JiiL ti 111 I I J Tarborough, Edgecombe County, j t Saturday, September 28, 1844. XT. Jllfc SO. The Tarboro3i3i Press, By George Howard. Jr. 13 publisheil wfieklv at Two Dollars per yar, if paid in advanee-or, Two Dollars and Fifty Cents at the expiration of the subscription year. Subscribers are at liberty to discontinue at any time on giving notice thereof and paying arrears. Advertisements not exceeding a square will be Inserted at Oat Dollar the first insertion, and 25 cents for every continuance. Longer Advertise ments at that rate per square. Court Orders and Judicial Advertisements 25 per cent. hiher. Ad vertisements must be marked the number of inser tions required, or they will be continued until otherwise directed, and charged accordingly. Letters addressed to the Kditor must be post ipiiid, or they m iy not be attended to. tug Important Police. Tn I he m 'e ra cy of the Un in n . Th" )e n., ,i so ;!! n, "ie Hicko ry :i il YU')ss II cko y rii!s. an I otlvr I) -m )Cr tti i -ami .iei:i'io'is iv urgnized th oniili th- Uni'ed St.ites, a-z m )t respectfully and 'arn-slly sdirr Xed, if they h ive not already done so, to re port themselves, without delay, by letter, post paid, o the Executive Committee of die Uenocraric s ci it ion in VV-.s'iingMM O'v, D. C. 1'hev are requ -s'-d t j,ri v t1) in n of h-ir memb-K, & &c i is i nf.O' a t t'-at t'ii . st p s-i iul I be ta ken t t'cnre a nvve thor ugh I t-Uicint .i-jt inizali'U. f the ilt-nocr i'i pan, tiinu now esis's for th'-se n-asons: 1st. fhat each as'(vatim slia'l k-rp h other veil informed of the condition of par t c 2A. That RtiihMi Ic ad cor ect informa-t- :i oviv hn disseminated far and wide. . I. 1'h tth re'ti'ns. whe'her of Sate r ledi'r l clecio is, m.y b- rircutated in a form authentic and official, ami which can he relied upon by our friends for any pur pose, especially to counteract the fa he im pressions which miv be'erated bv the pub lication in the whig journals of the results uf nlpctiorrs. I' is already cettnined that that party h ive a we'll reran ij.d system of falsehood, . 1 .d ii ih- p.t,lie:tion of erroneous re- i "f -lection. hn by the publication of ira-'s and diMMiment- The v big anil 0"if of the neutral papers in every section f ' Union attend to the first branch of h- fraud, and The congressional whig cen d banking conrimittee at Washington are ii.linu to the latter, by publishing and d:.emin:iting one set of opinion by Mr ': lay for the South, and another -set for the manufacturing and abolition dis'ricts of the North and West ; also documents for the North making Mr. Polk a free-trade man, and documents for the South making him a tariff man. These frauds have been de tected in this city; therefore we warn our friends to guatd against them. Discredit everything coming ftom a whig source, until substantiated hv information derived from those whose effort will be not to de ceive, but to enlighten with the truth W e do not hesitate to say that the election returns which have ben. and are being puhlhhed in the Globe can be relied on by our friends for any purpose. They are as accurate as unofficial returns can possibly be, some of which, from necessity, being copied from whig papers. The official ie turns will be published in the (ilobe as soon as they are received. When the or ganization proposer! by this notice is com plete, thn fcil ty for "tijng the correct returns will be such as is de-ired We ap- P-a. to the b mncracv in those section of country wn re no a'soci itions exist to forthwith nnrnm anil ronnrt in nppnrH. i a ice with the ahvr. VVc make this ap fd not frorr. any doub of the strength of 'urcatise, or that ve hnve not the ntim irs to carry it on to victory. We must not despise the enemy however coriupt or weak thty n.ay be; but knowing them to bM Aeak a:d coriupt should make ' " " ' us nn,ij Vig'uai;t and active to guard j .T'TMiii.t th linl'iir nnl in.I.n.- n-ip-i.w In -.'ul.th.-v u ill from nece.iitv r.-ort tll of ifwould be impossible in this form of ov.rih.-r x-. -knes-. We can S,r,our;"'M"S 'u All that we shalLaim to ri - ,ut ;t ii, . , h,ve t.o d ,,hi 'dk i Pr- ill be to lay befoie the peo ' . I)ai-,s vsid b. (dec-d. o u-t. I P,e a J w unambiliuus ttmaiks; addressed . . .' x,. ...... i . . 1 1 ! 1 1) their muioiism and common sense win' xv. uui "Ui i 1 1 ' i r ' 1 1 v 'i "I'M, w th ano'hei xiew; that channels he - -tat I. shed through wh ch develop o t'ie American people we can one of lt:e .nost corrupt and villanous schemes ev rroncociet b any party which has been HI on loot by whigvfry to sobjtiga'e re P'd)ii(..tn liberty, and bring our institutions '!wn to the footstool of the tranu' of the 'h .rld We do not fear the scheme. liepoMie will not only defeat itsohjeet. ii will '.verwhelm the men and thepTtv ' ' i ; an i tii- .I'teuipt ut u. 1 t i .limn so .teep ihai the Irieud 'Jyi ;i m I nliious lilic'y t lirotijrhout 't .void f, f the 'remotest neneraMoos. ! t-xecrale tiiere very names. When organization is compiete, the exposure vul ije made, and their plan rendered abortive Therefore organize-organize forthwith-North, South,- East, and West. P. S. This is to give notico to the de mocracy, that the whig centra! committee m this city are publishing documents pur porting so siow the votes of Mr Polk which in fact, if they .lo not in all cases actually falsify his votes, suppress some of the facts connected therewith, and thus give a false aspect to them. It will be the duty of the democratic party in every sec tion of the country to discredit th-se doc uments, denounce them as vile whig slan ders, as they are, ask a suspension of pub lic opinion, and write immediately to v ashmgton to the executive committee of lha democratic association to send the real ln'ts m each case, lo ba derived from the Congressio i d archives, as authenticated bythecl.rk i-i charge of t!cm. I he associations throughout the Union will be pleased to pay the postage on all communication nt to the executive corn out ee. n the democratic association at a-hirig'on. whose communications will, n ail c is s, he postage paid. Tiie de ne.cratic papers throughout the United Slates ;vill s-ibser ve the cairse of the oemocr.cy by giving the fullest public ity to the ab.ive, until it shall be seen in i he remote-t parts of the Union. They are earnestly requested to do n: By ordtr of the execiiiive committee. JAMKS TOWLKS, Ch'n. C. P. Senstnck,' Sec'y. For the ta itrjiiitu' PRtsS TO MARY. Pan 1 bp well while thou ait ill, Or mirthful when I see thee not; Or bid my anxious thoughts be still While thou art unforgot. Life of my life were I to smile When sorrow marked thee thoughtfully; I should be snd at heart the while Or all unworthy thee. When clouds float o'er the pure bright sun, And veil it with a morning hue The smiling earth we gaze upon Is veiled in sadness too. Thou are tiie son, and I the earth, And should a cloud pass over thee, It needs must rest upon my mirth, And leave its trace on me. Then chide me not if that my brow, Reflects thine all of mournfulness; For smiles could light it only now Were 1 to love thee less. By Particular Inquest. THE GIRLS AND ANNEXATION By Parson Howe. Our village maids all vow and swear, It gives (hem great vexation, To hear a 4nice young man" declare He's not for annexation) They're all for union to a man, And go the whole for Texas; And say to all who aint, "git out)" You never shall annex u! GOOD. From the Democratic Signal. AN ADDRESS To the Freemen and Voters of lVorth Carolina, continued Jnm last No ) in thus giving to this subject the promi nent position which belongs to it, we mean not to exclude from view altogether those . .... i ... 4 T.r r i important uui suuoruinai.e questions vi poi- icv unon witicn the rirsuleniiai canui- (latest are divided. The first of these is the TyMffor, as the Central Committee of the Clay parly in North Carolina have frankly eutitud it, THEIK Takiff the l at ill" Act f IS42 I his subject i one that has been fre noenily disc-s-ed, and a full examination I Midi as ev ry body can cumpieueuuj aim sopi.isir) itself cannot peivtrt. We need not labor to prove that all Taxes imposed by government are collect ed out ol the People directly or indirectly. If they arecollectP.il as our Mate and Coun i taxes are, the tax is a direct one, to wit: the citizen takes the money out of his own pocket and pa)S it directly to the government If, however, they are col le. ted a nor National Government raises its leveoues, altho the people s ill p .y the revenues of government, they do it INDI KECTLY That is to say, the government eolltcls ihis Taiifl'iax from the importer of the articles consumed by the people, to wit: their hats, shoes, clothes, sugar, iron, &c. 1 he importer then adds the amount of impost, or tax, so paid by him upon his price lor the articles and when the citi zen pnrchises the cloth, or iron, or sugar, or other thing to consume, he lefunds to the importer the tariff taxes in the addi tional price he pays, and thereby these im posts or tariff taxes become an indirect tax upon the people. Never a dollar goes into the Treasury which the people do not in sjine form create under God's blessing by their labor, and afterwards contribute to the government immediately or remote '' directly or indirectly. These are plajn, common truths about which there can be no dispute, and upon which there i no difference of opinion. Our divisions arise in their application. Now, then, to apply them to the Tariff the favorite tax iU system of Mr. Clay and his party ' The 'Tariff Act of 1S42." The returns of the Treasury Department show that the amount of revenue (takes) collected the pres mt ear is. or will be. about forty mil lions of dollars! The expenses of the Gen er d Government are quite large enough, if not too great, whn they reach twenty millions. Why, then, should the people be thus taxed twice as much as there is any necessity for? I he. State of N. Caroli na the people of both parties agree that the government expenses should not be as great as twenty-millions Mr. Clay him self has said the same thing, and his party nave likewis- over and over agin, decla red the same opinion. In this we cencur xvith them heartily and sincerely. We wool I therefore repeat thejnquiry, where in lies the necessity or the policy of tax ing the people forty millions for a govern ment ihai ought to be administered for less than half that amormt? Undeniably this is done by the tariff act of 1842; and yet Mr. Clay is 'utterly opposed to its repeal!' and even in the South his parly leaders have cone with their Chief. It is not only a burden to the people to pay such an excess of taxes, but it produ ces consequences still more deplorable. You know, as all men of observation musi know alas! too well that Congress, like individuals, when they are in possession o a lull treasury are apt to use it extrava gantly. This is peculiarly the case with governments wherein the Representatives spend what the people pay. To denounce extravagance in your government, and at the same lime fo oppose a reduction of the taxes below forty millions, is absurd. How can you rely upon any man's profes sions of economy in public expenses when he goes for adhering to a tariff tax that yields forty millions a year? Then, again, a large revenue like fort' millions a year (which it is estimated by our opponents themselves will increase to more) will not only lead to extravagance, but extravagance in the government begets corruption in its administration, no matter what party tules, as naturally "as the sparks fly upwards The Liberties of the People and the U nion of the Slates are never so secure, (to say nothing at all about the cost) as when their Constitution is permanent and undis turbed the Nation out of debt the ex penditures of Government moderate the Taxes of the people low and the real producers of our wealth left to manage anil to use the fruits of their own industry un der the protection of equal laws. What would you say to a law of this State for doubling the taes, when one half the amount is all that has been found necessary for its administration? And' if these double taxes (under the Tariff of 1842. are paid chiefly by the armers of the country, (as we believe they are.) they have a right to complain against the ex cess; and North Carolina being a commu nity 'of farmers, might be expected to re duce such burdens, regardless of party lea ders. If it must needs be, that our farm ers are taxed, in order to protect favored classes of capitalists, is it not quite enough to tax them ALL that the Government NEEDS? Wherefore should they be op pressed with double taxes? But suppose th'n I at lit did not operate unequally against the farmers, for we mean not to discuss that question now; let it be conce ded that these Double Tariff Taxes were imposed upon all sections and all classes alike, with most unerring impartiality, and that alt the People paid them in just pro portions, therfTsstnot beyond dispute tht interest of all the people in all sections and of all classes to tepeal one kalf of their own Taxes, the economical administration of the Government requiring no more for its liberal support? Nay let it be supposed that thtse DOUBLE buithens were now resting upon the shoulders of our country men in other States, and not upon ours, would the people of North Carolina be so unjust and so ungenerous as to refuse any relief to those who pay them, when by taking offbul one half of them, there would still be enough for the Government and to -pare? What does it matt r to this ques tion, whether the North or the Souih, the East or the West pays an unequal portion of the Taxes? When the amount of reve nue so far exceeds the wants of the Gov ernment, Justice, Patriotism and self-in terest unitedly cry out against it, and the in their conclusion than to run after such . People, every where, owe it to themselres. heresies. Though pained at the party s!a to insist upon a diminution of such burdens,; vishness and political tergiversation of and to elect no one President who is "ut-j their leaders, we do not believe that : . serly opposed to it " But Mr. Clay's par-'re"n'e of our proverbially 'honest Su: ty leaders have adopted this Tariffof IS42,! as rHMK OvN, even in North Caroli-! na. Mr. Clay has pledged himself in vri-J ting, that he is "U TTERLY OPPOSED rt nv dl'dpii , w..u i ' TO i to ijaii -TJui-ii aic i us own words not ours. Col Polk has given no such unwise pledge against the repeal of Double Taxps, not necessary to an econom ical administration. A Tariff for Revenue. The Tax neces sary to raisa revenues sufficiently large to support the Government, is opposed by no party; certainly it is not by us, nor by the Democratic Party; but we are protesting only against the Double Taxes; we are on ly resisi ing double burthens; we are op posing a svstem by which Furly Millions of Dollars in Taxes are levied for Revenae, when the Government does not need more Revenue than Twenty Millions. This single view of.ihe subject would seem to supersede the necessity for presenting it in any other. The Clav Party sav they are for a PROTECTIVE TARIFF. A system to impose burthens upon one class for the benefit of another, lor in no other way can it be protective And since the elec tions in August it has been proclaimed that a majority of the IVcple of this State are in favor el" that system. When, if ev er before, was the voice of North Carolina' raised by the PEOPLE against DE ,:RE SING their faxes? Neither is it so now. I No later fhan the last Assembly it was "tesoved, 'That while North Caiolina will never object to any amount of taxes "equally apportioned and imposed for the "purpose of raising revenue to support the "government economically administered, "yet this Mate v. ill never consent to the 'imposition of Taxes, the design and ope "ration of which are to promote the inter est of particular occupations at the gen "eral expense." This was no party Res olution. All parties voted for it. In the Senate there were only five votes against it and in the Commons only eighteen! So in Congress all the members of both parties from North Carolina who voted against the protective tariff of 1S42, when it was pas sed, with a solitary exception So from the tariff of 1816, to that which passed in 1842, the vote of North Carolina has been always given in Congress against this sys tem of taxing the whole people for the ben efit or protection of panicular occupa tions,' hut in favor of revenue duties From Nathaniel Macon to the time of Willie P. Mangum and his colleague in 1842, (Mr. Graham, the Governor elect) all our Senators have voted against the protective system. So the Journals of our Assembly show that Congress never pass ed a protective tarilf that the North Caroli na Legislature did not remonstrate and protest against it. And in perfect concur rence with all these proceedings have been the tone and language of the leading politi cians and of public meelings of the people every where, & at all times in N. Carolina, including amongst the politicians those who now belong to the Clay patty, indeed until a very recent period our opponents in this State denounced the high tariff sys tem as (one) impoverishing the-Southern farmer for the benefit of the Northern manufacturer.' Leading men of all parti'es in the State reprobated it as a Max the de sign and oper dion of which vveie to pro mote the interest of particular occupations at the general expense as a burden put upon labor to benefit capital upon the poor to benefit the rich upon the wak to bem fit the mighty as a tax upon the plan ters, farmers and working men to en hance the profits of manufacturers, corpora tiousand capitalists. It were not a difficult task to tell the names of our eminent men who have heretofore used such language, but it would swell this paper to an unusual size, and no doubt the people must recol lect them. Now we would like to know, in view of these Concurrent authorities, what extraordinary illumination can have opened the eyes cf our distinguished poli ticians, not only to their errors but to the new and singular truth, that it is both wie granted that the people are hostile to the and constiiuiional to do now, under theire annexation of Texus, and Texas wilt diction of the Hon. Henry Clay, what it ! never be ours, except al the expense of a has been unwise and unconstitutional to al-j WaU. If he is net, that great national low heretofor e under any other chief? j measure w ill pro'r.ubly succeed quietly 'janu And by what sort of miracle in the political J honorably, w..h . the approbation of. .the world it has been brought about that our i people of both Republics. Had- Mr." TAXES have become BLESSINGS; j Clay's Letter never been written, and had that it is now good for the people to be taxed; it is still better for them to be taxed double as much as their Government needs; and best of all to raise a double tax out of Ihe mass of the people, when the Govern ment has no need of half of it, in order t hat the interest of particular occupations may be promoted at the general expense? For ourselves we are not able to see all this, nor to beiieve that the people of North Caroli na will see it. We have been accustomed to think the people of North Carolina more .11 .1 A.' their opinions-more pracal siaoie tn will consent, in blind idolatry to at; man, to make a sacrifice of their princi- pies, as thev have been held and declared by them ever since the Constitution ws i - . t ... . auomen. o. rsn. n rs nor noss Die: ami we invoke you, fellow-citizens to nscue our State from this imputation, and shake off the- burthen of an unnecessary and unequal tariff: by voting againJt Mr. ('lay and his double tax. lite people have these double taxes to pay their leaders count upon being in power to spend the-iTU and perhaps this is a key to the mystery that has perplexed "us. It may be the rea son why your leaders have learned to re gard taxes as blessings the more the Ac ter. We know it is said that the Ciay party &re in favor of the Tariff act of 18-12 in oidertogive permanency to some system, and the cry is that we change our 'Tariff too often, but we feel aulhoiized to regard this as a mere pretext to excuse what they have not argument to defend 'Perma nent lixes!" Are the maxims of free gov ernments to be thus openly set at nought and reversed? In the earlier days of our Republic was ii not thought to be e3-st-ntial to popular rights and the safety ' , ot the people, that the taxes should not only be light but imposed for the shor-:. J test period, so as to come in frequent rer view before the constituentit who had them to pay? Rut, besides that, the politicians', who put up this plea for permanency in ;he people's taxes, are themselves, at the moment of doing so, industriously occupi ed with their schemes to break in upon tho stability of the Constitution as it is! Why not keep the Constitution as it is as well as preserve the Tariflf as it is?' Is it wiser lo have an unstable government with perma- r.ent taxes, or a stable Constitution with short lived taxes? " We shall probably examine at another time the Bankrupt Law, which Mr. Clay sustained heretofore against lire known wishes of his State, and which he has neve? renounced, so far as we can understand him. The Bank question, upon which he was -once the champion of the people, but af terwards deserted, and is now become the leader of monopolies, will be noticed in an other form. The Distribution of the pro ceeds of the Public Lands, the principles of which he opposed when Gen. Jack son was supposed to be in favor of it, and afterwards supported as a measure of his own, has been more prolific of promi ses than of cash to the people of N. Caro lina; and we may feel it our duty to speak of that hereafter. The Annexation of Texas, which as Secretary of State he once endeavored to accomplish, but now as a candidate for President resists and opposes, is a question that shall be presented & dis cussed by itself. One or two general re marks upon these questions must close this . Address. ' . It was Mr. Clay who made the Tariff a party question; it was he who made the Bank a party question; it was he who made the great national question ot Texas Annex ation a party question; and it is he who.n ' you now see perverting into a party issue the question of altering the Constitution, Me did all this in his ambitious efforts to bring about his own elevation. He has now been at the head of an organized par- . ty opposition to the government of his country ever since the pr ople ousted Mr. J. Q. Adams and himself in 1828, except ing a few weeks in 1841 ; and this is his expiring struggle to make himself Presi dent. And what are the alternativ. pre sented? If he is elected, the Con.-:t'-?:ion is to be altered. If not elected, the Con stitution will remain as it is.' If he is elec ted, and proves true to his pledges, your ' taxes will be kept permanently at a doc ble rate. . If he is not, they will be redu ced, as they ought to be, at least one half. . If he is elected we may have a rA&Tr Bank not a National Bank owned by the people, as many of them think, but a cor poration of capitalists who will rule the government. If he is not elected there will be no such dangerous institution crea ted. If he it elected, it will betaken for he adhered to Ids first opinions on I exa we believe that Texas would this day rave been ours in teace and honor. U is FALSEcome from what quarter it may, to ascribe to us or to the democratic party of the South, hostility to the Union, no matter mhat maybe result ef our Texas negotiations. Wq resent it "as an insult and an honorole opponent in politics wiU not use (he weapon he knows to be, poU srmprt Wo trn fnr the UNION AND TXAS-TEXAS AND THE UNION i ... f...u. TiVinV. 7Vrrt nr no lex J but for the UNION, Ttmsrw T. L

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