1 v . , Wln i-n i ' IP -? certain and effectual Cure for .Igue svd Fever; aso vsed successfully in ihe treatment erf Bilious Fever, Nausea, General Debility, find Nervous Weakness. ITJ1HE mot fl.ittrring recommendations -IL of this medicine have been received from many eminent physicians and other tvho hive u?e1 it. And it is presumed v'hat no medicine has ever been used whose action has been more beneficial, pleas int. & invigorating, and called forth from afflicted sufferers such expressions oi hearlfelt grat itude and thankfulness. Persons taking the pilte soon find themselves relieved Chill broken! Fever Rone1.! Stomach and bead free and healthful!!! Strength and appetite increasing and improving, and all nervous weakness neu. When taken according to the directions icpnmnanvintf them, thev never fdl to cure the Chill and Fever the first day, and never sicken the stomach or operate upon the bowels. Their action upon the whole ystrm is so charming, that persons arc invariably ftirprifed and pleased with their rapid and complete restoration to health. The pills ate purely and solely Vegrta be; and-thc happy combination of the in gredient and their proportions are such as io r reduce a medicine which never fails lo fo.v.c when relitf is at all attainable. h box contains 20 doses of pills Price, One Dollar. Apply to Geo. Howard, Agent, Tarboro. J)R. SVEXCEWS Vegetable Pills, K PUBLIC BLESSING. fp .nFE pills whenever they have beeni uirly tried, have established an en via t ;e celebrity, and are daily superceding all r-t-:i preparations of medicine in curing : diseases for which they are recom rr i!ed. U is believed that the rapidity ofc 3 wle of this invaluable medicine (in thole States of the Union where they have been introduced) and the reputation it has acquired in the brief space of twelve months, has heretofore been unprecedented in the annals of medicine since the days of Hippocrates, the father of the healing art, to the present time. , Numerous testimonials In favor of these pills might here be given, but let the fol lowing sumce: Frora Mr. Isaac M. Thomas, merchant, at Talladega Springs, Alabama. Talladega Springs, Talladega Co. Ala. August 17, 1842. TM& is to certify, that I have been afflicted with icU headache, dyspepsia and liver complaint, and eostirenesa for the last eight or nine years; during - which time I had taken a3 well as I recollect, about sixty boxes of Beckwith's pills, twelve box es of Peters pills, and a number of boxes of Cham pion's and Brand reth's pills, all of which afforded me buUiltle or no relief. At last 1 was recom w-crtfed to try Dr. SPENCER'S VEGETABLE PILLS, and well 1 did; for I never lrad but one attack of the sick headache after I commenced ta- iin.'th-l pill3, (now abontsix months,) and I can. didfy C" '.ess, that 1 havedrrived more real bene ft rom vhe use of Spencer's pills, than from a!. Th other medicines and pills that I have ever ta fedi.. ana i wouia earnestly recommend mern TO AXL, as being m my opinion, the nest me-lv me in use for all lingering complaints. Thi pills have dotre me so much good, that I would not feel wiMinrr tf ho tvifhnnt thorn fnr fine Ai-Wmtv 9 hfiv and I cannot but feel very grateful to Dr. Spencer for h irur prepared such a valuable medicine, and in 3 i'stribuiion of it is conferring a very great fa- a cn the public, as it is a thing of the utmost im poruu te that every family should have a supply of Dr. Spencer's truly valuable pills constantly on hand. Isaac 'M. Thomas.- Geo. Howard, Agent, Tarboro : . IKE SULS CELEBRATED Headache Cough and JVorm A.c admitted by the Medical Faculty, to the best preparation ever introduced for e cure of those diseases for which they are recommended. For sale by the princi pal Druggists & Merchants throughout the southern and western States, and by v Geo. Howard, Agent, Tarboro'. DU.IiACOUT'S Vegetable Tooth lche Elixir, A certain and immediate cure for the Tooth Ache. For sale by Geo. Howard, Agent, Tarboro'. , Sept. 30, 1843. . Botanic Medicines. tTUST RECEIVED, aa additional and fri.h supply of Thonipsoiiian ITIcdiciites,viz: Lobelia, 6eed and pulverized Composition, Myrrh, African Bird Pepper, Nerve powder. Spice bitters, Golden seal, Poplar bark, Bayberry, Green ozier. Unicorn root, Barberry, Wake robin, Skunk cabbage. Woman's friend, Slippery elin, Pond lily, witch hazle. Prickly ash. Rheumatic tincture, No. C. &c. &c. For sale on reasonable terms by . GEO. HOWARD. Tirboro', Miy 17, 1811. To all the World xo use Leather IX ANY Ft) KM. Oil of Tannin, Or, Leather Restorer. A NEW CHEMICAL DISCOVERT. TOST . people know, that skins and hide are converted into leather by the use of Tannin, extracted from certain barks, &e. When the forre and strength of the Tannin is worn out, leadnr becomes dead, hard.-dry, brittle, cracked, covered with a crust, fyc. This all know, t o restore then life, softness, im.isiness, strength, smoothness, &. remove all crusts, fly. or blifter restore the tannin Thi substance the leather never can receivr- the second time; but the whole virtues of it are in this article, the Oil of Tannin, Which penetrates the stiflVst and hardest leather, if it has been twenty years in use; and if it ters easily with the finders, it im parts at once a strength that is utterly in ciedible until seen. becomes like new leather, in all respeds, with a delightful softness and polish, and makes all leather completely and perfctly impervious to water particularly boots, shoes, carriage top-, harness, hose, trunks, and in fact all things made of leather, giving a splendid polish, even higher than new leather has, and at least doubling its we ir and durabili ty, in whatever mannet the leather ts used. Tiiie ake Pacts. I ho;e who will wear old shoes, groan with corns, ride with old carriage tops have old harness and thiow them away half used look filthy themselves, and all about them expend double what is neces sary lor articles of KMtlvr, to their hearts content, for what we can, if their prejudi ces are so strong they will not try a new discovery. We have no f.vors to ask of them, they are the greatest sulieiers, and we beg for nobody's custom or patronage. Now, gentlemen, please yourselves. fTj jNone genuine unless wtih the fac simile signature of Comstock Co. r or sale in Taiboro by 'Geo. Howard. April 9, 1S44. Moffat's. Life rills mid Flienix Hitters. A FULL SUPPLY of the above highly approved and invaluable medicines re gularly kept on hand and for sale by GEO. HUfV.iiD,rfgent. Tarboro, June 17. Doctor Win. EVANS' SOOTHING SYRUP For children Teething, PREPARED BY HIMSELF. To Mothers and Nurses. rBlllE passage of the teeih throtih the gurr.s produces troublesome and dan gerous symptoms. It is known b moth ers thai tliere is reat irritation in the mouth an l ums dm itig t his proce-s. Tht gums swell, the .rcereiinn ot saliva is in creased, tic child is -ized with frequent and sudden fits of rrv ing, wa'ching,, starl ing in the sleep, and p jsms of peculiar . .1 i : i i ..i. . I. .i pans, uw tnun Miners wiin extreute vio lence, and thru-ts its fingeis into its mouth If thee precursory s mptonis are not sTier- dily alleviated, spasmodic convuNions uni versaily Mipt rvene, :md soon cause the dis solution (d ihe infant. Mother who have their little hnbes nfiln-ted with these distressing symptoms, should apply Dr.. William Evans' ? celebrated Soothing Sy. rup, which has preserved hundretls of in fants when thought past recovery, from be- ic g suddenly attacked with that fatal mala dy, convulsions. Evans' Family Aperient Pilts Are purely vegetable, composed with the sirii'iebi precision oi science and ol art: they never produce nausea, and are war ranted to cure the following di-eaesv hich arise from the impurities of thp blood, viz: Consumption, coughs, and colds nervous diseases, liver complaint, dyspepsi i, bilious diseases, piles, ulcers, female weaknes, &. all cases of hypochondriacism, low spiiils, U.x i . . . I. Kiiii;iuuu ui vnc neai i. nervous lrriiaOUily, nervous weakness, tluor alhus, seminal weakness, chlorosis or green sickness, flit ulency, hysterical laintings, hysterics, head acht s, hiccup, sea-sickness, 'night ' mare rheumatism, asthma, tie douloreux, cramp, pusuiuuiu iiucciiuus, uuu uiu.-f who are vie tims to that most excruciating disorder. Qoul, will find relief from their sufferings oy a cuurse 01 ir. rjvans s meuicines. Dr. Evans' Tonic rills. This tonic medicine is for nervous com plaints, gmcral dh-lity, indigestion and its consequences, as want ol appetite, dis tension ol the stomach, acidity, unpleas ant taste in tne mouth, rumbling noise in the bowels, nervous symptoms, languor, wnen ine minu becomes irritable, desnon ding, thoughtful, melancholy and deiect- ed. In hypochondriacism, consumption, dimness of sight, delirium, and all other nervous alfeciions, these pills produce a safe and permanent cure. For sale in Taiboro by GEO. HuivARD, Agent. February 23. No Apology for Wigs. PLEASE -o rei 'i'oti' p j" ' ' r,ni..tv...a roinii.u .i. . i' i-. which in . , ........ addition to hundreds of others tqually res pectable should remove the doubts of eve ry reasonable person of the unilorm and singular efheacy ol Jaime's Hair Tome. Siiaftburv, Bennington county, Vt. Augi 4,1840. Dr. Jayne: Dear Sir, Being acquainted with some of those recommending"' vour HAIR TON- 10, to wit: Rev, C. C. Park, Rev. Dr. Uabeock,! jn (t( ;le(, putters, will be astouisn and Rev. L. Fletcher, 1 purchased w two boitles, I .. . . ; . , . COn.foit it hffords with a view to make an experiment, lhavebeen. quite bald for about four years; and obliged to wear a wi. Indeed it is constitutional with my faTni- ly to be bald in early life. 1 confess, 1 had but little confidence, in the attempt, naving neen so I III 1 I 1 f n f fmA rA long nam, ana oems near to m that part of my head destiUi-1 of hair exceed i n ly smoothi 1, however, commertcen areeahly to your directions, and used one bottle faithfully, and with very little effect; but before I had used the second bottle, a very fine fuzzy Ivair became per ceptible, which continued to grow, and now hav ing used the third bottle, 1 have nad inree eui linffs performed, and the prospect is very flattering that 1 shall arain ba blessed with a fine head of hair, ornamental and useful. I am extremely gra tified with the prospect, and from observations made, many of my friends and acquaintances, who have heretofore regarded the preparation as decep tive, and only a catch-penny concern, are now well satisfied that it is "Truth No Fiction." J. W. Sawyer. Pastor of the Baptist church, Shafibury, Vt. We know Dr. Quigly personally, and there is no man in the country. whoe-.pir nion is entitled to more respect He iso;i all subjects honet and sincere, and his Lih character as a Physician can he attestrtt hv the first medical men in this city. Phil adelphia Sun. Shepherd's Town, Va. Oct. 10. IS 13. Dear Sir, You inquire of me whether I havej used your Hair Tonic, and the effects I Several years a;o my hair bejran to fall rapidly J from the scalp, and 1 had the prospect of prema ture baldness. During several years 1 used vari ous preparations recommended for the hair, from which I derived no benefit. At length a friend recommended your Hair Tonic. 1 used three or four bottles according to the printed directions, and at the end of six months, my hair was thick 6et, k. since its tendency to turn grey was arrested. I have never before given a cerlificate, recom mending patent medicines, which indiscriminately used, as thev often are. do much iniurv. but in a case like the present, where I know the artii le to. be beneficial, and that at can do no harm; I have no sciuples in stating facts within my own Know - ledge. Yours, &c. John Qcigly, Mi D Dr. D. Javne, Philadelphiai JJS. M. H EDMUND. Tarboro', May 12, 44. ligeut Cotton Yarn. THVj subscriber has just received a VJIJU II (.1 l y Ul VjUIIUII l ill II, II 1 VIC ' I l ivh!rh will oll numbers, which he will sell it Ileduced Prices, On reasonable and accommodating Inm GEO HUlWIliD Tarboro', Jan 25. IM4. Worms! Worms!! Hlarllins Facts. HLITUNDREDS of children ar.d a iults ar' IklL l.sl yearlv with worms. herv some- other caue ha been supposed to be ihe true mic. It is ad milled by all Doctors that -carce a man., woman -or ehild exi.ts but vhat are s ourr or later troubled with worms, and in hundreds of cases, sad to le- late, a supposed f.-ver, scarlatina, cold, or some other ailing carries off the flowers of the whole human lamily while in truthj they die. of -WORMS! and ihes could i i i i i i nave neen erauicaieti in a aay, Dy me u-v of a bottle of ' Rnlmstock's f'erinifngf). At the cost of a quarter of a dollar! How sickening the thought that these things should he and who can forgive themselves for not fying this IVorm Exterminator. when they know even if the case Was not worms, this remedy could not by any possibility do hurt but always good as a purgative let the disease be what it may. How important then to use it, and who will dare take the responsibility to do without it? Let every parent that is not a brute, ak themselves this question in tiuth and soberness. In some of the best families in the neigh borhood of M. John's Park, it has been ex tensively used, from the circums'ance of having eradicated a large quantity of worms, after all other remedies had failed,which was extensively known in that par t of the city. In numerous cases other complaints were supposed lo exist, and the persons treat d for fever, &c. but finally a trial of this Ver mifuge discovered the true cause of the sickness, by bringing away almost an innu merable quantity of worms, large ami small, and the persons recovered with great despatch. Instances of this kind might be cited to an immense extent, but it is use less, one trial for 25 cents will show any one with astonishment the certain effects ot ihis Vermifuge. Caution. Never buy this article unless it have "Dr. Kolmstock's Vermifuge'" handsomely engraved on the outside label and the fac-simile of Ccmstoek & Co , thus Comstockfy Co , New Yoik, who are the sole agents for it. For sale in Tarboro' by Geo. Howard. January 26. Dr. O. C. Lin's L inured patent machine spnaii Strcfcigtliciiiu? Plasters. rinHESE plasterXgreatly improved, a.U -H- having the preference of ll other, are warmly .ecommei.ded by all docorsus itivaluable for all invalids having pains in the breast, back, or side." Weakness and lameness are lelieved at once by their use, and life pat is restored to strength aid ana u al w.niih anil ; eulth Any person we.u- , , , l".,oe thiea em d with l-ung -compiiinc-, s.houUi never trust then. selves a da wiin out wearing a plaster. It removes tteirn taiion d iticioienl consumption from tht . ( 'ft t". e surface ol the body, ami ara ntrih.. internal affection. So in hvtreom- pl.dnts, and coughs and colds. Children with whooping cough should always have tine, to prevent th cough set'ling n th lungs. Their exitl tnce will be under stood by all on a tiial. ComstockQ Co., New York, wholesalers For sale in Tai boro by Geo. Howard. January 20 Horses and Vcliiclcs. rgiHE Subscriber !i :i vi nt; reph. nishf his stock nl. MtMse au.l VtliirieN nuv nfiVrs them for hive mi !it- loli-n-. iwg I't vms per . For liHrtrtiche, two hf-r.-es, and driver. Si 50 , Barouche and haiiiess, - 1 50 Carryall, tvvoj.orsi'3. and : river, 3 50 ,, (Carryall and hartleys, - 1 00 ,, liugiiy, hmI iiorse, - "2 00 Buggy, and harness. 1 00 (Jig, and horse. i 75 Gig, and harness, - 0 75 Sulky, and horse, - I 50 Sulky, and haTiiess, - O 5U Horse, saddle and 'bridle, - 1 25 Horse, - . 1 00 ,, Horse and cart, . - i '25 Cart and geaT, O '25 Horse, and plough, - 1 00 ., Plough and gear, - 0 25 Draught Avagon and dray, per contract, Tne above charges .ire fnr an ouim u day's travel longer or shorter d.-t ; by special ronirael ; , Tarboro. .1 au' Vi Mcdicincs, fyr. UST KKCKIVr I). ol iioriroved 1'i'ent M die.iv ;d(iiMii i. (nir ! rnier sio: k. i- ' J Allen's balsam of h ore h moid, livi-rwort, arxi pleu Lnns?1ev8 erreat wesretn Indian l?anai't-A. Oil spike, British Oil, Bateman's drops, III ' ' Laudanum, paregoric. Thompson's paregoric, I nninpson k nve vatT, . hau d lOU'giie,Tropenor Urns tooth past, ' Ambler's tooth powder, lip salve, , Tooth brushes, emolient toilet and shavingr sop. ' Preston and perfumed salts, loco f.-co matrluK, JSeidlitz and so ja powders, be. r' oil, j Judkirs' specific oirtlmeut. Koai h & bf-d bujr li.iut Cantor Oil, sweet Dil, black lelher Varnis!,; Liquid ointment, shop brushes. Uunlop's i:nproved vegetable blacking, &Ci Fr s.rh eiif tp as usual. GEU. HUIVARD. Tnrlx ro', April 3. 1S44. UcCOIllSUCIlflCC by Ulfc Fa'CllllV Brs. A. $J UarrcWs CELESHATED PREPARE!? 3IEDIC1XES. TH..SK NKW ANii TLEASANT REMEDIES COMl'KISE Tfiur 7,:h, and Slippery Elm Pi.s i ; : .-. ur t- i Km -ers. liver alftClSons, iauo dice, ! tail.. J!". I ;.su! appetite, costiver.e.-s lmale complainis, and tvery disease wilh in the react oi human means. 'Jt tern live Extract of SarsapcrUla and Wood toot, tor (ierotula, or king's whi'e swelling:, pins in the bOnes. ulcerous sores eruptions ol the skin,. rheumatism, syphiii tic and mercurial allrciions, Concentrated Extract of Buchu and Lva Ursi, foreuring di5eaed uriuarv or gans, such us gravel, mot bid iiritation and chronic inflammaiion of the kidneys, uie ters, uiaciuer ano ureilira: Lo. diseases ol ihe prostrate gland, loss of tone in passing oin.e, cutaneous aueciious CSc rh unuiism. Febrifuge, or Cumomile Ionic, for ihe cure of all debdities, loss of appnite, but especially for Fever and Ague, for which it has been more particular! prepared. Antispasmodic or Vumphorated Cor dial, designed to cure excessive vomiting dnrrl.ee u choh ra morbus, Asiatic ciiolera pain in the stomach, cramp, hysier es col ics, hypocondria, spasms, coin ulioi,s, and mutttiing deln ium in the 1 hv foim of biii ousfever. It is a fi ,e suhstituie for paregoric Cough Mixture of Carrageen Moss and Xquttfs, for the cure, of diseased lunns chronic affections of ihe stomach and b..vV ehr, and all diseases produced by rudder, changes in temperature Superfine Tooth Powder, for curing ami hardening the gums, cleaning, preserving and keeping wi.ite the teeth, and for sweet ening the breath. ,i The bove P"!P"tioM are offered f the pUb ,c gei.er.lly and PhJ8lcians e l; TO PAfflUES&INVAlIDs. The following indiscensahl f.:. dies mny be found at the village drZI mid soon at every country storp if- Remember and never get them unlesi have the fac-simile signature of e' on the wrappers, as aUotheni l . -L W . nv me same iiu.iut.ntrf naap imnn..i : : . ana Coum leits. li me mercnani nearest you has them urce him to nroture them no'' next time he visit9 New York, or to write for th fro family should be a week without thest rtmedi BALM OF COLUMBIA, FOR THEHatb which will 6top it if falling out, or restore it 0n bilj places ; and on children make it grow rapidly, or 0 those who have lost the hair from any cause. ALL VERMIN that infest the heads of chii,'r m schools, are prevented or killed by it at once Find the name of Mt 0n it, or never trj it. Remember this always. RHEUMATISM, nd positively cured, and all shrivelled muscles and limit are restored, in the old or young, by the hiiUi Vegetable Elixir and Nkrvk and Bone Linu., but never without the name of Comstock & Co. on it. arj wholly preventer!, or governed if the attack hit cone on, if you use the only true Hats' LwijiEXT.fron 9cmtoc4. &(. rv Ljstlfj and every thing Telieved by it that admiia of an out. ward application. It acts like a charm. Use it, HORSES that have Ring-Bone, Spavin Wind-Galla, &.c, are cured by Roofs' Specific ; md Foundered horses entirely cured by Roofr o-wder Ointment. Mark this, all horsemen. IVTagical Pain Ex tractor Salve. The most extraordina teinedy ever invented for all new or old and sores, and sore I STfSS It has delighted thousands. It will take out all pain in ten minuies, and no failure. It will cure the LIN'S SPREAD PLASTER9. A better and more nice and useful article never wai made. All should wear them regularly. LIS'S TEITIPJCRASCE BITTERS: on the principle of substituting the tonic in place of the stimulant principle, which has reformed so many drunkards. To be used with LIN'S PILLS, snpenor to ill others for cleansing the system and the humors affect ing the blood, and for all irregularities of the bowels, and the general health.Ji m f y , - See Dr. Lin's tig. vtCIDtV CTf V "nature, thus :J DR.SPOHN'S HEADACHE REMEDY will effectually cure sick headache, either from the or bilious. Hundreds of families ar using it with great joy. DR- SPOHISTS ELIXIR OF HEALTH tor the certain prevention of 3S4yiZf 0Tin1 general sickness , keeping the stomach in most per feet order, the bowels regular, and a determination to the surface. painB in the bone?, hoarseness, and f?f are quickly cured by it. Know this by trying. CORNS. The French Plaster is a sure cure. Jair any shade you M ish, but will not color the skin. SARSAPAHILLA. comstock com. POUND EXTRACT. There is no other prepara tion of Sarsaparilla that can exceed or equal thu. If you are sure to get Comstock's, you will find rt superior to all others. It does not require puffing. CELESTIAL BALM OF CHINA. A positive cure for the piles, and al external ailingej all internal irritations brought to tt surface by friction with this Balm ; so in cou?h?, welled or sore throat, tightne is of the dies', this Balm applied on a flannel will relieve and cure at once Fresh wounds or old sores are rapidly cured by Sr. J3artiioIemcto's will prevent or cure all incipient consumption. taken m time, and is a de'jghtful remedy. Ken-e ber the name, and get Comstock's. KOLMSTOCK'S VERMIFUGE " eradicate all iojKlgH in children or adu! with a certainty quite astonishing. sells with a rapidit almost incredible, ly Comstock j- Co., New Yrkv TOOTH DROPS. KLINE'S-cure effectual!?- Entered tcrJoHing to tctofConcrrjs, in tne rev ",e'12. lCev0it tr G.. in the Clerk'orTice of Uie Southern IjuxxiCio " . By applying to our agents in each on n village, papers may be h? j free, showing the mo9' respectable names in (he country for these frc. that no one can Jail to believe them CO Be sure yon call for our articles andn be 2at off with any stories, that others r ffood. HAVE THESE OR NONE," J'Onr mottoami these never can be true and g bf vithotd our nanus to Viem. All these article bad wholesale and retail oxJy of Wholesale Drs nroauw-J Tarboro' For sale 0i6f. Motcard3 No 21 CnrllarwU Rfrr near VtOW

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