i W7iof JVo. 728. Tarborough, (Edgecombe County, JV. G'J Saturday, February 8, 1810 Vol. XVI Ao 0. Y I ' " . " X : w iraww lllimM i I li a" Hill g P? II I JMIIMWI W CflMMEWWHgMM pM HMt M.W IM f Tic Tavhorough I'rcss, BY GEOIIOE HOWARD, Is published weekly at Two Dollars and Fifty Vents per year, if paid in advance or, Three JJoiiars at the expiration ol the suiHcnpuon year. For an period less than a year, Twcnty-fivt Cents per month. Subscribers are at liberty to discontinue at any time, on giving notice thereof and paying arrears those residing at a distance must invariably pay in advance, or give a respon sible reference in this vicinity. Advertisements not exceeding a square will be inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and 25 'iftits for every continuance. Longer adverti.se- " ; cnts in like proportion, Court Orders and Ju lie"al advertisements 25 percent, higher. Ad vertisements must be marked the" number of w- sertions required, or they will be continued until fc otherwise ordered and charged accordingly. Letters addressed to the Krlitor must be post ' paid or they may not be attended to. Doctor Win. EVA2VS' SOOTHING SYRUP For children Teething, PREPARED BY HIMSELF. To Mothers and Nurses. Hp HE passage of llie Teeth through the gums produces troublesome and dau oerous symptoms, li is known by moth ers that there is great irritation in the mouth and gums during this process. The ' gums swell, the secretion of saliva is in creased, the child is seized with frequent and suilden fits of crying, watching, start ing in the sleep, and spasms of peculiai parts, the child shrieks with extreme vio- lence, and thrusts its fingers into its month. If these precursory symptoms are not spee dily alleviated, spasmodic convulsions uni versally supervene, and soon cause the dissolution of the infant. If mothers who have their little babes afilu ttd with these distiessing symptoms, would apply Dr William Evans's Celebrated Soothing Syrup, which Itas preserved hundreds of infants when thought past recovery, from being suddenly attacked with that fatal malady, convulsions. This infallible remedy has preserved hundreds of Children, when thought past recovery, from convulsions. As soon as thr; Syrup is rubbed on the gums, the child will recover. This preparation is so in nocent, so efficacious, and so pleasant, that no child will refuse to let its gums be vudiif il with it. When infants are at the rc if f'.ur mouthy though there is no ap O'Mranee of teeth, one buttle of the Svrup sh'-.uld be ied on the gums, to oprMt the pores. Parents- should never be tout tin Svrup in the nursery vvher there ire voting children; for if a child v.iko in the night with pain in the gums, " the Sv nip immediately gives ease by open ing me pores and healing tin gums; there by preventing Convulsions, Fevers, Si To the Agent of Dr. Evans' Soothing Syrup: Dear Sir The great benefit afforded to my suffering infant by your Soothing Syrup, in a case of protracted and painful dentition, must convince every feeling parent how essential an early ap plication of such an invaluable medicine is to relieve infant misery and torlurei My . infant, w hile . teething, experienced such acute sufferings, that it was attacked with convulsions, and my wife and family sup posed that death would soon release the babe from anguish till we procured a bot tle of your Syrup; which as soon as ap plied to the gums a wonderful change was produced, and alter a few applications thv child displayed obvious relief, and by con tinuing 'uj its use. 1 am glad to inform you, the child has completely recovered, and no recurrence of that awful complaint has since occurred; the teeth are emana ting daily and the child enjoys perfect . health. I giveyou my cheerful permission to make this acknowledgment public, and will gladly give any information on this circumstance. When children begin to be in pain with their teeth, shooting in their gums, put a little of the Syrup in a tea-spoon, and with the finger let the child's gums be rubbed for. two or three minutes, three times a day. It must not be put to the breast immediately, for the milk would take the syrup off too sooo. When the teeth are just coming through their gums, mothers should immediately apply the sy nip; it will prevent the children having a fever, and undergoing that painful opera- ' tion of lancing the gums, which always makes the tooth much harder to come through, and sometimes causes death. Ben arc of Counterfeits. HCJCaution Be particular in purcha sing to obtain it at 100 Chatham St., New York, or from the REGULAR AGENTS. J. M. Redmond, ) ,n . Geo. Howard, rarboro'. M. Russel, Elizabeth City. January, IS40. COXCUESS. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Friday, January 10, 1S40. In the debate relating to Abolition pe tions: Mr. WATTERSONsaid he was opposed to the rerep'.ion of Abolition petitions in any form whatever. He would neither receive them, read them, nor refer them to a com mittee. He did not consider the right of petition at all invaded by refusing to re cede them, because the Abolitionists peti tioned about a matter which did not con cern them they having no grievances to redress and a matter about which Con gress had no power to legislate. lie! hoped the Representatives from the slave holding States would stand firm, and not yield an inch, for they must be well aware that the rankest of the Abolitionists only expected to accomplish their objects by degrees. Let them first establish the right to have their petitions received and read, anil the next thing they would do, would be.to prescribe the mode of act ion on them. Mr. V. replied to the remarks of Mr. Monroe and Mr. Granger the other day with regard to the right of petition, and no ticed the remark that the battle of Aboli tionism must he fought at the North. Mr V. showed the connection at this time ex isting between the Abolitionists and the Whig parties, and asked if it was lighting the battle of the South that the Whigs had elected a thorough-going Abolitionist as governor ot ixew York, lie asked it it was fighting the battles of the South when the wings at the llarrisburg Convention nominated for the presidency a gentleman (General Harrison,) who was hi favor ol appropriating the surplus revenue to the purposes of emancipation. Mr. W. refer red to the resolutions of nir. Atherton of last session, which were introduced for the purpose of preventing the evils growing cut of the presentation of Abolition peti tions, and said that of the 52 voles that were given against it, 40 oi mem were Whigs Mr. STANLY replied at great length to the remarksof Mr.Yatterson,ot 1 tnnessje. He reviewed the course of Congress upon the subject of Abolition petitions, and explained his prev ious votes upon the pro positions introduced with reference to the disposition of them, and diclaimed any connection with Abolition. He thought the q estion itself, and the votes of members on that floor on the question, had been used to effect party purposes. He then read the written opinions of some of the friends of the Adminitration on that floor expies sed at home, ami published in the news-papers of the day for the purpose of identi fying them with the cause ot Abolition, which diew from them disclaimers. He particularly referred to a publication of Mr. Parmenter, of Massachusetts, which he thought committed him to that cause. Mr. PA RM ENTER did not know if he understood preeNely what the gentle man from North Carolina meant hv an Abolitionist. I should like to hear him refer , ... to any remark or writing of mine on that subject, or to any vote 1 have given, other than for the reference to a committee. Mr. STANLY said he should like to know what the gentleman himself con sidered an Abolitionist, and read a letter writte n by Mr. Parmenter in which he gave his opinions on the subject of abolition ism. i Mr. Parmenter said, that in the State of Massachusetts, it was essential to the qual ity of an Abolitionist that he should wish Congress immediately to adopt measures to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia and the Territories, without any regard to the consequences. Il was line il at hn in common with a very large poitiou of Massachusetts, believed slavery to be a very great evil; and would be glad if it could be abolished without disturbing Ihe peace and harmony of the Union, or vio lating the rights of others. Mr. P. added, that the letter read by the gentleman from North Carolina, was not considered to be in accordance with the views of the Abolitionists, and accordingly they all voted in a body against him. Mr. Stanly went on with his remarks,and spoke of a number of distinguished mem bers of the Democratic party whom he stigmatized as Abolitionis;s. Mr. S. read some extracts from an address of Mr. Morton, whose recent election as Gov ernor of Massachusetts, the Democratic pnrty hailed as a triumph, to show that he was also an Abolitionist. Mr. Parmenter wished to make one remark io relation to Morton, the Gov ernor elect of Massachusetts. The gentle mon had read some extracts where Gov. Morton spoke his sentiments very strong ly against slavery. But the gentleman did not draw the distinction between . anti slavery and Abolitionism. The one was! a mere matter of belief, while the other was an intention to carry its objects into ? I eff-ct. without any regard to the consequeii- I II. l l v i i mi cc. He would make auother remark. The abolition pap-r printed at Boston opposed the election of Governor Morton, and re commended it to the Abolitionists to sup pirt another candidate. Mr. P. wished the gentleman would define his ideas of Ab olition more distinctly. Mr. Stanly said he wished the gentle man would define his. Mr. Parmenter said he would define what he considered to be the views of an Abolitionist. It was a desire that Congress should abolish slavory in this District, and in the Territories, without regard to the rights ofothers, the peace and tranquility of a large portion of the country, and the safety of the Union. -After some further remarks from Mr. Stanly, in which he was two or three times corrected by Mr. Weller, Mr. Hot is obtained the floor, &c. In a debate in the House on the 23d ult. we also find the following remarks: Mr. HYNUM addressed the House at ioifie length, in a very eloquent speech, in which he laid open the designs of the Abolitionists and those who supported' i hem in that House. He had been opposed, he said, to the character of this debate from the commencement, & in its incipient steps he made an effort to prevent what has since laken place; but that effort was discounten anced & censured fioma quarter that he least "expected. It appeared that there was a party in the House determined to enter into this discussion and to carry it on, not withstand mg the consequent delay of the public business and the injury it would occasion; and, so far as his humble opinion went, it had been carried on much to the prejudice of one section of the country, and entirely to the prejudice of the party by whom it was encouraged. No man who was not lilind to the scenes that were passing around him but must believe, that this was the most momentous question that ever ag itated the country. He believed sincerely that this was the very question the very rock on which our glorious vessel of State was in danger of perishing. No gentleman who was possessed of the most ordinary comprehension with respect to what was passing here, and what was going on a uroau, out nau seen mat consequences must result trom the continued agitation of this subject, wheh would shake the very foundations ol our Government. Mr. R. continued, drawing a vivid picture of the dangers to beapprehended from the designs of the Abolitionists, and showing how thee Northern gentlemen who claimed to he so friendly to the South, and who pro fesscd to oppose any interference with its internal concerns, gave their support and ounimmce on that floor. . Under color of supporting the sacred right of petition, they encouraged the introduction into the House of incendiary papers, calculated to operate with peculiar mischief in a certain quarter; even their very speeches, profes sedly intended only to advocate that im plied privilege, were. calculated to produce the same results. Mr. B. after showing that this right of petition,, within the meaning of the Con stitution, had no relation to Abolition pc- ! titions; and that no one on that floor had ever attempted to interfere with its exercise, observed that there was some thing abhorrent in the whole proceedings in relation to this subject. If, said he, these gentlemen were not Abolitionists, they were drumming up recruits for them if they did not mean to fight their battles, they were enlisting soldiers for them. If you look at the right of petition, said he, as guarantied in the Constitution, it refers exclusively to a redress of grievances, and what grievances had these Abolitionists to redress! was slavery in the Southern States a grievance of theirs? But it was said their tender consciences were aggrieved, and they felt themselves, uiidcr a solemn sense of religious duty bound to interfere. If it was a religious obligation, as well might their consciences be aggrieved be cause in the State he came from the sect of Methodists was more numerous than that of the Presbyterians. These gentle men talked much about liberty and uni versal emancipation. He would ask them if they had ever yet considered what was the species of liberty enjoyed by this coun try. Was it not a constitutional liberty? There was no other liberty, he said, in the country. But these gentlemen said that those who represented the States most interested, were unnecessarily alarmed; that they suffered themselves to be too much excited on the subject. Why not, say they, let these petitions be referred j and reported on; why not come up cooly j and discuss this question? This was the language held out by Northern gentlemen of a certain parly in that House. These gentlemen could, no doubt, speak such language with great freedom. What had they at stake in this momentous question? Were their wives, or their children, or their firesides in danger? Had they ai stake every thing that was dear to man? And yet they would tell Southern gentle men, who had not only all those; but their j personal security at stake ''You oin'ht not . i . ' . n to feel excitement on this subiect: wo will take care of you." Rut, said the gentleman from Pennsylvania, we do not mean -to do y hi any injury. You gentlemen of the South do not understand your own Interests as well as we do. Just let us take them and manage them for you. You are an ignorant set of men, and do not know what is for your own good. We do not intend to abol ish slavery in the District of Columbia, at least until we are prepared to do so; but all we want is for you to receive our petitions, and acknowledge that we have the right to regdate your affairs. This was not the exact language of ihe gentleman, it was trii , hut it w is very much like wha it amounted to. While endeavoring to coax up Southern men in this way, they put forth, language which was sufficient to rouse every slave in the nation to murde r and assassination. Gentlemen professed the utmost horror of being suspected ofany such designs; hut when they put the ar gument in the mouth of the ignorant slave, to justify murder and assassination, who was most to blame, the assissin or the in stigatoi ? Mr. R. after continuing for some time, gave way to Mr. Turnsy, who moved an adjourn ment General Jackson at Ncio Orleans. The most splendid honors have been paid to the Old Hero. A letter in the Globe says, tint the enthusiasm of his reception was unparalleled. The concourse to wit ness his landing was estimated at 30,000. Between 20 and 30 Uniform companies, fire companies, charitable and other asso ciations of every description joined the procession. He was conducted to the Cap itol, where he was received by the Com mittee of the Legislature, as the guest of the Slate thence to the Cathedral, where the ceremonies were most imposing. On the 10th, he was waited upon in a body bv the Judges, Lawyers, and officers of the Couits and Mr. Eustis in behalf of the bench, bar, and officers, "delivered an ap propnate and beautiful address." On Monday, the 12th, he was to leave New Orleans in the steamer Vicksburg, and wend his way homeward up the Mississip pi. Richmond Enq. Murder! William Rcdditt was kill ed in the district of Blount's creek, in this county, on the 18th instant, by McGilbrcth Kedtlitt. The following, we learn; is a brief summary of the particulars of this melancholy occurrence: McGilbrcth Reddiit and Wm. Rcdditt commenced boxing in the store of John S. j Peed. In the struggle deceased proved too jmuch, and discovering his antagonist to be angry, let him go and went lo the oilier end of the store. He was fol lowed bg Mc Gilbrtth Redditt, who gave him sevcial b'ows with his fisl the deceased .crying out to him to desist. The by-standers in terfered. Soon after, McGilbrcth Rcdditt inflicted two blows on the deceased with in iron guaging rod which felled him to the floor, and ina'few minutes he expired. The deceased was about 19 or 20 years of age, and has left a widowed mother -with 3 small children who depen ded upon him for support McGilbrcth Redditt has fled it is presumed for Texas. IVashington IV lug. Dreadful death. A man employed on board the steamer Mississippi, a short time since, met his death under circumstances the most shocking. He was ditected by the Engineer teroil'the wrist, between the two flv wheels which he attempted to do without waiting for the engine to be stop ped,by thrusting his arm through the arms of the wheel when he was immediately cast between the arms and statmcheous, and lit erally torn piece-meal! his entrails being wound around the w heel, and his body, legs and arms cut up into pieces not larger than a man's hand. His name wrjs Lewis Ilew doe, and he was from the neighborhood of Wheeling. The fragments of the unfortu nate man were carefully collected, wrap ped' in a winding sheet, and being put into a decent coffin, were interred on the banks of the Ohio, with doe manifestations of res pect and sympathy, by the crew of the stea mer. Speculators in Vicksburg stock. By a reference to the sales of stock at the Broker's Bulk of yesterday, it will be seen that Vicksburg Bank sold" at 121 dollars per share for S100 paid. What a loss for those inconsiderate individuals and cor porations, that, deceived by. the glittering prospect, purchased the stock in its hey day with such overweening and avari cious avidity. The Girard Bank, it is said, will lose 75,000 dollars by a speculation in the matter, or rather because its directors, deceived by the apparent value of the stock, took it as collateral security for a loan ofover one huudred thousand dollars. Wo did not say this monstrons sum wa! borrowed by its cashier! He has gone, however, to Vicksburg, to see what can be effected in the. way of economy; aud as seven-eighths of the whole sum will, in all probability, never find its way bank to the vaults of the bank, whether.it will ever re turn or not, is a problem. the most inti mate worshipper of Euclid would find it difficult to solve. The United States Bank by this terrible depreciation will lose mere than ;ll its coadjutors. With that temerity in finance for which it is remarkable, it twit- stripped its compeers in this as well as in most other visionary adventures. We know not to what extent exactly it has dab bled in Vicksburg stock, but we strongly suspect that a large proportion of its een millions of suspended,' i. e. bad debts, is of that denomination. It will be remem bered that in enlarging some .time ago upon the subject of these fifteen million," we estimated twenty-live per cent.. as a bout the maximum amount the bank would ever realize of the whole; it will be seen that instead of disparaging, we flattered, the prospects of the bank twelve and a ha- per cent, is just its present val ue. Phil. Spirit of the Times. From the Globe. The Federal party in the Legislature of Massachusetts have at last, after demurring it every step, consented to announce Mar cus Morton Governor of the State. This was not a submission to the will of the ma jority of the people, by whose suffrages ho was elected; but to the fear that by defeat ing him under the petty pretext suggested for the purpose, they would increase his m tjority at the next election. The princi p:d objection taken v ith a view to set a side his election was, that the certificate of the returns from one of the towns making his m tjority, was written upon the outside of the paper containingtbe polls, instead of the Inside, altho' the law is silent upon the point. The Roston Morning Post, speaking of the grave exception to ihe polls by. which the suffrages of upwards of fifty-one thous and freemen were to be annihilated, calls it "the miserable quibble that the town clerk of West field put his attestation on the outside instead of the inside the sheet containing the returns, which are duly cer tified." For this desperate attempt to overthrow an election made by Democratic suffrages, ten Federal members in the Senate, and forty five in the House of Representatives, voted and this, notwithstanding a majori ty of their own committee" bad reported Morton duly elected. The Democracy of the whole Union will hail the result as a most glorious tjiumph a triumph over Federalism before the people of Massachusetts and a triumph over its trickery and cunning in a body where it holds a decided majority. (fJOne hundred and fifteen emancipated slaves are waiting at Norfolk to go to Li beria. Most of them in a destitute state. Pilhldvertisemenfs. In common with most other papers in this State, (and out of the State too,) the Patriot admits into its columns advertisements of patent medi cines. Someof our readers make complaints which no doubt are Well bounded, that too much of a good thing, in the line of pill advertising, makes them sick. What would be their situation, if instead of the advertisements, they should be compelled to take the actual pills? To tell the truth, we ourselves nauseate somewhat at the frequent sight of these pill puffs, a"nd should utt'-rly refuse to take them, were it not that we are thoroughly convinced of their excellent effect upon our w holesome. It requires no Esculapius to convince ns of this, our lean and consump tive pocket book testifieth to the fact; they imparl life, and health, and strength. And the secret ef their virtue is, that the pill doctors PAY .us for advertising thus making a contribution to our 'slender stock of the main chance, which is by means to be sneezed at. Is not this satisfactory, all round Greensborough Patriot. Rheumatism. Spread raw cotlon, a bout one quarter of an inch thick'on a piece of flannel, sufficiently large to cover the part affected. Quilt the cotton to the flannel, to cause il to mnain spread. When applied it will produce relief in aj-ery short time. Toothache proceeding from decayed teeth, has been frequently fired by filling the cav ities with raw cotton. Recent colds may be cured, by boiling together a half pint of milk, a teaspoonful ofhlack pepper,and a small lump of butter; to be taken hot on going to bed to be re peated three or four nights. A pleasant be verage and certain cure. Croup. Cut onions into thin slices; be tween and over them ptit brown sugar when the stisrar is dissolved, a teaspoonful of the syrup will produce almost instanta neous rehet. lilts simple and elleclual remedy for this distressing malady should be known to all having the care of small children.

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