. i.a m a a cy i. I kj . I w-zgcw m n 2 ssssssess'' j . i ran rri Zr jl . j. err eii' s f ills.' I ). fey rk Whole jVo. 763. The Tarborouh Pmc81s Br OEORtiC linWAHD, , Is published weekly at Two Dollars mid Ff:y Cents per year, if paid in alvance or, T'iree Dollars at the expiration of the suhscrlr'ion yevir. For anj period less than a year, Toenty-fice t.vi per month. Subscribers are at liberty to 'discontinue at any time, nn urivin notice tllereof and paying arrears those resi ling at a (ti-stamre liiust invariably pay in advance, or give a resoon iible reference in this vicinity. . ' .' Advertisements not exceedini: a square will be inserted at One Dollar th( first iurtion, auj -25 cent3 for every continuance. Longer a lverti te uients in like proportion. Court Orlrs and Ju dicial advertisements 25 per cant, higher. Ad- verusemenis must he marked the nmntxT of in sertions required, or they will be coatinue I until otherwise ordered and charged accordingly. Letters addressed to tlielv!it'r mu.st be post paid or they may not be attended to. Docloi Win. EVAiS SOOTHING 8Y11UP For children Teething, PREPARED BY HIMSELF. To .Mother and JVurses. nil HE passage l the Teeth through the gums produces troublesome ami dan gerous symptoms. Il is known by modi ers that there is great in 'nation in the mouth and gums during ihis process. The gums swell, the secretion of sa'ii a is in creased, the child is seized with frequent and sudden fits of crying, watching, trt ing in the sleep, and sp iS:iii of pcculiai partSj the child shrieks with extreme vio lence, and thrusts its fingers into its mouth. If these precursory symptoms are not spee dily alleviated, spasmodic convulsions uni versally supervene, and soon cause the dissolution of ihe infant. If mothers who have their little babes afflicted with these distressing symptoms, would apply l)r. William Kvans's Celebrated Soothing Syrup, which has preserved hundreds of infants when thought past recovery, from being suddenly attacked with that fatal rdalady, convulsions. This infallible remedy Iiai preserved hundreds of Children, when thought past recovery, from cort7illsiohs. As soon as the Syrup is rubbed on the gums, the child will recover. This preparation is so in nocent, so efficacious, and so pleasant, that no child will refuse to let its gums be rubbed with it. When infants are at the nge of four months, though there is ilp ap pearance of teeth, one bottle of the Syrup should be used on the gum., to open the pores. Parents should never be without the Syrnp in the nursery where there are young children; for if a child wakes in the night with pain in the gums, the Syrup immediaielv givesease by open ing the pores and healing the gum?; there by preventing Convulsions, FVvers. &. To the Agent of Dr. Kvans' Soothing Syrup: Dear Sir The great benefit afforded to my suffering infant by our S othing Syrup, in a case of protracted and painful dentition, must convince every feeling parent how essential an early ap plication of such an invaluable medicine is to relieve infant misery and torture! My infantj while teething, experienced surh acute sufferings, that it was attacked w it!, convulsions, and my wife and family sup posed that death would soon release the babe from anguish till we procured a bot tle of your Syrup; which as soon as ap plied to the gums a wonderful change wa produced rttid afier a few applications the child displayed obvious relief; and by co'ri tinning in its use. I am gliiii to inform you, the child has completely recovered. and no recurrence f that awful complaint has since occurred; the teeth are emana ting daily and the child enjoys perfect liealth. I give y" my cheerful permission to make this acknowledgment public, find will gladly give any information on this circumstance. When children begin to be in pain with 'heir teeth, shooting in their gums, put a little of the Syrnp in a tea-sp ion, and with the finger let the child's gums he rubbed for two or thre.e minutes, three limes a d y. It must not be put to the breast immediately, for the milk would take the syrup off too soon. When the teeth are just coming through their gums pothers should immediately apply il,e Sy. nip; it will prevent the children having a Jever, and undergoing that painful opera 1,0(1 f lancing the gums, which always nnkes the tooth much harder to come through, and sometimes causes death. ; Bcwavc of CountcrfeHs. Caution. He particular in purrha o obtain it at 100 -Chatham St., "ew York, or from the REGULAR AGENTS. Gko. llowuin Tarboro'. ! M. Kcssel, Elizabeth City. January, IS10. Tarborongh. BY AUTIIOI1IT1M A PROCLAMATION, By Ihe President nfthe United States of Aniencd. Wr in: kk AS a treaty of Commerce arid Navigition betwe e the United States of Vmerii-ai and Wis Majesty the King of Sardinia, together with a separate article, was concluded an I signed at Geiio.t ori the twenty sixth day of November, in the year of our .Lord, one thousand eight hun dred and thirty-eight, which treaty and separate article, are word for word as fol lows The United Stales of America and his Wijjsly the King of Sardinia 'desirous df Rons didatiiig the relations of good under-. standing winch have -hitherto so happily subsisted between their respective Stales and of facilitating and extending the com mercial intercourse between the two conn tries, have agreed to enter into negotia tions for the conclusion of a treaty of com merce and navigati in. for which purpose the P resident of the United States has con ferred full powers on Nathaniel Niles their special agent near his Sardinian Ma jesty and his Majesty the King of Sardinia tias tunlerred like powers on the Count Clement Solar de la Marguerite, Grand Cross of the military and religious order of S. Ma uricc and S. Luzirus, of Isabella the Catholic of Spain, and Knight of the order uf Christ, his first Secretary of State for the Foreign Alf.irs; And the said plenipotentiaries htving exchanged their lull powers found in good and due form, have concluded and signed the following at tides. Article 1. There shall be between the territories of the high contracting parlies a reciprocal liberty of commerce and navi gation. The inhabitants of their respective States shall mutually have liberty to enter the ports and commercial places of the territories of each party, wherever foreign commerce is permitted. They Shall be at liberty to sojourn and reside in all parts whatsoever of said territories in order to attend to theiraffairs and they shall enjoy to that effect the same security and protec tion as the natives of the country where in they reside, on condition of their sub mitting to the laws and ordinances there prevailing. Article 2. Sardinian vessels arriving cither ladcii dr i;i HdidUt in the potts of the United Sta es of America, and reciprocally vessels of the United Slates arriving either laden or in ballast in the norts "of the dominions of his Sardinian Majesty, shall be treated on their entrance, tlurinir thtir stay and at their departure upoii the si me looting as national vessels coming from the same place, with respect to the duties of tonnage, lighth uses, pilotage and poit charges as well as to the fees and perqui sites of public officers and other duties or charge of whatever k'11"" or denomination, levied in the name or to the profit of the S not waning to discharge the whole, or any Government, the local authorities or of!l)a,t tne'r cargoes shall enjoy in this any private cstablisdunent whatsoever. .Article 3. All kind of merchandise and uticles of commerce either the produce oT . .. . . I the soil or the industrv of the Unim j - " States ot America or of any other country, which may be lawfully imported imo the ports of the dominions of Sardinia in Sardinian vessels, may also be so imported in vissrls of the United Statis of America without pav ing other or higher duties or charges of whatever kind or denomination h-vu d -n the name or to the profit of the Government, the local authorities or of any private cslablishmr-nt whatsoever, th m if the same merchandise dr produce Had hten imported in Sardinian ves els And reciproc dly all kind of merchandise n I articles of commerce, either the pro duce of the soil, or of the dominions of Sardinia or of any other country, which may he lawfully imported into the ports of the United .Slates in vessels of the said Sta'r.i my also be si imported in Sardini an vissels, wi'ho'iit paying other or higher duties or charges of whatever kind or denomination, levied in the name cr to the profit of the Government, . the local authorities, or of any private establishment whatsoever, than if the same merchandise or produce had " been imported in vessels of the United Stales of America. Article 4. To prevent the possibility of any misunderstanding, it is hereby de clared that the 5 ipulations contained in the two preceding at tides are to their full extent applicable to Sardinian vessels and their Cargoes arriving in the ports of the United States of America. And recipro cally to vessels ot tne. said States, and their cargoes arriving in the ports of the dominions of Sardinia, whether the said vessels clear directly from the ports of the country to which they respectively belong, ( Edgecombe County, A C.J bl jor from the ports of any 'other "foreign country. .Article 5. All kind of merchandise am. articles of eommerce, which may lawfnl! he exported from the ports of the Unite;, "Males o i America m national vessels, mm No bo exported. 'therefrom in Sardinia! vessels without paying otner or hitieJ mines or cnarges ot whatever kind oj denomination levied in the name oj to the profit of the Government, th loal authorities, or of any private e tahlishment whatsoever, than if the sam merchandise or. articles of commerce hae b:;en exported in vessels of the Unite: States of America. And reciprocally a! kind of merchandise and articles of com merce which may be lawfully exporter irom the ports o! the kingdom of Sanlini i;i national vessels, may also be exportct therefrom in vessels of the United State of America, without paying other or bight ! duties, or charges df whatever kidd o denomination levied in the name or to lh profit of the Government, the local au thorities or to any private establishmen. whatsoever, than if the same merchandise or articles of commerce had been exyorteJ. in Sardinian vessels. Article G. No higher or other duties shall be imposed on the importation into the United Slates of any article the pro duce or manufacture of Sardinia; and no higher or other duties shall be imposed on the importation into the kingdom of Sar dinia of a:iy article the produce or maiin facure of the United States than are or shall b p.yaoieon tne simc article being the produce, or manufacture of any other for- cign countrv. ior shall any prohibition impuscu on tne importation ot ex- puiuiuuouian arucie me produce of, or' the manufacture of the United States or ol Sardinia, to or from the ports of the United Slates, or to, or from the ports of the kingdom of. Sardinia which shall nm equally extend to all other nations. Jirlicle 7. It is expressly understood r.nd agreed that the preceding articles do not apply to the coastwise navigation ol either of the two countries, which each ol the twr high contracting parties reserve exclusively to itself. Article 8. No priority or preference shall be given directly or indirectly by ei ther of the high contracting parties, noi by any company, corporation or agent ac ting in their behalf, or under their au thority in the purchase, of any article o commerce lawfully imported on accoun oi, or in reierence to the character ol th vessel, whether it be of the one party o the other, in which such article wasim ported, it being the true intent and mea ning of the contracting pariies, that n-dij-tinetion or difference whatever shall b' made in this respect. Article 9. If either party shall hereafiei grant to any other nation any particular fa ver in commerce or navigation, it shall immediately beconie common to the other paity, freely where it is freely granted to sucn other nation, or on yielding the same or an equivalent compensation when the gra:it is conditional. Article 10. Vessels of either of the high contracting parties arriving on the coats of the other, but without the in tention to enter a port, or having entered respect the same privileges, and be treated ,n saine mauneras the vessels of the most favored nations i . i . . mi Article 11. When any vessel belonging to either of the contracting parties, or to their citizens, or subjects shall be wrecked, foundered, or otherwise suffer damage on the coasts, or within the dominions of the other, there shall be given to such vessel and all persons on board every aid and protection, in like manner as is usual and customary to vessels of the nation where such shipwreck or damage happens and such shipwrecked vessel, its merchandise und nihp'r pffectsi or their irrdceeds- if thp same shall have been sold shall be restored j to their owners, or to receive them, upon the payment of such costs of salvage as would have been paid by national vessels in the same circumstances. Article 12. Sardinian merchant ves .scls being forced from stress of weather or other unavoidable causes to enter a port of the United States of Ameiica, and recipro cally, merchant vessels df the said Slates, enteiing the ports of his Sardinian Ma jesty horn similar causes, shall be exempt from port charges and all other dutieS levied to the profit of the Government, in case Ihe causes which have rendered such entry necessary are real and evident, pro vided s-uch vessel does not engage in any commercial operation while in port, Such as loading and unloading merchandize, it being understood nevertheless that the unloading, and reloading rendered neces sary lor the repair" of the said vessel shall not be considered an act of cdmmerce alfording ground for the payment of du ties, and provided also.that the said vessel shall not prolong her stay in port beyond the time necessary for the repair of her damages; AX JL. Jl UlSItttJUI, HAVING discovered a 8uie, afe a c r I : . : e . ... jcuiiious cure lor Ague and l ver and Bilious Fever and believing i uu.y neowes to himself and the coiim hity, oUeis it to !h$ public. TlIKKY Uirtfi . Are composed of Vfireiaht ,.,h.t.n n'i I I . . .vf eieeieo lor their mild medicinal vf ! ues, whii-h are-great jy enhanced by thj present combination, anil nr i l,;ks a dv inr tree Irom danger in evrt i-n.nl uo JU Villi! CI mev m lay be given to females under given to terttales under an circumstances with perfect safely, ieqke rv if nrt rr l i I ,m i.. .1 I - ici on Hie stomach as an emeliryiior the bowels is a cathartic, but supeist-J1 the necessity of all mi-dirine ihn ,i r without, prostrating the vital energies an producing that fatal debility fiequentJ" witnessed Under their operation; they prc moie perspiration, equalize the circulation remove obstructions regulate the secriM"" imtslulu 5Ulu M3 iauo t .u " .ions of -the liver, o,!hfl thereof either by themsfclres or by other tions of -the livery so i sis to render the bil healthy in quality and proper in quantiijp stitngihen and in'rigoiatethe system an impart health and animation with cxped tion and certainly. Y Ihe Proprietor ulthough he wishes (' establish the reputation of his remedy uf on noimng bul deserved merit, thinks)1 not amiss to give the following certt0J cates, tatt-of a great many that mieht be exhibited in itstaVor, as an inducement the alilicted io avail themselves of the fir. opportunity o! being relieved by its salt!'. tary t Heels. It is deemed almost unneces sary to say, that if the Pills are puked i f or carried t fT by a ilhrrl.dk iy they can da3 out utile it any good. I Put up m boxes at $2, each containing enough to cure one grown person, or two or more children, with printed directions to which, if genuine,-will be a&xid the inventor' own .signatuie. 77.10. TERRELL. Rocky Mount, Nah county, N. C August, IS40. J 'CERTIFICATES. Nash county, N. C. June, 1840. In October last 1 was attacked with bili ous lever and took some medicine. from other physicians, and alter being very sick for six or 8 days, believed without speedy relief I should die. My sickness at the stomach was extremely distressing, fre quently puking large quantities of bile, which seemed to be increased by whalev er I drank; pa iris in the back and limbs were so severe, I could not remain in one position five minutes at a time. In this condition 1 was visited by Dr. T.Terrell late in the evening and after using his pills three or Tout hours I was completely relieved from distress, either of sickness or pain, and the next day was up about the house and evert out in the yard, hav ing no remains of Ihe disorder but Weak ness. I have known Dr. Terrell's pills frequently made use of in ague and fever and bilious fever and Ihey haVe always as Parties reciprocally grant to each ofche the liberty of having t-arh in the jjoi tS ari other commercial places ef the other coh suls, vice-consills and commercial agent of their own appointment, who shall enjoi the same privileges, powers add exemp iions as those of the most favored nations Hut if any of such consuls shall exercisij commerce, they snail be subjected to tin same laws and usages to which the privati individuals of their nation,, or subjects o citizens of ihe most favored nations an subject in the same places. In respect 1i their commercial transactions. Article 16. It is especially undcrstooc that whenever eidier cf the two con trading parties shall select for a consulai agent to resale in anv poll or ccmmcrcia p'iace of the other party a subject or citizeij of this last, such consul or agfnt shall con-l tinite lobe regarded, notwithstanding his quality of a foreign consul, as a subject or citizen of the nation to which he belongs and consequently shall be submitted to the inno aim i i. iviiauwiu tu vruill nail t ait, subjected, in the place of his residence. This obligation however Shall in no respect em- bat rass the exercise of his consular tions, or affect the inviolablity of the co'n- sular archives. rinicie a. i ne sa.u consuls, vice- consuls and commercial agents are author - izeu io .equire me askance- in uic lucai authorities for the search, arr st, detention and imnrisonment cf the deserters from the ships of war and merchant vessels o l heir country. For this pdip'ose they shal apply lo the competent tribunals, j'Jdges and officers, and shall, m writing, ticinam said deserters, proving by the cxhibitio of the registers oi ihe vessels, the rolls c the crews, or by other official document thatsucli individuals' fonried part of th crews"; and this reclamation thus suhstai trated, the surrender shall not be fefuset. Such deserters wheri arrested shall be pi' ced at the disposal of the said consuls ici consjuls or commercial agents and may I confined in the tiublic prisons -jt the reqtiei ami cost of those who shall claim them order Lo be detained until the time who they shll be restored to the vessels t which they belonged, or .ent back to the own country by a vessel of the same n: tion or anyv other vessel whatsoever. Bt if not sent back within three month (tot. Vol. Xri JNo 40. ! lhf dav nffhpir arrpst: thr shall be Set &l liberty and shall not again be arres'ed tor v tne same cause, u nowever tne ocseiw Rishotild be fouhti td haVe corHmiited anjr . i crime or ofl once, his surrenaer may oe ue- laved until the tribunal bifore which hi cae should be depending Shall have pro- ndunced its sentence and such senlencft shall have been cariied into execution. Article IS. The citizens arid subjects of each of the contracting parlies shall haTO P.r !. V,s?dse ?l Uieir personal goou. wittiin tne jurisdiction ot me omer, i j j. ; jl . ij : i,... t hmr Luiiicii l uuuaiion. or ui :ernci . representatives, being citizens or.subjects pf the other paity, shall succeed to their said pctSonal good ; whet her by. -testament or ab infest aio. and may take possession acting for them and dispose dC the same at will, paying such taxes- and dues only as the inhabitants df the cotinlry wherein the Said goods are, shall be subject lo pay hi like cases. And in case of the absence of the representa ives such care shall betaken of the Said goods as would be taken of the .rM,u of :i native of the same country id like case until the lawful owtier majr take measures for receiving them. Anu n a question should arise among several clai mants as to which of them said goods be long, the same snail finally be decided by Ihe laws and judges of the land wherein th said Foods are. And where on tho death df any person holding real estate within the territories ef one of the con traci ng parties such veal estate would hy the laws of the land descend on a citrxen or subject of the other party who by reason of alienage may be incapable of holding it; he shall be allowed a reasonable time to sell such real estate; and to withdraw anu export the proceeds -without molestation and without paying to the prdfit or tha respective Governments any other ?ucs, taxes or charges than those , lb which tno inhabitants of the country wherein said real estate is situated shall be subject to pay m .Article 19. The present treaty shall continue in force for ten years counting from the day of the exchange pf the ratin cations, and if, twelve months oeforc the expiration df that peiiod, neither of the high contracting parties shall have announ ced to the Other by an official hdtificatioti its intention to arrest the operation mo 5! said treaty, it shall remain obligatory one 1 year beyond that time, and so on, until the 2 expiration1 of the twelve months which 3 will follow a Similar notlficatidni whatever 2t j e time at which it may take place. W Article 20. The. present treaty shall br I approved and ratified by the President oT 20 ue United States of America, hy and with thr advice and consent df the Senate there 15G,r andbyhis majesty the King of Sar Ladii, nd the ratifications shalbeex variety " Cambric,jaconeti Swiss, book and mull muslins, very cheap Bishop lawn and x barred muslins, cheap Bonnet and cap ribbons, in great variety cheap A general assortment of Cixtlery, Hard wait, China, Glass, and Crocker ware, GROCERIES, $c. $c $c. . 1"he ibove, with every other article usually kept in similar establishments will positively be sold cheaper for cash than ever before offered. Please call and sec Tarboro', May 6, 1840 Loch and twUnsmiihrpk f 1 tS i - J1 11 undersigned having devoted the m?sl .f h,s 1'fe to a knowledge bf hit func-J',u,CS3,ou ,s nw piepareu Netlf the iiridge, lit tarboro'i To execute all orders in Lock and G d ... -t .m . . , Loildoi) wok Ciock wi.rhtm ten,:M hnrM- hmi . j - y v " w t i. pins, finger rings and jewelry and bro ken articles of every description will aUd he repaired di the shortest notice by DAVID C. BELL. August 14th, 1S39. 33 Cotton iarHj cue! fi Hp HE stibsctiber, grateful for past ft vurs, take great pleasure In idviihr their numerous customer of f hlrihtr decline of the PrUe OP THIS ARTICLE They Batter themselves they ire prepared toel on ood terms as the article Of the same cjudily can be procured else where. By assiduity and punctuality in I business, they hope to receive as hereto- fore a liberal patronage. BATTLE 4- BROTHERS. November ISthr, 1$3&