms, by I he tree, foot h J , de,'verable in the fall. They will thas a'lsetner or i t0 sult Pur 3SCrs- Apply to rarboro'f Aug. 30, 1839- GEO. HOIVJ1BD. Botanic Medicines. 'yifK subcribor has recently pcuted J'U novv clU-rs lorM:e.i ,e.,onabk li' JCCOmm,!l,ill'''SMns, thefolh.wieg ittownwouiaii .Medicines, liz: LoUeUa, M.t:d a, ol pulv, l,2. d jSml ami 3,i Prepa, a, iun ol Jo. -M,,o,,,on N,, ve Puwdc, lV,p:I HalU, A ncu, ndi'.pp,,, Hayl)t,,v; .U.ik cabbage, wake nb,n, Halsam F, n.n.u. y,op, lialmony, G.ecu oz.er, v tii, Unicom root, (l,,,,, , '.e, Uoul, Golden Ieul, Chvers, I Lilly, bendocu, wch hazle, . Cou.n p(JvVde,, rasp!m.y eav 1 MCkly ah , l,pp,,y ,,,., WMh U.iolfiH and DvmmiIm-v Syrup Khtuiimiiti r.ne.u.e, Woman's Friend, . '.eug.heninir i;U;r No I :0.i.ps,,'s (;lJhe nfu jva.a,ive lltr, Woman's Friend, Louis's Mcdir.d Di-eus-ions, Uobiuson'a Lectuies, Syiin?es, &e. GFJi. IIOIV.JIID. I Hi-SorV, Nov. 9;h, 18.S9. Over the Tarhorough Course NORTH CAKOLINA, WWILL COMMKNCK on Tuesday, v the 19tti of November, and contin tie FOUU DAYS: Fiast Iay. A Svveepstakes,for three years old, mile heals, 'SI 00 entrance, S50 lorfeit to con ttnue open until Monday, lSihNovem her. Persons wislijtig t enter will make il known by addressing the Proprietor. Second Day. Pari of Jockey Club Purse, two mile heats, $200 entrance, Sl5 for subscri bers; 30 for non subscribers. Third Day. Balance of Jockey Club Purse, three mile heats, S.J0O enhance, $20 for sub .scribers; 10 for non subscribers. Fourth Day. A Handy Op, niile heats, bfst three in five, Si 00, and part of entrance money a ided thereto ntrance, SlO. Purses liablt; to the lull amount. All letters addressed lo the Proprietor must be post paid. IV M. FOXILILL, Proprietor Oct. 2. 1SS9 40 7 Ct . S-l . ' IT 7 &WIJC isrcci juanu rS1 II K snl)scribei s having qualified as Kxecutr rs tf I h t- last will and ! sta rr.rntof EXUM LEWIS, k c'd, i eq K-t those havm; clum to prest nt them for payment, and those who owe the estate Ur make payment. They olT -i- for sa'e at private contract, The Tract ofXaaid, Near this place, lying on Swift Creek, 8 u I0 miles fi om l at h trough, and 10 or 12 liom E;.fi. hi, cint .ining I bout 2900 lcrcs. This tract has considerable" cleared land n it, and several settlements with dwell u-r houses, and lies suitable to divide into three or lour farms, and will be if requit ed Hv purchasers. Persons wishing to purchase land, would do well to look at this, a- it is g od ml lively, and susceptible of much and la-ting improvement, Item the marl beds that are found on and near it. A reasonable credit will be g?ven ihe purchasers, upon their giving approved se curity. JOHN W. LEWIS THUS. C. HUNTER. Ml. Prospect, K Ig-eombe, N C. 27h Sept. 1S39. 4 40 JYoticc. :t:- WILL SELL a tract of land, in Nash eoumv, on the public road leading from Philips Store lo Enfield, contain ing by actual survey 483 J Acres. On which is a comfortable Dwelling house And out houses. The nmsj of this land is uncleared, and heavily timbered with pi.ch pine; and lying within two miles of the Rail Road, may offer inducements ,o the getters of turpentine. I w.ll sell a favorable bargain in this land, if applica lion is early made. JJIMES PHILIPS. October 9, 1839. 41-7 1 1 1 1 JM Halifax Count!, V. C.l Oct. la. 5 T HE undersigned having ojiened the si ore to rvotJatid N ck known bv the name of Clark's Sure, have esial)lil ed iheniM Ives undtr the style and firm o! Peebles, Feimcr Co. esigr, commencing sale on Tuesday next p 15ih inst., will keep on hand a'genci- a I 3orinnMit ol Suij, Groceries, Fine Liquors, -Ih y Goods of all description, ( u Hi rii, Crocker ij Stone ivttrr, o;ne Medicines, tilwes cj Bools, addlrs and llridles, ('listings assorted, Good and superior Tobacco, and other articles too ttdious to note. They heo; ihe favor of the c'Hiz-ns ol the Neek and iis vicinity to call and ex amine their stock of Goods, as they ate disposed to s,ell on reasonable terms. They being well acquainted with all the pi incip d merchants ot Peiershur r, wil; 'ake pleasure in having Cotton or aey oth r pi od uce sold if delivered ui Uidilax "ntt usied to ihiir caie, -their services remlered gratis. MS. M PEEBLES 42 5 IV ILL Li M FENNER. JNO 7 PEEBLES Liock and Gunsmithry. 7 1 II E undersigned having devoted the most of his life to a knowledge of hi profession, is now piepared AVur the liridge, in Tarboro To execute all orders in L'ck and Gun "inilhry, in a style at once equal to the est London work. Clocks, watches, musical boxes, breast pins, finger rings'" and jewelry and bro ken articles of every description will also be repaired at the shortest notice by BJ1V1D C. BELL. August Mth, 1S39. 33 Botanic Jflcdicincs. fin HE tubscriher has just received a fresh supply of Gum Myrrh, Com position, African bird Pepper, and Spice lit iters. GEO. HOWARD. September 2G. JYtrticc. 31 II E Copartnership heretofore exist ing in the name of Hurls & Home, Is this day dissolved 1y mutual consent. John R. Home is authorized to attend to all Ihe unsettled business of the concern. WILLL1M BURT, THOMAS S BURT. JOHN R IJORNE. Stantonsburg, Ajnil 30th, LS30. IS . .1 fy KAN A WAY, a short time Sf'-inee. a neirro man . named UJiRDY. belonging to John S. Randolph, who recent ssstt ly removed from this county to Florida. This neirro is .supposed to be lurking about Tarbbio', and is so well known that it is de.-med unnecessary to give a description of h m. I am author ied to (Fertile above reward for his ap prehension, if delivered to me or secured in any jail so that his owner can get him again. All persons are forhftl liar Coring or carrying off said negro, under penalty of the law. D. RICHARDS. Tarboro', March 14. IS39.. 11 BUI,LAKDS Celebrated Patent Jlnimnl and Vegetable OIL. SOAP. JTOIl cleansing coat collars, woollen, linen, and cotton goods, from spots occasioned by grease, paint, tar, varnish, and oils of every description, without in jury lo the finest jmods. The Oil Soap, Possesses very healing and penetrating qualities, and is used with perfect safety for bathing various external complaints, upon man or beast. Instances are loo nu merous lo be certified. Thousands of cer tificates might be obtained of its efficacious efiVcts upon all bone complaints, weak limbs, that have been dislocated, broken, or otherwise injured. In almost every case when applied to corns on the feet, it has effected an entire cure. It Is positively the best remedy, if tho roughly used, for sprains, chilblains, poi sous, scalds, bnrns, sore lips, chapped or cracked hands, cutaneous eruptions, or ..mirded faces, that is known. For places chafed -by the harness or saddle, sprained shoulders, scratches, &c. on horses, there is no composilion that exceeds this. Warranted genuine. For sale by GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro' July 30. AX illGIILiY Important Caution To Ihe Tab lie. ve ne (itubes"-! Beware cf fulling. OCTOR EVANS, 100 Chatham sireet, takes the present opnortunitv o! tendering his most unfeigned arknowl edgemeuls to the numerous patients dilict fd viij lite v irions form of disease inci dent to hnmauiiJ ho have committed themselves to bis csie, and he has the sal l .i tion of knowing from many livina evidences, that his remedies have removed r relieved their respertive maladies, as iar as lies w'nhio ihe compass of human means. How distressing to iheafilictcd is Hyfiprpaia or Indigestion, poisoning ;ill ihe sources of his enjoyment, and leading in many instances to the mise ries of h vpocondriat ism. Long as it has been made the subject of inquiry by medi cal authors it remains involved in much obscurity. Jaundice, Uiarhoea, Cholera, and Colic, also performs a roospicuous part in the dram: of morbid affections. 1)11. EVANS.has been singularly suc eessful in the treatment of the above com plaints by remedies drawn from the re searches ol the most eminent physicians in Europe, lie has also had vast experience and success throughout the w hole family of delicate diseases, all of w hich are for the most part aggravated by, and rooted in the constitution, by the conspiracies of mer curial murderers unprincipled, uneducated and unpractised in any art save that of at tempting to lead ihe credulous on the road lo ruin. Dr. Evans' office is supplied with the choicest remedies from foieign mar kets, and compounded on ihe most scien- litie principles, a physician is always in at tendance, and all those who come there in the hour of need will go off rejoicing. Dr. VV. Evans' 'Medical office 100 Chatham. Jlrlhma. three years' standing. Mr. Robert Monroe, Schuylkill, afllicl ed with the above, distressing malady. Symptoms: Great languor, flatulency, disturbed rest, nervous headache, difficulty of breathing, tightness and stricture across the breast, dizziness, nervous irritability and restlessness, could -nol lie in a hori zontal position without ihe sensation of impending suffocation, palpitation of the heart, distressing cough, cosliveness, pain of the stomach, drowsiness, great debility and deficiency of the nervous energy. Mr. K. Monroe gave up every thought of re covery, and dire despair sat on the counte nance of every person interested in his ex istence or happiness, till by accident he noticed in a public paper somecures effect ed by Dr. I I'm. Evans' medicine in his complaint, which induced him lo purchase a package of the Pills, which resulted in completely removing every symptom o his disease. He wishes to say ids motive for this declaration is, that those afflicted with the same or any .symptoms similar lo those from which he is happily restored, may likewise receive the same inestimable benefit. QC5 Liver Complaint , ten yrars1 standing. Mrs. Ilannah Rrovvne, wife of Joseph Rrowne, North Sixth St., near Second si., Wiliiamsbnrgh, afflicted for the. last ten vears with Liver Complaint, restored to health through the treatment of Dr. IVm. Evans. Symptoms: Habitual constipa tion of the bowels; total loss of appetite, excruciating pain of the epigastric region, greal depression of spirits, languor and other s3fmptoms of extreme debility, dis turbed sleep, inordinate flow ofi.be menses, pain in the righl side, could not lie on her left side, without an aggravation of the pain, urine high coloured, with oilier symptoms indicating greal derangement in the functions of the liver. Mrs. Browne was attended by three of the first physicians, bul received bui litlle relief from their medicine, (ill Mr. Browne procured of Dr. Win. Evans invaluable preparations which effectually relieved her of the above, distressing1 symptoms, with fibers, which il is nol essentia! to intimate. JOSEPH BROWNE. Cilv and County of New York, ss. Joseph Browne, Wiliiamsbnrgh, Long Island, being duly sworn, did depose and say that the facts as set forth in ihe within statement, to w hich he has subscribed his name, are just and true. JOSEPH BROWNE, Husband of the said Hannah Brow ne. Sworn before me, this 4lh day of Janu ary, 1837. PETER PINCKNEV, Com. of Deeds. Paralytic Rheumatism. A perfect cure effected by the treatment of Dr. W. Ev ans. Mr. John Gibson, of North Fourth street, Williamsburgh. AGENTS J. M. Redmond, Tarbo ro'. F. S. Marshall, Halifax. Spots- wood U Robertson, Petersburg. A. Du val, Richmond. C. Hall, Norfolk. E. E. Portlock. Portsmouth. Lewis John ston, Washington, D. C Mohtimkk & Mowbray, Baltimore. Dec- 4, 1838. Nashville Fall Races. The Hates over Vic WILL COMMENCE cn Wednesday Ihe 13ih dav of November next, and continue THREE DAYS: ff'irsl Day. 1st. A Sweepstake for two year olds, SI00 entrance, half forfeit, three or more to make a race, mile heats. 2nd. A Sweepstake for three year olds, $100 entrance, half forfeit, three or more to ouiktt a lace, mile heats. To name and close in both, on Monday the 11th Nov. Second Day. 1st. Proprietor's Pur?c, S200, Sl5en trancey two mile heats. 2nd. A Sweepstake for three year his, S200 entrance, lialf forfeit, mile heats, three or more lo make a race. -To name and close as above on the 11th Nov. Third Day. Jockey Club Porse, 5-'i00, three mile heats, $20 entrance, sutj-ct to the usial discount. Letters i f entrance to be addresred to to Proprietor, at Nashville, N. C. Stables and litter furnished giatis. JOHN S A R RING TON ProW. Nashville, No. Ca. 9ih Oct. 1S39. (PThe No. Ca.. Standard and Spirit of ihe Times will publish the above till Ihe 9th Nov. and forward their accounts lo the Postmaster at Nashville for payment. $25 Reward. 111. 4 M. II Ulll HI Qji scribpr, at Hamilton, Martii Kty, on Thursday, the 15lh i RAN AWAY from Ihe Sub. artin couu- y, the loth instant my negro man f About 5 feet 6 or S inches high, 25 or 30 years of age, very black and has a good set of leelh. He is well provided with clothing, one bluejacket and trowsers, one white Jacket, new felt hat, new pair of shoe-', and a very good blue plaid cloak. Nelson was partly raised by Spencer D. Cotton, of Tarhorough, and has a wife at Mr.ftrissom Pittman's,S or 10 miles from Enfield, and is well known through Tar borough and the greater part of Edge combe county. 1 will give the above re ward for his apprehension if delivered to me at Plymouth, Washington county, or if confined in any jail so that I gel him again. All persons are cautioned against harboring or cairying off said negro under penalty of the law. HENRY DOWNING. August I7ih, 1S39. .34 JYorth Carolina Justice. JJpHIS work, the appearance of which has been unexpectedly delayed for causes heretofore made known to the pub lic, will now be speedily published. Iii the course orncxt month, (AUGUST,) A few hundred copies will be completed and ready for delivery to subscribers and purchasers. THE PROPRIETOR. July 31, 1839. 100 Reward. TO ANA WAY from the Subscriber, on w the 1 4 1 h November, 1S3G, ncgio man Aged about 26 years, 5 feet 6 or 7 inches in height, weighing about 150 pounds, yel low complexion, with a pleasant look no scars ormarks known of. Said negro for merly belonged lo Moses Tison, in Pitt county where he was raised. 'I he above reward will be paid for his apprehension ind delivery to me in Greene county, 9 miles from Stantonsburg on the Raleigh, road, or lodged in any jail so thai I get him igain. A II persons are forewarned against harboring, employing, or carrying off said negro, under penalty of the law. BENJ. C. D. EASON. Nov. 29, IS 37. 48 Cotton Gins. jPHE S ubscriber offers for sale on very moderate and accommodating terms, Two Cotton Gins, One of 37, and ihe other of 40 saws they are nnm in prune oraer and ready for immediate use. GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro', August 1-

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