s - -r . . . SATURDAY, Al'WL 5?. 42- Democratic Republican Nomination. FOR GOVE UXOR, OF CUM3ERLAND COUNTY. Election on Thursday, th "Free Trade no Taxes for Pro tectiox no Monopolies, or Exclusive Privileges Bank Ubform " L. D. Henry's letter to Com" tee Congress. In the Senate. onThuisday March 241 h, several petitions were present ed. A bill granting lands to the several States, for the education of the deaf and dumb and blind, and for ihe relief of insane persons, was read a second time. Mr. Clav's reform and retrenchment resolutions still oc upy the principal part of the deliberations of the Senate In the House of Representatives, on the 2lstult. a resolution was adopted, calling upon the President and Meads of Depart ments for the names of all members of the 26th and 27th Congresses, who have been applicants for office, distinguishing between those who have applied personally, and those who have applied by their friends. On the 23d, a letter was received from Mr Tyler, refusing to give the names of members of Congress, who have applied foroffice on the ground, that it would he an encroachment on the Executive the MechinicV Bank, and the Moyomensmg Bank. c- From the N Orleans Bulletin, March 10 The Hanks. The Exchange, (Means ami Atchaf.liya banks ! e yesterday closed in virtue of vvri' of s qies'ratton ! isued by the District Court, on application j of the Attorney (Jem ral. IU were post ed on the doors of those institutions, noti fy mg persons whose notes wore doe yes terday, that they nut call upon the Hoard ofCurnncv; from which we infer th the assi tsof the hanks were transferred to- the ..miodv of the Hoard. We learn from the Courier trrat the Improvement nd Mer chants' Bank will he immediately put into .i..ir llnin.t'iiinn That naner also O. JI JIC Vl IHJHIuni .w... I I says that among the whole sixteen banks in New Orleans it is calculated th.it eight or nine will weather the storm. New Orleans, March 9. This has been a day of great excitement in money matters. At an early hour it be came known that the pav ing teller of the Aichafidava Hank was a dr laulter to tlu extent of $120 000, and other overdrafts were said to have heen discovered, amount ing tr about 75.000 more. This had the effect of rapidly depreciating her issues. which were freely off -red at 50 and CO per cent, discount without finding many takers. The Advertiser stales that Mr. Edward Yorke, president o! the Exchange Hank ind sole proprietor of the Merchants' Hmk of New Orleans, had fled from that city. The same oaner slates that Mr. Richard Hrennan, cashier of the Excnange Hank, and Mr. Simon O'Callaghiii, paying teller of ihe Atchafalaya Hank, had also disappeared. Resumption in Philadelphia. -Nine of Ihe Philadelphia Hanks have resumed np.'i mivmenis. whose united camtal is 7,209,676; and six may he considered as rightsand privileges of which office, he is,i'eu, wiu eciu. . ...n,. . ,.c bound to defend. On ihe 21st, Mr. Giddingsof Ohio, of fered several resolutions on the case of the Creole, which produced much excitement. On the next day, he resigned his seat in Congress. On the 25th, the President of the Uni ted States sent in a message, recommend ing the repeal of the Land Distribu'ion bill. The message was ordered to be printed, and the question of reference was postpon ed until to-morrow. A few days since, after a confused and desultory colloquy afronit order; in hich, among other things out of order, the subject of teetotalism was brought in, Mr. Stanly took occasion to express his abhorrence of the Congressional Temperance Soeie'-y, as here organized, consisting of an am alga U. Slates Hank, Girard, Pennsylvania, Mechanics, Schuylkill, Ptnn Township, $35 000 000 4. 164,100 2.500,000 1,400,000 1 000 000 483,674 544,517,774 The notes of thes" Hanks cauuat be an entire loss to the holders. We stipjvtse thoy will all pay something some moie and some less. We guess the great 'whig'' Regulator will come out as shabbi ly as any of them. Ral. Stand. Ji Slave Case There is a controvert ed case about slave stealing bettveen Mis sissippi and North Carolina. We see it sta- matiou of Abolitionists and abstiaaioi.ists. ted in the Jackson, (Mi ,) correspondence of the Natchez Free Trader, lhata citizen Congressional Theft. The Glbe of of Mississippi has been accused on affidavit, the ISth publishes an electioneering letter i of s c ding a negro and carrying him into signed by the Hon. Joseph Trumbull, a j North Carolina. Governor McNutt ma le whig Representative from Connecticut, of, a formal demand on Gov. Murehrad for which it says thousands of copies were the delivery of the accused, ami sentaspe prin'ed on stor.e, and franked and siMit ail i'ial mcssmg-r to indent ify him and bring over Connecticut! It further charges that him back. Gov rnor Morehead refuse 1 to the paper on which it i printed is Can 1 deliver him, and the Mississippi Legisli gress paper, and was lakvn Jrum the store utv have passed formal re-olutions, ivpro room of Ihe House. It calls upon tljc ' bating" the eonduetof the North Carolina Committee of Congress to er.qune into and ! Governor. Pennsylvania n. expose this affiir. The letter was intend i ed to affect the coming elections in Con ! Newbern, March 19' h. necticut. i Darins Fprxcrtj. On l'uesiav of last If this papr wa tnken from the House, j week, a stranger ol rather genteel appear it was downright roguery! and that iljauce, calling himself Shepperd, ai rived should be committed by one of the '-all the j in this town, in the wete n s ag-. lie decency" parly, is a caution to thieves! ! j stopped at the Washing' on Hotel, and rep It would seem ttiat more than half of thai j resented himself as liom Montgomery, party was made up of rogues, and rnseais:i Ala , and as wishing to purchase m grocs-: vide Swart wout, Price, Mitchell, Hi.ldie, 'after some inquiry, however, he pretended and the 199 Hank defaulters, and other that he found the pi ice of negroes ioo high, almost unknown in this community, we will briefly describe him as he appeared here. He is about 35 years of age, rather below the ordinary height, say about five feet six inches, rather thick set and says he weighs '40 lbs, this we should judge to be about his weight. He had while here a large pair of whiskers, approaching to a sandv color: his dress was genteel, and he appeared to be a man of easy address and bland, conciliatory manners, well cal- rnlitwl in miiriq hlVOTa hlv a siran2'T. He had a full head of long, bushy hair, a re markably short neck, with a fine white set of teeth, which are frequently displayed by a smile; his walk was rather peculiar, carrying his feet with his toes neither in clined outward, nor inward, Indian like. We know nothing of the direction he look from Wilmington, having heard nothing farther from him since he received the a mount of the check. We think it proba ble, however, that he may have taken the hoai fiom Wilmington to Charleston. We understand that he received the .six thousand dollars in large bills, but are not informed on what Hank: these bills he will probibly endeavor to get exchanged, which we hope may lead to his detection N. . Shepperd wz learn, has heen arrested, and all, or nearly all of the mon ey, recovered. Ral Reg. (jpMr. D K. McRae, of Fayetteville, who a few weeks ago went out to Mexico as a bearer of Despatches to the American Minister, has returned to this country, and passed through here on Sunday towards Washington. We learned from him indi rectly, that Santa Anna, who is the Gov ernment. refuses to liberate the American citiz-ns taken with the Tex ins at Santa Fe that they, with the Texans, are treated in the most barbarous manner, chained to gether and made to work on the roads and in the sewers of the city. We copy some further items from the New Oilcans paper. Mr. McRae states that Santa Anna was making active preparitions for the invasion of Texas, which was intended in June. Wilmington Chronicle. m r t ! t liter. As soon as he was ttuormeaoi existence of the treaty, he hastened to un fold its objects to the French Ministry, and through that and other channels of in fluence, he has awakened France to a pro- ........i oP tPf ree ineot me danger 10 the principles and interests which she has hitherto defended, contained in mm monu ment, to which she was about to give her final sanction. 1 have my doubts vhether the treaty will be ratified; but after the in terpretation given it by the minister of for eign A Hairy, evidently the result of his m- tei views with General Cass, it will be powerless in Ihe hands of Great Hritain. in the way she intended lo apply it againsi us, ami other secondary maritime powers M. Guizot said, in the Chamber of Depu lies, that an attempt to apply the treity to us, or to other powers who were not pr ties to it, would he a justifiable cause of war. iNow nad ine ireaiy oeen rauueu without this commentary from Ibis high source. Great Hritain would h ave insisted, that to make Ihe lieaiy effectual, it "must apply to all fl igs; and that the only object in gelling ihe uoi'ed signatures of the five powers, was to establish ihe righi ol starch as the law of nations, in the paramount in terest ol humanity. ui l ne (teci ration ol the French Minister, and the universal hostility of the Chamber of Deputies, and of the prevs, to the treaty, h ive changed the whole aspect of the matter. The in strument is now a nullity in the bauds of its negotiators. The. feeling of 'Franc must be theleehng all over ihe continent; and England, instead of hiving made a notiier, ami the longtst step (fall, to nnr versal po ver and domination, lnddjn ht r hand an unmeaning document, abandoned, ou the instant, by the allies whose moral loree she had counted on to enable tier to earn out her monstrous purpose. Gen r al Cass has hastily prepared a pamjblet sel ling forth the true import and dang -rs ol this ireatv. It will b r ad by every statesman in Kuope, and added lo the General's personal (oft lence here, will ef lectudly turn the tables on England The country owes the General much for his rea sonable and effectual influence with the Government. Wanted, of North Carolina, in exchange for 50 hares of Cjpe Fear Ihnk Sinrk. I) IV. STONR. R I "igh, Match 23. t42. IS 6 List of Letters, Remaining in fhr Post Office at Tarho rottgli. ihe .st of tlpril $'lvohkk if not taken out before the st 0r July next, will be sent to the Gene ral Post Office Us dead letters. a& G T lanrsier .lames W Magee William 2 Moore Elizabeth Mercer Dr T N Martin E lw;ml Moore Edwin L, Mainner Thorna M inning E N nice Ltvis J Trial of Mary Hinkle On Saturday last, Mary Hinkle wax brought to the bar ol Ihe Superior Court, then sitting at this place, on a charge of Murder. I he oneron her arraignment, had pleaded "not guilty ;" and she was, on the day above mentioned, brought into Court for trial. Site appears to be between thirty and foity years of agt;; and is, we understand, a native of South Carolina. The State closed its testimony at about one o'clock no witnesses were introduced on the part of ihe prisoner. She was de fended by Messrs. Hoke, Osborne, Wil liamson and Lander. The Jury retired, after a very able, lu cid and imnirtial charge from his Honor Suicide Mrs M irv Wcisner, wife of John Weisner, of this county, terminated pi is-j her existence, lasi week, by hanging herself She had labored under a disor dered sta'e of mind for some lime previous to commuting ihe act. Salem N C. Gazelle. (ffThe Petersburg Intelligencer, of the 2-tth instant, says. -Rnmors are rife in town of the failure of several large hou ses in Richmond." (7Letters have been received in'Phil adelphia from Hoston, stating that Messrs. .las. Read & Co., a very heavy' dry goods Judge Pearson they i etui ned again to the i impoi ting houe, have failed. Their Com t House and tendered a verdict OM liabilities are 700,000. Lewis, guilty of murder in the first degree, against J Agent of the Cunard Line, has also failed. the prisoner. At about nine o'clock, the prisoner was again brought into Court lo receive the ll'ashington Market, Mar. 30 Corn wholesale,1 $2 00a S2 10. Hacon 6toG4 s oteuce of ihe law. Upon the prisoner ' cents. Lard, 6j to 7 cents. Navr.l Stores scamps, too tedious to mention; and the vvhigs even say that Mr. Tyler, is ever thing but an honest man! ".Ml the de cency 'MM That's a capital joke! Fay. Jour. "IVho Governs" The Banks or the People? The Hanks of North Carolina encouraged the circulation of Virginia mo ney in this State, by receiving it at their counters. It passed about among the peo ple freely. Hut the Hanks willed a change. In consequence of the resumption acts passed by Man land, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, the North Carolina Hanks refuse to receive at their counters, Virginia notes. What is the consequence? In one day the people find this money depreciated in their hands. The man who yesterday held 25100 in Virginia Hank notes, cannot to-day realise more than' 97 for it!!! We ask the people of North Carolina who governs?" Let them solve the ques'ion. Let them ask that man who yes terday held SI 00, but to day finds the same notes worth only 897. As Mr. Henry says, it is a question of liberty. It is as much a question of liber ty as was the war of the Revolution. Shall the Hanks rule, or shall the people rule? Shall a few corporuted men rule the coun try? Make money scarce or plenty? Kaise prices and lower them? Will the peple of North Carolina give this right to any man or set of men? We say NO! and we'll back it, with resistance to ihe death! 16. (tJ"The Hanks in Philadelphia have re sumed specie payments; two of them, after hiving had severe runs upon them, siod ped, viz: the Penn. Township Hank, and the Mechanics' Bank. Two others have clpsed their doors, the Manufacturers' and and that he had concluded to go larth- r north to n.ake his intended purchases. On Wednesday of the same week he went to the Branch of the Hank of the Slate in this place and asked Mr. Roberts, the Cashier, if he would give him a certificate of depos itc for thirty-six dollars The Cashier sta led to him that the amount was smaller than was customary on which to issue a certificate of deposite; but, upon Shepperd's stating that he wished to make a remit tance of that amount to a gentleman in Wilmington, the Cashier, without the least suspicion of his intention, offered him a check on the Hranch of the Hank of the State at Wilmington. This he readily ac cepted, and gave for the check seven hall eagles and two half dollar pieces in silver. Early on Friday morning Shepperd took ihe fVestern stage. Nothing farther was heard or thought of the check, until the receipt, by last Tuesday's mail, by Mr. Roberts, of the notice of the receipt and payment by the Cashier of the Hranch of the Hank of the State al Wilmington of a check for six thousand dollars, drawn by Mr. Koberts, in favor of John Wood, en dorsed by him, Pay to Nathan Shep perd, and by him endorsed. N. Shepperd." 'This was no doubt the same check, with the exception of this small change Irom thirty-six to six thousand dol lars, which Mr. Roberts had sold to the villain in question. The scoundrel proba bly committed the foigery here. We learn that he purchased a bottle of blue ink at a drug store in town, of the same kind as that with which the check was written, soon alter gelling it. What metamorphosis this swindling ras cal may have made in his personal appear ance before this lime, we pretend not to guess; but as it may aid in leading to an an cst of the perpetrator of a crime hitherto being asked what she had to say why sen lence of death should not be pronounced against her, she rose from hpr seat, and said in an audible but somewhat faltering voice; "before Gotland man 1 declare I am guiltless of l be charge." The counsel for the prisoner then read the ctrtifi. ates of three physicians, who had been appointed to examine into the condition of the prisoner, as regarded her peculiar situation-, ami thereupon craved a respite Irom the sentence ol the law. No .sentence was passed by the Court the piisouer was remanded to the County Jail, there to remain, until the next Superior Court of law is held at ihis place, when sen tence of death w ill be again prayed against her. The deceased was an aged negro slave, thepropeity of the prisoner's husband. Lincoln Republican New dip, $2 45; Old, 2 05 Scrape, 70 cents. 'Tar, Si 00 Fish, shad, 6 a 6$. Herrings, cut, S2 75 a 3 00; whole, 352 25. Rep. (QiWre are requested to announce JAMES J. VAUGHN of the 14 Regi ment as a candidate for Brigadier Gene ral in tjie 5 Brigade of N. C. M. Atkinson Willie A nderon Heej A ndrews Henry Hailow A K Hurgs 1 1 irris n Blount Susan. M rs B dley J inathan Bradley Willie B-nn-n Mark Cobb Eliztbeth Oensh.w (Jen D S Nims Mary Mrs Cohh M ,i y Parker Weeks 2 Daniel John II De- ton Camel D w L Eaison Jonalha-o T Furoi tn Gahriel Phi ite.m Spier H n U hen D Stewart J Sharpo Cn; ,., SeH..nis Wil(,n '"htg;en D nni Tax h r U illiam. Gi i Hi ii Z urhai iab G.ilfi , Ma.y Mi 1 1 outer Charles ( II e!l L vi 2 1 1 arris i Richard J hm- Sam u I luhuson Wu 1 1 Liod Charles Lv'ii j L 55 S.IML E MOORE Vines John Willi;,- M ' I'U ins J ines Warirn Ivy William Elijih Wi.lj.irrrs Dieiv P M Notice. fHMIE s!l.S(vier having qualified at Fehiuary term, IS4, as Adu.bds. or on ihe etate of R. berl FiixhutL dp reaped, hereby notifi s ll p rsun liavii.v chin.s against said estate. In present them for settlement within ihe. lime limited by law, or this notice will be plead in bar . f heir recovery -and all those indebted will come forward and set lie previous io May Court next, or their accounts will be placed in the hands of an cfli er for col leclien. HENRY FOXHJLL, Mm'r. March 14. 1S42. " 1 I 3 COMMUNICATED. fjj Elder James IVilder will preach at the Falls Tar Kiver on Tuesday after the third Sunday in April next. 31 A It RI ED, In Christ Church, in Hah-igh, on Tues day evening, 22 I tilt, hy the Key. R S Mason, D D. Peter Ii. Hi net, Esq. of this county, to Miss Emma J. Snow. Right if Search The. treaty among the five gteat puweis of Europe, touching the suppression of the slave Hade, is one of great importance to this country in the pre sent aspect of our affairs. And ihe recent refusal ol France to confirm all of its prov isions gives additional consequence to the subject. The subjoined letter is from a gentleman long and successfully connected viih the diplomatic uiLirs ol ihe country abroad, a close observer ol men and thing-: Paris, Jaiu 27, IS4 J. My dear Chandler: You vveie doubt less as unprepared as myself for the joim treaty o the live great European powers for the suppression ol the slave trade, by the concession of the mutual right of search. English ambition, concealed under ihe disguise of pbiLnthtopy, is at the bottom of this business. The ohjeet ol Great Uiitatn has been to interpolate the right of search into ihe law of nations, un der the sanction of the united authority ol those European powers, who have taken up on themselves to make and interpret Euro- pen public law. Her real objects, as well as me means winch .she has intended lo put in practice lor their attainment, have been concealed from the associate parlies to ihis ireaiy. ner pumary aim has been to le galize her sovereignty of ihe seas, and then to force the minor powers, the United states among.the rest, to resDect this new authority for her insolence and boundless ambition for maritime power. Happily wc have here an able and influential Min- Jtt prices umitt, Tarborougk and ew York. M R. 2G. Bacon, brandy, apjde, ColFee, Uorn, Cotton, loUon bagging, Flour, Iron, Lard, Molasses, - Sugar, brown, SaltTT. 1. - Turpentine, wheat, whiskey, per lb gallon lb bushel lb yard barrel lb lb gallon lb bushel barrel bushel gallon Turboro New York. 8 9 7 9 50 60 40 50 13 16 9 13 45 50 47 52 7 8 8 9 20 25 15 16 $63 7 $6 6i 5J 6 3 4 7 8 7 10 40 45 22 30 10 12$ 6 9 50 55 32 33 150 160 225 238 G5 75 120 13o 35 40 32 34 bankruptcy. FEEL it my du.y oce o.ore lo sive wauii...; io Petitioners and iheir Coun sel, under the H.mkrupl Law Form they probably ll.i.iU ;1 Vt ry itle . mil a lew lailures for war,, of lorm Wiiy convince them ibat ii is essential lo the proper execution of ihe law. The Pamph let containing my Rules, and Regulations, I aaiu say. is for Sile, al 25 cents each, hy Mr. Hale of ibis town. And I respect fully ask ihe Editors of papers through out ihe Slate, if ihey are not willing iodo i$ood service lo a large but indigent class ol our community by giving cuireney to this communication in their journals? H POTTER, District Judie FaycMcvillf, March , 1642. slute of .ovlli Carolina, EDGECOMBE COUNTY". Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions FEHKUAKY TERM, 1S42. Warren Waller and wife) Catyet.al. Petition for vs. Partition of Nancy Morgan and Jo- Land. seph Morgan, J J appearing lo ihe satisfaction of the Court lhat the defendant, Joseph Mor gin, is not an inhabitant of this State: It is therefore ordered, that publication bu made in Ihe Tarboro Press, for six weeks successively, giving him notice to appear at the next term, to be heM for said conn ly, on the fourth Monday of May next, ai the Court House in Tar horn,' then and th-re lo plead, answer, or demur, lo Ihe petitiui ol the plaintiff, otherwise it will be taken pro confesso and heard er varte as to him. Witness John Norfleet. Clerk of "lid Couit, at ollice, the f ,uith Monday of Fehruary, A I). IS42. 12 JNO. NORFLEET, Cl'k Slate oXorili Carolina. EDGEC'MBE Cl'UNTT Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, FEHRUARY TERM, 1842. Louisa Rrastvtdl, widow cd 1 Hythil Hraswell, vs. John Pee'e and wife Jack ey, Cdvm I). Hraswell, Thomas Thorn and wife Serena, Francis S Hi as- j well. & Wilhs Hraswell. heirs at law of lh said ( Hv'hal, I I am- at inur n KP ci;.u,ii,.n nf the Petitionfor Dower. I Court, that il.e'delenilants John Peele yu wile .lackey, Calvin I) Hra-well. I'liomas Thorn and wife Seiena, & Fi' C's S. Hraswell, are not inhabitants ol this St ite: It is therefore ordered. tl t publi cation be made in Hie Tarhoro' Press lir -ix week suciessivi , giving ih m t o 'ice to :.pp ;,r ai ihe m.x. ,erm to P held ''r s.nl County, no the fourth Monday of May next, at the Court Hoie in Tarbo rough, tl en and there lo plead, answer, or drmu., to ihe petition of the plaintiff: oth nvise it im be taki n pro conftsso and heard ex parte as m them. Wiiness, J. N Noufleet, Clerk of -aid Conn, at office, ihe fourth Monday d February, A. I). 1842 18 JNO NOR FLEET Clk Turner ti$ Hughes NORTH CJ1ROLINA AIL ML AN AC, For 1 842, Just received and lor sale at. this Office al the Raleigh prices, viz: IO cents single,' 75 cents per dozen, $3 SO for half a groce. 36 for a groec, &e. 0cl.lt4L

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