Cotton Yarn. IHK subscriber has jut receiv d a quantity of Ootinn Yarn, differem numbers,which be will sell Jit Heduetd Piices , On reasonable and ;iccommodsiing terms GEO HOWARD Tarl:oio Jan. T4ih. SS-12. THE Matchless Sanative, Invented by ibe immortal Louis Ojfon Govlicke, M. D. OF OKHMANY, EUROPE, R"S astonishing the world with its mighty victory over many ftarful diseases, which have been pronounced INC'UKA- HLE by physicians in every age, being the most valuable medicine, and the most unaccountable in its operations of any ever prepared by human hands; a medicine ob lained Equally from the animal, mineral and vegetable kingdoms, thus possessing a lTH REE fold powERflQ; a medicine of more value to mankind than the united treasures of our globe, and for which we Tiave abundant cause to bless the benefi rent hand of a kind Providence: a medi cine, which begins to be valued by piiysi cians, who have heretofore opposed it, who are daily witnessing its astonishing cures of many whom they had resigned to the grasp of the (XT Insatiable Grave!! JJ a precious and powerful medicine, which lias thoroughly filled the great vacuum in the materia mtdica; and thereby proved itself to be the Conqueror of Physician. $3 Dose of the Sanative. For adults, one drop; for children, a half drop; and for infants, a quarter drop. The direc tions explain the method of taking these portions, and contain a history of the medi tine and its distinguished inventor. QCPrire. Three and one-third rix dollars ($2 50) per half ounce. f7. VWK. Agent. Stanhope, Nash co. N. C. June, 1840. (UA fresh supply of the above invalu able medicine just received and for sale by Geo. Howard, Turboro Tarboro', August 24. Stale of jVovth Carolina, EDGECOMBE COUNTY. Court nf Pleas and Quarter Sessions, FEBRUARY TERM, 1S42. Warren Waller and wife" Petition for vs. y Partition of Nancy Morgan and Jo- Land. seph Morgan, j JT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant, Joseph Mnr gan, is not an inhabitant of this State: It is therefore ordered, that publication ! made in the Tarboro' Press, lor six week successively, giving him notice to app-ai at the next term, to be held fur said conn ty, on the fourth Mond.iv of M;iy next at the Court Mouse in Tarboro,' then ami there to plead, answer, or demur, to the petition of the plaintiff, otherwise w'! he taken pro conftsso ami heard ex parte as to him. Witness, John Norfleet, Clerk .f said Court, at office, the f mrth Monday ol February, A. I). IS4 2. 12 J NO NOR FLEET, CI k Ulale of North Carolina EDGECOMBE COUNTY Court of P teas and Quarter Sessions, FEBRUARY TERM, 1848. Louia Hraswell, widow of Uylhal Hraswell, vs. John Pee'e and wife Jack ev, Calvin I) Braswell, Petit inn fur I homas 1 horn and wile Dower Serena, Francis S. Bras well, & Willis Braswell, heirs at law ol the said Uylhal, "ff T app aring to the satisfaction of th -"- Court, that the defendants John Peeb a d wile .lackey, Calvin I) Ilraswell. j Thomas Thorn and wife Seiena, & Fian cis S. Braswell, are not inhabitants ol this Stile: It is therefore ordeied, that publi cation be made in the Tarboro' Press for fix weeks successively, giving th m no lice to appear at the next Icrm to be held for said County, on the fourth Monday ol May next, at the Court Mouse in Tarbn r ub, then and there to plead, answer, m demur, to tho petition of ihe plaintiff; oth erwise it will lo takm pro conf sso and he.ird ex part? as to them. It'll.. I HT iiihw, 1NOHFI.EET. Clerk ol rdd Couit, at office, the lourlh Monday ol February, A. 1). 1M. 13 JN0 KUKFl-ERTi Clk Turner Sf Uugha? NORTH CAROLINA ALMANAC, J ist renivofl ynd for sale at this OlTic. atbe Raleigh prices, viz: 10 cents single 75 cent prrduzen, J53 50 for hall'n groV,.' fco tur a groce, &c. Oct. ltU. Camphor Lozenges, JTiWFt immediate relief in Nervous oi sick Headache, palpitation of Ihe heart, lowness of spiriu, despondency, in flimmatory or putrid sore throat, bowel or summer complaint, fainting, oppression or a sense of sinking .f ihe cneM, choltc, spasms, cramps ol the stomach or bowel-, hysterical aff clious and all nervous doca e, drowsiness through the day and wake fulness at mghi; cholera or chohra mor t)us, diarthcsi, lassitude, or a sense of fa tigue. Persons travelling or attending large parties, will find the Lozenges real ly reviving, ami imparting the buoyancy of youth used after dissipation, they will restore the tone of the system generally, and remove all the unpleasant symptoms arising from too tree living. Sherman's Cough Lozenges, Aie the safest, most sure and effectual re rnedv lor Couz'is, colds, consumptions. whooping cough, asthma, lightness f the lungs or crust, yc. i ne propnr uu has never known an instance where ihey did nol give perfect satislaciion. S veral thousand boxes have bet n sold within the la.t year, restoring to health persons in almost every stage of consumption, anil those hboring under lb most disln-sHng colds and co-.ghs. Th. y do nol check and dry up the cough, but render it easy, promote expectoration, illay the tickling or irritation, ami remove Hie proximate or exciting cause. They are made from a combination ol the most valuable exper torant or cough medicines, and are un doubtedly superior to every thing in tic lor those complaints. Hundreds ip-i. hundreds of certificate- have been offeied of their wondeilul virtues, from th- s who have b en saved irom an untimely grave, and restored to pel feet health, by using them. Sherman's Worm Loznge, Proved in more than 400.000 ca-es to he infallible; the only ctilam worm-destroy tug medicine ever discovered. Many dis eases arise from worms and occasion Ions and intense suffering & even detb; with out their ever being suspected; grown persons are very often afflicted with them and are doctored for various complaints, without any benefit; when one dose ol those Lz- nges would speedily cure them. Symptoms of li'rrms Pains in the joints or limbs, off nstve breath, picking at the nose, grinding of the teeth during sleep, and at times a paleness about the lips with flushed cheeks, bleeding at the nose, a gnawing sensation at the stomach, flashes of heat over Ihe surface ol the bo dy, slight chills or shiverings, headache, drowsiness, vertigo, torpor, disturbed dreams, sudden starting in sleep with fright ami screaming; sometimes a troo blesome cough, feverishness, thirst, pallid hue, fit, bad taste in ibe mouth, dilficul' breathing, pain in the stomach or bowel-, r.iM'g'i", nausea, squeamishness, voraciou appelite, leanness, bloated stomach or limbs, gripings, shooting pains in various parts of the body, a sense of something ri sing in the throat, itching of the anus to wards night, a frequent desire In pas something from the bowels, & sometime discharges of slime and mucus. Sherman's Poor's Plaster, The best strengthening plaster in th world, and a sovereign remedy for pain-, or weakness in the back, loins, sides breast, neck, limbs, joints, rheumatism, lumbago, &c. One minion a y" will supply the demand. Thpy require a litlh warming before application. Warranted superior to all others, and for one quanei Ihe usual price, making not only the best. tut the cheapest plaster in the world. It affords reliel in a few hours and makes as lonishing cures. The above are off red for sale by GKO. UOIIVIUI), Agent. Tarboro', Feb. 23. Celebrated Patent Animal and V egetable L1 4Tb. ARB JOOR cleansing coat collars, woollen, ourt (oltnii foods, from snols Hilt!!, p., , , (ccasioned bv grease, paint, tar, varnish, and oils of every description, without in jury to the finest goods. The Oil Soap, Possesses very healing and penetrating qualities, and is used with perfect salet for bathing various external complaints, upon man or beast. Instances are loo uu nitrons lo be certified. Thousands of cer nficates might be obtained of its efficacious effects upon all bone complaints, weak limbs, that have been dislocated, broken . ii i or otherwise injured, in almost every case when applied to corns on the feet, it has effected an entire cure. It is positively the best remedy, if tho roughly used, for sprains, chilblains, poi sons, scalds, burns, sore lips, chapped or cracked bauds, cutaneous eruptions, or pimpled laces, tnai is Known. r or places chafed by the harness or saddle, sprained shoulders, scratches, &ic. on horses, there is no composition that txceeds this. Warranted genuine. For sale by GEO. 110 IV AllD. Tarboro' Tnv 911 9 New and Beautiful SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINER Y, c. jrn-s. f. c. nonm&, ITS opening her Spring supply oi Goods, selected with the greatest care and at tention by herself, and composing a gen eral assortment of the most neat, useful and ornamental articles, in I lie IVIilliiicry line. Among her Goods will be found A variety of beautiful pattern bonnets, la lest and most approved style, Drawn Silk Honnets, Straw bonnels, in great variety, Plain and figured Net, Plain, fig'd and watered silks and satins, Gro de Algiers, Gro de Nap, &c. Veils, collars, caps, curls, French, velvet and fanny Flowers, n extensive assortment of ribbons, &c. All of which will be sold cheap for cash, or on her usual accommodating terms to punctual customers. Tarboro', May 12, 1S41. Doctor Win. EVAIVS' SOOTHING SYiiUL For children Teething, PREPARED BY HIMSELF. To .Mothers and JS"urses. rrp H K passage of ihe Teeth through the gums produces troublesome and dan gerous symptoms. It is known by moth ers (hat there is great irritation in the mouth and gums during this process. The gums swell, the secretion of saliva is in creased, ihe child is seized with frequent and sudden fits of crying, watchintis, start ing in the sleep, and spasms of peculiai parts, the child shrieks with extreme vio lence, and thrusts its fingers into its mouth. Il these precursory symptoms are not spee dily alleviated, spasmodic convulsions uni versally supervene, and soon cause the dissolution of the infant. If mothers who have their little babes afflicted vnh these distressing symptoms, would apply l)r William Kvans's Celebrated Soothing Syrup, which has preserved hundreds of! infants when thought past recoverv, fnm being suddenly attacked with that fatal malady, convulsions. This infallible remedy has preserved hundreds of Children, when thought past recovery, from convulsions. As soon as the Syrup is rubbed on the p.ums, the child w ill recover. This preparation is so in nocent, so efficacious, and so pleasant, that no child will refuse to let its gums be rubbed with it. When infants are at the age of four months, though there is no ap pearance of teeth, one bottle of the Syrup should be used on the gums, to open the pores. Parents should never be without the Syrup in ihe nursery where there are young children; for if a child wakes in the night with pain in ihe gums, the Syrup immediately givesease by open- og the pores and healing ihe gums; theie- by preventing Convulsions, Fevers, Sic. To the Agent of Dr. Fvans' Soothing Syrup: Dear Sir The great benefit afforded to my suffering infant by your Soothing Syrup, in a case of protracted and painful dentition, must convince every feeling parent how essential an early ap plication of such an invaluable medicine is to relieve infant misery and torture, .My infant, while teething, experienced such acute sufferings, that it was attacked with convulsions, and my wife and family sup posed that death would soon release the babe from anguish till we procured a bot tle of your Syrup; which as soon as ap plied to the gums a wonderful change was produced, and after a few applications the child displayed obvious relief, and by con tinuing in its use. 1 am glad to inform you, the child has completely recovered, and no recurrence of that awful complaint has since occurred; the teeth are emana ting daily and the child enjoys perfect health. I giveyou my cheerful permission lo make this acknowledgment public, and will gladly give any information on this circumstance. When children begin to be in pain with their teeth, shooting in their gums, pul a little of the Syrup in a tea spoon, and with tbe finger. let ihe child's gums be rubbed for two or three minutes, three limes a day. Il musl nol be pul lo t tie breast immediately, for the milk would lake the syrup off too soon. When the teeth are just coming through their gums, mothers should immediately apply the sy: rup; it will prevent the children having a fever, and undergoing that painful opera tion of lancing the gums, which always makes the tooth much harder to come through, and sometimes causes death. Ilcwarc or Counterfeits. ftjCaution. Be particular in purcha stng to obtain it at 100 New York, or from the Chatham si. REGULAR AGENTS. Geo. Howard, Tarboro M. Russkl, Elizabeth City. January 14. Recommended hy the. Faculty. Tomato and Slippery Elm PILLS. fipMEHK fife many family medicines now before Hie public, some of which j from their intrinsic virtues have justly gained tbe confidence and gratitude of thousand; but in the light of contrast, and in the scale of curative merit, Dr. Han ell' Tomato and Slippery Elm Pills stand pre-eminently above them all; nor is any apology offered for taking this higli ground, unless it is the fact of their stipe- perior, and almost miraculous effects in the cure of diseases. 1 hey produce, when ta ken, a deep and lasting impression that they stand at the head ol ail other prepar ed medicines of the day. Fevers, Livrr affection?, Jaundice, head-ache, loss o appetite, costiveuess, lemale complaints, and every disease within the reach of ho man means; yield readily to the power ful, vet gentle operation of these pil As a cathartic th'y are copious and free, as an aperient they are mild and certain, as a tonic ihey are prompt and invigorating, as nn alterative they are superior to Calo mel or any other known remedy, and as i purifyer of the blood ihey are unequaller in the history ol medicines. I here is no disease can withstand their life-giving en ergy w hen taken in time, or interrupt th system at all wheti they are administered as a preventative. During sickly sea sons, and the prevalence of epidemh ks, their occasional use will preserve the body trom attacks ol disease. DU cents per box. .'54 per gross. Druggists, Rooksellers, and Merchants ar requisite to become agents for the sale ol the above medicines. All orders (post paid) directed to Dr A. Harrell, Eliz.ibeili City, N. C. will re ceive strict attention. TESTIMONIALS. Charles Riight, Eq. Pasquotank Co N. C. cured ol sick head ache, sick slum ach, costiveness, and fever. Josial I'richetl, Eq. Pasquotank Co., N. C. of bilious pleurisy, pain in (he head, and soreness of the whole body. Charlei Marrel, E-q. Elizabeth City, N. C, hi: family of bilious and other symptoms Can.. J. Smith, Windsor, N. C, of liver complaint and costiveness. Rev. G. M Kecsee, Portsmouth, Va., of bilious habit head ache and nausea. Joseph Ramsey, Esq Plymouth, N. C, of indisposition. Ri;bert Simpson, Esq, Pasquotank Co., N. C. his w ife cf loss of appetite, and his servant of diarrhoea. Horatio N. Wil liams, Esq. EltZibcth City. N. C, of in disposition. James Cnrtwright Esq. Pas quotank Co., N. C, of loss of appetite, and sick stomach. Rev. James A. Rid dick, Randolph iMacoo College, of symp toms of Dyspepsia. Mr. Zion Culpepper, Elizabeth City, N. C, of loss of appetite, Rev Joseph Turner. Elizabeth Cilj, N. C, of sick -stomach, and flatulence. Jo seph Sharbor, Eq- Camden Co., N C, of foul stomach, and bilious derangement. Mr. Robert Pool, Pasquotank Co., N. C, of impaired appetite and costiveness. A few selected out of man v. -Si-AG ENTS. James M. Redmond, Gko. Hovvakd, Tarboro', P. Emerson, Nmfolk, Va. H. Uufffc, Co, Portsmouth, Va. W. Uadham, Edenton, N. C. W. Fessenden, Plymouth, N. C. M. S. Uerry, Hertford, N. C. D. Qbiytou, Tyrrel, N. C. H. D. M adieu, Washington, N. C. F. S. .Marshall, Halifax, N. C N. H. Hassell, Williamstoii, N. C. Webb &l Capehart, Windsor, N. C. W. M. Mason, Raleigh, N. C. S. Small, near Woodville, N. C. S. Hall, Newbern, N. C. W. U G. Howard, Ocracoke, N. C. Sept. 21. liotanic Jllcdicines. rjpHE suhcriber has recently procured and now offers for sale on reasonable and accommodating terms, ihe following TEiosnpsonian ITIcdiciucs, viz: Looelia, eed and pulverized, 2m and 3rd Preparation of do. Composi! ion, Nerve Powder, Poplar Hark, Alricin Pu d Pepper, Bay berry, Skunk cabbage, wake robin, Balsam Fir, Butternut syrup, B.dinoriy, Green ozier, Myrrh, Unicorn root, Ginger, Bitter Root, Golden Seal, Clivers, Pond Lilly, hemlock, witch hazle, Cough powder-, raspberry leaves, Prickly ash, slinnerv elm, barberrv. J Cholera and Dysentery Syrup, Kheumatrc I'incture, Woman's Friend, Siiengihening Phisler, No. 6, Tnompsoo's Guide and Narrative, Ui.binson's Lectures, Syringes, &c. GRO. UOIVJIUU. TurboiV, Nov. 9. Hooks, -jPamphlcts, Stationary, tc. PR1!! 1 E Primitive Bunlist. vnk 1 o o a 5 & 6, neatly b.uiid and lettered, Also, writing paper white, pink, and slraw colored letter p-iper ink powder quills, I, lank cards, reii lead pencils, wrap ping paper, &e. for sale by GEO. IIOIVAUD. MOFFAT' Vegetable Life PilU And Phenix Bitters. rfpHESE Medicines ' are indebted fof their name lo (heir manifest and sens sible action in purifying the springs anrj channels of life, and enduing them with renewed tone and vigor, and to the un doubted fact that at a vtry early period in their history they had rescued sufferers from the very verge of an untimely grave fler all the deceptive nostrums of. ihe day, prescribed by physicians, had utter ly failed, in which cases they also perma nently secured that uniform enjoyment 0f health, without which life itself is but a partial blessing. So great indeed had their efficacy invariably proved, lhat it was scarcely less than miraculous to those who were unacquainted with the beauti fully philosophical principles upon which they were Compounded, and upon which Ihey consequently act. The following are among the distress ing variety of human diseases, to which The Vegetable Life Pills re well known lo be infallible: DYSPEPSIA, by ti oroughly cleans ing the first and second stomachs, and creating a flow of pure healthy bile, in stead of ihe stale and acrid kind: Flatu lency, Palpitation of the heart, Loss of appetite, heart burn and headache, rest' Itssness, ill temper, anxitty, languor and melancholy, which are the general symp toms of Dyspepsia, will vanish as a natural consequence of its cure. Costiveness, by cleansing the whole length of the intes tines with a solvent process and without violence; all viulent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. Diarr hoea and cholera, by removing ihe sharp acrid fluids by which these complaints are M-casioned, and by promoting the lubri cative secretions of the mucous mem brane. Fevers of all kinds, by restoring the blood lo a regular circulation through the process of perspiration in some cases, and tbe thorough solution of all intestinal obstructions in others. The JLifc Medicine Have been known to cure Rheumatism permanently in three weeks, and Gout in half lhat time, by removing local inflam mation from the muscles and ligaments of the joints. Dropsies of all kinds, by free ing and strengthening the kidneys and bladder; they operate most delightfully on those important organs, and hence have ever been found a certain remedy for the worst cases of gravel. Also Worms, by dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimy matter to which these creatures adhere; Asthma and consump lion, by relieving the air vessels of the lungs from the mucus, which even slight colds will occasion, which if nol removed becomes hardened, and produces ihose dieadful diseases. iScurvy, Ulcers, and inveterate Sores, by the perfect purity which these Life Pills give to the blood, and all the humors; Scorbutic Eruptions and bud complexions, by their alterative effect upon the. fluids that feed the skin, the morbid state of which occasions all Erup tive complaints', sallow, cloudy, and other disagreeable complexions. The use of these pills for a very short time, will effect an entire cure of Salt rheum. Erysipilus, and a striking improvement in the cle'ir ness of the skin. Common colds and Influ enza, will always be cured by one dose, or by two, even in ihe worst cases. Piles as a remedy for this most distressing & obstinate malady, the Vegetable Life Ptlls deserve a distinct and emphatic recom mendation. It is well known lo hundreds in the city of New York, that the origina tor of these invaluable Pills was himself afflicted with this complaint for upwards of thirty five years, and that he tried in vain every remedy prescribed within Ihe whole compass of ihe Materia Medica. He however, at length, tried the Medicine which he now off-rs to the public, and he was cured in a very short lime, after hi recovery had been pronounced not only improbable, but absolutely impossible, by any human means. All that Mr. Moffat reqaires of his pa tients is to be particular in taking the Life Medicines strictly according to the direc tions. It is not by a newspaper notice, or by any thing that he himself may say in their favor, that he hopes to gain credit. I' is alone by the results of a fair trial. In addition the numerous testimonials in their favor, which accompany the above medicines, many references in this vicini ty of their beneficial effects can be given ou application to the subscriber, who oi lers them for sale. GEO. HOWARD, Agent. Tarboro1, March 5, 1842.

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