Whole No. 788- The Tarborough IPivss, .nr ororijr nowAim, Is published weekly at Two J) )ll tra mi'l P'ffi Cen's ppr year ' Pa''' ajvanc.e? or, T.'iree )rat the expiration of t'.ie suhscri:tir!i year. Vr anj period less than a yar, T.v thf-ftrc i :nt per month. Subscribers are at liberty In discontinue at anytime, on giviax notice thereof 4nd payin? arrears those resi lin-jr at a distance faiist invariably pay in advance, or give a respon sible reference in this vicinity. Advertisements not exceeding a srpnre will he inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and l tents for every continuance. Loader a Iverti ie mpnts in like proportion. Court Orders and Ju dicial advertisements 25 per cent, higher. A !- rtisementsmnst he marked the nn-uber of in sertions required, or they will he continue ,1 until otherwise ordered and charged aec rdin ry. Letters addressed to the W 1 1 L r must be post pat J or they may not be attended to. Slate of North Cnmlhiu, e d t; i : c o m n k r i j t n r v. Court of Pleas and Quarter Session. Fi:iuiii.kv ti:ui. isii. peicr K K diiht and wile ") Mary and others Petition f vs. sale of si a v .v Wiltomhhy I Inward and : fur division ' J niie- I Inward & wi'o J Chiil lotlr, IT appeal h-g In the saii-fieiion np'h Chi r I . 'lit' ihf d.-l'i mhiitls art- n t inha Mauls of i hi- Stale: i: is I betel re eoder eJ,ihi' jxihlicaiion lie mi'lc t r ti e I'm hor I ie-s, n-r mx wicks MieerMvdv, !tenn l slid Cum t, lo lie 'eld for d 'co'i"l nn ,n' ' '"''l' 'nnd iv in Ma' I IKX', v'oiii I lloucio Tar'ior -Mirh ; fltnl th'-rt to pi -ad. aoswer or . nu i 10 llie pel iti on o ihe plainiilT; oihrwi- i will he t ilien pro con fe .$0 ami he n . I r.r pari? wiine, ..oiiN . o flf, K-r, 1 m; o: -u. j3.jH,..urt, at mi.e... j..c l.mrih .MCm.ay inFehnmy. . i fjt- Ji O A V ft , . ( I k M lB?n WK. lllUiA .3 Compound Tomato I9iUs. kntikei.v VKOETARLK.J d new and invaluable Medicine fur alt disritsfs arising from imparities of Ihe blond, morbid secretions of the tiv er mid stomach, also, a subt it ute for ulo'ncl, fs a cathartic in fevirs and i nil bilious diseases. 1 II ESE popular Ptlh, combining lie medicinal properlies of the Tomato ; Plant wiih other vegetable suti-tanre-which hive been lound to modify and dif fihe its effects, ate believed In be ihe best j Attentive and C iilurlic Medicine ev r 'discovered. Tucy have been abundan'.h and successfully tried, and h ive received universal approbation lor Scrofula, Dys pppia, Milieus diseases inndice, (J 1 avel, Pia, ni.ious ureases J lun.iiee, i.iavcl, Mimathm, C ahls hdJo-..zi, Cat 11 rh, i srvons diseases A cid stomachs G I and- ir swellings . f all kinds, Costi vencss. ! Rh Net I "I , -u.k, mjii.k,ie, &.c. I An Aiiiidate to Lontagious and r.pi ; ,emic uisea-e, lo pr veoi Ihe lormatim. ! III hh rmc o.wl 1 i...... ..iT I.' t , ivi 1 v (. 1 o c c 10 1 , 1 1 v 1 ij o 1 1 , FcVT 3lli ,S!,e 1,1 ,n,)e ul' st-idt- in hoi ; LiiiiiJies, and lov ai.eJ mariiy cotioti ns, a"J llic best Catharlic tluii cm I c ucd ! r . 'r lliose localities. Seamen them an infallible ra mi tl- for will find i me .eur Ci'-.,l 1 11 . . . . 1 1 . . j.uuu Haveners i no nest .Meiiicmo u ' ; Ihey ran use lo emmi- iacl ihe dangers oi j f i)')sar m unhealthy cWna-es I- o. Clili ar v Famdt; t.tin il..- 1 . .-. .. ! -JII.V ;iJ)proveil, as ihe best cer olfoed. As a Dieiet ic or Dinner P.il, one lak. n ."all an hour after elium-r, will oifiieicn! I siim.il;,te Ihe ilig-live powers of ih". M(),i'ch to a healthy and lul igoia'eel :.e ll0l,a tl aie f mud xin niely si 1 vceahh 0 ciniiteract ih rouge-live e fl'eel-o' ilu"s limners, or 1 1 f e sunopi s. nr the ex ciVe n,p - ,l,.ern or 1 1 oil ""a; lMh are liof of d-Mihtful utiliiv. They have pissed away from thus, el nlv , i'ioc!itt! up .n Ihe lide of cx;i rin.eoi. .,,n'l recainmeml nions from .y-ici iu "JI'J fliers j,, every vnielv of (d mi ale in e United States" T- X is. ar.d Ihe Cam "i!)'-:ir nitf.ss to i!)e p--eulj ,r a-d pi ,p'l flecis c.l ,tj M ..Ind.i- ; in fo-t tin y '."e lecr,!ed hy phy-ieians gcni-fall y. P'hren,.,. 10 any 01 her (titm 1 ie and 'I'titivf. Mi ihciue .tnd Laving acq 111 a" "l'r. cede:, led f. hdu iiy a- an An .B" )'l"'ic and Ami hih..us l. n,edy. J11' ,,,,s'f)U'ali.i.i being fully -u-ian, ,l HI ''lchiiraci -r nl its ie'imomals J,,If'te '."c",:,"m 'leman.l lor 1 he Me eli ( -"I'lsonly necessary for the I'ropiie f! 110 Caniion. thai the puh '"'Vnnt mit,,ko other ine-dicii.es which i-.irmhioid as TiHnato preparations fur 'i-'ip c, mp innd Tomato IM! rr;i lu) .,ccuill o( Mdi- k,,,Mi ami f, lr nunier.Mjs ceit.ficaics fnon vi!0l;ilS and ,. ...,! I. ,.. fi-ceiiii., . ' f.n.f.ii-i? .;l 7 pu!).v,ed, in u,e hands ol all Ihe s'its. 'frU,o genuine wiihout ihe signature lfori!" i-PhelPSM.D.f Proprietor, lla. l- i GEO. HOJVJRI), Agent. borough, CRY AUTHORITY.) I. V AN OF TUG UNITED STATE PASS2I) AT THE SKCOXn SESSION' OP THS t w u r v-sj x I'll c J : G :t ess . "j.jlic No 10. N ACT m ikin r nn fipjjrnpriatinii to de- I ay tiio i xiie se of a doje.r i -n rf tii N.Miwiioiv l.idi.ios west of the Mis.si.ssi-) I" riuiuia, ai.,i oti.cr purposes. H - if nutreif tf,- Seuoc (n( f0,is' "f ltsprescul.ttiv.'s of ths United Slntc "J li?,ict iii (Impress ussvmhled. iVat ihe sum of lil'tcen thonsiri I dollars he ip;i oprsatci. out u any moneys in tlu d ct a pacification with the hotile puition f that li ihe in Florida. K. M. T nUXTEiJ, Speaker of the. Lose if Itrpre.sentalives. W. . KING, President of the Senate pro tempore. ApiU0VEi), M area 2 1, IS II. M. VAN 1JUREN. From the Washington Iiepabiican. Gi:N. WILSON AND THE HANKS. j In a late number we dicus-ed one of the amendments olfercd he fl.-n Wil.m itw. Senator f.om IvUeeou.be, in the lat Le- ! gis'ature, to t he -!,H eonct miug HanLs." jand .romistti tobetow further at i,nt ion on j j 1 ;1L. vubjeel matter in a future number. ; jUcnsi.me. ! It will be recollected that the amendment j noticed in our former ariicle propose I to ! prcvenf the Hanks from suttig their j dcblors, whilst they refused to pay their creditors We omitted to publish the voles of the Senators, and as it may be in teresting to the people of ibis Senatorial livasnrv ID! otherwise ann.,,.;.;.. ! t. . , - ,,c. t i.wuie un m, pomi, alter a cio-e 1:1 defriv the cvnons. ..f . ,1 ,' V i1 ' .m S' u"" less I linn t liey call lor. J vesication of th.e b; st data, is, lhal the a iP i:.:,1',:V0,,.rtnc ri' oUn, merchant who wishes I mount paid 1, 7 the c,:miry to the hanks , I.1 V'''PP-. locxchinKft their paper for rod. Is in N. during the lat en years f.,r the use of theii . " .i;ei in an a-iempt in v. must rst cxehno. thnm t V V.,.1, .. o.,.t ,i:.. . a . ,....: district to know how the.ir Senator Voted, present the names of the People's mem we subjoin the voles, as recorded, on that j weis Those who voted for ihe amend amendnient. Those who voted in favor ! nicnt are, "Messrs. Arringlon, Cooper, of the Banks siting w hilst they refused to j Ethcridge, Exum, Moulder, Johnson, pa-, are '-Messrs. Hynum, Clingman, I Kerr, Eat kins, Melvin, Mitchell, McDiar Oockerv, Edwards, Faison, Gaither, Maw-j mid, Orr, Pollock, Ueid, Sloan, Ward, kins, llcllen, Melchor, Melvin, Moore, j Whitaker, Whilfield, Williams, and Wil Mooreheid, Mon'soir.erv, Move, M vers. 'son 20." Parks, Pasteur, I'uryear, Kihelin, SEL- li V, Shepard, Sp eel,Spkis, Spruil!, Wad- dell, and Win th 2G." Tiiose who voted for t!ie protection of , ,hc 1)e0jiit arc ..Messrs. Albiight, Ar- , inlo1 ijoiuj. C00per, ICthtred'Tre, Ex - uni H,n, Hou.;er, Jolmson, Kerr5, Lark-1 MeDiarmid, Orr , iJolio.-k, K id, Sloan, Ward, Whi laker, iniiivid, W dliams, i an t iisou 1." yc aeem it r.ee litss to re-arue th- ins- . . . . ' J ' 1 "c and expettn-ncv oi the wroijosition. uot, UIC JVious, ht. liie people speak, t ;.11:111. sli Y .,,! n. .,.....:. ; jansAei lo tne comolaints ol llieir tlistie ...w.w.i 1,1 it... .0 ,;i. ,.r ii ' cd eonstiti icots Wi.iw-r.il iw.i t- o.. the bars hness ol that iin eme-nt u - nidi t he I popular voice m.,zed as ve J r ) vmiI niioer. utteiiv a- are at thecvideute which their votes furnish d' ihe faciliiv with which ', worihy and intellig.mt n.emliers transfer ! u ar ' others upon the banks, but that their all. gi. nee irom ihe people to the!,,itT Wlir wi,n themselves? Hut another thinks, and h a' ti in the midnight caucuses ' and more pregnant mode of parrying Ihe of ihe Capiiol to love iheirpariy more than j ahuses of these concerns, is to charge the their couni.y: uoiwiti.s.an.hog this, we Republican puty with being opposed to all would, if ne elarebe uufaitbiulM-ntiuels of '''nks and in favor of a meiahc currency. Domoeiatie liberty, sen en ihem fiom the We anwei for ourselves, and every Re-eleeii-toned :ud niua'i ion of an oimrosed publican whose sentiments we know, that and uiircj)reseined co:istit'Jencj. We ! lhe charge is false utterly false. We la pass to another amendment. I vor a sound paper s) stem, and we verily 1 ... . 11 1 1 r 1 1 l henixt amendment which we shall notico is not muci, hs, in. portaui e,r inter- ts ion man that loimciiv orcsviiied. It is!aother, do not mner wioeiy a 10 wnai i a follow s: ...,i u;tr,i, ,..n,...i .!...,:. .!.n i lin (.11 IUHII, II III I L soaiijjj nl it shall any Bank not bo l.iwlul lor liie ollh eisol or nanus thai Has suspended specie P ' meuis ur sh-dl hei eai;cr sospenil, to sen or oispose of an y bill ol IvKch iuge, check or eli idi, or other instrument ol like e harjet ei, at a greater rale than iwo per cenl. pie niium or exchange; nor shall any person or persons, as Agt rn ur Attoi ne , or in any oilier capacity, do so for the benefit of Said Bank or Banks; and any olliecr of saitl Bank or Banks, so oflTcmimg shall be guil ty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction ineii:of shall be punished by fine or impri sonment." It is well known lhat the Banks are in the habit of taking advantage of the com mercial iricguhu ities which ihey theuisel i s occasion hy speculating in exchange For example: if a notenohler present himself at ihe counter of toe Branch of tht Bank of Cape Fear at ibis place, and de mands ihe specie for the notes of that Bank, he is told he cannot have it he tills tin managers then, that he is willing to take a (Edgecombe County, JC. V.J iTiir,!'; nn Wiv Vni-lf n t)..i. . i 1 I " " oMon msieau o i : : . r . . . - i .hvjuc, and tiv-no'ehoMer is informed that he can have tne check (or exchange) at - per cent. Now, the Irtie and just rate of cx- mang-between Ibis town and New York ns:roply t.iejrsiht of specie added to lhz risk of transportation. Such is the f.itic principle ofrxchange, and any oilier i itn;h:!osoj)iiicil and usuriosis. What then is a fdr charge for exchange on this fill tic pie." Certainly not more than one percent! indeed less, if we consider that us bin$ an rxporling section, the hd iive of trade ."li xtld he in otir favor. IJ.ji at. any rate, too per cent, the discount pro posed by (len. Wilson, is extremely liber d to iio H inks. L?t every nvrch ui! anil Ii-ah-r in this fjwn c dcul.ite what he lo-e- oy the rejection of Gen. Wilson's proposi-j c ites, and it. is admitted by ail; bnt wheih-t,'1- . or ,Il;,c who or-jrc this argnmrnt, or ih jse I lie matter lies In a nut shell. It a j who candede i:. ine a-.vor.; of ihe m--- at cos! mounhs simply to this: The no!es of ihejof this in w convenient nied;un.ve much lianKs, ny mismanagement, or by an inher- donlii. Th- coaclu-ion io which the re money, or (what is the same thing) for a enetK uu a A. one HanK. lint tile notes of ihe New York 15 inks are at par, ind therefore our merchants must jiay the depreciation of the notes of our banks. We say ihe merchants pay the Io3s; VUQ ihey do in ihe first instance, but it ultimate ly tails on the consumer; that is, on him who buys from ihe merchant, who is quite sure to count it in the price of his Roods u:ely (Sen. Wilson was libera! enough in allowing two per cent which, nfier paying a lair exchange, allows at least one per cent for depreciation. We submit it then to the people, what shall be t lie measure of heir condemnation of those unfaithful -erva;. Is who voted against this just and I 'easjn djle propoMtion, and whose names j are as follows: "Messrs. Albright, Uond, Hynurn, Cimgman, Dockery, Edwards, Faison, Gaiihcr, Hawkins, Hellen, Mill, M elehor, Moore, Moot ehead, lMontgome- r'i Aioye, M ycrs, I'arus, Turyear, KiLc- lin, SELHY, Shepard, Speed, Spiers, c :n v'a i.ai 1 ic . ,1 n opium, utiueii, auo v orin -ii. It is but fair that in presenting the names of the Pank members, we should also It is easy, we know, for those interested ' sanctioning and perpetuating the opjires-! sior.s and anuses o! the banks, to decry us ami air free citizens who refuse to regard h - ni as sacred, and dare to expose their 1 ' nii?chiefs and eliscuss legislative remedies, j as demagogues and alai mists. Nothing is "'"C easy,' or more unjust. We are not 1 demagogues, because, in the free spirit of . au American B litor, we lift the veil which ' shrouds the sanctuary of chartered inioui- ! . r ... 1 -. 1 V- u is our rigut, ami more, it is our 1 'duly. We could wish that the banks were moie; faithlu to their duties, and less nroiie 1 o trench iinoo theriirbts of thp ne:i- ole. Nor are we alarmists: we have no isli to imnair tue lime commence wmrii. I I. .. . .1 : . 1 .. . . ! . 1 1 ... . . . . ... 1 . Ul - J1 ineii nue mi-cuuuuci, uic peopio yci entertain in these institutions. How truly Mr. Calhoun remark, that it is not a Relieve that tne souno in.iiKeis 01 an pai- 'i'S hen they come to understand one a sound system We are sure that the re- n...ii...r i...rtwtii of ibo nconle. no matter line, portion himv mt.y divide in other matters, are wide I j. anj deeply sensible of the evils of " 1". "-; ' Ube oresenl state of things, and are ready to unite in any constitutional change. Bui however th s may be, we are deter mined, so far as our readers are concerned, that the people shall be informed of ihe misdoings of the banks of this State, and of ihe unfaithfulness of those public ser vants who sanction them. We dare to speak outbid mean to do so, even if we Oo racked in our means for doing so as the iloly inquisition tortures the body. We shall, in a future number, notice the Bill concerning Banks" itself. Extra Sessions of Congress. The .lumb -r of these which have convened dur ,i,f the existence of our government is as .otlows: m John Adams was inaugurated on the 4th if March, 1797. He convened Congress May 17, 177 His first annual address ...io . I I iful-l I Nov. 23. 1797. Thomas Jefferson was inaugurated on baliuday, April 3. 18-11 n i T - . . - - - in-riot Alan,. Km A,,lr.l i .. - - . , ...... t . i 1 1 unn.ii." uici session uetooo- 17. 1S0.3 James Mn,l,s,.n w,, ,k, 4th of March, iso.9. Me convened C ures Mav 23, lsr,9, a!s on tiiV'h Mav, I sin ' On of Martin Van B-vcn was i:aiirrtjraed the 4th of March, I S.il, and coUv(,lu Con gross the dth of Spternh-r, 1 S o 7. The Cos! of 'Paper Monri. The 1 report of the Sovnlary of the Treavirv, on tie swhiect of the on tne stihject ot the c.in-ncy jr-neratiy. and of b.inhs and bmkin-x in p n tica! .r, do - serves to lake hih r.'.nl; ii-r.otia; ? v. rv "a iiu siaiisi ioai papers w r . t . . 1 iicn ave reecut- 'y emanated irom tint dej) n i tncnl ol the r OiOnev is ti.e :'roat i i:,t iS ',t n,ln. per cent, interest for the use of bank capita! ;md the reasonable expenses of manain thelnnlis, is computed at SU-1,000,00C: being an a-irm :! sum of SS. 400,000. Of iheatf-r.pR-te io-s -s Mis'ainrd by the com munity since 1 7s), Mr. W o-jtihory com pules th it 'here ions' have li ;p;;enfd with in the last ten veats, an amount r.f $200, 000,000; which is it the arruni rales ol 520,000.000. Without including the los ses sustained by depieciation cf bank pa per or fluctuations in thy currenov of the country, we leave it for the leader to an swer whether the Convenience of paper promises dots not eot more lhati it i worth, when I lie same convenience, or. at least, all the conveniences of paper, could be secured and en joyed wiihout socii losses, !y ic'ly and 'tnd v cuti vet tible curren- cy. Such an one, however, can never long exist in any country where the repre sentative nnd the material upon which it is based are both used at the. same time. Philadelphia Ledger. Stale Credit. hid Crawford, Eq., oi Geo. who a year or two since vi.-ited Eng land for the purpose of negotiating a loan on the bonds of Georgia, wrote as follows to a committee of the Legislature of lhat State on the 14th of November, 1S40: Bait. Jlmerican. "The leading object at which the Legis lature of Georgia should now aim, with a view to carry on her public works, is the establishment of a high Stale credit; and 1 take leave to assure you, from mt.cii in- j lercourse witn capitalists 0:1 t;oih sides ol the Atlantic, that adequate ai.d siable re- venue laws at c absolutely indi-pe nsahl". They have not, or ought not to have anv confidence in pled ses' of bank dividend's or bank capital. They apprehend that the State Governments dare not tax the peo- J'e to raise the means of maintaining the public laith, and therefore h.-y will not ... 1 ....! . . ' r 1 . .. rciy on 11. nui ni n o riaic f (Jcor'ia 'impose the requisite tax. and such an earn- est is in veil ol her honest and resolute nur- Dose to nav her debts' as will at once dis- ld all doubts." The British Troops in Canada. Ti e Toronto (U. ('.) I'a't iot slates titat upwards of 15,000 s ddicrs, horse, foot and aitilli ry. the very rcof the liriti-h at my, are now siatiotutl in the United Cauadas. We also learn lhat there are more titan 5,000 in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, making a total of upwards of 20,000 in British Notlh America. (pThe Ilarrisonian, published at Ma rion, Smythe county, (Va.) st .tts that the disease in West Tennessee, supposed to be the "cold plague," has been ascertained to be the cffe:t of poison, "placed in fl ur groundala mill, by an Irishman, who has since been at rested." Fatal Duel. The Cincinnati Iiepubli can states tiiat a duel was fought al Alton. III. on the 4th inst. between Judge Smith, of the Illinois Supreme Court, and Mr. McClernand, late Secretary of the State, of Illinois. They fought with rides, dis tance fifty prices. Judge Smith was the challenger and was killed en the spo!. Common Carriers. The Court in Bank (the court of last resort in Ohio) have decided that proprietors'1 of stage coaches are common carriers lhat as such ihey are responsible for the safe conveyance o! . . , ,v , , tl , i Lii.i 1 v .lii'.-l ll'dl i M' S X passengers and basgage lhat their giving 1,1 , 1 ... . ' . . Uicetothe contrary cannot relieve them pa jve ye,;rs 11 receipts , nnng from liab.htv-tbat a watch is a ctt'tomaty W- V " U U btcn :i.. i-i..,.' n onrl 1.....'. , e J -o .bis. article of baggage, ami the. hunk oi a tra eller the ptojH r place for its deposit' thai the proprietor will be charged if il ho lost. We vi ry often ob-crvc in the a ! vertisemcnt of stage proprietors, 4iall bag- gage at the risk of the ow ner!"' Theie have been numerous decisions of late upon this point, in different Stales of the Union, Vol. XrilXo 14. .r...iM, . . ui in r i n ' i t tiini -. - n va.s nothiiii. S;nr pr or.ri."ors (-te.tnii ,fi s, t lif .s.i m ) a'O roniiiion c;trirs infiCtatid in cor.lempla i :i of law, nnd CiimuY avail ihem-ehvs of the advantages of that character vh- ni inc:r;in ihe ro spo:iM'bili ies which aM..ch lo it This has hecomc a .Nctth d pi ii.ciple .f law. There have been adopted many ingenious modi s of evading it, hut they Imve m t with little !av or fro ni t!e coitrts. Sto 12; afcoards oe de( ;),od necss irv lo ptoteet the mil- ii-ms of live and pivpeUy which are de j pendnu con-tuiily upon "th vigil u.ce am 1 hones' y of cosnnian c 11 1 iers. C'se in w' ich a husbind was -ned for article iV.rnished h;$ wife, after .-he had q .ji-cd .his bed and board." was tried in Ai tv rk on W edncsil ay la-i lu ige lulis chai-Ri-d the jury thd it a wife leave her husband of her own free will he is not even liable for her necessaries. Mot d he drive hvr out he is in ifa' cl giving her a bill of credit upon the world, niul she bin Is him by all ihe necessary contracts she makes. The jury returned a verdict j for the defendant the huband. Money Mailers. We have had a gloo my week in s'oek matters, says the Phila de'phia li qniivr of Saturday. The ten dency has been s'eadily downward, and the pi ices yetert!ay were low beyond pie ieihnt. Ij died States l'.ank left ofVai 10 cash, and 15 on time, and rt port say s the te; de:ic' is still downwards. It is a:d that John Jacob Astnr, of New Voik, has lost a million of dollars by the failure of the U. S. Bank. Stale I-ank of Jltinais. rVc Legisla ture of Illinois has lepealetl that section of the act incot pvraiing lhat institution, which declared its charter forfeited by A suspen-ion of specie piy mints for more than sixtv das at a lime, ami authorized it to i-sue, for ihe p-riotl of two eais. one; two, and tlii ee tluii ar no'es. liy ihe same act of the Leni.-hitun, the Hank is allowe d to chai ge seven per cent, inicrtst upon all acoommodiitions lor shorter periods than six months, and nine p-r cent, upon ac commodations f.;r a pt riod longer than this. In consideration of these favors to ihe Hank, she is required 10 take within two years S200,000 of Slate 13 nnd s at par, Ihe proceeds of which aie to be applied to the payment of interest on the State Debt. Cincinnati Gaz. A Genius. The Cecil (Md.) Gazelle mentions that a black boy in thai vicinity has made ai entire miniature steamboat, with cabins, berth eleck ami uppe r deck, carved stern anil figure bead, forward and after chins, with windows, wheel hooves and' paddles, steerage hou-c, bar bet 's .-hop, capstan, rabh-bcx, titees. belt, pistons, hoilers, l.veis. chimniisj and all o lur ap- I pi-i!;C s complete. 1 lie machinery is so pi ilect. lhat it may be put in motion by a child. Pall. Sun- The Book of M(.s-s. It is wHl know n Ih.'lth.'s inspired wutinn, li s ht n ntieu aUacJ-c 1 aid its aut! t-uticdy doubted, on account of the mention m ile therein, of the ( xisience: of wine in Egypt, when Ile rodoius affirms that tin re w.cic ne) vine yards in L3W pt, nnd lV'u'anh slates lhat ihe natives of that coun'rv iddmrn el wine 4.is being the blooel of those who re belled against the g ds." But in Taylor's Natu ral Uistoty of Sicily, it is Mated that in certain sufie ranean vaults at Ehthia, "ev ery part of the processes connected wiih t' e ehessiug arid tending of the vine, is faithfully delintatcrl; the rare with which they were watered: Ihe collection of the' fruit; the heading e;f the wine press," &c. &e ; which go to prove conclusively, that the book of Moses is correct, an el not only so, but establishes i great antiquity, he vend the s' r.dow ed" a doubt. The wojIc 'further s ates, that '-the remains of vir.e vessels have hccri found in the inins of old E3plian cities, which arc still encrusted" with the latter elepositcd by the wine." The error inio which Ilerode.tus fell, is ac counted for by the fact, that he wrote long afier Egypt bad been distracte-el by civil wan', ami conquered by ihe Irsians; and that as a natural consequence, the culture if the vine was neglected nnd forgotten in ihe calamities of civil discord and foicign invasion." Fay. Jour. Profitable Quackery. Truman Stif U man, M. D. states in a note lo the Editor of ti e New Orleans -Ad vrrfscr, that he hn expended S209.0QO on . printers and presses for advertising. &c. his Ctmcenl ra ted Svruo ri sars:;p .rilta and I ills, within .I l"! f nubc On the C2d .Tan. W.it idios fr.un Najdrs'. I 1 oun'aMi s;,l dovu in dv, ii-e side i! a the night, a d l,u- i-jei 1 1 3 pel son The bodies oi 0 j !;ave r . C .C I be.-n dii.r out -and ol tuese o cruunveuuu !&one hopes cntcrt r I t 1 , ' - t ' 1 . it- t ' t ' i!

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