PIP Jk Mp"PlRD odtuch-: pifffcTtf. 931. Tarbarough, Edgecombe County, J C. Saturday, January 6, t$44. The Tarboroiiffh Press, Br (eokge Howard. .Ir. L publish p! weekly at Two Dollars per year, in advance or. Too Dollar and Fifty i, at the expiration of the subscription year, crihers are at lilierty to discontinue at any on civinjj nonce inereor ami paving arrears. Jveriisenients not exceeding a square will he rted at Out Dtlfar the first insertion, and 25 fr every continuance. Longer ?dveriise jt at that rale per sqnare. Court Orders and ial Advurtiseinents 25 per ce it higher. Ad- sement must be marked the number of itner- Ij required, or they will be rominued until rwisrt directed, and charged accordingly, etters addressed to the Kditor must be post , or they may not be attended to. From the Raleigh Standard. MOCRATIC STATE CONVEX TiON Thursday. Dec MM, 1843 jThis bodj ase ribli'i'l to-day at 12 o' ick at the II ill of the House of Com ans, in the City of Rdeigh, and was c d I loonier by VV F.Leake, Esq., of Rich- bnl, on whose motion Cen. Birzihai aves, of Caswell, was raWed temporarily the Char, and Wm. VV. H dden, oi ike, appointed Secretary, pro tern. On motion of Mr. Busbee, of Wake, e counties were called in alphabetical or- r, when the following g'-ntlemen appear- .1 as Deb-gates: 7Wei Robert M Kin. Beaufort Matthew .Shaw, and Benji in Kunyon. Burke Waighstall VV. Avery. Chatham 0. L Birch, .1. .1. Jackson. evi S. Tower. I)r Hanks, S. VV. Cotten. rid Thomas l)e Grdfenreid. Craven D K McRae, Perrin Busbee, jnd Win. VV. HoMen. Cumberland Dr. Thos. N. Cameron, uncan Mgrchison, Benjamin F Atkins. iVm. H. Bayne, dames Suange, A lex Mc Leod, A. A. MeKeithan, David Reid, Iryant Barnes, Arthur Melvin, and Mr. brrington. Caswell den. Rarzillai Craves, Thorn s L. Lea, Nathaniel J. Palmer, and Col. Vm. Lea. Frankin f5 nil ford Lewis. Wm. A pfireys Jeremiah Solomon, Josiah Uriel ;e, Cidton Glenn, Wm. Joyner, and John S. T witty. Granville tlen. VV. S. M'Clan-dian. Vm. 0. Gregory, Thomas Miller, Alex, latler, Jas. Cooper, Stephen Beasley, N. C. Cannndv, Samuel Rog rs, John S. Ea- on, Rich'd Sneed,and T. P. Duke. Ilabfax Dr. Wm. F. Skelton, and Dr. W. Alston. Johnston Dr Josiah . 0. Wntson. Barnes Tondinson, Krdar VV'hilley, Joiah Houlder, Lunsford Rieh.rdson, B. F. Bd- "nger, A. Mnchener, II. H. Hobhs, VV. ?rnigan, J. VV. . Wason, Aveia VV'al- mn, A. J. Leach, Li. Smith, anu I. VV . Whitley. Jones Wm. P. v ard, and Benj. As kew. Lincoln Leonard E. Thompson, and J no. Webster. Lenoir Gen. George Whitfield. Moore Daniel Mcintosh, Areh'd Mc- Keiihan, Wm. D. Hanington, and Cyrus Harrington. Montgomery Col. D. R Cochran. Martin A. if. Mooring, arid Col. J. G. Caraway. New Hanover Stephen Cost in, and E. Hall. Nash Samuel L. Arrington, Absalom B. Haines, and lames VV. Lancaster. Northampton Thomas Bragg, Jr. Onslow Jasper E'lViidge Orange Gen Joseph Allison, J. Syd ney Smith, Col. Wm. Horner, Benjamin Hurdle, Capt. John Berrv, Mai Jones M. Palmer. Gen. Beoj. Trollinger. Patter- Bon M'Dade, Joseph Baker, and t apt A. Horn. Person Sydner Walton, and Samuel D. Chambers. Rowan John VV. E lis. Randolph John Fruit. Rockingham Wm. P. Watt Richmond Waller F Leake. Sampson A. B henut. Warren Henry Fills, John Daley, Gen. Micajah T. Hawkins. S. Sutherland, Henry J. Macon, Geo D. liaskerville, and Wm Eaton. Wuvut Dr. Samuel A. Andrews, .Spires Singleton, and John Exom. frafce Allen Rogers, :r. eh Jones, Louis D. Henry, Kimbrough Jones, J no. H. Wheeler, John M. Heming, VV m. B. Dunn, J. Q. Jeffreys, Hillory Wilder. Saml. Whitker, Sr. P. B Burt, B rr I). Sims, Joshua Roper, John B. Johns. Burwell Temple, Col, Willie Pope, An- rleron Clements, Tjprrtal Jones, Matthew Jones, laaac Rowland, Green Beckwith James B Shepaid, Peri in Busbre, Gaston n. Wilder, Alpheus Jones. B B Smitii John Hutchins. Wm. VV. Hidden. Win White, D K McRae.John O'Ruurke, Al fey Hunier, Henry Hayes, Gen. James M Mangum, Wm. R Poole, M. Thompson Jno. Hayes, and Jas. D. Newsom. On motion of Dr. Cameron, of Cumber land, the chair appointed the following gentlemen a committee (one from each Congressional District) to report Officers lor the convention, and also Rules for its government: Mess's. vV. W. Avery, L.I E Phomps).., Na h'l J. Palm,,, Walter F. Leake, J. S Smith. T. N. Cameron. '; G. -orge Whiifi-dd, Thomas Bragg, Jr, and. S.itnM L. Arrington. " j Whceopon, on motion of Mr. Avprv ' of Burke, the convention adjourned until half p;t.st three o'clock. Half past 3 o'clock. The convention again as-'o.bUd, when Dr. Cameron, from ihe committee of nine, suhmitt. (I the following Report: The committee appointed to designate Officers, ami to suggest Rules of govern ment for the convention, beg leave respect fully to recommend Louis D. Henrv, of Wake, as President, Walter F. Leake, of Richmond, S.m'l A. Andrews, of Wayne, loseph Allison, of Orange, and M. T. Hawk ins, of VV anen, a Vice Presidents; md Wm. VV. Hidden, of Wake, and Wm. H Bayne, nf CumhcrlaiiM, as Secretaries. I hey also recommend that the conven tion be governed bv the Ru' of Order which governed the House ot Comm. t;" af i's ession of 184-'1.3. so far as the same may he applicable, with this addition, thti ea. h eoniry represented in this Convention 'hall be eoiiUed to the number of votes, on any proposition, cot responding wilh the number o? Ri )re-entati es to which the are respectively eniideil in the House of Commons by the I .si appoi tionment. Allol vhtch is nvpectfolly submitted. THOS N CAMERON, t ha'n. The report wis unanimously concurred in, whereupon Gen. Hawkins and Dr. Cameron conducted Mr. Herrv to the chiiir. who returned his :cknowledgMients for the honor conleried upon bi n, and a I d rested the convention for more than ha'f an ho ir, with singuLr ability and elo quence. On motion rf Mr Aver, it was Resolved, Thai the President appoint a committee to consist of two delegates from each Congressional Distiict, to prepare matter for the consideration of this Con vention. The President stated that the above committee would be announced at the next meeting; whereupon on motion of Mr. Reid, of Cumber land, the convention ad journed until half past seven o'clock. Half past 7 o'clock. The President called the convention to order, and announced the following gen tlemen as the General committee of 18: First D'stilct VV. VV. A very, Second District John VV. Ellis and L E Thompson, Third District Barzillai Graves and Naih'l J. Palmer. Fouith Dis!tict Walter F. Leake and John Fruit. Fifih Ditiict Thos. N Cameron and J B Sh.pard. Sixth Dtrict George Whitfield and Robt. Melvin Seventh District Wm. 0. Gregory and G. I). PaskervilJe. E ghth Distiict Matthew Shaw and S. L. Ai rington. . Ninth District Thos. Bragg, Jr, and A. Mooi tug. Mr. Thompson, of Lincoln, suggested the importance of having foil representa tion in the General committee, from the Fost Ditri -1, and inasmuch as Mr. .Avery was i fie o Iv delegate in attendance from I hat District h- presented a proposition to aociate Mr. Bubee, of Wake, with Mr. A very, as a member of ihe commit tee. I he proposition "ai unanimously concurred in, and Mr. Bosbee was there fo.'e added to the (ieneral committee. I he communication of Thomas Loring, Eq.. to the convention, was read, and or dered to lie on ihe table. On motion of Mr Avery, the conven tion adjourned until to-morrow morning at eleven o'clock. Friday, Dec 15M, 1S43. The President resumed the chair at 11 o'clock, and ihe convention was opened by prayer off" red by the Rev. J . E. Ed wards, of Raleigh. Mr. McRae, of Wake, presented a letter from the chairman and Secretaries of the late democratic meeting in Craven county, addressed to Messrs. T. Loring, D. K. MRae, Perrin Bosbee. and VV. VV. Holden, requesting and empowering them to repre-j s nt Craven in this Convention. On mo tion of Mr Palmer, of Caswell, h names f the gentlemen present were recorded as lelegaies and representatives from said county. At ihi stage of the proceedings, at the n quest of the convention, it was addressed by Messrs Smith, of Orange, and McRae, f Wake, in an able and eloquent manner; .fier which, on motion, the convention ad journed until half past three o'clock. Half past 3 o'clock. - The convention again met the Piesi- lenl in the chair. The absence of Mr. Bayne, one of the Secretaries of the convention, having been conferre I upon ihp President by the Con suggested, on motion of Dr. Cameron, ofUtitotion of the Uniied Slates, is a valuta Cumberland. Wm. A.Jeffreys, of Frank lin, was appointed in his place. Mr. Palmer announced, in an appropri ate and feeling manner, the death of the Hon. William Montgomery, one of thr Delegaies from Orange to this convention, and submitted the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted: Resolved, That this convention have learned, with feelings of deep regret, of the death of the Hon. William Montgomery, of the county of Orange, one of the dele gtej from that county to this convention, and that we sincerely sympathize with his family in the loss they have sustained; and, with the democratic party of the county ol Orange we deeply regret lh loss of a gen tleman who, for an almost unbroken peri od of 20 years, has been their faithful and efficient Representative either in the State or National Legislature. Resolved, That the Secretaries of this convention transmit to the family of the deceased a copy o( these resolutions. Mr. Baskerville, of Warren, from the general committee of eighteen, submitted ue following Report: The committee to whom it was referred to report subjects proper for the considera lions and action of the Convention, having, as lar as circumstances permitted, bestow ed their reflection upon the duty thus as signed them, beg leave to report, that in their opinion the subjects proper for the action of the convention, consist in Ihe nomination ofa candidate of the Democrat ic Republican party for Governor of the Stale, the appointment of two delegates to represent the State at large in the National Convention of the party, to assemble in Baltimore in May next, and in the concise and explicit avowal of our principles; and lor the action of the convention upon these subjects we submit to their consideration 'he following resolutions: I. Resolved, That this convention, con fiding in the unsullied private character of Col. MICHAEL HOKE, of Lincoln coun ty, his eminent ability and unfaltering de votion to democratic principles, nominate him as the candidate of the democratic par ty of ibis State in the approaching Guber natorial election. 2. Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed by the President of the con vention to inform Col. Hoke of his nomi nation, and request his acceptance of the same; and further, that they express to him the hope of this convention that he will thoroughly canvass the Stale. 3 Resolved, That this convention an- r prove the call that has been made for the assemblingof a democratic national conven tion at the city of Baltimore on the fourih Monday in May next, for the purpose of nominating candidates for the office of President and Vice President of the Uni ted States, and that we will support, with a becoming zeal, the nominees of that con vention. 4 Resolved, That we hereby appoint Louis D. Henr' and Charles Fisher to rep resent the State ol North Carolina in that convention, leaving to the people, in their respective Congiessional Districts, the ap poiutiiient of the other delegates from this State to said Convention. 5. Resolved, That in the opinion of this convention, a National Bank, apart from the Constitutional objections to such an in stitution, is uncalled for in the present st de of the country, either as a fiscal agent for the government or as a reg-dator of the ex- changes, and is unnecessary to secure aj sound circulating medium; and that such an institution would be detrimental to our btst interests, and dangerous to the liberties of the country. 6 Resolved, That while we are uncom promisirgly opposed to a tariff for protec tion, we are not the advocates of direct taxation to raise the means wherewith to administer the Federal Government; that a tariff of duties, laid solely with a view to the raisingof a sufficient revenue for the economical administration of the govern ment, and not to afford bounties to a par ticular class or classes, is what we approve, and what we ate at all limes willing to sup port. 7. Resolved, That we regard the Tariff act of 1S42, as passed in the main for pro tection and not for revenue, and that we are opposed, not only to the principles but to the details of said act. 8. Resolved, That in the existing state of the country, the worse than exhausted state of the Public Treasury, and an alrea dy large and increasing National Debt, the distribution of the proceeds of the sales of the public lands would be a measure as ab surd as impolitic; that we deprecate the proposition made by some of our oppo nents for the assumption of the Debts of the State by the Federal Government, whether the same be proposed directly by distributing the proceeds of the public lands, as a specific fund for that purpose, or indirectly by the imposition of high du ties upon foreign imports, with a view to the creation of surplus, to be divided. 9. Resolved, That the Veto Power ry feat tre of that instrument, sanctioned by reaon and experience, and that we n grd the i ut h less attack made upon it bv the whig party, as an attempt to chang the existing form of our government, in order to secure paity objects, and gratify ambitious and exasperated pirty leaders. 10 Re-oled, I hat the fine imposed on General Andrew Jackson, by Judge Hall, ought to be refunded, wh interest, un conditionally and without delay, as an act of justice to a brave and meritorious of ficer. 1 1 Whereas The attempt on the part of some of our political opponents lo misrep resent the opinions of the democratic p rt upon the subject of the State B.mkn, ha made it necessarv that the cnarge shouhi be met and rep J'ed, Resolved, therefore. Pint the democratic pariy is noi oppose-: to properly rgu'aied State institutions, based upon a specie capital; and we lepudi ate the charge ihat we are the advocates of an exclusixe metallic currency, as gratuil ous ami unfounded But the late disor deied condition of the exchange- of tin country has convinced us tha. two thing are necessary to secure the benefi's, and at ihe same time to avoid the abuses of the system: First, such h uter obligations im posed by tin- Legislature as will coerce thn redemption nf their note under a heavy penalty: Se ondlv, an individual liability imposed on the stockholders for the note which lhty issue; and further, that no bank ought to be chartered without these provi sions and restrictions. 12. Resolved. That the President of this convention appoint tv'nty-one persons t act as a State Central Commit'ee of the democratic party, to iwne one or more ail dresst s to the people, ami to take such oth er steps as, in their opinion, may be con ducive to the success of our principles. The Report and Resolutions having been read, on motion of Dr. Cameron the sense of the convention was taken on them sepa rately, and i hey passed the convention unanimously the question on the fourth Resolution being put by Dr. Andrews, one of the Vice Presidents. On motion of Dr. Cameron, the name of the President of the Convention was added to ihe State Central Committee hereafter to be appointed. Mr. Avery, of Burke, rose to respond on behalf of the western democracy, to the nomination of Col. Hoke. He said that al though Col. Hoke would incur co"siderab!e sacrifices in accepting the nomination and going forth as the barerof the democratic banner, yet he knew so well the attachment of that gentleman to ihe puociples of the party, that he could venture to assure the convention he would ni t dec line the nomi nation. He would canvass ihe Stale he would bear any burden the cause might re quire him o bear he would go into the campaign, and labor night and day, with lhat zeal and eluquenr.e which so highly distinguish him, for the advancement and glorious triumph of the democratic party. Alter Mr. Avery had concluded, a call was made for Col. Wneeier, of Wake, an Mr. Ellis, of Rowan, hoth of whom m succession addressed the convention in an able and animated manner. The President announced the following gentlemen as the Committee to inform i ol Hoke of his nomination.and request his ac - ceptance: Messrs. John Websier, of Lin coin, VV. VV. Avery, ol Burke, and Gen. B. (J raves, of Caswell. On motion of Ge . Graves, of Caswell, the convention adjourned to meet at teven o clock. Seven o'clock, P. M. The convention met pursuant to adjourn ment, the President in the Chair. Mr. Thompson, of Lincoln, sobmi'ted the following resolution, which was unani mously adopted: Resolved, That this Convention recom mend to ihe democratic party throughout the State of North Carolina the formation of democratic Associations in each county in the State, for the purpose of diffusing information among the people. The Convention was here entertained, at its request, by spirited and appropriate speeches from Messrs. Bushee, of Wake, R id of Cumberland, Bragg ol Northamp ton, Jackson of Chatham, and FitMof War ren, all of whom responded wih great warmth to the action jut had by the Con vention, and ured upon the parly the im poi !ance of union and harmony, and high and persevering effort in the approaching campaign. Mr. Palmer, of Cawell, offered the fol low ing resolution, which was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeiing be published in the democratic na- pcrs of North Carolina, and also in ihe Washington Globe. Gen. Graves, of Caswell, offered t' fol lowing resolution, which was unanimouslv adopted: . Resolved, That the thanks of this Con vention ate hereby tendered to the Presi dent Vice Presidents, and Secretaries, for the able and faithful manner in which they have ilischarged their du y. - On motion of Mr McRae, of Wake, the Convention adjourned sine die. LOUIS D HENRY, President M T HAWKINS, -j JOS ALLISON. !VjcePres,l9 S A. ANDREWS, Vice tresis. VV. F. LEAKE. J William VV. Holden, William H. Bayne, Secretaries. (JWm. H. Ma v hew, Esq.. has taken choge of the editorial department of the .Wwbernian, a Whig paper, publish d in Nwliern, formerly edi ed by Mr. It. G. Mooie, deceased. Wash Rep. fJJ"D K. McRae, Esq having with drawn from the E litori d department of the Democraiic Signal, thai paper will h reafter he conducted by Perrin Busbee, Esq Rat. Stand. We have been informed hy Rev. L. K. Willie, of Granville, that the commu nication which appeared in the Richmond Eoqinrrr, relative to the cultivation of Tea in that County, is all a hoax. Clerical Depravity. The Oberlin (0 hio) Evangelist announces to its readers that the Rev. H. C. Tavlor, its late editor, lias betrayed the confidence reposed in him by having been guilty for two years pat of pnrloi dug money from the Evan gelist office, of emb-7.zling funds sent by mail from subscribers, of pilfering from the dravxer of the post office, to which he h is had access, and of seduction under ag gravated circumstances all of which crimes tie h is fully confessed since his ar tesi and imprisonment. Of this person the Cleveland Herald sas: He was in easy circumstances, respec ted and beloved, an active and honorable member of society, benevolent and useful, and devoted to the great work of 'doing good.5 But in an evil hour he took the first false step, and he now confesses and mourns his crimes in a degraded felon's cell, while a multitude of friends to whom he had knit himself as with hooks uf-'el in the days of his uprightness, are pierctd to the heart core that in truth, He was a man Who stole the livery of the court of heaven To serve the devil in.' His first false steps was taken about two years ago. He was employed to go to Washington, and wanting moie funds than were in bis honest possession, he made up the deficiency fiom ihe Evangelist office, with the intention of accounting for it on his return. On arriving at home, and learning that no suspicion rested on him, instead of refunding the money he took anoth t siep in crime. The road to infa-m- became broader nd swifter at each successive step, until the outward mask of virtue was finallv lilted by the boldness of undetected and increasing depravity, and revealed to a shocked community the de- i formed and loathed hypocrite. Bewareof ihe first fale step! Fire and loss of life Probable Mur der The N. V. t ommercial of Tuesday ! s ,v,. u understand that the houe of Captain Housman of the schooner VVhig, who arrived heie this morning from Vir ginia, situated at Slaten Island, north side, i ear Port Richmond, was burned to the ground last night. The w ife and child of Capt Housman perished in the flames. When the steamboat It ft the Island this morning, a general impression prevailer hat the house had been robbed, the in inatts murdered, and the premises after wards fired. Captain Hnnsrran was known to be well ff. and particularly to have re ceived SI, 000 jus before he sailed, which, wiih a handsome gold watch, he left at home. Tlrs and other proptrty in the houe is supposed to have ltd to the horrid crime, as neither vvaich, nor money, nor the silver spoons, of which there was a dozen and a half, nor Mrs Housman's jewelry, or any other property, had been found." Sad Death A young man at Lumber land, Sullivan county. New York, was drowned a wtek or two sioce by breaking hroujth ihe ice. His brother waa within reach of him, but mold not aid him. A young lad to whom he was to have been rranied the in xi day, was alhacted by his crie- and saw him ink lor the last time. The e'ergvman, who had been invited to marry them, pre "died his funeral sermon ai the house appointed for the wedding. The young lady has since become insane. ftT'John W Jones, who has been sen t?nc.-d to the Kentucky Penitentiary for living with two wives, excuses himself by s tying thU when he had one, she fought him; but when he got two, they fought each other.