J. IJ attic, Com nission merchant and For all kinds ol buddies. ( xecpl dealing in spiritoits liquors,) Wilmington, N C. References: Gov. R. B. Dudley, W. & A. Siith, A. B odeo, . R..v. D. Thompson, Weston & Harrison, v J MeDmiel. PIANOFORTE .1ml .tlVSMC STORE. fip H K Subscribers iepeeifully announce to their Iriends and the public, thai ihev are now opening 'at ' their Siore imi Svcumore trcet, large assortment of Pi anos, ol superior quality. FROM THE MANUFACTORY OF Messrs. Niiims A: Clnrk, NEW YOHK, Which they submit to the examination o their friends and the t 1I T. They hav also on hand the large & b-l -election cf America 11 and European IVIusic Tnat IikmVii been exntbiod her-. Ai. so. up rt- r Guitai . Violins, ccotdnn-Flui- s, F.f s and I)tim a l-t.' assort incut of Roman, French & rV gllsb Harp, (initar and Violin Strings. They will teceive ueeUy fii.ni tin Northern Cii les, ev y new public;. inn , Music, intending to keep at all lime .v largest and' moM coinph te asorttDf 1,1. And b-ing both ol us Teacher, and hav ii g Mime experience in selecting Music and Musical I nli turn nts, p hope ,, h, enabled to kee p uch an assortment will b- pleasing, agreeable and uelul to those who wdl lavor n wilh their patronage We bZ lVP to say as0, that we shall be slad I" allow purchasers of our Piano to keep them for a reasonable time and try them, b'd'mp paying lot them, and we will lake bick any Piano paid for, il pio ved to be defective, even alter 12 months trial. Any Piano sold in Town i-r its en. viron, will b' kept in iimo for o rnonth gratis. CHARLES BERG CO. (JPianos tuned and let on hiie. Petersburg. April I. 1S4I. 18 Pianos for Sale. rill WO second hand Pianos, in good or der, for sale on reasonable term. Apply to GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro, July I, Ib4l. 27 JYotiee. TOCTILLIAM f I. BATTLE & HENJ. D. BATTLE having purchased the merest of Amos J. Rattle in the COTTON FACTORY And appurtenances situated f t the Falls 0 Tar River, The whole establihment is now owned by them and C C. Battle. The business in luture will be conducted as heretofore, in the name of Rattle 4" Brothers, and upon the same liberal and accommod ling terms. In cons qnence of the withdrawal ol one of the loimer firm of Battle &. Broth ers, the buiness will have to he closed up to the 1st day of June, IS-ll. A Mitrinc agent will be employed to attend to this part of the hunness. They hope to have the continued pat ronage of a generous public, a they will endeavor to have theit Yarns oadeol good q lality, and will sell at as low prices a the article can he had at other places. RATTLE Sr BROTHERS Rockv Mnnt. N ' .Into Is. 1841 10 Reward. RAN WV Y from the Suh cn'iei, on the 27'h of .loh. IS40. n.gro . an DANIEL aid Daniel 1 ahuii1 tinny loin V ars o: th us) of sjx It t higb,daik coinph x-O-t, am) a little knock kne d, a c o o. one sole of hi moul', w hieh ide ol r collected alo a small pi; re o one o Im ears has he i. hit ofT i 1 a fig' t. Said uejrm wrighs the rie ut wo huiidri'd p"tiniU. and w as t ai se in fi 1 1 comity, .N. (. I loiwam all peron( Irom harhnring sid ngio ui d 1 the penally ol the law. I will g ve the above teward to any person that will ap prehend ai negro, and deliver him to me, near O..U (Jrove, Edgecombe county, N. C. or confine him in any jiil o that get him again. ABXER TISON. Feb. 24. 1841. 0 JYot ICC. fin HE Subscriber offers for sale on very moderate and accommodating terms, Al good Cotton Gin, Of 37 saws it is in prime order and ready for immediate use. Also, one of Harman's Patent Thresh ing Machines, which with one horse it is said wilTthresh from 125 to 150 bushels of wheat, rye, oats and rice, and from 150 to 200 bushels of peas per day. .1 . " - GEO. HOWARD. TarboTo; June 3. 1841. Evans. Camomile JPills. 'pilE camomile flower, (or as it is offi cially called, Antiikmis VociLIS.or Chamceineliiin. from the Gretk words i7i, on the ground, and JMelun an ap ple; because it grows on the ground, and smells like an apple,) is of A dull white I'nlitr of fr-j ii 1. 1 I e ... ; "wt.i, ,iiiu 01 a ti i ter ar omatic taste. Camomile is a mild tonic, in small do ses acceptable and corroborant to the slomarh. It is especially applicable to that condition of general debility, with languid appetite, ah ich often attends con valescence from idiopathic fevers. To the jYervous mid Debilitated, Br. Evans9 Tonic Pills. The powers of Evans' Camomile Pills are such, that the palpitating heart, the tremulous hand, the dizzy eye, and the fliitlerinu mind, vanish hefoie their effects like noxious vapors before the benign in fluence of the morning sun They have been long successfully used for the cure .! iuterniiiteuts, together with fevers of the irregular nervous kind, accompanied wilh visceral ohtructioos. This tonic medicine is for nervous com plaints, general debility, indigestion and its consequences, as waul of appetite, dis lensioii of the stomach, acidity, unpleas ant taste in the mouth, rumbling noise in ihe bowels, nervous symptoms, languor, when the mind becomes irritable, despoil ding, thoughtful, melancholy and deject ed. Ilypoi houdriacism, consumption, dimness of sight, delirium, and all other nervous affections, thee pills will produce a safe and permanent cure. Evans' Pills were first introduced in America in 1835 Evans' Family Aperient Pills Are purely vegetable, composed with the strictest precision of science and of art; they never produce nausea, and are war ranted to core the following diseases w hich arise from impurities of the blood, viz: Consumption, Coughs, and Colds, Nervous diseases, liver complaint, dys pepsia, bilious diseases, piles, ulcers, fe male weakness, and all cases of hypochon driatism, low spirits, palpitation of the heart, nervous irratibilny, nervous weak ness, floor albus, seminal weakness, indi gestion, loss of appetite, heartburn, gene ral debility, bodily weakness, chlorosis or green sickness, flatulency, hysterical faint ings, hysterics, headaches, hiccup, sea sickness, night mare, rheumatism, asth ma, tic douloureux, cramp, spasmodic af fections, and those w ho are victims to that most excruciating disorder, Gout, will find relief from their sufferings, by a course of Dr. Evans' medicines. Beware. of Counterfeits. (iy Caution. Be particular in purcha sing to obtain them at 100 Chatham St., New York, or from the KEGULAU AGENTS. Geo Howard, Tarboro, M. Uusskll, Elizabeth City. Extract of a letter of Jonas Snyder, Post Master, Kernesville, Pa., to Dr. Wil liam Evans. Among several cases the following is found: An elderly lady, w ho had been 25 years so afflicted with nervous hypochon dria, debility, Sic. that for the last n.ree years she constantly received medical aid from a respectable physician; but the pressure and pain on her heart and breast, and especially in her left side, remained immovable, attended at long intervals with weakness in her head and on her mind, keeping her discouraged to under take any thing. In May she commenced using Dr. VV. Evans' medicines ac cording to the directions accompanying ihnn. A reaction took place; the pain and pressure in her body w as removed; her nii'.d became clear and strong; her spirits perfeciU good, and up to this time il is in all respects restored to health which for the last teo earsshe has not enjoyed. (Signed,) JONAS SNVDEtt. September 7, 1638. (jy Br pni tirular. The genuine is ven ded by Agents only. Evnns' Southing Srup, Evans Camomile Pills. Hunt's Botanic Pills, Goodts Ftmale fills, The above invaluable Medicines are sold Wholesale and Retail, at 100 Chatham street, New York, 3 South seventh street, Phii-ad'a 36 Con.NUiLL, Boston, Mass. REGULAR AGEjYTS. Geo. Howard, Tarboro', N. C. F. S Marshall, Halifax, M. Russell, Elizabeth City, T. Bland, Edenton, Solomon Hall, Newbern W. Mason, Raleigh, . J. W. A twill, Brunswick, Ga Mark A Lane, Washington, 3 S. Seventh street, Philadelphia January, 1840. NEW US, Cheaper than ever at the WEJ.L KNOWN CUEAUP STORE. James Wcclclell & Co. JgESPEC ' FULLY invite their ntime rou cutomeis and the public, to an early examination of ihei present assoit meut of Spring and Summer Compiling the hrest, most splendid, and beyond all comparison, Cheapest stock of neat, tasty, Itid fashionable Goods, Ever offered in Tarboro', and they only ask ol those in want of Goods, to call and examine their slock and learn their prices e'ore purchasing. Tarboro', Mav 12, 1S1I. nr. IIARRELISS N ELI VINE LOTION JT is truly surprising to witness the fa voorable effects of this medicinal prepa ration in the cure of a great many of our most aggravated maladies. If the disease be acute or of recent ocrtirrence.it w subside in a few minutes; if il be Chronic or of Long standing it w ill disappear in a few days; bit in every case pain will be overcome almost instantaneously; for such is the sudden transition which is realized from extreme suffering to a state of per fect ease, that the operation is-barely ter minated, when the patient exclaims, his pains are gone, and that a favourable change has passed upon the disease. These statements are not merely theoreti cal, but the undoubted result of observa tion and experience! This new and pow erful principle in medical practice, will greatly facilitate the cure of all diseases, hut will beyond, the most distant shade of doubt, as thousands will testify, complete ly subdue the following maladies, provid ed they are within the reach of human means; Dispepsia, Asthma, Neuralgia.Tic Doloureux, Epilepsy or Fits, St Vitus' Dance, Hysterics, Spine Diseases, Cramps, Spasms, Lock Jaw, Nervous Headache, Tooth Ache, Weak Eyes, Kheiimatism, G.ut, Swelled & Painful Joints, Early Inflamalions of the Throat. Lungs, Heart and its appendages, all Painful Diseases, Paraletic Debilities. Violent Sprains, Tetter Worms, Ring Worms, Pimples and other Eruptions of the Skin. CASES CURED. CASE 1. Mr. P. of the town of Hali fax, N. C. a respectable merchant, sprain ed his ancle playing a game of fives; spent a painful and restless night, f nnd it next morning much swelled and inflamed. He came to me to be operated upon and sub mitted to my treatment. In two minutes he left the room with his ancle perfectly restored to his great satisfaction. CASE 2. Miss P. of the county of Halifax, N. C , a young lady who had for many years suffered with nervous headache, and could obtain but little re lief from the remedies generally resorted to. 1 was requested by her father to try my mode of treatment to her case, I did so, and in a few moments she was relieved. CASE 3. Mr. C. of Norfolk, Va., was laboring tinder chronic Rheumatism in every joint of the upper and lower extre mities. All had been done for him which medical skill could afford, yet he found no relief. Meeting wilh me he requested I should try my practice on his case, the result was he got rid of his pains. Il was accomplished in three days. C SE 4 Mrs. R. of Elizabeth City N C. was attacked with acute Rheuma tism in th left shoulder and arm, could not raise it to her head: hut to render the pain tolerable she was compelled to stea dy it by the light hand. I operated upon the disease which took me about ten min utes and the consequence was the pain subsided, he raised the arm without difficulty, & used il in adjusting her dress. CASE 5. Mr. H. of Ps-quotank coun ly N C, was annoyed with a very exten sive ringworm on both sides of his free. I operated upon him and destroyed it in two minutes. CASE 6. Mrs. D. of Elizabeth City, N. C had a Neuralgi. or nervous afF-c lion of the face and jaw She resorted to a oreat variety of means for relief hut was disappointed. Mv mode of treat ment cured her in twenty minutes. A. HARRELL. M. D N. B. Dr. Harrell is a graduate of th University of Maryland R. T. ALLEN, General Agent. For sale by GEO. HOWARD, Agent. Tarboro', April 8, 1841. To all whom it may concern. Q Hp II E snhscribtr h m: : a'soc;a'n; themselves together in ?.-us;nes, ii Firm will be henceforward know, a Alacnair Urother, (ratifird by the enc.nn aeno ii vvl.icb i A M.icu tu his h'-iPtnloie r-c ivr I. lb underpinned n -p- etfully invite a cuniiini mce of the aoie, with the hop thai i will increase with ih ir in.Tiea-ed ::i!in to supply their customers on the cheapc-s. er ms. T A MACS AIR. R E MAGNA I R . !SI Tsrboio. Jan. 1 The icw Cheap Cash Store of JUacnair Urother ITS constantly supplied with most ol tlu articles of Dry Goods and Groceries Necessary lor this maike', which th-v will sell on the lowest terms for Cash or Produce. They have recently added t their slock a jooil supply ol Salt, Mo lasses, Faur. fyc. S-c which they will sell on nioM favorable terms. MAC NA III $ BROTHER. Januatv 1st. 4j 'Time to close Jlccounts. lOr.WIN'J cutei'iO mio copartnership with his brother, the subscriber res pectfullv invites all those indebted to bin to set i le their account immediately T A. MAC NA IR. Jtnutrv 1. 1812. ttccoiiuiiciiricd by the Faculty.: Drs. fl. S$ J HarrelVs CKLKBKATKO j PREPARED MEDICINES. T11C-E NLW AND Pl.KASANT KKMEDIES COMPUISE Their Alterative Extract of Sarsaparilla and Blood Rout. This is a valuable remedy in the cure of sc rofula, or king's white swelling, pains in the bones, ulcerous sues, eiwpiions of the skin, rheumatism, syphilitic and mer curial aff'Ctinns. debilitx, and all diseases aris'inn from impurities of the blood, of impaired cnstitulituis from hmg habits of excessive dissipation. Price $ I per bottle. Their Concentrated Extract of Buchu and Uva Ursi. For coring diseased urinary organ?, such as uravel, morbid irritation and chronic infl mun ition of the kidneys, ure ters, bladder ami urethra: also, diseases ofjhe prostrate gland, lss f lone in pas sioi; urine, cutaneous affections and rlieu- m itisin Price 1 25 per bottle. I'heir Ftbrifuge or Camomile Tonic. For tbe cure of all debilities, loss of ap petite, but especially for Fever and Ague for which it has been .nore particularly prepared. This medicine is so compoun ded as to meet this troublesome disease in all its stages, am its ingredients so powerfully concentrated as to produce an effectual cureif ihe most obstinate cases by taking a lew doses. Price $1 per bottle. Their Anti spasmodic or Camphorated Cordial. Designed to cure excessive vomilting, diarrhea, cholera morbus, Asiatic cholera, pain in the stomach, cramps, hysterics, colics, hypnenndrn, sp-isms, convulsions and muttering delirium in the low forms of bilious fever. It is a fine substitute for paregoric. Price 75 cents per bottle. Their Cough Mixture of Carrageen Moss and Squills. For the cure of diseased Lungs, chron ic affections of the stomach and bowels, and all diseases produced by sudden chan ges in temperature. Price 75 cents per bottle. Their Anti bilious Tomato Pills. These pills combine the extract of T -utato and Slippery Elm, with several of the most approved remedies of the Mate ria Medica, and if taken according to the directions, will cure all diseases within the reach of human means. As a cathartic ihev are copious and free; as an aperient they are mild and certain; as a tonic they are prompt and invigorating; as an altera tive they are superior to calomel or any other known remedy, aod as a purifier of the blood, they are unequalled in the his tory of medicines. Price 50 cents per box. Their Superfine Tooth Powder. For curing and hardening' ihe gums cleaning, preserving and keeping white the teeth, and for sweetening the breath, Price 50 cents per box. The above preparations are offered to the public generally and Physicians espe cially, not as nostrums, or panareas, but as neat and convenient preparations made on strictly scientific principles. They con tain the active virtues of their respective ineredients. in a concentrated form, and will do all in removioir disease thai such medicines can possibly fleet. Since their invention, many affli' ted with the prece ding diseases have been restored by their transcendent virtues; and the great and de sirable rew ard of health still aw ails those who avail themselves of tbeir use accord ing to prescribed directions. For sale by GEO. HOWARD, Aftnt. Tarboro', Oct. IS. Cojjield ICing, MEUCIIA3T TAILOR, WfyOUlA) i. -p. ctiuity invite the alien " ii o i.i tis ctisi(,oi rs and the pub ;c in g m tai, to his establishment nearly pp.'Sit.. the !U:tk Store, whete may be to. imi an as-oi inie.nl ol the Various kinds rut style of Fail and Winter Good$ FOR THE SEASON, Some of which are tbe following irti ch s, viz: Siptifim black and blue Cloths, ,, I'gbt and invisible gret-n do. blown and mixed do. ,, wool black diamond beavt r do. for overcoat?, ,, plain do. do. French & Loudon Ca.ssimcref, doeskin and blue checks do. fig'd Persian velvet vesting, plain and fi'd satin votings, - M , vilvet do. ,, plain black & fig'd vttin Stocks, ,, wnite li'd ;iud bl.ick apron do Supir black h s. gloves, ,. ai.d assorted col'd do. upei del bosoms and collars, &c. To which he would ask the attention ot those that may favor htm wilh their pat ronage: and would ask pui cha r to call and i x.unine hi aiticles at le8, before pui chasing elsewhere. (i n'h men' clothing made to order by him at the shortest notice, with great tt tentien and cate pod to adapting the shape task ful, as bi Coming to the fehape : ..r iw.i.. .... ,,. aKvai.. fUvnlpr! hU greatest effuts to this very important part, in making all of his work in the must fashionable style. His prices areas moderate as the times will admit, and as ilv most reasonable person can wilh. Tu.boro, 1st Nov. 1841. Robert Norjlcet, rsnilROUdH this medium returns bis sincere thanks, for the very liberal pttiouage received since hi commence ment in buines. fentlemtn, wishing t procure a suit of clothes, equal in eve rv respect to the best that can be made in the United Stales, can do so by giving hint a cdl Always on hand, A good Slock of Cloths, Cassimrres and Nestings, of the newest styles, And ao assortment of slocks, cravat, bo o n. gloves, silk anti wool shirts and draweis, hats, pumps, boots, umbrel la!. & T-u'.oro'. Feb. 1, 1842. Oct'r 23rd, 1841. r 1 1 1 K Subset inns take pleasure in an nouneing to tli ir numerous custom ers and the public, that they have now re ceived their Fall Supply of Gods and respectfully solicit a cdl fiom thoe deii ions td p iicha-ii g new and fashionable tioods w very low prices. Th- ir Slock is nrohably ho iaie ever xhihjted in Tarboro. compiismg every dirabe arti cle in the Fancy and Staple Dry fJoods iine, all of which they are dt i mined to sell cheap for cash, or on a short credit to p-i 'Ctual customer. IAS. WEDDEI L 5- CO. JVotice. JBIIRS A c. HOWARD informs her friends and the po' lie, that she has usi teccived a fresh sopplv of Goods suit able fr the season, viz: Bonn ts, Silk Satins, Ribiand', Flowers, Curls, 4c which makes her assortment complete. She has ao received some new and beau- i '"it I patterns for dree, $c. Tarboro', Dec 3, 1841. " Eclipse, JunY, WILL STAND the en. suin season at my stablo in the town of Williams ton, Martin county, N. C. ami will be let to mares at the low price of Fifteen Dollars the season, and Twen-. ty Dollars to insure a mare to be in foal; with Fifty Cents to the Groom in every instance. Persons sending mares from a distance to remain wilh him, shall have every necessary attention paid to thrnu ;ind will be kept at twenty five cents per day; but no n j-p nsibility assumed for es eap 8 or accidents. ; This thorough bred hore is a beautiful chesnut sorrel, 5 years old ihis spring, 5 ett I inch high, and for purity i f blood md symmetry of form is quailed but by few and jui passed by none. Eclipse, Surfr, Was got bv the celt biated race hone A merican Kcltpe, h s dam bv Marion, and he by old Sir Archy. Thus it will be seen, that he is of Ihe most successful ra cing tock, and all judges of raee horses who have seen him, pronounce him at our- a rare horse; bt.l in consequence of bad m ioaijmeni, he was unfortunately ruT.ed ii; breaking. The seaoo will commence the 1st of Match, and end the 1st ol July next. A S MOORING. F bv 231. 142. 8 10 The Roanoke Advocate will inrt above till 1st May, and forward account to this office for collection.

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