? a 1 . . i ; - - . - ' I v. x ' , a Si MB ill t f I : k I m- S 3 J.1 4, 1 a? - (kAfiAnt aa 1aob MnoKlA mOT -4 - . - 1 - ' " 1 I H - Established IS22. CHArjLES A POVVE LL Fubtihera mm lrortM u t I FRANK jOWEUL. "k.ltin'. IN. c:. Thursday! - - September 23. 1882 Entebbe at the tost-omioi 'at Tabbo- BO, N. C,, t AS SlOOMD-OI. HATTBB. -4i Democratic State Ticket. TOB COSaRJMMAN AT LARGS : RISDENjT. BENNETT, of Anson. To 8DPKEMB COCBT JCDGB ! THOltiS EUFFLN, of Orange. TOB C0NGRIS8 VIB8T DISTRICT I LOUIS C LATHAM, of Pitt For Superior court Judges i , tfiBST Distbict.JAMES E, SHEPHERD. Sbcohs 44 FREDERICK PHILIPS, 'f Hiat ' i,T,M4Wn A. McKOT. TdUBta "! JOHN A. GILMER. tirtu - J' JAMES C. McRAE. glXTH W. M. SHIPP. ' POLITICIANS. -The primary mauing of the word politician 13 one verecl in the science of government. Then from the die reputable tricks of some party lead ers arose a secondary meaning, one of cunning or deep contrivance. The last is a terra of reproach. We givf these definitions that our people may not class every body as a politician that joins cluba, votes, and takes an interest in our elections. Last week: we heard as good a citizen as any county can boast of give as a reason fr not joining a campaign club that he was no politician. A gain we have heard equally good men say to those who canvass tLe county vre want bOine of you poli cians to come out and speak. In both of these iostances the term is misapplied There are few if any politicians among the Edgecombe Democracy according to the seceu dary meaning of the word. Those who do the canvassing, the speaking are more Entitled to be called patri ots. Their reward which they zeal ously labor for is the satue as tuat for which -patriots have fought anil JieJ good government. Citizens, democrats., of the negro ti l lf-n conn ty can havB no other incentive. Die politioal afeua is Two thoitdftr;.' v J;rilv vetoes political and talents a oivfii o brir ont a full vote ffr thf r--rt; th-r givas uh the best goya-i J:. ILo man agement -Ipi a ;rovcr:;r i :i:' as in con ducting iifdividual afi: f r'e dif fer as to the bist method of proeeed ure. In this republic w are all partners. jEi,3cfcions are held lo de termine hciw the partntifship eute. prise shaUi be condaccd. Tuso ih the true andeprrect viav frora vh?c!i Tre should deleririne our Jaiios as citi zens. Thfer3 is no place for the in dependents voter. H is as much out of place as a decent man in the radical party. It is the duty of every citizen to vo.e rt all elections either to endorse or dispprove r f the present udndnistration. Not only this but if a citizen believes that a particulv v-irtv vlll givs i'uv best govern i-. t u ; : i a,': means make r:veT ' r;i--- i to secure th r-.n-- : "' y The degret'f i'clh . u :u-. De in proportion V.z .'.i-stake. We stated -c i'--- -.l:r.:; only a fewpoliii-jians, iil. was eral. In cirii'u i;srf i:".!.- rV,a WC1 t- i I :'. i iff governniert 17J.' citi .ua Luv- 1. :: ed the science theroct. Ti.?-; :.V!. been tauglf 'it by tL'--ir b.tLer ex perience ofiarticai. ii.i.'-rula v: d iLe beneficient-rlhct of tleu-oci.iti" hon esty, this imiticaiar "branch i.j.ccunty coveinmeni. This is all tla edv.- o ' - cation tLattIie radicals. fMvc. ana with so mufh vigor did iL.-j Leach us that no pne can comylain of a 1 neglected jedtt'eaiion. In thi;; spect v.o iuy f''y be called poli ticians, thejpiiu vy meaning is very applicable, tre hi.v :ot the i.cicnr-c or art of eoiiint troremaen. 'Mown fine." Likewise are the evils of the Canby eystfni, foisted upon us by bayonets not bo remote but that every good icifcien should be alarm fA. Oood il citizens should scraii'i f every nervej escrt ail tr:c:r tnergirz to defend iieif xnoptrty. Enough monev has'bf-cn spent in i-he last eight years get lessly anJ the interef.!pit to run a tcMoo the county . i C: at a salary f i Te dolia c k i ..1; rile Eeect no .rp-'iC tLrt ,"J':ivl :.:o : . ; to-.v;-'j!jip in j -c.i.eu ior each Ices thtiU foriy- .::t. x.nouga v tbo radical money wa:; fi. . 1 party in 185 ca sot-cdlvd puuper.;. t3 have clad the real ones m suk rn broadcloth Enough coats imposed try corrupt ' i Justices ol the Peace were paid during that period by ig noramt people without any sanv oi Jastice, to iave paid tlie state tares for last year. Wben h .who works to Tiard against these evilH is called a (politician it;, is v i th pride tur cpi thet should bt stjoken. We should be proud tp be called politicians "when we organize for the defence of our liberty find our property. We commend to the careful con 'sideration of thoe who say that they 'have no time to devote to politics. wUowmg'ta. iroru a speech by candidate for Governor of New Yor: Ui:-r.AxnVJ U I m mU i ChafiaA Dot unlike those we owe to orMneigb-1 oor ana w. our uoa.. ne who uiuub Knar nma ty rtAvotA v zo imDiiiMraiif cm' will rwti-riAns una zdm lie , tuav become the prey of public plunderers, and he who indolently cares not . who administers the government of his oifr- Tsill Ka livtnor fJAlv ftnd ID the noglect of his highest duty as a citi zen." NO FENCES . i Timber in all thickly settled coun tries is a very important item and forestry demands almost as much attention as agriculture. In many portions of the! State our forests have been "destroy to such an extent that many farmers find it extremely difficult and costly to get enough timber to fence their-cultivated land. In many parts I of this county the land owners have awakened to the fact that that their wooded land is verv scarce. In the western and northwestern sections of the coun ty fence meetings have been held for the purpose of getting the own ers of the land jto unite and jointly put their lands kinder one enclosure. Different ways pf accomplishing thia hare been proposed and advocated. OiJy two of them demand any con sideration. One is a joint stock com" paay chartered jy the legislature and the ether is a mutual agreement by and between the land owners charg ing the land with the expenses of keeping up the ommon fence. The latter plan offers many advantages over the former while it is equally as good. The former method will force people to do that which they are oppo.spj tl which is wrong. We are firmly convinced that we should have stock laws; but we are equally sure thatj a large majority of the people are opposed to it. No law that has not the support of a majority of our citizens will be ef fective or even respected. This be ing true the beat plan, it occurs to us, would be to convince those who op pose the roeasuj-e, of their error. This cannot be done by force which will only intenRinr their opposition. The easiest way will te the best and that way is by example. i Let those who are in favor of do 1U2 away with un necessary fences if tLtir lands adjoin uuite iu-au agree- tnnr in writing. In this agreement can be set forth all etiDuiations and rnl- bv wLich- covenautiUiT ue t' jverned. Each lan 1 owner pin1 tip t' prep rti j.: J thv to till Each cc?t tiiii: 5. c r.rs tu- tL eueiosed. should vote in sarue proporticr say fJty or one hun- lre-l acre?. A committee cumpuse-l of these land owners should bo ap pyiuted whose duty it fchould be the Linking Rnd keeping up of tl e com ",on f nee. Damages for stock ! - 5 should be adjusted by under the rentdations lontaiuod in the agreement. In ?Lio-f very tbing iug ot a no fence accomplished by agreement. for a perfect work- law can be thus his simple mutual We have hear only one objection to this plan. It is asked what will you do with tenants' hogs cattle and Sc. There need be no trouble about The landlof 1 "in make if he wish tenant that gets out M.aut shall and pay Lilt; landlord cau pay r;ni .uraseii. XL: : "un i.s s in the act ofbe- : to op ;'i'fJti-JU near William's . Cli. Ve hav eno doabL that if tried ! coniinuiiiiie or :-.ods lucM satisfactory re- It v. ii.lx the opposing i II SCO he "benefits that w o have so much to keen up. lie will want to i- i? :n it a argntneiit, meteaa - o feelings ;iJn'st neighbors ui havo lilies towards these whc 1 ejected Lia vitvt-s and opinions hav? ueeu onl' .r--judice. ' foel cooiilfci in oayir.g that e,v years almost wiii be under one f -jr.ro. Ojiaiug Svsats Cat their 3had&vs Be- No Scute's politick, ex'tepi, onr own, at u act a? nj'.tcii attention SNew worftil, abij edi g in cv t4-y stiflUor. Yoil. ' 'f;uij tt-d luo U.'.iwU,. St- 1 r. or j In i t i'ei:..- i'-.. ;i.t o ,v I'o-L. rad Aiepviblioana heir conveatlonR- Tbe Democrats hhv? JUS wlifv ii oai:nr.t8d Coveiiior3 and oth er Staie oScer:-,. Tho result of the elociica in that fcLate will have the strongest tendency tot-ait across the Pi-cc identic! conlea tatwo years hence bi-.. I'mt my deepen into eub ..c. xh- Republicans held their coiive.uijju a day earlier than the through forgery, br'M- ..nl tHo basest of " machine" .inated Judge Folger, tho present Secretary of the U. S Treasury. At the Democratic con- vention Governor Cleveland, Mayor oi B affalo. was nominated, i His nom ination was madel by means of no political machinations. It wa? the inoag shoot oj the people for IV I M VI f 1 111 I lliaill JDIUiVl Uiu 4 BM Wl I Folger is Arthur's candjdatejjbis I BniMin manna lnnd booia,6r Ar- thur in the next Presidential nomina-4 i tioiK?,, M k j 'CSevela&t put ttfc irlBfAtion f Majr6r oJBuffii(j wHohpve Garfield nedy tifiQO nirajarity by over three thousand. Repubfians concede that he is a strong candidate. Many New Yorkers are predicting that he will carry the State by a majority greater than that of Tilden's. If this be true, and as Governor, he comes up to the public expectation, when the Democrats meet in convention , to nominate a candidate for the Preei dency, he will carry the convention almost to a man. We shall not at all be surprised to find in the next two years that we have another Tilden. The Soverign Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows has been in annual sea. sion in Baltimore since Monday last week, and many important matters have been before the supreme body. The Grand Sire's report conveys the intelligence that the Order has made greater progress, numerically ana financially, during the past year than in any other year since its establish ment itt America sixty three years ago. The returns exniDic an au dition of nineteen thousand to the numerical strength of the Order in the jurisdiction reporting 'to this Grand Lodge. The temples devoted to Odd Fellowship have been in creased, and the three linked banner has been unfurled upon hitherto for bidden soil. POLITICAL NOTES Dr. Tvre York. Brlndle-tail can didate for Congress in this' District, voted in the Legislature against a bill allowing negroes to testiy in court. StaUtvilU Landmark. The Wake Had nominated seven Raleighitee for office, and for the best paying offices. They were Pur tit1! James H. Harris, Chas. D. Up church, Neathery, Gorman, White and Dr. Ellis. Stanly court begins at Albemarle to-morrow. The Democrata of the county will have a big rally on Tues day, and will be aaareasea ny -nr. "FVftTft Ohorne. Maior Montsrouierv, Senator Vance and other distinguish ed men. Charloti Oitervrr- We learn from the Republican nominees, sheriff and clerk, in Edre conibe, that the convention of that co-.xufv e; i iorsed O'hara. They say tLrre is no doubt about it. and that O'V .ra will beat ITubb- b-ully t -oils. V,'-l.!on X.ics. .'A'r.ich !terki? ":ich V'.rh It is :iaid tU'iC the KcpuLiican wiio ' pullers cancusscd hcie tbic week anu decided V ran Messrs. James II. Headen and A W. Wicker ior the House and Davi t A Holt for log? tor. but did no decide upo uy candidate for sheriff ;or clerk PitU boi Jtecvrd. I am in favor of a convention lo amend our present constitution- It forbids a person convicted of stealing or any other infamous ciime from voting. - This is not light. It is not Republican. TLe man convicted cf such offenoe3 ha3 as much right to vote as any other man. W. T. Dtxon, Radical candidate fvx tht Ltgii laiui-$ in Greene. The Siaiesville LaudnKtrk says that Dr. York usually devotes abo it fify minutes of his boar about prohibi tion. Then Major Robbins got up and says: ';I once Lad a dog that, after the balance of the pack had run a rabbit into a hollow log and I Lad swisted it-out and gone or;, -vo'ii l come op to that log, stick hia head ia and stay there and bark all d iy. I gave that dog a-vay." Tis usually fiettlcs it Docker? denied here that h Ac cepted the appointment of liwg.idier J General of Kirk's army. " The editor j of the Oxford Free Lanco. wuo knows v?lr:f ha is stylkiiiL' about. aSlniw; thaL tU aeCfpt Ana :tjr ihx,.r,': i-Oii ', iu his speech at i'rospact lliit Satur day. aliirniol the satnt- thin, . and said he wottid give one hundred dol lars for a certain letter Dock cry wiotc to Gov. Holden. Mr. Long said he had cause to know KC-tiieiuii-g about Dockery'b acceptance. Milton L'hzon icl. Detiiocratic i r pc-ctd Ui i ty arc briiiitu,,! ...e i ,v cL,. .--ic people gav Ya.;oo .i ilao rw.-j-Uja yesterday. He it; nowhere ix-orc ad mired and beloved than among iac people of th-.- Caxc Fear. Dr. Worth, Col. Thomas M. Holt and Gen. Roberts speka at Siow Caaiy to a good crowd or; "Wedneiiday. and ou Tnursday Judg-3 Menimon and Dr. Vorth spoke at Graham. J'adge llcrrimon's speech, wc are told, was cue of the strongest" political nddrcs see mar? daring the eatoprdgn, being c pf -.i-vt'ol find conviniiig -pres&rita-Lou of Democratic pv;i;cirl.s aud a r. '.: v' ' '. TtfUeigh JV -ijj 7 ".Hi 3, Virginia, Buororte f3o3 JI'-Lone in nr rl Tinas Camtrca kai uo snore de voted follower in tho United States 3en3le than Tss Mahouc. Other mambcrs of tbo Senate who sit r.pon the republican Bide 'may Bmet;;noa refuse to vote wih the 'Pennsylvani an bosa, but liahons never falters. And yt the man to the success of whose schemes in the United States Senate Mahone gives tho aid of Vir ginia directs his canvassers us the moana cf promoting1 hia owa eadc by reviving the feelings eu gendered by the war, to ascribe the liso in the price of Confederate bonds to the independent movement in hia State and to intimate tbat dsa:oe?'Htio suc cess means the payment ' of uch bonds. Boss Oanieron thu shows that he has as poor aa opinlou of tfce intelligence of tho ptoplo of Pcnu eylvania as Boss Mahone has of thai of Virginians." Alexandria (Va.) QatL ' "The coahtion of the greenbackers of South Carolina with 4he republi cans is another evidence that inde pendentism, no matter- ' what guise it may assume, is nothing more or less than radicalism. A" faction of democratic soreheads ixr that ' State, afraid to come out boldly and eall themselves republicans, adopted the senseless name of ,'greenbacker, and proceeded to fight the democratic party. Finding their hopes . of suc cess vain, however, they have at length thrown off the mask and openly affiliated with the political enemies of their State. Thus it is once more seen that whether the op ponents of the democratic party in the South call themselves retdj us ti ers, independents, independent dem ocrats, greenbackers or -what not, their ultimate Q,bect is the same the triumph of radicalism." Savan-r nah Newt. The white man or the negro, which should we have? PERSONAL, I TO MEN ONMf! The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., will send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belts -and Electric Appliances on trial for thir ty days to men (young or oldwho are afflicted with Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality and Man hood, and kindred troubles, guaranteeing a speedy and complete restoration of health and manly vigor. Address above. N. B. fcTo risk is incurred, as thirty days trial is allowed. IVotbera! Mother I! iotlter!s! Are you disturbed at nigt and broken ot your rest by a sick child nuflering and cry ing with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth J" If so, go at once and pet a t-ottly ol MRS. WINSLOW'S 800THING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer imme diately defend upon it ; there 1b no mistake about it. 'mere is not a mother on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell yon at once that it will regulate the be wells, and give rest to the mother, and relief and healtk to the child, operatinz like magic. It is per fectly saio to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one o( the oldest tnd best Itinale physicians and nurses in the United 8tates. Sold every where 25 cnt a bottle. Jan. 19 ly A Congh, Cold or More Throat should be stopped Neglect frequently re sults in an insurable Iun i)Ue;ise or (Jo . sumption. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TKO CUES u. not disorder the .toaj v.-h iike couth syrups nn I bsOs;i:n, l ut act ''irectiy on the iniUmed part-, allaying' irritattci; aire relioi' iu Astlnu-i Brov,:!li.U, '.'ougrs Catarrh, :onsuiu;.tivr aiul the'f hrval troa: les which sinirers :ir;d i'uhiic sp-nkcrs art' subject ti. For tiiiriy yerrs Brsiwri's Hi- n-i-Lial Troches c tx't-ii recommended phy; sici ins, and have av? given perlc.et sat isf.tction. Having been tt-stcd '17 widi ai;d constant use for uo.ii'iy ..v 15 tire cvncr.il iou the.' Ii ive i w-i. ni' "ite.J :iiaitr:ir i!.c few stiipk- re.ucdi'--;! -.-.- .-t'c. Sil J twut-five c-nti !mt i-ttv s iji rc ,'. 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A0 MORE EYE-GLASSES. No J52SA weak More Eyos! MITCHELL'S EYE-SALVE A Certain, Safe aud Effective Romedy for Sore, Weai aafl MeM Eyes, Producing Loner-Sigh tednc9 and Restoring the ci-tit f thp Old. Curee Tear Drops, Grau uiatiou, stye Tumors. Red Eyes. M:tted Eye La.- he. aud j'roducing quick relief aud perma-u-r.t 1 ire. A'.;. equally etlicacious when ued in 'itticr maladies. tuch as L'lcers. Fever Sores, Tumors, salt Rheum. Burns. Piles, or wher ever iuilauiation exists, Mit -hcll's Slve may be used to advantage. Sold by all DrnggLsts at 25 cents. SiTUATIONJHANTED A young lady, a graduate, desires a situation ad Teacher, either iu a private family or School. She teaches the branches usually taught in Colleges, with French and Music. Best of references given. Address, EDITOR TARBOIiO'-SOUTHERNER, Tarboro' N. C. tics:. At the last meeting of the Beard of County Commissioners it was ordered by the Board that the voting place of Walnut Creek town ship be changed from School House to Noble's M.1I. Test : JOHN C. DANCY. Clerk. Sept. -Jd-Gt. NOTICE! Ordered by the Board Ih.-.t the voting place 1 a liirlx.ro 1 own-nip l'r.-e!.-et JV iianged from Daniels School House U 3 le to lirvun or j w.i Liberty lii',1. WW. JOHN C D.VNCi". C THQMAS FENNEBf CO. Commission Merchants, WO. PAf!L ST., PEW YORK. AIj'v ANC!-' Ni.vDiC ON SHIP M iIN'i OF C OTTON. If v;. g i.-e?u e&iai'a.-h-.-d in the C'ot:-u Ltu- i:itt- for the put twctny year.?. vc foci our-F'-ivcs cow;cteut to give satisfacth.u in the hui.diiug of cotton con-i'!ied to i:-. $10 TO $20,000 '! !e:'lV::i:it.- j 1 . i , t .... , w, i i viicn a nt "-toA- o i t.-o - li;iit.. tt r'- :,.-.;;j!v ;i: ;ti;s t. r iv-: ;r. - -. ; .; ; .1 j.KNTJ.Vf.., '.- . ' i ill .. . ' ';: : . j . i" J f iu. u .'U jiVcu. a.ul rufeitncc M Uf j '.w tire 11K i. iviilM iti'iiUd und pliy t t r mv ,:h- k on Ji .l it and jt I Cure, net.'. HOMES ! I HOMES FOR FAiSfe aid MrJHANCS, hOli&j ?OiJ iVSRY OWE. L--;i-:ts for sale v.v tc nc.:r:' eve1' U.i.'t for c-k:ti'.!i-- riy a - ret . r- . f.-.rtv -c m:!; ... .. ! .. ohicii- .ji; t t '.'eu! 3 f .... ; - an :. ':i .:,4; '. . hiring . r ; . : la.ni- vill hi: c:oii.l!:i;o;l ir.'r e.infd i U.r !:ii;:.Vo v.i-li-tttft'lU'cU l;-.tijfe, ur l')i" iiiii;n eii (Jii v Proirrtv. o.i X JO. 'i:. i. : i s rt.'.n:. .v:.-. yfll Sw?alT? OT a!,r,ou!i'--e!i;ont3 and SitiUU BWUiabS Uiufonnation, uCares, tlit: Dean of the Aiijori ;ar. M.-.di'-al t'Ioe, Louis. Qpo. C. Vitzcr. M. 111U Chambers St., tst. Louis, ilo. TIE Mi' YORK WEEKLY WORLD, From now until j'aanm y i. for 25 CEN'T. Coi'eriiiy th?f Fa'.! Oagressionni Campaiirri. Sciiii-Weeltly- Woritt for :;a. time 50 oeiiii.. B ih r-ontaa aV. the .V'.vj. ucl the fat.' -st j ?oii !. 'Kcts. i EA'UtjYES in thecorld. , For Paiiir.lileta aid Price I-ijT, (ji.. for AW SIIl.I.S aiiSrcM THE A C'LTKAX A 1'A lAiU OV., luuaeld, Obio, inrafuabcc patent! imrroren.us n .rt NOTICE I M Fall Opening ! Being- desirous of showing my pat rons the latest Ptf.RISIrf.Jf and AMERICAN NOVELTIES I will hold nay opening TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 TH Where ladies will find one of the largest and" best assortment of Hats. Bonnets, Laces, Silks, Plushes, Ribbons, Satins, Sateens, Velvets, Vel veteens, Cashmeres Flannel Suitings And the latest Parisian novelty: Braided and Embroidered Ladies' Shirts, Ladies' and Children's fine Shoes and Hosiery. Di short we have everything that is kept in a first ctass Dry Goods Store. Hoping all will honor me with their presence, I am yours respectfully, Mrs. J. Feldenhiemer. ST. MARY'S SCHOOL, RALEIGH, N. C. rfHE ADVENT TERM of the Forty-Firat X Annual Session of this School begins THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7TH, 1882. For catalogue address the Rector, the REV. BENNETT SMEDES, A. M. J une 29-3 m. co 0 s cz I ' .2 o r2 O Ph c o .2 "o o S3 O M o O CD tn O rT O o - D CD -4-3 0 03 Furniture ! I! B. C. Carlile, Main St.r just above Pamlico Banking Co. HAS ON HAND NEW, FRESil STOCK OF 1 Bought for Cash, v1 icli lie .--Ttrs a' '.!. r.i'i' prices. i:rsit3 of ail sMt - Espiirsi. nEBTAKlXd 6EXEBALLT. S- Patronage solicited. B. C. CARLILE. ! Tart-o, Yah. 20. 1882: T7-1 c. V C ''""' M U "E 111 sCilOOL, Vi. de -( ro ,jay !..! frlun'l.; 'ti thi.' school taut l r.ii. '! iviii !;; o, uaud with forty-one I up i. ' .' Th :mJ. otuers are cx-j.i:t-rd. P-i.-V:- an-v.;i 'l ived at txr:f Uino dai v.i the fi'. sdioii anJ cli mbed from time of en train, e. Or.v r, nr.-a;-' ruasonable. .We hope cur trier i will make an curnest effort to in crease oar ri?i :ai:u;r. 'lime and effort can buildup a r.ud sehotl. Sen. 14-tf. " J. D. ARNOLD. 5 me mn. Strayed frota my 1 evidence, ou Siinday, Aug. 27, 1883, a liirht colored mare nmle, witll the i.rand "O. V. on her left hip. Any lit f-irroation leadini to the recovery of said uitile will be thaaSfully receivrid, and a reward of ti a dollars will be paid for her delivery t n y rebldeiice. D. C. C:rl. Eufleld. N. C. f fpt. 7-2t, It requires 6haip cash to Carry Ca onr busi ness, and to us who have small capital It is' r.eit to impossible to carry much on our books fcr any- length cf t rue. Therefore we notify o:ii euijtoiiidrs tiiat Vfhen'otir IjBla are pteBei U'd we expect the cash. We thank then) for the liberal patronage tiiey have civen us,, and expect to merit the same iu the future. H. U. HOWE & SOK. Sept. 21-St. Mertaofl m GRAND m OPENING OF Fall and Winter Obtfeiig AT A. VVHITIODK'S, TARBORO, N. C. Our stock of Ready made Clothiug is larg er in variety, better in mateiial and workman ship, -than has ever been shown in Tarboro. Our Youths' & Chil dren's clothing are se lected specially colors that will please parents and delight the Boys for their Ayle and du rability. We will cheerfully show you any goods in our line and our prices will induce you to buy of us. We claim to have the best School Suit for the price to b found anywhere. Pa rents will do well to examine our stock be fore purchasing. Wc also claim superior ad vantages in fitting Clothing to any shape, as we can, and often do, cut them over to suit the purchaser. Our stock consists of Ready-made Cloth ing, from the cheapest to the best, Dry Uoods Boots and Shoes, sty lish Hats, Gents Fur nishing Goods, Trunks, Valises. Blankets and Buggy Robes We have some fof the most fashionable Overcoats and Ulster ettes in town,J heavy and medium weights, in all colors. Do not buy an overcoat be fore looking at ours, you may get. suited better and save money too. Our stock of piece goods and samples for Gustom" Tailoring re present the most ele gant stock of Frill Goods you can find outside of New York, and we will continue to make them on short notice, to fit, and as suredly better than any. other Tailor will for same money Do not fonret ih.it we have the best School Suits, Business Suite, Dress Suits Overcoats m Tarboro. A. WHITLOCK, Ag't. H. TTf" EEL, Don't wander in to the valley of the shadow of debt,but buy from Teel h PENNY MADB A PENNY SAVED. I La Feb. 9? NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ,;' TAYLOR, ELLIOTT & WlTTERsT" Wholesale dealers in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUI, k, &c. COR. MAIN STREET & MARKET 8QR., NORFOLK, V-A f 6UCCE88OR TO J. E. SIMMONS FUBITORE il BOOSE-KEEPING BAZAR. goods in my line at the ver lowest prices. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere and convince yourself, j A specialty made of REPAIRING and UPHOLSTERING, having secured the services of a competent mechanic. Work done promptly. Tarboro', N. C, Sept. 7--tf. W FALL GOODS; Now receiving Black Cashmere, Flannel Suitings, Sackings, Satines, Calicos, Hoop Skirts and Neckwear. China, Crockery, Parlor Lamps and Home Light Oil. 1 ! A large stock FURNITURE that cannbt be excelled in variety and low prices. School Books and Patterns. 3D- 2Pez2.cLe:i: dc.Col, Tarboro, Sept. ,1, 1882. BUGGIES ! BUGGIES! Harness ! Marness ! Saddles, Bridles, and Linen Dusters, .HST RECEIVED AT THE OLD RELIABLE CIGGY AND DAB- iESS HOUSE OF J. JE-I. BROWN. 32T Harness & Saddles Repaired at Short Notice Tarboro, N. C, July 30-tf The newest and best styles at the ver j lowest possible prices. Our first Grand Opening of Spring Goods!. Have just returned from the Northern markets, and can display a lai'e and complete line of Buntings, Cashmeres, Nun's Veiling, Tinsel Trim-; ming, (all shades) Striped and checked Nainsook, Sheeings and Shirtings, Table Linen, Towels and Toweling, Ladies', Gents' j and Children's Fine Hose, oua Opera Slippers are the ni i cest'in the matbet, Oil and Straw Matting, Laces, Hamburg Edging and Inserting, B3d Glovee, ' Corsets, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs. I Please call whether vou want to buy or not. Tiuly, BYNUM, GASKILL & CO. i March 2-ly. . ; it NONE NAME THEE BUT TO PRAISE. " THE LIGHT RUNNING "NEW DAVIS" f We invito a careful examination of niza the fiiet tbat it is - THE MOST PERFECT SEWfNG MACHINE MADEi Warranted for five years.. M. S.. CASTEX & CO., General Agents, Goldsboro, N. O. J. II. HELL. Turboro. N. C, and J. C. LAXIEP., GrccuviUe, N. C, Agents. myll-Cui. SOL. WOOLARD. 'Don't You Forget it," that r have or.c ol tb: finest stocks of GRO CERISi ever offered to the trade in this vicinity. Country Merchants are requested to examluo MY PRICES. ' I ITAVE IN STOCK 1T51 pr Barrels of 1'iour, different grades. 25 Sazs Coffee Barrels of Suga?. - AA Boxes of Tobaeeo, btught before Hha lyy advance.,- v ' - ff Boxes and Barre.'? of Crackers and I V vf Cakes. -1 am agent for the manu facturers and offer these ppd$'' t, ,-r ..!-. -- - '" Eianaiactarcr's prices. ft f Barrels of Mott's Champ asrnja Cider, J "Lf .'sold at the mill,, price. , The; trade can faye freight by baying otpe.' i SOL. WOOLAED, ; Next to R. (j. Brown fe Co., Feb. 16-ly. i TARBORO'. N, Cj miu i i n. Sews any fabric frJm Lace to Leather WITH OUT BASTING. Has the .automatic self -regulating tension and take up. Always in order and never fails ia its duty. Produces the BEST QUALITY of WORK In the Greatest Variety. Try it. It never fails to give per- feet satisfaction. THE VERTICAL FEED 1 tin; greatest advance made, iu ecv;iai iwj chsti'.ism since fie invention oi sewinyr machine it. believincr no one can fail to recce WORTH SENDING for. Dr. J. H. SJohcnck, of Philadelphia, ha- just published a book on "Diseases of tho Lun, aud Ho-.v They Can be Cured," which, is ' fl-''' ed.reu:. postpaid to all applicant. ; ll cun (ains valuable information for all who suppose theuiserv-fis alllictctl with, or liable to any dis eases of the throat, or lungs. Address Da- J; ll. SCnEXCK & SON, eOO Arch St., Philadtl ph'iu, Pa., P. O. Bos 2833. AGKim WASTED FOB THE HISTORY , U. S, BY ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS. I i -1 wiyer d(H ihib engTavintrs of I Uas and other hhitorica.1 scenes, aud i- tbo most coinpl.)3 and valuable history ever pub- ; uauuu. it is som Dy suDscription oniy, llu . agents are wantedpn every county. Se!d ior oiroulars and extra terms to agents. Addreaa NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., AtlanU, AN INVALUABLE AID IN THE TREATMENT OF YEXLOW FEVER. Dnriug the last epidemic of the "Yellow , 8eoare-3' which was 6o fatal throughout the lower "Mississippi Valley, no external remedy ! was so generally used, and with such great . success, as the Benson Caocine Porous Plw Applied at the couimendement of the dieft j over ttha region of-' the liver and spleen, i7 Xhotr powerful stimulating and alterative so- tion they incite a free flow of bile frojn tbe pverloaded and stagnant U'er, causing am and easy action of the bowels, and in M manner removing from the system of the s f erer the poisonous material which was roo ting him of life. Benson's Capclne D--'0ii8 plaster ' :j"J,o ..arid b a11; is a sure preventative uu ---- - skilled yellow fever physician throushout the whole South. Appiv tu ance; don't wait, Tcy 6? a nre relief if iaSEABuW & lfOHON; Manufacturing Chemiste, Nc w orK. 150O per year cau be easily made at home working for E. (i. Rideont it 0JS Street. New York. Send for Uieii 5'B nd fuli particulars. Oct. SI, U- - li Ki