'- . flit!, 4 L'vdL f-'-'j ij Tarborough, Edgecombe County, .V. t Saturday, September 11, IS 14. IW. XX .Vtf. 37. The TarJiimmyli Tress, Hv George Howard. Ju. Is published weekly at. TV' per year, if paid in aJvae-or, Two Ifollars an,! Cents at the expiration of the Mibacrijmon year. Subscribers are at liberty to disco-Hume at any time on triviri? notice thereof ami paying arrears. Advertisement-! not exceeding a square will le inserted at Out DUar the first insertion, and C5 cents for every conliuuanee. Longer advertise ments at that rate per sqii ire. Court Orders and Judicial Advertisements -J") per rent, higher. Ad vertisements must be marked the number of inser tions required, or they will be continued until otherwise directed, and charged accordingly. Letters addressed to the I'Mitor must be post $v.iid, or they imy not he attended to. v ' t.V. v Issaporinaat rVoiicc. To the Democracy cf the Union. The Democratic Associations t he Hicko ry anil Youog Hickory Clubs, ami othtr Democratic Cluhs and Associations now orgmized throughout the United States are most respectfully and earnestly solici ted, if they have not already dene so, to re- j port themselves, without delay, by lelter. post paid., to the Executive Committee of the Democratic As.ei ition'in Washington city, D. C. They ate requested to give the names of tlwir members, &.c. &c. &c It is important that this stpp should be ta ken to secure a more thorough and efficient organization of the democratic party than now exists for th reasons: 1st. That each association shall keep the other well informed cf the condition of par ties. 2d. That authentic a i fl correct informa tion may be disseminated far and wide. 3d. That the returns, whether of State or federal elections, may b? circulated in a form authentic anil official, end which can be relied upon by our friends for an) pur pose, especially to counteract the false im pressions which may becreated by the pub lication in the whig journals of the results of elections. It is already ascertained that that party have a well organized system of falsehood, not only in the publication of erroneous re turns of elections, but by the publication of tract's and documents. The whig and 5ome of the neutral papers in every section of the Union attend lo the first branch of the fraud, and the congressional whig cen tral franking committee at Washington are attending to the latter, by publishing and disseminating one set of opinions by Mr. Clay for the South, and another set lor the manufacturing and abolition districts of the North and West; also documents for the North making Mr. Folk a free-trade man, and documents for the South making him a tariff man. These frauds have been de tected in this city; therefore we warn our friends to guard against, them. Discredit everything coming from a whig source, until substantiated by information derived from those whose effort will be not to de ceive, but to enlighten with the truth We do not hesitate to say that the election returns which have bf en. and are being published in the Globe can be relied on by our friends for any purpose. They are as accurate as unofficial return's can pos-ibly be, some of which, from necessity, being copied from whig papers. The official ic turns will be publihrd in the Globe as soon as they are received. When the or ganization proposed by this nonce is com plete, the facility for getting the correct! returns will be such as is defied We ap-j peal to the de nioei3cy i'1 those sections of country where no associations exist to forthwith organize and report in accord ance with the above. We make this ap peal not from any doubt of the .strength of our cause, or that we have not the num hers to carry it on to victory. We must not despise the enemy however corrupt or eak they may be; but knowing them to be weak and corrupt should make "s more vigilaut and active to guard against the unfair and Unjust means to which they will from necessity resort to cover t heir weakness. We can assure our mends that that we have no doubt Polk a"d Dallas will be elected. We must, nevcrthelcss, do our duty. We make the appeal with another view; that channels way be established through which we can develop to the American people one of the most corrupt and villanous schemes ev er concocted by any party which has been on foot by whiggery to subjugate le . publican liberty, and bring our institutions "Own to the footstool of the tyranny of the Did World. We do not fear the scheme, jts exposure will not only defeat its object, bH will overwhelm the men and the party Who conceived, and are attempting to ma ture it, in infamy so deep that the friend. f civil and religious liberty throughout xvr'(' 1 'f?? remotest generations, will execrate tn&re very names. When the organization is complete, the exposure Will be made, and their plan rendered abort. ve. Therefore organize-organize .u.uiwimorin, south, East, and West, P. S. This is to give notice to the de mocracy, that the whig central committee m tins city are publishing document pur porting so show the votes of Mr Polk which in fact, ifthevdonot io all cases actually falsity his votes, suppress some of the facts connected therewith, and thus give a false aspect to them. It will be-the duty of the democratic party in every sec tion o( the country to discredit lhsc doc uments, denounce them as vile whig slan ders, as ihey are, ask a suspension of pub lic opinion, and write immediately to Washington to the executive committee of the democratic association to send the real tacts in each case, lo be derived from the Congressional archives, as authenticated oy t .-,e clerk in charge of them. The associations throughout the Union will be pleas. d to pay the postage on al! communication sent to the executive com mittee of tiie democratic association at Washington, whose communications will, in all cjsi-.s be postage paid. fne democrat ie papers throughout the United Stales will subserve the ciUse of the democracy by giving the fullest public ity to the above, until ii shall be seen in tiie. i emote 4 p u ts of the Union. They are earnestly requested to do so. Dy order of the executive committee. JAMES TOWLKS, -CA'i. C. P. Scngttvch, Sec"y. FOK Till; TAlir.OUO' ruEss. . - TO MISS E. . They say tint thou art beautiful, that, in tiiv sweet soft eve Tl iere floats a dream of loveliness pure, pas-ionale, and high; They say there is a s; ell of power upon thine argd brow, To which with wild idolatry high though- ted spirits bow. Soft as the flow of twilight waves or stir of dewy leaves When the young minds are wandering out on summer's beauteous eves, Thine imrrge o'er my spirit seems in hea ven's own light to move, Unwinding all the hidden chains that bind my heart to love. Oh it is passing sweet to muse with feel ings pure and high, On glorious creatures seen alone by fan cy's burning eye; There is no tint of e.irih to dim their hoV" light with tears, j'y Hut all i pure and beautiful as'lhoughts ether spheres. ' Lady I know thee net, and thou perch am' may'st never see The Strang'; minstrel that now wakes hi broken lyre for thee; ' Hut oft' hi ill f;i3 dreams will picture thcr, lovfer Jiest ol earth s daughters, pui A rainnow giory sweetly tnrown upt life's stormy waters. RALPH. 1 Huckleberry A ventre, Sept. 2nd. (j. FOR TIIE TAKBORO PHESS. t,: What must l e the feelings of him who is condemned to die? That the creator of man has only placed him here in this world in order that he may prepare him self for another, is a question lhat does not admit of a doubt. The road to death is a dark and gloomy one; even when he, who has to travel it, feels within himrclf that he is attended hy a guide that will make his journey a safe one. Hut if t he scenery on that road presents such an aspect to one under Mich circumstances as these,- would it not be horiible to think on it where the traveller has every reason to believe, that be is lo travel it without any pilot lo direct his course. At any time whatever, when our Creator through his infinite wisdom should see fit to call us hence, the parting with those here on earth who are near and dear to us must be attended with the ut most grief and bitterness. Hut how much more heart rending must that parting be to one, who feels that he has been the cause of his own departure from this world. Mark, the prisoner at the bar, who has taken the life of his fellow-man, see with what anxiety of mind he looks first on the face of his counsel, and then on those of the jury before whom he is arraigned. He sees pictured on the countenance of his counsel a look of sadness, which it is not accustomed to wear; he there sees a doubt resting, whether or not he will be cleared of guilt. After he hears the defence of his counsel and that of his opponent, his attention is then solely directed to the jury, watches them with that earnest nesss with which a tiger watches his prey; he endeav ors to see if he can judge from their looks whether or notbe will be declared to be innocent of the crime alleged against him. He sees the jury leave the box with heaviness of heart with which thev could not be bound were they conscious' of tho prisoner's innocence. He is now ordered back to his lonely cell, where he thinks first of his counsel's defence and then that of his opponent. Even the rustling of the wind without strikes terror to hisliearl for fear it may be the agitated step of the offi cer coming to announce to him his sad and lamentable fate, that the little hope which he once entertained of pardon is now for ever dispelled. This dreadful suspense is put to an end, by the unlocking of the pri son door and the entrance of his keener. For a moment he forgets that, the chains j are about him, he makes an effort to rise! but he is suddenly checked by their heavy j weight. With a hurried voice he asks ihej keeper what is his fate? All doubt is now i dispelled by the silence which prevails, j Nc feels that he could not now be consoled j hy her, who amidst all his misfortunes; and disappointments had been as a stay to! him. The prisoner is ordered to go again ! before the Court and receives, lint sen-! lencc which it has seen fit to pass on him " Here he loses what little nerve he had but a moment before, his body becomes weak, he feels a faintness which he never felt be fore; but by the aid of his attendants he now ascends for the last time the steps which lead to the Court room, where all is hushed, in silence around. He takes his scat in front of the Judge, who rises up be fore the overwhelming audience with that seriousness and gravity, which should ever characterize one in his position, lie tells he prisoner that it his painful duty to an nounce to him that the Court has decreed thai he should be hung upon the gallows.. All doubt is now certainly dispelled fro-m his mind, even the most faint hope which he might have entertained before this, is now forever blasted. The short time which is now allotted him to live, passes away like a flash of lightning across the broad and expanded heavens. He is car ried again to his lonely cell, there to mourn his unhappy and wretched condition. The volume of his past life is now suddenly opened to his mind, he traces its leaves up to that fatal time when he took the life of his fellow man, there his reason seems lo have deserted him. He asks himself how could ho have acted thus rashly, it occurs to him that his reason was then overpower ed by that damning vice ardent spirits Ah, he exclaims to himself, if I had not suffered the bitter contents of that cup to pass throirgh my lips, my situation now would have been different. While in this reverie his meditation is disturbed by the entrance cf the minister of the cosncl, who and the public generally, that he received From New York, his Supply of Spring and bnmmev GOODS:, In his tin's of business. - He invites the attention of those vs w-iSy h to purchase fl good Suit of Chtlv as they can do. so by calling at his t stnnd, where will be found on hand j A ' good assortment of Cloths Cap meres, and Nestings. . 'a 'And also, an assortment of Glov1 Sto. ks Rosoms, Cravats, Suspenders, U' smooth the pillow of death, it only has a tendency lo harden it. Hut at last the sun rises on him for the last time. At an early hour of that day tile aged parcnls come to bid a final fare well to that son, who had been the cause of their lying in an untimely grave. They go forth with a feeble and tottering step to take -him by the hand for the last time. The-, mother in this her greatest hour of ttial exclaims, my son, are you prepared to meet that Judge before whom you are to stand at the last day of the world? Here his tongue cleaves to the roof of his mouth, he is unable to speak, but his silence is suf ficient evidence of what his answer would be. The mother lets go his cold and icy hand, and with clasped hands and her eyes directed toward heaven, exclaims, my God, was it for this that I brought him in to the world was it for this that 1 watch ed over him in his infancy, when all -Was hushed in silence around. Ah no, she says, I gave him good counsel but then he would not be advised by me, he thought he knew best; but now, when it is too late, he plainly sees the folly of his ways. He now knows that had he taken my advice, his situation might have been different. That parting which the criminal most dreaded has now come to an end. He is now taken by his keeper from his lonely cell for the last time, and seated on that box in which he is soon to be laid a lifeless corse. The hangman's halter is about to he tied around his neck, he mounts the scaffold from which he is soon to be dashed into eternity. Minutes novv pass with him like seconds. The sheriff with a trembling voice tells him that he has but one minute to live, that is the only brittle thread that binds him lo this world. He brings his last breath, and the sheriff strikes the fatal ajblow, and all is over. He could no longer in this world live, Hut still he was afraid to die; f ie felt what an account he had to give, To a sin avenging God on high. MED1CUS STUD ENS. From the Democratic Signal. Nayiifs. We ask the attention of our brethren, one and all, to the suggestion thrown cut in the article, published in an other column, from the "Harrisburg U nion," in relation to party names. The policy of ouV opponents, under the lead of James Watson Webb, in assuming the name-of" i4 whig" was, in the beginning. obviously dishonest and hypocritical It was the policy ol making up, if possible, ' by thy popularity of a name, what they lacked in popularity of principles. They knew th;t their system of measures wras the system of the old federal party, and they novv know it. For the name of Whig, as our u,. i. ., r .i. : :...:.u ated it with lit :v uiui ivjii-ii y idiii'ji: cm I ci I .mil ii Willi their blood, -they seem to have Had little hcaitleit veneration. This fact is demon Mn'ed by their conduct down to the pre sent day. They brought discredit on the sacred name of "whig" . by their violence and carousals in lS-10 They brought discredit on it by associating it with exhibi tions of raccoons and other wild animals. They brought discredit on it, many of their prominent leaders, by Open threats of force and insubordination They now profane it by catling themselves coons nod Whigs indifferently thus making it synonymous with that thieving, -filthy ani mal. And yet, no withstanding all this, they sci uple not to defame the memory of deceisd palriots of the Revolution. For party purjK)Sfs to inj ire liov. Polk, they scruple not, in the lace of positive pro f that Ezekiei Polk was a '"whig of '76,'' as a commissioned officer, and bore arms in the service of his countiy, to denounce j him as a lory ! Falsely and for political j eiii ci, rtppi opi LLiug the name lo themsel ves, they deny its honors not only to the living who are opposed to them, but even to theirTorefathers who shared the toils and privations by which it was immortalized. What measureof reprobation is due to a par ty thus unpatriotic and reckless? Regarding every possible source, from which a political party derives its authentic and proper name their history their lea ders and supporters the Clay party should be recognized and universally designated as no other than the Federal party. If a j Jo,, jn an honorable manner,, including & combined and desperate effoit to convert j number which had stood so long as to be our federative system into a consolidated ; outlawed, and besides, has purchased-4 (Jovernment, which shall merge the pailt(J,jon npQn which he may hopctl6 Rights of the States, and result in the es-!pCll() ihe remainder of his days it.a ;;e tablishment of an irresponsible Legislative rency. ' . '' Oligarchy at Washington City; il tne ioc tnne that Ihe i1 ederal constitution must, under the plea of temporary expediency, or at the behests of an ambitious man, or: set of men, accommodate itself to the wants . . '. . the propriety of ministers and memcrs ol gress; ,t an avowed determination to , J I lhisdvei ,s doubtful; if the comp.omi.es of our or-; consis,of a prearnble setting forth game law are to be unset led, ami Lie ma- suffici of chrislbnily for alfchari ,or:ty power in the Legislative "ranch left pw' condemning secret associa w.thout check, by sinking from the Con- , H J CQncmf wUh a st.iut.on Ihe veto right ot the Execu ive; ,of rr8outions of a character jual itl semr .f these things constitute federalism, hen . introduction. They aver that imuk., , c.F..-..t.-..j. .... parly. In pimcipie am. in practice, hi aim anil in J.nlh. oy cncice anu oy associa- lion, lo all intents ami purposes, . uiry aie essentially, FEDERALISTS ons On, sia; the m- From the Raleigh Standard. A DARK SPOT." Wo clip the following from the Newd York 'Tribune; w v7 D.trk Spot. The following coun-,a.-ties, contiguous territory, and situated ir the North Pastern part of North Carolina,,k; show a proportion of about five Loco Focr5 voters to one Whig! We annex thePP" vot s for Governor at the recent election"' and the number of white persons, male anc' female, over twenty ears who cannot rearT and write, (according to the census od' 1840.) The totd white population oint these counties was in lS-tb, 29,2 7: el J Whites over 20 , who cannot reat mo Loco. Edgecombe 1,410 Nash 700 Wayne 846 Franklin 710 Warren 716 Whig, and write. US 67 26 351 127 1,579 1,052 1,736 743 507 5,617 Total 4,472 8b0 These Counties gave Harrison for Presi dent only 993 votes in O. The above article had its origin in this State, and its object was to show that th Federalists had all ihe intelligence and all the decency, whilst the democrats wer cursed with all the ignorance. Now let u: look a little into this matter, and see if we cannot publish tables as well as our oppo nents: Here are four federal counties, ta ken pretty much at random; Whites over 20 who cannot read l)em. nor write:. 109 2656 137 753 419 1071 309 723 Fed. 1333 310 500 1154 Wilkes Tyrrell Pitt Randolph 33S7 974 5203 Look at old Mecklenburg, the birth place of Polk and the battle-ground of in dependence. Her vote is 1 182 democrats to Id 1 federalists, and her census shows only ISO persons (out of a population of more than 18,000) who cannot read or write. New Hanover gives 1 1X3 1 demo cratic to 2S3 federal votes, and cut of her population of more than 13,000, there aro only 5!J7 who are unable to read or write. We take no pleasure in thus retorting on I he federalists, but we are determined at all hazards to defend and vindicate our demo cratic friends. The democratic cVeed is one ''SnN an 'e liberty and glory And wherever it prevails it is death f6 fed eralism. In this State especially the fede ral leaders have strenuously lobdred l keep the people in ignorance at 'the very time they were pretending to be making efforts to enlighten them; and at tliisVery momerit the State is in debt to tire School Fund for moniei borrowed tbfwy the debts of corporations debts incurred by the fe deral party. From the N. Y. Journal of Commerce. Value of a Coat. It is ho disparage-, meni of the President, that after a life of public Service he was poor. . Before thi Harrisburg Convention he was living com fortably perhaps, but embarrassed with, small debts.' He was appointed a delegate to the convention, but just before it assem- bled, remarked in conversation with k friend, that he thought he should not at-' fPnc, for his presence could notbe of great importance, and really he had nothing iri his wardrobe in which he could appear a3 he should desire on such an occasion. Some students in William and Mary Col' lege hearing of this, determined that a mart whom they respected so much, should nb't stay away for such a reason, and so presen ted him with a new suit for the occasion. Seldom has a small matter grown to greater importance. Mr. Tyler, we are happy t6 say, saved enough from the salary of his ! office lo nav offall his debts, Which hfe -haS Odd Fellowship. At the recent issiuA of the Maine Annual Conference of tc m.i..i:-i v..:. ,i i u tin. ' A. a committee was appointed to inour into ()da Fe,j0W3hi shouM be ccn:!nc'Ji sod is a secret sociely jcause, considering the power oft gos "The surprising effect p.pduceI by t't lenn is Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Laverw art, mae at i Dowery, in consumptive cases, canrot ting a deep End thrilling interest.,. tho .'..,,:. world. i VVe have so long believed Ln ie- (consumption) incurable, that it bdifik al. to v it cur senses when we pee persons evidp1) sumptive, restored to health. Yet it : '-t' daily occurrence." - f The following ceriificate was given, iir few days since by Capt. Scdttj of Elizaa" City, N. C. . , f "Being constitutionally 4 predisposed to ton sumption, (a number of 1117 family havin g died of this diseas,) and having suffered severely frord irritation of the, lungs, accompanied with cough and raising matter and blood, together vith sornQ pain in my side and andbreast still I wa j suppo sed to be beyond recovery, 1 was induced bj ad yice of Dr. Perkins, to try Taylor's Baisaot of Liverwort; and with great pleasure take this - op dortunity of testifying to the value of this reme dy. 1 have tauten five bottles in all. I began imniniui -ifr- -- g-ir- Knlll. nnA nftnr It is said to be contrary also to the rule of the Roman Catholic Church io admit .? the bodv of an Odd Fellow into their bu- 1 rial grounds, a special bull having been is sued by the Pope sometime since againsi 11. A Roman Catholic priest in Philadelphia recently refused to officiate at the burial of Christian Citterle, a member of the Ger man volunteer company of Washington National Guards, because the deceased Jwl been a member of the Society of Odd Fel lows, and he was inlerrfcd with only the usual military honors. The friends of the deceased and his fellow members being dis satisfied with this neglect, the body was taken up, and deposited in the German Lu theran burial ground. The Rev. Mr. Rei chart delivered the usual service in Qc man. ib.