wandrctlis 3, Botanic JMcdicincs. Earga in s!! Barga ins!!! At the cheap Cash Store. JAMES AVEDDELL & CO. IDIESPECFULLY announce to th citizens of Edgecombe and adj lining counties, lhat they have on hand an excel lent supply of Foreign ami Domestic floods? Which iliey have commenced sellingoff at Greatly reduced Prices, their object being to reduce their Mock as speedily as possible, to make room lor a larse sntinsr Sunnlv. those desirous ol obtaining Good Bargains, Will do Well l call and examine their as sorlment, confident that they can offer in dueements to cash purchasers rartly lo be met wilh. The following articles are offered AT COST, and are particularly deserving the attention of the public, to wit: 13 road cloths, cissimeres satim-lts Kentucky jeans, kinseys kerseys for negro men's V women's wear, Mackinaw and Whitney blankets, fur caps, Lilies cloaks, men's overcoats, plain and figured meiiuoes, moustin de laines, cSv, 5c ALSO, at half price, remnants of silks, calicoes, nerinoes, $ 5c. Tarboro, Feb. 20. 1641. Cotton Yam. npHE subscriber has j.tt received a quantity of Cotton Yarn, diffeieni numbers, which he will sell At II educed Prices, On reasonable and accommodating terms GEO. HOWARD. Tarb.r o', Ja . IS 10. sap $10 Reward. UANAWAY from the Sub Scriber, on the 27ih of July, 1S40, nrgro man DANIEL Said Daniel is about thirty four years of age, the r ise of six feel high, dark complexion, and a little knock kneed, with a scar on one side of his moulh, which side not recollected also, a small piece of one of his ears has been hit off in a fight. Said negro weighs the rise of two hundred pounds, and was rai sed in Pitt county, N. C. I fur warn all persons from harboring said negro under the penalty of the law. I will give the above leward to any person lhat will ap prehend said negro, and deliver him to me, near Oak Grove, Edgecombe county, N. C. or confine him in any jiil so th;it I get him again. ABNER TSON. Feb. 24, 1841. 9 MOFFAT5 UTc Pill & Fhenix Bitters. rip HE perfectly safe, unerring, and suc--- cessful treatment of almost every species of disease by the use of jlotfaVs Jjife lledicines Is no longer a matter of doubt, as a refer ence to the experience of many thousand patients will satisfactorily prove. During the present month alone, neatly one hun dred cases have come to the knowledge of Mr. Moffall, where the patient has, u a" appearance, effected a permanent cure by the exclusive and judicious use of the Life medicines some eihl or ten (if these had been considered beyond all hope by their medical attendants. Such happy results are a source of great pleasure to Mr. M. and inspire him with new confidence to re commend the use of his medicines to his fellow citizens. The MjH'c tiled i cities Area purely VEGETABLE preparation. They are mild and pleasant in their ope ration, and at the same lime thorough acting rapidly upon the secretions of the system earning off all acrimonious hu mors, and assimilating with and purifying the blood. For this reason, in aggravated cases of Dyspepsia, the Life medicines will give relief in a shorter spac e of time than any other prescription, lo Fever &, ague, Inflammatory rheumatism, v evers ol every description, sick head ache, heart burn, Dizziness in the head, pains in the chest, Flatulency, impaired appetite, and in eve ry disease arising from an impurity of the blood, or a disordered state of the stom acu, toe tiaC n! s r ! w r v : House, Landscape &? Ornamental PAINTING. npHE Subscriber respectfully informs -H- the citizens of Edgecombe county, that he has located himself Ju Tarborough, Where he is prepared lo execute all orders in his line of business. Those wishing gigs, sideboards, silting chairs, fire screens and the like painted. will bring them to the coach shop ot Alt Terrell. lie will leave town and go into the country when house painting is required All orders in his line ol business will be thankfully received and faithfully executed on reasonable terms. LEWIS BE ARQUER. Tarboro', Feb. 26. THE subcriher has recently procured and now offers for sale on reasonable and accommodating terms, the following Thosaipsosainfii Medicines, viz: Lobelia, seed ami pulverized, 2nd and 3rd Preparation of do. Composition, Net ve Powder, Popkr liark, African Bird P pper, Uayherry, Skunk cabbage, wake robin, liaNain Fir, liulternui syrup, lldmony, Green ozier, Myrrh, Unicom root, dinger, Hilter Root, Golden Seal, Clivers, Pond Lilly, hemlock, wi eh hazle, Cough powder-, raspberry leave, Prickly ash, slippery elm, baibeny, Cholera and Dysentery Syrup, Rheuma'ie Tine'cnc, Woman's Friend, Sneng'liening Plater, No. C, Toouipsou's Guide and Narrative, Robinson's L cluies, S iinges, c. GEO HOWARD. Tarboro', NT.v. 9ih, 1S.':9. Cleanse and muiiy tlm i npilEappheatioMohl ' ' gion being a,,ovvJ;;'l eo,IV greatest utility in the cure aJ n f ol disease, it is ol the ereai., P'eVtr" ... -"ut to ascertain what medicine ptodueir g the desired effi-ct i s , ami ai me Mime tune in tU t..a! ma .ner. ,he mM It has now no loi a-er . ibe blind p..aieesTti et" ?11 'n of the public; j, U o I1 P r i hose lew who si ill are cletein;", ille,l accidino yl, pie ol old who -'would ,ave a V- teigu over thim." H,Jtf ,l,anks nS ;C ciicul.i'inn of newspapc-.s,.,' ,0 ft: general diffusion of knowh-ja,." vS.,JHi! .bles nineteen twer.tii ih . i i n.. "H PLE to lead and pide )r II ilV nil In.r. I.. I . . luiiii i u; ni've lii ihl fli!iillt' r..i.iil lt ' o cure-but uimei;,y tavi , 5! worse condition after iis ue. 'ai We no longer believe in ,le b oolinn'h:it I iilLiinmni;,,,., . 'U'S IV 113 I' .an he eiired hv nhvi i lri J "'-- a 1 1 1 1 ir OUIi HLOOI). Ii i APPROVED Patent Medicines. IOTA RR I SON'S spcciTic Ointment, fo: the cure of ulcers, wound-, corns fever sores, chilblains, white swelling., hiles, pib-s, spider and sn;ik- l)iu-s, &c It is likewise greatly superior to any mt dicine herelof ne discovered for the fed backs and limb-of horses for tetters, ring worms, chapped lips and in shoit, for every extern ul bodily evil that may fall lo the lot of man or beast. Carpenters compound Syrup of Liverwort, for the cure ol rough, pii ting of b?v"d Consumption, and Liver Complaints. Indian hair Dye, warranted, with one application, lo change light oi red lluir, to a beautiful brown or j-t black, in a few hours, wit houl stiiinin ti.e skin, or injuring the texture of the hair; the color is permanent, and will not rub off or soil the finest limn. Bernard's remedy for Asiatic Cholera, cholera morbus, diarrhcei, sum mer complaints, colics, cramps &. spasms' Carter's Southern Illunmulic Embrocation, a speedy cure for rheuma tism, chilblains, sprains, numbness, and stiffness of the joints, &e. Furson's pectoral balm of Car. ragen, or Irish moss, a sale and certain remedy for coughs, colds, asthmas, hoop, ing cough, shortness of breath, spilling ol blood, consumption, &e. The afflicted man's Friend, or Ointment ol many virtues, much celebra ted for the cure of scrofula or !;;;,..', rVii, ringworm, goilie, inflamed eyes" burns! scalds, chilblains, breaking mil on chil dren's heads, eruption, or pimples on the face, breaking out on the mouth, scot bulic Ulcers, & ulcerated sore leg, sore breasts and cancerous humors. Printed dire ctions accompany the above d?Xrl!,,iyop,,ovtl,pa'1-nl n- proved to be beyond doubt, greatly supe rior to any other mode of treatment. All thai Mr. Moffit ;Ui of his patients is, to be particular in taking ihem siriciiy accoi ding to the directions, li is not by a newspaper notice, or by any ihing that he himself may say in iheir favor, that he hopes lo gain credit. Il is alone by the results of a fair trial. L the reader an in valid, and does he wish lo know whether the Life medicines will suit bis own case? If so, let him call or send to Mr. Moffat's agent in this dace, and procure a copy of the Medical Manual, designed as a Domes tic Guide to Health, published gratuitous ly. 1 J e will there find enumerated very many extraordinary cases of curet and perhaps some exactly similar lo his own. Moffat's Medical office in New York, 375 Broadway. GEO. HOWARD, Agent. Tarboro', Oct. 1840. fJpHE immense and increasing popula rity of these pills, is another proof of t lie infallibility of the old adage, thai "truth is powerful and will prevail." Oth er pills are only puffed, but Or. Peters' are purchased and praised, and recommended until the demand for them has become al most universal. Or. Peters would impress this fact up on ihe pnblie, that his pills are not a quack medicine; but a scientific compound ol simples, which has been the result of m;i ny years intense application to a profes siou in which he was regularly bred; hence il is as popular with the regular fic ully as with the people at large. One of the many peculiar virtues of the vegetable pills, is, that while very power ful in their t-(Verts, they are particularly mild and gentle in their action. Unlike t lie generality of medicines, their application is never ullended with nausea oi griping. Inters' Z'vgciablc Myitis Are now regarded by ilicsc '.viia l::;ve hnl an opportunity to decide upon their mer its, as an inestimable public blessing. U ilhout an exception in any age or coun try, no medicine has spread with such rapi dity, and given such universal satisfaction Prepared by JOSEPH PRIESTLY PETERS, M. O., No. 129 Liberty street, New York. The pills are neatly put up in tin boxes, price 50 cents per box. Extract of a letter from Dr. llopson, of They are a peculiarly mild, yel efficient purgative medicine; and produce liule, if any, griping or nausea. 1 have prescri bed them it iili much success in sick head ache and slight bilious fevers. Eitvact of a Utter from Dr. Joseph Wil liams, of Burlington, Vl. July yf g37. I cordially recommend Peters' pills as a mildly effectue, ami in no case dangerous family medicine. They are peculiarly in fluential in costiveness and all the usual diseases of ihe digestive organs. Extract of a letter from Dr. Edward Smith cMcr.:re::l, LK C. Srpt. 29, 1 330. ' I never knew a sintile oatenl nu di, I, that I could pU the slightest confidence in but Or. Peters' Vegetable pills, which ai J really a valuable discovery. I have no he sitation in having it knuU,,hat I use then, extensively in my practice, for all com plaints O they are not a few which have their source id the impurity of ihe blosd. 03 The above Pills are for sale at the I ost office and Printing office in Tarbjro October, 1840. Br. COHIOOiVS TONIC MIXTURE, FOR THE CURE OF Intermittent or'Bgue and JFevcr. o rrnillS mixture purifies the blood, rc moves the ague and consequent fever. The blood is made from the chyle oi contents of the stomach, has ils red col our and vitality imputed to il by the action of the lung" and oxygen ga, which the atmospheric air contains. The Samp son gland of the system, the liver, se eretes the bile, from the blood carried lo lhat organ through the Vena Portarum. These Viscera then are the i!i!c.T.:r2! annai ai'js; !; which the blood is made and preserved, and should be the Physician's watchword mark well the secretions. This mixture is harmless, and may be given lo infants with pet feet safely, as its composition is solely Vegetable. Read the certificates below and annexed letter. 1 do hereby certify, that in 1837, my son Thomas was attacked with intermit tent or Ague and fever. 1 applied to a respectable physician in Portsmouth, he gave him medicine, but in a few days the ague returned. 1 then applied lo a physi cian atSomerlon, heprescribpd.bin found no relief. 1 then applied to Dr. Cohoon, and one bottle of tonic mixture made spee dy and permanent cure. Given under my hand this 25th of Febitiary. DAI" ID DUN FORD. Nansemond County, Va. Wiuton, N.C. Ap. 9, 1839. I have acted as A sent for the sale of Dr. Cohoon's tonic mixture, and can, from personal observation recommend it o ihe public for the cure of Ague and Fever, as 1 have sold is to those who had been plagued with the ague a id fever lot many months, and tried many other remedies without success, when one bottle ol the mixture m ule a speedy cure. Dr. Tohoon is at liberty to u-'e this certificate in any publication he may think prop. r. LAWRENCE ELY Nansemond Co., Va., April IS, 1839. 1 do hereby certify, that Dr. Cohoon's Tonic Mixture proves an effectual cure for Ihe ague and lever, for I have taken it and found it to fail in no stage of the disease whatever. ELISILl E VERB TT. Hertford Co., N. C.,June 2, 1839. I do certify, that 1 have taken Dr. Co ho'in's Tonic Mixture, and Us,cd it in my family, and it has proved to be one of the best medicines I have ever used or seen given for Ague and Fever. WILLIAM P. BRITTON. Colerain, N. C, July 27th, 1839. My Dear Sir: 1 thought to have answered your note sometime since, but negligence is the only reason I have to offer. 1 have procu red you an Agent lo sell your medicine ai Colerain, Vm. J. Hnrdy, E-q., merchant of lhat place. I handed over to Mr. Hardy nine bottles of your mixture, and keep 3 myself; which I will account lo you for. Mr. Hardy wishes a further sup ply, say 3 dozen hot lies. I have used 4 bottles of your Tonic Mixture in the course of 12 months in my family, and il has succeeded in every case when every other medicine lhat 1 had tried had failed: and I say it is preferred to any medicine lhat I have ever used for the ague & fever. 1 am yours truly. J. WATFORD. A GENTS. ; : . . "our a 'I at n ui.w. o- .i .i1Uy, i arnoro , N. C JAMES E. WEEKS. Pasquotank co. JOHN ASKEW, Pnch Landing, A: C. F. S. MARSHALL, Halifax N C. EA WRENCH ELY, Wioton, A' C. JOSEPH HORNSUY, Suffolk, Va. LA W R EN C E & V AUG II A N, M u if, ees- borough, N. C. WILLIAM J. II RDY, Colerain, N C. ARTHUR T. FOSTER, Rryeifield, Va. March, 1640. 13 ESccoiianicBSflccl by the Faculty. c- Tomato and Slippery Elm PIIjIiS. nnHEREare many family medicines now before the public, some of w hich, from their intrinsic virtues have j"tl, gained the confidence and gratitude of thousands; hut in the light of contrast, and in the scale of curative merit, Or. Harrell's Tomato and Slippery Elm Pills stand pre-eminently above them all; nor is :m apology off. ird for taking this high ground, unless it is the fact of their supe perior, and almost miraculous effects in the cure of diseases. They prodme, when ta ken, a deep and 1 isting impression that they stand at the head ol all other prepai -ed medicines of ihe day. Fevers, Liver affecuom", Jaundice, head-ache, loss ol appetite, costiveness, female cpmplaint s, and every disease within the reah of hu man means; yield readily to the power ful, yet gentle operation of these pills. As a cathartic S y are copious and free, as an aperient they are mild and certain, as a tonic they are prompt and invigorating, as on alterative they are superior to Calo mel or any other known remedy, and as a purifyer of the blood they are unequalled in the history of medicines. There is no disease can withstand their life-giving en ergy when taken in time, or interrupt tlo system at all when the)' are administered as it preventative. Ouriug sickly sea sons, and l lie prevalence of epidemicks, their occasional use will preserve the body from attacks of disease. 50 ten l per box. 54 per qross. Onipgisls, Hooksi llers, and Merchants are requisite lo become agents for the sale ol the above'medicines. All orders (post paid) directed lo Or. A. Hanell, Lliz-ibeth City, N. C. will re ceive strict attention. TESTIMONIALS. Cbailes Hiighi, E-n. Pascriotank Co. N. C cured of sick head ache, si, k stom- ' wl i r ... . i . i !'-..- -.iv :. ni, w?um:i, .iimi itver. j (Stall Piichett, E-q. Paquolank Co., N. C.t of bilious plriirisy, pain in the head, and soreness of the whole body. Charles Harrel, Esq. Elizabeth I ity, N. C, his family of bilious and oilier symptoms. Capt. J. Smith, Windsor, N. C." of liver complaint and costiveness. Rev. G. M. Keesee, Portsmouth, Va., of bilious h.ibit, head ache and nausea. Joseph Ramsey, Esq. Plymouth, N. (J., ,,f indisposition. Rebrrl Simpson, Esq, Pasquotank Co., N. C. his wife loss of appetite, and his servant of diarrhoea. Horatio N. Wil liams, Esq. Elizabeth City. N. C. of iu- (i Tin i(.'nie!iv (iiiuncc of iitt inc. a sijr,,;,! HOW Uf.ll .., -lood that an infl munition is-. .. " "'e fir " lhat a... , o.., purUve ine to ease her ol tin nni,,,.,,;.,. , ,' an! sposnion. James C:rtw right Esq. Pas quotank ivo., IN. C, of oSs of appetite, ami sick stomach. Rev. James A. Rid dick, Randolph IMacoii College, of symp toms of Dyspepsia. Mr. Zion Culpepper, Elizabeth City, N. C, of loss of appetite Rev. Joseph Turner, Elizabeth Cm, N.' C, of sick stomach, and flaiulen. e. Jo seph Sharbor, Esq. Camden Co., N C, 111' Irilil ..-I o ... I. I I -I- "" o, .mil unions (lerauuemeiil. Mr. Knber; Pool, P.squo'ank Co., N C, of impaired appetite and costiveness A few selected out of man v. AGENTS. James M. Redmond, ) ,n , Ceo. Howard, 1 ;,rboro . 0. Emersoo, Nmfolk, Va. IL Hurt'S: Co, Portsmouth, Va. W. Radham, Edeuton, N. C. V. FesseniJen, Plymouth N. C . 'tiy, iiertlord, . C. D- Clayton, Tyrrel, N. C. H. O. .Macheo, Washington, . C. S. Marshall, Halifax'; N C. N. H. Hassell, Williamston, C. Webb 8c Capehart, Windsor, N. C. M. Mason, Rah igh, i. C. S. Small, near Wooiiville, . C. S. Hall, Newberu, N. C. W. Si G. Howard, Ocracoke, N. C. Sept. 21, 1639. which she proves by the lu-av feVtr I :U wtlltl T llil.u 1 w ii I. I .. , lo othi i uonis. II. e h:,.n r al)le ell anii;j. 6- Brandrelh Vegetable universal pip r. quire no skill in Iheir ada.ini, the printed dinclion only 13s Q J o-tMTveti, aoo u.ey in scnhe i,e I'"' ,""6,l"u"c Ul "lo "incase be cm d. Eel all persons read the fo!l, pinion ol a Mlen.j.n who v.t; ihe qoalilies ol tin se i .lis. H rand ri ih's Pitts. Ibis rmdicinc is ncknou leJi d qu one ol the n;o-t va'nablc tvi i th-coven,: is a putifi. r ol the blood and fluids i :s superior lo S.u sapai ill.i. wifilnrjs, -od'.'llhc or alterative, ll sl..iit! n i. t). fore ali the pn paralions cu cin,hii;ji,(' I Metcoiy. 1 is ifiir.n.-vc d.-ne of iiic.dcuhtble value Irr lbesePi!: i ay b. taken daily for any period, ii, stead ol wtakeiiinby ihe caiiiaihc it! i bey add str-n;ih by l, U tn ;iUay the Cju I w eakness. There is no good MtiCu'r Iocs, which iliPst.Pills do not lilieivi-' Rut li.ey have none ol ihe mieiV: ff cts (, that deadly specific. The t:: ire not ir jurcd; ihe hones and limbs'! :.ot DaialiZ'd no but in I lie Mud i tin se disiiessin; y mpton.s, i f w liin: consiqiK iit anin.'ation is i vuh m in tvft oi ven. t ot ol Ihe body. U rant! nil) Pills are indeed a umvrsul llemuiy.ti ihe cure opposite dis;aes; ihe) ce I njliimmtt t io:i and chrome rheumnia I hey cure diabetes and slruniiu. They cine dysentery and contilu!tOi cotf.inic.'ss. I hey will cure all ihn (ij)parenl !y opposite diseases, liidfi' Ibey cleanse, and purify ife I lood, javi ded, how. v r, naiuie is i o. beyond 3 human ANSI STANCE Ki-ur ycaisl medicine lias now btcn h tote tiiepuia: in the Cileil Stales; vlnri ver it l'as bed intioductd, il has s-i: :-tt -cded a.'l oil.t This medicine In? ben ir.nd'1 1 su'-j'-e! of much nu rriment t!.'.-"?,:,'jl in- Coiled Slates, while it tiiili'v I'3 'ecu extensively acknow k-died. impreiion seems lo be unii s;rou iliai IJiandielh's medinne may be e idoyed vi:h safely and l ct, a a re) or oidioary i. funiities. fl-cie & uiau sensible pefs-ons in hi- oil", as as other pai ls ol the country, uho 's u;iei piopne'y testily ti ilu- jjooel tffc; I Uraodielh's Pills. Jrum fi tjuent "P(!" uieuts; & no t Vil may be ;ip;s cht-it.et. irew ihe use of ihem accordmy to ll' 'ltf' lions, lo din c inj : i ! i i c tilcn'ion to Mrjndiet!: medicine, we only t"!),c?' honest convictions, that lite Uiant'iJ Pills have done more se i vice to the ,cr ent jr-neratiu), than all the );)""!Ije cine which have ever been intrO"-1" ioli general use. . , ur in (inarcm s voices m .-- - w a c 2 11, IHiOAUWAV: 1 mii i t, a- el 27G, IJowery, between and Houston streets , Re mt mbi r Draaiiisls are nei'O'" Agents 1 Slrect 19 A fnv doors below the Old Richmond, is Dli. HUN-I. 'KU UEI H'S VIKtilMA 0KK1CK. Te foliowiiiij iseiillemeii ,,3V, j. appointed agents lur Ibe ul eth's p,s: UEO. IIOU'Ah'D, rttrboro', ic venson & Hiyan, Waynrsboro j ; . IV-k. Raleigh: A. P. field: li. 11. li.ker. Lnuistjura, j i. er & Haichelor. hiJieUl ' rysni,, Stuitoubnrg: M- ' "''n' lifax: B. B. Daniel, UealU'Ui - .nil PincbeH, Brinhleyvdle- I'l... Iii,iu ..... I i' i.l(HCllt' o every county in the- Malt", " . r t'ox. il h dn ectioris. , Iv.rh aent has an ei i' '1'"1 ..ud B. Brandrclh, M-& Match,

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