PIANOFORTE Sstd .1IU8IC STOIIIJ. II K Subscribers respectfully announce lo their Iriends ami the public, that they are now opening at their Stoienn Sycamore street, a large asoitmcnl of Pi anos, of superior quality, FROM THE MANUFACTORY OF Messrs. iiitiias & Clark, NEW YORK, Which they submit to the examination ol their friends and the public. They havi also on hand the larsresl & bt seleciiun of America 11 and European Stisic That has ever been exhibited here. Al so, superior Guitars, Violins, Accordion ..Flutes, Fif's and Dium a huge assort ment of Roman, French & Knglisli Harps, Guitar and Violin Strings. They will receive wieUy from tlx Northern Cities, p try new publication ol Music, intending to keep at all times the largest and most oomph le assortment. And being both of us Teacher, and hav iiig some experience in selecting Music and Musical Instruments, we hope to be enabled to keepsueh an assortment as will be pleasing, agreeable and useful to those who will favor us with their patronage. We beg leave to say sl-o, that we shall be glad to allow purchasers of our Pianos to keep them for a reasonable time and try them, before paving for them, and we will take back any Piano paid for, if m o ved to be defective, even after 12 mouths trial. Any Piano sold in Town r its en viron?, will h kept in tune fur 12 month gratis. CHARLES BERG $ CO. gyPianos tuned and let on hire. Petersburg. April 1, 1841. IS Pianos for Sale. npWO second hand Pianos, in good or der, for sale on reasonable terms. Apply to GEO. Howard. Tarboro', July 1, Ifc4l. 27 Jotice. S7ILLIAM II. H VTTLE & BKXJ. D. BAT I LK havinjr nurchaed the merest ot Amos . Buttle in the COTTON FACTORS And appurtenances situated f f the FaUs of Tar IZiver, The whole establishment is now owned by them and C. C. Battle. The business in future will be conducted as heretofore, in the name of Battle ($ Brothers, and upon the same liberal and accommod ting terms. In consequence of the withdrawal o! one of the former firm of Battle & Broth ers, the business will have to he closed up to the 1st day of June, 1S41. A Miilanle agent will be employed to attend to this part of the business. They hope to hate the continued pat ronage of a generous public, as they will endeavor to have their Yarns madeof good quality, and will sell at as low prices as the article can be had at other places. BATTLE BROTHERS. Rocky Mount, N.C. June 18, IS II. $10 Reward, -Ti rana way from the Sub .-criber, on the 27th of July, 1S40, negro man DANEL Said Daniel is about thirty lour years ol age, the rise of six feet high, dark complexion, and a little knock Kneed, with a scar on one sine ol his tnouth, which side not n collected aUo. a small piece of one of his ears has been bit off in a fight. Said negro weighs ihe rise of two hundred pounds, and was rai sed in Pitt county, N, C. I forwain all persons from harboring said ne gro under the penalty of the law. I will sive the above reward (o any person that will ap prehenu said negro, and deliver him in me, near Oak Grove, Kdgecombe county, N. L. or confine him in any jiil so tlmt I get him again. ABNER T1S0N. Feb. 24, 1841. 9 State of North Carolina, EDGECOMBE COUNTY. Superior Court of Equity. SEPTEMBER TERM, isn. Winifred Warren vs. Petition for divorce John Warren, ) JT appearing (o the satisfaction of the Court that two subpoenas regarly issu cd against the defendant in this case have been retorned "not to he found. ' and that copies of the plaintiff's bill h.ve been left at the place where the defendant last resided, and proclamation having been made ai ine oun nouse uoor at this term: It is ordered by the Court, that publication be made in the Tarboro Press, for three months, notifying the defendant to appear, at the next term, to be held for said county, at the Court House in Tar boro,' on the second Monday in March next then and there to plead, answer, or demur, or the case will he heard ex parte Test. . NOR FLEET, C. M. E. Evans1 Camomile JPills, Hp HE camomile flower, (or as it is offi cially called, Anthkmis vocilis, or Chiimueiiieluin. from ihe Greek words, Knmai, on the ground, and Melon, an ap ple; because it grows on ihe ground, and smells like an apple,) is of a dull while color, of fragrant odor, and of a bitter ar omaiic taste. Camomile is a mild tonic, in small do ses acceptable and corroborant to the stomach. h is especially applicable to that condition of general debility, with languid appetite, which often attends con valescence from idiopathic fevers. To the jYervous and Debilitated, llr. Evans' Tonic Pills. The powers of Evans' Camomile Pills are such, that the palpitating heart, the tremulous hand, the dizzy eye, and the fluttering mind, vanish before their effects like noxious vapors before the benign in fluence of the morning sun. They have been long successfully used for the cure of intermiitents, together with fevers of the irregular nervous kind, accompanied with visceral obstructions. This tonic medicine is fur nervous com plaints, general debility, indigestion and its consequences, as want of appetite, dis tension of the stomach, acidity, unpleas ant taste in the mouth, rumbling noise in the bowels, nervous symptoms, languor, w hen the mind becomes irritable, despon ding, thoughtful, melancholy and deject ed. Hyporhondriacism, consumption, dimness of sight, delirium, and all other nervous affections, these pills will produce a safe and permanent cure. Evans1 Pills were first introduced in America in 1835. EI vans' Family Aperient Pills Are purely vegetable, composed with the strictest precision of science and of art; they never produce nausea, and are war ranted to cure the follow ing diseases which arise from impurities of the blood, viz: Consumption, Coughs, and Colds, Nervous diseases, liver complaint, dys pepsia, bilious diseases, piles, ulcers, fe male weakness, and all cases ofhypochon driacism, low spirits, palpitation of the heart, nervous irratibility, nervous weak ness, floor albus, seminal weakness, indi gestion, loss of appetite, heartburn, gene ral debility, bodily weakness, chlorosis or green sickness, flatulency, hysterical faint ings, hysterics, headaches, hiccup, sea sickness, night mare, rheumatism, asth ma, tic douloureux, cramp, spasmodic af fections, and those who are victims to that most excruciating disorder, Gout, will find relief from their sufferings, by a course of Dr. Evans' medicines. Kcivarc of Counterfeits. $JCaution. Be particular in purcha sing to obtain them at 100 Chatham St., New York, or from the REGULAR AGENTS. Geo. Howard, Tarboro', M. Russkll, Elizabeth City. HEAD Ox. Extract of a letter of Jonas Snyder Post Master, Kemesville, Pa., to Dr. Wil liam Evans. Among several casps the following is found: An elderly lady, who had been 25 years so afflicted with nervous hypochon diia, debility, &ic. that for the last t'uree years she constantly received medical aid from a respectable physician; but the pressure and pain on her heart and breast, and especially in her left side, remained immovable, attended at long intervals with weakness in her head and on her mind, keeping her discouraged to under take any thing. In May she commenced using Dr. W. Evans' medicines ac cording to the directions accompanying them. A reaction took place; the pain and pressure in her body w as removed; her mind became clear and strong; her spirits perfectly good, and up to this lime it is in all respects restored lo health which for the last ten years she has not enjoyed. (Signed,) JONAS SNYDER. September 1, 1838. Be particular. The genuine is ven ded by Agents only Evans1 Southing Sjrup, Evans1 Camomile Pills, Hunt's Botanic Pills, Goode's Ftmale Pills, The above invaluable Medicines are sold Wholesale and Retail, at 100 Chatham street, New York, 3 South seventh street, Philad'a 36 Corniiill, Boston, Mass. REGULAR AGENTS. Geo. Howard, TarboroVN. C. F. S. Marshall, Halifax, M Russell, Elizabeth City, T. Bland, Edenton, f, Solomon Hall, Newbern IV. Mason, Raleigh, J. IV. Atwill, Brunswick, Ga Mark A Lane, Washington, 3 S. Seventh street, Philadelphia Januarv, 1840. NE W: G!B, Cheaper than ever at the WELL KNOWN ' , CSE1P C.ESSt STOJIIE. . tames Wcddclt & Co ESPKC TFULLY invite their nume rous customeis and the public, to an early examination of their present assort ment of Spring and Summer Compi Ning the largest, most splendid, and beyuiid all comparison, Cheapest Stock of neat, tasty, Ind fashionable Goods, Ever offered in Tarboro', and they only ask ol those in want of Good, to call and examine their stock and learn their prices efore purchasing. Tarboro', May 12, 1841. NERYINE LOTION 9 JT is truly surprising to witness the fa vourable effects of ibis medicinal prepa ration in ihe cure of a great many of our most aggravated maladies. If the disease be acute or of recent occurrence, it will subside in a few minutes; if it be Chronic or of Long standing it will disappear in a few days; but in eveYy case pain will be overcome almost instantaneously; for such is the sudden transition which is realized from extreme suffering to a slate of per fect ease, thai ihe operation is barely ter minated, when the patient exclaims, his pains are gone, and that a favourable change has passed upon the disease. These statemenls'are not merely theoreti cal, but ihe undoubted result of observa tion and experience! This new and pow erful principle in medical practice, will greatly facilitate ihe cure of all diseases, but will beyond, the most distant shade of doubl, as thousands will testify complete ly subdue the following maladies, provid ed they are within the reach of human means; Dispepsia, Asthma, Neuralgia.Tic Doloureux, Epilepsy or Fits, St. Vitus' Dance, Hysterics, Spine Diseases, Cramps, Spasms, Lock Jaw, Nervous Headache, Tooth Ache, Weak Eyes, Rheumatism, Gout, Swelled &t Painful Joints, Early Inflamations of the Throat, Lungs, Hearl and its appendages, all Painful Diseases, Paraletic Debilities, Violent Sprains, Tetter Worms, Ring Worms, Pimples and oilier Eruptions of the Skin. CASES CURED. CASE I. Mr. P. of the town of Hali fax, N. C. a respectable merchant, sprain ed his ancle playing a game of fives; spent a painful and reslless night, found il next morning much swelled and inflamed. He came to me to be operated upon and sub mitted to my treatment. In iwo minutes he left the room with his ancle perfectly restored to his great satisfaction. CASE 2. Miss P. of the county of Halifax, N. C i .a young lady who had for many years suffered with nervous headache, and could obtain out mile re lief from ihe remedies generally resorted to. I was requested by her father to try my mode of treatment to her case, I did so, and in a few moments she was relieved. CASE 3. Mr. C. of Norfolk, Va., was laboring under chronic Rheumatism in every joint of the upper and lower extre mities. All had been done for him which medical skill could afford, yet he found no relief. Meeting with me he requested I should try my practice on his case, the result was he got rid of his pains. It was accomplished in three days. CASE 4 Mrs. R. of Elizabeth City N C. was attacked with acute Rheuma tism in th left shoulder and arm, could not raise it to her head: but to render the pain tolerable she was compelled to stea dy it by the light hand. I operated upon Ihe disease which took me about ten min utes and the consequence was the pain subsided, she raised the arm without difficulty, & used it in adjusting her dress. CASE 5. Mr. H. of Psquotank coun ty N. C, was annoyed with a very exten sive ringworm on both sides of his face. I operated upon him and destroyed it in two minutes. CASE C. Mrs. D. of Elizabeth City, N. C had a Neuralgic or nervous affec tion of the face and jaw She resorted to a great variety of means for relief but was disappointed. My mode of treat ment cured her in twenty minutes. A. HARRELL, M. D. N. B. frr. HarreUis a graduate of the University of Maryland. R. T. ALLEN, General Agent. For sale by GEO. HOWARD, Agent. Tarboro', April 8?184L JVotice fin HE partnership of Dunn, Mr 1 1 wain & Urnwnlev having expired by lim ita ion, is this day dissolved: except "s fii a may be necessary to cfos'e ihe LU-i to s of the concern.- The surviving partner will attend t ill seilh-nicnts, and defre that they mav he made as eaily as may be practicable. G MclLWAlNE. Surviving I I'M. BUOWNL art n era Januarv I, I 5 jYcw trm. THE subscribers, wiih them Air having a i'honias sccittp.-! S11 lh, will continue the GROCERY & COM MISSION BUSINESS, at the old stand, under Ihe name and nylepf tllclUvainc, Broivitlcy $ Co. And solicit a continuance ol that confi dtjnee which they have heretofore So ex teusively enjoyed. ' A. G. McTIJVAINE IV M. BUO'.VNLEY. Jamnrv 1, 1R42 I 5 Oet'r 23rd, 1841. FP HE Subscribeis t;ile pleasure in an uouncing to tlnir numerous custom ers and Ihe public, that they have now re ceived their Full SUppty tif Goods, and respectfully solicit a c.dl from those desi rous ol purchasing new and fashionabh Goods at Very low prices. Th ir Siocli 'is probably the largest ever exhibited in I'arhoro', comprising eveiy desirable aril cle in the Fancy and Staple Dry Good line, all of which they are d termined to sell cheap for cash, or on a short credit to punctual customer. JAS. IV ED BELL S- CO IVew and II caul i fit! SPRING AND SUMMER MIL LINE IZXtyc 7Tr. .2. C. IMOUVMIini S opening her Spring supply ot Goods, selected with the ;teatesl care and at tention by herself, and compiling a gen era! assortment of the most neat, tfsefu and ornamental articles, in the Millinery line Among her Goods will be found--A variety of beautiful pattern bonnets, la test and most approved s(yle Drawn Silk Bonnets, Straw bonnets, in great vafiet', Plain and figured Net, Plain, fig'd and watered silks and satins, Gro de Algiers, Gro de Nap, &c. Veils, collars, caps, curls, French, velvet and fancy Flowers An extensive assortment of ribbons, &c. All of which will be sold cheap for cash, or on her usual accommodating terms to punctual customers. Tarboro', May 12, 1841. MOFFAT'S Vegetable Life Pills And Fhenix Bitters. rni HE high celebrity which these excel lenl medicines have acquired, in cu ring almost every disease to which the human frame is liable, is a matter familiar with almost ever intelligent person. They became known by iheir fruits their good works have testified for them they did not thrive by the faith of the credulous. In cases of Costiveness, Dyspepsia, Bili ous and Liver affeCtious, Asthma, Piles, settled Pains, Rheumatism, Fevers and Agues, Obstinate Headaches,- impure state of the Fluids, Unhealthy appearance of the skin, Nervous Debility, the sickness incident to females in delicate health,-every kind of weakness in the Digestive or gans, and in all general Derangements of health, these medicines have invariably proved a certain and speedy remedy. They restore vigorous health to the mosil exhausted constitutions. A single trial will place the Life Pills and Fhenix BUtcrs, Beyond ihe reach ol competition, in the estimation of every patient. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, at WM. R. MOFFAT'S Medical Office, 375 Broadway, New York. N. B. None are genuine unless they have the fac simile of John Moffat s signature. (7The Life Pills are sold in boxes Price, 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1 each, according to the size; and the Phenix Bit ters in bottles, at $1 or $2 each) with full directions. For gratuitous distribCttiort An inte restisg little pamphlet, entitled Ioflat's jTlcdical Manual, Designed as a domestic guide lo health containing accurate information con cerning the most pTevaleiit diseases, and the most approved remedies by Wm. B. Moffat. Apply to GEO. HOWARD, Agent. November 18th, 1S39. rrinling neatly executed, XT this ofricy. rr B1KRCIIANT TAILOR, WOtJLD respectluily Invite thfcatttrti lion of ht eutontis and the puH lie in general, to his establishment hearl opposite I lie Brifck Store where na bel found an ir-j-ortmefil ut (he varioirs kind and style, of .. . JTalt and lVihicrrGoodSi FOR THE SEASON," Some of which are the following art?-? cits, viz: Sunn fm. black and blue Cloihs.- i ........ v . I. gin and invi-inie green U0. In own and mixed do. wool black diamond beaver doV for ov rcoals, 4, plain do. do. French & Li. don Cassi meres doesUiu and blue checks do. diamond and u jfved do, fancy mixed sfmt drjfb do. ffM Persian velvel vestmgSj' ,, Paris brocade Velvet, plain and figM satin vesting, . velvet do. plain black & fig'd satin SloCk white tig'd and blatk apron do Super black h. 5. glove, ,, an(t assorted coi o no. . . i w it s, . Suspei u'i,- ousoms aim cuhi, g. To which he would ask the attention of those lhaimay favor him with their pat ronage; and would ask pui chasers to calf ind vimine his aiticfes at least beloro pnichasmg elsewhere. G nl men s clothing made to orcier oy him at te shortest nonce, with great i- tenlien and care pdd to adapting the hape ttfM. lul, as becoming to ihe shape" ol body. The advertiser has always devoted hiS greatest etl -i ts to this very important part, in making all ol his work in the itiul fashionable style. His prices area? moderate as the times will admit, and as (he oio-t reaontble person can wish. Ta.boro', 1st Nov. 1841. Peters' vegetable Pills. c . npilK wonderful cures effected bjr th?3 medicine are the all engrossing sub jects of the day. Go where you will, and y;ou hear of nothing but Mr. Such a One has been cured by Dr. Peters's Veg etable Pills, or you know Mrs. So and So was at the point of death, bat she has been cured y Dr. Pelers's Pills: or are you not glad that Miss has been restored to health by Dr. Peters's Won drous Medicine. Really this fnedicine must be very good or it sould not cure so many. It is good. For many years it has passed on in the "even, silent tenor of its waV," curing hundreds of persons who were wraugling with death. But now its on ward course is impetuous. It is impossible to stay the demand for this medicine, as to hash the rushing wmo. A life medicine that will procrastinate death for years, shall it not enter every house? Shrll it not be used by every in dividual? Let no man say I don't want it. You know not what to morrow may bring forth. All should use this remedy and renumber that health is the first bless ing frrrn God. Peters Vegetable Piltsl Are anti-bilious, ami dyspeptic, and ami mei curia! and may be justly consid ered Universal Medicine, but they are peculiarly beneficial in the folio wing com plaints: Yellow and Bilious Fevers, Fe ver and Ague, Dyspepsia,- Croup, Liver Complaints, Sick Headache Jaundice Asthma, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Enlarge ment of the Spleen, Piles, Cholic, Female Obstructions, Heart Burn, Furred Tongue,- iNauea, IJilensron' ol the Stomach and B wels, Incipient Diarrhoea, Flatulence Habitual Costiveness, Blotched orSallow Complexion, and in all cases of Torpor of ihe Bowels where a Cathartic or an Ape rient is needed. They are exceedingly mild in their operations, producing neith er nausea, griping nor debility. The immense and increasing populari ty of these pills, rs another proof of the infallibility ol the old adage, that Mruth is powerful and will prevail." Oth er pills are only puffed, bui Dr Peters' are purchased and praised, and recom mended Until the demand for theni has5 become almost universal. Dr. Peters weuld impress" tfiisfacf upori the public, thai his pills ate not quack medicine; but a sienlific Compound of dimples, which has been. the result of ma ny years' intense application to a profes sion in which he waire&ularly brrdf hnce it is a popular with the regular h& ulty as with the peop!eat large.- - . One of the many peculiar virtue of hU Vegetable Pills, is, that while very pow erful in their effect, they, ate particularly mild and gentle fn their action tJnlike the generality of medicine?, theif applica tion is never attended with nausea1 or" griprng. Without an ejteep'ion in any age of country, no medicine has spread with sucn rapidity and given such universal satis- fsction. (J 77ie above Pills are for sale ai Ihe ist office Sr Printing ojfic&4n Tarborai Post March Cojfield JCini