; 4 . ' : ' -- f j - rv- 4-si- -rs :-,;)---.-- sir - - .-T .. - - i : Hirtinnf r ":" I"""1 " '" ' 11 1 ll--TTWTWITTI1BllBTjTHWWI MHH11 1 i - " "' ' ' ll"Trn '" T.n n e-gpafa, .;t -f,. ., , ......r. . . ,, , . - ,, H OWARD & NASH, Attorneyi and Couiuelort atlAWi t9PrmeJMin all Ui Court. no -rHILirS A 8TATON, 1 tra- Practice la ConrUof fcdjolnlnff mu- ties, In the Federal and 8npreme Court. Feb. 6, 1879. ly I RN ET7T tUW, J 1 1 TARBORO. N c. IfiU prctiein..tk Cort of the fd 3mm. 7.178. raalM 1 "WfcWngtoa and-aajrt aatlw, ad pay special attention to aajnat- in any part oi ne Jalyl H77.-tf. A JTDKKW JOTNBR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, GRKENVUXB, N. C. fwlni in the comnty ot Pitt, and adjoin lfXomntia. lili 111 attention piTen to collection ana aettHoK P wutee of deeeased persons JACOB BATTLE, Counsellor and Attorney at Law, ROCKY MOO NT, N. C, Will he in Nashville every Monday, from 9 A. M., to 2 P. M. Circuit Nasb, Edge combe and Wilson. dec 19'7S-8m. J. B. VINES, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, NA8HY1UJS, u. Practices in the Courts of the adjoining counties. COLLECTIONS MADE PROMPTLY. Feb. 13, 1879. J DSL R1CUAUD U. LEWIS, Professor of- Diseases of the Eye and 1 intne ajayannan aaeuicai vuucnc; Uoa IOmiteato the JKALEIGH, N, C. lm the Yarborongh House, next door tef M.C. K. R, Office hours 9m, Btfars to the State Medical Society and to lb rfla Medical 8oclety. 15-ly. DR. E. I HUNTER, SURGEON DENTIST, ENFIELD, N. C, JhB rNd practice at Enfield andires McKfmlly aoUeiU a continuance of his former jeTS-tf NORFOLK CARDS. . KIT AIURS. EOIEL, Car. Main and Granby Streets., Norfolk, Va. R. 8. DOI?SONPjiopkITob. Terms, 1JS0 and 13.00 per Day v accor din t ta tomtlen of room , oc-l-ly t. W. lILKn. AJL HODOXS. G1LI7IER & HODCEO, - WHOLESALE - LADIES TRIMMED GOODS, 49 A ml Commerce Street, 4- tt'78-tf. NORTOH., VJL. JAS. O'ROURKE, DEALER IN BABBLE MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEADSTONES, c, 15 and 167 EAST CHURCH ST., OpposiU Bt-Eanl'a Church, AU kin ocMs proi aaieesl. of Stone Work executed. All iptly filled and satisfaction pur-Oct-lO-ly. MAPP & CO- aaattaturtrs of and Dealers in Plain, Japanned f.v?Wi -.and Stamped ' rw , Tinil'JflRE'STOUES' aUraJtanaea, e.,' Lamp and flouso-turnisll - fern Goods. " . VIA 101 Wt St., Vi Cor. Koacoke Sqrj Oet.i0-aa. ' : NORFOLK, VAi CARRIACEsJF ACTOR Y, 3 Tm eooa men panics. t CARRIAG TJILT & F.LIZA CHARLES W. PET1I, Proprietor, So. MO and 282 Water Street, Norfolk, Va., f Manufacturers STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS aw and Grist -.Mills, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, Forgings, and CASTINGS, CASTINGS, CASTINGS, f seeial attention given to repairs of ieamboaU and Machinery of all kinds. Ifaehinists and Boiler Makers sent to aay part of the country to do repair work. Ost.10-1878. 6m. ESTABLISHED 1865. II. L. T. DAYIS & CO., Wholesale Grocers, Compete with all Markets, South East Cor. Water and Commerce Sts., NORFOLK, VA. Capt. D. Bell, Salesman. Feb. 6, 1879. iy. J R Powell. B M Batchelder. W n Collins HraMEstablidUdlB 1829. Powell, Batchelder & Collins, (Saecassors to Thomson &, P0W1L v j GENERAL : H;-.)- -.- Q1IUISSI0N IIEBCHAUT S, No. 64 Water Steeei, "r. , STOIIFOLK, - - VIRGINIA, Osseber 10,1(77. tar.,' HEARN, PHOTOGRAPHER, 168 Main Street, Norfolk. Va. i .KOOfl State aa TI3AJia:M ATTO i Sot nte5 fJS OatH ly. jom&B & Han't, ftSVl I f we do with opt daoghters T" '" Feb. 6, 187d. lm. vTZZ - B Ir - MeuldlBM. eta, Btalr RaiU, NeweU, Bouden' iiara- ta, UllM, u BiTTLE, BUHI & COTTTOPI FAOIOBS. . AND j aeueral . i Coiurdission Merchir!ts fiwii ruiuu je-.----i.;-.- i: IfOILFOLZ, A ujsmbef of the firm attends im psrson, to the weighing and delivery ft eottoiu Liberal Cash advances, made on consign ment. I ? Highest market prices and prompt returns rninuiteed. I ' !'' k 3 - Bageingand Ties at LowestJtates, Free of J Commissions. I ang.il-ly. f itr.,-. AUfRENN & GON, Manufcctrtts of and Dealers in all kind of Carriages, Harness. Sandiest BridUea; Collars, Carts, Wheels, Ai,JFarm Wagons, fea r Horse Ckthisg, Lap i? Eobes, tco.-'S'ifi NOs. U, 16, 24 A 36 TToIoif Street, .-. Norfolk jVa. Fnll linarof Carriages and Harness Materi al. My Buggies and Carriage are sold by J. H. BROWN, Tarboro'.iN. O. feb.l3-ly Merchanls of Korth Carolina T nearer home and save freights. Norfolk; va., " WHOLESALE DEALERS IN - i I Hardware, Cutle Pistols, Belting. M01 Sp- pUboI rjCaco4ber ;6 and I Fairbanks STANDARD SCALES. WILL DUPLICATE NEW YORK BILLS. Give Tlicm a Trial ' ' . ' Oct 10, 1878. I . 6m. BALTIMORE CARDS- VARIETY IRON AVO N. W. Cor. CHARLEb A FAYETTE 8U, Baltimore, HTjI; WORKS, YORK, PA! Bailders' Material of All Kinds. Manufacturer of Iron Buildings, Columns, Iron Stairs Window Lintels, Kollinr Shuttej KallLD: Hyatt Liehts,ramp arid Tfilorung Posts, Wrt. Beams, vases. Fountains, asea, Fountains. Iron SUblo Fixtures. c. MU1 Wortraaa Mill Machinery In eneral, including th "KiTal Smut Machine "Shi .afting, Pulleys, .c. Oct.l0,'78-ly. m -The best ready 'niive"paini in the United States is manufactured by " WILLIAM H. KING & O , OF BALTf.MOREMD. . .. 8end to them lor a sample caM. Be convin ced by giving it a trui. lhcir well known brands of , WHITE LEAttANIl ZINC PAINTS' , are the oesvirjoo. preier to ao your own mixtacr. ; B. E.eorBr Lombard and Charles Streets. Octa0,78-ly; TIN-W1A.RE. JL method of informinR 'thelrrlrteiifc 4a.l North Caroina that bavine enlarged "their iactory and added all the improved machi-H nery, they a.-e now prepared to vfTet their Tin-Ware, both stamped, and pleifPd, at ' pri ces beyond compelitionJ It will, pay yon to call and s; them bf ire purchasing else where Our Btoves, Hollow-ware and Wooden-ware are from the best factories, and will be sold at the lowest prices. " Apply at the old stand where their ! Senior partner has been for thirty-five year. i REIP CO.. S5 W. BaUiuoor Straet, OctlO'78-ly. Baltimore, Md. - - T '-I . --J i -A .JL 4 -A 1 V R.J. BAKER & CO,5 S6 and SS fikrath' 'jciuwli tti, Street, Baltimore, llfl' 3 ManuSactnrers and Dealers in Pure GrouRlwnet Siiperphospliat9to ficia, siimHATEjm; I ... .SULPHATE OF SODA AND GROUtfftrEltER All PURE Chemicals for mixture. cbao- noandit nr frtrwrnraeg ftt ferttUzera-m4Ttnrwa as low as any hona iofr-r Wrltcforprt.- 1 1 ware, i-junia, vib, qn,. . r nHur-UTi a ' " " A Fb. 6, 1878-ly. yORFQUT., YA. ' I WM. K. GAnit. i Taylor, Elliott watte A I Howes o RKS PA NT PURCHASED itens and the main buildings Ifcretor iloiurinir to the Petersburg iron iff leave ta aware the public now, better inaa ever prepareu ag In the IE AND FOUNDRY LINE. 0 ur "Plaater's Friend" Engine is absolute- ,iffl resarda ura. ;p eap, te suit tne times, rnc "rice of Eight-Horse Power only S475. Xarge Screw, with back and forward gear, to do driven my tine oeit, ior p-tcKing mbpm, flOO-r?.-'--- j-ef rne encine i oontoi you 1 use wnn pi nary tana labo.'S?!r-'51h fesi v W. M. Benton, , BoyMn, says : "Iily sdnned 7 to 8 bales day. A colored man with no previous experience operateft? 1 feel safe as regards spark.1 atjvw Send -for circulars at ;. regards Engines and our celebrated Couon andtTobacco Presses for hanc or power. ' . , -. t , , - . TAPPET i& STEELE, Oct.3l4y A .Petersi'U'-g, Va. TO the AFFtlCTED. FRENCH'S ARNICA -LIN'IMENTIS X? the beet remedy know n for a!l ' iairT8, such as RheuTnatlam, Neuralgia, licadafebe, Pains in the Back, Cats, Bruises, Sprain, Ac. - .. - ' Economy Is wealth. Use French's India ubber Cement for mending FurnUnre.TO, Chin, Glassware, Leather, &c. These-prK-araUnnrefor sale by all dru??its. vAlanu factnred by Wm. E FRENCH, vbcHeSate and retail druggist, 202 Syeatnor trei t. Petersburg, Va. For sale by Co-doirft drnzeisu. Tarboro. N. C. 9-&vi ilcrs t iters ity bSlJRm mall will receive prompt attention. Robt A MartiD, Robt II Hili, A G M Martin . MARTIN, HILL & CO., . . . - ettociss AND ; toiiimission Merchants, Npril North Sycamorf Street, Pcterbursr, Va. ' Give strict personal attention to all con - eignments of Cotton, Grain, Tobacco, c, and make prompt returns. - UCt. 3t.-4m. Ji AKi USi, UJXJU & UU. B0LUKGBR00K HOTEL, Peceirabn rnVa. The undersigned bavins rented the above House, will use every exertion te gie satis action. THE HOUSE has been re-painted, Fikst-Clasb fare nponjnoderata terma. n a wvrutnvi) p,.. Lager JBeer & .Wioe Main St., next door to B. J. Kecch, aiii'. p- poeite larboro' House. TARBORO', N. C. Sept. 0, 1S78. If. Tax Notice. the Court House every day for the pur pose of collecting the remainder ot all taxes ye. lae. I shall now proceed -to force the collect .on, as I am compelled to settle the 8ta;e County and Scoool Taxes, and must have the money, i nope no person win ask for further indulgence, as I positively shall not Kraci it. ." - All persons who do not come forward and pay at oace, may expect to pay costs. Dec. 5, 1878 tl North Carolina -Xine! A HOME "ENTERPRISE, IieIimJl bxtmgh connection fron aU peiate on fTaMUr to DTorrollrJ Baltlmorei Kew Yor, PUla4iplaia; Boston. E'rovi : dene Fall RlTer avKl-Rll paints Baart." At general agent for this lice iu tbe sec tion of country bordering on Tar River above Washington, Uje underftifjned " begs to ao nounceCfrat tBaSteamer Edgecombe is now making1 regpsMtoiMMetIoDS -wttb Ptniiier of the Line between Baltimore and Washing ton (generally known as the Clyde Liic) and will JmM through Bills Lading to Norfolk, Baltinere, New -York, Philadelphia, Boston, Providenoaand Fall River. . LOWfeSTATEa and RKaSOIABLB DISPATCH can beM secured by enaouraginir ttU..8trfaevj"5r, I-' Be.'ctteftrden'alli and coneiz9yly'JidrolZdi. s'. Front AiTlMRE?hip byltfanor'e and Washington Steamer, R. Foster, AgtmdO Light Street, Baltimore. "fYrom PHILADELPHIA ahlii bv flvde Line, W. P. Clyde & Co., Agents, 12 South Wharves. . tsjriwa v - rtita NEW YORK smypalEeJl's Line. H. L. Chainuan, tMrticlting" Agent, Bowlrng- From BOSTON shin bv Merchaats A Ifl- Tom jtujit ujo, .snip fj . anoi k ao AfoTr rn. . CQT9 A wasningtonjLne, rateand)tMr 4wOTTBatiop, anpWt, 1 Agent N. C. Line and Btr. Edgcombe, , - J ' - . 4 3 . Tarboro, N. C Oct. 4, 1877. ' ; -i :- '-tt operation, and Xare prepareo to nu an oraers ior eneet rnvftirtinga, Xaraand .CWrwBope, t lowest prloefl.. Orders addrewed-tcr1- Rocky AtoantMUhv Rocky Jlounl, N fV?Ul De promptly attend sd to.- 92 '11 iaMima .TTXApril 11, 1878. D9CFB(arv mu ireawcr. tf. LtMMV'lW btraet'or T'iki ilKa SCefMat prwaraHOWf com av. producing; good- Mooa,- neatsn 'n I Jl.k' ialli bJI nmmlll. J L .J.ii, J xwri-ii. i Manu lieayeaixn i rPiiiaA En: ClJDEBi vlJrtabUeoa UM8XAc:mt w vv. Sole Proprietor and Maiinfactrr Jc . R. COJIOLTXJCB'SAUC 387 to 895 W. ThJSdt eU)mflHWW T cr:riYROYAL jjm.iOKaEagvonuia daala iiko Drnes, jBsaastial 83 WILLIA t ST., NEW YORK. ' , 4tw A DAY to agfcUtR canvassing for the p I F1BE8IDE VI8ITOR. Terms and Outfit free. Address P. 0. TICKER Y, Augus ta, Maine. 3-kiiixed Cards. SnowfiV.ke, Damask, &o, J no a alike with name 10 cts. J. Mink ler & Co , Nassau, N. Y. a r iMIXED CARDS, with name 10 eta. 4-1 : Aicents' outfit 10 cts. L. JONES A CO. , Nassau, N. Y. m lO ADVERTISERS Send for our Select J. List of Local Newspapers. Sent free om anpliceti on. -Address (KO P. KOWELL ft CO., 10 Spruce St.. N. Y. FOt? LAUNSSY USE. NETTING FOR 5W5 & POUNDS. We Measure the Mesh. PARTIES ordertag Netting or Seines will give th" length and depth teq aired when on lines We. allow one-third for rhrging, that is ii the beiue is to one hundred yards long and u-.n feet deep, when on linea, we would make the webbing one hundred and fifty yards long and fifteen feet deep, streteh ed maasuvo. . : "? " In st4so of any instructions, we will make as ve." In ordering, give full description of what you want ; leave nothing to be guessed at. Parties, unknown to us, ordering goods, will be required tc make a deposit ot one third the valne before we ship them; balance to be paid on delivery. WM. E. HOOPER & SON8, Oct. 10, 1S73 -0m. Baltimore, Md. Durham Whiskey. Lab't'by Htatb Assay r akt CnKMiST, ; Richmond, Va., 8ept. 7th, 1878. J I have caretally tested a sample of "Dnr Inm Hv VVhiske" selected by myself from the stock of Messrs Ellison & Harvey, and flue1 it free from adulteration. It is an ex cellent article of Whiskey, and altogether suitable for use as a. beverage or Medicine. Signed, W. U. TAYLOR, State Chemist. We are sole proprietors of this superior wbUkey, which we offer to the trade of North Carolina, together with afulljine of all kinds of Whiskies, Brandies, Wines, Ac. ELLISON A HARVEY, Oct.31-m. Richmond, Vs. 0pp. Capitol Square, COR. GRACE AND NINTH STREETS RICH XI OX D, VA. ti.. - niHn.A.4 - . . r i. : l A tits ui'JSt fic tcuLi oi.itjit ij ji.riJ3aOia lucaii-iy iaJit ci-fro"nt:Dg on the Capitol Square coiiTeisienl to all public buildings, I'epols and Churches, and imrcediate'y on the lice of Street Railway, making it tha mo-t desirable Hotel in the City. Far- strictly first-class. Board $2.60 and 2 per day. Special rates to Commercial Agents. S. HUKTEH. Y-wy , Da. E. S PHsDiBToy, $ rropTn. COW MILKERS. UPON receipt of Two Dollars I will send to any address free of charge, one sett of AUTOMATIC COW MILKERS. When yon have used them once von would not be with out them for double tne cost. Address Q. C. BATTLE, Rocky Moant, N. C. General Agent for North Carolina Aug. 15, 1878 6m. PETERSBURG FREMTMlDYEINfi if. uyeiBg apa uieaninc aone in au ita; Drancu ea and all colors, at the lowest prices, and In the shortest time. Rid Gloves cleaned nlce- 1 Uianeh Offlee, on Church street, near f iSzert: Tarboro . N. C. i an3-tf ' J. MADISON PHELPS: S First-Class Restaurant OYSTER SALOON Jhave opened next to Mr. J E. Simmons' Cabinet Establishment, an Ovster Saloon. in which no interior oy8tera will be kept, and to which no colored people will be admitted, i ." . - i FBED. COOPER. TarberO, N. u, Oct. 10, 1878. tf THWi I Hi ' I L I II II I I I I iii . i . INotlce. i. A PPLICATION win be made to the praa- jl en : uewaw Asaemblvfor an Act iocor- GCflrT-CJ ficKadio adsP Ikicuffierafaad i T" ST 0 e i m AS PER DIAGRAM. H X g 'V- XV BI JJL X S W , "v. - perting Tarboro Cemetery Co. ' ' .- Jan. 23d, 1879. i j , ' 6fc ' uxboxa' Barxtbtrntx. giursday,, ,ebfBtty fix 1879- i ;rwi v.;W,iv4iU IUs i &mt 4a: t4wn8,v m irial feKo onrarv it is saLvr.l, LrfmmiLi ad.Wnt t whom Uw( intent to defrwl reeled, in prof of tin gentrei atct ment of the ifitent to ddfrand. It ii not necessary or proper Utat the erdiet should- specify the person intended to bo itLraoded. The words order for tho deliver of foods' in our statute only inoludes orders drawn by persons havtBg a disposing power orer the goods upon a person under obligation to obey. It is not however so restrict ed in aa indictment concluding at ooramon lair. Beriham vs. Craig y from New Hanover. Where aa allegation in the com plaint is not denied in the answer the fact is admitted and the effect of tho admission is as available to the plaintiff as if found by the jury. An issue as to such faet is wholly unnecessary and immaterial. Where an aotion is not instituted to correct or reform the deed itself on the ground of accident, fraud, mistake or undos advantage parel eridence is inadmissible to convert an absolute deed, into a1 trust - or mortgage. Where a parol agree-seat-to change an absolute deed into a mortgage "or Trusp- i, bv the answer it is unnecessary tor the defendant to set up the statute of frauds in his pleadings. Mason vs. McCormick, from Bla den. Where a witness was rendered in competent to testify for tho plaintiff as to a conversation with a de ceased person under whom the de fendant claims title by being surety bn the prosecution bond he cannot be rendered, competent by withdraw al of the bond and the substitution of another as surety thereon. By .4 she, J. : State v$. Grillepsie, from Iredell 2a an indictment for obtaining goods by false pretences an aver ment of tho value of the goods need not be made. State vs. Davis, from Orange. An objection that a juror is an atheist made when the defendant is asked if he has any cause to show sentence of death should not be passed upon him comes toe late. The challenge propter defectum shuld be made as tho juror is brought to the book to be sworn and ifsot then made the defendant waives his right of challenge and it makes no difference that the groond of objection existed at the time the juror was sworn but was not discov ered till afterwards. In such a case the court which tries the prisoner may in its discretion award a new trial but no appeal lies from its re fusal to do so. Walker t. Dick, from Forsythe Under the present system, a su rety before he has suffered from his suretyship, may use his . liability as an equitable set off against a debt he ewes his insolvent principal and this defense will avail him equally against an assignee, provided the note is overdue when sssigued or is assigned with notice. J5j Dillard, J. : j&ftfMld vs. Freeman, from New H&novcrv . Tour nfe!-JT!jwnOT the same consideration at the JkmZ -3 and falling doe at four successive dates and on a trial of an action brought to recover on the last three notes the record of the recovery in an action on the first note was of fered, with an averment, that the same points and matters of defence had been urged and adjudged .there in; He id, It was error to jejeot the evidence. Its effect when ad mitted will be for the Court below to pass upon and this Court express es no opinion thereon now. State vs. Smith, from Yadkin. If any member of the grand jury which finds a bill of indictment has si civil euil at issue in the Court at the term the bill was found, the bill is abatable . if the defendant takes the objection before -plea of traverse made on the bill and it is not neces sary to show that such juror was present and participated in the de liberations en the bill. State vs.. Waller from Catawba. On , an . indictment for . fornica tion an adultery where it appeared that the defendants - lived in the same house, the man being about 23 and the woman 50. that he had been taken by the defendant M ten- years of age, being : a, cnpple 5d an orphan, that there were two Jpeqj in the honse and sometimes three. feundhesi7e Mker1 ft1 A 'W tTaejr04neyn km ones 6lo3 sh8BsnstfaVI baeeCKts W a dry te AruttP tu tot tan lm Iejera tnr-1aoXifSa ffftl ileiTwLM .t.. EetrsacSffliezit and , ' - ' . fitb33nv . 'J - a c m; jllvhvtuulc, in vTcnerut r .: rr,.- - Your committee appointed r a eri a joint resolution, 1 of thar v Un eral Assembly,- raufied in Jan-! uary 1879, beg leave ieaiisport lhai they are eaxxtestly emdeavonag te discharge the totieallirned thenf without injury to the public J tfeH visw or w to tiantnoj ei ne no ble charitable , institutions of the State, on the one hand, and with a proper retard tor the popular -de-1 mend for retrenehment en the oth er. . They would first call the at tention of the Q eneral Assemblyto ihe Insane Asylunjwtjife ions rnaee oy law xor-asuMaa be-1 of the outside Insane. . I WW . ... ' m ' m J. I xour committee do not belie that it was ever contemplated bv the Constitution that the '"deaf mute, the blind and the insane of the State." should "be cared for 7T ITrftr.rrt. thV Tnferlor3 Sspreae cw Bftflfisafgs f-ine Biate" outside of her Asylums. Neither idiots,, the blind, nor deaf mutes are, now sup ported outside these charitable ins stitutions. Why should c the1 out side insane receive a consideration and care denied to all other nnfor tunates ? Justice ; demands, that the same provision should be' made for all. And-this is altogether im practicable. The State" has been. and is now, doing .evervthingr in her power to comply with the rer -building and addiniTte ior" uybxnv xu taw niao upena up a wiue ,anp prolific field for fraudy fMchy our committee have reasoa: t. believe has been diligently cultivated J& some cases counties have drawn from the treasury by far the larger portion of the taxes paid in by them. The burden- ie growing heavier year by year. . The . dis bursements now are at the rate; of $600 per day. . Two years age $20,090, last year ' $30, 000. Z This year not leu than $40,000, were re quired, and in the opinion of- the TreastUrer, judging from the: preeW ent rate of increase, $50,000 ,wU not satisfy the next year's demands of this law. xour committee there- fore would have reported a bill? Te pealing this - Itatutr "pro vidlsg J for the outside insane, bat have' already recommended- favorablr. the SenAte. bill introduced by the Senator fVem McDowell, which effects the same purpose, 1 ' - 2. The Insane Asylum at Bal eigh, your coxunittee feel, houad to declare it as their oonvictionshas not been managed, rith that, carf and economy which the State had right to expect. They do not" hesi tate to express the opinion that the judicious management of nis town affairs by a prudent business- man appplied to this institution, would save thousands to the State. Ua questionably there has been, loose management and a waste of money. This .has been Owing to defects !in the present law. : ParUy to the fact that the Superintendent, the MafcCIL&rSteTOrf and.thejEn: glneer all have teeu & making rurchasesl ind partly to the fact, as your committee believe, that the Superintendent,, with: all his splendid abilities, seems to have no well developed iqM of econo my. Your comroitteAjare jof the opinion that it is neeeesary .ta-ireor ganize and turn nvjep,:a . neir nf. Ther therefore mpectfully. recom- meod the passagt of; thahill hefeJf with presented, and. have a strong hope and Mnfidenee ' that itJwU save to the State thir sum of twenty thousand doUsn'per ahnumi : 3. The 0e andjf Pi ;Asytttm they take pleasure im saviagiJias been jtter.d-jnsjuiXand with more attention to--weonbmy, still your committee, with' jt,yerow priice of provisions; and .laber, are of the opinion- thatr' there' is still room for imprevement, raad you? committee think: the sunt el$32,5Q0 which they recommend for itf sti port sufficient. " J ' "i'T&a' 4. Under the present law, anthor iaing the building of an Bxeeative Mansion, th cost orthatbuilding wiUprpbabifAT coatee jlated "w eiiTsIatni4t.' The' commission -- endeg? that . law have now in hand, mv m i . ii h u a u "i z. tjz - - - - it s - . erawilfttii lXyRhaltT of TOtal coat m caah, ..... Jt&E4mtgUas etMtjrfMnxte Maw smxtsM3eMom oGceaa4 chtksU&iJav &iulm SbklaAat ttJI ..trJLi4L. aisseuesa v tut SALflciaofrsveart ali BAaaMyZlS Iwskf riwYTftJalr tie1 tlvIiiirUIdn, mftjrWCI meat oi tae oretsntr. ai uzthA canstruction olteaidl zsan- the next. fcfgixiatijrtr.andJthat the J7,0UU new on haad be- eovered in the Treaanrw Tb.aw liarawith iproeenb a put ior mat purpose. mmm --. " -.t r - wi r"" e? . w. . If V AIAV IrVUIIAUblrff UVrvniaAsU UA . tVl. lIL . -? a- err- -i tji -- ww s - "ft assisaon- ei" o.is -ixoeuency tne.Uorocaar; efler a; tUL repealing th six hundred dolUrlerksbjp ej lowed by the last General .'Assenv blyrto .the Executive Department;. YbneommittsereDose tbcomr piet4 the utlesfusijme&t uk another report mad at the -earliest iagjest thsttif .the measures hercia reportftdJetadonted, the Savinircto the.Bkater eaaaot be less than front Jf0,& tofl00,000.. . i I . 1 J. 80ALES, I "' John S. Henderson, . Senate Branch. ! -'riiNS0N,,.',;'': ATJmOEE ST., : J. A. Mc; "T House Brtochv The Duties of Cotmty Twaaqrcirs- We print below the bill that has passed the 27ouse ; and Sf najfe,- and Aa. now ordered to enrollment, in re gard to uounty; xrea8urors. is yery important, tcj. tb, -keepers; of county, moneys, ana wianezest A bill to .be entitled an act .to amend' sections eight "and 'ten of chapter thirty of Battle's ' Beviial; relating i to the duties of County 1 Q1 - . '.J3IVHI JO Thiaenexal Assembly if of) North t 1 Carolina do enacts, , , r i Sec.. 1. Thtf section, eight of Hpwr iiiuriy ui. xi,i,ia s,. jneyiaai, be trickenout,1 atari - the following be inserted in lieu thereof :; It shall be iha doty ol the Treasurer (1) to receive; all meneya. belonging te the county and. all other, money Sjby lav' directed to be paid ;to him, " to keep them separate and' apart from his owii affairs, aod to apply them and render account of 'them s re quired byilaw1..(2) ;To kfep- a true account of. the roooiaU-and-oxpon- l ditur e . af t all such: .moneys, taking proper veucnera in every. case,? 10 eksfprovided fbrr that purpose at the expe&s Of the county, and u to post At. thsrrcburt hdusa door on the first Monday in each month a cerk reel statement of ; such recpteand f xpenditares, showing h. amount ieeeired, and ", from What , source," and the amounts paid out- and 'to whottvaandl forswhaj ipwmc&i and thSjPsiannw in? tost Aattdf'in longing to the county; . '(ff) To 'ealLo&Ithe Sheriff Uie Clerks of the Shperior necessary. . :tb." pa over. to.hM..a"d aeceuat for all such .moneys. -.(4) To exhibit his. J)ooks and, aMounts and : moneys; onoe 'J. every. -.three months, or ofteneraf the Commis sieners of his county deem it neces sary, to a committee to becooapo-' sedfof the Chairman of the Beard of Conntv Commissioners ancbone other person to , bo selected by" the pardf IJommissione? hk antnstm. I ft uourvor otoer emcer naying coan ty ItttoAeyS io: his hand at lessl once in ' each-mor oV'ofteWrHf be an expert accounUntV,fand""ifrP: ahall be the duty of this committee to examine the. books and accounts of sis office, Jtnd see that the- ao couRts are correctly and properly kept, and to count the money : in the hands of tho Treasurer, and see that, , it corresponds ; with the amount shewn by the books to., be ia his hsnds. . And if, at , any .time, there' shall" be TaV deficit' in . the amount, of money the hands of the-eaatirereomauttee Ahall so report to the Board of County. uommissioners, sjna it snau oeiaeir duty to instiUU proceedings in the Superior" Court against ssid Treav urer for violafibn of his official du- A .Pt- C5. Jxi case where (lie office ot Treasurer? hajeejrqf .'may bf hereafter abolished1 m An v "count vi 1 the ,duii? joinecfii 't ;fction jaaaiA, apptjr .1,9 wm peraonvacung in tSBJ Pwssurer-iXb The Coonjtj.,Qomjinissipnersjih to theoimmittee:who examine: the books and-meney of the-Treasaxei', thO: same pay per ft7t-that is- re ef lved bv a member ief their1 own umw m nnrvic lur jmu fiinunausn. oeo. Anai sectioa iu pe amen- or ith jdisbfrti? t'bdi.da iar f tlx iTr'ra 5f . -V T i c VLe tLz: Mf the Cesrt, Aii-ravcfsrsr a? tooinied iikSejr-r'r r-rilsi ,17 telTr v-j -oisa nr"n.rA7tV3 niiVivt 4 zniizi en lifeless. They dot;t even bbw te .dsiTrTrTrrrrrrirti2. Datience. ssd xiriae-Tiei l?r-..fMo s ngle Udv is ure.te 4be theee-it dp it Old4achelorfr are ni-na. , tared. They dtsire to bejtsjtlsse bliging asv-petllr.Teyrinn& chadrendetsalsl!' tats yea j anvona alaa. -' - .-s i Old maidVajre-xactloikirj axd loan, goto rsJil kwft rtl ctr:, t-z. matisntp iatheir iuA bald Jti5I and sa?uthsriAaMura, docs at Cs,:'" uosMTex m. cssisT laxa-Cki-T tey have not a lsessatto it U i"?rn?8-: , "L-aL : 0 , Old raaids ctatke e hoae of one little roomy ld eok delicious '! meals for- Jhtr-'Overxthe gasrjet, in eunning:lifthji;t2KittJss, tbesidss making. aU ihei:owrtWarlrobe..pli Ji bachelors eedfj am jrmy; of ersi-, waiters! cooks'.' distant relatives and r hotel landlords to keep them 00m- "' fortabJeJThen old nai2i srill,'" ey tie up tL.irhed iit Wi -. pellets outettwA potties aUsrssUl?,.: and ,get well againaWhea old fcacS-: elors.are il;jtneyrgor i'to ' .bed Aait, send for four doctors; have a com-' 43 suUition, a mantlepieae full cf tUcl- - ' bottles ; all the -amiable "married . SL 0 . - -1 . . -a - a w . . e A men who -nfieng to US C1UD ' to SIS tin with tfimi a - Vi?1 Yiaa? m j - hixei nurtfi they tfl?3raph tiiP, 1 relationsandi do their. bet to inv press the world .withthe idea: thsy ir, dying. ' r V fWhea aa old mU trartls, 4ii ' takes a sandwich,' ariece t'f p trzsAs cake and: a boUleerlecn!j Ii a hand-btetand lsnfiene.esri 5 'yn ffbejarrl 0Wkj3 ;U i hachelpr, tnTtls Es icrdirj, a s:r. , in courses at 'thf statea,,Anniyti" r ' because he :has: intt tlae: t:cat It ' " . before ther?fifteea minutes fox rev. freshments'Tarsvoi Old- maids enk weak tea and ii cures: their; headaches. Old - backs- their youth is ovary and their bean-' ty gone If, afUrawhilso 'an-- ' tumnal love trrrsXtSilhey take it as a sort eftaVac? A3dswsLps. r1 will m f f fk . lowdrins: Rro5so.wfcw4oT-a. them hetdacs3, ;1 ,t r ; ,f) , .. l' Old maids areae Jeit : they tkl lors believe that. all women, eror iaT, lore'wiih He'aJtd tt theyt cabfaliy rg)iSd CstiiTfei 'frt'3 1 traps"- laidl t2iaviil thialiti matrimonj;l:Thrt ',at3fe!3?;clLsr;i ; ishthe belief that, tbidi .they f eventnaUylcsni.narmditta, the world expects thert to exhibit pre at twte in womex ia'iheir phoice, and that the "othS rf&UowV will lci ; " if their ferti&i e not tender c: 5 and.beairy?; alio,: thai tliy marry:, inaiky trui: e2pre ex. jesl-:;c .'.r.i. Ajyr; '" lTecentl'tlu'lf.r, a psilish ed a canard x upoA Tczxi, in wlich it is said that scect3 f esrry ing revelvsrs-tixtrfitita-rxs il lustrated; ia Ssn7Ant?aieiVrh?a a chained' 'Mexicar lion,, in a shovr seized a little girt Fourteen rc , vol vers were eactlil into the brutal "if rru Tn- m rr j tntra-afFi an i thwnanv. aiva tant'a'i notipgAtalj i. Irp&itjtiiza : sons, fifteen' rexolvers . were drawn, . out and laid ofc, the .bank ef the," stream, the extra one ' belbngb'; ti 4 the - officiating clergyman. Xi hUe -: having their sins washed away they, t were very earrful to keep thrlrpfTr--' der dry. ..: - A man withp a rusty fctsrd that ran down to a ptii, tad rcs tat . that ran to! pttk, : boxrd:i ' a Long Island railroad train at Ilin nesjota the ether afrnosnL tici a seat near, thf gtna td r hU izt a gentle sloraber, - in a f jw j rdastes , abrakemah I opened the 4bor. and shouted, "Queens V The slumber- in pstsenger;stlir:;fiiftid lis poitwn.aad iacirew, The pot s yourn;? A staid, in on Jacts." IJ. A man caovliva znorer cconoznicallT during this, aid -weather far nothing short of absolute' cscciy could La- dnce a wttata rzi cri cf tsr bed hi; the; mid ; i cf , cr) ef , ties mrfita and'nieXcj.Lurlid'e trow- arapocicu. ,, -few 'A t i. .-.at- - . 'i-.i- . i , . 4 i i i I 1 1 w -ua-

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