VOL. 6i.: .pttore-Hsios ai. oinw. wR.HlJ?BASS xj - , - i . Offers hU professional eervieeS'ter the-citt- ens of Tarboro and Tlctutty. . - ' ; Office In T. A; McNalrT droz etorta on Mala- Street. ." . --.j-. r . t., ' . i.i'- Prank nash, : ; - TAR BOnO N- O-'. . j v'v acUce laatt VheCourtsState a efal. - - C ' .. 8fig -' "V; J. J. MARTIN. .I,larUm& Sharped ; Attorneys - at 'Law, I':,-' - TAUBOcL, ?i, C4v f V: I nctiee in the Court, State and Federal do4-82 It" ' " ' ' - ; 1 . - - " ' -- - i ii ' t ' H. A. Gujjam. ; 1. ,' 4, Dohix OrixilH fAttorney'irt T v.- j ' TARBORO N. C " - i Will practice ia the Counties of Edgecombe, Halifax and Pitt, and In the Court of the First Judicial District, and In the Circuit and i .lt.4. ' - ' 1an1Jl.IV' .OSAET BAT TLB, " A , j . ''."..If J . i'U 1 if V ;. Attorney at Law''. . r a rboko rocky mount. . aii , rVactiee U Ike CoarU decoeabe Nub. flu, Wiirta and Hall lax roanties AIo la the Federal end Sapieue Coort. y 0 HeetloM specialty .-..r -10rricnv.fortbepreec.at, ia front room o! nde Howard's law wfflee, next door to ew store t 8. S. Sa-a Co oa Mala St. De. 15, 18SI. - . - 1 - 4 Uto. F. Hart. . B. A-F. Coetay. : hart::& coouey; , Attorneys'- at - I-aiTji RoclT Koto Kadnme, tC -1 " f ractica in State and Federal Court. mlSm G RORK UOWARP,! Law. - Attorney, and Coonselor At ( TA.B BORC . N. 0. r f 7-Frme.icwa la all the Coart, 8UU and red-r.I - aoT.o-ly. k Attorneysrat-Law - TiRBgisy,"' n? c. 4 ; - Praetioi in all Court, prompt attention to DR. I S.CARR. TAftBOROiTelG. Dentist," f .- Jst - ..J. .. ...... . . . ...... . ; 1 Bi'i'in j 1. i iju 'Jf , liTARBORD'a1 "SrjC ' THURSDAY; i3IAY17,t i883. i W).:20 Testimony of a YellICno ffie BlaMer. IvnXlfedical nan. Case of D. E J: WEISTUNG, -Middletown,' . ; . . - Peima.-3tated ibyt Himself. ( case", of j i T t I it ttat s ft j " ' use' . in mv enables me to attest thfe r:toriderl1il.refilcacy in this Dalnfulmaladv; 4 - After havitifiben long .5ubiected to; sufferlhei; the: intensityi of whichcannot bedescribe(dplijli ave Mnde the influence of this Water paisedV;I am cohf fident that I am within he -bounds of the" truth, at least an :OUNCE Rof ;URIC ACID," some of which weighed . as much as four grcm, afrordifig inexpressible re lief and loaviog ine in aenditioo of eomparatiTO eaia and comfort. I am now paiaiag duly oocasidnallj saiall Calcnlii aod they are not attended bj the intense soffeiiog which' their passage h&j heretofore occasioned.' . v "On one occasion I passed thirty-five CalcjiH m forty-eight hoars. ' Th appearance of thisXJalcnli Naelei indicates afmistabtbJy, I think, .that they were all COMPONENT PARTICLES OJR ONE LARGE CALCULUS Destroyed by the ACTION of the WATER, W meacft of SOLUTION and DISINTEGRATION. . : r . : .,,. T. - "At my advanced period of life, (I am seventy 'saven years and six months of age.) ari I in my jfeeble general health' A irrical operation was not to be thought of, and the water seems to hav accomplished all that such an op eration, if succestfaJ, could have done; . Besides greatly increasing the qaantity ot Urine, this water Exer-ts nde(iided influence on-it& chicmaical constitrttiorii rendeiiog it Vapidly I neutral, if previously iicittv and aiterwarJa alka line 5 from being aigrnreoiorecl ittecomesr pale,- and oanog depesited copioiisly it be-jooies limpid and trans PROPHYLACTIC? it l ! ; J EEUm A Heaoebold Artiela lor t7aiTrsal For -Aaarlot uul T I Typhoid Teversi ' Diphtheria v SU I mtlon, ; TJIoeratad 1 Sore Throat, Small " I Pes, KeaaleeVand i ; ollContagtoMDIeeaiea, . Pctmb wutmeod ' , ta MCK taowia Ht tt mdf, Mulct ew lu eer been knovm to spruui vkere the Fluid vu - uica. jeuow revT bm oeea cured wttn it alter - blaek Vomit had taken place. The wont cues oi jipnuicrui yioa 19 is. l ! THUaSDAT,.'.-. . ...Mat. 17, 1883 r -n :'Tf T;"TA"ii , V, M, PCCIt'G GON GHirJCG. The troutlethe new arrival hat Caui. Sow the Sal Soy'i Fa got a Goat for ths ; Isra6t snBtenaaoe Eii new Situation at Teller ia a Uvary Stable. 1 1 - "Which opens- it inquired Mrs, bpoopendyke, watchmathe gathering storm' with some trepidation, i '' Nothinff. opens it T. yelled Mr. Spoopendjke, dashing, his cards to don't want -no bald goat" ' Well, they can ran the baby and goat to suit themselves, 'cause I have resigned.' I havd gone in .to ,haines8.! Don't you smell anything -that would lead you' to" surmise that I hid gone into bnsinessTNo .drag store- this rrme,!' and the boyy got up and pd hia iumbs into the armboles of hia vest dnd looted 'pmdv;z?&??! "OK I don't know - aa Z smelLrany ; thine excebt the laint odor of a hbrtut blanket What Iiava ,weiijow. w tue baoyi asked tne anywayr: and the grocery man pat I - Mu.t I bet my -.last cent now V pstHfll your attack .on me for two cents a line and take it out..in mill- ' feed or; corn-stalk! . Don't trot over ' to,Ioniji when:ybac&n help build npv " yourowntown M ...... t', urn woma nave f pUDuanea lt- the floor. "With your way of . playw word for wofdriuslaa lie" aidrhd ing it, if would take a' steana oyster I tbrowQ ia a out of a horse or a tiumiy I knife to open it I ;How'd ye think it waa opend with a night key ! Got an ideal that it had binges,-' haven't ye, and ' opens widest -when It has a . ... .. . K puuer jree tgraus, out- tne official v coolea 'oft Free Press, "i -' ; t 'aae ' ' 'ii jf A. Tend Spot Tosshel; ' FeveredandSiekPeF .. noma refreshed and Ded Soree preTeat ed by bmt&inc wok . Darbys Fluid. ImpiM Air-aiacle KxnxJcx and purified. ? Ver Sera Throat 4 a i j tvtcare. '. ' "' ' f"onts'rioa. . deatrwyed. tor "1 retted t l eet,' Chllbijuua, Piles, Chafiars. ete. a -a Kheamaiism cored. Soft White OoenpleX ioaa aacured by iai ase. ; Ship Fever preveated. lo purify tht Breath, , Cleaaee the Teoth. 'itcaa't besurpaaaed. ' Ctrrh Telierad and cutad- t Erratnelaa cured. -: . BuBefeUevedimtaady. - sears e-and a heated rapidly. , ,An Antidote for Aaanud t.i Vegetable Pouoat, ' Sttaribetc.- r- 5 ! 'il l asedtfaenoMdnriM ear nmtiit anlictvm wita .SeartetiFever with de cided advantage. It is . iadiiMssable ta the lick- rKym, Ala, j The eminent Phy. siciaa, 4. UASION. SIMS, M. D. New ITork, tayt: "I ami eonyineed Pref. Darbys ; Prophylactic FUud ia a; vaiuabkeejsiorectaat.M Vaaderbitt UalTarsity, Naahvflla. Team, i f I teuigr to the Base: exccUeat qualities of Prof, i Darhyl Prophylactic fluid. As a disinfectant and I ; CbarktreTer 1 ' i f SMAXX-POX and PrrnKO ofSuaall Poi PREVENTEO AntemberofsaTGuD. ! Ily tufas taken with,! Sniafi-po. I naed the j Fluid ; the patient was not delirious, was not ; pitted, aad -was about'' ae Bouat-agattvta taree .: weeks, and no ethers . had U.-J. W. P, y ul don't annruukv Win i11.-ar nrsT- , , . 1' ii a fse "I- grocery man of toe bad - boy., aa be I the wranoincr under the 'aonntA'ranrl falUnd aTrii: :RnrKrwndTV tfrmtWI. pnage,; yet, n Bald & , came intake grocery amelUog very I put the .red chalk' ii, hia pocket, so ly impressed with the idea; that the !?d28?mfL.?n? P . . 'hotteyf and sat down on th chair the boy. eouldn't write any. sign to game was still going on, rve ! got f wv'itT ' tvP "T' bndget , - . ,.L with the -)-aek gone, aijd leaked; vert hanff no outside. ' !f lour doflara. but raiit one for' wo,-1 TL0 T? : workman. ?C?-iS3TCS&H hit it the first time. ' I have gin. Shall I bet the other three iljWLW f.d 1,k? f?' t Iberia"; Prevented. Ob, dickens take the baby.'' Every: body asks : me iftbqut the W baby ; ; as though, it wtts mine. I doai pay no atteny9 tqrlhe blame thir", ;xcapt to nouce the Tfoolishtiesa going-a aroasd'the hous'e.'V Say I guess that bady will grow up to be a fire engine The nurse coupled the- baby ou to a section of rubber hose that runs down i into a bottle oi milk, and it began to accepted a situation of teller in a liv ery stable,? said the boy, as he search ed arod ndor, the barrel of cut sugar which Ldbein"rerfi6ltedii ! K tTellwr iaW hSrery fitablai Vell that is n new one t)u me.".What ia a teller ; inr ; a - livery atableT? and the grocery man looked pleased, - and pointed thq boy to ' a barrel of seven cent sugar. The physidaat Bar as rarbys Fluid very sacceaafully in the treat. BHBtof Diphtheria. : A. tToiunrascx. s :,f " Gratasboro, Ala. Tetter dried an. r . .' Cholera prevented.' 1 Vleers ponAsd -and i kcaiad.c k ; . . i let eases of Pesrth it should be ased about; . pnereni any ': - i " get npsttjam (mc -jwettyv ijwAefA Dp't yofl know what a, teller ia in tappearaaatlikft U jiveri stahletIt ia the; simeaa a ansrsys xinia is jteee mended try u ; Hea. Auxamsa H. Sramaws, of Georgia: Rcy. CMAS. F. Pans, D.D., Church of thai aoangrs,r. J parents at. aud OLice bours,rom 9 a. oa. 'tiU 1 p. t. m 2 to 6 d. m. : i c3rNext door to Tahrt Uoase, over LaoUr dk Bolster's. . - THOS. Hi DAlTLE J TARBOBd, . a : Offlr next to FhutDe & Staton's Law oflcei Will r.rarire ir. -. --ral SJld State CoerU. ' Refers bv expieaa uennUaloft te Jnd?e Baf- Ba, of the Supreme Goort; Citizens National i ; Bank, of Balelrb ; Battle, Bane fc Co. Nop- felk; Jno. Arriagton Son, retersmirj;. -f Jill l , - Thds: s F; Goode, Prop. LI2t : U BiiiTalb Springs Valj tKDIS'PKNSABLK TO EVEBT HOSDK. ; ;. renectly harmless. Used interaaOT or-: .el , i eateroaUy for Man or Beast. 1 The Fhad has been jdMraoghly ustad. aad w: kawe ahuadaat evidence that it has done everything, hare dauned. For fuller iaibrmatioa s9t of your ata :rr"irt V T"! " VW". ;t-aesw, i HEREfflTptllSB after Leag asd Wseff Waiting, lies ia Hrea:t t lee wus - - i ' lieea It. . j - " f "Wull, Pat,4 said an Orange country Phvai- euta cian to a complslnina: Irish patient, souaey aco. 'for that pain .La your chest yon had bet ter k home and pnt on a mustard plaster. t'X sanT, hlnk this minute of anything better. MRS. J-C CHARLES having taken the Bankbundinc, on the Corner of Trad and Pitt streets, is now prepared to take boasdera. TarVoro', N. C, January Utb, 1883. " .ii- i. r S - ' vi . i n " :--:":-:i!tLsTOp;AT- THE: BRYflH HOUSE, Tarboro, IV. C..; DtACsTVTN BU1LDSK3 HARDWARE, PAI1J 18 OILS,- GLASS, r i And Baildina Maieriil of every description i Vr8. 18 W. SIDE KARKKT f QOARlt at 49 ROAmOAKK AVE i -f v. I rtmi arh stTiT Itm" sT Vv afaTwh s'v UlilllilU UUUHU f : AT NORFOLK. tVoyemberl8Sa, 18,1-y. VA TJ H: iGatiiti's; sic; sHTS AMPLE BOOMS tor, DrnmmeraJ and IIOME COMFORT8 .iaeTeTy parflenlar4- April 13 18831y, UnieilaMngM CoxsBK GaVAjrraxa.& Sr. &nfww BTKsurfa, Thftna Stable are the largest in the Btate. and have, e capacity of hotdinc ten ear-loads t stocK., ive nun eau : . - J"J B. G. Carlile s (0. Howard Prerti 7 . If.- Pippi Ji I'm : K. Waisll,Caler. j Pamlico BankiiigGo. LA'. so 4 . eali va T-l 1T- CWrvTVa-V WaW HAS OH 11AIHU hkw, j AVivoa iivtv v Non's-uVeiliDK Dnntioss in :Shades,Latest ; : Fibred Lawns; White Goods, Hosiery I-a-ces, Embroideries, ; Corsets,Dress But-p: ? tons, and Trim- Ae4 fcy the way," added the doctor turning to a Inena, "ireaiiy wignsomeooay wonia renJ roorr plaster sometnlng sctnauy nl for aneh a eaee aa Pat'a. Maybe they. it I. 1... .... tn 1. When BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLAS TER was placed on the market about ten yeari ago the doctor's hope was realized. Because ot the rare medicinal virtues Inherent in it, its rapia action arm sore reeoits, tne t;apcine is fast displacing the slow-aedng plasfm of for mer days, for all affections to which a plaster b ever applicable. Price 25 cent.. In the middle bf the geanine kent the word CAP- CINE. Seabnry te Johnson, Chemists, New Alfa'ros lea data, - Pltyl1aar ee aiine eoice 1st N, .. fsr tb Mcafij'i4ii Epileptic Ft From A m. J. otM Messerele (Tate of London') who makes a specialty of Epilepsy, has' without donbt treated and cored more cases than any other living physician. His, sncccM has Kim- been astonishing : we have heard of case hot over year's tandln?, secefnlly cured Ihy him. He has . published a work on this disease, which he sends with a larere bottle of ; his wonderful care free to any P. "O. . address. e atmee anyope wiiuing a cure to aaorec ri Ab. Mxsbriwv $6, 96 John St, N. York. wafer "does when eoaoled oa to a hv draut.'? I a calls the baby .'Old nnm. ber twoL. I un 'nnmber ofley'r-and if pa had a hook and ladder track and a hose eart aod.- tire goag, - .he wdold imagine he was' chief engineer of- the fire department.' ! But the baby kicks on this milk wagon' milkand howls like ar dog that's got lost The doctor toldpa the best hing he coald do was to get a goaL bat pa said since ,, we r:i..t-j t:i j.i.tw. rs.i llfif lUBtuaueu uua aubu-uto iuiwiw wilu the goat, - he wouldn't have a", goat around noho v. " Tne doe told pa the other kind of a goat,' I think it was a Samantha got be said, wouldn't kick with its tead, and Pa sent me npintb t he: Polack settlement to see if I could tcrrow; a milk goat for a .few weeks. I got a woman to lend , aa her goat till the baby pot huge enonp;b to chew beef, for a xtollar a week, and paid a dollar in advance and pa went up witn,ine in the evening to help me get th goat Well it was the blamed' est mistake you .'ever ae& f There was two goats ao . nar alike tbas yoa wiiiMn't frtll lnh wna f Ins cmdt . toa pHiLAbELPHtAvT I leased, and tbei other Goat was - the a Nirish womaiu yVe gotta bed oord hitched against thei Inah goat, -and at goat dtdo recognize' the sease, and when we tiied to jerk it along it reared tight up and made things lively for pal j don't know1 what there; is about a goat that makes M . get -. so apanky, bat that goat seeined to have teller id a bank. I have to grease the harness, oil the baggies, and orry off the borsea, and when A man :eomea in to hire af horse ;I hate to gd down to the saloon., and tell the livery matt. That'. iwhatatellerW Ilikethe tel ler part of it, bat greasing the har ness is a little too rich for py blood, bat th4 Every man says if 1 stick to it I will be governor some 'day, 'cause most all, the great' men! have began life taking care 6t horseiLr .lt all de- pends on my girl . whether I stick or not ; If she likes' the smell of horses I shall be a statesmaa, bat if she ob jecte to it and and tarns tro her nose 1 shall not yearn to be governor at I silk. tne expense oi my, girt, xz oeais an, .don't it, that wimmen settles every great question; Everybody does ev erything to please wimmio, and j if they kick eq anything that settles it. Bat I moht go and -umpire that game between pa and 'the- hired girl aod gin. "Bet "em I" howled Mr Spoopen djke, who,' like a 'great manv men. regards the idea' b his wife beating ! him at any .thing aa something' intcl- j erably f blasphemdua.Myhy- dont ' ye bet ? Bring forth 'speeolativd tnree dollars and , hazard it on the four triumphant acest .. Wah-h-h-hr and the conclUBioa'' of ' Sir! Spoopen dyke's , speech ; flew oat of him too fast lor perfect enunciation. 1 - v 1 i "I don't care,' morniured "Mrs. Spoopendyke, as she wound the clock, iad stood scratching her nose with the key ; 'he told me four aces were aa'gbod as J the-' jact pot and when I opened it ', herald I was wrong Anbther time, Til pat them in my pocket nd.Le can play at that jack pot nntil he's bald before' m help him get it open!" , ' -j ' i ; ' L And with this .riotous determina tion,' Mrs. Spoopendyke crawled into bed and dreamed that she had ' got caught in a jack pot 'with aprihg lock to it, and couldn't get out be-. canse sbe had ; left the- four aces in ! the pocket of her new plum colored 0ns of Forresfi Gfl& Teedt. : tofeS grudge agtrfost'pa froufthe first ir "aappos. t hp there ere. any placed bit pa's 'manly P0' y rforrri thn th trrt 4iLl t exnlore Poker J , alll ! 1 1 Dr.? Ab. 6 Plaster, - . . i - .-v .... . .V arrno nni KTUVCT f f 'f ' t open froiet ...9 A. Ii. to S P. Diseotut Dayj '.flwemmMWt; urn Dr. J. H. Baker, B f Qeo. Hnrrd, ; HL. Staton. Jr. W HVKppen, ; Dee. W-ly. "f'?':: r-.-i -j ZEIGEER'S 'A2 BUILDING LIME, AGRICULTURAL. . Lil ME,- CAKBONATB OF LIME, ; KAINIT, LAND PEA3TER, , AND M ARL,, &C., fcC. ; " - GOOD FEnTILlZEO - Aim Vkbt, Chbap. Send for Circular. PRSNCH Bocky 'Pdnt, 27. C 1 km 5 STAPLE5 DRY V GOODS. tSTAU bought tbia Spring sold very low. ; . I ' ; vtjT'i -,". and will be mm Pail tdnse AliABASTlNE for reaovatinc 1 your Walla and Oiling, Jt is rapidly strpersedins all other FlnUh. Ior dnrabil- ity, bejinty and economy. It is without an e- qnai, ana can be appuea ny anyone. ir not for sale in your neighborhood, send to SEE AVV BKOS 83 BurUng 81ip,. New Tork. . forni thafc the goat lid roi explore with it head, jms doa't kno 'where the places are;' Oh, it- lammed ' himi and when I laffed pa got mad.' I told him every man ought Wforn.su" bis goats,': when be had a baby, and I let go the rope and started ; ofC and pa said he knew bow it was I wanted him to get killed. It wasn't that, but I saw the Irish woman that owned the goat coming around the corner of the house with a cistern pole.' Just as pa' was getting the goat out of the gate the goat got crossways of the gate, and da vanked and doubled the goat right op, aod I thought he broke-the goat's neck, and the woman thought so too, for sbe jabbed pa with tbe cistern pole just below the belt, and Bbe tried to get a hold on pa's hair, but he had her there. No woman can get the advantage of pa in that way, 'cause ma has tried it. Well, pa ex plained it to the woman, and she let pa off if he wdold pay,1 her two dol lars for damages to ber goat, and he paid it and then we took the nanny goat and it wentngnt along witn us. Thd baby hasn't done anything but bleat since the nure coupled onto the goat hydrant I had to take all my playtbmgs out of tne basement so keep the goat from eating tbeua.' I guess the milk will ta&ts of powder and singed hair now. The goat got to eating some Roman candles me and my chum bad laid away in the coal bin, and the powder leakedont and a coal fell out of the furnance, oh the the goatv Say, can t youxome over and see the- baby -jTain't', bigger than a amau satcnel, and tne boy 1 3 1-11 1 1 - , - 1 A waiieu iiu we grocery mau.wen w draw some vinegar, when he slipped out and pat u a sign written on la .ill iii.- t-i. t.-ii. tt-wr-tt: BUiuzie wiui - wiuw . cuaia, -isuuw sand Wanted for maple sugar.n . ; i . : "" mmm: ' Xr. ani-ttrt. 8pooptaiyks. : :-- j "Now, my dear,'' said Mr. Spoop endyke, shuffling the cards and di viding the checkers into even piles : "suppose we play a little game of uo joo. know now: ta piay pok f ma I J guess so, replied Airs, spoop endyke, hitching up her chair and dusting the top of tbe table with a ; . riow, now .many cards do you wantir ; ..' "Let me think," replied Mrs. S poop end vke.".' "Let's see.' -1 believe I'll take ten,"-, - . . v . 1 "Better take a gross F snot ted Mr, Spoopendyke, eyeing her. wrathf ally. "Perhapa you'd like half 1 a barrel ! Don't you koowjoa can't"' draw' but five ! If yoaVe got ; any bad cardsj throw- 'em away and ill! give- you more lor em. If -your cards" are all good you ; can stand - pat '' Do you want to stand pttt, . j",:-V' ;:;1; : "I guess so," j sighel Mrs. Spbop endyke, helplessly. wIf I stand pat, do I nlaV tbe eirht Or the aaeen f'H . -Yoa dont play either," -' replied Mr. Spbopehdyke, helping himself to five cards aud drawing, a couple of kingsT ' i t f- " i :- , kNow,f ifamv'bet I bet twoj what do jou bet V; v; A , f j r. ' "Tlieo 4 bet two,' answered . Airs. Spoopeadyke, .brightening, up as she begao ' to see her way dear. - "I bet a queen and An ightw!aodT she; laid them down with confidence.. ': t T;'ii; 'That ealla my .hand," , said " Mrs. Spoopendyke gleef ally, ? "only j you don1 checkers. About twenty years aga Edwin For rest,' the actor, did a very kind act, to day the daughter of his friend relates it here.-' -One afternoon,, as Edwin Forrest and iny fatherland i" mother sat chatting together, Madame M.t--wbo bed but a short tioue liefore bu ried hef hosbahd, a celebrated magi ciarj,' entered the room. v; The necce1 fary in troduction having' been- per formed, the conversation soon drifted around to Madame M- i - -k own af fain; whereupon my father remark ed: U '-V '.M;5 i'-A S,! f ..frir'-orfi's. f TI have been thinking that Mad ame M- might follow in her hus band's footsteps.- She? has been' his confederate for years; and is' quite capable ol doing so? f ' '-'-- -' -f-'' ; Ham! &ot"A bad ida,' Oeorgi," aoawared Forwflt Then tartiBg to Madame M he observed : -- Why don't yon adopt the plan, Madame!1 L Madame M hesitated a moment colored slightly, and then replied frankly: r- ...,.r'TJ "I would be glad' to do so; but un fortunately, all of Mr. M 's appa ratus is held for debt, and I have not the money to redeem it" f o fe J f'How much would it takef? came the question, in Forrest's rather ab rupt . way. '' wii-is f-d "About i a" thousand dollar s,r re plied Madame M ' ' y looking rather surprised at the interrogation. '-' - r Hum! a thousand dollars. 1 11 let you have itlM-V.--.! 'riA4v".5t P - Tbe offer was so wholly unexpected and being . roiled out : in ' l( orrest s gruffest tones,' that Madame M r , whose nerves were much unstrung from all she had- at that time--gone through, burst into tesra and hurried out of the. roomv-M -; -i "Go after her George,"cried f For rest to my fater. fl was too : rough with the little womaB Tell her it is all right - - I will give you the check forth) money to morrow. -'- via vfThp- following f dayi true T to bis word; '' Edwin Forrest - handed " my father a cbeck for the thousand- dol lar. Madame M. "redeemed? her kinder walk np ter the topi oi tbe : www au. iuu uie j uung ovtr.; ;, !,.. , suppose you wouldn't mi ndH , , " . f'No'one allowed on' any part ' of " 4 n orhugaaxa triAvjrorkuan. ' n P.ve heard tell trond- rlaal 'hAiit . 1 Ihis bridged, and I thought since; I was i a stranger in the citv--" . .:"W have had: too: many, people . bothering as already, aaid the work man, nd the boss won't allow 4 any V: more lnsiae vne gates. i. r i WelL thats kinder ;tongh on .a- ; man what's come nigh on to seventv- five m$es to see that bridge. " Now'' " I expect yon fee mighty high when te get .up there. Must be- over a int.i.AjlMii.. it.. A LI- uuuuinitDBk uir ft.iin uvi.iii Limn uiif .fFrfiv hundred,'; said the workman. . f ,' ' Do-telir said the 'countryman. w K6wjl expect aaTd get giddy like . if r went np there. r I don't mind ' -runnin' the risk, thoogh. r t , .,, lj&Vtb done,'? said the workman. Dead against orders." - t X0!11 ldontfc happen to be a drink" in nsaitt'dd you? asked the country- man. Winkiner. and . nnlrino' . bin hnnA ,! into his pocket , h5os if yon do, I'd . luce to nave you ajina my - , . ; . "Ton needn't expect to bribe' us,v ' ' L.'r iLi.i . .T..,TT.' . - saia we woraman. "were are used to that sort of thing,.' and the best v' thing ypa can jdo is : Jo. dust right: trfWhei winyon be ready to receive '- riaitqrjB, any way r.aaked the conn . i trymah. t;u v, t,., . .i ;Nqtin months yet" . , VjWfri'iW.too'riSl fired bad," ; ' said he countryman.' ; Afore I left " homB.:"Fnir aawcf ari. . 7jVI. if com' horn from. Tork, without cross; ., -in' that bridge you hain't no hw-, band pi mine no more. It s your . big chanceto become famous in our viQagw," aav she, an' von hain't got -w a drop1 of go or snap- ia'tya if 70a . don't take advantage of itv- - "Now, " , atrangfir, be yosr a soanied man." ' I am," said the workman."' '-"'- 1 nm vim fAn - nniuriiinn nnw -. "Go acrosa," said. the .workman, .; stepping aside, allowing . the conn ' try man to pass onto the bridge.' ' " a .-s flld Sl ea tht TaBierhUtt. ' Old Si got hold of the" New York j Morning Journal and became at once absorbed in a startling account of the Vanderbilt Ball.. Finally he aaid: "Dem dar. Vanderbilt fokes muster' IiaJ ats lAV It 1 1 1 1 w W w?WVl ah aa eaafr vKaall aA USU Ci UVg SAAaAAAJ luaUQ EaW VA t uail V4J udder night : -'j ' ; ' ' wTes it was great affair:y4 eVaV aeSJ SrW aaesaw . siaa aaav wvas Xf aesaa, I'd er gib; two dollars for er . presar . bed' seat close to de bed-tray. Butr aeein es how dey .forgot ter sen. me ., sir nvita mv TUTivrina on' dti snbiet k aint mixed wid any ob de provender," - -'- Wcll-what' are your vtevs on the - '" yi'f. X aint; got nuthin' gin Mies t Vandybilt but ef t hed tr ont in Jde" alley way I cud whisper uinpin'; in uer uu eat uk uiwuun uo j uociui. : 'tt "I'd tell, her dat when fokea is got , ; so-mach repytaahun lak she hab dar ; aint up yuse er ependin' nttj tnousan j n ' s 1 - k.n i .ot t. 't bet your cards';' you bet your t Tjaraphneraal and ag a a. hersell oot far day "mount and ekers.f-Put in two checkers an'd magician; earned a very good lmng 1-aiaWlinJftbB.t- do de job IUOW TOUT COru. .jft-vS tr-n 1 -f -.- : r. !- Mrs.- ' Spoopendyke shoved i her checkers into the middle of the table and laid down three eights and a pair of queens.', '; ' which be offerkat moderttf prices-J; J Taioy Janiia-iy. 1 m- er - .. . " a RE la full and successful operation, -and fX are sreDared to fill ail order for Sheet. inn, Tarns and Cotton Rope, at lowest prices. Orders addressed to Rock Monnt Mills. Rocky Mount, N. will be promptly attend ed to. - JAKES 8. B ATT1JC, 8ec'y and Treksnrer. Apru 11, ioo-u. .- .! ,! tr:A ' ' GREGORY HOUSE. Tne RrMrnn HoteL known as BrraaHenae. - In full operatioadolng good business, wtB be sold on iaToriDie terms. , 1 h- 21st 1883. ' ? ' ; -;' "i . . 'i '! r Gao. Hqwasd. . 1 1 i 1 ? siOi309 iuwm SBE-JEi? V - the sun ; -law a . , ,.. , - .. r3EARlYO0i" .11 i 1. u..l.)r -w. iMtn .. vtiu.l.. uu ud ew liar Kakea. Tkcy M.M.oiHrti.kMt uHisafaaMkissctiap. AHarsvar. roiM-f. trciilan nailed ner. NSWSrlC MachlMCOj Wawara. Ohio, fastem fcuit Huyia. " a. 4(7-11 -e-'-.ewarawrtSf-ataeeT.v. B 9 Oa fmmtiit Wit to tne . uf.4. .241 Ui.iri on, lt.pp. : Dsndsome hlBtinm. n I niiitiT vmu 14- I at :i-a tumid in n iKkor Biirie. us it i,-iu. - Al a Kldnnth'. Iltiorv of the O. H.. mmbii. ki k ' thepiweentadntiiiiatraliou. ifrea-wutt tewt-U e momr settd ijr ur.H.w, e.ri-.la;. -eta. AdieM -. Walou a Toa a, m w. lorfeta trM axaixin. a. fOFFIS. CASKETS AND UII- JS Patronage solicited, -"'"f B.'Q. OABTTT.E. Tarboro, Fb. 26.. 1882; 1!S ALWAYS INTERESTING Irom mornirje to morning and from week to week THE SDN prints a continued story of the Uvea of real men and women, and of their deeds, plana, loves, hates, and troubles. This story s more interesting than -any romance tnat was erer aensea. oauecnimuu . -"j (. nmV bv in ail. 65c a month. OT Srj.oO a yearTaunday fl pajes), 9h per year ; Week ly, (8 pagesXlperyear. . - I. W. ENqsVAJKii, ruousaer. ; New York City, N. Y. nt::TTS!:C!AMECETAi:LEPlllS LaiaJe f 1 II w w is 1 5 ' iiie SA- SrvSrS I laa . S If a- aw jar-aa nur.uii JC 1 II laf J f rr-t "B V ..V . 5VVaVi' 4 f FOR SaLE fcY ALL: t-fcA0iNG pAlR3. - FOB IT 1 .. BUT: IT ! 1 ' TBT,"Tt!f. :An PSALSB Saddles. Fridles. Boles, Whips. r i Baiters, Jfia7Ucets, &c. i V ; ...... -f- j...i-t.,'.i.. - ' OPPOSITE COrBT-HOTJSE,-w I TAEBOEOyg. C. -r. Hat ing bought out Mr. K. A.8ier. the man- nf actnrinff - and reparing wul be nnoer nis charge.- Any one wanting a nne nana-maae harness will do well to give me acalL. SINGLE HAKM BBS. ..... ... ia ana up. DOUBLE HARNESS,.". ...... 935. and up. Machine Harness at all prices. - ianty Money for Tanners!! - Havihg purchased fnm B. & T.J. Weath enbee county rlghtt for Edgecombe, Mash and Pitt counties, we offer to the people otthe same, .New :.Book" hearth, and y ou'd a dide to see pa and e .a a- 'i- 'r tne mrea gin ana tne goau xou see .Tr - f , act done o their mother in the hour pa can hub notntngoata mu wag YgTi mAV roared Mr of her great need, and the : name ' of oo, and he got theiredr to imlk I0" flSS EdViriWest must - have a warm tue goat ana w. .2.! pW in their hearts. srnnnn r.rta nniwmnnL iar ms pou.ii. i www , w - "'-r' o I the three of eights ' and tbe two of queens T V, by didn't ye tell hie you had a full band! - - f 'You gave" 'em to tee," returned MrsJ Spoopendyke, idolerully.if H only, had: those five. ' What doea it do t - vi v? t V -"It maked a jack pot 1 growled Mr. Spoopendyke,- seeing a j chance for himself in his wife's ntter ignorance of the game. : ;"Now we've each got to put in one checker; jast because yoo hjaveji in that wayJ" . .". Tni -aorry -dear,? cooed Mrs. SoooDendvke. ' rather pleased with J. , af ' , - - IOr oernen two ee. wnr f : discount - Den t cib .. DOtil ' CTTml: tU T67 de ten per cent to de po' fokes on'de ; f 7v iVv. TT I back streets and.de peepul at de ball ? less they have the story of this kindly I Mx.., . .... -r-. . . ... . . I SV1UUUHW tUIUIUVfi ; ., ' - "IS that the way yoa da when yoa give omtj r around the basement'' for the goat, with a tin" cup, when the. fireworks went oft Well, there was' balls of green And red, ana blue nre, ana spu led powder blazed up, and the goat just looked astonished, and looked on as though it was Sorry so much good fodder was spoiled, and when its hair lwtMn f.A Krti.n' friA na 'rrivA ATIA snort and went between pa and the hired girl like it was shot " out of ' a cannon, and . it knocked pa over 1 a washboiler into a coal bin, and the hired girl in among the kindling wood and she crossed herself and repeated the catekism, and the goat jumped Aa Old raabloaai Editor. . f 1. We were grieved to read tbe oth er day of the death of one of - Michi gatt8 jolliestnioneer editors almost 1 charitv would have improved - 1li:.i..iL .... - ..... .,.- Uiv mh iiiftii V. muiu n uf uuuauQU I fjail. weeklies in tbe btate when "Xa, sah w'en I gib one wich I aint dun yit . But ef I wus. er. haf -pardner wid Mies Vandybilt I'd gib won j ebbery off yeah in polly ticks an foller de plan what I jest laid ontT , "And yon tbink ten per cent zorf. tbe- up on top of the brickr fornace,, and i the idea of getting ont of the scrape thwv couldn't tret it dowiC Iheard I at any expense. ;And yet I might I have' known would have made it a I IKa'TTiccscernnV" took na bv the nants and pulled him jack Ipot, if I had stopped to think I A.UWU wo miwiwiuu. 7-- j -i,. . i -:jTV When von aton to think, voa on- Mured party stalked ti GRANDEST SUCCESS of tte Tl. ' ' lv want a stick brchewins jrata and "You are ; coward- TrMirWdxmisnaedliaTlne OttaJlnrd as Admilt-1 " - O ; . : . a-ABtWaratat aasd rAltJtKttls Wx CArjrJAKEo'AT-r, IVuriBsg taaS rail aaui wmtcs. r yarocAar, AGENTS Wanted aSJ'E.V vntlHofckander; fiaat vsritDwOa Ui.iCS : Millar lis; BaaaaseteiTaaeis.ussi al era. ' The trndersiirncdiaTine atiaUflid as Admli- ktratiiz of the late-CU.Lauier.I hereby noti fy all persons indebted to nil estate to come for- want ai.l aottln with Hlft OT T aTOBL- -8. - & i v..n . 11 vutranna having clahns atrainst the deceased will present them for payment ny or before Atril 12. 18S. or mis nouce wui oe plead In bar Of their recovery. , ' , mpin v.. T.Anikk. . Tarboro. N. C. April 18 4t Administratrix. 1 may 1 5in nov.l ; A The Cheapest Farm Gate ever Inrented. Not liable to get out of order. ' No saging or strain' on the poets, and a perfect safeguard against rrnschievons stock. Those who have hereto fore given in their orders to others will hare tnera nueu uy hb. - eenulje AGENTS. -For terms and territory., address DoudiJLS Baoe., Philadelphia, Fa. '; n Dr- Strong's Pills I The Old. Will-Tried, Wonderful, Health er. A speedy enre for. uver tmpiaintteg ulating tbe bowels, purifying tlie'blood. cleaja' sine from malarial taint - A perfect euro" for Sick Headache, (nrtipatlon, and Diipma, Sold by leading drne-gits. y-''Zi-'if'i- !-5 Stroiiis'a It3toraI PltlS insure hearty appetite, good digestion, regularity- of the bow el A sure remedy for Colds and Bhenrnatiam, A preciOTu boon to delicate females, soothing and bracing the nervous system, and giving -rigor and health. In every fibre of the body. - For circulars and almanacs, with full par ticulars, address Box 650, New York City. TEEL&KISG, . - Tarborq'.N C. -sr. IVOHCES. 6 publicity $ residents of JLFany State s Desertion, Nonnpport. - Ad vice and "applications for stamp. W. II. LB . attorney, 19 Broadway, New York City, N. gniltv of being the higgest! fool in Milwaukie. I pulled the ; kindling wood Off the hired girl, and then she got mad, and said she would mile that goat or die. "Oh, that 1 inrlhas got sand. She need to work in the trlasB factorv. Well; sir. it was a sisht worth two snfllihfirs admission to 'see1 that hired girl get np on a- step-lad der to milk that goat o;:top of; the furnace with pa .sitUnar dn , a barrel of p)tatoea - bossing the job. . They are going to fix a gang-plank to get tne goat down ot tne lurnace.- xne baby kicked on the milk last night I guess beside tasting of ' powder and btunt hair, tbe milk was too warm on account off the furnace. ! Pa has got lo grow a new lot of hair on that goat ' or the woman won't take it back. She a rat trap to be ; a f emale seminary I Do Vou know what a lack pot is? Got Borne ; kind b( a notion that it has thfe4 legs and is'nsed to" cook muah in, haven't ye f lWell,r it isfit, And It iitn to sit there and grin at, either It tekei a paur of jacks, or something as good as them, to open It Now, take these tarda' and tell me whether you open it or notl? ' ; - r ' r Mrs. Soopfehdjke 'e-aunined her cards critically; ... , -! I ' -What have you got?" demanded t.T. Spoopendjke v v " ', : " -. Hia wife laid down, four aces and a jack. ; - - '; Mf. Spoopendjke glanced at the hand' and 'then ; at - his own 'cards.: His aco was only the joker, which be bad forgotten to remove , xrom tooon- skih would pay for a , column ,ad, and three bosbels'of corn dumped on the ofoce floor stood for ! a year's subscrption. Never a publisher was inore hberal with his space.' ' It was hard work for him "to" charge fbf any thing except the -tax list t and tnbrt gage sales, and he measured abort evenon.them.; One day, in the years gone by this paper copied an, attack on a county . omciaL and old Mark was dozing at bis desk when the in- and berran sir- cow ard r , Mebbe I am," was the editors complacent reply.; 'i:4t F.-h"k"'i ; AndI can lksk you, air--lick . yoo oat of your wrinkled old boots guess , yott cold," answered Mark as be busted the wrapper off his only exchangi,";I"j.:;y rm goinfr to write an article call ing you a fool, liar, coward, cur, slan derer and body-snatcher, and go over to Ionia and pay five cents a line to have it , published f " . "Hey V queried the old man as he wheeled around. - - . .."Yes, Til pay five cents a line to have it published 1" . v - ; "Say. let me tell yotf something,' replied Mark, have got' 200 ' more tbe ! circolation than the Banner, and III '- t dutlnor' tout de Lai), bu t ef she'd ' ar dnn what I norated I bet she'd er : trona ler hid mi' dav er heeri i fuller. in d4 hart dan she wus enny whurs else-i-lcase doin' is .mighty, fillin'. be- run yer oanxercuu pocait. - - An actor win Ml you that it doesn't Ill mt -,mjmm VUU. Kll . i AAA M Jl & J 1 1 M I. . but it you try; it yoa . tvill, get up . deeply impressed with the belief that , K6 ma," ahe said,' ''Charles" can never be anylhfhg to me morel He has come v oat" in his last season's - -overcoat; and 6b, ma, if it only match. ed my.new dress I wonJdn t care so much but it . doesn't, and . we have . parted ;f -r Warrenton bQasts the prettiest girl sooth 'of Mason and' Dixon's line.. She has chestnut hair, azure eyes, et quisite features, clear v ent like -a: cauneo,aod a faultless figure, . with -. the grace of a sylph' and a voice .like an eaa. Tne , Jersey uiy would A small boy of four smnmrrs was -riding on a hobby horse wif h a com panion. He was seated ratber an comfortably on the horses neck. Af ter af reflective paoee, he said: I , think if one of us gets off I can ride , better." -' M ' " ieau Mats m., amuusii, va. .):

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