: AUGUST-, 1844. Jul Keccivcd, AT THE CHEAP GASH STORE, A BcauUltil Assortment oV NEW AMD FASHIONABLE GOODS, Among which will be found, nunl n.ul coloured Silks, Balzorines, Muslins. Organdies, Cal- Cravats, icoes, NP.tlfl-workod collars, T?.,cV.;mviK!p IlnmiettS. ParascK Netts, Laces, Edgings ll"l,v"","v ..... . x ... .. I .. Neck Laces. ALO. Bleached and Brown Sheet and Cambric ings snd Shirtings Lnvn TlnnJlPirhicf. &C. &C. !""" ALSO, A General assortment of "China, Glass & Crockery Ware, Hardware, Groceries, &c. &.c The above with many other Goods were purchased in New York by tlie subscriber during the Dull Seasan, and will be sold at a small advance. Tall and See. JAMES WED DELL. Fishing Creek Land FOR SALE. THE s .bscrner, beinsj desirous to re move to the West, offers his Land for ale. The Land i situned on the south side of Fishing Creek, 7 miles from En field, 20 from Tarboro', and ) from the Hail Road. This tract Contains 1 692 Acre's. It is so situated that it can can be 6C tracts from 500 to 700 acres with a in Comfortable Ihvcllinz- House On each tract. It is unnecessiry to ssy they cannot lie netier suneu as to me wnu, location, or socu ty. Iermuill be accom- niodating. WILLIAM D. BRYAN. Augurt 22nd. 1 S 14. A FRESH supply of Peters' Tills just Teceived and for sale by GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro', Jul' 19. Battle & Bishop SUCCESSORS TO BALLARD $ JEFFREYS, COIIlIlliSMOIl A: GdtCral AsrCUCV BUSINESS. fW HE undct signed have this day form- ed a Copartnership to he known a-the' firm of BA TTLE & IHSHOP, and will! for the present occupy the Fire Pronj Brick Store lately occupied by Mallard & Jeffreys. They will endeavor to Keep "on hand a constant 4urplv of GROCERIES, Together with a small Supply of Hardware, Hbllow wure and Cutlery. They promise prompt attention in selling v I. c- i . ll-.n mi'ililr 1 S I i iii I -i 11 1 1 is any imu&.'s m . ; mg tried various remedies wnh little ellecT, was by the week they will be charged JSC, and o person will purchase without examina- j furuUhed uiih a ho., 1 of Dr. 1). JavneV Carmi- by the y $l Ciich single persons will lion Those t h t w'.sh to purchase Land i native IJai.eam. This h used ucccrdiug to the , . i JO , -,'r, . iT ,wn ,',.!. his ccu,v. I will .al.oV pK- fM"'d irU.b,'( f S7 50 Tv fl'e cl v sT 25 Chil j . . T I ' olir I cine caused tin? pain to abate in three or four min- - ou Dy me cuy w i io. niiureii anu in snewing uu.m u. i.m.w a . o... 3-"t(c ; nr ,.,, ,;,, ha f nr r.tAt. TwdiP. in. ,n MUiArDimniieP n.i f'noiWm'm.iLUUPiN anu tne voneners iur euiciey mittp.d tn thrir rnre. and In nrchase to or Pr nn ibo v-n tv.hm this markpt will afford, when CA-H or pkodixe isin hand to'-11 hi tins country. Dr. J A VNEh fav wi;. Ttu.v therefore hone hv strict lnmsell a physician; does .e: j..,,- : adherence to right principles iu the tr;m-j action of all kinds of business to share in; the public patronage. a. J. Battle. II. M. BISHOP Wilmington, June 2 1th, 1 S i t 2d 3 Minion s Pills. ,NLY those having the signature of O. B. PEARSON, hive the genuine Sappington Pills for sale. Those Pills are to be found in all the counties below Hali fax and Nash. It would he well for all those that use those Pills, to demand the authority for selling them. Given under my hand, this27ih day of June, lsl 1. O. B. PEARSON. 7A freh fupply of the above Pills just received and lor sale in Tarboro, by GEO. HOW A R I), A gen t. Tarboro' June, 1S44. Dr. Duffy's AKTI-1U LIOUS PILLS AND TONIC MIXTURE. UST RECEIVED, a supply of Dr. Duffy's Anti-bilious Pills and 'Tonic Mixture, an effectual remedy for Ag-ue and Fever, &c. GEO IIO WARD, Agent. . Trboro', July 16. onsia()tC9 Ji tanks for se, AT THIS OFFICE. JT A VAX'S . Carminative Balsam. TS a" certain, safe and ettectu.il remedy for . dysentery, diarrhoea, or looseness, cho lera morbus, SUMMER COMPLAINT, colic, griping pains, sour stomach, sick and nervous hcadach, heartburn, .waterbrash, pain or sickness of the stomach; vomiting.' spitting up of food after eating, and also where it passes through the body Unchan ged, want of appetite, lawlessness and ina bility jo sleep, wind in the stomach 2nd bowels, hysteric, cramp, nervous iremois and twilchings, sea sickness, faintings mel ancholy and lowness of spirits, fret timer and crvmgoi infants, and for all BOWEL AF- KK(;riU.S& NERVOUS DISEASES This is one of the most efficient, pleasant, and safe compositions ever offered to the public for the cure of the various derange ment's of the Stomach and bowels, and the only article worthy of the least confi dence for . curing CHOLERA INFAN TUM or SUMMER COMPLAINT; and in all llic above diseases it really acts like a charm. . All persons are requested to try it, for without .exception it is the most valuable family medicine ever et discovered. Ilun-d.-eds, nay, thousands, of 'certificates have ben re. eied from physicians, clergymen, and fumi.icsof the first respect ability, bear ing the strongest testimony in if? favor, too numerous to publish. . 6rtat(ficntc& Dr. Oi .Jayno, Dear Sir," havinnr made "cse o"f your Carminative Halsarn in my "family, and find ing it o be admirably adapted to the complaints lor wbieh it is intended,! lake pleasure in recoin- I mending it l.r tlie u.se of my friends and thepubfic generally, believing those who are afflicted with any of t.iese complaints will find relief in the use of this valuable medicine. InNATTIAN (Iot?G, D. Ii President of Granville College, Ohio. 7'Vom tlf. llev, .hi JSiim, of the Protestant Mctfio-d'.-t church. The undersigned having Irven afflicted during the past winter with a disease in the stomach, sometimes reducing treat pain in'tlie stomach lor 1 teu or twelve hours without intermission, are! har- sy S01isati0n was entirely quieted, The medicine was afterwards ued whenever indications of the approach of pain were perceived, and the pain was thereby preveiitcrh I le continued to use the hip dicine. eveiy evening, and someti nes in the moru ing, and in a few weeks health was so far restored, that the sufferer was relieved from a large amount of oppressive paim From experience, therefore, be can confidently recommend Dr. D. Jayne's Car minative Italsam, as a salutary medicine for disea ses of the stomach and bowels. A. Shin"! Allegheny city, July 16th, 1813. y rum the Rev, Dr Bacon, t . . From a long acquaintance with l)r. Jayne's Car minative fJalsam, 1 believe it to be a very happy combinniion, and a useful medicine In many com plaints Vvhich almost constantly occur in our coun try, such as bowel affections of children, colic, cramps, looseness, dyspeptic disorders of the sto mach, coughs and affections of the breast, togeth er with all those diseases atteuded with sourness j of the stntniich; and believe that physicians will (en finJ il a ll''ul remedy in their hands, and one that is proper for domestic use, and can be put in to the hands of persons at larjje with perfect safety. r. IJacon, M. D. Woodstown, Salem County, N. J. May, 183? JAS. M. REDMOND, Agent. ii-Astoiiishing.fl A MONfi the thousand Medicines adve'r tised as 'certain certain cures for pul monary complaints,' Wt?f tic's Expectorant Stands alone. lis pth lo public confi dence, has been paved,, not with pu(T hut include an array o names wnin, lor cnar- acler and rccpecbbility pei form physical i inposil); !ii i s; but he do s a"S rt, and he is borne out by weil au Ihentipsted. fact:, that in DISEASES OF THE IATNGS AND CHEST, which are susceptible of cure without miraculous, interference, his EXPEC I OUANT will icstore the patient to health. No other medicine will remove mucus or pus from the throat so thoroughly as this. It elfec lually looscns.lhe coagulated masses from the membrane which lines the tracheal, and at every cough Ihe patient will bring up portions of the disengaged matter. IN ALL COMPLAINTS OF THE PUL MONARY ORGANS, even where nature seems to be making no effort to -throw off t he d i sense, J A VN E'S EX PECTO R A N'T imparts vigor to the machinery of respira tion, and enables them to disencumber themselves of 1 lie oustruelions which had impeded their ficc operation. '. It has res toted hunuieds to perfect health, after their phyMcians had given them upas incurable, with CONSUMPTION, Coughs,, Colds, Ab'hma, Influenza, Bronchitis, Hooping Cough, Spitting Dlood, in a word, all dis cuses of a PULMONARY natuie. yield to this preparation, if properly administered. Names and Prices of Dr. D. Jayne's Family Medicines, viz: Jayne's Expectorant, per bottle, SI 00 Hair Tpnic " 00 ' Tonic Vermifuge ' 0 50 Carminative Dalsaro, largp, 0 50 ( t t small0 25 Sanative Pills, prr box, 0 25 American Hair Dye, 0 50 For sale in 'Tarboro' by , . JAS. M. REDMOND, Agent. May 13, 1S44. $25 Reward. 6: . ; .' , R ANA WAY from the Suber'i: ber, on the 1st day of last July, my negro man Aged about 25 years, light com plected, C feet 3 or 4 inches in height, weighing about 165 pounds the little toe of his t ight foot is off, and the middle fin ger on one of his hands is crooked and stiff in the first joint. He is supposed to be lurking iu Nash county, near Vicksviile, with a free mulatto worn in named Mary Locust. The above reward will be given for the apprehension of Jackson, If confin ed in any jail so that l.get him again, or il delivered to me, in Edgecombe county, near Upper Town -Creek meeting house. All persons are forbid harboring, or carry iegofif said negro under penalty of the law JAMES J. TAYLOR. August 27, IS44. Shocco Springs, Warren County, V. C. Hp HE undersigned takes this method to mlorm her fneudsand the punlic, that she has laid in an ample supply of ever) thing for the good accommodation of all visitors Who may favor her .with their company during tlie approaching watering season, which will begin the 1st of. June next, and she flatters herself, with the am ple means which she possesses, with bet disposition oh her part, together with the low piices, made to suit the times, to make her visitors comfortable, and having called to her aid a gentleman whose qualifications and attentions cannot fail to please in his department, that she will give universal sat isfaction. I'riccs at Shocco Sprizigsf. Families of more than Iwo persons who j ' " beard by the ser season of three months, will be charged Si 6 2-3 per month each; lars per month. From these prices there will be no devia tion during the Season. The known efficacy and salubrity of the Shocco water, the fine and airy situation, and good arrangements, as well as good or der of all the buildings, entitle the Proprie tress to hope, during the approaching sea son, that she will be favored with the com pany of all who may wish to restore or to preserve their health, and to insure the comfort and pleasure of all, she promises unremitted attention. ANN JGHNSOp. May IS, 1S44. 21 6 Cofficld King, Merchant Tailor, T ESP EOT FULLY informs his friends and the public generally, that he has received From New York, his Supply of Spring and bummer In his I iris of business. He invites the attention of those who wish to purchase A good Suit of Clothes, as they can do. so by calling, at his old stand, where will be found on hand . A good assortment of Cloths, Cassi meres, and Nestings. And also, an assortment ot LIoves, k Hop6mif Cravats, Suspenders, Urn- renas, xc cxi;. ... Mav 15th. 1844. to! 7f ' . Cominissidnen &c. IFor the Territory of Florida, Iikj. i. battle; Of Rocky Mount, II' AS received from the Governor of the Territory of Florida, a Commission to take the acknowledgment of Lleeds, &c. for said Territory in and for thfe State of North Carolina, arid has duly arid legally fjuah.led himself to execute said Cdmmis siori. 22-5 May 2S, 1S44. IVciv and Beautiful Spring and Summer MILLINER Y, $c. airs. a. c. no wiinn, fjk fS just received her Spring supply of uoods, which with her former stock comprises a general assortment of ihe most neat,1 useful and ornamental arti cles, in the ..... Ifiiilincry line; In her assortment will be found- Beautiful pattern Silk" bonnets; . Rutland braid, Rutland, nd bird-eye, Albert arid shell, Florence braid, open gimp, and fine straw bonnets, in great variety, Plain and figured silks and" satins . Tarleian muslins' vhlte and black crapes, Bonnet and cap ribbons laces and gimps, French and American Flowers, &c. &ci All of which will be sold on her usual liberal and accommodating terms. Tarboro', May 2, 1S44. Male Academy: HpHE Exercises of this Institution will be resumed on the Sth of July 1S44 The terms of Board ami Tuition are the same as heretofore published. - For the scholarship and moral deportment of iht students the public are referred to the Trustees and patrons of the Academy. The Tuition fees and half the amount of Hoard for the Session are payable in ad vance. -t , , , . "R. A. EZELL, A. M. Principal. Warrenton, N. C. June 15, 1S44. 25-4 JYoiicc. THE subscriber has repaired he'r SZoardin CCouVc at GroV6 Hilt, for this summer, and "hopes to accommo date a part of tho.-a who resort lo healthy parts during the sickly season. She has made ample preparations, and no pains shall be spared to accommodate those who think proper to ive her a call. Taking in consitlei ation the hard times, she has 1 bought proper to reduce her former prices tins season, viz: Single peisous f5 per month for three months or more; Families twelve dollars per month for three months or mote"; Sin gle persons fifteen dollars for one month or a less time; Children and servants half price'; Horses ten dollars per month. SAh'AH THRIFT. C'rove Hill, June 15, LS44. 255 Contribntioiiship ' JCirv Snsiirftitre Com pa it fa , 57 irult St. New York, Cdpitjil 300.000 dollars. EHE Capital Stockof this Institution is all pnl in and secured on nrst rate Bonds and Murt&agts and Real Estate and numbers amoniir it Directors some of the moyt mlluen'ial ami respectbje n,,i,lanls j ot inecitv. It insures against Loss or Uam age by fire buihling- of every desciipiion, merchandize, &c. &c. on terms as favorable as similar insii'u'tions. Policies will be issued on application to JAMES WEDDELL, 'Agent for Tarboro and vicinity. Tarboro May 1st. 1S44. Joticc. WILLIAM H. RATTLE & BENJ. D. RATTLE having purchased the interest of Amos J. Battle in the COTTON FACTORY And appurtenances situated the Falls of Tar Rfver The whole establishment is now owned by them and L. U. Uattle. the business in future will be conducted as heretofore, in the nam1? of Ilaltle 'fy Brothers, and upon the same liberal and accommodating terms. In consequence of the withdrawal of one of the former firm of J3attle& Brothers, the business will , have to be closed up. to t lie 1st day of. June, 1S41. , A suitable agent will be employed to attend to this part of the business. , 'They hope to have the continued pat ronage of. a generous p'tblic, as they will endeavor to have their Yarns made of good quality, and will sell at as low prices as the article can be had at other places. BA TTLE $ BROTHERS. Rocky Mount. N C. June 18. MorcBrandreth'sPills. -o- - & have just received a fresh supply of th 13 valuable Medicine, which is recommended by thousands of persons rt'hnm they Have cured of Consumption, Influenza, Colds, Indigestion, Dyspepsia Head Ache, and a sense of fullness in the back part of the Head, usually the syrii toms of Appoplexy, Jaundice, Fever and Ague, Billions, Scarlet, 'Typhus, Yellow, and common Fevers of all kinds', Asthrha. Cout, Rheumatisn, Nervous Diseases, Liver Complaint, Pleurisy, :lnwa:rd Weak ness, Depression of the Spiiits, Ruptures Intimation, iore Eyes, Fits, Palsy, Drop By, Small Pox; Measles, Croup, Cough, Whooping Cough, Quinsey, Cholic, Chol era Morbuk. Gravel,, VVorms, Dysentery, Deafness, Ringing Noises in the Head, Ring's Evilj Scrofula, Erysipelas, or Saint Anthony's Fife, Salt Rjieuni, White Swell ings, Ulcers, some of thirty years stand ing, Cancers, Tumors, Swelled Feet and Legs, Piles, Costiveness, all .Eruptions of the Skin, Frightful Dreams, Female Com plaints of every kind, especially obstruc tions, relaxations, &c. Also,' Brandfeth's Liniment, for sores, swellings, wounds, &c, at 25 cents a bot tls. Those Pills ate for sale in every County in this State, and by the following gentlemen in this vicinity. Geo. Howird, Agent, Tarboro'. R.'Sr H. Belcher, Sparta. Isaac Scarborough, Oak Grove. Daniel 4 6wnree,.Stantousburg Peebles, Fenher,t- Co. Clarksville. . L. 8f R. W. Hyman, Palmyra. Wm. W. Jones, Reed's & Roads. h II. Holland. SmltVfirM May H, 1844. 21 JYoiicc. r '"' .!f 11,' '1I1E subscribers have entered .into a Copartnership, under the firm of Uoicditch & I&oicclt) For the transaction of Mercantile 'business in Tarboro', and .would respectfully an nounce to the Public 'that they have, and will be in receipt of, all the different kindi of Merchandise 'usually kept in the store of the place and to which they solicit fr. attention of buyers. JOSEPH II. BOIVDITCH. -. JAMES D. IWIVELL. f ; Taibjrough, Dec. 1st, 1843. 4s Tin Ware. - .. .... ; rnillE Subscriber has just received a Iresh supply ol TIN VV ARE, manu factured at Washington, in ihis Staie, coil sisiing of Coffee Pot, of different sizes Buckets, Measure, Funnels, Pans, Skimmers, Dippers, Caps, lails, Milk strainers, water Ladles, blow Horns, Lanterns, flour and sugar scoops, cake cutters, Candlesticks, pepper boxes, "graters, kc. vvhich will be sold on reasonable and 'ac commodating terms. fG1d co'pper, bras-, cornpoVilion, pewter, beeswax, Tuts, &e. will be recei ved in barter (J Orders for gutters, conductor, hn in ware oY every description, will be at tended to forthwith. GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro, April 3. Cotton Gins FOR SALE'. FEVV new steel plate Cotton Gins? made at GreenvilLC, for sale. Apply' 1 1 to Henry Chamberlain. Greenville, or to the subscriber. A good second hand 37 saw Gin, ready for immediate use, -wi I be sold low. -, GE0. HOWARD. Tarboro, March 7. Jlnd Liver (fomplairit. - " , . ' , . . ; ' ' ' ..... : Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, , . FROM 375 BOWERY, NEW YORE. TOOR the cure of coughs, colds, asthma', , whooping cough, catarrh,,-pains la the side and breast, bronchtis, liver com plaints, and all those affections of the throat and lungs which are a source of eo much suffering and so often terminate iri fonsumption, this remedy is justly, and highly distinguished- It is purely ; vej table, mild arid gentle in its effects upon the system, and can be taken in thernost Ll'slicate cases with safety as well as :utili? ty. , ro extensively nas p oeen useu aru so often proved successful, even : in ex treme anu apparently almost nopeless ca ses, not only as a palliative but as a rem edy, that Ihe ProDi ietor feels no hesitan- cy in introducing it, and recommending it to all who unfortunately may hav67oeea sion to resort to some means of rfccoVery' Physicians, familiar with its efrects and aware of the healing properties of this vegetable pieparation, not . unfrequently prescrihe it in their practice; and, witli the Medical Faculty generally, it has mec with more thin ordinary approbation. (jyCONSUM PTION. The Ibjo wing remarks, were taken from the hst number1 ,r iu.. m..:i:..i m....:. . . "The surprising effect pipduceil by th." ennina Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, roae at 375 Dowery, in consumptive cases, canrot . ' exci ting a deep End thrilling interest.., tho worldi .Ve have so long believed mikj5'-? (consumpljon) incurable, that itisdifTic ii. to ciredr it cur seusea when we pee persons evidn'y .-on sumptiye, restored to health. Yet it:. . r.--t of daily occurrencei" The following certificate was giCn, us 1 few days since by Capt. Scotti of Elizabetbl City, N. C. ;. 4 Being constitutionally . predisposed to con? sumption, (a number of 1117 family having died of this diseas,) and having suffered severely frorti irritatio of the, lungs, accompanied with cough and raising matter and blood, together'-vith sornQ pain In my side and arldbreast still 1 waj suppo sed to be beyond recovery, 1 was induced bj ad vice of Dr. Perkins, to try Taylor's Baisaat of Liverwort; and with great pleasure take this op dortunity of testifying to the value of this reme dy. , I have ta,ken i five bottles in all. I began, to improve after the first bottle, and after taking the the third was far recovered as to be able le ahou;; since which time, by continued use of. it 1 anj tjuite restored arjd able to attend to my usual busi ness! -To persons suffering. from. coughs and af fections of the lunr& I can earnestly reomjuyrii it. (Signed.) JAS. C. SCOTT, . v - Consumption cured.'lle'mg of a studious 1 1 I became afliicted, some years since, with bronchi tis, tlcklipg in .the throat, slight cough, and other consumptive symptoms Every new cold increa sed my disease, unui it eiuru mho irguwi cuuur med consumption! 1 now commenced the use of Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, mads at 375 Bowery and this medicine ave. tne .relief in a short time. It has siii'ce effected a radical cure. kev. G. W. CANDA $or sale by GEO, HOWJIRZ) tfgtn)

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