APPROVED Patent Medicines. fTf ARRISOX'S specific Ointment, foi the cure of nicer?, wound, corni fever sores, chilblains white swellings biles, piles, spider and snake biles, &c It is likewise really superior to any mt dicine heretofore discovered for the cha fed backs and limbs of horses for tetters, ring worms, chapped lips and in short, lor' every external bodily evil that may fall to the lot of man or beast. Superior Aromatic Salts, man- ufactured by K. Hutching- & Co. Haiti ni ne. Thee s;dts have a compact and chrvstaline appearance throughout, and are highlv recommended to persons liable to headache, lainlness, etc. Lie's genuine (Windham) hil lious Pills, or Family physic, a mild, sale, and sovereign remedy for bilious lever, yellow fever, acid stomach, j ltindice, in digestion, worms, headache, costiveness, female complaints, scurvy, bilious cbolic, eruptions on the sum, &c. Fuller's Ethereal tooth ache Elixir, prepared from the recipe of tin celebrated Dr. Make, of London, adopted and recommended by the London Medical Society in 1S39. It is believed to be the best compound for the tooth ache ever in vented, and able to cure it in all caes ex cept when connected with a rheumatic aflection. Cray's invaluable Patent Oinl- nieut, for the cute of white swellings, scrolubus and other tumours, ulcers, sure legs, old and tresh wounds, sprains and bruises, swellings ii. inflammations scald and burns, scald head, women's sore breast, rheumatic pains, tetters, eruptions, chilblains, whitlows, biles, piles, corns, and external diseases generally. Jkckwilh's anti dyspeptic Fills, a most valuable medicine lor the cure ol dyspepsia, and the prevention of bilious levers, colic, &c. Bernard's remedy for Asiatic Cholera, cholera morbus, diarrhoea, sum mer complaints, colics, cramps & spasms Carter's Southern liheumutic Embrocation, a speedy cure for rheuma tism, chilblains, sprains, numbness, and stillness of the joints, &c. The afflicted inaiVs Friemh or Ointment ot many virtues, much celebra ted for the cure of scrofula or king's evil, ringworm, goitre, inflamed eyes, burns, scalds, chilblains, breaking out on chil dren's heads, eruption, or pimples on the face, breaking out on the mouth, scorbutic ulcers, & ulcerated sore legs, sore breasts, and cancerous humors. Printed directions accompany the above valuable and highly approved paleul me dicines, for sale by GEO. HOWARD. Tiirboro,' July 30. Jflarks's Ointment FOR THE CUKE OF PILES. Hp HE Subscriber begs leave to offer to the attention of those who are subject t i lhat most disagreeable of disorders, THE PIZsElS, A remedy, the efficacy of which has been tested by the experience of years, and the utility of which has in no instance been impaired from failure to relieve. To those who have been subjected to this disease, it will prove, if applied when re allacked, a sure preventative to its contin uance, without the least pain; indeed ma ny have pronounced it the most agreeable remedy ever applied. There can be no danger in its use, as its component parts are ol harmless vegetable matter. The mother of the subscriber who is the maker of the Ointment, has been in the habit of giving it to her friends and neigh bors for ihe last five or six years, and in no instance to her knowledge has its ap plication been ineffectual, as will be seen by a number of certificates annexed, as well as the testimony of a medical gentle man who has used it himself and prescri bed it to the relief of others. Those who are suffering will do well to make a trial of the remedy. Its efficacy is guaranteed, and there call be no doubi but that the disorder may be arrested in its earliest state, if ll0 delay be made in its ap plication. The directions for use will be fouud on each bottle. SAMUEL JL MARKS. Petersburg, Va. Aug. 31. T?The Ointment may likewise he ob tained from Messrs. Spotswood Hubert aon, Druggists, Petersburg and from the subscriber, in Tarboro', where the ceriifi cates above referred to can be seen. ?EO. UG WARD, Agent. Trintiug neatly executed, XT THIS OFFICE. j MOFFAT'S Life Pills A: Plienix Bitters. THE perfectly safe, unerring, and suc cessful treatment of almost every species of disease bv the use of lIoffaPs Jjife Medicines, Is no longer a matter of doubt, as a refer ence to the experience of many thousand patients will satisfactorily prove. During ihe present month alone, nearly one hun dred cases have come to 1 tie Knowledge ol Mr. Moffatt, where the patient has, to all appearance, e fleeted a permanent cure by the exclusive and judicious use of the Life medicines some eight or ten ol these hail been considered beyond all hope by their medical attendants. Such happy results are a source of great pleasure to Mr. M. and inspire him with new confidence to re commend the use of his medicines to his fellow citizens. The liife Medicines Are a purely VEGETABLE preparation. They are mild and pleasant in their ope ration, and at the same lime thorough acting rapidly upon the secretions of the system carrying off all acrimonious hu mors, and assimilating with and purifying the blood. For this reason, in aggravated cases of Dyspepsia, the Life medicines will give relief in a shorter spare of time than any other prescription. In Fever &i ague, Inflammatory rheumatism, r evers ol every description, sick head ache, heart burn, Dizziness in the head, pains in the chest, Flatulency, impaired appetite, and in eve ry disease arising from an impurity of the blood, or a disordered stale of the stom ach, the use of these medicines has always proved to be beyond doubt, greatly supe rior to any oilier mode of treatment. All that Mr. Moffat aski of his patients is, to be particular in taking them strictly according to the directions. It is not by a newspaper notice, or by any thing that he himself may say in their favor, that he hopes to gain credit. It is alone by the results of a fair trial. Is the reader an In valid, and does he wish to know whether the Life medicines will suit his own case? If so, let him call or send to Mr. Moli'us agent in this place, and procure a copy of the Medical Manual, designed as a Domes tic Guide to Health, published gratuitous ly. He will there find enumerated very many extraordinary cases of curef and perhaps some exactly similar to his own Mortal's Medical office in New York, 375 Broadway. GEO. HOWARD, Agent. Tarboro', Oct. 1810. Notice. Hp HE subscriber having associated with him in business Juntrs D. Howell. the business in future will be conducted under the fir in of J a me AVcchk'll Si Co. JAMES IV EI) DELL. - (CPThose imhbted to the sub scriber are earnestly roqueted to call and settle I heir re-peel ivr dues, as he is anxious to close his old busines as spee dily as possible. J. IV. Tarboro', Jau'y 23.1, IS 11. TUB Matchless Sanative, Invented by the immortal Louis Ojjfon Coeliche, AI. 1). OF GERMANY, EUROPE, "jTS astonishing the world with its mighty victory over many fearful diseases, which have been pronounced INCURA RLE by physicians iu every age, being the most valuable medicine, and ihe most unaccountable in its operations of any ever prepared by human bauds; a medicine ob tained Equally from the animal, mineral and vegetable kingdoms, thus possessing a Gthree-fold powerJ); a medicine of more value to mankind than the united c ti roc ef riif ..IaI ,-....1 P 1 i ucuouiio vi urn jiiuwe, miu iur which we have abundant cause to bless the benefi cent hand of a kind Providence; a medi cine, which begins to be valued by physi cians, who have heretofore opposed it, who are uany witnessing us astonishing cures of many whom they had resigned to the grasp of the C7 insatiable Grave!! rr precious and powerful medicine, which has thoroughly filled the great vacuum in the materia mcdica; and thereby proved itself to be the Conqueror of Physicians. Lf uosc oj the Sanative. For adults one drop; for children, a half drop; and for infants, a quarter drop. The direc tions explain the method of talcing these portions, ana contain a history of the viedi eine and its distinguished inventor. OC?" Price. Three and one-third rix dollars (2 50) per half ounce. G. VICKX Agent. Stanhope, Nash co. N.C.June, 1840. vt'A fresh supply of the above invalu able medicine just received and for sale by Geo. Howard Tarboro. I arboro', August 24. House, Landscape &f Ornamental PAINTING. njllIE Subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Edgecombe county, that he has located himself In Tar borough, Where he is prepared to execute all order in his line of business. Those wishing gigs, sideboards, silling chairs, fire screens and the like painted will bring them to the coach shop ol Mr Terrell. He will leave town and go inlo the country, when house painting is required All orders in his line of business will h thankfully received and faithfully executed on reasonable terms. L E IFIS 1JE AR Q UER Tarhoro', Feb. 26. Doctor U in. 12 VANS' SOOTHING SYKUI. For children Teething, PREPARED BY HIMSELF. To Mothers and JVurscs. HP H E passage of the Teeth through the gums produces troublesome and dan gerous symptoms. It is known by moth ers that ihere is great irritation in the mouth and gums during this process. The gums swell, the secretion of saliva is in creased, ihe child is seized with frequent and sudden fits ol crying, walchings, start ng in the sleep, and spasms of peculiar parts, the child shrieks with extreme vio lence, and thrusts its fingers into its mouth If these precursory symptoms are not spee uily alleviated, spasmodic convulsions uni versally supervene, and soon cause the dissolution o( the infant. If mothers who have iheir little babes afilicled with these distressing symptoms, would apply Dr Wilhain Evans s Celebrated Soothing 5,3'r,,P" which has preserved hundreds ol infants when thought past recoverv, from being suddenly attacked with that fata malady, convulsions. This infallible remedy has preserved hundreds of Children, w hen thought past recovery, from convulsions. As soon as the Syrup is rubbed on the gums, the chih will recover. This preparation is so in nocent, so etiicacious, and so pleasant, that no child will refuse to let its gums be rubbed with it. When infants are at the age of four months, though there is no ap pearance of teeth, one bottle of the Syrup should be used on the gums, to open ihe pores. Parents should never he without the Syrup in the nursery where there are young children; for if a chih wakes in the night with pain in the gums the Syrup immediaicly giv es ease by open ing ihe pores and healing the gum; theie by preventing Convulsions, Fevers, &c. To ihe Agent of Dr. Evans' Soothing byrup: Dear Sir The great hem fit affurdtd to my suffering infant by your Soothing Syrup, in a case of protracted and painful dentition, must convince every feeling parent how essential an early ap plication ol such an invaluable medicine is to relieve infant misery and torture. .My infant, while teething, experienced such acute sufferings, lhat it was attacked w id, convulsions, and my wife and family sup posed that death would soon release the babe from anguish till we procured a bot tle ol your Syrup; which as soon as ap plied to the gums a wonderful change was produced, and after a few applications the child displayed obvious relief, and by con linuing iu its use. I am glad to inform you, the child has completely recovered, and no recurrence of that awful complaint has since occurred; the teeth are emana ting daily and the child enjoys perfect health. 1 giveyou my cheerful permission to make this acknowledgment public, and will gladly give any information on this circumstance. When child ren begin to be iu pain with their teeth, shooting in their gums, put a Utile of ihe Syrup in a tea spoon, and with the linger let the child's lmjius be rubbed for two or three minutes, three times a day. It must not be put to the breast immediately, for ihe milk would take the syrup oil too soon. When the teelh are just coming through their gums, mothers should immediately apply the sy rup; it will prevent the children having a fever, and undergoing that painful opera tion of lancing the gums, which always makes the tooih much harder to come through, and sometimes causes death. Beware oi'Coiiiileri'cits. OCT5 Caution. Be particular iu purcha sing to obtain it at 100 Chatham St., New York, or from ihe REGULAR AGENTS. Geo. Howard, Tarboro'. M. Russel, Elizabeth City. Jaiiuary, 1S40. LiKi.ijgWBrgr f Botanic Jtlcdicines. THE subcriber has recently procured and now offers for sale on reasonable and accommodating terms, the following Thoiiipsoiiian Medicines, viz : Lobelia, seed and pulverized, 2nd and 3rd Preparation of do. Composition, Nerve Powder, ropier LJark, African Bird Pepper, Uay berry, Skunk cabbage, wake robin, Balsam Fir, Butternut syrup, Balmony, Ureen ozier, Myrrh, Unicorn root, Ginger, Hitter Root, Golden Seal, Clivers, Pond Lilly, hemlock, witch bazle, Cough powders raspberry leaves, Prickly ash, slippery elm, barberry, Cholera and Dysentery Syrup, Rheumatic Tincture, Woman's Friend, Siicngthening Plaster, No. 6, TnouipM)us Guide and Narrative, Robinson's Lectures, Syringes, &c. GEO HOWARD. Tarboro', Nov. 9th, 1S39. Recommended hy the Faculty Tomato and. Slippery Elm nipilEREare many family medicines now before the public, some of w hich from iheir intrinsic virtues have justly gained the confidence and gratitude o thousands; but iu the light of contrast, and iu the scale of curative merit, Dr. Marrell's Tomato and Slippery Elm Pills stand pre-eminently above them all; nor is any apology oflered for taking this higl ground, unless it is the (act of iheir stipe perior, and almost miraculous effects iu the cure of diseases. They produce, w hen ta ken, a deep and Listing impression thai they stand at the head of all other prepar ed medicines of ihe day. Fevers, Liver affection?, Jaundice, head-ache, loss of appetite, costiveness, female complaints, and every disease within the reach of hu man means; yield readily to the power ful, yet gentle operation of these pills. As a cathartic lh.y are copious and free, as an aperient they are mild and certain, as a tonic they are prompt and invigorating, as an alterative they are superior to Calo mel or any other known remedy, and as a purifyer of the blood they are unequalled in the history of medicines. There is no disease can withstand their life-giving en ergy when taken in time, or interrupt the system at all when they are administered as a preventative. JJuring sickly sea sons, and ihe prevalence of epidemicks, iheir occasional use will preserve the i i r . . i. ..c a'. uouv mini fiiuiih! oi oisease. ou cents per box. $54 per gross. Druggists, booksellers, and Merchants are requisite to become agents for the sale ol ihe above medic ines. All orders (post paid) directed to Dr. A. Ilarrell, Fli.;ibeth City, N. C. will re ceive strict attention. TESTIMONIALS. Charles Blight, Rq. Pasquotank Co, i. C. cured of sick head ache, sick stom al h, cosiiveness, and fever. Josiah Pricbett, Esq. Pasquotank Co., N. (J., of bilious pleurisy, pain in the head, and soreness of the whole bodv. C1i,hIh ii ......1,1 r. .. Pi:. ..i rv... iv t r- i ,ii,.iueiii nv, v ., IMS imily ol bilious and other symptoms. Cap:. J. Smith, Windsor, N. G" of liver complaint and costiveness. Rev. G. M Keesee, Portsmouth, Va., of bilious habit. head ache and nausea. Joseph Ramsey. Pl.. V 1 . . Ji . , ...wwii., vv., oi indisposition. R( bcri Simpson, Esq, Pasquotank Co., . ks. ins wile c! loss of appetite, and his servant ol diarrhoea. Uoralio N. Wil ams, Fsq. Elizabeth City. N. C, of in- oisposiiion. James Cnrtwright Esq. Pas quotank Co., 4. C., of loss of appetite. md sick stomach. Rev. James A. Rhl lick, R undolph Macon CollrKe, of symn cm oi dyspepsia. h. Zion Culpepper, Elizabeth City. N. C. of loss nf .mm-tii r Iv . . . i i Rev. Joseph Turner, Elizabeth Cilv. N r r i . . . v. , oi sick-stomach, and flatulence. Jo seph Sharbor, Esq. Camden Co.. N C. ol foul slo.nach, and bilious derancement. Mr. Robert Pool. Pasnuotank Co. N. C, of impaired appetite and costiveness. A lew selected out of man v. AGENTS. James M. Redmond, ) rn , Geo. Howard, I arboro , 1. Emerson, Not folk, Va. H. BufTk Co, Portsmouth, Va. W. Radham, Edeuton, N. C. W. Fessenden, Plymouth, N. C. M. S. Berry, Hertford, N. C. O. Clayton, Tyrrel, N. C. H. D. Machen, Washington, iT. C. F. S. Marshall, Halifax, N. C. N. B. Hassell, Williamston, N. C. Webb h Capehart, Windsor, N. C. W. M. Mason, Raleigh, N. C. S. Small, near Woodville, N. C. S. Hall, Nevvbern, N. C. W. G. Howard, Ocracoke, N. C. Sept. 21, 1839. y UOtton V rTUIE subscriber has -m. i"st quantity of Cotton LUv,.'lVl nllmliore ivhlnU I.. ... am ,,u XVI1I sejj, At Reduced I 'tees, odatinc On reasonable and "'"nouatin,. Tarb,' 1S1I. Compound Tomato pin lk NT I II Ely vegetable A new and invaluable AitJ. diseases arising frum - e to (ill Ihe blood, morbid secret ioJunits 1 er and stomach, ului calomel, as a cathartic in r Uleh alt bilious diseases XK Popular P.ll, medicinal properties of .1 ''l Plant with other vcrehle n which been lound to .m.difT use its efiVcts, are believed ,0 Iterative and Cathartic Meii; -lhebt d.scove.ed. They have been T ev,r md successfully tried, and h0 universal approbation for Scrof I n t.ep-ia, Bilious dishes, J,llm!iPe' J',; J" Uh.uma.i-m, Colds I.1flJ.lz?V Nervous diseases Acid storrai r,''1!' ol,r swellings .fall kind 'A Colic, Headache, &c. ' LusllVe?, An Antidote to Cont8Ri0U, an p . ilemic Uisea-ej, to prevent iv V Ague, &e. in those who rFJ;,u , climates and low ad mard.y countries and thebesK.a.harlic that can be J for those localities. Stamen will find them an infallible remedy for the $cur vy; and travellers the bet Medicine ! i hey can use to counteract the dangers of exposure in unhealthy c!jmatesa F(jr onh. ary Family Ph) sic, they areuniver sally approved, as the best ever offered. As a Dietetic or Dinner Pill, one taken half an hour alter dinner, will sufficiently stimulate the digestive powers of the stomach to a healthy and in vigorafed ac tion, and aie found extremely serviceable to counteract the congestive effects of loi'g dinners, or late suppeis, or the ex Cessive use of deserts oriiuit. Thtsi? Pills are not of doubtful utility. They have passed away from those daily launched upon Ihe tide of experiment, md recommendations from Physicians and others in every variety of climate in Ihe United States Texas, and the Cana da?, bear witness to the peculiar and po tent fleets of this Medicine; in fact they are prescribed by physicians generally, m preference to any other Cathartic and .-vneraiive mcuicine anu navins acqjir- ed an unprecedented c lei rity as an An ti dyspeptic and Anli bilious Remedy; md this reputation bein fully sustained y ihe high character ol its testimonial, and the increasing demand for the Medi cine it is only necessary for the Proprie tor to continue the Caution, that the pub lic may not mistake other medicines which are introduced as Tomato pi eparaiions fur Ihe true Compound Tomato Pills. QZTFov a full account of this Medi cine, and for numerous ceitificates from phyicians and others, see tie pamphlels recently published, in the hauds ol all the Agents. None are genuine without the signature of (i. II Phelps M- D., Proprietor, llJit- lord, Conn. GEO. IO IF. HID, .fynt. Taiboro, March 25, IS 1 1. Celebrated Patent Animal and Fqtwlt Olli SOAP. TO OR cleansing coat collars, woollen, linen, and cotton goods, from sp occasioned by grease, paint, tar, vann t and oils of ev ery description, without iu- jnry io the finest goods. The Oil Soap, Possesses very healing and penetrating qua lilies, and is used with perfect saletjf for bathing various external complaint', upon man or beast, instances are too nu merous tt be certified. Thousand of cer tificates miihl be obtained of its efficacious effects upon all bone complaint. limbs, that have been dislocated, or otherwise injured. In almost - case when applied to corns on iuc has effected an entire cure. . It is positively the best remedy, i rniiL'hlv used, for sprains, cluiuia'. r sons, scalds, burns, sore lip-, c,,aPPe nr cracked hands, cutaneous eruplion, pimpled faces, that is known. rt i y hafed by the harness or sauu.c, shoulders, scratches, ate. on i.u .v-, is no composition that exceeds tli". Warranted genuine, tor saieuj GEO. UOIVM TnrhoroXov120- , - Boohs, Pamphlds, Stationary, rmilE Primitive Hap"'' vols. JL 4, neatly bound and . . ' nanerwhite, p J A JSO, wiii.-c v y- .i, nnvVUfM ISO, win.-n r r raw colored letter paper- r (luiJ1,,Mankcards,redl:ulpenc ,,ing paper, Sc. io. HQlVJRD.