(IS " Such are also the sentiments of Col. p0lk the declared sentiments of the de mocratic party the known feelings and opinions of Hie democracy of North Caro lina; and who" writes or speaks otherwise of us is a slanderer of his neighbors! to erve a party-master: o u is rALbb, .come from what Quarter it may, that as the advocates of Texas annexation we would involve the nation in war or dishonor. Whenever the annexation can take place honorably and in peace, Col. Polk is in favor of it, and so are his supporters, whether a 'respectable portion of the peo ple' called abolitionists are willing or not. We take that ground. We have assumed tio other; and we bid you mark the fact, that not a single public meeting in North Carolina and the Clay party have had a great number of them since this question Was started has ventured to expiess an 'opinion to the contrary. LOUIS D HENRY, Cha'm. idSlAH 0. WATSON, WELDON N. EDWARDS, THOS. N. CAMERON, 1'ERRIN BUSH EE, CHARLES FISHKR, ABRIEL HOLMES, JOSEPH ALLISON, WILLIAM R. POOLE, LOUIS D. WILSON, B. B. SMITH, JAMfeS B. SHEPARD, GEORGE W. WHITFIELD, THOMAS BRAGG, WILLIAM WHITE, ALPHEUS JONES, WILSON W. W HI TAKER, BURTON CRAIG, JOHN HILL, GASTON H. WILDER, WILLIAM W. HOLDEN, democratic State Central Committee JUaleigb,Sept.lO, 1S44. of N. Carolina f ARBOROUftll: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1844. FOR PRESIDENT, Panics I. Polk, of Tennessee. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, George n alias , of Icnri. Democratic Electors. Pirst District Second do. Thomas Bragg, Henry I. ToO'e, A. W. Venable, George Whitfield, William S. Ashe, David Reid, Joseph Allison, I). W. Courts, W. J. Alexander, George Bower, Third Fourth fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Eleventh do. (Elecli- on Monday, 4th Nov. 1844 ) (3Wc invite attention to the able Ad dress of the Democratic Central Commit tee, in the preceding columns. THE LETTER! THE LETTER!' iP'hy don't he speak? For twenty years has Henry Clay stodd before the American people branded with the infamous charge of having formed a corrupt political bargain with John Quincy Adams in 1S25, whereby he (Clay) recei ved the othce ot secretary ot state n con dideratidn of his vote for Adams as Presi dent. The evidence upon which this charge rests is mainly circumstantial, yet so link ed are the facts and circumstances togeth tt, so naturally does effect follow cause in the whole transaction, from the first fatal rupture at Ghent down to the period when they married'1 that we have never yet seen the man, who had examined the facts coolly, soberly and dispassionately, that did not pronounce him guilty, guilty, guilty! There never was a stronger array of cir cumstantial evidence, and many a culprit has expiated his crimes on the gallows up on proof less positive than this. (See Mr. Boyd's Speech, delivered in the House of Repi4 April 30th, 1844.) But the main fact in this long chain of testimony and which fastens the charge ir fevocably on Mr. Clay, is contained in a letter written by him to Francis P. Blair, in which he (Hay) reques-ts Blair to write to the members of Congress from Ken tucky, urging them to votp for Adams in crder that he may be made Secretary. The exinteuce of this letter U not denied Mfj Clay has admitted it, and yet upon re peated olicitations has refused to pub lish it. there is nota prominent man arnfthg thej Federal party in North Carolina, hut has made this charge. Mr. Badger has made it Gov. Dudley has made it Kinney "has made it and yet these men are now the servile & fawning followers of Henry Clay Mr. Clay has been called on over and over again to publish this letter, but he re fuses. Mr. Boyd proposed to join Mr White (the Representative from Clay's own district) in a letter to Mr. Clay, ask ing its publication. Mr. White 'refused. A democrat and a coon in Ohio wrote to Mr. Clay three months ago for a copy of this letter he has not yet condescended to answer it. The public press has called for it, the people call for it, and yet he is as si lent as the tomb. One word one solitary word from Mr. Clay would remove the veil which has shrouded this matter for twenty years yet he is silent. Why don't he speakt Conscious guilt prevents him. He is guilty of the bargain where with he stands charged, and his name will go down to posterity accompanied with the execrations of all honorable men. The blood of treachery is upon his soul, and like the foul deed which stained the hands of the guilty Macbeth, 'all old ocean's va ters cannot wash it out." The future his torian, when he comes to rim up the items in the long catalogue of his public service will be compelled, from a decent regard to truth, to condense all in this simple sen tence, he was talented but corrupt." Election in main. Enough is known of the recent Election, to convince us that the Whigs have little to hope for in Maine. The Loco Focos are making a terrible hurrah over their partial victory, but they forget to state, that Maine has been steadily Loco Foeo since IS40. when Gen. Harrison carried it by ih small majority of 4 1 1 Bm it is a -.mrce of consolation, that this litile Loco Fo co State with htr nine Electoral voies. is not the United States Raleigh Register. In the very same No. of the Register from which we clip the above article, we find Pennsylvania set down amoug those States that are "certain for Clay" and yet did it not strike the Editor, that he was furnishing his opponents with an argument With which to break his own head. Has not Pennsylvania too, with her 26 electo ral votes lbeen steadily Loco Foco since 1340, when Genl. Harrison carried it (al so) by the small majority of" 343? If there is any thing in the reasoning of the Register, (and we incline to the opinion there is,) we claim the benefit of th analo gy. The Register should then have set down Pennsylvania as "certain for Polk." But has not New York also "been steadily Loeo Foco since 1S40?" Has not Ohio, &c. &c? The Register is charitable enough to give us 45 electoral votes, (he sings on a lower key than he did when he gave us only South Carolina and the State of , Edge combe,") and puts down as "certain for Polk" New Hampshire 6, Maine 9, Al abama 9, South Carolina 9, Arkansas 3, Il linois D 45 in all. Very generous! But there are four States which the Recris'cr sets down as "doubtful," viz: Virginia 17, Mississippi 6, Michigan 5, Missouri 7 like the dog irt ihe manger, the Register neither claims them himself, nor will he allow the "Loco Focos" to have them. Now tve claim these four States, making 35 votes, and are as certain that they will go for Polk, as those the Register has gra ciously conceded to U3. This will give us SO electoral vo'es. In addition to this, we claim as "certain for Polk," New York 30, and Pennsylvania 26 in all 142 votes 4 votes more than are necessary to elect Polk. We stand on this hand we claim this at the least calculation. Will the Editor of the Register let iis smoke a box of Kratises best" on this hand? We do not propose to bet. No. Not we. We "disclaim any offer to bet," as Mr. H. Ferdinand Harrlss said. But to satisfy the scruples (?) of the Editor, and at the same lime by way of whipping the devil around the ptump, we will haic a "committee appointed" yes, a commit tee, and we will "place in the hands of the committee to be appointed for the purpose, one" box of Krauzes' best "who shall" report upon the matter after the presiden tial elettion, and "if we are wrong the com mittee shall give this" box of cigars "to some poor man of our acquaintance, or tii some charitable institution, provided" Mr. Gales "will be governed by the same'eon sequences." What says the Editor of the Register? Mass Meetings. 'Tis really amusing to witness the spas- modic efforts of defunct federalism wi: ..: iL ...nnga nt CfinnPI'V. I"V vive iiie ucau wit" j last Raleieh Register has no less than three calls for Mass Meetings of these animals, in as many different sections of the State. This is doubtless the reponse of the coons tb the proclamation of that old coo'n, Mr Richard Hines chairman of the coon e'en- rol nmmittPf. But it 19 tlO CO. The LI U 1 vw4ii.... CJ 'spirit 'aint there. A sense of the deep and damning wrongs inflicted, by these coons, on the Agricultural interests of the coun try their depredations upon the farmers. committed by means of the villanous Tariff of '42, (the bitter fruits of which we are now tasting,) keeps them from assembling in the broad light of day, and we predict that these efforts to maiiujaclure enthusi asm will prove miserable abortions. Per haps they may succeed in getting Ham Jones, Genl. Edney, or Orator Frog ct id omne pecus to attend distinguished in deed in the dialect of coonery, but in that of common sense, small potatoes. The Register can no more evoke the coons from their hollows, than he can "Spirits from the vasty deep." Blunders of Coonery. The Register ofl'oesday morning seems to have been edited with" bad temper, cau sing serious blunders. We give the fol lowing specimens from the editorial com mencing wilh a notice of the Whig reply to Mr. Haywood's vindication of Ezekiel Polk. "He says, "a more able and sca thing review he never read." The pane gyric is too fulsome. The panegyric or the address which is read last suffers most. The weaponsof the address are two edged, and will cut both ways, as he will find probably in due time. The next article commences "It is a reu.arkable fact, that in the long address recently issued from the Democra tic Centr.il ' ommittee. the name of Polk or Dallas does not appear even once." Certainly; and that remarkable fact con stitutes the difference of the two parties We go for principles, not men. We en deavor to explain and elucidate them; on the contrary the whigs, (we beg pardon,) the coons, only worship Clay. He is the embodiment" of their principles, and j wherever the weathercock of self-interest points him, he is blindly followed. He is the old cow, to whom they lay off their fur rows; and her movement and change of o position in the field j only makes their row more crooked and sinuous. And hence they think it so "remarkable a fact," that the democratic address is a straight furrow laid out by the landmarks of principle, in different about the position or movement of men. The third article in the Register, heided "more consistency," should more proper ly read "ignorance or malice." It seems that some of the democratic journals char gcd Henry Clay with perjury,, when he swore to support the constitution and took his seat in the U. S. Senate under that oath before he was thirty years of age, which that constitution forbid. The whigs admitted the perjury of Mr. Clay, (so does this No. of the Register,) but seek to justi fy it by saying that Gen. Jackson did ihe same.' Jhis is navinj? the old lirnpinl n t j r - great compliment, to Say that his acts can sanctify errors and crimes. But as Mr. Clay never imitated the virtues and patri otism of Jackson, he has no claim to take advantage of his errors. But in this in; slance the coons are wrong again s ully in error. Jackson's birthday and the time of his qualifying as Senator are both known and on record, and common arithmetic will plainly show he was over thirty; so ihe coons are fairly caught. They admitted Mr. Clay's perjury, under the expectation of protecting him by the error of Jackson. The justification failing, the perjury stands confessed without excuse or explana tion1. This attempt to charge it on Genl. Jack son is not original with the Register, hav ing been proclaimed before and promptly refuted. The revival of it Under these cir cumstances by the Register, makes out a clear case of his ignorance or his nial ice. Theri comeS dn article headed "British gold," in which much is insinuated, bill nothing established. One would suppose this was a sore subject with a brother Edi tor of the Nat. Intelligencer. It is too well known in this country who are the in variable advocates oT British interests; but the amount of gold received for it, is per haps a family secret. This humbug is too much like crying out "stop thief," while you are running yourself from pursuit. A plain effort to divert public attention. But the most "remarkable fact" fe, thai " Should originate with J. Watson weoo. Now it is notorious. that J. waison and his creat whiz paper, Was bought up for 852,000 by the old U. S. Bank; as he u nld himself, he naturally concludes mat pvptv other politician can be bought. Webb is just from England, and doubtless his mission has some cbnnectron wiin "British gold." But while it haunts his head and his paper, he does not dare to in timate that the hands of the first democrat has been soiled with "British gold," or "Bank gold" either. ' Then comes the most dastardly article in the whole paper. The Regisler bdldly enquires if Mr. Clay's perjury is worse than Genl. Jackson's violation of the con stitution by declaring martial law and sus pending the writof habeas corpus during the defence 'of New Orleans. Heavens! what a contrast! Can a petty perjury by which a man foists him self into office, be compa red with the great and patriotic act of Genl. Jackson laying dside temporarily the con stitution, that he might save both constitu tion and country. And when, that coun try and constitution was saved, nobly to lay down his sword and submit to the insults and extortions of a tyrannical judge re dressing his own arid not his country's wrongs. One of the most sublime aad patriotic incidents in theglorions career of Jackson, is cited to justify the selfish aspirations of an eager office-seeker, who steps over tin .bounds and limits of the constitution for his own promotion. Such is t h; infatua tion of the worshippers and followers cf Henry ( lay like the king, he can do no wrong.' His eirors, even his violation of the constitution in his own lavor, are Ivni ed and consccr-itrd as glorious ) ds Wh.it safety have we for our ronviui' mj in the reckless nanu oi sucn poiniciHiir W hen the leading orgn ot coonery in North Carolina is filled with such nutter, we may safely say, they are in the midst of bad counsels and wor-e prospects. . Using up. The last Washington Whig contains an edifying account, by a Plymouth corres pondent, of the UMng up Which Mr. Toole received at the hands of Mr. Augustus Moore of Edenton, at that place. It is ve ry obvious from the tenor of the article that the writer' does not believe what he says, and ,from the editorial comments that the Whig Editor agrees with him in that opi nion. We suspect that it was very like the using up which Mr. Toole received from Mr. Bartholomew F. Moore at Nash ville. Will the WhtgVcorresponJent in his next communication inform the public why he and others would not stay to hear Mr. Toole reply to Mr. Moort? IV here is Mr. Collins? We should like to know what ha& be come of the Whig Elector of this district? Has his political zeal evaporated, since he took the stump in July against Mr. Nor man, the democratic candidate for the Commons in Washington county? or, is tie apprehensive that he could not obtain quite as easy a victory over his Electoral com petitor ria over a plain farmer of Washing ton county, unpractised in debate? We believe Mr. Collins was not quite so still in the campaign of 1840. Where is he now? Wilmington Journdt. We haVe received ihe first number of a new democratic newspaper with this title, jest started at Wilmington in this State: David Fultort, Eq. Editor, and Messrs. A. L. Price and Fulton, publishers. " lis ty pography is neat, and editorial matter Very promising. With Mr. Fulton, the Edi tor. VVP h.ivf nri o i 1 1 r, I I . ..v m.ijuanii,iiHc, uui are in formed that he 'is. a young lawyer of talent and industry. With Mr. Price, one of ihe publishers, we have an old acquaintance. and feel sure that if the democrats of Cape Fear will give him half a chance, his in dustry will place the democratic 'Journal on a permanent footing: a fact of great im portance towards establishing a democratic ascendancy in North Carolina. Ve wish the enterpriae all sorts of godd luck. FOR THE TARBORO' PRESS. t Mr. Howard: The Editor of the Raleih Hcg.ster, by travel and observation, 8ays he has superior opportunities of forming an opinion as to the result of the President tul election and assures his re-uler the fol lowing Slates are CERTAIN for Clav viz: Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode L land, Connecticut, New Ynrb w... SPe'?-nS)rIva"ia Paware, ' Maryland, Indian , T ' Ue0rS,a iana, Ohio, Indian Tennessee and Kentucky; Douhtful...Virglnia, Missouri, Mj.-.u: iviississippi. ' Certain Polk States Mnin i iauij.-nii -, vuuiu v-aiuiiua, Alabama A kanas, Illinois. ' N Now I know not whether the Edit gives this assurance to rouse the drrnn; spirits of Whiggery, or to discourage De mocracy. . nuu w icsi ms si ncerity - i . i u u: .. J i juagmem, i win uei nun urany other other wK;.. the following bets on his certainties 1st Bet. SlO. On each of the Western and So. Western States, viz: Ohio, Indiana' Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, Arkansas Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, jei)' nessee and Kenfucky. 2nd. J520. On eich of the Southern SIatet , of Virginia, No. Carolina, So. aroiina Georgia, Alabama and-Louisiana. 3rd. S10 to $20 On each of the Northern and Kasiern Slates, viz: Vi-rmont Maine. Nev Hampshire, Massachusetts' Rhode Island", Connecticut, New York' New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Mar, land. 4th. 50 to $25 Clay is not elected by Ihe Klectoral Maj of Harrison and 25 even Clay is beaten by Polk. 5th. $20. Clay does not receive the popU. lar vote of Harrison in 1840. 6:h. 520 That Polk conies nearer Van Bureu's popular voles, than (day does Harrison's in I S40. These bets are made small to enable one person to take all. But the amount will be increased to any reasonable amount tor ac commodation. As soon as the Editor is notified of the acceptance ol these bets, the rhonev shall be staked. Lexington Cotton Factory burnt. -V leai o tiai the extensive I otton Factory a! Lexington, in Davidson County, C, was burned down last Tuesday night. It caught tire in the night, it was believed by acrident, and when dicovered the flames had progressed too Far to he arrested. j No ;.irii of value, we understand, uat sa - .veu. . I lit? lo- to 'lie company s a smjous on -, ;mo;,nnng ve should suppose, td .V60.000 or KO,000. The ihuminHt.oi, mule hv ti e Amies is said lo have ben " asiunishingly bn'glii Greeiisborough Patriot. DIED. Near Falkland, Pitt county, on the 22nd inst , Mrs. Caroline ffriliams, wife of Or. Rob't Williams, of Pitt, and dauhitr of Maj. John H. Drake. A surviving husband and five young children now weep over the departed affections of a wife and mother, which time only can heal and nev er restore. And friends and neighbors la ment a loss which they only, can appreciate. To the charms of a good luart and be nevolent disposition, vere added, the cul tivation of a refined taste and the embellish ments of education, which made her home, the abode of pleasure and enjoyment to kindred and friends, and marked her as the devoted mother the accomplished wife and warmhearted friend. The memorials of her love of her polished taste of her domestic affections yet linger around her household as mementoes of her irreparable loss. We may cease to weep, but can nev er cease to cherish such departed worih. Communicated. Ml 1 1 1 1 R. HART, OFFERS HIS LAND FOR SALE. Sept. 24. 144 38 Female School njlHB Rev. THOMAS K. OWEN and Iris LADY, propose to establish a Fe male School, in the Town of Tarborough; North Carolina. Their aim will be, to make this School an Institution of high character; and to render it Worthy the pa1" rbnage which they respprtfully solicit from their nUmerous Friends throughout the State, and from the Public generally: Be sides tuition in all the ordinary branches of learning, the most thorough instruction will be given if desired in Music, and in the French, and Latin Language. The scholastic year will be divided in'0 two Sessions of five months, each: Tne first, beginning on the first day of October; and ending on the last day of February; tKr, 1 u-:.,..: x tUa Rt dav 01 March, and ending on the last day of July' (Ovving to unavoidable circurnlanc the school, will not go into operation tin? year ()S44) until the first of Novemb r? Pupils will be charged from the day entrance, td the close of the session.) TERMS 1st Class SUper Stss. 1st half payab'e in advance. 2nd do. 16 do. do. 3rd do. 8 do. d French 10 do. do. Latin 10 do. do- Music 20 do. do. Wood tax for Winter Sess. 50 cts. Sept. 24, 1844. 3S (PT'he VVa,mKton Whig. Ncwberni- an, and Kdenton Sentinel, will mseri above; three times, each. T. R, Constables' blanks for sale, At tuis oFflcE.