. , . " H -v - ' , ., t.,. r..,, ; . . .. ,lu . i BIG StJREKSJOS THEN A,H35lI.-I. fl Tf . ' .. . , '1 VOL. 57. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. O WARD & NASH, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, TARBORO', N. C. Pracica in all the Courts, State and Federal. uoT.6-ly. y-AKTEE P. WILLIAMSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, TARBORO', N. C. ffill practice in the Courts of the 2nd JalicUl Diatrtot. CollocUons made r any aart of the &Ut. rST One f arboro House. Jan. 7, - u J. H. W. L. THORP, Attorney And 0nnaelors at Law --ACTICS ta- the eoontler of fe-r -.k. niitftx. Mash and Wilson, and " .T: tt Jiu Utes District Uourt atttaieign. gTUAKT L. JOIuTON, jLttrmy and Counsellor at Law, PLYMOUTH, N. C. raMlM lm Washlneton and adjoining ooanUea, and pays special attention to adinsv njr awaas in any pan 01 tnc owtc Jaly H, 1877-tf. A KDUW JOTNR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, G BIENVILLE, N. C. raeUeas in the county ot Pitt, and adjoin law eouatiM. . Tlimlil attention firen to collections and MttCp states or deceased persons. JACOB BATTL E, Counsellor andT Attorney at Law, KOCKY MOUNT, N. C, Will be in Nashville every Monday, from 9 A. M., to 2 P. M. Circuit Nasb, Edge combe an d Wilson. dec 19 '78-3m. DR. RICHARD U. LEWIS, (Lata Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Bar in the avannah Medical College.) Practice Limited to the ! V H 33.C3- 1F A-SIy EALEIGH, N. C. Office iti the Yarboroueh IIor.se, next door Le fliat of N. C. K. R. Office boura 9 a. m., fc S . m. Refers to the State Medical Society and to the Georgia Medical Society. 15.-1 y. DR. . D. BARNES, Surgeon Dentist, IKaia Street, , TARBORO', N. C. 3P All work wananted to givo entire riKtf -f--: DR. E. L- HUNTER, SURGEON DENTIST, ENFIELD, N. C, resumed practice at Enfield and. res peetfn:iy eoli patronaue. its a continuance ot dib mu. f je20'78-tt NORFOLK CARDS. JOT ATLANTIC EOTEL, Cor. Main and Granby Streets., Norfolk, Va. R. 8. DODBON, PaopaiBTOB. Terms, W.50 and $3.00 per Day, according .j to location of room oc.!7-ly Washington House, VHARRTSALE, - - Proprietor. 205 MAIN STREET, NORFOLK, VA. 1 On the European Plan. Lodigng 50c f Meals at all Hours. SAM. HODOXS. & HODGES. , GILMER t - . . WHOLESALB - E21T HOUSE VADIES' TRIMMED GOODS, v : 49 A SI Commerce Street, V7S-tT NORFOLK, VA. IS. O'ROURKE, DEALER IN rilARBLE MONUMENTS, I TOMBS, HEADSTONES, c, 169 and 167 EA8T CHURCH ST., Opposite St. Paul's Chnreb, All kinds of Stone Work executed. All promptly filled and satisfaction gur- OctlO-ly. W. . Thomson, J. B. PowelL K.rfolk.Va. s Bartie Cb, N. C Hestee EetstUiaheellat 18S9. Thomson 5 JPowetl (8necessors to John James,) GENERAL con mmm merchants, ' No, 64 Water Street, NORFOLK, - - VIRGINIA. Oatobar is, 187T. - 6m. MA.PIP & CO- aaafiacturers of and Dealers in Plain, Japanned and Stamped TIN-WARE, STOVES, Beaters, Ranges, Ac.,-Lamp and ITouse-Furnish-ing Good?, 106 Water St., N. Oet.10-6m. W. Cor. Koacoke Sqr., NORFOLK. VA. CARRIAGE FACTORY, RUN BY 6ood Men and Good Mechanics. ALL KINDS OF CARRIAGES AND WAGONS BUILT & REPAIRED. I " Light Work -a S;-.-ciaUy. CR0WDEU & MOOKE, jm r OctlQ ly. 150 Water 't , Norfolk, Va. I ELIZABETH IROlvRRS, CHARLES W. PETIT, Proprietor, f Ho. 280 and 282 Water Street, Norfolk, Va., r. Manufacturers STEAM 'ENGINES, BOILERS, f Saw aud Orit Mills, Shafting, Pulleys, i Mangers, Forgings, and I CASTINGS, CASTINGS. CASTINGS. f Special attention given to repairs of Steamboats and Machinery of all kinds. Machinists and Boilar Makers seDt to any part of the country to do repair work. Oct. 10 1873. Cm. TR. COTTON PLANT. THE Str. COTTON FLA NT, Capt. Myers, having been thoroughly oerbanleo,' is sow making regular trips from I WaMhinKton to Tarboro. I: Leaving Washington for Tarboro on Mon lays, Wednesdays and Friday j, at 6 o'clock a. M., connecting with the Train on Tarboro branch of the Wilmington A Weldon R. B. Leaving Tarboro on the arrival of the Train S-om Rocky Mount on Tuesdays, Thursdays ud Saturdays for Washington. , The Steamer COTTON PLANT has superi ir passenger accommodations and ample .reight caoacity. JpHN MYERS' SONS, Aifts. k Washington, N. C, Oct. 17, 1878. tf NORFOLK CARDS. NORFOLK ' 'BAKBCnf, cJaae$:BeId'& Ho:, Factory Holt's Lane and: Elizabeth Street. . CceOi.S Steeet. . y Parties orderinjr aotfinrtfgliComtoW--fcion MerchanU will get them at factory pri ce. OctlQ-Om. WJI. K. fGAMR, DinLAyrpiT5SjO& CO., COTTOR rACJTOKS. AND V0ST0ZX TA. a.AajisMoa. to the welsrbhaar and delivery of cotton Liberal Cash advascbs aavances mui on fn a ryn Wft Ant. . YThrhMt marked nricea anl Tt ptfeto&i rom guaraafeed ;i HZZt ? jjl 1 Baarelne andTkks at Lowest Rateag Free Comcaisaiona. MMiMi angltVIyy House Catabtfattecr I8ff- KADER BIGGS & CO., GKNXRAL j - lOMUISSION UERCHMTS, . I AND COTTON FACTORS, BIGOS' WHARF, HOBFOLK, VA. Liberal cash advancements on consiga menu. Prompt sales and returns, nnleas otherwise instructed. Produce held If de sired. Special attention paid to the sale of cotton and all kinds of country produce. Baarlng and Ties furnished on liberal terns I .-.e? " . 4- nirUM 1 uonsignmeubs reifpcuuuiij bviiu. ju. wv?m Merchants of North Carolina BUY YOUR f nearer home and safe freights. Taylor, Elliott i Walters, HORFOLK.J VA., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN i hardware, Cude r, Guns, Pistols, 'Gum and Leaiher teilinp, Hill Sup plies, Cucumber l?umps, &c. Also, Agents for Howes and Fairbanks STANDARD SCALES. WILL DUPLICATE NEW YORK BILLS. Give Then a. j Trial. - Oct. 10, 1878. J 6m. BALTIMORE CARDS- VARIETY IRONWORKS, N. W. Cor. CHARLEb fc;FAYETTE 8ts, Baltimore, McL WORKS, YORK, PA! I E. G. SMYSER, Proprietor. Builders' Material of All Kinds. Manufacturer of Iron Buildings, Columns, Iron Stairs, Window LiDtels, Boiling Shutters, Roof Creatines, Iron Bailings, "Hyatt Lights," Ump and Hitching Posts, Wrt. Beana,.VaasFcmtains. Iron Stable Fixtures, c. Milt-Work ami MTU Machinery In general, including the Bivatn Smut Machlas hafting, Pnllaya, stc. i Oct.lO.'TS-ly. PAINT. PAINT. The best ready mived paint In the United States is manufactured by WIXLIAM H- IIO S bV of baltimori;md: m Send to them for a sample card. Be cosrin ced by giving it a trial. Their well known brands of WHITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS are the best, if yon prefer to do your own mixing. S. E. corner LoBobrd and Charles Streets. j OeCof3.l;: TIN-WARE. fTHE UNDERSIGNED TAKE THIS JL method of informing; their friends in North Carolina that having -enlarged their factory and added all the Improved nery. they ae now prepared to offer their Tin-Ware, both stamped and pieced, at pri ces beyond competition. It will pay yon Uy call and see them before purchasing else where. Our 8toves, Hollow-ware and Wood-. en-ware are from the best factories, and will be sold at the lowest prices. Apply at the old stand where their Senior partner haa been for thirty-five years. I . REIP & CO., 835 W. Baltimore Street, OctlO'78-ly. Baltimore, Md. TO FARMERS AND PLANTERS. R.J. 8AKER& CO, 36 and 3$ South Charles Street, 1'altimore, aYJd., Manufacturers ana Dealers in Pure Ground Rawbone, Superphosphate of Lime, SULPHATE OF AMM0NIA, NITRATE OF SODA, SULPHATE OF SODA, i Me d SHJjhts of Fetish AND GROUND PLASTER. All PL'RE Chemicals for mixtures, com ponndsior tormulaes for fertilizers mixtures as low is any house for cash. Write for pri ces. j octlO-ly. ATTRACTIVE GOODS : FOR THE NEW YEAR, '1 ConaiBtiog of Pretty Vases and Toilet' Sets, Handsoi&e Cups and Saacers, Cheap Toys and variety of other j BMUTIFUL QOODS whlclfwIU be told VBR Yl CUE AP. A Very liberal discount made to Festivals Ac. - A first elaas- stock of I - my own numufactnrs; always, kept on bind. large -assortment of Canned Goods, at very low p'rioos, to snKUM pnbUer -eiTemvfcsA ana oe convweea. tterpecuauy, . JsJL2.79.-tf. J.M.BPAaiKS. STEM! supplies ior weaaings, rarwesi inrntsn ed as cheap at ean bJis4- say where. Jislso, have ne Raisins, Note, Figs, FrniU, and a CARDS. nAVUfO ' VIJRCHA8ED A IX. fjt tha-iatten-fd the main buildings BOllorbefyxiic to the Petersburg Iron Works, we beg leave to assure the public tftt.1 nowi tfetter than ever prepared to rfahythinirhhe MACHINE A'iD FOUNDRY LIN. tJ Aar uPl&nLM. TrUtnd" Rnpillsttaolnta. Uysafe mn6nri Stp ult tbef i49naatnri -Caepj-- uitthe it lof : LI -it-Eorsf iPower only fumes, rtj oi : i Lale8i i Serf' 1 1 Li ' wrrnd rward gtf, Mb b drivsn it cne h&LLfbr toac-imr tottoaL Mr. J. D. Wells of ToisnoU N. C. says : i rThe eajdae I Imght of yon I use with ordl- W. M. Benton, Boykins. says : "I easily gimsed 7 to 8 bales-spdayrA colored man with no previous experience operates it. 1 feel saXs as regardasparka.' Wecould multiply testimony if necessary. Send for circulars as regards Engines and our celebrated Cotton and Tobacco Presses for hand or power. TAPPEY & STEELE. OcL31-ly. Petersburg, Va. TO the AFFLICTED. 7 RENCH'8 AMERICAN LINIMENT IS M. the best remedy known for all pains, such as Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Headache, Pains in the Back, Cuts, BruUes, Sprains, Sc. Economy is 'wealth. Use French's India Rubber Cement for mending Farniture,Toys, China, Gin se ware. Leather, &c. These prep arations are for sale "bv aU drussrists. Manu factured by VVm. E FRENCH, wholesale and retail drnzjjist, 202 Sycamore Street, Petersburg, Va. For sale by Cordon & Co., druggists, Tarboro, N, C. BJ"Order3 by mail wtll receive prompt attention. o8l-6m Robt A Marti., Robt R Hill, A O M Martin MARTIN, HILL & CO., GIIOCEBS AS Commission Merchants, Xp? 1J. orth Sycama Street, ' f Petersburg-, Va. Give strict personal attention to all con signments of Cotton, Grain, Tobacco, Sc, and make prompt returns. - a , Oct. Slm ; M ARTJCN, IlLjJvP, ,t 1 SSi A9tm BQLLIN6BRQQK HOTEL, PeMrsasisaV Va. The undersigned baviaif rented Ihe above House, will use every exertion to give aatls satioa. - Xfl&aMOUM s7 has h us aaisifil, renovated and modernized. Fjrst-Cla8S fare npon-moderate terms. LEATHERS LOW FOR CASH. O H CHALKLEY & CO f (Established in 1855.) Importers, Manufacturers and Dealers in Hides, Xset"tl3.exB, Oils, French and American Calf Skins, Tanners' Tools, Shoe Findings, dus., AsD General Commission Merehants, Nos. 15 and 17 Thirteenth Street, OetSl, 7&r4m.. RICHUOyDf-TyLy mehest Oasn mces paid for iqges. Packnig, Curing Aim SMOKING DEPARTMENT AXD V. HECHLER, JR. & BRO. Hos. 1708 sac 1710 Main Street, . TXTX are better prepared than ever to ill V-uy orders In our . line, and as every thing is under the special supervlaion ot one of the flm, we can conBdently recommend our provisions as of the best quality, and challenge competition. We pay particular attention to tho manu facture of Sausage for the Southern markets. we nave been enlarging our facilities for PETERSBURG machi-ftarmeg out onr famous Sausage, and with onr usual choice quality of meats used for tne purpose, we snail be prepared to meet the wants of our friends to their entire satis faction. This 8-tusags is manufactured en tirely by steam power, great care being taken In adding the seasonings, which makes it the best Sausage manufactured this side of Balti more, and equal to any made there or any where lse. We are prepared to furnish any quantity of it, aa we have been to the expense of $5,000 In machinery to make this 8ueare. ThO60 in want will address us, and we will put it up in neat boxes and deliver it to tho Express Company or depot free of charge for boxes and drayage, provided you return the boxes by Express. AH goods shipped C. O. D. or city refer ences required. We would advise parties or dering fro a us to encloae the money with 'he order, as we can then ship the goods by freight, thud avoiiHnjr high express charges and for collection ofC.O D's. All money niuft be fern, by registered IKter or post ortice order. We will not be responsible ior moi.ej sent otherwise. We malf Dnsscd nos a specialty, and caiiawiisfuruiih the trade any qr.anity ul lor-9t market rices. Bend for Price List. V HECHLER, Jr., & BRO. Oct. 81st, 1-VT3. i' Sm. EStUBD DEMI Til, Lager Beer & Wine Main St., next door to B. J. Keecb, and op- posite Tarboro' House. . v , TARBORO', N. C. Sept 0, 1878. . tf. Tax Notice. T SHALL ATTEND AT MY OFFICE IN J. the Court House every, day. for the .pur pose of collecting the remainder of all taxes yet dne. I shall now" proceed-to force the collect-on, aa, 1 am . compelled to. settle the Staie,Jonnty and 8coooi- Taxes, '-and must have the money." Ihope no pei-aOn.'Wili nsk for further indulgence, as ' I positively shall not grant it. 1 - All persons who do not come forward and pay at once, may expect to pay coats. 3 1 -..-.. JOSEPH COBB, Sheriff. 4niLtinERY. New York with. choice line of Goods, embra InorelUej; In i MjlUnery . Goods. EdglngaTlnserttngs, Collars and Cufls, Cor- t -rLad1es are invited to examine the cheapest oLsred in Wshlngtoo, oqXML" VxTO;TgCTRSDAY, FEBRUAEY 6,, 187&;.l;.:. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FrorHrr 0. V. Hunter, sHarTlni become fiunilisr with Coiden TUhio-'atronid Extract ol Beef and Tonic lnvigor ins: it si ,: T fAtra nleaanrs. In recommend an yit .'wparatlon, combining; dO food,. and-, tonje In rcmaraame Jucrna- :Od . blood, health and JBohvbjL all Prngglsts. SIvoI vs , Man WnolasaU Pie lew la -j mm feCi i CIDER OOIcmir - JAR SolajProrV 1 ysj"t I sloas, 0Mrftff expenses,, by . OLUUTT, aud deals in Drugs, Essential f i : Oils, etc., S8 WILLIAM ST.. NEW YORK. nfJrA!TAT to agents canvassing for the lip 4 FIBEBTMC- VISITOR. Terms and I Outntfree: Address P. O. VICKEEY, Angus- a Maine. QAHiud Cards, Snowflake, Damask, Ac., OvF no 9 alike with name 10 cts. J. Mlnk ler & Co., Nassau, N. Y. iA MIXED CARDS, with name 10 cts. J Agents' outfit 10 cts. L. JONES A CO., Nassau, N. Y. mO ADVERTISERS. Send for our Select 1 List of Local Newspapers Sent free on application. Address GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., 10 Spruce St., N. Y. THE r. ?OS LAUNDRY LI 3 1 . NETTING FOR 8EWS &P0UNDS. We Measure the TiTesh. XlRtlES ordering NeUIng or Seines will MT gire theltnrth sad deptn required when onliaes. W aflow.one-thtrd r raxing, that la if the Seine is to be one hsndred yards long and ten feet deer, when pa lines, we would maae w weootnjr n ana fifty yards long and fifteen feet deep, strsteh d measure. t , In absence ofvsnr instructions, we will make as above. In orderlne. arive rnU eseriDtlou of what 70s want; leave nothing to be guessed at. Parties unknown to us, ordering goods, wiH be required . to make a deposit of one third the Value before we ship them ; balance to be pata on delivery. Oct. 10, 18T8.-6m. Baltimore, Md. Cnr2an Whiskey. Lab't'bt Svatb Assarna md chemist, RtOHXOss. Va.. Sept. 7tfa, 1B7. I have earetallv tested a sample of "Dur ham Rye Whlske3 " selected by myself from the stock of Messrs. Ellison & Harvey, and find it free from adulteration. It is an ex cellent article of Whiskey, and altogether suitable for use as a beverage or Medicine. Signed, W. H. TAYLOR, State Chemist. We are sole proprietors of this superior whiskey, which we offer to the trade of North Carolina, together with a full line of all kinds of Whiskies, Brandies, Wines, Ac. ELLISON & HARVEY, Oct.31-6m.'$ Richmond, Va. ST. CI AIRE HOTEL, Opp. Capitol Square, COR. GRACE AND NINTH STREETS . iticimoivn, va. The most elevated, central and fashionable locati'-n in the city front'ng fn the Capitol Square conve nifnt to all pablic buildings, Depots and Churches, and immediate'y on the lice of Sir-net Railway, making it the muM. deirahl Hotel in the City. Fart- strictly first-class. Board $2.50 and $2 per. day. Special rates to Commercial Agents. ' a HWter. ? proD-r8 Dr. E- 3. PESDi.E-f0N, S P COW BILKERS. fj PON receipt of Two Dollars I will send to any address free of charge, one sett of AUTOMATIC COW MILKERS. When you have used them once you would not be with out them for double tho cost. Address CX C. BATTLE, Rocky Mount, N. C. General Agent for North Carolina Aug. 15, 1878.'. . . 6m. MGoofls ! M THE SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST RE ceived a full "supply of Books, STIcncry and Fancy Personally selected -hy him, to which he in- si & a E ljnOrters AS PEIACRAM. K rjejnskJ"56 attention of hk friends and the public. i -. - - U. WEDDELL. Tarboro', N..C...M:ox.81t 1878. . tf mmm ureug ara piesnipz aonn in auus urancu es and all colors-,-at tho Jowesi prices, and In the abortest: tii Kid Gloves cleaned ale., ly BrancnmoeonCswca sttweW near Sixer's, Tarboro, N.C. m - t luitf !.' J. MADISON PHELPS; fenxboxo' SotsfSoittttti. j- g Thursday, - - Feteaary 6, 1879- : Written for the TaaBOBO' SotrxHSKjrpi. Recollections of the IrVar: Row tlie Oflieers or Company Became Oisosted Wltb Col- lards. BT SI OKA. Every one who served in the r- ray duriDg the "late anpmunt new" is aware how xeimkgVf f ficuH it was to proetre reUl4I TofVnTkiud. inoVfliW 17. in? tnSTfl?vr.w thetf eyrjont beetnie isba & that they were scarcely to be had. The cubic iooh of fat pork flaog to each as his daily ratios of meat was carefully saved from day to day until some member of ihe mess was fortunate enough to procure a few heads of 'greens' or a hat-full of little, hard, spindling turnips. And. then what preparations for the long delayed and hungrily anticipated feast! The bittered and dig used camp-kettle was joyfully brought forth from its retirement in the wagon and carefully scoured with water from the nearest ditch or pud- die. Every collard leaf was care fully examined, with eager eye3 and busy Sogers, that no lurking green worm might, by any accident, become incorporated with tho sa vory mtis. The little squares of pork Wi.re dug out from the mealy depths of the greasy haversacks and the skin sides scraped to free them Irorn t'se filth and grime accuoiula ted in tLe long transit to tho array in raiKcar and army wagon. 27ow their hury eyes would sparkle and dance as tho little specks of grease, like bird's eyes, began to rise to the surface cf the gradually heating water, and how eagerly they would snuffle up the stead, P3 the pot be gan to boil, and cast up th jJttlc white cubes to tho surface, to be again swallowed up as they rolled over toward the centre of the ket tle ! Then tho greens were (.laced in the boiling water, every frag ment of a leaf was carefully skim med op in the hand and thrown in to the foiling pot and mashed down with a stick or bayenet until there was on'y room for tho dumplings, .whose wonderful lu;i;ps of boiled corn meal dear to tha palate of qv ery true Tarheel, DuriDg the time occupied in cooking, each one was busily em ployed in manufacturing a fork from anything that came handiest, from a fence rail to a small sap iag, and when it was declared "done" and the kettle taken from the fire and placed on some convenient spot on tho ground, where they could all easily assemble around it, how rav enously they fell to and attacked it with their improvised forks, but scarcely ever until their favarita officers had bea coorteoujly and cordially invited to partake of the rare delicacy. Loyal and leal to his country and her cause, none knew better than the Tarheel soldier how to resent an injury, fancied or real, or to re turn a kindness. At all times re spectful and obedient to his supe rior officer, yet he nsver, at any time, let an opportunity pass of showing to such as had treated him unkindly or harshly that he remem bered the hurt and cherished it.-No nobler, braver, or more eelf-sacri ficing set of men ever lived on the earth than the private soldier in the late Confederate army, and among them 6tood pre-emminent,in rags and dirt, unshaven and unshorn, batt'.e searred aud grasping hi3 trusty rifle, t'iO Tarheel. 1 knew theoi at homo, where they left ilioir wives anl lit tle onc3 unprotected aa-i unprovi dod.for, toilmg almost day and mht for a scanty subsistence on tht coarsest fare, and I knew them in battle, where they becama trans lormud iiota mere ordiLury "mortals ana became men of iron and steel, ;a irrebistible in the charge as tho thunderb t from heaven. Tar HrEL ! There is no reproach in the r ame ; it has become the synonym for Loyalty t Fortitude and Bravery. History has not withheld her tribute to his prow ess, nor failed to record the story of his deeds. Ah well ! JRevenoua a nos mouto:iss as the French say. I was near being led away from the aim and object I had in view at the outset, by what they very prop erly term V esprit du corps Par don the digression and let ua harry on to the end. During Foster's raid from Now Berne, early in the war, although there was no scarcity ef provis ions there was a sad want of time in which to cook and catj We were marched and countermarched . day and night, through sun aud rain, wind and storm, hail and snow, and to no purpose, so far as any of us could discern, beyond frightening all the old women into the idea that there was going to be something done and somebody was going to get hurt, for wnen we were marcBV ing in one direction on one road ia search of Foster, he wu sure to bf marching on another road aad ia a contrary direction. Thie etats r f anairs jastea ior several qajn txssu 1 our Villabt e-coute i&ffltcPtii --fni joyful news that Fds&F bad lietaaU ly 'gotten betweeav-ooii'ihdl New Berne, -cd w Jo!fnH;itreft'to7 wards ihiagpifiif. ,j5pi4JQWSxwa were all i)vexiove3.' dot that Ke had ejcaned. but thrtVre SraS a lrttfe prospect r a mtraal Tor ni. TafMQ welcome tidiage rfeenqti 3taai Unr ?MlfeY elJUm&ny I Wf 'Aj Jhrikj. im. bivoumb witlir iriaM SfTsantliM wai aaeaai 2piim ttt w Tta aa attaci,- it ' wa irsbJsj : d TOifffHWfW raisis Wt w wen vera and lteen was manista taat F6ter ha aJ tnalljjgoiw baclcji war took op ear linf of, march fa the .Tarwher we went into camp a short 'distanoe from the railroad bridge. JQtere we were all quite busy in making our selves j a comfortable as possible. The enow was raked away, fire were built, bush-shek era eonttructv ed, and busy preparations for cook ing and eating began.' One Or two servants were attached to almost every officers mesa, whose! duty it was to look ont for their baggage, attend to the cooking and procuring fuel an 1 to do the foraging gener ally. About nine o'clock on the first nighji of our arrival in camp, one of the negro servants attached to our mess came in with a bag fall of col lard greens on his baek. A9 soon as it was known that there was a prospect of some greens to eat, ev ery one was up, and as busy as a bee, making the necessary prepara tions for the feast. The camp-keS tlo was uns'ung from the coupling tongue of the wagon, where it had' idly swung for many dya past, filled with water and placed over the fire, and it was not a great while before a small ham from our scanty store, the greens and the inevitable dumplings were seething and bub bling before our very eyes. Stretch ed oat at fall length on oar blank et?, with our wet feet to the genial fire, we related to sob other oar several experiencts, told amusing stoiies and laughed and jested, bat always with an eye to the pot, and, now and then, our lips to the mouth of a canteen filled . with something we were led to believe the good peo ple of Eclgecombo prized very high ly, for we found a barrel of it care fully buried in ; swamp not ay from us. if the owner of that bar r?l and its contenta was toasted once thai night, lie was toasted ,tett tnousana times, and, J; tne vconae!. .BMlrfcrt county, ap- o'clock that ni. OI tOerl regiment war roa, 1c nd the other third 'anUa ktaBor- taA contented., I hwpe-thw-xood Lord hu einet tws;&s& XZ teas. He dferr it, Cir he eotild no Kaaihly, tdar e wthar eiv enmeUaiwe, and en tSsctsalrjY have made to Btnjf liij awtla. The eottttatff the canteen pat rather a keen edge on oar already enarpened japbftjtis ndire wera not long; m finding heiSatomof oar campkelt!e.& Motf "us tekd5' allayed tho pang3 of hunger and and had re tired. co our bo h. shelter, to indulge in a smoke, when Idea t. C , who Was a kind of military Oliver Twist and never retired from - ! - ay - the trencher until the last morsel had disappeared, unles3 there hap pened to be red pepperin the sea soning or toads in thfSrityy and on this occasion therpraa neither J one nor the other, suddenly cried out, "iZello, fellers, here's all the greens at the bottom ; we didn't fish deep enough." "Leave them for the niggers, Bill !" remarked some one. - "No. I am going to. eat one good mess of greens before' the Yankees kill me," and he begin assiduously to apply himself to the work of get ting them out with his forked stick. "I'll be cas3ed if I don't believe they have burnt right fast to the bottom," said he, as with a mighty! eaort ne succeeded in aetacning from the bottom, and holding up to view, not the 'expected greens but a dirty ehirt that belonged to one of the negro servants, ror a single instant we were all speechless with amazement, and then one enerjetic individual remarked, very emphati cally, that "he'd be d d," anoth er remarked h 1 fire !" and with one acoord we all ran o?r finger a down onr throats and tried to throw up what we had eaten, but we could not eject it, our etooachi were too tenacious of what they had received. On examining the liquor in the pot by the light of a splinter we saw or at least fancied that we savr, several of those troublesome little vermin, known as "confeder ates," that were wont, to infest the seams of our clothing , yhj It happened in Ihis "wise ; One of the servants not dreaming that we would .use tha. camp-kettle on that night hid - retired, ;., behind the wagon aftersrk, if we mar so term the dItnga.'ite. in rsaa, wearlnc for wexa--.sCotr-lr,T to W eneaclrCtiaiarcIli en the laarA tste& Csszitois&i the csvap-UttSeVta tl ttrtr. fcjta, nm w gwrjewaa., - t ' - jji nw and those of, oa; Vheia raieaeahd' the' ballet have tpTedre;aonb the worse for having eaterLa-toeaa otirreena- aeasonea with j, oatyahirt and tyckened I taWWmlh.iioneof ns evereet nsMsidTA tn. fikm J Telirfi now that Lnbstftttei; ' Sic "transit gloria, ssj pysjissams. Canvt Opln .sraat .... (frett the ataWfa Obierver.) Byflinta, 0. J. : Ctata we. Jananav fron-New ilan er Jadnaaat r ef cried. Thildafeadaiir am a, itmimrj upon' onLi. v.omitn. The jaty fcund. the following ' facte In a speUr;Tr,dici i-; That the de- lenaantmaae the affidavit on which Smith Naa arrested, r charging him wjth'befog e same person who had committed s norder in Senth Carolina ; that he went with the of ficer to whom ihe warrant was issued for. the purpose , of iadentifying the pertonj described j . that 1 thef person arrested wae the person intended to he arresfed. Br the defendant, bat not theinitrtho actually commit ted the znarder in' 80'ath Caroliua, On this "special verdict tho Court adjudged the defendant guilty, and ordered him to pay a fine of one hundred dollars and the costs of the prosecution : and the defendant ap pealed. Held, The guilty or innocence of a party charged with crime, or the false evidence on which the precept for Lis arrest was based, cannot im pair the authority which the precept conveys to make the arrest. And the protection which it affords is not restricted to the officer to whom it is directed, but equally extends to all who may aid him in its execus tion. If a warrant issues from com petent authority, the justification is full to the officer and all who co operate with him, and no enquiry is admissible into the circumstances under which it waa issued. Obedi ence to the command of a lawful precept cannot itself be an offence. Whatever redrew the prosecutor may have again3t defendant for ma licious prosecution, or whatever pun ishment may be inflicted for his false evidence cannot impair the protec tion afforded by the warrant to those Who executed it. - Dixon vs. Commissioners of Bean fort, from Beaufort. Judgment al firmed. The piaintiftT who" tiad 1eea eleel- - a,:!. a ikai. m.stia. tha L"-f f-a -". firat aicsiyin lecember following, and taU&4reaV the' nrocess bond in X7tBk, and with erScUnt aaretiee, as f r A M sLi. A iL.e w a zizzirtiLVY i57 csineasa to give the pretJribed hosads tor the eollec- tion of taxes. Ha insisted upon his rifht to be inducted into the office ortheriff, exempt from any obh'ga- tion mi respect, to the public taxes. heKJboard denied the application, and'demaaded his execution of all ihe: ponds as a condition of his ad mission tcfoffice. His Honor beisg of the opinion, cave judgment ao- cordTngly, and the plaintiff appealed. ;Bdd To entitle a sheriff to be indneted into of&ee, it is essentially necessary that three several bonds must be executed by him and ap- proveu oy ina county , commission ers. Battle's BevisaL chapter 106, section 8, and chapter 27, section 8 (3); t. Held, also. The county comriis- sioaers have, the power to require that the penal sums in such bonds shall" exceed $10,000 when necessa ry for the nublio interests. Acts of Dec, 9, 1862 and 1868-'69, chapter 1 and 245. Dykes vs. Commission ers of Bladen, modified, 72 N, C. Reports, 34. Dillard, J. Ierchner vs. Fairly, from Rich mond. Judgment affirmed. The plaintiff in this case is mort gagee of lands conveyed to secure certain notes, and brings this action to foreclose the- mortgages. The defence is based upon the ground that the notes secured had been paid in 'hole or in part, or that the plaintiff, as administrator of the principal obligtr, had or ougnt to have, assets iu his hands sufficient to pay off the entire debt. Pend ing the suit, tha .plaintiff on notice moved for the appointment of a re ceiver, on the allegation that tne property wai inadequate security, and that . N. Fairly, one ef the mortgagors, waa receiving the profits and was insolvent, whereby he Was in danger of irreparable loss as to the rents and profits., The receiver was appointed and the defendants appealed.. - ; Held, A. mortgagee, after dsy of default, is entitled to enter intopoe sessien, cf the mortgaged premises, and f take and apply the rents and t?plj Oe rent and" profits raliqui-tj-Sisa of the debts. His ' rfghi to iidant-to iis legal estate and e eart fThis aaeunty. becj.jraised,pr0f- er to ba .triri: tsfcTt decree, . of . a) m f. - , . a I osmnwd receiver tUvllj V s'uiuaasM pemosbe ushh, i cd tie rents ind'pr nhti be -secared-aif5ntai8 T-hed nail el tie pro- ceedj'ef tU-eala cjf.C.x!?r 1 1 . x Tewi rav Tew," daTfefSsbn; r .Tlelrrisbana fa 2cr:e tttts. drvorce .a vintoifc'matritnpuui ,end . pate hk case' an' tae'feresnd' of a sepaiation fr'WFiiife; and alleged adslttry tf&rxfafa fore and after lh'rsUSfS4nTTS jury f found that4herif Tdid aiot separata irom ine ospa&a, we husband eepartiad. frcra Us. x&U ; that "the wifa waa notgnHty of adal- . tery prior to. the Mparatiotl "Wat . guuty Ji,ta';jwp : this "verdict His -Honor tela "t&t the plaintiff wat not antitUi iMjit-Ll-- cre tBsaofvinjrwe-e. two-cases separate from the ether and lire in adultery, j 2. If the wifislixn CU- m:t adultery. liattle 1 lUraaJ, ' chap., 37, Bec.: 4,; o t.rJ:.'Z 0 th- ' To entitle tho -huabaDd,a n ci- , vorce ia the first caseltifO Vpi toust concnrseparation lrj' tea, wife without defauit"oXthe tiusi J, and living in adultery bythe ife The husband cannot havstthaixlzdj t of matrimony: dissolted bylifUi et tho adultery of v bis , wife comriiited through his allowance, his exrtre of her to lewd SSOinTtXxJitt about by the husbands defautt , in . any of the. cssentiar duties of car--ried life, or supervenient on hi3'tSK arationwithonV'just aanse. LTke f patty asking divorce must shew; that hQ. or she did not separate, or if he or she did, thai it wasunavoidahle and made necessary by the conduct ot the other party. Many Pacts in; Small Ccmpasa. The number of languages Spoken ' h J 2,065. The number of men is equal to tho number of women, . The average human life : is about 33 years; one quarter die before the . age of 7. To every 1,000 . perione . one rarely, reaches vthe age of 100 years,; and not more than one in 600 will reach the age of 80. There are on earth-1,000,000,000 inhabitants. Of these 33,833,833 die every year, 81,824 die every, daj,. 3,789 every hour and 60 every minute.. The . losses are balanced by an equal number of births. ' The carried ar ; longer lived thanHhe sIaTeaes. Tall men Uve longer thanj' short ones. : , Women have . inert chascea' of, lifa previoBf ; t"tikt a 50 cf fifty years, but fewer tT:2x , thaTxion. The number oX nurriae4 fs pro portion ar'TO t 1C0. tlarrkges sie more freqtn afUf lie eqtiaox, that is," dariag the isMntta ef Jane and December. - Thosa hern, in tho spring era more rtiast txan others. Births and d;:ttj tire more re- quent by night aa by day. Pat lkBsmciV'csxau aebK iineea ne,j . -. . Tr .. . . . Meltr Mamagee .xnaj. ce Cf3)r. ed on" tb applfcatie's 'of "Aeyajured party for the!caus' Qf'tyiltztfjtn There wu a.good tudlcace; at Mercantile Library Halt last night to: bear Col. P. Donan's famous lec ture on "Woman." 'Among the - gentlemen who occupied teats! en the plattorm were Hon.; pacsl T. Grover. Col. Don. Morrison,- jOoL aau voj. juuigu y-ncLaaswyvr uvertoita was also present and ctay otner distintruisaed citixene.: The audience was certainly a very silect one, and Col. Donan has no reason to regret his first appeiranea:' on the platform of St. Louis, r Jt wrtld be impossible to describe the lertrsu It waejone pf, ,the" ' meat .tsiast '. things ever listened to anJ b'cca- tinei to give its author hlh rank. among the lecturing fratcroitJTht speaker was greeted at every "ttrp with roars cf laughter and tustttu ous applause. There would be hard ly time to laugh, however, .before he would say something so touching and so eloquent that one would feel like meitine - into tears. It was strange lecture- full of old ssylogs startling propositions, wise reflec tions, stinging criticisms, fulsont flattery propositions both lexical and illogical. Woman was never so discussed and cussed aeain, " ' and ' praised and heaped with praise again ss she was by. Donan. St. Louis Paper. : j , ? . 'I should think glasses would be good for iMajor Branck's eyes,' said one friend to another. 'Qlassat are just what art ruining them,' was the reply. -That's oncer.' said the friend. 'Not alL' waa the rtjoolsr, 'because, you see, he only uaea the kind of glasssa which are never raised above the nose ! . ; i ... - ' a i i- ( . Durinfir a dense . fog a aJisiissippi steamboat toak laadins. A traveler anxious to co ahead, "came ts the im- erturbedj manf ;er. of tha wheel and asked why, they stcnid. "Too, much for, cant I tie river. rtytm ca9 see the stew eadhead.r Tm, " m -r- ... a a 11 repifyt vuc urrsaa yum, "oci mntu the biler. busts w ara't ftirj.that way' The paeseegtr wess to tad A MiaaapoH eat has edJeVed a kitten with fire heads, end we can invglte bow sweet "it; will, hi wlwn aasrajBLasw W w - 0 Tf sav - AW Riaa, n fwsvav as tbat cat attains a.majoritj, ta hve it nt cm tne nacic . fence ana eomnmuntf -- A . .. "1.- 4

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