TO 3 ?rioc JNtf. 780. horouSh,( Edgecombe County, X. CJ Saturday, .Mar ( 2 1. 1811. Vol. Mil Xo 12. pmm rp i yyft i Tip Tarborongh S9rcss, TiY GKOrtiJE IIOWAIIP, js published weekly at. Two Dtllnrs and F;ftf Ccrf.s PT y,ir' ' P:1'd advaic.s or, Wee fWdat tho expiration of the s-iaseriritioii year, l-'nr an period less than a year, T.c-itt.ioj f ,. per month. Subscrihers arc at. liberty to discontinue at anytime, on givin'.r notice thereof pnJ pnyinff arrears those resMin r at a distance must invariably pay in advance, or give a respoa 5jl,le reference in this vicinity. Advertisements riot exceeding a square will 1p inserted at One Dollar t!ie first insertion, an.l 0' rents for every continuance. Longer advertise ments in like proportion. Court Orders and Ju Aichl advertisements 53 per cent, lihrVr. .VI-' vprtisements niust be marker! the mi:nber of in sertions required, or they will be coatinm 1 until otlPrvise orderod and charged accordingly. Jitters addressed to the IMitor rniiofbe post paid or they may not be attended to. INAUGURAL ADDRESS. Of Gen. Harrison, (con fin ucd from our Ins!. ) Upon another occasion I have given my opinion, nt some leng'h, up v the impro priety of Executive interference in the le iiislaiion of Congress. Tint the article in the Constitution making it the duty of the President to communicate, information, and authorizing him to recommend me. is ures,was not intended to m ike him the jonrce of legislation, m l, in pu licuiar, that he should never he looked to for schemes of finance. It wool I he very siranjjp, indeed, that the Constitution should have strictly forbidden one branch of the Legislature from intei It-ring in the origination of such bills, and it should he considered proper that an altogethi r different department of ihe Government should be permitted to do so. our best political maxims and .some oi : have been drawn from our parent I1 There are others, however, which cannot be introduced in our syem without singu lar incongruity, and the production of much mischief. And this I conceive to be one Xo matter in which of the Ilotis- esof Parliament a bill may originate, nor by whom introduced, a minister, or a member of the opposition, hy the fiction of law, or rather of constitutional principle, the sovereign is supposed to have prepar ed it agreeably to his will, and then sub mitted it to Parliament for their advice and consent. Now, the very revcise is the case here, not only with regard to the prin-! ciple, but the forms prescribed by the Con stitution. The principle certainly assigns to the only body constituted by ihe Con stitution (the legislative body,") the power to make laws, and the forms even direct that the enactment should be ascribed to them. The Senate, in relation to revenue bills, have the right to prr.po-e amend ments; and so has the Executive, by the power given him to return them to the House of Representatives, with bis objtc lions. His in his power, also to propose amendments to the existing revenue laws, suggested by his observations upon their selective or injurious operation. Hut the delicate duty of dev ising schemes of reven ue should be left where the ConMitution has placed it with the immediate repre- ""aui" onnc people, ror similar rca ?ons the mode of keening the public ! reasure should be prescribed by them; jncl the farther removed it may be from e control of the Executive, the more Mioiesomc the arrangement, and the more 1!1 accordance with Republ ican principle. Connected with this subject is the char ter of the currency. The idea of making "exclusively metallic, however well iu CniH appears to me to be fraught with re 3tal consequences than any other scheme, having no relation to the personal r!.ghts of the citizen, than has ever been de thrr any 's'nS,e scheme could produce e effect of arresting, at once, that mini- linn f ... . u" condition hy which thousands ol 'ndust iuiyiii it-iiow Citizens oy ineir ana enterprise, are raised to the 'sMonol wealth, that is the one. If an ,ulSOne me;,s"'C better calculated than ' 0 Jerto produce that stale of things so " deprecated hy all true republicans, hoard h richa,e (,ai,y :i(1,lil'o iHcir D r s'andthe poor sinking deeper into cVo it.isan exclusive metallic curren char lie,e i? a process by which the acter of the country for generoitv and lenessol'leelingmay be "des'roye'd by , J,e great increase and necessary toleration sivc meialhc currcn- L)- Amongst the other duties of a delicate racter which the President is cdled P011 DCrfnrm K C .1-. e ' "nmentoftheTerritoriiS of lhe Uui I lined i ''nosef them which re ilcs j! litiCaj fbe?ome members of our great p(, Wicl y' :Ue C0!,le,Si,,ei1 !,V ,lu : r0J,,h proS;css from infancy lo manhood, I M'llJ ant 'cniporary h pi ival i ui j political rights I,,; in. .his U,s- ! Hefou-r;!1,3 Ar citizen, are I Ofn.e "iiujuiiucr a sett ed sv.stem privileges, without any inspiring only con mion, under circu :nsanccs of such depri i . : vation, is that of the devo'ed exterior guirds of a camp tint their sufferings se cure tranquillity and safety within. Are there artv of their countrymen whj would sunjeet them to greater sacrifices, to any )t!i r hu nili uions than those ess nti illy nec-ssirv to the security of the obi-ct foV j which they were thus separated from their fellow citizens? Are their rights alone j not to he gu ir intied hy the ap;ilic ition of I those principles, upoi which all our j Constitutions are founded? We are told oy the greatest ot ISntish orators and states men,, at the Commencement of the wirofthe devolution, the most stupid men in Enn;l.ind spoke of -'their American sub jects. Are there, indeed citizens of any of our States who have dreamed of their subjects in the District of Columbia) Such drennscin never he realized hy any agen cy of mine. The people of the Dilri ft nf fi-tii m t i ,uv- Jvj.jjt;L-i oi me people oi the Slates, hut free American citizens. Be ing in the latter condition when the Con stitution was formed, no words used in tint instrument could h-ivc b en intended o deprive them of that character. If there is any thing in the great principles of tina- iro nn i in piiiti.i.iiA r i 1 i- . 1 nen.ioie rights, so emphatically insisted upon in our Declaration of Independence, thev could neither make, nor the United Mates accept, a surrender of their liberties, and become ihe in other words, h" slaves of ihcir former fellow citizens. it mis De in!-, and it will scarcely he de nied by any one who has a correct idea of his own riglrs as an merican citizen, th grant to Congress of exclusive jurisdiction in the District of Columbia, can he inter preted, so fir as respects the aggregate people of the United Si.dcs, as meaning ,,," i,;u; man in aiiow to ontrress :he controlling power necessary to allbrd a free and snfe exercise of the functions as -igned to the General (iovernmcnt by the Constitution. In all other respects, the leiiisl itioil of Coiln-p Jimdd lio n,t .Mtr.-l to their necnli:i- .Ifiinn o,t ,ic ..,,1 be conformable with their deliberate opi nions oi tiieir own interests. I have spoken of the necessity of keep ing the respective Departments of the Go vernment, as well as all the other authori ties of our country, within their appropri ate orbits This is a matter of difficulty in some cases, as the powers which they respectively claim are often not defined by very distinct lines. Mischievous, how ever, in their tendencies, as collisions of this kind may be, those which arise be tween the respective communities, which for certain purposes compose one nation, are much more -o; for no such nation can long exist w ithout the careful culture of those feelings ol confidi nee and affection ! which are the effective bonds of :;:;!'ri be- j tween free and confederated States. St s uc ;' as is 1 he tie Ot interest. It has hern rdien f.und ineffectual. Men, blinded by their 1 pa.vMon.s, nave oeen Known lo adopt mea sure for their country in direct ojj)o.-.i,iv): hope as to the future. Their to all the suggestions of policy. The al-1 ii! their engagements and maintain their tentative, then, is, to destroy or keep down j credit: for the character and credit of the a had passion by creating and fostering a 'several States form part of the character good one; and ibis seems to be the corner jand credit of the whole country. The re stone noon vdiich our American noiitiivd ' snurppc nf Ihn pnnntrr nre idinndnnt llio architects have reared this fabric of nuc'i Government. The cement which was to bind it, and perpetuate its existence, was ' the affectionate attachment between all its i memhers. 1 o insure the continuuance of this feeling, produced at first by a com munity of dangers, of sufferings and of in t crests, ihe advantages of each were made accessible to all. No participation in any gootl, possessed by any member of an ex tensive confederacy, except in domestic government, was withheld from the citi zen of any other member. Uy a process attended with no difficulty, no delay, no but that oficmoval, the citizen of one might become the citizen of any other, and successively of ihe whole. The lines, too, separating powers to he exercised by the c'niztns of one Slate from those ot another, seem to be so tli.-tincily diawn as lo leave no room for misunderstanding. The citizens of c.ich Stale unite in their person all the privileges which that char- cter confers, and ail th;it they may claim as citizens of ihe United States; but in no Case can lhe same person, at ihe same lime, act as the citizen of two separate Slates, and he. is therefore positively precluded from any interference with the reserved powers of tt ny Slate but that if which he is. for Ihe time be'iog, a citizen. He ma indeed offer lo the citizens of other Stan, s his advice as to their management, and lhe form in which it is tendered is left to his own uiscieuoii uuu sense oi proprie iy. It may he observed, however, that or ganized associaiions of citizens, requiring i dMipli.ince ith their widit s, too much n sen. hie the recommenda I ions of Athens o hi i allies s ipported by an armed and powerful fljet. It was, indeed, to the ambition of the leading M:des of Greece to control the domestic concerns of theotheis, (that the destruction of that celebrated con- - federac.y, and subsequently of all its mem ners, is m-iinly to be attributed. And it . ....u.,,,., ul llMl n, m incj ueivcim couieueracy lias lor so many years oeen preserve Aever has there be?n seen in thfi intiintirtria r iK c. - ""iuhj ui me .-.jjn.iie mcuioersotany conledcracy more elements of discor 1. In the principles and forms of g iveanment and religion, as well as in the circumstances of the several cautious, so marked a discrepance was observable, as to promise any thing but harmony in their or permanency in their alli ance. And yc, for ngos, neither h is been interrupted. Content with the positive benelits which their union produced, with the indenende net1 and safptv from f. reign aggression which it. secured, these sagacious people respected the institutions of each other, however repugnant to thsir own principles and prejudices. Our Confederacy, fellow-citizens, can only be preserved by the same forbear ance. Our cit izens must he content with the exercise of the powers with which the Constitution clothes them. The aitemnt of those of one State to control the domes tic institutions of another, can only resuli in leeiings ot distrust and jealousy, the certain harbingers of disunion, violence, civil war, and the ultimate destruction of our free institutions. Our Confederacy is perfectly illustrated by the terms and prin ciples governing a common copartnership There a f ind of povvcr is to he exercised under the direction of the joint councils of . i. i i . me auied memocrs, lint that which ha been reserved by the individual members is intangible to the common Government or the individual members composing it. To attempt it finds no support in the prin ciples of our Constitution. It should be our constant and earnest endeavor mutual ly to cultivate a spirit of concord and har mony among the various parts of our Con federacy. Experience has abundantly taught us that the agitation by citizens of one part of the Union of a subject not con fided to the General Government, but ex clusively under the guardianship of the lo cal authorities, is productive of no other consequences than bitterness, alienation, discord, and injury to the very cause which is intended to be advanced. Of all Ihe great interests which appertain to our coun try, that of union, cordial, confiding, fra ternal union, is by fir the most important, since it is the only true and sure guarantee of all others. In conscqucm e of the embarrassed state of business and the currency, some of the States may meet with difficulty in their fi nancial concerns. However deeply we may regard any thing imprudent or exces sive in the engagements into which States have entered for purposes of their own, it noes not Decome us to disparage I tie State ; Governments, nor fn discnuraye them from ! making proper efforts for their own relief: the eontrarv. it is our dot v to encourao-o llim t tUn ovtont nut- (.nnctitnimn.J authority, to onnlv their best means, and I i .i!nn..r..ii.. 4 i ii . :r. vi it-ei i u 1 1 ui iii;iitu in i iiuuus.'vii y u I I ii ees , r,d submit, to all necessary burdens to ful- i iv.onmlnwivitrnf nnr nnnnlo nm. vet bial; and we may "well hopa that wise legislation and prudent administration, by the resnretivp (invnmments. each .net in or within its own sphere, will restore former prosperity. Unpleasant and even dangerous as colli sions may sometimes he, between the con stituted authorities or the ciiizens of our country, in relation to the lines which se parate their respective jui isdictions, the results can be of no vital injury to our in stitutions, if that ardent patriotism, that devoted attachment to liberty, that spirit of moderation and forbearance, for which our countrymen were once distinguished, con tinue to be cherished. If this continues 10 be the ruling passion of our souls, the weaker feelings of the mistaken enthusiast will be corrected, the Eutopian dreams of the scheming politician dissipated, and the complicated intrigues of the demagogue rendered harmless. The spirit of liberty is the sovereign balm for every injury which our institutions may receive. On the contrary, no care that can be used in the construction of our Government, no division of powers, no distribution of checks in its several departments, will prove effectual to keep us a free people, if i his spirit is suffered to decay and decay it will, without constant nurture. To the ne'dect of this duty, the best historians a"-ree in attributing the ruin ofall the Re publics with whose existence and fall their writings have made us acquainted. The same causes will ever produce the same ef fects; and as long as the love of power is a dominant passion of the human bosom, and as long as the understandings of men can be warped and their affections changed hy operations upon their passions and preju dices, so long will the liberty of a people depend on their own constant attention to its preservation. The danger to all well - established free Gorrrnmnn' isjihe unwiilingn-ss of the p.-cmle Jo arises nom r believe in us existence, or from the influence designing men, divrtine their attention j from the quarter whence it approaches, . r. i- -i 'juics Hum wiiion ii can ncv :ver co:n2.j who would! This is the old tn-k of those usurp me uovernmpnt ot th-ir couutrv. In Ihe name f Democracy Uvv spe ,k. wt ro the 'I mi. an' passions" of the whole warning the people against the in P. icnce fj mass cf cifiz-ns. And vet. with the con we.lth and the danger of aristociacy. llis-i -f -ie name and form of fee Go tory, ancient and modern, is full of so--'-. i verum-nt. not a v ;i-e of these Qualities examples. Caesir he cam-.' the master of the lioman penpl- a ul the Senate on b V V e pretence of supporting the Democratic claims of the former against the aris?ocrac of the latter; Cromwell, in the char.i torof protector of the lihenies of the people, be came the dictator of England; and Holivai possessed himself of unlimited power, with) the title of his country's Liberator. There! is, on Ihe contrary, no single instance on record of an extensive and well established Kepublic being changed into an aristocra- cy. The tendencies of all such Govern - ments in their decline is to monarchy; and ihe antagonist principle to liberty there isj the spirit of faction a spirit which as - sumes tha character, and, in times of great excitement, imposes its -If upon the p- op!e " l"L genuine spu n oi liveoom, ami nue the false Christs whose coming was fore told by the Saviour, seeks to, and were it possible would, impose upon the true and most faithful disciples of liberty. It is in periods like this that it behooves the peo pie to 1)3 most wa'chful of those to whom they have intrusted power. And although there is at times much difficulty in distin guishing the false from the tine, spirit, a calm and dispassionate investigation will detect the counterfeit as well by the char acter of its operations, as the results that are produced. The true spirit of liberty, although devoted, persevering, hold, anil uncompromising in principle, that secured, is mild and tolerant and scrupulous as to the means it employs; whilst ihe spirit of party, assuming to be that of liberty, is harsh, vindictive, and intolerant, and to tally reckless as to the character of the al lies which it brings to the aid of its cause. When ihe genuine spirit of liberty ani mates the body of a people to a thorough examination of their affairs, it leads to the excision of every excrescence which may have fastened itself upon any of the De partments of the Government, and restores the system loits pristine health and beauty. But the reign of an intolercnt spirit of par ty amongst a free people, seldom fails toi result in a dangerous accession to the Exe cutive power introduced and established amidst unusual professions of devotion tO; Democracy. The foregoing remarks relate almost cx- cniMveiy 10 mailers connected wun ourdo- mestic concerns. It nviv be oroner. how- t-vcr, that I should give some indications to mv fellowcitizt ns of my proposed course o conduct in tlio management o M our foreign relations. 1 assure them, there - lore, that it is mv Intention to use. nverv intention 10 use every means m my power to preserve she friend- j "y Mr. .Ulkrsou, -to give hrn.ncss &. xthct ly intercourse which now so happily sub to the legal administration of their af sis's wti.. every foreign nation; and that, j lairs. " although ol course, not well inlormed as; to the state of any pending negotiations with any of them, I see in the personal character s of the Sovereigns, as well s in the mutual interest of our own and of the Governments with which our relations are most intimate, a pleasing guarantee that the harmony so important to the interest of their subjects, as well as our citizens, will not be interrupted by the advancement of any claim, or pretension upon their part to which our honor would not permit us to yield. Long the defender of my conntr, rights in lhe field, 1 trusi that my fellow citizens will not see in my earnest desire to preserve peace with foreign powers any indication that their rights will ever be sacrificed, or the honor of the nation tar nished, by any admission on the part of their Chief Magistrate unworthy of their former glory. In our intercourse with our Aboriginal neighbors the same liberality and justice which marked the course prescribed to me by two of my illustrious predecessors, when acting under their directions in the discharge ot the duties of Superintendent and Commissioner, shall be strictly observ ed. I can conceive of no more sublime spectacle none more likely lo propitiate an impartial and common Creator, than a rigid adhtrence to the principles of justice oti the part of a powerful nation in its trans actions with a weaker and uncivilized peo ple, whom circumstances have placed at its disposal. Before concluding, fellow citizens, 1 must say something to you on the subject of the parties at this time existing in our country. To me it appears perfectly clear, that the inlercst of that country requires that the violence of the spirit by which those parties are at this time governed, must be greatly mitigated, if nol entirely extinguished, or con?equences will ensue which are appalling to be thought of. If parlies in a Republic are necessary to se cure a degree of vigilance sufficient to keep1 ii;e n jJiiiC tunc! lonanes within th- munrU of law and (hi'.v. at that noint ihpir nsefnl- of IKS c;k!s Hevond that, thev heconifi hicslruf live nf fvi'iiILp virtue tlioivirpnisnf to a spirit antagonist to that of liberty and, eventually, its inevitable conquer have examples of UepuHics, v ror. We here the love of country and of libe tv. at one time. 1 uii iming ui tl:C I)' s tm ot any one its rili 7c:is h wis the heaiiti'ul irmark of a disii.igirshed English writer that "in the lion a:i Stn He, Oct avins had a party, and Antony a pariy. hut the Commonwealth had none." Yet the Senate coi.tir.ued Id meet in (he Temple of Liberty, to talk of the sacredness and beauty of the Common wealth, and gzeat the statnesof the elder IJrutus and of the Curt i i and Dccii. And 'he people assembled in the forum; r.ot as in the das of Camillns and the Scipios, to ! cast their ftee votes for annual magistrates ;or pass upon the acts of the Senate, but to receive from the hands of the leadens of the ! respective parties their share of the spoils, hnd to shout for one or the other as those j collected in Gaul or Egypt and the Lesser Asia, would furnish the larger dividend. The spirit of liberty had fled, and, avoid ing the abodes of civilized man, had sought protection in the wilds of Scythia or Scan dinavia; and so, under the operation of the same causes and influences, it will fly from our Capitol ami our forums. A calamity so awful, not only to our country but to the world, must be deprecated by every patriot; and every tendency to a state of things likely to produce it immediately checked. Such a tendency has existed uocs exiM. Always tne irienu ot my countrymen, never tluir flatterer, it be comes my duly to say to them from this high place to which their partiality has exalted me, that there exists in the land a spirit hostile to their best interests hostile to liberty itself. It is a spirit contracted in its views, selfish in its object. It looks to the aggrandisement of a few, even to the destruction of the inteiest of the whole The entire remedy is with the people. Something, however, may be effected hy the means which tiny have placed in my hands. It is union that me want, not of a party fur the sai.e cf that party, but a union of ihe whole country for the sake of the whole country for the defence of its interests and its honor against foreign ag gression, for the defence of those princi ples for which our ancestors so gloriously contended As far as it depends upotl me, it sliali be accomjdishtd. All the in fluence that I possess, shall be exerted to prevent the formation at least of an Execu tive party in the h ills of the legislative bo dy. I wih for llic uwnot t of no member that body to an n.en-ure of mine that ; lioes nnt atify his judgment and his sense ot e.utv to I ho-e Ii oui whom he holds his 1 appoint nun' ; nor any c nfidence in ad v jnce irom Ihe people, iui mai a.Mveo ur v nom i i.e pen pie. I deem the present occasion sulncientiy important and solemn to justify me in ex pressing to my fellow-citizens a profound reverence for the Christian religion, and a thorough conviction that soitnd morals religious libeity, and a just sense of reli gious responsibility, are essentially con nected with all Irue and lasting happiness; and to that good Being who has blessed us by ihe gift of civil and religious freedom, who watched over and prospered the labors of our fathers, and has hitherto presented to us institutions far exceeding in excel lence those of any other people, let us u nite in fervently commending every inter est of our beloved country in all future time. The oath of office was then administered to the President of the United States by Chief Justice 'IVney, and the President concluded his inaugural address as follows: Fellow-citizens: Being fully invested with that high office to which the partiality of my countrymen has called me, I now take an affectionate leave of you. You will bear with you to your homes the re membrance of the pledge I have this day given to discharge all the high duties of my exalted station, according to the best of my ability; and 1 shall enter upon their performance with entire confidence in the support of a just and generous people. On the conclusion cf the address, the members of ihe Senate, preceded by tho Vice President, Secretary, and Sergeant-at-arms, returned to the Senate chamber. Sudden Death. As the first dance at the ball Iat evening, says the Portland Ar rus of tTTe 5th int. was about commencing,. he company were checked by the in -ism-, ancous death of one of their number, Mr taneoi Willium PrLi i- who fell oVad just as lie- i. i l.-.i i.: . ... tn the floor. lie was taken directly to the ofiice of Dr, W ood, in, the Exchange building, but all hie had u-- parted i i t iTi.. ji. . . . .