) hole JCo. 77- Tarhoroiigh, (Edgecombe County , X. C) Saturday February !, 1810 Vol. XVI JVb. 5. The Tarborouzh Ircss, is ' BY GEORGE nowAr.n, Is published weekly at 3w Dollars and Ff!lt ' Cents per year, if paiJ in advance or, 7Ve Dollars at the expiration of the subscription year. For anj period less than a year, Ttvif y-fivi Cents per month. Subscribers are at liberty tn discontinue at any tiir.e, on sriving notice thereof and paying arrears those reshling at a distance roust invariably pay in advance, or give aropoti- , i . . sible reference in this vicinity. Advertisements not exeeed'ui'r a square will 1 inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and O " cents for every continuance. Longer advertise ments in like proportion. Court Orders and Ju dicial advertisements '25 percent, higher. Ad vertisements must be marked the number of in sertions required, or they will he continued until otherwise ordered and charged accordingly. " Letters addressed to the"l-Mit.-.r must be post paid or they may notbe attended to. Doctor Win. KVAXS' SOOTHING SY11U JL For children Teething, PREPARED BY HIMSELF. To .Mothers and jYurscs. TH E passage of lite Teeth through the gums produces troublesome and dan gerous symptoms. It is known by modi ers that there is great irritation in the mouth and gums during this process. Tin gums swell, the secretion of saliva is in creased, the child is seized with fretpien: and sudden fits of t rying, watching, t-n ing in the sleep, and spasms ( pecuhai parts, the child shrieks w iih extreme vio lence, and thrusts its fingeis into its mouth. If these precursory s. mploms are not spee dily alleviated, spasmodic convulsions uni versally supervene, and soon cause the ,.sNd: tiou of the infant. If in. niters who iitveth-. ii liitle h-ib.-s Mflirli d u iih ihe-e i i -ssiin: sv :n)t:)ms, w odd ap;ly i;r s.Viiia:r, Mv.'.us's t h h hi .in d S othiug S run v. hi. h has Me?e.V'd huodieds ;! t.-JliiiMs when I i m j u u, : l pan reco-. t ry, li oui j ii f uMeniv attacked with th.it lad v, convulsions. This infallible remedy has pre-., hundreds of Children, u hen thought i eeuwrv, from convulsions. As so the S rtip is rubbed on the gmvis, the ..i v i ,:i : child v. in- u ill ret over. I !ns preparation i ii!i;v;!i, ?') efficacious and i t.M)t, th.it no child will refuse to l-t its gmu- te rubbed wiih it. Wln-n iufael- are at tie rsre of four mmtth?, though (here i no ;ip peaiauce ( Sr;io sho ter-lh, one oUiie d the id be n -ed on .'r guui, to e. P uviii; iioi Id nev er be Syi'iji in tlu inoery ihen iini ehil.lru'; lor it a t hihl !'.!;;ht with tin in the punt.-, Open tin ', illl.ie.t there r v akes tn t! I the Syrup iei'riedi.iiely giveStMM' by open ing toe ports and healing th' unm-; theie by pn veniiui.; ( hinvulsiou, Fevt-is. Sie. tiie AueiH t)f Dr. f.v ao' SiM.thin Srup: Dear Sir The reat benelii affodd to my SidTering infant by our Soothing Svrup, in a ease of protrat letl and painful tjenlilioo, muft eonviuee every feeliuK parent how essential an early ap plication of such an invaluable medicine is lo relieve inlatit misery and torture, AJ infant, while teething, espei ieutn d surd acute sufferings, that it was attat k-d u id convulsions, and my wife and family sup-; posed that death would soon release the babe from anguish till we procured a bot tle of your Syrup; w hit h as sunn as ap plied to the gums a wondertul change wa produced, and after a levy applications the child displayed obvious relief, ami by eon tinning in its use. I am glad to inform you, the child has completely recovered, and no recurrence of that awful complaint has since occurred; the teeth are emana ting daily ami the child enjoys perfect health. ! giveyou my cheerful permission to make this acknow ledgmenl public, and will gladly give any information on ibis circumstance. When children begin to be in pain with their teeth, shooting in their gums, put a little of the Syrup in a tea-spoon, and with the finger let the child's gums be rubbed for two or three minutes, three times a day. It must not be put to the breast immediately, for the milk would take the syrup off too soon. When the teeth are just coming through their gums, mothers should immediately apply the sy rup; it will prevent the children having u fever, and undergoing that painful opera tion of lancing the gums, which alw ays makes the tooth much harder to cotne through, and sometimes causes death. Beware of C32ilcrfci(s. (TCaufion Be particular in purcha sing to obtain it at 100 Chatham si., New Yoik, or from the REGULAR AGENTS. J. M. Redmond, rr. t Geo. Howard, 5 Tarboro ' M. Russel, Elizabeth City. January, 1S40 inwwMrmiw22 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Friday, January 3, 1S40. After the journal was read, Mr. .IEXIPEH rose and ask-d the in dulgence of the House whilst he c.dle : Lh-rir attention, for a few m orients in re l u ion to a nutter personally concerning himself. I do not rise to as!; a correction of the journal, but for the purpose of pain inn ihe attention of gentlemen' to a report of the proceedings which took place on Tuesday last. In the Globe of Tuesday evening, which purports to give a sketch of the debate upon the resolution of the gen'h man from Pennsylvania M r. Sergeant -t alter the 20 It u!e of th Mouse, to allow further time for the dvlv present ttion of p ititions," I find the mirks: following r ".Mr. Bynum appealed to Mr. Girl a -id to withdraw the motion for the previous question, as he hid b:yn attacked by three g ntleinen on the opjosile side, and had been groMV misrepresented, and he only wished to say 3 few words in reply to thos gentlemen, Mesrs. Johnson of Maryland Jenifer, nnd Study. He should think it hard if he were uoL granted lb s privi lege. Mr. Garland said he wou'd not wih draw his motion iort' c previous qu.'slion which cut oli' further ic.n uLs on the sub ject. '?Ir. Bynum then stid it w.ts the uu d. rae'i."e o! 'tin1 pirtc, ;ifler having !w or three bulbe to alt wk c,e t !-. an and tl -him inj .sL'C', to refuse to let i.im reply to rwh aMacks." The diNi:i;.re t.f inv s at from tbo mem ber frm North (Jattilina. ';md t!;e ui:?.l v .nit of outer in the hall pieven'ed me Irom disiincily he;. ring wli it was said upon i mat occasion. i nrec nays naving eiapsen J since these remarks appeared in the G lobe, 'tt'!and n-fara 1 have seen, without eorree- i . . . , . , , . , j ticn, 1 I'm left to infer that they were eith- r cxpreoed on the floor, or authorized to cteported. Had I heard them, I do no? know that I should have not iced them, will kniiwing that they would be pmperly ap preciated by g' ntleteen bet e. But us i,r have been publirhedin the celumns of th- (ilobe ami sent throughout the coumry, may be expected 'hat some respon-e should be gi vcn. I wish it to he d'stinctly undertoo ! that I do not rio to complain: 'hat I do not feel aggrieved, that I take noolfmce at wh t cver may hare been said, or u p-Titd to h i en been saiil, coming from that qu oter. Si ill, a regard for t oe kind opinion uf friends, and a renect fr mvself, whieh I Ik )e ever to ret. in, req-iin st:iat 1 should define my psi'itui in iciaiien to the mem - her Irom N'Mlii ( 'andma. that no lain-Is are lobe gained, ub-re even vic'ory would be a disgrace. Tinder t!re-e circumtanc( S, my fiends need fe(d n an - pu hension on myacoont. Hut. 10 prevent misuudcrslandin, imddo josi e to myse lf I desire it to be ako 'tmdersioo i, that if, upon any occasion, I have, or hereafter mav, wound the feelings of any gcmleman 1 shall always hold myself b-aind to m d;e an honorable atonement, or meet him in an honorable way: but he must be a gentle - man woithy the notice of an hou arable man. Mr. BYNUM. said he rose to reply .to the remarks of the gentleman from Maryland, Mr. Jenifer, although he was sorry that he could nol boa- dislineil v what that genlleman hid said, lie undeis'od him, however, to complain of something that had been published in the Globe in relation to what he (Mr. 15.) had said some days since. He bail not been able to understand what censure that gentleman had passed on him, if iiny. He would state, though, for his satisfaction and all oihers, lhat the Globe contained what he had ut tered on tbe floor at the time alluded to by that gentleman, lo the best of his recollection The language was hi, and for il he held himself responsible in that House or out of it. The only explanation that be felt a disposition to make to the House was this: On the occasion alluded to, he had been attacked by tiiree or four gentlemen by the gentleman himself Mr. Jenifer and his colleague Mr. Johnson a gentleman from New York, Mr. Hoffman, and a member from North Carolina. He. however was not disposed to notice what, as he then thought, was the most illiberal manner, in which, by the want of courtesy, he was prevented from a reply, in vindica tion of himself and the remarks he had used on that occasion, to the attacks of those gentlemen, in which he thought he had hincethe Tin thy ot June, ls.Th, (a daylu (I mo nave a u.erator poii.icai construe- sctVH.s which that nv-mht v no doubt w II riooroji- ! ' ion? ti. tt t ..,ni t , , , n nnVTT.. ... ... A . i nee remarus i Siiouiti nave mauc Eoon- uercd)l b.vo purposly avohied nmieing! -Mr. x N uM saul he did no know Lp throne h your columns in reply to what I any thing he might s .y, or ,n any manm r that no could make any oilier explanation hare sec- ror,e(lj ha difI nothcar, but i hrm nrmss hr murpnrpipnfpi . nnd which . 0 j r. , he shoulu nave attempted to show, it ho could have . bsou alloved the privilege tf replying at the time. At the time hp. .made the rem irks, he did not know whether that gon'Iem i!i Mr. Jenifer was in UU seat or not. The gentleman thought fit, however, to open the attack upon him, anil was then followed up by his colleague end others; although the gentleman had said he. had lam down a ptrttcular rule, for himselt to pursue, since the memorable 7th of Juno, jlia corneal last, and we find the statement 1836, and that course was to have nothing j 0f ihe whig worth just an much as all to do with me, and, to avoid me in debate, their facts there is no truth in them Sir, such w is the identical course that I Jet us n,nv iCir vvia, he said by puff had liid clown for myself to pursue to-.e:s of the-warlikc Stanly and the chivalrous wards that gentleman, and saver d others 'Jenifer. The follo;vinglett3r was communi vvith whom my relations were. of a peculiar jcated to the Glube: nature. I take it lor granted tint it is dis honorable, after two gentlemen have had a difference, that has been confessedly set tled honorably to both parties, and stand upon peculiar terms, to embrace any pub lic occasion to renew their difficult ie, by band ing personal epithets. Sir, that h iN not been my course heiior elsewhere, as I do not conceive that that belongs to an ho torablu man and a gentleman. The w rd bu'y, that I iied, if it be that the gentleman complains of, I used to de ote one that would play the political bamnion of ibis House, such as we have i'requently witnessed in it for several year pist. I thought every man nndeistood it. when 1 us (I it in that sense, and I regre. that any man should have brought it be fore tins House. I do not know what the end-Muan h is aid about the affiir of ihejtl. f Jui": but if be says or insinuates that .hit alfairwasnot ho lonbiy settled by bti; oarti -y taien, he sasor insinuates what he lid not say nor insinuate on the ground; and he 'outradicts what was said and done hen; bit I sav I did not he.ir the g n 'leuian, and do not know exactly wind lie did sav. If the gentleman will harrow up thai old iiffir; which all understood was , V , oi'uura uy m iLieo ax, uie Mine, tnen let him proceed, Or ;f he should under ake lo pou ice on me, to become my lecturer here, or clseh- re, 1 sav to him that this House is no; ! irg" enough lo hold us both. No, sir, this House t annot bold us both, nor the world ret tin us alive. I regret that ! these private matters should ever have been brought before this House; they do not belong it. Mr. STANLY bete rose, and put an interrogatory to Mr. Bynum, to which he wr-hed a rep'y; but was not distinct!)' jtjhcirtl by tin Kepoiter inr auv civ:I O'lestson t ut to inm in a run pet spirit. Mr. S i'ANLY was understood to ask f tire gintleo:en from North Carolina LMr- i-'"ifnij tiieword bull;,," or , 'poht;c d c'rimpion," was intended by him 111 an oil n-ive sene.'' wtictr.cr ee inten- i had said I b t he had ucd the word "bully ! l sense he had explained before; ! which wa on- wiio was in ihe habit of i Ihtttst'ng himscii on every occasion in de b ije, an I endeavoring to browbeat and bully oihers out of their opinions; and if that was not satisfac'ory, the member mi'dit act as he chose in relation to it, as he h ad no further explanation to make. Mr. S TANLY was then understood to 1 proceed as druigh unsatisfied. The SPEAKEIl here interposed to put a s'op to the discussion, which he said was of such a nature as could not be permitted to go on; and that the gentleman from Maryland Mr. Jenifer had merely risen, as he unders'ood him, to make some cor rection of a matter which personally inter ested .him. Mr. STANLY was again understood lo sav that reference had been made to him by his colleague, Mr. Bynum, in his reply to the gentleman from Maryland, which he conceived needed some .noiire He said it wis usual with him to cultivate with gentlemen the most friendly relations and paiticularly so with persons from the Shit" which he in part represented lhat he felt his heirt warmed to meet any such; but on bis arrival here he had cau tioned his friends and collogues not to in troduee him to his colleague, Mr. Bynum, for if they did he wo dd hold them person ally responsible. He made some further remarks nol heard sufficiently distinct to be understood. Mr. BYNUM said that this place was nol the proper one to settle thesrj private matters. If the member would but go to the Rotunda, he would satisfy him. To which Mr. S. made no reply, but saitl something as he sat down, about Mr. B. begging his life which was not understood. Mr. B. then rose and said, "When and where, puppyy puppy, puppy?" and the matter here closed. mv. r 4 ii.M s.ui that up meu.Dcr had mcmber9 of Congress, wl10 have a.warcni- have IonS contended, end which hold lar asked for a civil answer to a rp.est.on ; , y constitu;ed sel VC:! into a board of more dear than any thing in the gdt cf the which he sd he had put ,n a evil way f tJ Q on t,,e ol,ims ofolhcr to Government or i'copie -As tothepoht- II tn. member w .s ,n earnest, and couhl be the standing cfgentlemon-a clique, too. ical -Yemenis here, to which your rebed on. he had no objection to answer- (.onMintr(! nf- f trncf irnd,, l.L'. correspondent alludes, in relation to what IrvTI7f -i.i 1 . , niu i'i.iiv,liuil ut il HI'U L u il It U U I Ul L i i From tlie Portsmouth Old Dominion. Mr. P.y n um and h is T radii ccrs. Th e Federal leticr writers at Washington have furnished the whig press with columns of abuse against Mr. Bynum, which has been copied in all their papers throughout the country.. The saying of Mr. Jefferson, that a Lis would trrfvel a thcusmd miles while Truth was pulling on his boots, w$ oeer. verified in lias instance, but the truth Washington C!ht Jan.7, 18-10. Messrs. Blair and Rives: I haver seen in the report of the Globe, but more uhV in the National Intblligencer,the remarks of a member cf Conirrcss from Norih Carclitn n wr.icm he is rcpresentea as having said j in i ho Houe of lkpresnlatives, on the 3d msr. tnn-r i:e pa I, on some termer occasion 'insulted me," and for which 1 had threat ened to call him to account, Sic. This has been seized. on and circulated by'somo o! the letters written from Washington, with i view of my tlisDavage-ment. Now, sir, I should have churned credit, If what has. ocen reported had been true, with evtry r.onontbh. hsghtnmded man in the commu-jtht.n h;3 assailants turn round and sav, that nity, for passing with siic-nec any thmghc nctl h0 0Di to them for a remedy, for coming tiofii such, a source, after ihv j thcy nol Lnow ledge himlobeagen xpouiesof Dr. Dtinn; but the fntt is, tIG1-aii! There mav be a deal of policy in am not aware of ever having mach any thrs-; lju1) it civs ,:ie xyA x s not a very threats, or having Oe:n hisuiiu by .j j jd,-td thir for one to rsuse in the public individual who ehims ti:e honor of having j sheets, and'call each passer a scoundrel, a done so, and thus becomes the trum;;elerv ;i a blackguard: and then say to (most modestly) of his own heroism; and if hi,. vol, nvv-A no t00k to me for intlcm he says it was dor. s in the House of Repre- sentatives then 1 appeal to the whole Demo- emtio, party, and the Speaker ot the head, ' , , ! threats that weie wlmouTht tounow hc-tof the insuis ami ijast;d on the .icoi Jl Ui .i.ii. i' 1 1 , . . i ' o liouseui iteoresen. anves. ur 1 wonn appeal to the journals of the House, or the reports of Ihe 'day if such facts appear on them..- Not that I claim the less credit for passing such a tiling unnoticed, but I fee! it tlue to truth to contradict what are not tacts m relation lo my own conduct. In the debate alluded to, on the 3d inst. 1 did not hear the offensive remarks of either of my assailants at that time, as reported. As to their insinuations about jienllemen, they at e not more contemptible than laugh able. Iflobea gentleman is to receive bankrupt, drunken, prodigal end pro fligate materials that have ever been as sembled in the same body no mun of tccrlb, of morals, industry, or prudence but must feel honored in their denirds to him of ruch soneWou, and of the claim to ue sucn a srentieman as one oi incm- my ire me to my bed until this time. Yours with great respect, J. A. BYNUM. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Spi rit of the Times. Washington, Jan. 4, IS-iO. The public cu-eer cf the Hon. Jesse A. Bynum, cf N. C, who his been made to figure so conspicuously in the proceed ings of the House for the past few days, has been too prominent to escape Ihe notice of a common observer; and as I have at all times found it necessary to my profession to watch his conduct minutely, 1 believe that 1 fully understand the man. His book is daily opened by himself, and those who do not or cannot read it need not compdn that they had no metns of be coming acquainted with his character. Mr. Bynum commenced his po'itical career amid the highest state of political excitement. He entered Congress a warm, ihough violent partisan if you phase the advocate and the feariess defender of the Administration of Gen. Jackson. All who recollect with what ardor and abr.se the prtv then, as now, in the opposition as sailed ihe Administration, may very viv idly perceive how easy it was for. a man of an ardent temperament to get into collision with the unprincipled faction then strug gling to destroy the last hope of freedom the last bulwark of human liberty. . Mr. Bynum had not been in h'i3seat many months or indeed weeks, before he was most maliciously and vilely assailed by members of the House, and by some of the leading Opposition presses, who did not know or understand the character of the man. They soon found, however, he was not to be assailed or traduced with im punity. . J hose who were ot a contrary opinion, however, soon had an opportunity t -,r co.ua in.i f -1 ;.-,., n f,,.- a,. iiSDo.utton. which has cammed of personally correcting the error into widt h they had incautiously run. From the year 1834 up to this date, for reasons for which I cannot account, a clique lias been organized and kept up, the object of which appears to have been to make a concentrated war upon Mr. Bynum; to do things in a body, which no single man would deem it proper or safe to do in his individual capacity. Mr Bynum hasr borne, hut with a very i'.l-grace the repeated tt:tcks that havo been made on Lin-;: and iti more instances than one, they induced him to invite his assailants to single combat. The public. is well acquainted with the history of thoso instances, and the less that ia said about them the butter will it be for the cause of public morals. They were all i:i direct opposition to the Li as of the land, lo real charity, nnd ought t" he forgotten. In 'debate, if he be severe in deitiinciation of the schemes of party, and lie ruirdy is so, he is always personally eo.irteous towards Ins onnonents. and avoids jthe uUerance of any thing that cmi offend the feelings of high-minded and courteously disposed gentlemen. Within the Inst" two years, it appears lo have been the policy of the opposition to destroy Mr. Bynum, by the adoption of a policy which, is as disreputable as it is un- msniy. itr. nynum is assailed wnn mo most v;0jGnt lcuroach and direct abuse: j ity Yor vou cannot be recognised by mo as a o.nt!eman. To bring this le tter to a close, I should say in all sincerity, that the scene nrcsentcd to j Uopgresi ye?terd?.y, was eminently dis- graceiu: to that pony; ana mat it cnen repealed, Congress will soon become a by word and a. reproach to the nation. (3 Mr. Calhoun has addressed a loltef to the Charleston Mercury, noticing tho 1 reports whien nact appeared m ti.at paper ! about the Succession, Col. Benton, &c. Ha distinctly declares: "I ain no aspirant to the Presidency, or ever expact to be. lo hold me up as Euch is to do me great injus tice and weaken mc in rny elTbrt to carry out the principles and policy for which I he Calls the Succession,' and which he says is absorbing every thing elso, I know no thing. If thcy e:Jst, he does well in rep rescniifg me as passive as to what is going on All who know me know that there is not a member of Congress who takes less interest in that to which he alludes." Richmond Rnq. (JpJudgc Ju Ison of-the District Court of Connecticut has decided, in the Amis tad case, that Gedney and others are enti tled to salvage in the versel and cargo hut not. in the slaves that Antonio is a Cre ole, and legally a slave, and must be given' up to his master in Havana under tbe trea ty of 17) 5 but that the other negroes have been recently imported from Africa and in violation of the laws of Spain, and thall not be given up to Ruiz & Montez, who reclaimed them through the Spanish Minis ter but that these Africans must be de livered lo ihe President of the United Stales under the act of March, 181, to be transported to Africa. ib. ffpThe Whig Legislature of New4 York have re-elected Nathaniel P. Tall mad go to the Senate of the United States! ib. Editors in France. Two editors of Pa risian newspapers have recently been crea ted Peers of France. In this free, country there are men who affect to believe that editors t f newspapers, so far from being elevated to high offices, ought not to be permitted to do a job cf printing for the Government. Globe. The Lexington. More accurate .ac counts red a ce the loss oi live?. Some that were originally on the list are now said not to have ernbai keci. It is cth-r.te I that there were only 12 paeercr.-, of whom one only was sived -:-id 3'J of the crew; 2 enly saved Total 105. rfla&aiha. The insolvent and doubtful debt owing to the State Bank cf Alabama and branches, is esiimatcd at $5, 000, COO. The largest bad debt is at Mobile; the smallest at Hunisville. The branch at Huntsvillc, it is said, will not loso $50 000. Ar. ST. Star.