- r s .. . w j--JJ - .- ' T ' '"" f '-v.ag .arigqtya.. im T m nwimjiin'ii mi mi m n urn . - - fc... . , 9iBnBHHMHHIH0BHnflHisHlsinHHMBBBBBiHBBlHR '" i "J . If l5 A- 1 : p ii f- -&3ii ' ' b Established In 1 02. . CHARLCO DA7TCE. Proprietors. - . - DOSSEY BATTLE, Editor. TABBOBO, N. C, i It tilt : pheep ; question : i jnurrxent topinia It ef lahouldjat itfMtedlBiA dognwatieally ? Hi .2i a bill 1h Senate ' has passed tnaking it al penal offence to carry concealed Weaons punishable by a J nne oi cot mere vima. qov or unpru bnsunt foxSO.dajs. ' ; , .. Boot f theT tongue ' of a seoiding woman tbrne under f this head? or am t it concealed? t.. . iaTe'seeh it somewhere" that for; the yeat.ending September 1st, 1879, the educational allowance will only W'tme 'dollar r' capita for chydenartettduig ?pubKe'i schools. Ond Hollar will hardfy teach a boy enough; to make him steal. Though it may ; have the - effect of obliging the teacher to do that rery thing. .And OTWitbeqnestion is will our County Commissioners i do as they W4iA73iOT d '.other counties and order the Sheriff to re fund the priTilege tax collected frem January,, 1st and stop such collec tions Ws year ? Xt should be done. genaj' Edmunds who wields the bright rscime tr for the. republicans in Congress-ha come to grief at the hands of Senator jMordan, of Alabkna,wb3 beal nintii repartee, en b-istory, facts and figures. Sen ator .Edmunds : is the:'blt the radicals. ent (de jure efore' Uie sub' branch Committeethatlie knewnothi thejattemnt of.CoI.:Pelton to buyV Florida ietuming board man at theN time it was going on. When he dis covered It, he rebuked it, saying, he would neVer .buy the. Presidency. TJhiO: Congressional Record con tains a patriotic, statesmanlike, and able speech-from Gov. Brogden, our representative in Congress, on the subject .of.' appropriation for his District Y "We - will publish when our space permits. . Misery verily. :loveth. company, the poorer a man gets the more dogs he has. i No man ever becomes too pooriio own' a dog. We have seen them at the poor house. ' Now, who is hard-hearted, enough ,io blame poor doggie for. hoisting in a sirloin of mutton to keep the wolf from his door ? We mean the do( not the sheep mutton's door. Down with and give the .dogs a chance. We're for the fair thing. Capiti "James B. Thigpen in the Obtertit'tsftpra the retention of Proterr ijS State Geologist. In this, we are assured he is isolated from s the -sentiment of this, section. With regard to "examining marl beds in Edgecombe," we may have someihlng to say next week. We asked a'dqzn.mep, who are in the habit of visiting Raleigh, if they ever-saw Prof; Kerr's Geological map.' They answer in every ins tance, nix. I 11 Prof. Kerr and Tiis map ever, did Eastern Carolina any good we will gather a microscope and en deavor to find it. . The -magistrates'- increased juris diction bill has its popularity in that it makes theap justice. This is the very ithing-I that law-breakers want. Cheap justice "begets lawlessness. . If folks will violate the peace of society, they ought not object to pay for it, and pay welL , . Heavy court expenses on laW'Treakers will" serre as a good ienunder.--dldsb6rd:Jftfnr.' Yes, but, bro. Bonits,: the class Whe pgdljnies are an impecuv nionswetsfifsohs of. sea" cooks", and the county has is ta pay i eventually in feeding"-; them etci We need cheaper criminal Jaw, tNow, .the innocent , taxpayers foot the bill for the xicked..9 '.'.it. . - - The'Senate on Wednesday elect ed and inducted into office as Lieut. Governor andi prssidiog officer of thatbodyHon. James L. IRobin-son,-or Macoa county ."3 The choice is a worthy bdel 'Lfeut. Gov. Rob insenrls ,ii6t,unknown r obscure. He has been a great, part and parcel of thahistory.oT.lds State since the wor - HightOned, hbnorable, abley shouii ih calif d I upon1 ito filt the Governor's chair as hi&Vpredeeessbr has fojoei; he wonld Athogposi tion as worthily as the best.r--t c A1 long life -and prospei pus' reign to ouTew'tfury'vNoKh'j. Carolinian Governors, , JarViir Mid Bobiason, -our ablest of the younger, men, .s i-31den swore oflfteotter of ; We all for :a careful perusal - of. ;Got. J aryis inaugural ; addreai bn our firs t jrsse.MDhi eetunent efia- eea - a -it: -I " fund ot-eood ; tardV- hcrsdM tente that jriiT alirayi do 1 w rvijauv .nunoui ueiogj a oru liant man,; in the jordmaryicept a tion of the term, Go' Jarvis from a long and familiar ; acquaintance with . the . people kftowing: their wants has been abll'to effect great good for vhia State. I As presiding officer of the House nd Senate jhe earned encomiums for his patience, comnesy, impartiality hmd thorough knowledge of parliamentary usages. He brings to the f Gubernatorial ' ihair- virtue, political honor that accompbah at hatererlof good eatf iie' ::ai ire ifiaia last week the East is 'proud of m. bo "South, East no or West hewill. be Oorernor of j all of .North : Carolina vfkeaisapalpaple;nd urgent 1 necee sity? -f or W regulsto legal adreriisifig in certain cases. The way .the .thing is ccn ducted now, the sheriff or . commis sioner simply posts a few notices on trees and in obscure places setting forth that certain" land will6 be sold on a certnin day. These are wash ed away by rains or torn off by the vicious and the consequence is the land does not bring1 half its value. So the owner of the land (the debt or) is defrauded an I the judgment creditor frequently . fails : to get his money. "Bat,".- they - say, "ihe newspapers want the advertising and hence, etc. If that were all no such bill should be passe I. Ve presume no one willj deny that more publicity would be given notices of sale in a newspaper jand hence more bidders would likely be present at the sale. Such sound papers as the Wilmington Star, dhazlotte Ob$er ver and Ilillsboro ScordffjZ ed long agoabjejrtfcTes on the sub- early every paper in the State has taken up the refrain.' Is it Gain-o, or Gons-o? Whkeeas, The dealers in commer cial fertilizers hare advanced their price to 500 pounds of lint cotton per ton ; and, whereas, this will prove in jurious to agricultural interests ; therefore this State Orange do KyIleolve, That we recommend the formulas furnished from our-e5peri-meiital station. Thgtciiemicils thus used aTO-fSLjaSreeconomical and ben eficial than the manipulated commer cial fertilizers. 1 The . State Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, adopt the above pre amble and resolutions last week, which backed up by the strong and tunsDimoos popular sentiment out of the Grange would seem to settle the question. We ra dealers have killed her the opine the goose that laid for them a golden egg every day. And as it resulted in the fa ble, in trying to git it all at one time, they will find the goo3e barren Read the "WhitakerV article cn 3rd page. To the legislature- If timiditv smites the soul - i of the average legislator and makes him fear the passage of a "No Fence law'' around 'Cultivated fields, let him consider this : . Amend Stc. 1, chap. 48 of Bat' tie's Bevisal, so as to read, "Every planter shall make sufficient fence about his cleared ground at least three feet high, etc." This will save all classes of cltW zens from the harrassing indictments for abusing etock. Even a four feet fence is of rarej occurrence. - This will benefit many a poor man who rents land and binds him self in the contract: to "keep up the fences." It will bej a popular move. if a dog law is a dangerous thing for the ambititous legislator to "fool 'long," let it be engrafted in the revenue law, that every bitch shall be taxed twenty ive dollars per year, if a dog is a necessary of a poor man's life, a iitch is certainly a luxury, that can only be folly en joyed by him who delights in an annoying his neighbors. A " man should pay for the luxury of wor rying his neighborp. : East Carolina: We verily believe the soil cf our Eastern counties responds as , L - ' f promptly and bountifully to enlight ened tillage as any. JFor,; cotton producing) 'EdgecaWbe' has superior advantages : 'It " is the fcanner eot ton county of Nor ;h Carclina: ; We are not subject to droughts, cater pillar, rust, etc., as they are farther Sooth. - A fair drop is always the reward of fair culture. The crass es, con, wheat,' oats, rye and all vegetabVg' thrive! Frcit trees flour ish nearly all oy ei the Eas t. S Good open lane can he purchased at from five Jo - twenty -dollars :pejt acre, i according Tto improvements; A tract of Jand can frequently be bought for leis tbn jt would requirp to erect 'the buildings oh it .r.j.;:- tenures e - are: raountiant, ana ii wecan 'shecefed 1 1n establishing a better public school system it.wiU fce desirable county, to -Jive rfnl We . tre too far North1 to suffer from the debilitating heat ol summer and V too far South :h. to be froze op With the chilly blasts" and Bnows of the Nor tlu-iijTha ; ground 1 hs not been covered with snow jthis winter. v - The Legislature We again condense the doings of our liw makers since the last issue of the' BotrrdSBirxa : f . - ------ - SEKXTE. Mr. Bespass put a' bill on first read ing ainend chap. 42, Battle's Be. ?lyttz4:t . .. f IBji ldEvejrett ,a bUl . providing for i a railroad, commission, and pro vides for the regulation of freight and railroads in NorthOarolma,.5A: bill rto amend charter J ot Elizabeth City and Nor folk"' Railroad. " To anew charter bfjlt- & N.J Branch W. & W. E.J.R. ALbiU Jto, allow 50 con yicts to elear out 0oslin Swamp in Jkipliu. county. . Bill to appoint com mittee to investigate ; management of Bank ; of "North Carolina since the war, on f third reading. Besolutions asking Congress to appropriate to open Waccamaw , river. . Bill . Punishing justices,t-rattorneys and , others for abuse of trust Bill 'regarding sala. jies of legislative ' employees, still hanging fire. A bill to regulate du ties of constables on first reading. A bill requiring justices to file an an nual list of State cases tried by them. A bill to make it penal to carry con cealed weapons passed first reading. A bill to punish drunkenness in coun ty officials pas 3edf second reading. A bill to repeal the law prohibiting the sale of liquor jjear Christian Delight church in Beaufort county. Bill in relation to probate and privy examina tion of married women. To - provide for registration of instruments and to make valid others. Mr. King's res olution to look into and regulate rail road tariff. Adopted a bill to regu late kinship in , marriages. A bill passed second reading changipnupurT tPfi of S:-Tm civil and S2 in ftnmin&l S2 in causes against the loser to pay jurors' Bill to provide for holding terms of the Superior Courts when judge fails to. attend This bill provides that when the judge fails to make his ap pearance by 5 o'clock of the first day of the term, the-sheriff shall .adjourn the court to the first Monday after the terms of the courts of the district are finished. - HOUSE. Mr. Bernard advocated a bill to require fire insurance companies to deposit $10,000 to secure policy hold ers. Bill to amend the divorce law passed its readings. The bill to abolish Wake criminal court was muchly discussed and continued . Jo turner reported j from "Ring"' com mittee, tabbood.1 Bill to prohibit the removal of causes except in special ca ses passed second reading. Bill to pro tect sheep ordered to be printed. After inaugural ceremonies Mr. Blocker ob tained the floor) and said : Mr. Speak er I think that the business just fin ished is sufficient for the day, we have just heard one of the best inaugurals ever delivered by a Governor of North Carolina. I move that tho House do now adjourn. And the House did it . A petition from citizens of Nashville asking for prohibition presented and referred. Bill for laying off roads discussed and again referred.- On: yes -terday the bill was discussed regard ing pensioning blind soldiers. Bill regarding practice of dentists passed. Mr. Boberson, of Martin, introduced the following bill : A bill to be enti tled an act to save the tax-payers of North Carolina three thousand seven hundred (3,700) dollars annually in servant hire and , otherwise. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: Sec. 1. Whereas, one ser vant, at the cost of ,$180 per annum was paid for servant hire for tho of ficials in the State Capitol in 1860 and eight servants, at a cost of $3,-. 290 per annum, are now being paid r the same services, and whereas, rther, the keeper of the State Capi- 1 was allowed . $260 per annum by the Revised Code and is now be.ng paid $750 per. annum, now therefore the employment by the State of any servants foT officials in the State Cap itol above the number and rate paid in 1860. is hereby forbidden. ' Sec. 2. The pay of the Keeper of the Capitol is fixed at $260 per annum. Sec. 3. AH laws and clauses of laws in con flict with tho provisions of this act are hereby repealed and this act shall be in force f rord and af tei its ratifica tion. , ! ' ' - ' ' ' "r "A lone oull. ' a strong pull, and a pull all together for a No-Pence law,". savsTtne .aarooro ooutnerner, anu he're we come to put our feeble shoul der to the wheel in its favor.- Success to the No-Fence law !- Let us have it, for the people want it Iredell Gn z'etU. : . .' . U" , , .' . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MULES FOR SALE. I HAVE rORTY-SIX VOUNG WELLr B80KJJ 51UI.K3 fo sale t rpck;bottoin -DR. J.O. JAMES, Greenville, N. O. t - j. , lm 'Februtry 13,189 tf. Rtftimvay. Roy MY sonl aged li years," low.pitcLdf 'very dark, bops in walking-, has fine-toned TOice at -welRbe 105 lb., rva airay from vap on 3rd Feb' j. r All person are forbiSden to harbor or emtilov ' hltn.- AnT intoriBant of Jili wnerubont, that will Jead tonls.captnret Hail receive f.t Aaaress 7 v g t Kjt 4 i , eate of Wallace Monnlng, 1, .geKlSfc l - ethel, ritt Co.. WarpbrtFStot7. Rvol U.OU. wer iuu WW nimiun. George Tait, ' I -4 Ho;:7 IJarket Sauare,. . - -Ha in stock bis usual complete assortment of English, French, German and Atnericsa Garden and Flower Seeds, of the varieties which long experience has shown lo be perfectly mnu iur oouuiwu cuiumro.- vtoverana urass eeeas 01 oesi ana purest graaea al ways on hand, but no low quality kent- - - s : . -; '. ; Annual Pescriptive Catalogue and Price list DEALER EXCLUSIVELY IN Fertilizers, Chemicals, No. 1 Manufacturer ot the Peruvian Guano & Bone'Fertilizer. . j 154 and 158 Water Street, NORFOLK, VA. "3 t . , feb.6-3m JB. VINE3, i - - Attorney and Counsellor at Law, NA8HV1LLE, N. C. Practices In the Courts of the - adjoining connties. COLLECTIONS MADE PROMPTLY. Feb. 13,1879. i ' t ly . j FOR S&MjE. Abeantif ul, thorougn-brea Morgan Stallion, matopany ba j, 6 years old smooth and sonndV 15Jf hands ble-h. has taken roar first premiums . at mate Fair, i Will sell on S years time by Install ments for toUO, notes bearing interest. First class Secured notes required. Address i B. n. TYSON, Wilson, If. C. .Feb. 13, 1879. i i lm A. VRENN & SON, Manulacturcis of and Dealers in all kinds of Carriages, Harness, Saddles, Bridlei Collars, Carta. Wbeela Axles. Fa: m Wagons, & Geer, Horac Clothing, Lap.. IRohes, &c. Nos. 14, 16, 24 & 26 Union Street, Norfolk; Va. Full line of Carriages and Harness Materi al. My Buggies and Carriages are sold by J. H. BBOWN, Tarboro', N. C. feb.l3-ly NOTICE. Miaglon & Jarfs LH tkatsrCo, Trains are intended to run from this date as follows : Leaves Washington on Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at 10 o'clock A. M., and on Tuesdays, Thprsdays And Saturdays at 4 o'clock P M., for Jamesville and the North, with mails, freight, Ac, connecting with the Steamer ORIOLE " for Franklin. Leave Jamesvllle on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 10 o'clock A M., and at 8 o'clock V M.. for Washington, with mails, freight, &C:, from Steamer " OKIOLE." Freights as low as any otnerjine,, age tnis enterprise. SBfef,pufuculars can be had by applying oT A. FISHHR. Manager, Dymond City, Or DkWiltoh Lucas, Agent, Washington, N. C. feb.l3-tf STOLEN. FROM the undersigned, on the ttignt of the 7th January, 1879, ONE SOKREL MARE J4ULE, 4 years old, mane mixed with white small legs, feet very much like a horse. I will pay a reward of 25 for the recovery of said mnle or for information bo I can get h-r. MARY A. WOR3LEY. Tarboio, N. C , Jan 23v 18;9.-tf. NOTICE. Office Board Co. Comm:s5ionees, Tarboro, N. C, Jan. 21, 78' 9. Ordered by the Board that Spear's Bridge be and the same is hereby discontinued as a public bridge until further notice, and the Clark advertise the Dime in the usual way. Test: JJ. S. KKECH, Jan. 23, 1S79 -4t. Deputy Clerk. HOME FERTILIZER. 1 FOE LES3 THAN $15 00 We aree to Bell enough Pure Chemicals To make a Ton (2,203 lbs.) of Manure, That will make yon as much Cotton, Wheat, .Corn, Oats, Potatoes and Tobacco, as any Manipulated Fertilizer oftcred in the market at (10 to $45. For thi remarkable statement wj offsr you the very best references in your State, which you will find by writing for circulars, also 44 Formula" with instructions, snggeBtions, etc. i The name is copyrighted and "Keceipe" patented. Send for our book, with hundreds of cer tllcates from your neighbors, also SUGGES TIONS that may benefit you in selecting your MANURES. It will pay you to invest in PURE CHEMICALS, and Compost at home. KOYKIIV, CAKKIER CO Proprietors, a t.'ii i Tyr-"F mT ivrn , S. 8. NASH & CO., Agents, Tarboro, N. C. Jan. 23, 1870. ft. Notice. ALL who are indebted to us will please settle at once. SHARP &BTNUM. Tarboio, N. C , Feb. 6, 1879. tf IPrice-Jist. JAMES REID & CO'S TJo rival led Fancy Ctketand Cracker Suiject to the fluctuations of the Market, j NORFOLK, VA. ! PBICB TEB LB. Radk Crackers, f Family, in Boxes)... 6 Sods. Crackers. (Standard in bbls only XX) Soda Crackers, Star ... Butler Crackers, (Family in boxes)... Batter Crackers, in bbls Corphill Crackers, assorted Oyster Crackers Sugar Crackers -. Lemon Crackers Cream Crackers : . Wirie Crackers NicNac Crackers Reid'o Milk Biscuit Arrow Root Crackers Eag, or Mushroom Crackers . Water Crackers, Cracker Meal Sugar Cakes, large or small. ....... Tea Cakes Assorted Cakes Novelties Ginger Snaps 51 4 6 . 61 8 6 6i 8 10 ; io 8 10 10 . 25 5 G 10 10 . 10 10 8 8 $4 00 Ginger Nuts Ginger Cakes, per bbl. Horse Cake?, per hundred 60 Molasses Cakes, large scouop.per uun- dred 60 Molasses Cakes, small round, per hu'i- dted 60 Sugar Cakes, largo scollop, per hun dred 'CO Sheet Cakes, per hundred $3 50 Cream Pilot ; . . . . 5 PilotBread.; 4 Navy Bread '- 3 Loaf Bread, per loaf L 4 6 Medford B'ncnits. per hundred... .. 80 Jf AUii.AUE3. Barrels ..,.25 Box large . size. .75 25 Half Barrels... 40 Tins 75 ii Tins with glass ..... .75 Wl.n Muti rirftrlcprfl. in harrll ra yj uu-wv- 1 ordered without specifying the kind.we send the "Standard" XX. Goods n arked with a 1 are never packed in barrels, as they are liable to break, and occasion great loss to the retailer. -. ' f3" Orders for Parties, Weddings J. and Pio Nici, attended to with Promptness, t We would caution those wild order throngb droceroT Commbsion Merchants, to desig nate Javz9 Bje: 5 & Co's CaAeiiaas, i&i , and to examine the gpod closely, see thai eiiheir the firm name or initials J. R. &, Co. are stamped upon the Crackers. 1 We make no. xharge; for dray age, PE,ESCRIPT10N-TOniEEI For the peedy Cure oftoemmat weaVnesw. Jjt I all uibotxivts Dniuxun ay tuuw ?ws. Any Druggist hu the larre. : W. jAttTJES CO.. No. ISHt - cntlon or exema. Weat aUxUi Street, linl O. O. ; - 1; - IIORFOLK; YA. wul be mailed free to applicanta.N. feb(Wm FeruTian Guano, Bone Dust, 1SOTIC3E, Ornca BoAjtrt Co. Coionssiovsas, ) Tarboro, N. C.4 Jan. 23, 1879. ) Notice is hereby given ..to thopublic that uaniei a linage oe ana uie same is aereoy discontinued as a publie bridge until further notice t orn this Board.: The county will not be held responsible for any ' accident that may happen from this date, and that the Clerk give notice In the Tarboro Southerner and in the vicinity of said bridge of the said discontinuance. . . r ' t Test: B. J. KEECH, Jan. 23, 1879.-4 1. - , Deputy Clerk- WS win continue to sett AT COST on til our tremendous sleek is considerably reduced. Our patrons aid ihe public gener ally, will flndai our store a largtfiod varied assortment of , .,. ,s-.-.. :,.-, ,"s -..fc BOYS' AND MEN'S CLOTHING, t; .,: . ; BOOTS AND SHOES, . i ; . . . DRY CrOODSSUCH A8 SHEETING SHIRTIKG-, - ' Bear In mind that the - stock . U itH com. plete, so we cannot fail to salt la any-llne of goods, all who pay us a caU. The .best evi dence of our sincerity,, in selling out a cost, is in the fact thai- since we made the an nouncement, our store Las been thronged daily with customers, all baying largely and at at a very little outlay of money. All we ask is a call tiefore purchasing elsewhere, and our pi ices will tell the rest of the story. Respectfully, L. HEILBRONER & BRO. Tarboro, N. C, Jan. 23, 1879.-tf. L, L. 8TAT0S. . V. Z0ELLEB Staton & Zoeller, Drnsdsts anfl Piarmacists, Slain St., Opp. Court Bouse, TARBORO, N. C DEALERS IS Cigars, Tobacco, &c. And Agents for Powell's Prepared Chemicals, For Making Home Fertilizers. A useful Memorandum Book explaining and giving directions for using POWELL'S PREPARED CHEMICAL, will be furnish ed gratis to any. Farmer making applies Won. ! Oct. 3, 1878. ly NEW AND SECOND HAND CHEAP Sauare&Umlglit 414 DAiTiitnnrMn LEXINGTON ST. UALI II11UnUlll. Mr. Reuckert has been regularly vis iting Tarboro and vicinity for a number of years as a practical Piano Toner, and is well known in N. C. It is to the interest of per sons needing a reliable hand to send their Tuning Orders direct to the above address, in order to insure prompt attention. War rant all work as represented. feb.6. State of North Carolina; - COTNTT -OF PITT. SUPERIOR COURT. William Wallace, Plaintifl, against -John II. Wallace, Defendant. The purpose of the Plaintiff in bringing his action in the above entlt'ed cause, la to re scind, cancel, or cause to be delivered to Plaintifl by Defendant, a papr writing pur porting to be a deed for land from Plaintiff to Defendant J and It appearing to the under signed. Clerk ol the Superior Court ot the County aforesaid, by the affidavit of Plaintiff, teat there is good cause for making this pub lication, tberefoie the above-named John H Wallacc, who is said to be a resident of the State of Texas, is hereby Riven novice to be and appear before the Judge of the Superior Court, to be held for the county of Pitt, at the Court House in Greeaville, on the third Monday In March, 1879, and answer or demur to the complaint which will be filed in the office of the Clerk of tho 8 n per lor Court, otherwise judgment will be taken against him for the relief demanded ; "and the said John H. Wallace will also take notice that the dep osition ot Robert H. Parker, and others to be read in behalf of Plaintiff in said action will be taken before vie on the 18th day ot April, 1879, at my office in Greenville, where he can attend and cross-examine if he sees fit. Witness, Henry Shcppard, Clerk of Our Superior Court, at office in Greenville, this 8rd February, A. D., 1879. U. 8HEPPARD, Clerk; Feb.6, 1879. Cw FOR S-AJLJE. A valuable tract of ctrn and eotton pro ducing laud, containing 300 acres, more or less, lying in Halifax county, and separa ted from my old home tract in Nash by Fish ing Creek. My private bridge is dowa, and I cannot conveniently gather In the crops from the Halifax side. A rare bargain offer ed. Terms libera:, charges low. For further information, address, at once, ARTHUR ARRINGTON. -Louisbarg, N. C, Feb. 6, 18 2t First-Class Restaurant . . . . AKD 1 i'i:- OYSTER SALOON I have opened next to Mr. J. E- Simm ons' Cabinet Establishment, an Oyster Saloon, In which no inferior oysters will be kept, and to which no colored people will be admitted. FRED. COOPER.- -Tarbero, N. C, Oct 10, 1878. tfi ;.;HILLSBOfcO,N.C.; i The Misses Nash & 2118 Kollsck will re some the exercises of their school on Frld day, Irpbruary 7, 1879, and. close them 26th J uue, (20 weeks .?; Circulars on application. . December 19, 1878. i , ". j 2m.. A PPLICATION will be made to tielprea xJl er-t General Assembly for an Act in cor. poratlng Tarboro Cemetery Co. ' ' Jan. S3d, 1879. . -CL SaV118 Cheap OlothiDgr fdrtMen andBSy s. Clothing for Men and Boys, AT WHITLOCK'S .H i i The Tiublic is invited Gents' jELTijisliinr? Goods before y Durchasinff . lowfordashi I Tarboro, 'Natfu "2387?.. lQOMrerQjtMrM sacrifice, V":-20(J Suits to fit Man,Boy &.Child, 10tfJOvefcoate!itt4 sacrifice, w'j t200rSuitsto;fit Man, gov & Child. - Ski Summit1 " "SiiLW -r - - i'l s " . . wjut .a- r - . . . - - BumiiiiiiiiH !. 0 ffigASilpI Will be sold payable in cotton or money as low as any first-class fertQizerH - ; " ' j ' -'i ; . . Will be delivered at any Depot or Tar Hiver Landings Fbss of Fheiqht. - :..J, ' , - Cai!i:Ul(t i - iA.t. 'T, V."li "We sell the Watt Plows and Castings at Richmond prices. : - ( ; , . Edgecombe Flowa and Castings at Foundry prices. - ! ' 5 Landreth'8 Grardea Seed; double papers, sold for 5c. ; Hardware, QrMries, Farm Bells. ' . t . ; . , Tarbonv N. a, Feb, 13, 1879. SI WILT PLART COnOS SEED; Is Very All wsaring pa ta being made of Iron ; hopper wrought iron. - : . Is i Very Loveler, opener and covcrer all being fastened on the body of the Planter 11 'ml: . Ci a . Til nirapninnQ , i ?nnnn 1 h mm lipiiUillllb UUUUU l lllMbl, r: - j Is EasUy; Atusted; 'Z ZJ, i.L The Lever, Opener and Coverer can be set for any depth quantity of seed to be sowed can oe reguiatea Dy tne tnumD screws under Is an Economical Machined The smallest quantity of seed desired can be sowed ; it can be run as near to the ends of the rows as the plow can go. - - . t -f ; y .-jj tre believe we have now perfected our P'anter, and that it is the cheapest and best Plan ter made. ' - ' ' : . . j ,. !'". ' Everv person who purchased one last year hlzhly remommends it. amongst whom are Dr ftl T Savage, Geo L Wimberly, Jo W Powell, rence, Joseph. .Lane, ana many others. ' To bring it into general use, we will fill all orders sent in by April 1st, at flO. " Planter took: Diploma at the State Fair. Come and see it. r ' ; l i MADE EDGECOMBE AGRICU1JURAL WORKS, . Tarboro v. -kt at' ! one - . 'VTHEiCA8ltET.I'Jfi C. F. GREENWOOD &;BR0.j Watchmakers & Jewelers, Largest store and t lock iu the City at lowest ware, engage mem ana weaaini kides, UiocXs; Specucles ana Fancy Uooda. KvAi-vthinor ananntrad trt nrn trinlri'r.rm) t - Chronometers nd Watches repaired, by some and auslaUorr guaranteed - lL...'..Z ' Occupies less space, makes less noise, an dT has the greatest power for the size of anT Ea arlne made. ENGINES REBUILT A Nn TMPRrtvwTi uywpr vr uf.tuf ?i,vB,,a. A31 kind pf Machine Work done. We Invite Dealere. In B0OR8,r STATIOXEIIY ilisa ?FA!GI nncnf - Ofler to the MERCHANTS, PRINCIPALS Of' sJHOOebSnerS fS5S?-S,2,l-JrollBm ?ne c'th and frtshest stock; lathelr Uie SouS oTPhti: uiuyuw, uio towem market prtee. . , 4'riV'K - i- - Orders carefully and promptlT iHtd. CaUlogiekfreit 1 1 U I o.tim- ' ;n r Domestic -Shirts,:br rirr-i J: A:Hf 206" Bjcamore Sureet, ,k;oJ'.2 r"",.,"?., lCouiftri Merchants wBi And tCir ZfFJ. T.jl or A tcvr mnfM j.. . i Dr joidOtsHats and:Bhoes,! Dry; Goods. Boots; Hats and Shoes. I ' Dfy-Gbods, Bootsi Hats and to examine my stock fittrng-'C&tBiDgVTOn I 1 - - - - l -t -M. "1-r WITHOUT ASI PREPAKATION. Durable . galvanized to prevent rnBt, axle made of - - i t 5 -'. . l'-.f ? i .i Strong :, directly to the beam, no strain can ' come the bottom. : .1 '1 Joseph Peel, Uenry Bessums, Theo Law BY IV - -j-. tf prices. Watches, Diamond)"," Jewelry, Silver of the best workmen ihe United Biates,1 - r. it. 7 pi.iiiJ j Jeb.6-tf,, --ri -. - i i, e '- 4 .' ssaiisBsssasBBBsa Ho. 6 west Falls Aie,, BaiMorc, ! Inventors andbullders ol the best VEBTICAI. : ENGINE V VV3 - Xti. - W a- ii c '! close scutinx Into atfour workf M. - - - e - v .j vui wuen in our oct'L-ly Clothing for Men and Boys, Clothing for Men and Boys, .. AT, W UlTbUUO. r"AT WHITLQ0JTS. Shoes,! of Fine ( "They will : them: at ; the .Corner l A W r-t III .f II II v " .1 1 wr BED "C" OIL. .V THE best illuminator -warranted to stand afire tost of 150 Fabn. , A trial estab- its nca is wiiu every one. , rnce 40c per jral. i FIRE FLY MMPS. A full supply of ihose gems of light, the Fire Fly Lamps, all shapes and styles, to be found at GORDON ACQ'S. DRUGS AKD MEDIGLm re. r full T nflesiMssmnlTT xrags, tri 'atent Medicln, fce. t , y CORDON & CO. CIGA11S f AKD TOBACCO. ttyXEbtxt stocks of Cigars and" Tobacco, ;'JL' such as Capadura and Emancipation. Fi- i 1 t ro, Tar Heel and' Occotaeecbe Smoking xooaccv, are nv - i 1 i .- ij " V ' CORDON ft CO S. Perfumery and : Toilet Artl- : cles. .-'v; - A full and varied assortment of Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Sumx r - x ' t - CORDON Ss CO'S." ; i PAjPEKT HED WB are dole Agents for the following Patent Medicine Houses : ilarten. Boy-, kin, Carmer & Co.,. John F Henrys, Green's Aeguat Flawer.-LoDg's Hone Powders. ; ; ' CORDON CO'S. . Tarboro, July 35 1878.; a a :ti ! ' .tf ' READ AND REFLECT! ' -5 ; aRE jjfOU" SUFFERING WITH DYSPEPSIA, -: CONSTIPATION, f NERVOUS': DEBILITY If you are, go at once to your Druggist and 2 get a bottle of that wonderfn 1 remedy, ' ,- DR. D'ARMISTEAIVS ; ANTlf iEFTIC IlOP ;;Vf:jVAkp;BECURED.! '.I-.'J,', Pricey 75c j' Sold by Druggists. r U 1!,1, 1 V 1LU 1 &Bt,. , 4 17. Arm i etc ad, . t v A .Maauctprer, 823 yiJdAtret- i PURCELL, LADD & CO- . j RW. POW.ERS & CO., ,, .: . I " . ( Wholesale Druggists, - -- Oct.31'78-ly f - RICHMOND V A. 'j ,. i , , . , , I .BLACK. WELL'S . ' ' B For.Sale., AS wish to-chaDga my business I offer for tale the farm I live on .containing 220 acrtjs, lying, ljff miles Weil of KUtrell's De pot, 1 mile of the celebrated .10 neral Sprlujr. There la a good two story dwelling' wkh six' rooms, a cook room attached, with necessary out building), three tenant houses, a tobacco factory Urge enough, to work 20 hands. Two barns equipped for curing yellow tobacco, a good vineyard, apple and peach orchards,and the best well of water in the State. This land is adapted to the growth bl coin, cotton, to baceo, oats, wheat add' groscs. A portion of it grows line yellow tobacco. -There is acres of bottom land; that has tavera ed tlx barrels of corn or over per acre ' for the la-t 15 years sind.lx more .productive than ever before. - C. H. GAY, Jan,16..79.6w L ' ' Kittrells, N. C. Fertilizers : anfl; Gfigmicals. WE are maktng a specialty of the Fertili ser business this season, and can sup ply our friends with standard brands of Ma nipulated Guanos, such as Solub'e Pacific, Upshur's Bonev and Peruvian Combined, which has heretofore given such fine results. 'if Long's Prepared Chemicals for composting, mix 600 lbs. of this with 1500 bushels cotton seed, make an excellent FeartUlier for both cotton and corn at mere nominal cost. s ,We also deal in crude Chemicals lor mate- , insr Fertilizers at home on the farm, such as J (Genuine Leopold's Kalnlt, finlpb. Aromonls, -Uaw Bote, Acid Phosphate, &c, Ac. . TWO have numerous formulas which have been tested for 16 years, and the practical x perlence ol our own farmers who have been m aklDgthf ir own Fertilizers for several years and are highly pleased with the results. - We-will cheerfully give any information on the subject and furnUh ; Formulae upon ap plication. : , - . ' . ; LAUI2R A ROISTER. Taiboro.N. Cn Teh. tS, 1879. 34 Jffffo, - ; to pi , . . . I ' - ? 3 3.,; aW: ) , SS ! ( . -S3 i ' '-7 i