to Families & invalids. i - - ,-' , The following indispensable family reine. dies may be found at the village dm-stores, fend soon at every country store in the state. Remember and never get them unless they have the fac-simile signature of 'tftTvufcfal on the wrappers, as all others by the same naiare base impositions and counter, kits. If the merchant nearest you has them not, urge him to procure hem the next time he visits New York, or to write for them. No family should be a week without these remedies. BALM OF COLUMBIA, FOR THE HAIR, Which will stop it if falling out, or restore it on bald places ; and on children make it grow rapidly, or on those who have lost the hair from any cause ALL VERMIN that infest the heads of children In schools, are prevented or killed by it at once. Find the name of on it, or never try it. Remember this always. RHEUMATISM, and positively cured, and all shrirelled muscles and limbs arc restored, in the old or young, by the Indian Vegetable Elixir and Nerve and Bone IIjient but never without the name of Comstock Sc. Co. on it. ars wholly prevented, or governed if the attack has come on, if you uselhe only true Hays' Li.NiMK.vr.from 0cmttoc4 $ gJlJlSgj and every thing relieved by it that admits of an out. ward application. It acts like a charm. Use it. HORSES that have Ring-Bone, S Wind-Galls. Sec, are cured by Roofs' Specific ; and FOUlldcri'd horses entirely cured by Rooia' Founder Ointment. Mark this, all horsemen. pavin, Daley's magical Pain Ex tractor Salve Ihe most extraordinary iemedy ever invented for all new or old and sores, and f h has delighted thousands. It will take out all pain in ten minutes, and no failure. It will cure the fat.frf LIN'S SPREAD PLASTERS. A better and more nice and useful article never was made. All should wear them regularly. LI.VS TEJIPEUASCIJ IS ITT I? IIS: on the principle of substituting the tonic in place of the stimulant principle, which has reformed so many drunkards. To be used with LIN'S Zl(?)il PILLS, superior to all others for cleansing the system and the humors affect ing the blood, and for all irregularities of the bowels, and the general health. Sy m See Dr. Lin's sig. UcCtht nature, thus : DR.SPOHN'S HEADACHE REMEDY will effectually cure sick headache, either from the or bilious. Hundreds of families are using it with great joy. DR.SPOHN'S ELIXIR OF HEALTH for the certain prevention of S3 S or any general sickness ; keeping the stomach in most per. feet order, the bowels regular, and a determination to the surface. Kl pains in the bones, hoarseness, and 1 pi i are quickly cured by it. Know this by try inj CORNS. The French Fluster is a sure cure. hair any tshade you wish, but wi!l not toior the skin. SARSAPARILLA. comstock-s com. POUND EXTRACT. There is no other prepara. tion of Sarsaparilla that can exceed or equal i his. If you are sure to get Comstock's, you will find it Superior to all others. It does not require purling. CELESTIAL BALM OF CHINA. A positive cure for the piles, and all external ailings all internal irritations brought to the surface by friction with this Halm ; so in coughs, welled orsore throat, tightness of the chest, this Balm applied on a flannel will relieve and curejU once. Fresh wound's or old sores are rapidly cured by it. 33r. Bartholrmcto's will prevent or cure all incipient consumption. 7T. 0 taken in time, and is a de'.ightful remedy, ber the name, and get O.mstock's. Keiiiem- KOLMSTOCK'S VERMIFUGE " eradicate all jCj g in children or adults 'ith a certainty quite astonishing. sells with a rapidity Almost incredible, ty Cotnstock Co., New York. TOOTIl DROPS. KLINE'S-cure effectually. Entered acroi-Hiri to ant of CongrpBs, in tlie ynr 1842, bvComttor.k v Co.. in tht Clerk'ioilice of llie Southt-ru I)itrictol Haw York. By applying to our agents in each town and village, papers may be had free, showing the most respectable names in the country for these facts, so that no one can fail to believe them. 03-Be sore you call for our articles, and not Put oft" with any stories, that others are as Rood. HAVE THESE OR NONE, should be your motto ani Vitut nrver can be t7 ue and genuine without our names to them. All these articles to be had wholesale and retail only of us. &fflt6fycr$C Wholesale Druggist., No 21 C rtlandt stree, near Broadway formleby SIoivardyTarboro Robert Noijlect, II UO UG j ihi medium returns hi sincere thanks, lor ihe very libera pati ullage received , since his commence ment in husinpsc. Gentlemen, wishing 10 procure it soil of clothe, equal in ev -ry r; sp, ct to 'the best I hat can he made n the United Slates, can do so by -ivin' hi in a call. Always on hand, A goof Stock of Cloths, Cos, meres and e.y.v, of the newest styles. And an aorum-nt of slock, cr aval - bo orn gloves, si amj WfM, sf,iMs .....I Ira we is, ha is, II , &LC. &.C. rr'oro p,.n pumps, boots urn bid 1, IS-12. JYoticc. yiLLIXM II HTTLK& HRJ. I) HA F I LE having purchased the iuieresl ol 'Amos .. Baltic in ihe COTTON FACTORY And appurtenances jin ,ted it the Falls of Tar River, I he whole establishment is now owned y them ami C. C. The bu-iness n 'iiluiv will be conducted as hereiotoie, mi the name of Battle Brothers, and ipon lb- au;e liberal and aecoimnoda. iiiij terms. In cons, q-irnce of the withdrawal o- lie ol the loimei firm of Battle & Broih is, the business will have to closed up the 1-t day ol June, 1641. A sUlatd. gent will be employed to attend tu lln pai I ol the hn-inei. They hope to have the continued pat rnnagf of a "iierotis public, a they iili -ndeavor to have their Varus madeof g mil i.ility, and will sell at as low prices as ihe article fan he hail at other places. BA I'TLE $ BROTHERS fWkv M-miii, N ( .In oh is JYoticc. Cotton (nHIs ibr S;ilc. FKvV new sleel plate tJoiloo Gins, ma le at (Ire env ille. lor sale. pt'. y to lleniy Chainherlaii Greenville, or to GEO UO IV Hi I) Tar!oro Aug. i5. 184 1 4 1 Muzictil Pain ILvti acluv. AbsoI::!r hral aSi! trials, and all surcess- v vlul. nrove Ualhus Mas- ical Pain Extractor inestimable. It not only cures quicker, but gives no addition al pain, nor leaves a scar. Fire is pos itively rendered harmless. ($10 has been nfl'ered six months to any person re luming an empty box, & saying that all agony on anointing is not extracted in a few minutes, et not one from thousands of trials since has claimed the bonus) Parents anxious to guard against general injuries and save money, time, torture and life, and prevent their ollspring (rom being difi-ured by burns, or even small ! ml,er lhp Menirai magazine: pox pustules, (it possessing the enviable! "Tlie surprising effect produced by the pouer to replace the ctlluiary organs genuine Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liver destroyed,) t an do so by obtaining ,,,s I wort, made at 375 Bowery, in consump inimitable s-tlve. Many deeply turni!1' rases, cannot fail exciting a deep and cases in the city can be seen, &' one en- ' " i,Iin i"Tesl throughout the world, lire face burnt over aod wounded three, We ,i:,ve S( ,0.nS Relieved this disease distinct times in the same spot while heal J (l :iiuuiption) incurable, that it is difii ing, jet in no case tan oe iraceo iner le-as iifaliice or in-uM ! For all kinds of hiirts7,ls rapid, soothing t-fleel are alike important; even sore eye?, nil injhfmmu t'wa ami brcken brtasts would be un known. The toilet and nursery, for rleariou the skin of pimples, removing i haps, will find it indispensable. Once using only will forever establish ii the sovereign Ileal all quality. After ibis notice, heads of families allowing torture for cn uilhs, and ultimately distor ted features, can never wip- away re proach, justly Uered by a disabled child, for neglecting to triumph over fire. ''Knterd according to Act of Con . io4i i.., c I...' i t gieSS, l.t. lOtl "V v"i"," vx, v-u., in tlit ("lei k s Ultice ol the IJisti u t l.ourt of the United Slates for the Southern D'niricl of New York' For Sale in Tarhoro'hy Geo. Howard in Washintiton by l)r. F. (iallagher in K ileitji by Dr. N. L. Stub. J.nuary 14, I843. (CT-'fuaUDS BEGINNING upon Dallev's ! ;eir ;1 Pain Extractor, render it ABSOLUTELY necessary that the name of COMSTOK Ik CO.. be found on every package: for the use of a counterfeit might ruin one. Do not for get to look for that name, and avoid it as Vui would poison, CO.'s FAG-SlMILEis not on it. Y e are obliged to be on our guard against villiany i" a" places. I5uv ONLY of the above firm, whose onwe; is IKUEVOCABLE for TWEN TY Years. HEMiY DALLEY. Dated, March, 1643. JYoticc. liAROUCHE, p;nly worn, wnh harness and fixtures lor one or twi hordes Also, a good strong Su Iky, fur ale cheap for cash, or on a liheral cre dit. Apply lo GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro', Jan. 24tb, 1543. Hyatt $ iStaples, Tin Ware Manufacturers, WASHINGTON, N. C: LL KINDS ol I'm VV are manufaelu ltd at Ihe shortest notice, including 'iini-e tinning and conductor pipes. For lunher particulars enquiie oi GEOKGE IIOW4U I), Tarboro'. May 2b, IS3. 22 Tin Ware. rfOFFEE POTS, buckets, chinch stea nu rs, watering p its, &c. lor sale by GEO. Tarboro July 26. HOWARD JYoticc. BllIH si.b-criber having qualified as Administrator, at May Term, 1S4S. ol the C iunty Curl of rMgecombe, on the estate oi'lMXKL KSIGIIT, de cased, hen -by notifies all persons hold intr his leceiph as constable, to briny i hem lorvvad and take iheir jutlujinpnts and pay costs, or this notice will be plead in bar ol iheir recovery. Also, those holding claims against said estate will make them known, and those indebted to stid e-tate are requested to pay imrr.e dialely, as there will hp no indulgence -iven" .LIMES ELLNOR, JJdm'r May 23, IMS. 21 Jlncl Liver (lomplaint. Dr Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, FKOM 375 BOWEKY, NEW YOHK, Jn the cure of coughs, colds, asth m .i, whooping rough, catarrh, pains in the side and breast, hronrhiiis, liver com plaints, ami all those aflYclions of the ihroal and lungs, which area source of so inucii suffering and so often terminate in consumption, this remedy is justly and highly distinguished. It is purely vege table, mild and gentle in its t fleets upon the system, and can he taken in the most ciclicuic cases with safety as well as utili ty. So extensively has it been used and so often proved successful, even in ex treme and apparently almost hopeless ca ses, not only as a palliative but as a rem edy, that the Proprietor feels no hesitan cy in introducing it, and recommending it to all who unfortunately may have occa sion to resort to some means of recovery. Physicians, familiar with its effects and aware of the healing .properties of this vegetable preparation, not unfrequentl prescribe it in their practice; and with the Medical Faculty generally, it has met u 1 1 1 1 mure than ordinary approbation. CONSUMPTION. The follow inp lemarlis were taken from the last . i i i 11 sons, ev idently consumptive, restored to " health. Yet it is a fact of daily occur rence' 'The following certificate was given us a few days since by Capt. Scott, of Eliz aheth City, N. C. "lieiug constitutionally predisposed to consumption, (a number of my family having died of this disease,) and having suffered severely from irritation of the lungs, accompanied with cough and rais ing matter and blood, together with some pain in my side and breast, till 1 was sup posed to be beyond recovery, I was indu ced by advice of Dr. Perkins, to try Tay lor's Balsam of Liverwort; and with great pleasure take this opportunity of testify ing to the value of this remedy. I have taken five bottles in all. I began to im prove after the first bottle, and after ta king the third was so far recovered as to he able to get about; since which time, bv continued use of it, I am quite resto red and able to attend to my usual busi ness. To persons suffering from coughs and affections of the lungs I can earnestly recommend it. (Sicned.) J AS. C. SCOTT. Consumption cured! Being of a studi ous habit, I became afflicted some years since, with bronchitis, tickling in the throat, slight cough, and other consump tive symptoms. Every new cold increa sed my disease, until it settled into regu lar confirmed confirmed consumption. 1 now commenced the use of Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, made at 375 Bow ery, aid this medicine gave me relief in a short time. It has since effected a ra dical cure. Rev. G. VV. CANDA. Forsaleby GEO. HOWARD, Agent. TarUro', Feb. 25, 1843. 8 i'tinling neatly executed, x IT THI? OFflCI. NEW CHEAP Casli Store fit Rocky lion tit, NASH COUNTY; N. C finilE stib-ci iber ba;s leave io inform the citiz ns N ish and E ! jjecom he counties; and the public generally, (hat he ha jii-i op ned A new CSirap Cash Store, At Rcky M-hi.ii, (where B. liuun, E-q formeily did huine.s,) where he" is pie paied, ready and willii g, to wail upon all those who may have the kindness to fa vor him wit'i their custom His Stock consists of a Handsome Ass rtment of fancy $ staple Hardware Cattery, Sc. ''rockery, ('bin i, ;ii.d (jLiwarcs Boots ml Slmes in iriral variety L';Hh -r,slioe thread, &e. B aver. Kuia, rabbit, :md casvimere Hat-, of tin- law si styl Wil low, s'raw and sdk Bounds, a most hcau tilul aiticle. T filler with a jjciu-ral as MMtmmt of GUOCEK1ES, consisting of mnlaes, snjjiir, c lf-e, ii n, powder aod shot, Sic piouorhs. phoih pomt., w edinji ln- , nails, -p-nh s, I race ch:dns. &e. Lidies and Gi nJenien are respe tfully invited to call and examine for themelve, is he charges nothing Itir looking. J C K SIGHT.. Rocky Mount, March 2 1st, 1.S43. (3 Tlie Store at his residence, recent ly known by Ihr name of Tmdesville, will also b. continued by the snb-criber. . C K Mute of .iVot lh Carolina EDGEC MBK COUNTY ii Equty. SPUING TERM, IS13. licb cca Eveiet', Thomas 11. Turner and wile Elizabeth, Cnailes Waieis and wife Sarah, Aqn Ha Lawrence and wile M iry, Aquilla M -iris and wile Su-an, David E. Mason, Silis M irray, Ken neth Everett, Di'horah Everett, Mai) Everett, Miles EvereM, Sen'r, Mlhs Evert H, Jun'r, and Milly Waters, vs. William C Leigh, Exi color of Silas Ev erett, AbntrSiui,b- aril wife Deborah, and Penelope Bo wen, Original Bill. T appearing lo Ihe satisfaction of Ihis Court, that the defendants Abner Siubbs and wife Deborah, and Penelope Bowen are non-residents ol this Slate: It is therefore ordeied by ihe Courl, that publication he made for six weeks in the Tarboro' Press, notifying ihe said defen dants lo appear al the next term of this Court, to be held at the Court House in the town of Tarboro', on the 2nd Mon day in September next, then and there to plead, answer, or demur; otherwise, the bill will he taken proconfesso as lo them, and heard ex parte. Witness, Kknflm H. Lewis, Clerk and Master o nur aid Court, Ml wmce in the town of Ta;b iro', the 2nd Monday in March, A. I). IS43. KEN ELM . LEWIS, C M E. 1 cans' Camomile Iills. To the JYcrvous and Debilitated, Dr. Evans' Tonic Pills. The powers of Evans' Camomile Pills are such, that the palpitating heart, (he tremulous hand, ihe dizzy eye, and the fluttering mind, vanish befoie their effects like noxious vapors before ihe benign in fluence of the morning sun. They have been long successfully used for ihe cure of intermittenls, together with fevers of the irregular nervous kind, accompanied with visceral obstructions. This tonic medicine is for nervous com plaints, general debility, indigestion and its consequences, as want of appetite, dis tension of the stomach, acidity, unpleas ant taste in (he rnouih, rumbling noise in the bowels, nervous symptoms, languor, w hen the mind becomes irritable, despon ding, thoughtful, melancholy and deject ed. Mypot hondriaeism, consumption, dimness of sight, delirium, and all other nervous affections, these pills will produce a safe and permanent cure. Evans' Family' Aperient Pills Are purely vegetable, composed with the strictest precision of science and of art; ihev never produce nausea, and are war ranted to cure the following diseases w hich arise from impurities of the blood, viz: Nervous diseases, liver complaint, dys pepsia, bilious diseases, piles, ulcers, fe male weakness, and all cases ofhypochou- driacism, low spirits, palpitation of the heart, nervous irratibihty, nervous weak ness, fluor albus, seminal weakness, indi gestion, loss of appetite, heartburn, gene ral debility, bodily weakness, chlorosis or green sickness, flatulency, hysterical faint ings, hysterics, headaches, hiccup, sea sickness, night mare, rheumatism, asth ma, tic douloureux, cramp, spasmodic af fections, and those who are victims to that most excruciating disorder, Gout, will find relief from their sufferings, by a course of Dr. Evans' medicines. Geo. Howard , Agent. March 25. New Good! New Good!! - CHEAPER THAN EVER, . .. ilt the Cheap C.iSil &TOKEI JAMES WEDBELL; j ii, .iv on hand; the largest and mosfc spleiuhd stock ol Rich tind Faluun: able OOODS, evei iff r d in iUi place, at extiaoi dit.ary loiv piice,. Those desi rous ol buying Coods cheap, & promoting th- ir own p eoni try m'erest, art invited io call. Li the avbunn hi will be lound Black and coloied plainj figtiitU and wa tt ml ilk, in great variety t B'Hiitz h. A Ipacha &. Orleans LuMieS, Pi inted inulin, lawns. miohn de laiues, Calicoes in imniens,' variety, vt i y cheapj Fuin uiie calicoes and dimity, Cambric, jaconet, swis?, tail'elon, mult uhd hooU mulins Victoria ami bishop lawns. Thin muslin skirls, n irsaille-Si cotded do Inh linen, long lawn, hhen cambric. Hem stitched, c:rnlrir; and lawn hdkfs, Baud mna, Flag, and Pongee silk hdkts, l nt.'s craVats; lul kfs, stocks, collars and bosom. , Uich needle work'd and dimity collars; new styles. Bonne!,, and neck ribbons, very hand some corsetls, Ladies silk, lawn, straw & cypress bonnets; Umbrellas, p irasds, and sun shades, I iro --in and bleached shirtings and shett- ii g- :i-4 to 10 4 wide, Coiloo and linen bed tick, apron i d ecks; . I) rap d'ele. Orleans cloth, princella, and other go (N lorGihis summer coats, Trench cassi meres, be-t Eng'h linen drills; Fheap brown lineup drills, jeans, &c. fnr surti riier pants, Summer coats, jackets, vests and pints; very cheap, Men's and hoys summer bais, in greal va- Gent 's ntiUric and cassimeie hals, new style ami best quality, Fur, brush, and rusia drab hals, of eveij siap.- and quality; at Very low prices Ladies Philadelphia made gaiter and bus kin slippers, new style, Kid, prunella, and morocco slipp rs, ve ry chetip. Oent.'s Philadel'a made boots, 3 to $7, Men's shoes, pdriips; brogans, & slippers; An immense variety .of women's, girls; boys, and children boots and shoes, at low prices. ALSO; Crockery, Hardware, 4 Cullery Swedes, American, and English iron; German and cast sleel Snails, Spades, shovels; hoes, axes, Ploughs, stock'd and uhstockM heeli and points; Window glass; putfy, while lead, Linseed; Sperm, and train oil, vde and upper leather, Loaf, lurrip; ground, and hrbwn sugars; Coffee, iea, molasses, rice, , perm and tallow candles jtoap; Turks Island salt, blown & ground salt,' And all other Goods usually wanted; which ivill positively be sold cheaper than eyer before offered. TatbtW, 20' h May, 18i3. GoJJieM King, MERCHANT TAlLoK; . S received, diiecl fium Icvv Yurkj his supply of GOODS; Satiable for Ihe ujtprouching Season, And respectfully solicits an inspection of his assortment; boih lo ihe quality and price of his articles and to his personal and careful attention lo business, in seeing every customer suited in the best possi ble manner lo accord with any peculiar taste or fashion which gives him the confidence of soliciting calls rom all those who will favor him wilh Iheir pilronage. C. K. deems a catalogue of his Goods superfluous, as he intends to ke p on hand a lull assortment of every thing required by the trade, viz: Cloths, cassimeres waistcoatings. gloves, stocks, cravat, sus penders, buttons, Sitrimmings ol all kinds Tarboro', May 18, 1843. New and Beautiful Spring and Summer MlLLlJERY,S?c llrs. f. C. HOUWKHi S jusi received her Mpi ing supply ol Goods, which wilh her foimef stock compiises a general assortment of the most neal, uselul and ornamental ar ticles, in the Millinery line. In her assort menl will be found A Variely of beautiful paltern bonnets, la test and most approved slyle, Florence braid. Shell, and plain stratr bonnels, in great variety, m French, velvel and fanry Flowers, An extensive assortment of ribbons, &c; All.of which will be sold cheap t r cash, or on her usual accommodating terroi to punctual customer. Tarboro'. May 12, IS43.