3tU!1UI."& L J Li . certain and rfftctual Cure for Ague and Fever; also used successfully in the treatment of Bilious Fever, Nausea, General Debility, and Nervous Weakness. frTHHE mm flattering recommendations. of tins Medicine have been received from many eminent physicians and others who have used it. And it is presumed that no medicine has ever been used whose ac tion lias been more beneficial, pleasant, & invigorating, and called (orlh Irom afllic ted sufferers such expressions of heartfelt gratitude and thankfulness. Persons la king the pills soon find themselves reliev ed Chill broken! Fever gone!! Stomach and head free and healthful !!! Strengtl and appetite increasing and improving and all nervous weakness fled. When taken according to the directions accompanying them, they never fail to cure the Chill and Fever the first day, and never sicken the stomach or operate upon the bowels. Their action upon the whole system is so charming, that persons are invariably surprised and pleased with their rapid and complete restoration to health. The pills are purely and solely Vege table; and the happy combination of the ingredients and their proportions are such as to produce a medicine v hich nev er fails to relieve when relief is at all at tainable. Each box contains 20 doses of pills Price, One Dollar. Apply to Geo. Howard, Agent, Tarboro'. Vegetable Pills, A PUBLIC BLESSING. npiIESE Pills whenever they have been fairly tried, have established an enviable celebrity, and are dally superce ding all other preparations of medicine in curing those diseases for which they are recommended. It is believed ihat the ra jvMit.y of the sale of this invaluable medi cine (in those Statesof the Union Where they have bee'u introduced) and the repu tation it has acquired in the brief space of twelve months, has heretofore been un precedented in the annals of Medicine since the days of Hippocrates, the father of the healing art, to the present time. Numerous testimonials in favor of these Pills might here be given, but let the fol lowing suffice: From Mr. Isaac M. Thomas, Merchant, at Talladega Springs, Alabama Talladega Springs, Talladrga Co. Ala. August 17, lt42. This is to certify t thai 1 have been af flicted with Sick Headache, Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, and Cosiiveness lor the last eight or nine years; during which time I had taken as well as I recollect, a bout sixty boxes of Deckwiih's pill, twelve boxes ol Peter's pills, and a num ber of boxes of Champion's and Brand reth's pills, all of which afforded me but little or no relief. At last 1 was fecom mended to try Dr Spencer's Vegetable pill, and well I did; lor I never had but one aitack of the Sick Headache after I commenced taking the pills (now about six months,) and I candidly confess, that I have derived more real benefii from the Use of Spencer's pills, than from all the other medicines and pills that 1 have ever taken, and I would earnestly recom mend them to all, as being in my opin ion, the best medicine in use for all lin gcring complaints. The pills have done me so much good, that 1 would not feel Willing to be without them lot five dollars a box; and I cannot but feel very grateful to Dr. Spencer for having prepared such a Valuable medicine, and the distribution ol it is conferring a very great favor on the public, as it is a thing of the Utmost im portance that every family should have a supply of Dr. Spencer's truly valuable pills constantly on hand. Isaac M. Thomas. Geo. Howard, Agent, Taiburo'. CELEBRATED Headache, Cough and JVorm LOZENGES, Are admitted by the Medical Faculty, to be the best preparation ever lutroduced torthecuieoi those diseases for which they are recommended. For sale bv the principal Druggists and Merchants thro'- out the Southern & Western States, and by ueu. Howard, Agent, Tarboro'. :t: BR. LACOIHVT'S Vegetable Tooth lchi Elixir, a certain and immediate cure for the iuncne. for sale by seP..ao;iM3rar,Asen,'Tarboro' To all the world who use Leather in any ' form. . Oil of 1 innin, Or, Leather Restorer. A NEW CHEMICAL DISCOVERY. HJJOST people know, that Skins and Hides are converted into Leathei 'y the use of Tannin extracted from cer tain barks, &-. When the force and strength of the Tannin is worn out, leather becomes dead, hard, dry, brittle, cracked, covered with a crust, c. Tills ALL KNOW. Vo restore then life, softness, moistness, strength, smoothness, nod remove all crusts, fly, or blister restore the tannin. This substance the leather never can re ceive the second lime; but the whole vir tues l are in this article, I HE OIL of TANNIN which penetrates the still est and hardest leather, if it has been twenty years it) use; and if it tears easily with the fingers, it imparls at once a strength that is utterly incredible until seen. It becomes like new leather, in all respects, with a delightful softness and polish, and makes all leather completely and perfectly impervious to water partic ularly boots, shoes, carriage tops, har ness, hose, trunks, and in fact all things made of leather, giving a splendid polish, even higher lhau new leather has, and at least doubling its wear and durability, in whatever manner the leather is used. These are Facts. Those who will wear old shoes, groan with corns, ride with old carriage lops have old harness and throw them away half used look filthy themselves, and all about them expend double what is nc cessary for articles of leather, to their leans' content, for what we care, if their prejudices are so strong they will not try new discovery. e have no favors to ask of them, they are the greatest sober ers, and we oeg lor nooouy s custom or I r .it patronage. Now, gentlemen, please your selves. ttNone genuine unless with the fac simile signature of Comstock $f Co. Fov sale in Tarboro' by Geo. Howard in Washington, by Dr. F. Gallagher in Raleigh by Dr. N. L. Stith. April 8, 1843. Dr. John Sappington' s AXTI-FfiVEK PILLS, A Up, ottered to the fublic as a certain -and eflVctual remedy for Fevers oi every description. In addition to the numerous testimoni als in their favor heretofore made public, the following letter, from Mr. C. B. Has- sell, of Williamslon, N. C. is respectful! ubmitted. Williamstnn, N. C. 20 Sept., 1812. Doct. John Sappington: Dear sir, In IS34, if I mistake not. one ol ycui ag nts, ai i ivt d at this pine and lei t with me near a hundred Boxe of your Anti-lever Pills. 1 sold them. In the winter of 1S3S and '39, prehaps another agent arrived and I with a fi it n' of mine bought of him 100 b.ixes more In January, 1841, another agent (Mr. Stephenson) made his appearance, and m) friend and I purchased oi him all fh Pills he had, (he was gathering up ah eft in this Slate and Virginia.) After eaving here for home, he returned in day or two with another lot, which h had gathered along the way, and w. bought all of them: I am now near!) out of these Pills again, and am at a com plete loss to know where lo obiain ihem The only resource left me is to apply t. you for direction I deal in fills to a Very considerabh extent, but yours are the only ones that I can recommend on my own authority, or that are worth having, in my estimation. I would noigivetwo c?nts for all the Pill- in America for my own use; but if sick with the Billious, or Ague and Fever, (which o much pievail here,) I would not exchange your s for their weight in sroiu. ineiruinis, i oeueveimy never have failed to cure, if taken according to directions, where the case was curable by human skill; and therefore approach infal libility nearer than any remedy ever yet discovered, for the diseases mentioned ht your advertisement. Respec'fully , yours. C. B. HASSELL. For sale by Geo. Howard, Tarboro', C. Is. Hasselt, Williamston, Joseph Waldo, Hamilton, May 4, 1843. For Sale. Dr. McNair's Acoustic Oil, a certain cure for deafness. Compound Chlorine Tooth Wash, for preserving the teeth from decay, protect ing the gums, &c. Roach and Bed bug bane, an effectual antidote against these noxiors insects. Spohn's Ague Pills, warranted to cure, if taken according to directions. Judktns Specific Uxntn nt, for the cure of White swelling, sor . legs, felons chilblains, he. ( ondition I owders, for the cure of Bolls, Worms, yellow water, J cc. in horses GEO. HOWARD Tarboro, April 20. WORMS! WORMS!! Startling Facts. fUTUNDREDS of children and adults are lost yearly with Worms, when some other cause has been supposed to be the true one. It is admitted by all Doc tors that scarce a man, woman or child exists but what are sooner or later trou bled with worms, and in hundreds of ca ses. sad lo relate, a supposed lever, scar latina, cold, or some other ailing carries off the flowers of Ihe whole human fami ly while in lru;h they die of Worms and these could have been eradicated in a day, by the use of a bottle of Kolmstock's Vermifuge, At the cost of a quarter of a dollar! How sickening ihe ihouehl lhat these things should be and who can forgive themselves for not Irvine this n orm L.x terminator, when ihey know lhat even if the case was not worms, this remedy could not by any possibility do hurt but always good as a purgative let tne ais ease be what it may. How important then to use it, and who will dare take ihe responsibility lo do without itf Let eve rv parent lhat is not a brute, ask ihem- selves this question in trulh JSt soberness. In some of the best families in Hie neigh borhood of St. John's Park, it has been extensively used, from the circumstance of havinff eradicated a large quantity ol worms, after all other remedies had tail ed, which was extensively known in that pari of the cityi In numerous cases Other complaints were supposed to exist, and the persons treated for fever, &ic but finally a trial of this Vermifuge discovered the irue cause of the sickness, bv brineinc away almost an innumerable quantity ol Worms, larjje and small, and the persons recovered with areal desnatch. Instances ol this o r kind might be cited to an immense ex tent, but it is useless, one trial for 25 - - - - i cents will show any one with astonish ment the certain effects of this Vermifuge. Caution. Never buy this article un less it have "Dr Kolmslock's Vermifuge" handsomely engraved on the outside label, and the fac-simile of Comstock &i Co., thus Comstock Co., New York, are the sole agents for it. For sale in Tarboro1 by Geo. Howard in Washington by Dr. F. Gallagher in Kaleigh by Dr. N. L. Stith. January 14, 1843. A Doon to the Human Race. "Discover what will destroy Life, and you are a great man. "Discover what will prolong Life, and the world will call you Imposlor.' ''There are facultiesj bodily and intd leclual within lis, wilH which certain herbs have affinity, and over which they have power." Dr. D. Brandreth's External Remedy, Oil LIItTJIEKT, WHICH by its extraordinary powers v abstracts pain or soreness; thus sprains, stiff sinews, while swellings rheumatic pains or sliffness, stiffness of 'he joints, tumors unnatural hmlness hff neck, sore throat, croup, contraction of the muaclesj scrofulous enlargements enderfeet, and every description ofiiju ry affecting the exterior of the human frame are cured or greatly relievedj by Ins never to be sufficiently extolled remedy. CERTIFICATE. The ollowing letter Irom Maior Gene ral Sanford, as lo the qualities of the ex ternal temedy, speaks volumes: New York, Feb. 9, 1S42. Dear Sir Will you oblige me with an other bottle of your excellent Liniment? It is certainly the best of the kind I have ever seen. It has cured entirely my son's knee, about which 1 was so uneasy, and I have found it productive of immediate re lie! in several cases of external injury in my family. A few evenings since, mv youngest child was seized with a violent aitack of croup, which was entirely remo ved in twenty minutes by rubbing her cnest ana mroat ireely with the external remedy. I think you ought lo manufac ture this Liniment for general use, instead of confining the Use of it, as you have heretofore done, to vour particular .ac quaintances. Yours, truly. G. W. SANFOKD Dr. B. Brandreth, 241 Broadway, N.Y. Price 50 cents per bottle, with direc tions. For sale by GEO. HOWARD Agent. Tarboro', May, 1843. Cotton Yarn. Til HE subscriber has just received ; quantity of Cotton Yarn, differen umbers,which he will sell Jit Reduced Prices, On reasonable and accommodating terms GEO: HOWARD. rarboro, Feb. 2, 1843. Dr. O. C. Liu's Improved patent machine sprettd Strengthening Plasters. rrpHESE plasters, greatly improved, and having the preference of all oth ers, are warmly recommended by all doc tors as invaluable for all invalids having pains in the breast, bark or side. Weak ness and lameness are relieved al once by their use,and the parts restored lo strength and a natural warmth and health. Any person wearing one of these plasters, will be astonished and delighted at the com fort it affrds. Those threatened will Lung Complaints should never trnslthem selves a day without wearing a plaster. It removes the irritation of incipient con sumption from the lungs to the surface of the body, and draws off the internal af fection. So in liver complaints, and Coughs and ('olds. Children with Whooping Cough should always have one, to prevent the cough settling on th Itiocs. Their excellence will be under stood by all on a trial. Comstock 8f Co New York, wholesalers For sale in Tarboro by Geo. Howard in Washington by Dr. F. Gallagher in Raleigh by Dr. N. L. Stith. January 14, 1843. Health and long lije. Hp H E immense number of letters which Dr. Moffat bus received, and is daily receiving from individuals in different parts of the Union, in testimony of the ex cellent virtues of the Life Pills and Phue nix Bitters, precludes the possibility of his laying them before the public in a printed form. The JLifc llcdicines Have in many cases been recommended and used by physicians. They have stood the severest test, and proved the most unfailing remedy ever offered lo the sufiVrer, under almost every disease. As a general family medicine they are most invaluable. The Life Medicines have been used with success in almost every disease to which mankind is liable, and for billious and liver complaints, with their many well known attendants, billions and sick headache, pain and oppression after meals, giddiness, dizziness, singing noise in the head and ears, drowsiness, heart burn, loss of appetite, wind, spasms, &ic, they are acknowledged to be vastly supe rior to any thing ever before offered lo the public, and for those of a full habit of hody, they will prove invaluable; while as a general family aperient, for either sex, they cannot fail lo ensure the univer sal satisfaction. The efficacy oTthe LIFE PI ILLS And Pliensx Killers Is most certain, if freely given on the at tack of fever, influenza, measles, sore throat, recent colds, with cough, and oth er infi.tinmatory disorders, lo rheuma tism and chronic complaints they have al so performed the most extraordinary cures, when used with perseverance. Since the first introduction of Dr. Mof fat's Life Medicines to his fellow citizens, they have in every case, fully maintained the high character they so well deserved. Patients who had for years drawn on a miserable existence, and many who had lost the use of their limbs by rheumatism and paralysis, hate been restored to health, strength and comfort, after the u- sual remedies had been found useless. Its astonishing and almost miraculous effects have also been experienced, in tbe cure of nervous and rheumatic pains of the head and face, paralytic affecti hs, contrasted and stiffjoiuts, glandular swellings, pains of the chest and bones, chronic rheuma tism, palpitation of the heart, difficult res piration, he. Complaints arising from a vitiated state of the blood are easily subdued by the powerlul emcacy ol these mild and salutary medicines. In addition to the numerous testimonials in their favor, which accompany the above medicines, many references in this vicini ty of their beneficial effects can be giver on application to the subscriber, who of fers ihem for sale. GEO. HOWARD, Agent Tarboro', January 17, 1843. Botanic Medicines. npHE subcriber has recently procured and now offers for sale on reasonable and accommodating: terms, the following , , , - - r Tlioiiipsoiiian Medicines, riz: Lobelia, seed and pulverized, Composition, Nerve Powder, Poplpr Bark, Unicorn root, Green ozier, Spice Bitters, Myrrh, Uolden Seal, Cough powders, African Bird Pepper, Baybeiry, Skunk cabbage, wake robin, Pond Lilly, hemlock, witch hazle, Prickly ash, .slippery elm, barberry, Cholera and Dysentery Syrup, Rheumatic Tincture, Woman's Friend, Strengthening Phsier, No. 6, Thompson's Guide and Narrative, Robinson's Lectures, Syringes, &c. GEO. HOWARD. JY rtice. rip H E Subscriber offers for sale on very moderate ann accommodating lerms, f gootl Cot Ion Gin, Of 37 saws it is in prime order and ready for immediate use GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro', June 3. 1841. B. Brandreth's Pills. rjpHKSE PILLS are so well known -M- for a mihl yet t ff -dual purgative, that it is almost useless to ay any Ihimr about their excellent qoalitirs. At the present season they will be found to be very valuable lo all who wish to secure themselves agninst sickness. As a gene ral family and anlibilious medicii.e they are without a rival. The lowncss of spi rit, acute headache, &c &c , to which all are more or less suhj. ct in this climate, are removed immediately by a dose ol the tSrmulrcth Pills. They ure alike safe for children as to ev ery other period of life, and requite no extra attention in diet or clothing. Their virtues may be summed up as a medicine which sin ngilicns il.e tee ble. and consoli dales the muscle of Ihe strong; and will b- found ol ii fi 'ite value to females t fall classes who wish to be secure from nek ness. OBSER VE--No Brandreih Pills are genuine un'ess each box has upon it three labels, and on each label two signa tures of Dr. Benjamin Brandreih. So that each b x to be genuine muM have six signatures of Dr Brandreih upon it. A fresh supply of the above Pills just received and for sale by GEO. HOWARD, Agent. Tarboro', May, 1S43. A rUHLW HLESSLW. c f n 1 H ES E Pills have long been known and appreciated for their extraordina ry and immediate powers of restoring perfect health to persons suffering undtr nearly every kind of disease lo which the human frame is liable. They are particularly recommended to all those persons who are afflirled with any kind of a chronic or lingering com plaint, as there is no medicine before the public which basso natural and happy an effect upon the sy-tem, in correcting the stomach and liver, and to the formation of healthv chyle, and thereby purifying the blood; They are acknowledged by the hun Ircds and thousands who are using them lo be not only the most mild and pleasant in their operation, but the most perfectly innocent, sale and efficient medicine ever offered to the public. I boe who once o.ake a trial of these pills never afterward feel Willi" g to be without the m, and call gain and agiin for ihem, which is suffi cient proof of their good qualities. Head Ache Sick and Nervous. Those who havesuffert d and are weary of suniring with this uistiessing eoffi- )laint, will find Peters' Vegetable Pills A temedy al once certain and immediate in its effects. One single dose of Ihe pills taken as soon as the headache is felt com ing; will cure it in one hour entirely. As a remedy in summer and bowel complaint', they display their wonderful powers to admiration, anil are tar superior to any thing in use for those complaints. In Dyspepsia and Liver complainl they stand unrivalled. Many have been cured in a few weeks, after having suffered under the ureadtui complaint for years. In habitual cosiiveness they are deci dedly superior lo any Vegetable pill ever brought beloie the publici and one cenl box will establish Ineir surprises virtues and place them beyond the reach of doubt in the estimation of every indi vidual. These are invaluable in nervous and hy nocondriacal affeciions. loss of appetite and all complaints to which females alone are subject. They are mild in iheiraction and carry almost immediate conviction of their uti lity from the first dose. They may beta ken b persons of any age, and the feeble, the infirm, the nervous and delicate are strengthened by their operation, because they r h ar the system of bad humors, q"1 et nei Vous irratibility and invariabl) pr dure sound health. Upwards of three hundred and seven! ihousat d boxes of these inestimable p"1'3 have been sold within the last 12 months in three Slates alone, and more than three times the same quantity in other States. As an anti bilious medicine no family should be without them. A single trial of ihem is more satisfactory than a thou sand certificates. Price 50 cents per box with full diret lions. For sale by rrnrrTarn GEO. HOWARD- Tarboro', Match 19.

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