. f 1 f ft. ill SATURDAY, FEBKUAUY S, IS 10. Democratic llepnhllcan Stale 11 igh Is Norn i nut ions; FOR PRESIDENT, MARTIN VAX JJIJREX. FOR OOVEUN'ORi ROTCULUS 31. SAU'SKK. FOR THE TARBOItO TRESS. Extract from the Minutes of the Philanthro pic Society. Philanthropic Hull, University of N. C. Jan. 3st, is 10. $ At a meeting; of the Philanthropic Sor. hell this evening, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: Resolved, That it is with sentiments of the deepest regret, we have heard of tin death of our esteemed friend and fellow member, ANDREW C. KNIGHT, of Edgecombe. Resolved, That we condole with the pa rents of the deceased in the loss of a son, who had won our confidence and esteem, and endeared himself to us by the tenclcr est recollect ions. Resolved, That we will wear the usual badge of mourning, thirty days, in token of our respect for the deceased. Resolved That a copy of these resolu tions he published in the Taihoro' Press & Raleigh papers, and that a cop)- he enclosed to the parents of the deceased, with an ex pression of our sincere sympathy. JAMES "iJ. VISER, J NO. D. CAMERON, VM. F. DANCY. Committee of correspondence of the Phi. Society. (jJ0 We invite attention to the suggestions contained the following letter. EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE. Washington City, Jan. 20, 1S10. Sir: There is to he a Democratic Na tional Convention, to meet at Baltimore in the spring, for the purpose of consulting together and selecting the most suitable person to be run on the ticket with Mr. VanBuren, for the Vice Presidency. And it is obvious, that it lies between two men who shall get the nomination; the present incumbent, Richard M. Johnson of Ken tucky, and William R. King of Alabama. And that the latter gentleman would get it, there has scarcely been a doubt. That Col. King is eminently qualified for the place, no one who has had an opportunity of witnessing with what superiority he pre sides over that dignified body, as President pro tern, of the Senate of the United States, will pretend to deny. He has been in Congress near thirty years; first as a Representative from his native Slate, North Carolina, and since as Senator from his adopted State, Alabama. He was elected to the State Legislature be fore he was twenty-one years of age, ami to Congress before he was twenty-five; he however, attained that age before the time of taking his seat. lie was honored with the confidence of the people of North Carolina from the days of his youth; nor did he find a less wantof confidence reposed in him by the people of Alabama. He had not more than placed his foot upon her soil, with a view of be coming a resident, before lie was chosen o delegate to the Statu Convention to frame her constitution; and soon after elected Senator t Congress, which high & distin guished station he has continued to fill uo to the present time. lie lias ever been an unwavering Demo cratic Republican. Those pi incples "com menced with him in his youth, and he has continued through his whole hfL- to advo cate and maintain them. No m.-m who lias been so long. in public life, can boast of u more consistent and undeviating course He has always been the same staunch Re publican, from boyh-iod up to (he proent period. His manners and department in private and social life, as well as in public and political relations, are bv nature so easy and affable, that he is not only respec ted but almost beloved by his acquaint ances. No man could be placed upon the ticket that could possibly be so unobjec tionable, and would give as much satisfac tion to the public generally, as Col. KLig. Some of the leading Democratic papers in the State of IVnmy Ivania have long since hoisted the King flrg; one of which 1 here with send you. They bv lieve, and it is generally b. li-vr d hereabout and all Noith of this, that he is Ihe only man that can g t the nomination fmm Col. Johnson; and that it the former does not suneecel, the latter eeit duly will. There can be no ctonbt olthetrudiofthis, and the pco, le thould act accordingly, if lhcy nT t 11 1.-. llmic ! Lot. jonnsou, i." . course in such a way as to insure his- rc- 1 t 1 4l.r.- chnil ( Ml IIJU Uim nnmmoiinn.' hut if to the com rar , ey l l l 4 I 1 1 1 1 11 . v. . , , should' prefer Col. King, why not mop all others and go tully anu waning iw , uipport, as in that event lucre can no no- thin" moro certain tlvui mey can gen mm. But as 1 have said belore, that itjs to dc one of the two, Col. Johnson or Col. King, there is not the shadow ot a doubt, andrnothing remains to be done but to ,m (p between them. As for my part, 1 am for King, others may go'for whom they please, and 1 am sure that's fair enough. CONGRESS. In the Senate, on the 30ih ults Mr. Grun dy, from the select committee on the sub ject, submitted a report on Mr. Denton's resolution, relating to the assumption of State deb's. It argued at length, and with treatability, the unconstitutionality and in expediency of the assumption of Slate debts by the General Government, and concluded with resolutions of ti e same te nor. An animated discussion v;s elicited bv the report. In the House of Representatives, on the 30th ult. Mesr-rs. Blair &. Rives, Editorso! I he Globe, were elected Printers to the House of Representatives for the twvnty sixtli Congress, by a majority of 13 votes over all oilier persons. The vote stood far Messrs. Blair and Rives, 110; Gales & Sea'em t'2, scnterieg 5. Thirteen Democrats and seventeen Whigs were absent or did not vo'e. If this election be made a test cf the strength of parties in the House, it would seem that there is a democratic majority of 4, even if the vacant seats from NYw Jersey be liiled with Whigs if however, the Democrats succeed, as we have no doubt they will, the majority will be incieased to 14. On the liuienemlcni reasury question n wiiij,;,.,, ;.,,. ;,,;,,,, nn(i n ri.Vr it:imm to the. be larg r, the Speaker, why is a suUre-a- SU! iry man, having voted against Blair andjA,)ri, elections. For several ballots the 1 On the 20th, a resolution was adopted, which fo r!ids Ihe reception of all petitions or other papers which iclate directly or in directly to the subject of Slavery in the States, Territories or District of Colum bia. A corresp mdent cf the ualeigli Stan dard, thus describes the decision on this resolution, so neccessary to the tranquility of the Union & so acceptable to the South. Sir: 1 tend ycis the final vote taken upon the enuLscd Resolution, this day, about l p. m. w hich puts a final stop to abolition pe titions. They are. by this Resolution, ex cluded from this House, & it is made a part of our Rules. The battle has been a hard one on both sides, but the victory is secure. The vole is 114 yeas, 107 nays. I think it likely a reconsideration will not prevail. Out of 14 non-slaveholding States with 1G0 votes, we had 23 for this Resolution and 27 of them are Democrats, (Van Buren men) one whig only (the Hon. Geo. H. Moflit of Indiana. ) From all the slave holding Slates every man voteel for the Resolution except four wh.igs John Bell of Tenn.; MeiediLh P. Gentry, of do. ; Joseph R. Underwood and Simeon II. An derson, of Kcn.ucky. Shepard from NorthCa;olina was sick he would have voteel with us mo4 cordially. Out of KiS members from the non-slaveholeling States, I G2 are elemocrats; cf the hiUer, 21 against ihe reception of these abolition titious and for the resolution, and cniumg inosc wno uo mt vote, against it. ! Out ol tin; 106 Fedeial Whigs we got but I one solitary vote. This, most cleaily set j .1.. I" .1 I I . ' .. ties all eloiints as to wiiom the abolition ists supjort us a body. No man will nowde ny that they are, as a party, agiinst Mr. Vaii'liuren. Figures and'Rceords do not lie. Our Northern friends have elone no bly. Do publish these facts for the people. Prices of lYegroes. There have been sever.d sales of negroes in this vicinity re cently, at prices ranging from 6 to SSOO. It will be seen by the" following, that they do not now command belter pi ices thc where. (jOl'h7 Negro fellows are selling in Nov Orleans at from ix tt e'ght hund ... i i ii 'f, . . . . i en eiouars. i he s one wooid h; vt; hroughl ! IWO S ears air,), feiin t Cv n l twcl ve numirea emiiais. lie-re there aie but a few sU:ng, but thev are rated isrcitv near- j ly at old prices. The price ot coUongen I trolly controls the price of negroes ami as u,ti i i-ij iow, me latter must soon take the same fall. Auusla (Ga.) Chronicle. Superior Court. The Arrancrempni ;of the Ciicuiis tor the ensuin Sniie-r has been handed us for pubiicalioo : Edenton Circuit, Newbern " Raleigh " HdUboro' Wilmington u Salisbury Moontain Jueh Pearson, Toomer, Nash, Dick, Dai ley, Settle, Saunders. Mud go Saunders having resigned, his pbice on the bench will he supplied by the Executive Council which meets in thiscit) on the 10th of February. Raleigh Register. (0Messe Speight, formerly a member of Congress from the. Newbern Distr ict in ibis State, is now Speaker of the HousD oi Representatives of Mississippi. ib. . m. :. iui oorcMlmt in the command, out she did scat :. "0:!! 'llie Aumiauu ui".'i.v day in the House of Representatives. Mr. Slade,ot Vermont, occupies wc i;- two whole days. To-day he may be saui to have occupied it exclusively. There was no House present no quorum and for put ofthctime, not twenty members; and not half a House, by actual count, to go through ' " 7 .. r. .....i.c K ,he ceremony ol a.ijoinimcny.i.ee-.wu. 1 of the body bemgadjuurncd.by the speech iiself. More New Jersey Arithmetic After several attempts to elect a person to repte sent the Sixth Congressional District of Massachusetts, the Governor and Council have at length put their ' broad s' al' to tlie election of Ormyn Daker, and hv Ins pscsented himself, and taken his seat among the representatives of the nation. This has been effected by a course of legerdemain, which has been geat!y in vogue among a certain class within the last year. The town of Leverett was excluded under the most frivolous &. unjust pretence and ,by setting the votes of this town aside, "Dalier has a majority. The pretence for setting this town aside is, that the Selectmen notified their town meeting, but five days before hand. The usual not ice of posting up warrants at lu ting houses over one Sabbath was giveif; at one mce ling house the warrant was posted upsrm days and at the other five days, Sunday intervening in both cases. The reason why thc warrant was not posted up seven days in both cases, was the impossibility of gel ting to one of the meeting houses, in consequence of the severe snow Morm which had rendered the roads impassable for man or beast. Virginia Senator. After three days unsuccessful --balloting,, it was determi ned on Friday last, to postpone the eiec nn,irij0 , nn ,!o,;,h..! hv ihnm o novi ! vote stood, W. C. iiivesfWidglS. John . Mason (Adm.) SI. Scattering Afterwards, when Mr. R. was dropped, and Mr. J. J Allen taken up in his place, the vole was for Mason SI, Allen feO, Rives 4. FOR THE TAItliOKO FKCSS. About the hour of ten, on Tuesday eve ning last (it being Avhat is usually denomi nated Christmas, Eve,) I had returnee! to my loelging, after having partake-n of that dtiicioers beverage, Eggmg, by the kind j invitation ol an old mend, to whom these lines are not at all applicable: "Mr. is a stingy man, And all his neighbors know it; He keeps good liquors in his house, But never says, here goes it." I say I had returned to my lodgings, and concluded in my own mind, that any long er resistance to the calls of the sleepy god, would be worse than fruitless: so, I straightway "doffed my dry goods," and went to bed, having first taken the prccau ti Mi to arrange the few sticks of wood still burning in the fire-place, so as tei preclude all possibility of danger. Every body know s the means and appli ances to which a bachelor has to report g Males, j 01 a com winter s nignt, lo Keep himseii . " - ' l'-v ' ,M",' 11 ,,M. u,lt-: Ul m;" 7 voted warm; a particular de-scriptiori of my .icings ",lineroi,si I"i'l! d your readers, who lion pe- and doings on that memorable "nceasiiMi 1,r '"'u kahle for their fondness of a cer 35, in i will therefore be unnecessary : suffice it to ,ain n:U!'c!(-s animal, should ere this, ot a cold winter s night, to keep himself . i I . It. I I I .. . say mat an me lucking anil fixing, appropriate to the business were duly obser- i ved. J hid now become quiet in bed, and httlo (lnl 1 anticipate any occurrence which would dnvemc to bur.-t a-under the chains w hieh sleep was gradually throwing around me, when a noise like that of a chump of wood falling upon the hearth, vdu ted my ears; surprised 1 raised my head to take a view of the premises and ye gnus: what a sight! an animal of the quaeli upedical order was in the act of springing from the lire up into the chim ney! Although a military man, (and no douch in performing a certain evolution, as some of my friend who witnessed a joeuit event can testify,) candor compels me to acknowledge, that I was frightened, ter rified What was it? How came it here: anel what it's business? weie the questions rapidly propounded by the little of reason fear had left me in possession of: it. was not long however be fore a satisfactory an swer w as obtained le the first, for the animal soon descended into the lire and instantly I attempted to rcascend, w hen by the lid,"t oi iisiau, uincn was now m a lull blaze, I beheld "In full, voluptuous, but not o'crgroxvn bulk, Not the phantom of her frolic, Grave Fitz Full;," Rut a large-sized bona fide cat. The second attempt was as unsuccessful as the first, for in the twinkling of an eye, grimalkin was in the fire again; by this lime, she (I say she, fori suppose it was a ieniale,) had became sufficiently enlight ened (she was now all on fire.) to ma!,e the discovery that any other place would Ij-j quite as comfortable, and two bounds brought l.er snugly under my bed: what, reader, do you suppose I then did? "Why, captain, there was but one course io take, and that was to spiing out of your bed, open the door of your apartment, ami bwl out at the top of your voice, "seat you b h." x " ' Well, reader, that was exactly what I did, it was so natuial and sure enouh obe- .oo, at such a rapid pace, that, I should'nt have known twas she, But by the streak I did see. I now examined the room, found every thintr safe and a sain retired to bed. What a strange thing is the human mind? How it pants fur" the acquisition of knowledge, and how sure it is never to be llk.scenl when oncc aroused upon c J . . sum: ? Thus it was with me sleep was out of the question, am! the inquiry again occured wi'h increased force, whence came the c.t? That she was not in the room when I lay ('own I would take" a Bible oath; and that the door and windows were closed was equally true. The first idea which popped in;o my hea, was that the creature must have been one ef "Ward's cats," which went, Mr. Editor, ye;u know where that-it had been attract ed fro:ii'dxi!ow' by the sweet sounds which were then animating the souls and bodies of a goodly company of bosh sexes assem bled not afar off and that upon reaching this earth, finding that the atmospheic was of too cold a rature to suit a constitution accustomed to be fanned on'y by. "blue blazes," it had sought refuge in my fire; and the capers it seemed to be cutting when it fitsi attracted my attention, and which I supposed were proeluceel by proceeded from pain, the very same cause. which then operated upon the aforesaid goodly compmy. Reason, however, soon stepped up and kicking fancy aside rather unceremonious ly", argued thus When old mo. her Eve by a strange metamorphosis of Adam's rib. was converted into a tlisiincl being of a different gender, she was placed in a sit uation, in which she might, have been for ever h.'ppy rivulets of nectar flowed into her lap, and apples of gold dropped spon taneously into her hands but alas; she Aonld not. he content; she sought for new !m?l rrlii,5!en pluivs and entailed upon !,er l-ostfnty all the ills which flesh is heir to:" ami besides the danger of eternal woe hereafter. In more modern times, another female, as a penalty for unlawful ly atte mpting to gratify her curious and no doubt very pretty eyes was changed into a pillar of salt, (by the by, an article very much in eleimoad now, can't we; have some more mnnuf icturcd in the same way.) Wtdl, now iftwo females of the genus ho mo, could wittingly and kno vingly be guilty of so great indiscretion (to call it by na why not a female of the genus Leo? 'The truth is, miss puss not con tent wiih the good old fashioned system of mousing on terra lirma, must neeels try her hand upon the house tops, among the gods and goddesses; and while playing this hazaniejus game, the chimney top struek her fancy as a still more, lofty ami interest ing posii ion, and enchantcel with the ide of occupying so pioud an eminence, she bent her whole energies to gain the desired summit and succeetled alas! she was too successful ! For no! content in her proper element to sail, She fell dow n the chimney and burnt up her tail. And now-, Mr. Editor, permit me in c muiomoo to s;iy, hum 11 any one Ol ilia! 1 ..J r. 1. .. C . Kil-y-XJ v 1 L u 'Ooiig m.r lavorncs, a v'"nv C;' s'"e h longer be at a lo- l) ""eh-rsiaud the lime, place and manner lllc im11-'P- Jin my refpect5 THE CAFTAIN. Dec. 2G!h, 1S39. for the TAar.oito' tress. OLI) TIPPECANOE," - An abolition Song, suwg a: the late Il.irris- burg Convention. " Tunc "Old father Grimes.'" ''Old granny" Hal, that hr.ye'-old soul," e've: gt the man at last, 'He UM-d to w: ar" regimentals, "All" tinkerMoVr wiih brass. He "font" the "battle o' Tippecanoe," He "lick'd',the Indians well, Dealt damn tion" through their ranks, And .sent them all to h 1 "And now the rag.-of battle's o'er," We'd make thc'Gmcr.d" Liif; In case wc plana. mir-'-..l." Wdr He'll be the very thing? He'll again hitch on regimentals, And '-gird his armor on him;" "Niggers will sound a dreadful ivhoop, And rally all around him. He'll mount his war horse ''abolition," And fix the slaver's eloom; He'll manumit the sable man, And wrap the South in gloom. cumuli njgs encore ine son J.ate. sung by "Northern Feds?" ll they tie, ii s ems lo me, They seek their "gory beds." Moutecai in the Gale Later from Europe. Yh? packet ship I -triCK Henry, h ,s arrived at New York, with Liverpool elates to the 26th Dec Cotton is a little lower, but in other res pects the news is favorable. The sales of cotton are bmk, though at a further de cline Of 1. The specie and bullion in the Bank of England was increasing in amount. fears arc still entertained of iho tp ect on the monetary system of Enal which may be produced in the Spring, ,v the importation of Bread Stuffs, "'ri' weather in England has been very unf(l. vorable, not only to seed which has jMl been plan ed, hut to the pieservation of tii crop just, housed ; and though the aver,; prices continue low, in consequence 0f the wietched quality of the English sm,. pies brought to marke t, an universal opin ion prevails that prices for good Anici. rican flour or wheat will soon ri.-e very high. Washington Market, Feb. 4. Corn-, $1 90 a $2 0(3; drill sale. Bacon si,!e 10- cents, hams 11 cents. Pork, ,SG a $7 per cwt. Naval Stores New dip, $2 SO; Old, S2 10. Scrape, 75 a SO cents. Vnr. SI to Si 10. Fish shad, S10 H-. rings, cut, $6 fo So" 50 whole, S3 OC S4 00; dii!I. iVy. COMMUNICATED. QJ Elder P. Packet is expected t; v preach on the 27 Ma ch at Contentnea m. h.; 2S Toisnot; 29, Union; 30, rest. 31, Lawrence's; 1 April, Tarboro'; 2, Conetoe; 3, Old Town Creek; 5, Autrey's Creek; f, Tison's; 7, Meadow; S, Col. Jeanes's. MAJlStlBI), In Franklin county, unWcdncsday eve ning, 291 h ult. by Eider P. W. Dnvd, Nv flolwrt IT. lnst.iii of this place, to Miss Jane! t Jcjfrics, daughter of Win. Jeffrie, Esq. In this coonty, on Friday evening, 31st ult. by U. W. Maner. Msq Mr. John li Pope to Miss Eliza Taylor, daughter of Mr. Allen Tayh r. Also, on We'd nearby evening, 20th ult. by L. 1). Wilson, Esq. Mr. William R. Duprce to .Miss Martha Tunnell. In Nash county, on Wednesday evening 2 2d ult. Capt." David Mc Daniel, of RIeigh, to M iss Celeste Dorlch. In Halifax, on the 25tli ult. Co. Jesse IT. Sim mans, Clerk of the County Court, aged -12 years. He had long been suffering from a elisease eff the stomach, which pain fully aillictcd his head; notwithstanding which, however, he gave constant attend ance to the pressing duties of his ollicc till ;d)out seven el jys be-fore his death, when he took his bod to rise no more io this life. His sufferings were extremely severe, but were borne with nnnly fortitude and Christian resignation, evincing, at all times by act and expression, a most perfect reli ance o'n the Redeemer of men. iemmtM Mil iKimwrt'afy cuM.n3LscT it Tarboro ugh ami JS eiv York. Ft: 13. l. Macon, Unruly, apple, CMlVt-, C-n), (ullon, ( .ooi bagging, I'h'tir, lion, hard, - -Molasses, ngar, lironn, Salt,T. 1. -'riir.cnliiie, WIh-.u, Whiskey, - per Ttirbvrtt1 '. Nctv Ynr!;. ib ii m io it gallon 7. 10 )" 10 ;') ii i:; lii !) i:j hu ;h(il :3 ( 57 01 Hi 9 io ; 11 yard 20 25 15 gl barrel JsiJ G $r (' ib 5 g a" i ll 8 10 7 10 gallon 50 GO 21 ."ID 11) 10 2h G ; hnsliel 7) 75 3-2 .: barrel 170 175 225 2.TS buslu-l G5 75 100 i:;o gallon 50 GO 1-J -11 IJlPOKTAi"T Sale of JYcgrocs. a ILL DK SOLD, for cah, to the highps! l)ii!deo, n the Court House door in Nashyillo. N sh county, on the second Monday in Februaiy next, C nsi-tiog of nu n, boys, giil, wonmr, and ehildien, my own, anel probably f veral more, to S ili-fy an execution in favor of the Hank. Persons wishing to buy, will do well ltiend ho sale. T. W. W RIGHT. Jan'y 31, 1 8 10. $25 Reward. RAN AWAY from the sub scriber in Febiuiry hist , my K ...... pN ej;vo man UVl fr Commonly crdlcd Amason hnn. sJiSpinc; Dob, well known in the neighborhood of Sianton-bui g. He has a free woman for his wife, one of old Stp phpn M itch' IPs datio'iirrs. She and old Mitchell :ve in ihe neighborhood of The ophilus Ki.on, in ilie edge; of Greene e unty, where it is supposed Dob is lurk about. All persons ate forwarned emptying, harboring or giving him aid, or countenancing; him in any way, under penally erf ibn law. I will give ihe above reward of $25, and all leaxonable expell ee paid, to have him confined in any jail so thai I can get him again or delivered t i Mr. William Barnes, on While Oak, iu Kdgrcom! e county. JOSEPH J. M. BJRNES , January, ISlo. 5

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