2 SATURDAY, JUNE 5. 1841. (PThe Students in the Female Acid cmy in this place, under the superinten dence of Miss M Ragsdufe, were pub licly examined in their various studies on Tuesday and Wednesday last. Wc atten ded, and were tiuly p!f?scd to witness the accuracy and proficiency of the stu dents, particularly those in the higher clas ses; giving indubitable evidence of the close and persevering application of the ftudents, and the competency and assidui ty of the talented instructress. JThc Extra session of Congress com menced on Monday last. In the Senate, PI,.: ,il'rn In' ilio linn. S.nmiel IIIC Vliiiil Hrt' innvii ' ' ,, . , . I . t , . , c v t i.a;,iot r,r anions' t e hushes, to hmi out im pi yinu ciau- L Southard, of .New Jersev, rresident olp - ' . , ; , 14 ..uumiu, u sesmthe constitution to give then. sell e- the Senate. In the House of Keprcsenta-1 (ovver l0 do lhis or H.t; r.r it is this ini tives, on proceeding to the election of a j plicil power that is the curse of the nation Snnnkpr. the lion. John White, of Ken- ! h is t !i i 3 inudicd power lint is the origin tucky, was elected on the first trial, by a of a United States Hank, which has bee handsome majority of votes. Matthew St. '"ted out hymen that wish to carry a po. compact agreement, Ifitas not to get his neighbor's aid to assist nmi .iams . mrtn Pnnm v. A fter they had formed then .ulna m onmniPt. thirteen mote, readini: ihem and approving their inles, joined in with them sj as to make the 2G States Now t he rules of ncement between these thirteen States to form their compact or bodv politic, is expressly set torth in the tons' liuuou ui me unmet "'n. let it be understood, that in the formation ofa State constitution, it behoves every man, before he enters the compact, to be a free man; ami he is then of course only bound in the compact of union among all the in dividuals, so far a he has agreed to in the State constitution of Nonh Carolina. So, equally so, it behoves every State to be a free and independent State, before she en iers a convention to form rules of agree ment of union, for the govr.-omenl of these thirteen Sides, or body politic. A nd I contend that every right not express ly given away and surrendered, is still be longing to the Stages. And 1 contend, that all the rights given away by any State. ire expressly laid down in the United Slates co:n:iMl on, as th compact agreement ol the union of the Slates. And I contend, that Congress his no riht of construction of the United States constitution, fan her that is expressly declared. And I contend that Con fess has' no rishl to crawl about glimpse of Mary s cat. ajoniy Clair Clarke was elected House. Clerk of the George, what does implied power mean? Don't it mean a power not expressly given: Surely. And, George, if this is the case, how am I to know who this-power came from? IIow am 1 to know the extent of that power, if not expressed in the consti tution? Then, George, ibis implied pow er of the States to Congress to charier bank, is to be hunted in every article and section of the constitution: as 1 said, in the bushes. It is there, George, the snakes and poisonous reptiles lie, and have lain ever since the formation of the constitu tion, under the bushes and in the grass of implied power. This is the p'ace ol dan ger, this is the place ofa stretch of power, this is the place where Congress has usur ped that power that don't belong to her as a surrendered right of the States, and this is the place where the Legislature of the States have usurped a power over the indi viduals of the States, never granted by the people to the Legislature; nor was it gran ted by Congress to any State to emit bills of credit, but coin nothing but gold and silver. Hut, like mother, like daughters; for I have always noticed, that if the mother was a harlot, the daughters were pretty sure to be. So then. Congress was to blame in chartering the first Hank of Ame riea, for thereby she set the bid cximple to the States; although some allowance is to be made for the ch otering the firt H ink of America, from the poveity of ihe Trea sury. Having emerged Irom a seven years' war, the finances were low and in a deranged state; help was wanting immedi ately, to help the United States io gei along as a young nation. I d ue you to sty tli.it now, in defence and support of a United Slates bank; with a treasury full to over fl iwing, lo divide among the States, wheie ieen point i of cain for themselves anil others, and not jcvpress power given in the consti:ution. I hen we will sax , there are two construe- On Tuesday, the President transmitted ' tiuus lo be given lo the constitution, power i .1. r?.. u:., .inn..a n-n ilirrct anil nressed. and nowtt h inted in . , i- the bushes implied. Now I ask, what is the need of a United Mates bank? 1 on will pubhsh mour next ;merely remarking , - I . iip t I may hlVe a sound enrren at present, that on the two greu questions, nj(et, S;alca C0llSlitutl0ll? Shall it be by ofa National IVink, and assumption ol p nvcr expressed, or power implied? 1 say, State debts, the President docs not appear if ou construe the constitution by power so whitish as most of his advocates, j implied, there is no knowing win re After stating that the people have succes-! Umress may stop. It is this evil that . , ,b ' '. , . is the grand piece of bcwiichcry ol the suely condemned a National Hank, lhe ; )POpe an(i t,e Siate, by nu n of talents deposite bank system, and the Sub Treasu- an j intrigue. I contend, t i tat ti e con ry, he submits the entire question to Con- j sti'.ution should at all times he construed gres to make provision for a suitable fiscal ' by power expressed therein, and noi agent for the collection and disbursement phed power at no time, nor on any T . . ,. , I point whatever, ofthepuohe revenues; reserving to him-j' For i clnl,enj;c everv mail in ,he Uni- selfthe ultimate power of rejecting any j ted States, from President Tyler to the measure which may, in his view, conflict piney woods bov, to show me in the con with the constitution, or otherwise jeopard , stituiion of the United Statts, in any clause, the prosperity of the country. And, ar,icle or section thereof, where power as ... r, , . r given by the States to Congress, expressly while the President appears to favor theih ,, J r , . i , i . . 11 ,i in the confederation and agiced compici distribution of the proceeds of ihe sales ot i of lhe Sutcs l0 cre:e aiu cu.ter a b.nk. thepublic lands, provided such dis'ribu-; If you tliink you can do it, come foith, I tion does not force upon Congress the ne-jam ready to answer and meet the c!alleng ccssity of imposing upon commerce heavier; h ,hei1 ,he,e no expressed pover in the u i u ,u ' ,i...i h.. 4i S'vcn by the St.les to Congress in the ' : L uiicl States cons'iitition to h .rter a b ink,! little el iier uiiglitiiir sscs p iper, when uu is act of 1S33, he "must repudiate as a mea- j , hen it f0!ows th;U Cong-ess has been a I is as g0J as ili irs ami as alc to pay our sure founded in error, and wanting conf;i-,K;i;rjjrr 0f p0,ver 0Vl.r ,Jr ts 0f ,he d.-bts as hc ev r will be. 1 say for one, tgtional sanction, the slightest approach to : States and ilvi p?o;'c, that tin y nevi r ac- that a United States bank is a fiaudulent, an assumption by this Goeinment of th I ceded to in the federd conp act, in forming (domineering, oppressive system, over the tocks was killed bv a man named Holdea, who was arre3:ed and is now confine! in ihe Jail at Wadesborough. We have heard no particulars. The second, which, from the respecta bility of the parties, and the cause of quar rel, has prO'Uiccd very great excitement in Anon, resulted in the most instantane ous death ofa young man named May, by a pistol ball, fned by another young man ' ..... . . i 'I'. . ' named iMartui, wno, wim i nomas nau dill, Eq as acces-iory, was arrested, am they are both now in W adesborougn Jail when', bail having been i e fused, they will have to lemain till the Superior Court in September. Pai tic pating deeply in ti public concern at this awful occurrence we refrain from giving any of the pu tieu laisvNhich have reached us, h st we might do injustice to ihe parlies, or prejudice tht cause of the prisoners. The above is all thai our duty as a public journalist re quires, at this stag" of the matter. Fuyettcville Observer. Counter eit Hard Money. e saw a few tl..ys ago. a very well executed conn terltil Mexican dollar, and learn that n.a nv such are in circulation. It was made of Copper, glossed over with silver, am lequired sou.e examination lo detect tin h and. Our readers would do well to be n tue look out. It iss.iidtheic is a Mint for the coinage of this kind of hard moncv, in Mo re County. If it be so, cannot the good pen pie ol Moore gel some clue to its location and break it up? It is due to themselvt and the public that the tlfjit should be made. Ibid. cy, passable in all the Slates at par; 1 hat when we travel or go to buy goods, wares and merchandise, our money should be gjod in any Sta'e at pir. sine enough Ami why is not ihe S'ate p ipcr of Not lb Carolina as good as the piper of a Uui:cd Sta'es bank? They aie as well aide to piv, but, sir, here is the rub; the Sta'e buiks fleece the people, and the Unfed States bank fl ece the people of all the Mates, tlvMefote it should be put down Pur 1 myself have had to pay in North Carolina pp r for United Siali s p ipt-r. from two to ten p t cent, when the North Carolin t hanks were as able to pay me as ihe cursed United Sia'es buik, and more so. Will the States suffer this loid to reign over them, and takeaway from their c.t'zcns their hard earnings? Gd help us, if we the citizens of the several S airs have to pay the interest of the Stale bank, ' and then piy the discount of from two to 'en per cut. exhang; t this devilish; monster, ihe U nited States bank, lo g t a Dead Herrings. Vast quantities of Herrings have died in our cic- k within the I isi few days, and the shot care s'.n.-w ed with them. Oilier fi- h. loo, as the red lin and peichhave also died, which iium j b" owing to tite innumei able numbers that haw swarmed our tn inns. Wc h ve nev er kno vn s many li-h to visit us during 'he pits nt season, and they must h.ivt produced one disease in the wa'er which resulted in ihe death of ibousmds. Old ScrlU Stale. debts of ihe States. toa Tnr: TAnnono rurss. tiii imioi of the Slates. ' States and the righ'sof the people j Then if I understand ihe letters and words. Audit throws open ihe duois to broker I and meaning of the w irds composmg the age, ami speculation upon tlie necessitous L. uiieu r?'aies cons::iuiion, i.ong'ess ncv - cmz-'n, unen i lie paper ne na in nauu is as The cause of Temperance in North Lutfjmu Aeeuidmg to the return made by ihe census-iakers to the Depwi an ni ol Si.ite, there aie in North Carolina. two thousand six bundled and nineiy eighi disiili fie, winch distil annually on million, ttnriy eigiii thousand, seven bun died and foriy-one gallons of spirituous liquors 'I bis is marly double the iium her of distilleries in any other State in tin Union. The tax on retdlcrs of spiriiuous liq mrs in this State amounts to nearh three thousand do lais; die revenue arising Irom this sluice of taxation belongs to our Liter ry Pu.-.d, and the lising g. neratioi. i are io be naidl ami educated upon ihe vi i cs and lr.ult.es ol their la:hers. he'he- this incrtaing fund from this source o taxation, doe.snot n quiie further aid from legisl.tion, u-e leae to ihe philanthropisi and nioialist to deu rmine. Neivbcm Spectator. No. 3. The Opnssom Fighter's thoughts. jer hid any power granted t! em ixpres.sly Ifiom H e St.des, to crtatc ai.d chaittr a United States!) mk. Show it vhj can. Well, George. 1 told you in my hst, I Uead in section the viii. 5: Congress shall should try to knock down the huh this ; have power to coin money, regulate the time; and in doing so, I shall attack the j value thereof and of foteign coin, and fix great luk opossom, the United States I the standard of weights ami meanpes. Is Hank. I any thing lure sud about the st unlaid I have set it dowp, as a point that can-j weight of ii auk bili? What a fool I must not be overturned, that every State is be then, it this clause means to chiller formed of individuals, qual in their tights, and that a State or body politic is sover eign wiihin the limits of her own territo ries, and has a r'ghi to nuke laws for her own government. For if the generations that have gone before us had a rigiit to i make laws tor their government, we have the same rights, none can doubt. Then this State, as a free and independent people, has a right to make her own laws for the government of themselves; but not the sub jets of other Stales.no more than the qu on of England has a rigiit to make laws for this Sttte. " And if you ask me, George, what is vour J political creed? I say, 1 go the whole hog for State right.-, over which neither the U nited Slates, nor any king or emperor, has a right to it ig i ; but the people alone, to ; make their own laws and govern them selves. And I wish they could do sr, without violating the constitution in their granting bank charters to the rich, when the poor are shut out of this paiticipition of their wealth by stockjobbing, and work for them to pay ihe in'crest of three for one dollar. And I say, tha' in the same way every State in the Union, which at that time was thirteen, now 2G States, came forward and tntered into compact or confederation, as did the individuals in one State. Then every State only stands for an individual ijj each State, to Congress and the compact, confederation; so that in Congress, each State stands hv a man in any one State. You see my idea, keep them; for the?e thirteen men came forward and pawned their 1 ives and fortunes and sacred honor, to abide upon and sustain the principle they shall agree upon in compact, so as o form a union of strength against their enemies; although each man was fice and- independent before he entered into compact, and a.ight have kept out of the a bink or bank bills. I would re ommeud ail the hanks to hive their notes s'amp d on shoe soles, since Congress is authorised only by the Slates to go by weight and mea sine, and fix ihe standard weight of banti bids. Hut, sirs, this clause showeth the power given to Congress by the Si.ites, that she nas no light to coin any thing but gold and silver, and fix the standard weight of both domtstic and foreign; and this is the extent ot the power given by Ihe states in the con- s itutiou to Congiess. And that the Stales hjve given no wherein the constitution, power lo coin bank bdis by Congress, ami fix the st in lard weight and measure there of. If Congress does, this must be the measure, pay down, in cjsh and run away defaulters will always shoulder the silver, instead of bank no es; and these being tired of their turn, will be easier caught. Hmk bills are not gold, silver,nor coin; and Con gress has nothing to do with them. To weigh bank bills fix their standard weight liiiu nail paiiu uiciii mil: oiaies lor COlll, shameful; fr fraud, deceit, covetous ness, and oppression, runs through cveiv putie'e of the banking sj-stcm, if I am a judge, i shall then put it down as a point that canne-t he overturned, tin t there is no expressed power given in the Uni:ed states constitution to Congress, lo charter a bank of the United States, come foith who will. Then I shall put it down as certain, tha' if Congress has power from the contim tion ot ihe United Sint.es lo charier a bank,ii mu-t belike old Mary's cat when asked, where is your cat? Oh, saulshe, dearS.d ly, she is here, there, and every wheie, ami nowhere. So then, I .shall go to hum for old Maiy's cat in implied power to Con gress to charter a bank; bui to what aiticle or section shall I go, since Mary's cat is here, there, and every where, & no where? good as theirs that they give him. Aie Desperado k lied. ThcAikansas Ga zciie siates i hat the nolotious John Hill, r i i I .1 li' I...V .-.it me Elates nve ana imiepenuenir n so, ; -mas .mxhd i.urry, was kiued at iS orris then they have a right to t egulate their own tou u, Pope county, on the ol) h ult., vhh iniernal .tlfairs, independent of ihe General i 'us own kmfe, b a man n uiied Hutioii (ioveinment. And will the Kept esenta" H iii was uiloxiciti d and ha 1 just b at a lives of the several States consent to char-1 nodier individual seveit-iy. ilutton l.av ter a Uuitt;n stites bank, when they kn w j n g interfered to sepaia'c tliem, Ihli that it will sink the bank bills of every I knoc ked him down but lecoveiing, he State below the par ofa United Siau s ' gt applcd with ami threw lid!, when (he bank? I would hope not, fur I can see I nter attempted to draw h,s knife, but bt tier than that by candle light. Pur if ( was am icip tU d by Ilutton wno ob ained cv ry State is free and independent, then ' possession of u fust, plunging it in'o his In this place, on Thu,S(laJ . Austin, Eo. Mr i. ,S(Jay -Ian. v.. M.ss FMzubeth tn J Mr. John Lawrence, all of c0r J Jlt Tarboroueh and x'j , -W iQfl Bacon, brand v, apple, Co lire", (Jorn, Cotton, Cotton bagginn-. Flour, . Iron, Lard, Molasses, -Sujxar, brown, Sali,T 1. -Turpeutine, wheat, whiskey, I ,!) R A'r- ,yard, 20 25 ,b 8 9 1 gallon 40 45 ' lj . ,b .10 i.n s 3; bushel GO P 6 3 bushel 05 : & I Ballon 35 120 12, I vivace. rnn,nh.c,iherstvin I'C ll'se t ti,ov ( ?r oun.y Nrh,.iaJlmi,.,f ""., . n the ,o; ,,1(lI1(r ,(iu mh on pued to accomodate i,;,vee,s " y a .isiin. i ikui and their la' I caatgts vvil p'i"i e m -,l. . . "i n-P. e sjni )P i..-, , , " it.. I.... i .i . " m nr- i irv rm nn -' I rire "i n.ill n. o ,....i i . . .v. .vy TlluiFT May 2.9, I Ml. 4 Stale of North Cmrmi F.DGI-ICOMBK Cnu.M y. ' Court of Pc, , Qlttifter fa,- MAY TKH.M, S4. " S. C. & K Wdc x I). on I k Warner, ) meM l. tni-f.. .1 ..I , ..... i an.' h iiiies. the 2R h i.f A, i" i..., "I" 111. JT appealing lo Ihe ssnMari,, f ,;, Com I, lh.it lb" def. i: nil h i his - not an inhabitant n tin, $i;ii. . j, tbrt lote oid- red. that huhlifat;,.,. i. H ide ill the Taili.-ro' Pi (.r HX lvrfi . urees-ively. ; i v i g tl,e dHW.ifint niK appear bef ,r,. J),. (;,,;,, piPas a, j (l.-itler StSsi:)i,lu ,e held for s:tiil Com. ,al ibef'ouri H ms,-in Tui hm on i!,; ..Ult'.. Mo oly to A' gu-l ikx', tilt n 3ii; ere H r p'evy ami plead lo nth'f- wie jo !g iteni by ill:uli will bp s-Tm'p,; giiu.d hint, and the ni.p ilv atiac'iej ondemned su'j ct to the plaiiitff's teccv- ry Vitne!, J hx N-fleet. Clerk of r I l.-oiirt, at i III'", the lourlii Mn lav of Mav. . I). SJt 2t JYO NO 11 FLEET. VI' 1 Notice. FT OST, or midaid. a No'e of Hand pij a' le io J iris & Home, and pmIdkiI ).' John It. Hori-e. for fmir Iol I trs a d on c cent-, given by Gcml !u Shmh j, mlitahd snmeiime in ISi!) A 1 1 per ons are c I'll iom'd agiin-i tr.i lin fur Mitl ote. and 3'iv infoi mation I e-jeC tng It vill he thankfully ieriv(d. ceo. uoiwm. Tarhero. dune 3. IS II. Congress has no power but vht has been suriendered by the States to her. And now show me who can, where the States h ive surrendered the power to Congie-s U charter banks and emit bank bills. Down, George, goes the hub; lor if the constitution of ihe United Slates proh.biu d the Slates to emit bills of ci edit, ami coin nothing but gold and silver, sunly the con vention that formed the constitution saw ihe evil of emitting bills of cieiht, and therefore gave not tins power to the States; nor have th.-y in the formation of the eou stitution of ihe United States, given to Congress such power to charier hanks, and emit iheir lulls of credit to ihe people. Then 1 put it down as cti-ain as the shining of ihe candle 1 am wiiii" by, that the chartering of a Stale or Uiuuo Mates bank, isasneichof usurped poei by the Legislature and Congress, not fuiii.u expressly neither in the S.ate nor Uuiteu Mates constitutions; and the pcojde "ill do well not to suffer their liheiins ami rights to be encroached upon by Legisla micsor Congiess, bul to keep l.oih to the text books of the constitutions and alvvavs turnout every man thai date viohte tn.se git at eliarteis of your ltbeitics. Well, George, give me lime, and in 1113 next 1 will tiy 10 pocket the hub and "fii off. JOsHUA LAWHKNCi:. TheExecuthm. dw Friday last, James M;.d sou .lobnsou, expiated the iiuirihr ot Henry Ueosley,ol Chatham County, on ihe gallows; I e w..s hung in this Cny. ab.-ut one o'clock. 1 M. Unleash Standard. hears, and Uillcd him iust uit tneous! v. Ihe "Nixon Curry, above named, was a 11.11 ive of ItvdeU county, in this Matt w..s a most notorious viiiu and under seiUt nee of death for minder, when he ni tike out of Iredell Jail and left the Shale. viok ni licain w.tsai last his ponioii. M ccklen b u rg Jefferson lan. ff'ashington Market, June 2. Corn wholesaie, l 75 a I cU. iiacon sides t? a y cents, ham 11 chilis. Nav.d Stores -New dij), S-! 15; Old, $ UO Scr..pe, Tueems. I or, D 1 10 Fn, Miad, 7 a Herrings, eui, i 3 50; whole, ri 50 a S3 ou. L'ejj. Shocking Occurrences. We have been shocking 10 hear ot tAo homicides having been perpetrated in Anson county, within (wo or three weeks past. The first occur- COMMUMCAI EI). gpEhhr Puekelt is expected to j leai.li at Ked liauks, on tne 3d day 01 June; 4ih, at Greenville; 5.u, at Grea. swamp; bin, at Conelo-; 6th, at Tarhoro'; y.n.at iown Cietk; 10 h...t Upp, r Town Lreek; lid), al I'ossnot; 1 lii, aiConieni oca; 13,0, ;il Qiu liia.u Cree.A; 15 h, at -Wcinon.il; lb'Ji, at Aauhun.) ; Imu, at lieas.iit Fljm.s; iyth ano ,'Oui, at a:ld iioiiom. Llder IVm. Burns, from Virginia, is expected to preacii ai Richland Chapei, on t May; 25 h, at ou h est, in !.; b h, ilt ,)c lJ; 2l n ;u yollJ)Ji nK . Join, at Siump sound; 31t, at Wards 'tUc; June Isi, at .North Ea.si; 2.1, at "hite O.tk; 3d, at H.,dno;s Creek; -liii, at lieh's; o.h, at Newport Cnap. 1; 6th, at Mocumb's Cuek; Mn, at Swdt Creek; yih, at Gadowas tn. h. ; 10th. at Rid Banks; 11, h, at Greenville; lth, at Gieai S.vamp; 13th, at Coneioe; l-4;h, at Tarbo ro'; 15ih, at Town Creek; lGlh, at Upper Town Creek; 17lh, at Fails Tar River. new Gmm, Cheaper than ever at tht WELL KNOWN CZsEiKl C.3SII STOKE. 3.:iics MYcildcII & Co. TO KSPKC PFULLY mviie Ih.irnnrrf it.us co-tomeis ami I he p-ddic, " n early eximioalion of iln ii present a,iorl men 1 of Sjirinv; awl Sunt mi r 3) Compt i-ing the I ugesi, mni -phndid, ht y.ind all conp!iritn, Cheapest Nlock of neat, tasty, In (I fashionable Goods, Hv r t lf-.etl in Tarbnro', and iliey ory sk ol those in ward id Hoods hi.t',!i eximioe their su ck and learn their price :ef 'i e pui chasing. Tnh-.r .'. M v 12. 1S-IT. Notice. fTtllK follnwing Twirls of Land obi at he Court llo'i-e door m ' town of Wdiiamsl. n. on th'' pp'L"'; day 1 t done next, for the tax due-' ear 1Sf: , f Ote "rod !)i-l -ngifis to John !.,.!., s:iid lo he 100 SO acres, "". - j. 100 -Mj d Hirs; t.x :3S cent-'. 1 1 J1 og .n con, Manniio'. ,( 0 .e t-nci behoof t.2 to nurdy n v:d..el IO""""' .ddv If"1' -;.l l fi he 50 acif h. ni 2' I IT ' " i (Nhf-; 1 Iiim 1 r Pi .1 k . cn f .hi (I 3l l, U Mia oi 'ie ii - - ,p i tax 20 cents Jo.ni. 2 Dru'V Z' Let ,;,Pt b. loth ir tO " ' e) yaiuc" - 0 ,t r ii. on my nsi .o .o.v . . , ' I. .nll'lT .1'. Joiniitg .'n'l.rs: lax 10 cenis. Martin county, S ApnU8"'

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