' . S - 1 Established 1822. CI 4RLES & POWELL Sr"'iMH"er nd Proprietors. TEE STATS C0NVENTI01T. The Democratic Stale Convention to beheld in Baleigh onWednesdaj July 5tbJ will be ! attended by; many men far removed from mediocrity. It i well that this will fee so for the to 1- sl ' . V FRANK POWELL. - . Editor. i TAIIBOHO', N. C. Thursday, June 29,1882 EjXRED ATTHE POST-OFFIOX AT TABBO. EO, JUjt., A3 SEOOXD-OLASS MATrEB.J if ok superior court jpdge : 5 2nd districj. Frederick philips, OF EDGECOMBE. rs SEDUCTION OP TAXES. Th Democratic party can scarcely be sail to have been united on any cne iefeu9 since the war. Local is sues Isave helped it in many Con gressional districts and the want of a natippal issue has injured it in many iithers. Wo need a unity of sentiment on one issue and then we shall hive good grounds for hope. "What Better issue do we need or can we asS for than a reduction of taxes. Thla i?ue the Republicans have al- saost forced upon us though they try to avoid it. That the taxes should p.; . be reduced and that , they can be re duced, Consider the following facts : tl 1. Onlitbe first of June the natiocftf business, to come before that body will be of no ordinary moment. It must there be determined who our standard bearer shall be, which in jthis election will be the consrressman at larsre. He must be a man that stands above suspicion, that is above anything of a dema; gogical nature, one who is a ready debater one who can - enthuse the masses, and one who will carry on an offensive campaign, such a selec tion will go far toward making vie tory perch upon our banners in No vember. i We think we only anticipate the convention when we say that Judge R. T. Betjitt is the man. There is no man in the State that can more effectively, hold up to' ridicule the mongrel republican ticket-that ha been flaunted in the faces of the good people of North Carolina- But the quired to convention will be re do more. It most agree a rlatiorm. a piatiorm teat nas a rinsr of earnestness about it, and about which the party must be thoroughly in earnest- -wr m I 1 1 . A .1 v e aaviso ine delegates uuw uui to have any demagoguery about it, let them declare to the world what the old North Staffe Democracy de mands. Of course a continuance in well doing kn the future as hereto fore is all that the people can ask, as to State matters, therefore the principal plans will be of national concern, Ao us we snouia say oniy two were necessary, viz: 1st The (abolition of internal reve nue. . 2nd. A. reform in the tariff; both i as sound in Democratic doctrine as if endorsed by Jefferson or. Madison or Jaekson Our people are deeply interested in thscx. a repeal of the internal reve nue laws and a reform of the ' cus Treasury&ontained $142,000,000 as "cash; balance available, -, and for whtciv as the current revenue much more tnsj pays cur rent expenses, there was therefore no de mand, ji 2. Besujes this there have been paid off during th, eleven months ending Jtme 1, 139,000,300 oi the public debt. 3. The Iponimissiooer of Internal Rev enue repo'ied at the oppning of Congress thaf'tfce feceipts of internal revenue for the fiscal yfear 1S79 were $112,449,021 G8; 3: the fiscal year, 1830, $123,981,016 10 ; for the fist-al year ended June 30, 1881, $135, 229,512 80, and the receipts for the first four months of the present fiscal year have beea foO,S7d,970 11, being $7,061, 722. S5 in excess of the receipts for the corresponding months of the last fisc,VJl year. If this increase should be mainUia ed during the remaining eight mcehSvOf the fiscal vear the receipts for "S82 will be fully $ 137,000,000. " Finally tie President, h& message called the special attin;-CA of Congress ,o the fact that that the i-eyeDue during Ue coming year won!'' probably reach, uuu,wu, wane yje esumaieu expenditures wouT.i be JoDly $270,000,000, on which account he fiery properly advised a consid erable reduction of the burdens of taxation! The republicans answered this- by a caucus resolution that there should be no redaction of taxation. to avoid to ins will in prosperity reaching and The first th far their effects upon bf our people be ve ry beneficial, means cheaper home products, the latter cheaper manu factured articles both native and foreign. theynre trying ducicg a Ibill Now it liy intro- that will; save abont twenty million cZ pilars without re ducing at sl tfc number of federal r-fffce-holdets. The bill ren if it passed wiU do very ltle good to the masse. What t -the masses care for jbe tax bank checks ? How much J does 5e. tax on matches bother ther ? The Democrats have wisely detemiied. to meet this bill with an amipdment to striVa out all internal ta?s . except thc? on dis tilled, spirits thus relievng the peo ple of seventy-two railljoDS. as will be seen from these item : peai taxes ou; oeait-sjn spirit:. ..$4,800,000 tobacco aud jviiriv and dcaluc therein, 42 300 000 Fermented liijiska and dealers ' : therein. 18.700.000 Banks otkei- 4aa National .8 7U0 000 Bank chei-k, fc -.J.SOOioOO Match? a 3 900 nno .2,300.000 Chas. R. jj lotte Olterven flat footed, the presjnt ones, editor of the Char- (daily) has come Qut e. for Jones, , against system of County Gov ernment. He expressed the senti- people of his vicinity they held an indigna denouncing his course, being opposed to the of County Govern- it m ments of the so little that tion meeting C. R. Jones press nt syste men t is a most cogent reason why is right. I We wonder if the report is true tlat the 'Libs'' pat a Congressional b ee in the Colonel's hat and thus made a convert of him, is true. But of this he may be sure, the "Libs' and "Pubs' will be unable to deliver They cannot parry him WAS2DTOT0N LSTTES. Eiairti CruiVl OultMu'i Sympathiien . v A AaatzM ttiwun i.ue waauaawa enn Trona osr rejulsr ; cortepoa4ent. WASHCfOTOK, June. 24, 1882. I wrote yoa two weeks aaro tha there was a systematic effort on the part of his kindred cranks to obtain pardon for Quiteau. This effort has assumed very definite proportions, and on yesterday, the .President was waited upon by a gang of sentemen talists run mad, and so-called experts in lunacy (from personal experience it is presumed) beseeching him to save the precious life of liuiteau Now if, as Sir William Hamilton says, the mind is the man, and, as these petitioners urge, Guiteau has no mind what is there to save from the callows? ii Nothing but the crime The crime is all that makes Guiteau distinguishable. He burst upon the world as ft crime, and his individu ality unclothed with that infamy is Mt?d;cal PrOiriary. l-c 73,600,000 This redaction would not injur iously affect?? the government, there would still be left a surplus revenue of more th'anfcsixty millions. Besides the good there would ba in this re duction and he consequent cheapen ing of homejj; productions, the nuin ber of internal revenue officers would be material! lessened. In fact only those requirdjto collect the tax on spirits wou!d!remain. It is estimated that ih this tliere would be a savinsr of four millions annually. Here are tjie two propositions in brief by the t!iivo parties: Rep .fj! . Dem. Tax on feankj Repeal of Inter check and matches nal Revenue except repealed, scsvingi tax on distilled The commissioners appointed to settle that part of the State debt i i i 1 i ! i -l itiiuwu as mo construction oonaa for ;the Norh Carolina Railroad hare made terms with the holders of about 1,500,000 of the bonds, :tnd the contract has been , approved bv the Governor and Treasurer. In fj conformity to jthe act of assembly the bondholders surrender $240 of accrued interest on each bond, and a new bond for the face value of the old one, running forty years at six per cent, with jan existing lien on the State's stock m the railroad. ; The holders of more than $1,000,000' of the bonds are yet to be heard from. to . the $20,000,000. scsvingi tax pqpple; spirits, to the people in taxes $82,000,000. iu salaries 400,000 var ocaie aoaventiou will do wise to study thes; facts. We want a real live issua.one fhat will arouse the peo ple. ILat us iz6 it and insist upon it until the people get relief. icd.i rr nrvrv cuuu,uu,uuu THE AGE OFFICE SEEKERS. Another hoyl of joy goes up from the Republical yanks. C. C. Clark, of Newbern, ssjys that ho is not in favor of tho ppsent system of coun ty government He was endorsed by the Democrats of course for Con gressman at Iiirgo. It is only then that he eavs that be is not in favor of the presently stem. If he wanted to act the patriot, that he would make himself out to be, he should have given his sentieaents beforehand, just after the Journal sngeited him for Congressman Large. But C. C. C. only did whjit other assistant Re publicans didfii before, change his views when h wanted office. He saw plainly tha Bennett would be the Democratic!! nominee, ha heard the mutteringsj!; of the Rapublicans against Folk. IjThe Supreme Court chambers appeared opened before him and, alas ! h.3 same sin that bef el the angels conquered nim. Oct bf our total population of 1,. 399,750, North 3,742 foreign have 867,322 1 blacks; 828,641 Carolina has only born citizens. We whites and 532,458 whites are native born, 11,191 are Vii-ginians, 10,158 South Carolinians, 4,888 Tennessee- ana, and the balance are scattering. We have 950 Grermans, 736 English, men, 611 Irishmen, 480 from Scot land and 380 from Canada. In 1870 with a total population of 1,071,371, 678,:70 were white, 391, 650 colored. An increase among th6 white popu ation of a little more than 22 per cent, and 35 per cent among the blacks. The article pleaded "Our Young Men'' now going the rounds of the State press originally appeared in this paper as jan editorial. When our matter is worth clipping-, please do us the justice to give due- credit. Danbury Reporter High Point Pion eer, Tarboro Sopthzhnkh and others take notice. New South. Tjie New South is mistaken, we have never clipped anything from our E. C. I Ths New Yjork Sun says that Franklin J. Moses was boasting in prison the other day that he : had been governor of South Carolina, and that he became greatly offended when one of thej keepers told : him that he "owed bis elevation Jo . the carpetbag Republican element in Southern politkjs." . 1 not worth a moment's consideration It thea follows that these petitioners and their sympathisers are the con spicuous advocates of conspicuous crime, impure and simple. They vattB their smt with learned Jargon about tne opinion oi tne mecucai ira ternity. With all respect to the Doctors of medicine, they know no more about insanity pure and simple. There is an essence in each beyond the Ken of science, we ao not un derstand tnent How then can we define the frontier where eowtpoi men becomes non empoer We say this man has tTOOd sense out tnat man is irrational. And sentimentalists with fantastic logic try to reverse the laws of Nature and promote the survival of the unnttest by saying tnat tins so-called irrational man who planned and rehersed his crime for weeks, and arran cred in such minute de tails as to engage a carnage to take him to jail to the very place where the criminal law says a murderer shall be taken is irresponsible, et erf Hnaeut. Of course there is but one opinion as; to what President Arthur will do in the matter. That )inion is that he will do nothing. e has refered the petition to the Attorney-General for an opinion this is merely ; formal Meanwhile, friday, tne, dvin oi June, is ap proaching, when the nauseous sub ject will be put beyond argument Tne Senate una wees: passed a bill appropriating 4300,000 for the erection of an annex to the White House. The annex is to be on the South side looking toward the Po tomac and' the sky piercing Washing ton Monument The White House in its preeent shape is quite a spaci ous residence for a small family. It has held, at many a reception, no ess than twe thousand persons, but the American President is the most hospitable "monarch" on the globe and immigration is increasing very rapidly. Besides, Georgetown that rookery of old' bankrupt "first families' with a propensity to turn np the nose at parvenu Washington has been made a part and parcel of the Capital, to its (Georgetown's) great disgust So with a nation of fifty millions, including Georgetown, and a steady influx of Dutch and Irish, to say nothing of natural in crease, Caucasian and African, it is felt desirable to build a few more apartments to the; palace. Washington furnishes more sen sations than any other city in the country, and the bench and the bar never fail to contribute more than a due proportion. A very few years ago-two judges on the bench shed copious tears of mortification because of altercations with counsel. An other judge was the constant subject of irony and ridicule by the bar be cause cf the displays which his habits led htm into; A week or two ago during the progress ef the Star Route Trials, one of the counsel called another of the opposing coun sel a bar, and two or three days sub sequently an associate of the first called an associate of the second a pup. In the criminal court room to day Mr. Robert Ingersoll, who has been overbearing and discurteous during. the entire progress of the Star Route Trials, served notice in characteristic style and manner, on the counsel for the prosecution that none of them dare speak to him. In the Equity eonrt room, the judge became involved in a heated discus sion with an attorney as to the filing of certain papers, and when the lawyer laid them on the desk be fore his Honor the latter threw them at his head with all ' his might and did not miss his aim. The liberals are called 'assistant republicans." A more apt name could not have been selected. The Republicans will find, should that party be successful that they were assistant liberals with vengance. Miss Fannie Fisher (Christian Reid) has a new novel in prinl. We are proud of Miss Fisher not merely because she is a good writer but be cause she is a North C3aroliniah. Thx large workshops 61 Ellington and Royster of Raleigh were de stroyed by fire last Monday night, their loss is estimated at : thirty thousand dollars. A coitvention of colorod men iu Kansas has nominated Alfred; Fair fax, a colored man, who runs aYarm, as their candidate for Congress. During the past week one hundred and thirty eight business failures were reported. The Republicans are assessing office holders two per cent of their annual salary. Southern boys captured the first honors both at West Point and Annapolis. Congeess it is thought will adjourn about the 10th or 20th of July. Queen Victoria per day. income is $6270 NEW APVEntlSEMEMTS. liWi Fill! wrm The present Congress will probably pass a bankrupt bill. Can be used on a cook stove at the same time you are cooking your meals. Dries' fruits and vegetables of all kinds in two to three hours. Far superior to sun-dried fruit AGENTS WANTED. Send for circulars. COOK STOVES, 0 STOVES AND TW& 'ARE ALWAYS ON HAND. REPAIRING promptly and neatly done. ROOFING and GUTTERING done either in the country or town. Work guaranteed. Giveme a call. L. C. TERRELL, Tarboro, N. C., May4-4m. Qmmtt tne Dank. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE ! forbid anyone of hirinK Ennnct Mr afhing- ton. colored, my boii. Any inforniation as to bis whereabouts iwiu De tnankiuny i eeived. Address GEO. WASHINGTON, Or W . H. Weatberabee, June 29. 1883. Tarboro, N, C. Furniture ! MertaHngJ B. C. Carlile, Whitakers Academy, WHITAKERS, N. C. ffHE Bigtb Session of A. J. Moored School I Majll St., lUSt al)0V8 X at this place will open on the Second I TJ-1-vr j , ft For further particulars, apply to M.jjtiiL, rrw i. June 39-2. A. J. Select Boarding & Day School for Yonng Ladies and Little Girls. HILLSBORO, N. C. The Musaes Nash and Miss Kollock win re sume the exerctsea of their School (forty-sev enth session) on 38th July, 1883. and clow them 14th December (twenty weeks ) Circulars on application. j 5-un. ST. MARY'S 11, RALEIGH, N. C. flUE ADVENT TERM of the Forty-First M. Annual Session of this School begins THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7TH, 1882. For catalogue address the Rector, the REV. BENNETT SMEDES. A-M- June 29-ani. Pamlico Banking Co. HAS ON HAND NEW, FRESH STOCK OF Foraitare ! i Bought for Cash, which he offer at moderate-prices. hnitus cf ill M hmi 0FFISf G1S&ETS AMD UM- DERTAKIHG GENERALLY. aT" Patronage solicited. ' B. C. CARLILE. Tarboro, Feb. 26, 1882: Davis High School, With a Military Department, LA CSAK6E, Lr.xr Co., I i. mi will pay all expenses, including board tuition, washing:, fuel and lights lor (wion of five months. ADVANTAGES : h course of study, Healthy Location, Bar racks for cadets, nourishing Literary society. The Fall Session besrins the first Monday in August. For catalogue, address, je 29-tf Cai-t. A. C. DAVIS. Ja.. Prin. VJO CGUMTZ INSTITUTE. FOB BOTH SEXES, Strictly Xon-Sectarian. H. D. TEEL, beral Store. Don't wander in to the valley of the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. i I hope to remove JfromNAustin's to new and commodious quarters (near my oia stand; oy Sept. 15, 1882, where I shall have an increased stock of Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, Specs Fine Table Cutlery, Musical Instruments Fancy Goods, &c, &c, at very low ' . figures. Call and see the best Sewing Machine ever invented, "the Flight running new davis" A MARVEL OF SIMPLICITY AND AOILITY.' JAS. H. BELL, CO., ABRLHm VHITL0CK, CLOTHIER AND- UEBCHAHT TAILOR In the latest noreltiea and largest I rarietj, we claim to show op the nob- j bieat, best-fitting and MOST DESI RABLE STYLES that bave ever bean shown in thu town for Dress Business and School wear. Our stock of Youth's and Chil dren's Clothing is the largest in vLJJTLlLjIr XNOTITLCO Z The newest and best styles at the very . lowest possible prices. Our first Grand Opening of Spring Goods. Have just returned from the Northern markets, and" can display a l&rg and complete line of Buntings, Cashmeres, Nun's Veiling, Tinsel Trim ming, (all shades) Striped and cheeked Nainsook, Sheeingt and Shirtings, Table Linen, Towels and Toweling, Ladies', Gents' and Children's Pine Hose, our Opera Slippers are the ni- ' cest in tne mai feet, Oil and straw Matting, .Laces, Hamburg Edging and Inserting, Kid Glovee, Corsets, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs. Please call whether tou want to buy or not. Tiuly, - u 91 BYNUM, GASK1LL & CO. March 2-1 r. HONE, NAME THEE BUT TO PRAISE. " THE LIGHT RUNNING "NEW DAVIS" Sjws any fabric from Lace to Leather WITH OUT BASTING. Flag the automatic elf-regulating tension and take up. Always ia order and never fails in iu duty. Produce tha BEST QUALITY of WORK In the Greatest Variety. Try it. It never fails to give per fect satisfaction. THE VERTICAL FEED Is the greatest advance made ia Mwlaf bm- clianiin ?ince the invention of tewing machine. believing no one can fail to recog- town, all buyers will at my stock before purchasing. Wei j We invite a careful examination of it, nize the fact that it is do weii to look THE MOST PERFECT SEWING MACHINE HADE. warranted lor live years.. M. E. CASTEX & CO., General Agsnts, Coldsboro. N. C. V TT TTT T T t. XT -i 1 T r1 r a --nn . V xx. xjsa., xuruoro, anu o. . L,Aijri, weenvuie, . c, Agents, -f uyimtu. 30th Session besrins Monday. Sept. 4th. 1882. spacious building, me library and Appara- j j T tus, experienced and Thorough teachers, Pre- S 118.(1 OT OI (16Dl;,Dllt naratorv and Colles-iatc conrscs. neculiar ad- I ' rantages to Young Men for BUSINESS TRAINING and to Young Ladies for complete instruction In MUSIC We graduate several eacn year in tnesc departments. l erms un usually moderate, ror catalogue address, 8. IIASSELL, A. M. Principal, June 29-3iu. Wilson, N. C. buy from Teel. Engines, &c, for Sale. A YMM MM T F. TAYLOR, F firm of The doctors and dabblers who are now trying to save Gaiteau frm the gallows, on the ground of mental hallucination and irresponsibility, are not justified in croinar out of their way, as some have done, to abuse his lawyer. Mr. Scotflle. ' If the latter could not save his client, neither has bis coUeasne and successor, Mr. Beed, been able to do so: and proba bly Mr. oconlle understood his bust nesa as well as the doctoos under stand theirs. No one should aues tion the patience, fidelity, and ear neatness of Mr.' Sco villa while bear mg on his own shoulders for a long time almost tne wnoie weight of a desperate case, destitute of pecuniary means, shunned in great part by brother lawyers, unused to special practice in tne criminal branch of his profession, baffled as well as bullied at evert point, br his orm client. methodically " misrepresented and vunnedi by a picked body of opposing lawyers, and distressed in bis own home by the mental j condition and conduct of his wife, bis client's sister. N. T. Smn. Why does not Congress pass routine appropriation bill in leisure of midwinter, instead' its the of waiting to dispose of them duriag the heat of June and July, after they have been loaded down with a mass of additional legislation? Wi are pleased to learn from the Sodthkbjteb that Tarboro, N. G. is fast resuming the position she once occupied as one of the prominent racing points of the South. On this subject we have to regret that the improvement of their breed of horses is not recemnar tne attention it should ia Midland Tinrinia. For quick movement, &ne appear anoo and endurance we have never, seen any horses equal to those j raised bef ere the war by Johnson,and other leading men of the period. There is money in raising good horses and every far mer should raise at least one colt every year. The better the stock the larger the profit from horse-raising. Public Ledger. asrent for the well-known C. K G. Cooper & Co.i offers to the public an opportunity to purchase engines oi any Kind at reasonable prices. laUU in use ana no accident reported. TRACTION ENGINES, PORTABLE EN GINES. COMMON FARM ENGINES. THRESHING MACHINES, SAW MILLS, i of all sizes. Agent also for the Brown Cotton Gin and the Roanoke Cotton Press. : J. F. TAYLOR. r. . Macuinery purcnased through me will be put up under my personal supervision li required. Tarboro, N. C, June 29-2ni. Notice to Executors, Admin istrators and Guardians. riiHE law requires Executors. Administra- X. tors and Guardians to make prompt re- I iutus. This has been very much neglected in this county. Many administrators and executors tailing to make even an inventory. Guardians shall renew their bonds every three years ; this tw, au nw oeen aone in many cases. The Probate Judge has no discretion. Un less Guardians come forward and renew, and administrators make their returns at once, it wiu iw uiy uuty to return we names or all de linquents at tne next term oi Superior Court. vv. a. uuuuajn, iTobate Judge. Tarboro. N. C. June 29. 1888. IS PENNY SAVED. 1 1. a also carry a full line of STYLISH HATS, in Blade, Pearl, Sti? and Straw Goods, in best Orades. We have the best line of HAND & MA. CHINS SEWED SHOES that we ROTHSCHILD'S SHIRTS. 45 for $S. DELIVERED FREE EVERYWHERE. Rothschild's Custom, phlrta made to order Wsuisuti Afmalle, Ben I risk IXmrnm. Feb. 9. THE CHAMPION Entrance Grate. THE right to use and construct the CHAM PION ENTRANCE GATE on lots and plantations, will be sold by the purchasers to Individuals in Edgre combe county on the fol lowing terms : For Each Lot or Plantation, $5 00 Across tha Public Highway, 5 00 William Howard, Esq., of the Edgecombe Agricultural Works, will take pleasure in showing the Gates and explaining their use. Ail applications should be made to -I FRED. Tarboro March 28, 1882. -tf. PHILIPS. HORNER SCHOOL, OXFORD, N. C. The Fall Session of 1882 begins the 1th Aonaay in July. INSTEUCTOUS : J. H. Hobssr. J. C. Hobs ek. J. M. IlOBKZB. With such Assistant Instructors as the ex igencies of the School may require. The chief work of the, School is done by the senior Principal and his two sons. The less important work is given to assistant in structors, who are selected with especial ref erence to their peculiar fitness for the duties assigned them ; and the number of atnden&t will not be increased beyond the oapacitv of we j-nncpais to taae personal cnarae of all .1 -i . . , . . uie ouusea in tne ieaoung Dranches taught, and to supervise all the work of the School. i ne Bcnooi nas been under its present management zor more I nan xnlrtv Xaara. and in this sense, it is, we believe, the o'd est school in the South. As several of the Cadets will leave for College, there will be room next Session for about twenty new students. t or Catalofme, apply to the Principals, J. U. A J. C. HOBNEB. Jane 22, 1882.-lt. WEDDELL & CO. IN VTTE their friends and customers to call and see their New Stock, just received ; PRANG'S EASTER CARDS, SCHOOL BOOKS and STATIONERY. Every article in their line necessarr to carrr on any business, mercantile or otherwise, can always be had. PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER AT LOWEST PRICES. Any book not in stock -will be ordered and sold at Publisher's prices. . Nos. of Sea-Side and Franklin Square Li brary always on hand. WKODELL&CO.. March 30, 1882-tf Tarboro. N. C in warrant Good. Having renovated oar store out side and inside, we will show oar cus tomers, and the ! public generally a In every respect the very best Shirts that we can produce AT ANY cost. Our laree an d trow ing business, ample facilities, many year's experience. lonar list of muiAium in n-ins h- ies to whom our goods give perfect satisfaction, justify us in saying that we produce ScgTOX SHIRTS .excelled by none i Gentlemen who have hitherto been under the impression that the very best shirts could no be sold at our prices are invited to give, us a triaL WE GUARANTEE PEBFEfJT 8ATI4 FACTJON. a Oar Spring importations of Fancy Shirtings include all the new desiirns in Freu-h Cretan Pereales, and Scotch Cheviot Shirtings. j . Knit SUIrts aud Drawtrt We have now on hand the larsreet and best selected utook nf fiant' for Sprtmr and Summer wear. Rothsc thschiid's White Merino Shirts at 50 rents eiu-li. Rothschild's Royal Merino Shirts and Drawers at 75 cents each. jtoinscnuu s-Bummer uashmere Shirts and Drawers at 1 each. Rothschild's Indian Gauze Shirts, whole or half sleeves, at 50 cents, earn Rothschild's Summer Merino Shirts and drawers at CO cents each. Rothschild's Best Jean Drawers. 60 cents each. Also, Beautiful Lines of Balbriggan and 8ilk Underwear. Spring I In T atvV la nnv unmnWa on1 ! a Ik. 1 . . . - ' . . . .1 l i i a . . i . , .Uu muuuvi au uc iiwi, uuveiues ana choeen srodiictionf oi firgt-Claai stock at moderate pticea. the Foreign and Domestic markets. Large lines of Club Hons, TJy. LA . v. .u. f " lam uu n aiiisy tuiuicu biiks na sauns. w cents to KloU so, large lines of Folded Silk and Satin Ties, in plain and fancy colors, 90c to 5c ea each. ieach. In , our ilERCHANP TAILOB- ING DEPARTMENT we show FOR THE SEABOARD & RALEIGH RAIL ROAD 18.000 Dross ties Apply to " S. & R. R- R. CO. TARBORO HOUSE. line of pwee goods and sarr.pie for Fine Clothing, fvr which we claim auperioritf over the best Tailors North. Prices and Material com pared. Oar goods fit better than any sold in the State. - . . ' L , Please give us a call. A. WHITLOCK. AgL All manufactured in our own factory from inmortiul ti Spring shades. c ' ' " H v" r ROTHSCHILD'S FANCY HALF HOSC. All the newest designs in imported fancy half hose from 35c to tl.85 per fcalr Plain, Colored and British half hose from 25c per pair upwards. . ' AU grades, our own manufacture. Best gingham umbrella, 1. General stock of furnishing- goods, collars and cuffs, cambric. linn ami nut- t,.nVor.hi. suspenders, and gentlemen's jewelry, all at popular pricos. v An elegant set of gold-plated collar and sleeve buttons, or iWnnt . vt t .ki I cn away with each half-dozen of Rothschild's Custom Shirts. Samples, directions for self-measurement, and descriptive circulars mailed free Special price-list to the trade. We refer to all New York. W. II. ROTHSCHILD & CO., Broadway & 8to Si., Kew York. wk ia your owa towa VwyootSt fraa. ' Addnss H. B Tint and as Hallet Co, port- MENDELSSOHN PIANO Co. Grand Offer for the Next 60 Days Only. $850 Square Grand Piano for only $244. OF A IVTh CniTT l? O 1 O MAGNIFICENT Rosewood case, elagandjr I stall if a I i L Mii O I finished-S strings. IX Octaves! full patsnH agiuuB, uur new patent overstrung scale, ueuuuiui carvea ieg uiu ' pentine and large fancy moulding, full Iron frame, French Grand Action, Grand Hammers, is fact, ever.y improvement which can in any way tend to the perfection of the inatromsnt ba been added. i . 0?r price for this instrument; boxed, and delivered on board QCA K All Of the Cats at New York Hitv with fine Piano Cnvnr. Stool a.nd Rook, ouiv I9isV4Av' Just reduced from our late wholesale factory price, $295, for sixty days only. This is now vj jar me greatest oargain ever oiterea to the musical public. Linpreceaeniea mendous demand f t this style ! Send in your order at once. Do not lose this rare opportunity; 1 This Piano will be sent on 15 days test triat. 1 Please send reference If "you do n seaa money with order. Cash sent with order will be refunded, and freigt charges paid by uf ooui ways If Piano is not just as reoresented. Bawid nthw snecial Bareains. Pianos euW up- Over 15,000 in use, and not one dissatisfied purchaser Don't fail to write us before buying niKuuuw luumua jriano catalogue, mailed Ti'eey giving tne niguea wmuiwu"" awarded any piano manufacturer. Every Piano fully warranted for 5 years. SHEET MUSIC at one-third nrice. Catalfm of ft nno choice nieces of popular -musis for 3 cent stamp. j .w I Jonlh;i"lyTOHMPiA,IOCO,P'0 B0X 2058 NtW laaajsaue.

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