7 'i iMfir rri T-ia': 4 . t 1 7 Uit : 6 1 i n ) rv 11 t4.l Hi f . i , , " 53. 1 AM 07 ' J AV Ala 't- -T" s 3 A V T7TH1 - t WOES-SI 4? 4 t( cff : i .--t , J . i I'll '"t: v.-fffI;ll iL ! I I 4 1 I 1 - -v t "PSUkTSS10If AI. CARDS. WABO A NASH, s , , kd Cobuelort f tiwl ATTORNEY AT LAW" ' v TABBORO", NC. P3rinn ib- iirmiu uuuk-. 7fW" 111 J. H. & W: Ik THORP, -A.fcfcamft'ra And GoanA slors at ajAW , KACTKTES'rn'lhe c'duatte of ltdge iBki, HUfx, Nash nd Wilsoir, 4 - 4. iinrann nonrt North Carolina, also tk DlUd State District Conrt at Ralelghd gTUAKT L. JOHNSTON, AWwrmty and Counsellor at Law, PLYMOUTH, N. C. Fmi9m A Washington and adjoiniag atl, amd pay apecial attention to adjagt ataiM in any part of the State. 3aly M, l77.-tf. jKDKW JOTNKR, A.TT0ENEY AT LAW, GREENVILLE, N. C. Pati i th county ot Pitt, and adjoin ifr otia. tpaatol atUBtln rlTeu to collections and attliac f MtttM of deeasd persons. DB. RICHARD H. LEWIS, (At Profaasor of Diseases of the Eye and Kar im the KaTannah Medical College.) .i fmotiM Limited t Uae mat- T-m TT V n QflU fia the Tarhoronzh House, next door lWfV.C. KR. Office hoars 9 a. n to ike 8tate Medical Society ana to the rpla U edical Society. ia--'y. DR. E. D. BARNES, Surgeon Dentist, Malm Street, TARBORO', N. C. All work warranted to give entire iCtiOD. ? dh.ex.bluntekT SURGEON DENTIST, ENFIELD, N. C, Practice at Enfield and res- fiiiT solieits a continnance of his former NORFOLK CARDS. !TU5T1C SQTEL, Cer. Main and Granby Streets., Norfolk, Va. It. 8. DOD80N, Pkopkibtob. Terms, W.50 and $3.00 per Day, according of ocl7-ly Washington House, HAitrsCE. - "Z"' Proprietor. M6 MAIN STREET, NORFOLK, VA. Oe the Enr pean Plan. Lodigng 60c, Meals at all Hoars. . W. eiLXB. 8XM. HODQKS. GILMER & HODGES, - WHOLE8ALE LADIES' TRIMMED GOODS, 49 it 61 Commerce Street, Aaf'78-tf. NORFOLK, VA, JAS. O'ROURKE, pEALKR IN IIaRBLE monuments, TOMBS, HEADSTONES, 4c, 1M sd 167 EAST CHURCH ST , Opposite St. Paul's Church, WORFOIjB:, "XT a. All kinU of Stone Work executed. All yremptiy nuea ana ssusmcuun puj- vcfc.iv-ijr. W. . Thomson, J-R- Pell- Jfarfolk, Va. Bertie Co, J. C nsnieEitablUhcdin J829. Thomson 4f Powell (Sascessors to John James,; GENERAL QM X1ISSI0N MERCHANTS, No. 64 Water Street, BOXFOLK, - - VIRGINIA. OaSobar IS, 18TT. Pm. WT. W. BURK 6c CO., CONFECTIONERS, Kaaaiactmrers of all kinds of Candies, and Dealers in T9XEIG1T FRUITS, NUTS. PICKLES, GOODS, SARDINES, $C. Re. tl Main Street, near the Post Office, Norfolk, Va. u-y 17, 1878. ly M A.3?3? & CO- KcBSfMtursrs of and Dealers in Plain, Japanned and Stamped Tlfl-VJARE, STOVES, AaaUrs, Sanges, e., Lamp and House-Famishing Goods, m H Wtler St., N. W, Cor. Roanoke Sqr., OM.10-m. NORFOLK, VA. CARRIAGE FACTORY. RUN BY food Men and Good Mechanics. ALL KINDS OF CARRIAGES AND WAGONS BUILT & REPAIRED. Light Work a Specialty. CROWDER & MOOHE, Oatl ly. 160 Water St , Norfolk, Va. ELIZABETH IRON WORKS, CHARLES W. PETIT, Proprietor, a. i0 and 282 Water Street, Norfolk, Va., ' Manufacturers STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, law and Grist Mills, Shafting, ' Pulleys, Hangers, Forgings, and CAITMGS, CASTINGS. GASTLNQS. tseeial attention given to repairs of toaasboats and Machinery of all kinds. Machinists and Boilar Makers sent to Ay part ef the coentry to do repair work. Oet.10-1878. , 6m. THE andersigned call the attention of the trsa generally, that they carry now a larger Stack of Tobacco than ever, and sell cheaper lata befora. Bttll continue to sell the fa. ateas JACKSOH'1 SEIT Tescces at Factory prices in all styles ; else have a large lot of the genuine BLACKWEXL'S DCBHAK which we sell ec Manafacturers prieee. To bey Tebaeco, Ac-, to stand competition, emll at HAMBURGER BROTHERS,- Wholesale TobaccenlsU, 0S A 95 Water 8t., orfolk, Ta. Jery 17, 1S7S. v Jy TTv ! r NOnFOLK CARDft. t A. I"' -L I v i I 4 r 5-f 9 Mil 19 1 Dealers and Mannfaetwera f -WMis:h Ka A J 7I TaMm TiAtttl SaUes. Vaaea, Founlainii. tfomej'lftfr f" Aod eTorythlnjf ornamental made "4, ot wrongnt ana cast iron. Agents Champion Wrought and Mnleab e Fence Co. I oct.l0-3tn EST A B LIS U ED 1865. H. L. T. DAVIS CO.. Wjolale Dealers in General Groceries, Flour, Pro visions and Fish, South EartCor. Wateii and 'Commerce Sts. H0RF0LK, VA: Caot D Ball, Salesman. Jan. 17, 1878. j ty WOMBLE & WALKE AGENTS FOR Fairkanks' Standard Scales, And Dealers in Hardware, Cullery Grilling Thread, Seine, Cotton Twine, Cotton Mope, !fe. No. 19 East Side Market Square, IN orfolk, Va. January 17, 187. Established 1855. WHOLESALE ;t DRY G00DSr& NOTIONS, 82 and 84 Water St , NORFOLK, VA. P. O. POX !. J Oct.lO-Sm. jr. . Wholesale aud Retail Dealer and Importer in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, ME- chanics' Tools, House Furnishing Goods, Builders' Material, Gilkng Thread, Twine ; : and Eope. ' ; Sign of the Bed Padlock, No. 25 East Side! Market Square, NORFOLK, VA. January 17, 1878. I ly w.n. kj carr, WITH B1TILE, BUM & corro.t ricroBs. CO., ASCD CorjmissionMerchants, Town Point, , m SOEFOLK, VA- A member of the firm attends, in person, to the weighing and delivery of cotton. Liberal Cash advancis advances made on consignment. 1 4 Highest marki t prices and prompt returns miftmitiwf. i KajTiing- ana lie aix.owest naie, iree oi Commiesions. I anfr.ll-ly. House Established 1851. KADER BIGGS & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERdlWTS, AND jCOTTOCN FACTORS, BICiCK' WHARF, NORFOLK, VA. Liberal cash advancements ou consigs ments. Promp sales and returns, unless otherwise instructed. Produce held if de sired. Special attention paid to the sale of cotton and all kind of country produce. Bagging and Ties furnished on liberal terms. Consignments respectfully solicit-id. otl04m Merchants of North Carolina BUT TOUR I nearer home and save freights. Taylor, Elliott k Watters, Norfolk va., wholesale! peelers in Hardware, Cutle ry, Cuds, Pistols, Gam and Leather Belting, Mill Sup plies, Cucumber Pomps, dtc. Also, Agents for Howes and Fairbanks STANDARD SCALES. WILL DUPLICATE, NEW YORK BILLS. Give Them a Trial. Oct 10, 1878. 6m. GREAT REDUCTION IN PHOTOGRAPHS. rxHE undersigned having refitted tbe Pho- A. tograpnic Uairery iormcnj Mr. Burgess, is now ready to formerly occupied by do first-class work at half the usual prlcs. Would invite the public to call and examine our pictures beiore going elsewhere. We guarantee satis- faction or no charge.! In addition to Photographs, we are pre pared to execute in the finest style of tbe art. India ink. uravon. rasiene, ju ana ,nwi Colored Pictures, at f MONTGOMERY'S GALLERT. 168 Main 8L, Norfolk, Va. Oct. 17. 18r.8. I tt J. 1 I LEATHERS LOW FOR CASH. H CHALKLEY & CO , (EsUblished in 1855.) lmporUrt, Manufacturer and Dealers in lca.es. I-ieatlier, Oiis, French an American Calf Skins, Tanners' Tools, Shoe Findings, dtc., ABD General Commission aierenanta, Nos. 15 and 17 Thirteenth Street, Oci.31,'78Sm. RICHMOND, VA. Highest casurrtces paid for Hides. ERUABI) DEMITH, Lager Beer & Wine Main St., next dooil to B. J. Keech, and op. posite Tarboro' House. TARBORO, N. C. Sept. 0, 1878. tf. . u. . - hi 1 UALTir.sC.ICCAnpSfr 1 UiiiViViUf y laUlkllOl UMrUt L . a w , . - - - ' i i a s i js i ? Betvete Spear's Wharf and CraBrrfet, t MannCftctOMttef Plain b p. ..... MICrrTITPC;' 15 & AyP 49 WETP8A'TTtTBCTi R. K . HARM AN, 47 South Charles Street, BAX.TTM1CIKC3.i MTj; Mantuactarer ar.d dealer in all kinds of Far alt are. Bedding, fcc. Orders by mall receive prompt and personal attention. Inquiries cbeerfullT answered." latest styles'and law eat prices, CASH buyers, we .want your money. Octl0-8m. VARIETY IRON WORKS, N. W. Cor. CHARLES) FATETTE 8U, Baltimore, f1d. WORKS, YORK, PA' E. G. SMTSER, Proprietor. Builders' Material of All Kinds. Manufacturer of Iron Buildings. Columns, Iron Stairs, Window Lintels, Kollinf Shutters, Roof Crsstings, Iron Railinrs, "Hyatt Lights," Lamp and Hitching Posts, Wrt. Baams, Vasas, Fountains, Iron Stable Fixtures, e. Mill Work ana Mill Machinery in Seneral, including th "BiTal" Smut Machine hafting, Pnllsys, e. Oct-lCTS-ly. R. B. Porter & Son., Nos. 89 and 41 8. Charsles St., BALTIMORE, MD, Dealers io HUBS, SPOKES, RIMS, 1BHA.FTS, AX LES. SPRINGS, BOLTS, CLIPS, LEATHER, CANVAS, CLOTHS, CAR PETS, VARNISH, WHEELS, GLUE, TACKS, &c. October 10, 178. 3m; Coulter r Walts HolllaceOTertla Sc K.lerstB Streets, IMPORTERS AMD DEALERS IN Iron and Steel. Our stock comprises the best qualities of Iron and Steel for mechanical and agricul tural uses, embraciig Bar, light and heavy, Band, Steel and Hoop, Swede, Norway, Shapes and NaUrpds, Scroll, Anglev Groove, Oval, Half Oval, and Barf Kound Iron, Ham mered and Cut Plow Moulds, Wings and Landsldes; Cast,' Plow, Tire, Spring, Wedge and Machinery 8teel. October 10, 1878. ly. Cstabiishexl 1846. -slefels flLILlilblii And manufacturer of Mahogany, Boeewoed and Oilt frame Looklag Otaaeee. iter and Mantel Mirrors. Walnut and out. A full line of fiermAn, French and American, Look ing Glass Plates. Also Picture frame Mould ing, Walnut, Imitation Walnut, fcHlt, Ac Rustic Plctui e frames. nd Pietare Vrasaes of every description made to order. Clock ma terials on hand. M6.4S SOUTH CHARLES 8T., near Lombard, OctlO-3m. BALT1MUKK, Mil. EST ABI,f SB ED 185. PETERyROSE, Bad Sola Leather Manufacturer and lufacturer and LEATHER I 0 And Shoe Manufactureres' Goods of all kinds, 46 S. CALV2RT ST., NEAR LOMBARD, 13 altixnor e , II1. October 10, WA 3m. PAINT. PAINT. The best ready niiveJ paint in the United States is manufactured by WILLIAM H . KING & O , OF BALTIMORE, MD. Send to them for a sample card. Be convin ced by giving it a trial. Their well known brands of WHITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS are the best, if yon. prefer to do jour oVn mixing. 8. E. comer Lombard and Charles 8treets. . Oct.l0,'78-ly. TIN-WARE. HE UNDERSIGNED TAKE THIS L method of informing their friends in North Carolina that having enlarged their iactory aud added all tbe improved machi nery, they are now prepared to offer their Tin-Ware, both stamped and pieced, at pri ces beyond competition.. Jt will pay yon to call and soe them before purchasing else where. Our Stoves, Hollow-ware and Wood en-ware are from the best factories, nd will be sold at the lowest prices. Apply at the old stand where their Senior partner has been for thirty-five years. RSIP CO., 335 W. Baltimore Street, OctlO'78-ly. i Bsltimore, Md. NORFOLK STEAM BAKERY, James field & Co., Factory Holt's Lane and Elizabeth 8treet. Office- No. 87 Main Street. NORFOLK, VA. Parties ordering goods through Commis sion Merchants will geft thesa t factory pri uciiu-ora. TO FARMERS AND R.J. BAKER & CO, 36 and 38 Sntn Cnarles Street, Baltimore, IVTd-, Manufacturers and Dealers in Pure Ground Rawbone, Superphosphate of Lime, SULPHATE OF AMMONIA, NITRATE OF SODA, SULPHATE OF SODA, lhriili and Salphli of Potash AND GROUND PLASTER. All PURE Chemicals for mixtures, com pounds orformulaes for fertilisers mixtures as low as any house for each. , Write for pri- -fete. ocU0-ly.' 5 PLANTEES u it it r r liwlAi' become familiar. wUh Golden WMA LlgnJdExUao'i onic TnvDroralor. I take measure in recommend- a - - .! w .eparstlon. combining It dos food and tonic in t mnarkaoie . .see a nr? t -Kt Hit U( Maaafaetnrer aud Wholesale leer la mi'tmm cider has fjf " AND v. .ti4,- .4 ;.;, jT M-i-t- SASSAFRAS and PENNYROYAL Of prime quality, bongbt in tqy quintity, for cash pn delivery, free of brokerage, commit. sione, or storage espenses,, by DODGE OLCOTT, isspetug ' wd r deals In Drugs, Essential t Wile. AC., 88 WILLIAM 8T., SEW YORK. A DAT to agents canvassing for the md nj FIRESIDE VISITOR. Terms and Oqtotfree. Address f. (J. ta, Maine. VICKKRTv Angus- OrvMixed Cards, enowfiake, Damask, &c, n3J no 2 alike with name 10 cts. J. M ink ier & Co., Nassau, N. Y. MIXED CARDS, with name 10 cts. U AgenU' ontllt lOctg. L. JONES A CO. Nassau, N. Y. rpO ADVERTISERS. Send for our Select 1 List of Local Newspapers. Sent free on application. Address GEO. V. ROWELL Jt CO 10 Spruce St., N. Y. THE xlM- OA a v Mian fS WAV FOR LAUNDRY USE. NETTING FOR SEINES & POUNDS. We Measure the Mesh. 9 ae AS PER DIAGRAM H 9 ae m a f3ARTIE8 ordering Netting or Seines will JL give the length and depth required when on lines. We allow one-third for rigging, that is if the Seine is to be one hundred yards long and ten feet deep, wben on lines, we would make the webbing one hundred and fifty yards long and fifteen feet deep, stretch ed measure. In absence of any Instructions, we will make as aoove. In ordering, cive full description of what you want; leaye nothing to be guessed at. Parties unknown to us, oraerinr gooas, will be required to make a deposit ot one third tbe value before we ship them ; balance to be paid on delivery. Oct. 10, 1878.-6m. Baltimore, Md. Dnrhain Whiskey. Lab't'bt Stat Assatbb aud Chshist, ) Richmond, Va., Sept. 7th, 187b. r I bave carefully tested a sample of "Dur ham Rye Whiske" selected by myself from the stock of Messrs. jsmson x uarvey, ana find it free from adulteration. It is an ex cellent article of Whiskey, and altogether suitable for use as a beverage or Medicine. Signed, W. H. TAYIXlK, State Chemist. We are sole nroDrietors of this superior whiskey, which we offer to the trade of North Carolina, together with a full line of all kinds of Whiskies, Brandies, Wines, dec. JCL.UISUJN a nAxtviLx, Oct.3l-tim. Richmond, Va. ST. CLAIRE HOTEL, 0pp., Capitol Square, COR. GRACE AND NINTH STREETS Bicsrar ta. Tbe most elevated, central and fashionable location in the city fronting nn tbe Capitol Square coQvenient to all public buildings, Depots and Churches, and immediately on tbe line of Street Railway, making it the most desirable Hotel in tbe City. Fare strictly first-class. Board f 2.50 and $2 per day. Special rates to Commercial Agents. Dn. E. S. Pendieton, rrP - 8end !nil Shipping Directions with each Ordet Wallcer JBros BAKERS, . AND MANUFACTURING CONFECTIONERS, Wholesale Dealers in Foreign Fruits,fluts,CIgars,&c 45 High St-, Portamonth, Va, The Parity of our Goods is Guaranteed. January 17, 1878. ly COW MILKERS. TTPON receipt of Two Dollars I will send J to any address free of charge, one sett of AU iUAiAiiuuuvv M1X.&.BKS. when you bare nsea them once you would not be with out tbem for double the cost. Address O. C. BATTLE, Rocky Mount, N. C. General Agent for North Carolina Ana. 15, 1878.! 6m. MM! M Ms! 1 mHB SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST BE- JL eeived a fall supply of i : Books, Stationery and Fancy I Goods, Personally selected by him, io which lie In vites the attention of his friends and the public j - M. WEDDELL. Tarboro', M. Nor. 21, 1878. tf rmFr ) AV If L. L. 8TAT0X. ,l E. V: X0ELLEE Staton &fZoeller, 4 V: Stain St., Opp. Conrt Ilonse, DALKR IV Cigars, Tobacco, &c. And Agents for Powell's Prepared Chemicals, For Making Home Fertilizers. A useful Memorandum Book explaining and giving directions for uMtiji POWELL'S PREPARED CHEMICAL, will be furnish ed gratis to any Farmer making applica tion. Oct. 1878. ly NEW 1I1AVE, IN CONNECTION , WITH MY Tin Shop, opened a fall line'Of HARDWARE GOODS, consisting ol BUILDERS' MATERIAL, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, HORSE SHOES. NAILS, BOLTS, SCREWS, &C, &C. 5101 m Farnisbins always on hand and for sale at LOWEST CASH PRICES. Roofing & Guttering and all tepairing in his line done promptly HE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. GEO. S. HA WES, St. James St., just in rear of Court House. Tarboro', Sept. 26, 1878. ly. North Carolina Line! A HO! Str. Edgecombe. Reliable throngb connections from all points on Tar River to Norfolk, Baltimore, New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Provi dence, Fall Hirer antllall points East. As general agent for this line in the sec tion of country bordering on Tar River above Washington, tbe undersigned begs to an nounce tbat the Steamer Edgecombe is now miking regular connections with Steamers of the Line between Baltimore and Washing ton (generally known as the Clyde Line) and will issue through Bills Lading to Norfolk, Baltimore, aew York. Philadelphia, isoston, Providencj and Fall River. LOWEST RATES and REASONABLE DISPATCH can be secured by encouraging this enterprise Be careful to order all shipment' marked and consigned via " North Carolina Line." From BALTIMORE fhip by Baltimore and Washington Steamer, R. Foster, Agent, 90 j,igni street, Baltimore. From PHILADELPHIA ship by Clyde Line, vv. r. Clyde s Co., Agents, 13 south Wharves. From NEW YORK ship by Dalrell's Line, H. L. Chapman, Soliciting Agent, 6 Bowling ureen. From BOSTON ship by Merchants & Mi ners Line, care W. R. Mayo, Norfolk, Va. From NORFOLK ship by Norfolk and Washington Line, W. R. Mayo, Agent, Clyde's W nerves. For lates and other information, apply to N. M. LAWRENCE, Agent N. C. Line and Str. Edgecombe, Tarboro", N. C. Oct. 4, 1877. tf. A RARE CHANCE I :o: rR SALE I At low price, and upon easy terms, 750 acres of vslnable land, situa ted In Lenoir county, eight miles south of the town of E inston, and convenient to tbe A. & N. C. R. R., and Nense river, being on ly six miles distant from either. Seventy-five acres of the above land Is clear ed, the soil rich and well adapted for raising com, cotton, peas and tobacco. There are two good log cabins and one crib upon tbe premises. Tbe remaining portion, 675 acres, is heavily timbered with yellow pine, oak, ask, etc. There are rich marl deposits on the land, which furnishes ail the fertilizer necessary. For further particulars address or enquire of JOHN LOFTIN, Klnston, N. C, or MO 8X8 PATTERSON, Hewbora, M. C ! tf. HARDWARE STORE 'been confiod tmjjrtaA focxwctS or b.b y sxtKEhi(i ztdwpMitiotf, 4d ruBmang-rafoandi-Cw? womrtEirlg id rind, 1 ran' op wltU tif 4H 3atr' atogie f ?3afeerate Priioaert 'of therein (the-cttaWgqt tWto cboica extracts of pruon poetrjy I hate cenciuded, with jour , permia Bion, to risk the revival A some old reminiscences, rereries and r.' collections, and adorn your poet's corner, once a week, nctil 1 nrat partially through, or until some old Reb. hints ".ffold ! enough." Another apology I offer for this iDfliction now is theJall in politic, and the necessity foT'dirtrting our minds from tho troubles incident to the low price of cotton, as in those days the writer had to resort to hard school-boy Htudy to keep h a mind off the national troubles, coupled with the particular and per sonal troubles of a tioub'e-1 Htooncb, for, be it remembered, that when we were confined there in 1863, there were laTge quantities of largo rats perhaps, hundred3 of thous ands tbat rapidly and entirely disappeared when our rations were di tressingly shortened, and lastly, th;re being no further need of bis service, the fatherly Tom cat was butchered, cooked and devoured in Block 10. In this last feast the writer did not participate. But, before commencing the po etry, I will state for fhe benefit of tie young and uninitiated that tha Island had an area of about fifty acres, ljing out-in Lake Erier north of tbe State of Ohio, three or four miles from tbe main and. bud a cold, bleak place in winter. The Prison Pen was an enclosure on the Island of Ten or twelve acres, surrounded bv a p'ank fenc, twelve or fifteen feet high, with an elevated platform at tho top, running entire around it, on which tbe sentinels walked and overlooked the Pen," and at night, iromUttoo-tTeveille they would brvak the silence by c tiling out loudly every tatfahour the time, with the word-?, pXnd all's well !" Cedar Point Lighthouse was sit uated on a tongue of the mainland, five or biz miles Southeast of the jtsiana, me ngnc oi wnicn was so plainly visible in the direction we loved to look that it spanned the water with a bridge of silver, over which we often, in fancy wandered to our own dear Southland. It was these surroundings that suggested to Capt. R. VVright, of Texas, a graphic sketch of Cedar Point by moonlight, and to Lt. II o ward C. Wright, 30th Louisiana Infantry, the following truthful and touching lines. But I . want to digress again and tell you of some of the men we had there. First as to honorable men tion comes our xonest Joe Davis, then Captain of 47th N. C. Infant ry ; oar Attorney-General, iieenan, then Colenel 43rd N. C.j Judge Eure, then Captaiu 2nd Cavalry ; Col. Wharton J. Green, of Daniel's Brigade ; Judge Cantwel!, then Lt. Uolonel 4th N. C. Cavalry, and our lamented Sam'l P. Hill, then Lt. 6th N. C. infantry, and a host of other North Carolina men. From other Stales were Gov. D. P. Penn, of Louisiana, then Coloael 7th Lou isiana, who, sinco the war, has fig ured quite prominently in Louisi ana politics ; Gen. Miles, of New Orleans, then of the 'Miles Legion,' a dignified old gentleman, a perfect phototype of the Duke of Welling ton ; Gen. Beall, of Little Rock, Ark. ; and Gens. Temille and Archer, of Baltimore, the latter was sent for retaliatory purposes under our guns in Charleston har bor ; Gens. Rucker, Gordon, Mar maduke, and numbers of good and prominent men from all portions, of every State in the South. North Carolina, at the time, I write of, (12th of May, 1864,) had the lar gest number, 332 : Tennessee the next, 298 ; Arkansas the next, 278; Alabama the next, 270. The total was about 3,000, all officers. Edge- combo had u: Lt. JN. M. Lawrence, of the 8th N. C. Infantry, t'aen VI a a a known as .irooDing nat, now a prominent and dignified merchant of Tarboro ; Lt. B. P. Jenkins, 7th Confederate Cavalry, now a leading planter of tbe county ; Lt. T. J. Stuart, known to his frienda as "Rifle Eje," I dont know where he is now trnst good lack is attends ing him ; I know he had the worst case of som throat I ever saw, to 'pet well ; Maj. II. G. Lewis, 32ad N. p. -Zofantry, now a prominent physician of Plymouth, and the writer. To keep as there quietly, besides a battalion, (Hoffman's,) af terwards increased to two regiments of infantry, there were two Block Houses, on the northeast and south west, two battallions of heavy artil lery on the Canada aide, while the man-of-war "Michigan" lay oat in the Lake Soath of and between tu and the mainland all within point blank ranged' It was, nevertheless. l iyoarm Confederacy,' , (n . hearty sympathy with 'ery Coathern movement,: obaerritjf tit appointed klajt of, 'fMtifrg-and-HaanksgiTing, rrjoielig iii ita traMpe; aorrowing fcr its- raUfoTtMi, rayjn always fc?,?iettty ;d to-night menort oe bacfcjsAin toiii ht -jbieftk aorawh'r the jiaf tleia, roar of the wavea keep watch and tho sad Winds moan aircqnim orer our Jot- fe26?anftfftho?fojtad'eka& Ia.i 'timing pliee;,'-l f H -v-Vj .. .-. f ,1 I SEKSi." 7IIair.Past Ten O'clock, and All Suggested by a sketch of Cedar Point by moonlight from Johnson's Island, and 'res pectfully inscribed to the artist, Capt: - Xt. Wright, of Texas, by Lt Howard C. Wright, 30th IonisianaT ' , - - j ' - Silence deep, profound, mysterious, Gains her sway, with subtle power, O'er the mind. . She holds imperious -: Conrt within the solemn how, i While the sable sky is teeming; With her starry courtiers' gleaming, And the vestal moon i beaming There as welL ' Silence over Erie's waters, Besting La' the ambient ar ; Silence over prison qnartere, : Melancholy silence there -Hark, the spell at last .is broken f ; Shrill the cry, by sentry spoken What may not those words betoken "All is welll" Half-past ten o'clock" is calling ; ! "All is weU 1" Ah. whence that sigh ? Twas like grief In cadence falling From some o'ercharged heart cioso by ; Like a weary zephyr dying, Where October's leaves are lying, Yet the sentry is replying, 'All is weill" From yon 'light-house comes a glistening, Like a ray of hope it seems ; j Eager hearts to false hope listening, : Hope that only comes in dreams. Oh, that hope of home returning ! j ' Hoping on and with a burning, ' Feverish fire of ceaseless yearning "AnisweU!" See, a bridge of silver glossing , Spans the bay from shore to shore! Eager Fancy, o'er it crossing, Seeks to wander ever more ;' ; Seeks to stroll midst childhood's flowers, 'Midst affections changeless bowers, Or with love in moonlight hours ; ' "All is well!" Bnt the Present, still intruding, With its harsh, repulsive troth, Comes unbidden here, excluding ' Sweetest dreams of bonyant youth. For the sweetest dreams are fleeting ; '.Fancy's self , is ever cheating ; Still the sentry is repeating, ! "All is well!" ; i iAILia welll" ,'The prisoner, eleepuog ' In his bonk ao rude and bare, : !8eet'aa aged mother weeping,-. ' :' ' , - 'Hears a yowflgwtte? whispered prayer. ''AlHaweim while Hope, forsaking,. ;v: Le&vee behind it only aching: : . I - ? ' "All is well !" while hearts are breaking- All is wea." : "All is went" Of its chains, A spirit, tiring will soon be free : 1 Yes, a captive, now expiring, boon shall find his liberty. "All is well !" A soul is fleeting, .; Angels hover round with greeting, : And the sentry is repeating, "All is well l" SENATOR JONES INTERVIEW ED. ; ! Gen. Grant's Prospects on the Pacific Coast A Solid South.. C'Gath" in the Cincinnatli Enquirer, Jan. 8 'Senator, do you regret that Gen. Grant signed the veto of the Inflation bill following your gold speech in the Senate V I relieve that et that time he thought he had done the great act of his life. I admit.' said the Sen ator, 'that I applauded Grant's act heartily and spoke in favor of that step. I think now that he I and I made a tremendous mistake. When I advocated specie and speedy re sumption I was only in the vestibule of later convictions which have made me believe in nothing bat the money of intelligence.' . . Mxe the people on the Pacific side rather well disposed toward the republican party and lirant? ; 'There is no doubt,' said Senator Jonei, 'that Gen. Grant is enor mously the favorite ameng the pee- fle at large. lie is my friend, and have a strong admiration for his good, strong traits of character. At the same time I do not know wheth er enough votes might not be cast against him among republicans to beat him. It is probable that he could be elected, bat there if a risk in it. I cenfess myself thst it gives me a little resentment to nave peo ple say that nobody bat Grant can run this ; great country. When , 1 hear that said I feel like exclaiming, Well, we'll eeo if there ain't ! We'll just have it ruled for fun by another man i : 'Then you are net yet certain in your mind that Grant is your first Choicer l 'I have not made up my mind at all yet. There is no person who thinks more of Gen. Grant than I do. If we. were in a rery ld con ditionthreatened by socialism.with great railroad strike?, with inseeu ntv. insubordination and rebellion in some one section, I think 'the people would almost, nnanimously err out for. Grant, belierios Lthat in his superb poise, his intelligent insensibility at tho proper timeJ and strong, physical, way of facing die, order, he would be unequalled, aa a magistrate.1 Yet lit seemf : to; me that we are in no inch trailf. .Oara is a: oountry seekinz for intelligence, for mil do eat, for the government of thought., . ; v t'L f Ybd Are not mncli of a Blaine loan 1 belirve VP:Si ?b .t 4.: te'No, I hare 'no poiiucal ,reipect for bisa. I prefer ConUisj U rnjT other public, man .. in the'rej tllican party that ia named- for President., Uo aa tho added lajtrr : of victory joit now.j 4ble t.any; fine ke .has fought hit point pet asd .ia reooc- nised aa victorious leader.' -; .- H t. XUSICSDS. AND FISET. i 'Senator.: why : coa't the 'xtz -iti- ean party go, wh6ll t oa!r:1 4 . cf . the persona disensted f and . nominate some inch man as -Geergo , F. E-i- !T7elL here ia Uamiiton Fish, of - Hew York,' who hit as much influ- oaeo in this State aucng'. quitt pe pie aa anybody :. how would he do r ; 'txnas sinx.es me as a nrst-uuss suggestion.';' In my jadgamt he could carry' the majority of the elec toral votes more readily thun any other. person I could name.' Every body who Wants Qit7 Grant would rote for him, and those wbo do not want Grant. would find Fish'; hap py" alternative, rl should see bita nominated in the confidence that he could carry tb country. ! - here is some idea, besides, that New York had better: present the candidate. That is why 1 mentioned Conkllng's name.' : r . ";l Jt,r- 1 'How df the people where you nave oeen iook upon tne souineru question V TSB SOLED, SOUTH V l think v' the general 1 feoling throushoct the North, and extend ing as far as the Pacifie coast, is in difference ;about; the; Sooth Our people teem to have made up their, minds tha: the j South , has always been overWtimated and does i ot contain sihVeflements of patriot itm or gcobejjvior, do not know thst the: e is aify bitterness toward them.' The ;fee)iiig is rathtr disgust ai toward som( Worthless kinsmen.' Haveyoabeo through the Soath recently t Cyj.iL-:, j ;J." s-.' '"-- Ycs,7 haVeheen down daring the past year. J have tome interests in Atlanta, Ga., and I went there and to New Orleans, and as far as Tex as. The only portion of the South that struck me with ranch piomiee was Northern Texas, where it is in habited , by our, own Northwestern people., ,. They i will make a new Kansas of it, with the institutions and feelings .of a good civilization. Aa for the rest 1 this very little the State of Soath Carolina if they were to give me. the entire Com monealtb for. a barony. : Jt is im possible to get a good meal of ric taals in the Soath. They have not learned the first rudiments cf cook ing,' Wherever you go you find your meats fried in boar's fat. There is one spot, ot least, where I am delicate, and that is, my stomach: They have plenty of good, game ia tbe South, pat have no conception of how to prepare it. They gave as in Texas fine prairie chicken, which had the promise of making a deli cious -meal, bat suddenly it would be returned, all baked in sow's fat. 'For God'e sake J said to the cook at Atlanta, 'can't you take that and have a little 'batter potion it and cook it like w Christian VJf.l ' 'Another thing struek me in al meet every pert of the South the vicious,, surly looks of the young men. Throughout the North the young, men hare: genial, considerate, rind countenances. In the South the young men too often look at you as if to say, , 'What in the devil are you thinking about me new V They look ready - to burst out! and cut somebody for a fancied sUght. Such a state of society is far from amia ble, when at the very; brink and hopefulness of life you see the young men wearing countenances like Abi Balorn. I noticed, also, that they have great, numbers of military academies, where they are drilling and wearing uniforms. - i ' ' THE KIBEL YELL. i 'fn a certain place in Texas I was taking an evening walk j along tho road atthe outtkiits of the town, when I heard some' one walking be hind me, and found it to be an ath letic young man. Suddenly he raised a yell like an Indian which made my blood nfi cold. I tamed about to investigate this savage, and he paid no attention to me until ho got right op opposite to me, when with out saying a word, he raised another unearthly yell, I then turned around and said, 'What do you mean sir, rat Jog each scream as that at mj side ?' By God, it's a free coun try; and I reckon I can yell,!' 'No, sir, I replied, 1 don't see why you should . choose L thie hour of the evening when 'you comb up to a per son' you don't know to shout like an Apache." ; , " - -i r.' ' ' " ':" - Now, I suppose that young crea ture was merely practising his rebel yelas the highest intellectual and social form of amusement he knew anything, about' 7 I looked at their country, cov ered with pinee and occasionally showing a lean pig, and I thought to o.yself, 'My " jOod. I Did wt leave 500.000 of oar young men and $500,000,000 in such a country as The trampj are a lucky lot, after alL! The returns, are all in, an 4 it is a positive fact that nc t a single, solitary tramp loss .-t uj ua Bank of Gl? I. i " - ' - ( 'r - .-1