fresh Garden Seeds. HE subscriber has opened and now offers for sale his supply ol" Fresh Garden Seeds, among which are: parly turnip beet Eirly York Cabbage on. blood do ILtterscado Cucumber Wellington do Early frame Dutch do Short prickly do Late Drumhead do Early frame Radish ., Sugarloaf do Lou scarlet do Drumhead Lettuce White Naples do Imperial do Turnip do Large green head do Early horn Carrot Early do do do j,inia pole beans Red Onion J)utch runner do Salsify China dwarf do JSiS. M. REDMOND Tarboro', Jan. G, IS 1 1. JVotice. " THE subscriber having nsoriated with him in business James D. owe, the business in future will be conducted under the firm of .lames Wcc!c!cll'& Co. JAMES IV ED DELL. N. B. (JpThose indebted to the sob scriber are earnestly requited to c;dl and settle their reopen iv due, as he i anxious to close his old business a1 spee dily as possilde. J. IV. Tarboro', Jan'y 23d, IS 11. Boohs, Pamphlets, Stationary, &c. THE Primiiive ILptist, vols. 1,2, 3& 4, neatly bound and Irltered, Also, writing paper white, pink, ai d straw colored letter paper ink powder, quills blank cards, red lead pencil", wrap ping paper, &.c. for sale by GEO. IIOJVARD. COFJFIRLB MilG, 81 KUCHA NT TAILOR, , riAhh3 tins method ot intornnng his . friends and the public gem rally, llinf L a line met rnpoirnd jt crJ..mK.I Assortment of Fall and Winter VIZ: Superfine blue and black Cloths, reen and brown do. Blue &nd Hlack pilwt do. for overcoats, Plain black and fancy London Cassi meres, Plain black and fig'd velvet Vestings, Figured woollen and merino do. London, Valencia, and Cashmere do. Plain black and fancy Stocks, Bosoms, Collars, Gloves, Suspenders. &c He invites an inspection of his t"iood, as he is confident the' cannot fail to give satisfaction as respects quality and pi ice. (nGentlemen who wi-h their clothes made up, can have them made and trim -. med in the most fashionable style. All , orders from a distance will be punctually attended to. Tarboro', Nov. 10th, IS10 iYolicc. JMIE subscriber wishing to settle with all !-is creditors, wishes to sell A TRACT OF containing between four and five hundrrd acres. There are a comfortable dv lling house and necessary building- for a fatui ty; also, one other small framed house, with a good brick chimney; on the same re orchards, &c. Those that wish to -purchase will call on the subscriber, I hey can ' fiew the premises when called on, and I XvSt give a bargain. tV. D. HOPKINS. Auguss 12th, 1S40. 33 Pirated Patent Animal and Vegetabh P 7ort ci Sans'mcr ronl rnllnrs. woollen L i. O ' lllln I I o "I'u, auu couon goods, trorn spois -"unco uy grease, paint, tar varnish oils of every description, without in JJI')' o the finest goods. The Oil ftffU9. Jesses very healing and penetrating for t . 18 " peueci s;neiy athing various external complaints, -""urueast. instances are too nu '""OUS InK. j mm .r cates might be obtained of its efficacious 'limb bone complaints, weak CrJ s diat have been dislocated, broken, fase ""wise injured, in almost every li ! aPP'ied to corns on the feet, it I . in entire cure. 'ou.-i'i posilive,y the best remedy, if tho Jonj ,Seo for sprains, chilblains, poi Cracked I ' bnrns sore ''f,s t rapped or p-nipi , ,la,,ds, cutaneous eruptions, or b 1 l!,at 15 kuow"- For Praces '"oiilrl y ll,e ,m,-ess or saddle, sprained I " de's, Scratch i ' ...... f j W postnon that exceeds this. ! 4 raltd genuine. For sale by ilT"w,Sov.2oEa"0,fViD- Evans9 Camomile JPills ry HE camomile flower, (or as it is offi cially called, Anthemis vocilis, or Chamcemelum. from the GretU words, Kamai, on the ground, and Melon, an ap ple; because it grows on the ground, and smells like an apple,) is of a dull white color, of fragrant odor, and of a bitter ar omatic taste. Camomile is a mild tonie, in small do ses acceptable and corroborant to the stomach. It is especially applicable to that condition of general debility, with languid appetite, which often attends con valescence from idiopathic fevers. 'Po the Nervous and Debilitated Ia Eva sis' Tonic Pills. The powers of Evans' Camomile I'ills are such, that the palpitating heart, the tremulous hand, the dizzy eye, and the fluttering mind, vanish before their effects like noxious vapors before the benign in fluence of the morning sun. They have been long successfully used for the cure of intermittents, together with fevers of the irregular nervous kind, accompanied with visceral obstructions. This tonic medicine is for nervous com plaints, general debility, indigestion and its consequences, as want of appetite, dis tension of the stomach, acidity, unpleas ant taste in the mouth, rumbling noise in the bowels, nervous symptoms, languor, when the mind becomes irritable, despon ding, thoughtful, melancholy and deject ed. 1 lypochondriacism, consumption, dimness of sight, delirium, and all other nervous affections, these pills w ill produce a safe ami permanent cure. Evans' Pills were first introduced in A merica in 1 S35. fi vans' Family Aperient Fills Are purely vegetable, composed with the strictest precision of science and of art; they never produce nausea, and are war ranted to cure the following diseases which arise from impurities of the blood, viz: Consumption, Coaghs, and Colds, Nervous diseases, liver complaint, dys pepsia, bilious diseases, piles, ulcers, fe male weakness, and all cases ofhypochon driacism, low spirits, palpitation of the heart, nervous irratibility, nervous weak ness, fl'ior albus, seminal weakness, indi gestion, loss of appetite, heartburn, gene ral debility, bodily weakness, chlorosis or green sickness, flatulency, hysterical faiut ings, hysterics, headaches, hiccup, sea sickness, night mare, rheumatism, asth ma, tic douloureux, cramp, spasmodic af fections, and those who are victims to that most excruciating disorder, Gout, will find relief from their sufferings, by a course of Dr. Evans' medicines. Beware of Counterfeits. ftjCaution. 'He particular in purcha sing to obtain them at 100 Chatham st. 4 New York, or from the - KEGULAK AGENTS. J. M. Redmond, ) n, , , r. ii 1 arboro , Geo. Howaud, 5 M. Husskll, Elizabeth' City. READ OrV. Extract of a letter of Jonas Snyder, Post Master, Kernesville, Pa., to Dr. Wil liam Evans. Among several cases the following is found: An elderly lady, who had been 25 years so afflicted with nervous hypochon dria, debility, Sic. that for the last i'mee years she constantly received medical aid from a respectable physician; but the pressure and pain on her heart and breast, and especially in ber left side, remained immovable, attended at long intervals with weakness in her head and on her mind, keeping her discouraged to under take any thing. In May she commenced using Dr. W. Evans' medicines ac cording to the directions accompanying them. A reaction took place; the pain and pressure in her body w as removed; her mind became clear and strong; her spirits perfectly good, and up to this lime it is in all respects restored to health which for the last ten years she has not enjoyed. (Signed,) JONAS SNYDEtt. September 7, 183S. fly Be particular, ''he genuine is ven ded by Agents only. Evans" Southing Sijrup, Evans' Camomile Pills, unCs Botanic Vills, Goode's Fimale Pills, The above invaluable Medicines are sold Wholesale and Retail, at 100 Chatham street, New Your, 3 South seventh stkeet, Piiilad'a 3G CoiiNiitLL, Boston, Mass. REGULAR AUEjYTS. J. M Redmond, Turboro, N. c Geo. Iloivard, F. S. Ma rshall,.i(;x, , , M. Russell, Elizabeth City, ,, T. Bland, Edenton, " Solomon Hall, Newbern fV. Mason, Raleigh, J. IV. A twill, Brunswick, Ga Mark A I jane, Washington, ,, 3 S. Seventh street, Philadelphia. January, 1840. General Commission And Forwarding Store, PORTSMOUTH, VA. Gicynn, Fierce, & Co. rjnilE undersigned, under the above firm, have associated themselves in business in Portsmouth, and are preparing to conduct on the most extensive sc;de the Receiving, Foncarding, and Gen eral Commission Business. They have established correspondent in ll t!,e principil commercial cities ol the United States, as well as those of En gland and the continent of Europe. They will transmit and import Produce, Goods and Merchandize to and from any Ame rican and European porls on the best terms and with despatch. Those who may favor them with consignments and orders, may depend on their prompt at tention. UqrER GIVYNN, i IV. IV. PIERCE. J. C. McRAE. Nov. 14, 1S10. 47 olicc. I WILL SELL OR LEASE, for a term of years, the following Heal Estate, to That valuable Plantation and Tract ol Land on Swift Creek, whereon 1 former ly lived, containing about S70 acres, ol which 100 acres are luv grounds; with the improvements thereon, consisting ol a Dwelling house, kitchen and other out houses, with extensive orchards and a great variety of fruit trees, and one of the best mill seals on the crick. The land situated in the mot healthy part of the c::i:::!y. b-g blessed with excellent wa ter and lying on the road lcad;;:g !':; II ilifax to haleigh, three miles west from Ililliardston. Al-o, another Tract adjoining the same, containing 750 acres, with the improve ments thereon, consisting of a Dwelling house, kitchen and smoke houc and or chard. This laud has also 50 acres of low grounds. Also, one other Tnct on Sappony creek, whereon Jno Lewis now lives, containing 200 acres. Also, my Houses and Lots in the town of Nashville, with the improvement's thereon, consisting of a two story Dwell ing house, 80 feet in front by 26, con taining 15 rooms and 13 fire places, with every necessary out house for such an establishment, together with all the household and kitchen furniture belong iug to the same. As no person will buy or lease, with out first viewing the premises, it is thought that a further description of them i unnecessary. The terms wjll be made suitable lo pur chasers, & made known on application lo JNO. II. DRAKE, Sen'r. Nashville, N. C. Nov. 6th, 1S40. THE Matchless Sanative, Invented by the immortal I.ouis Off on G o click c, M. I). OF GERMANY, EUROTE, g"S astonishing the world with its mighty victory over many fearful JiseascSj which have been pronounced INCURA BLE by physicians iu every age, being the most valuable medicine, and the most unaccountable in its operations of any ever prepared by human hands; a medicine ob tainedEojjAi,LY from the animal, mineral and vegetable kingdoms, thus possessing a CT'thuee fold power a medicine of more value to mankind than the united treasures of our globe, and for which we have abundant cause to bless the benefi cent hand of a kind Providence; a medi cine, which begins to be valued by physi cians, who have heretofore opposed it, who are daily witnessing its astonishing cures of many w hom they had resigned to the grasp of the fcfnsatiable Gravelly a precious and powerful medicine, which has thoroughly filled the great 'vacuum in the materia medica; and thereby proved itself to be the Conqueror of Physicians. $JUose of the Sanative. For adults, one drop; for children, a half drop; and for infants, a quarter drop. The direc tions explain the method of taking these portions, and contain a history of the medi tine and its distinguished inventor. dyPrice. Three and one-third rix dollars ($2 00) per half ounce. G. VCK, Agent. Stanhope, Nash co. N.C.June, 1840. (7A fresh supply of the above invalu able medicine just received and for sale by Geo. Howard, Tarboro'. Turner S? Hughes' SORT CAROLINA TV JU JXR xm- -La -chl ) For ISllj Just received and for sale at this Office at the Raleigh prices, viz: 10 cents single, 75 cents per dozen, S3 50 for half a groce, S6 for a grocc, &c. Cotton Yarn, rgMIE subscribers, grateful for past fa vors, take great pleasure in advinng their uumerous customers of 1 further iicrlisw of the JPriccs OF THIS ARTICLE. They flatter themselves they arc prepared to sell on as good terms as iIip nniclp ol the same qudity can be procured else wnetc ijy assiduity and punctuality in business, they hope to icceive as hereto fore a liberal patronage. BATTLE & BROTHERS. November ISlh, 1830. JYolicc. np II E Subscriber offers for sale on very moderate and accommodating terms, good Cotton fliti, Of 37 saws it is in prime order and ready for xmmediufc use Alsoj one ol Ilarman's Patent Thresh ing Machines, which with one horse it is said will thresh from 125 to 150 bushels of wheat, rye, oats arid rice, and from 150 to 200 bushels ol" peas per day- GEO. OIVARD. Vegetable ILife Pills And PlacnSx ISitfcrs HE high celebrity which these excel lent medicines have acquired, in cu ring almost every disease to which the human frame is liable, is a matter familiar with almost ever intelligent person. They became known by their fruits their pood works have testified for them they" did not thrive by the faith of the credulous. In cases of Costiveness, Dyspepsia, Bili ous and Liver a flections, Asthma, Piles, Seilied P.wns, Kheumatism, Eevers and Agues, Obstinate Headaches, impure state of the Fluids, Unhealthy appearance ol the skin, Nervous Debility, the sickness incident to females in delicate health, eve ry kind of weakness in the Digestive or gans, and in all general Derangements of health, these medicines have invariably proved a certain and speedy remedy. They restore vigorous health to the most exhausted constitutions. A single trial will place the Liife JPills aiidIhcnLv Bitter 8 Beyond l?ie reach of competition, in the estimation of every patient. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, at WM. 13. MOFFAT'S Medical Office, 375 Broadway, New York. N. B. None are genuine unless they have the fac simile of John Mortal's signature. 0C?"The Life Pills are sold in boxes Price, 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1 each, according to the size; and the Phenix Bit ters in bottles, at $1 or $2 each, with full directions. For gratuitous distribution An inte resting little pamphlet, entitled ?f offals iTSejIical Maianal, Designed as a domestic guide to health containing accurate information con cerning the most prevalent diseases, and the most approved remedies by Wm. B. Moffat. Applv to GEO. liOlVARD, Agent. Marhss Ointment FOR THE BE OF 4 W nnilE Subscriber begs leave to offer to the attention of those who are subject to that most disagreeable of disorders, THE PULES, A remedy, the efficacy of which has been tested by the experience of years, and the utility of w hich has in no instance been impaired from failure to relieve. To those who have been subjected lo this disease, it will prove, if applied when re attacked, a sure preventative to its contin uance, without the least pain; indeed ma ny have pronounced it the most agreeable remedy ever applied. There can be no danger in its use, as its component parts are of harmless vegetable matter. ' The mother of the subscriber who is the maker of the Uintment, has been in the habit of giving it to her friends and neigh bors for the last five or six years, and in no instance to her knowledge has its ap plication been ineffectual, as will be seen by a number of certificates annexed, as well as the testimony of a medical gentle man who has used it himself and prescri bed it lo the relief of others. Those who .ire suffering will do well to make a trial of the remedy. Its efficacy is guaranteed, and there can be no doubt but that the disorder may be arrested in its earliest stale, if no delay be made iu its ap plication. The directions for use will be found on each bottle. SAMUEL IT. MARKS. y Petersburg, Va. Aug. 31. f?"The Ointment may likewise be ob tained from Messrs. Spctswood Robert son, Druggists, Petersburg and from the subscriber, in Tarboro', where the certifi cates abjve referred lo can be seen. GEO. HOW AH t)y Agent. 2? IVcw anil Beautiful FALL AND WINTER MIL LINER, Y, $-, ITrs. ,f. C. HOiRB- JS now opening her fall supply of Goods; selected with the greatest cdre and at tention, ahd compi ising a general assort menl of the most neat, useful and ornd' mental articles; in the jflillincry line Among her Goods will be found A variety of beautiful pattern bonnets; ld- tcst and most approved style; Straw bonnets, in great variety; Plain, fig'd and watered silks and satins; Gro de Algiers, Gro de Nap, &c; Veils, collars, cap-', turfs; French, velvet and fancy Flowers, An extensive assoitment of ribbons, &c'. All of which will be sold cheap for' cash, or on her usual accommodating term to punctual customers. Tarboro', Nov 5, 1S40. EieccEiistieiuIcd hy the Faculty Drs. Jl. J IlarrcllU celebrated' PREPARED MEDICirnSg. THESET NEW AND PLEASANT REMEDIES COMPRISE Their Alterative Extract of SarsapariUd and Blood Root. This is a valuable remedy in the Cure of scrofula or king's white swelling, pains in me bones, ulcerous sores, eruptions of the skin, rheumatism, syphilitic and mer curial affections, debility, and alt diseases arising from impuriises of the blood, of impaired constilntions from long habits of excessive dissipation, price $1 per bottle. Their Improved Extract of SarsapariUd and Cubebs. For the cure of chronic diseases of ihe mucous membrane, such as dysentery. leuchorrhea, gleets, strictures, hermorrhou dal affections, but especially forgonorrhea in all us stages catarrhs of mucous surfa. ces, more particularly the lungs, kidneys & their appendages. Price $1 per bottle. Their Concentrated Extract of Buchu and Uva trsi. For curing diseased urinary organs such as gravel, morbid irritation and chronic inflammation of the kidneySj ure ters, bladder and urethra: also, diseases of the prostrate gland, loss of tone in pas sing urine, cutaneous affections and rheu matism. Price $1 25 per bottle Their Febrifuge or Camomile Tbhii. For the cure of all debilities, loss of ap- petite, but especially for Fever and Ague for which it has been more particularly prepared. This medicine is So compoun ded as to meet this troublesome disease iu all its stages, and its ingredients sd powerfully concentrated as to produce am effectual cure of ihe most obstinate cases by taking a few doses. Price $ per bottle; Their A nti-spasmodic or Camphorated Cordial. Designed to cure excessive voniitting diarrhea, cholera morbus, Asiatic cholera, pain in the stomach, cramps, hysterics, colics, hypocondria, spasms, convulsions and muttering delirium in the low forms of bilious fever. 1 1 is a fine substitute for paregoric. Price 75 cents per bottle Their Cough Mixture of Carrczctri Aoss and Sfjuills. For the cure of diseased Lungs, chrOfl ic affections of the stomach and bowels and all diseases produced by-sudden chan ges in temperature. Price 75 cents per botile. Their A nti-bilious Tomato PilU. These pills combine the extract of To- rnato and Slippery Elm, with several of the most approved remedies of the Mate ria Medica, and if taken according to the! directions, wr:i cure all diseases within the reach of human means. As a cathartici they are copious and free as an aperient they are mild and certain; as a tonic they are prompt and invigorating; as an altera tive they are superior to calomel or any, other known remedy, and as a purifier of the blood, ihey are unequalled in the his tory of medicines. Price 50 cents per box Their Superfine Tooth Powder. For curing and hardening the gnnis. cleaning, preserving and keeping white ihe teeth, and for sweetening the breath, Price 50 cents per box. The above preparations are offered; tot the public generally and Physicians espe cially, not as nostrums, or panaceas, bur as neat and convenient preparations rnnde on strictly scientific principles. They con tain active virtues of their respective ingredients, in a concentrated form, auoV will do all in removing disease that suclr medicines can possibly effect. Since their invention, many afilicted with ihe prece ding diseases have been restored by ijieir transcendent virtues; and the great and de sirable rew ard of health still awaits those who avail themselves of their use accord in" lo prescribed directions. They are1 for sale at the office of GEO. HOWARD, Agent.

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